Why do people cover their heads in church? Why Orthodox women need to wear a headscarf in church

From time immemorial, women wear headscarves to church. Even skirts are now considered not as important an attribute as a scarf on the head - they say that it is better to go to temple in jeans, but with a headdress, than in a skirt and without it. Why do women cover their heads in church, and what is the tradition of wearing a headscarf in church connected with?

The legend of scarves and skirts in the church

There is a legend about scarves and long skirts in church. They say that in the ancient world people came to the temple in whatever they had to wear. And God was not too pleased with this.

Therefore, God sent a vision to one of the young girls and said: “If you go to the temple with your head covered and in a long skirt, your prayers will be answered, because an angel will be assigned to you to help. But how else will he recognize you if you are not different from other girls?”

As was to be expected, the next day the girl came to the temple in a long skirt and a headscarf, and when her friends asked why she dressed up so strangely, the beauty told about her vision.

Naturally, this wonderful news about the new “church dress code” instantly spread throughout the world. And, of course, everyone wanted to have their own Angel and quick answers to prayers, which means everyone began to come to the temple as expected.

Many centuries have passed since then, but the tradition of going to church in a headscarf and long skirt has remained. True, now the skirt has become out of favor. Who knows, maybe that’s why the prayers of modern girls don’t reach heaven so quickly?

This legend is just a comic illustration of a topical topic. But, without a doubt, the tradition of covering the head in church dates back to ancient times.

And one of the sources of such a tradition is, first of all, the Holy Word of God - the Bible, which guides Christians.

What the Bible Says About Head Covering

What does the Bible say about covering the head and why a woman should wear a headscarf in church?

In the 1st letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Church, chapter 11 says that it is indecent for a woman to pray with her head uncovered. Moreover, the wife must have on her head the sign of her husband's authority.

There is also a mention that hair was given to a woman instead of a veil. And they are an honor for her, while for a man long hair is a shame (with which many representatives of the stronger sex now disagree).

However, it is strange for a modern woman to consider a fashionable haircut or even shaving a shame. Just as it is strange to replace the bedspread with loose hair.

What is the point here? Without a detailed analysis of the text and immersion in the traditions of Corinth, where the Apostle’s letter was sent, it is clearly impossible to understand here.

Why did women in Corinth cover their heads in church?

It turns out there is a simple explanation for why some women in Corinth covered their heads in the temple. But this is where the tradition of wearing a headscarf in church came from.

During the time of the First Apostolic Church in Corinth there was a large temple of the goddess Artemis, containing priestesses of love with whom any man could enter into a relationship for money. A distinctive feature of the priestesses was their shaved heads.

Unprofessional prostitutes of that time, in order to show their occupation, cut off the hair on their temples. Accordingly, if your temples were trimmed or you were shaved bald, it became clear who you were. This was a kind of sign of women of easy virtue.

What were Christian converts with a dark past supposed to do? When they entered the church, everyone saw that their hair was short or shaved - and by this they not only brought shame upon themselves, but also cast a shadow on the entire church.

Knowing what the Corinthian community was facing, Paul wrote, “Women, let your hair grow long, do not cut it, and if your hair is in trouble, cover your heads, so that no one will think you are wicked women.”

It turns out that the whole issue of the biblical passage lies in the characteristics of the territory to which the message was intended. Although, of course, a similar situation could be observed in other areas. The main thing is that the very idea of ​​​​the emergence of a tradition for a woman to cover her head in church is clear.

Traditions of covering a woman's head

Of course, the modern understanding of women's clothing in the church, in addition to the Bible, was also influenced by the tradition of the ancient world.

In the traditions of the ancient world (Greece, Rome, Byzantium), headdresses were of great importance for women.

First of all, it was necessary for protection from aggressive weather conditions. It’s not for nothing that in hot southern countries and deserts women still cover their heads - otherwise they simply cannot protect themselves.

In addition to protection and convenience, the cape symbolized maturity, and wearing it was an honor for a woman, while bareness of the head was the greatest shame for a married woman.

In ancient Rus', women's headdress (scarf) was also required. It was called "ubrus". Another scarf was worn under the headdress, which insulated the head and protected the outer covering from contamination. In winter, a hat or fur scarf was worn over the scarf.

We also know about the existence of kokoshnik and kiki.

Later, the ancient headdresses were replaced by hats.

Currently, the tradition of covering women's heads has been lost, although there is a tendency to return them, because even on the street you can see women wearing headscarves. And it's really very feminine and beautiful.

It’s a different story when they don’t let you into church without a headscarf, explaining it as tradition. A woman with her head uncovered in church is condemned, and this is considered indecent and unacceptable.

Is this really fair?

Why is the woman wearing a headscarf in church?

As we said earlier, the need to cover the head was determined by the traditions of a certain area and time. In the modern world, things are a little different.

Why do women now wear headscarves in church? Should women cover their heads in church these days?

Agree, now no one will say that you are a lady of easy virtue if you cut your hair or even shave. In extreme cases, you will be described as a very eccentric person.

We are no longer talking about our grandmothers who cut their hair because it is inconvenient for them to care for long hair.

And if we talk about a sign of power over a married woman, now the wedding ring plays the role of a bedspread.

To top it all off, we don’t wear headscarves everywhere, except for Siberians in the cold winter. Therefore, the meaning of wearing a headscarf before entering the temple is, in general, lost.

In addition, God-fearing women also pray at home. Is it necessary to wear a headscarf when praying, where no one can see you? What if you have a great desire to pray somewhere on the road, but don’t have a scarf? Will your prayer not be answered because of his absence?

The clergy say that praying with your head uncovered is not a sin; a woman, at her discretion, as a sign of humility, can wear a headscarf when saying a prayer at home.

So why is it so necessary to wear a headscarf or scarf on your head in church?

According to the Apostle, a woman’s veil is her hair (we are not saying here that it is necessary to let it down instead of a scarf). But, nevertheless, from this statement the conclusion follows that a headscarf during prayer is not as important for God and for you as, perhaps, for the people around you.

And, of course, we are not calling on you to start a revolution in a holy place, we are simply trying to draw your attention to things that may be much more important than the formal wearing of a headdress in the temple, more important than a bare head in church.

If the Apostle Paul wrote his message in modern language and according to our culture, what would his words sound like? Perhaps he would tell us about provocative clothing, tons of makeup on the face and a demeanor that makes us easily mistaken for frivolous girls?

Is it not reasonable for those who consider themselves believers to dress and behave in accordance with such a high title? And do this not only in front of the door of the temple, but also in everyday life, so as not to dishonor yourself and not anger God.

Whether to wear a headscarf when entering a church is a personal matter for everyone, although perhaps it should be consistent with the ideas of the people around them, so as not to give them a reason for condemnation.

Church rule for women

The only valid argument that women need to wear a headscarf in church is that by going there we accept and respect the church rules. After all, as they say, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules. And covering a woman’s head is a church rule.

So, we explained why modern women cover their heads in church and expressed our own opinion about this tradition. Of course, this is just a point of view, but it has a right to exist.

On our self-development portal we will find a lot of useful information about that and.

This tradition dates back to deep Christian antiquity, namely to apostolic times. At that time, every married, respectable woman covered her head when leaving the house. The head veil, which, for example, we see on the icons of the Mother of God, testified to the woman’s marital status. This head covering meant that she was not free, that she belonged to her husband. To “bar” a woman’s crown or loosen her hair meant to humiliate or punish her (see: Isa. 3:17; cf. Num. 5:18).

Harlots and vicious women demonstrated their special occupation by not covering their heads.

The husband had the right to divorce his wife without returning her dowry if she appeared on the street bare-haired, this was considered an insult to her husband.

Girls and young women did not cover their heads because the veil was a sign of the special status of a married woman (which is why, according to tradition, an unmarried virgin can enter the temple without a head veil)

So, at home, a married woman would take off her veil and always put it on when leaving the house.

Men did not have to cover their heads when leaving the house. In any case, if they covered it outside, it was because of the heat, and not because it was supposed to be so. During worship, Jews also did not cover their heads, except on special occasions. For example, they covered their heads during fasting or mourning. Those excommunicated from the synagogue and lepers were also required to cover their heads.

Now imagine the situation: the Apostles herald the coming of new times. The old has passed, the world has approached the line beyond which everything new will begin! People who have accepted Christ experience a truly revolutionary mood. It is no wonder in such a state to reject the old, the former and strive for the new. This is what happened among the Christians of Corinth. Many of them are beginning to teach that traditional forms of behavior and decorum must be abolished. About this Ap. Paul expresses his opinion and says that such disputes are extremely harmful, because they discredit Christians in the eyes of others. Christians appear to people outside the Church as brawlers, violators of generally accepted decency and norms of behavior.

In order to confirm his words, the Apostle Paul, as he loves and does quite often, unfolds a whole theological proof that there is no need to violate accepted standards of behavior.

Here is a passage in which Paul speaks on this topic:

1. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
2. I praise you, brothers, because you remember everything I have and keep the traditions as I handed them down to you.
3. I also want you to know that the head of every husband is Christ, the head of every wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
4. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered disgraces his head.
5. And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if it were shaved.
6. For if the wife does not want to cover herself, then let her cut her hair; and if a wife is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself.
7. So the husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God; and the wife is the glory of the husband.
8. For man is not from woman, but woman is from man;
9. And man was not created for wife, but woman for man.
10. Therefore, a wife should have on her head a sign of power over her, for the Angels.
11. Yet neither is man without wife, nor wife without husband, in the Lord.
12. For as the wife is from the husband, so is the husband through the wife; yet it is from God.
13. Judge for yourself whether it is proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered?
14. Doesn’t nature itself teach you that if a husband grows his hair, then it is a dishonor for him,
15. But if a wife grows hair, it is an honor for her, since hair was given to her instead of a covering?
16. And if anyone wanted to argue, then we do not have such a custom, nor do the churches of God.
17. But in offering this, I do not praise you because you are planning not for the best, but for the worst.
18. For, firstly, I hear that when you gather for church, there are divisions among you, which I partly believe.
19. For there must also be differences of opinion among you, so that the wise may be revealed among you.
1 Corinthians 11, 1-19

In Rus', the pious custom of a woman praying in a temple with her head covered was preserved. By this, the woman pays respect and respect to the early Christian church tradition, to the opinion of the Apostle Paul. However, let's not forget that we are not talking about a female representative in general, but about a married woman. For her, a scarf can be a “status” thing, a sign of her marriage. Or, say, a sign of widowhood or simply venerable age. Young girls should not be required to cover their heads.

Father Konstantin Parkhomenko

The main canons of the Orthodox Church related to headdress when visiting a temple.

People entering the temple for the first time should know that there are certain rules of behavior in the church. Spiritual foundations establish all the norms of Orthodox etiquette, which are required to coordinate the relationship between believers turned to God.

Many questions arise about the headdress of parishioners when they are in church.

We will talk about this etiquette rule in this article.

Christian traditions in the temple
This custom appeared in deep Christian antiquity, or rather back in apostolic times. In that era, every woman with the status of married and respectable, leaving the walls of the house, covered her head with a veil. This headdress indicated that the woman was married and that she belonged to her husband.
The husband could divorce his wife without returning the dowry if she appeared on the street without a headscarf. Such a feminine appearance was considered offensive to her husband.
This pious tradition has been preserved in Rus' - a woman in church should conduct a prayer ritual with her head covered with a veil.
This is a way of expressing respect and reverence for the early Christian church tradition.
Since we are talking only about a married woman, or a woman who has lost her husband, this requirement does not apply to young girls.
How to beautifully tie a scarf, stole, cape and scarf on your head to a church or temple?
There are a huge number of ways to wear a headscarf, but not all of them are appropriate for going to church.
The headdress should be appropriate to the situation, so intricate bows and knots should be excluded from the tying option for visiting the temple.

A simple solution is to buy a ready-made headdress.

Place it over your head and fasten it under your chin with a pin.

Option 2
If the stole or scarf will not slide off your head, cross the ends crosswise around your neck and throw them back

Option 3
Simply throw on any scarf; if desired, secure it with a brooch in the neck area

Option 4
If you are not sure that the scarf will fit snugly, tie it at the back with a loose knot.

Option 5
Tie a stole or scarf under your chin.

Option 7
You can tie a scarf around your head, thus

Option 8
The simplest methods are suitable for the wedding ceremony

How to tie a scarf on your head in the Orthodox way?

Requirements of ancient customs in the Orthodox Church for tying scarves
The only correct option, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, is to tie the ends of the headdress in the chin area or secure the scarf with a pin under it.
But in the modern church, they try not to pay attention to how the head is covered, the most important thing is the presence of any veil on the head.
Is it necessary to wear a scarf and cover your head to church?
Only harlots and vicious women are allowed to advertise their membership in a special occupation without covering their heads.
Draw your own conclusions

Should girls wear a headscarf to church?

Demands of the modern church
When visiting a temple, girls do not cover their heads.
Ancient conventions attribute the headdress to the exclusive sign of a married woman.
Therefore, a virgin who does not have a husband is allowed to enter the church without covering her head with a scarf.
Modern life has made its own changes to the long-standing custom. It’s easier to put on a stole than to incur the wrath of ignorant “grandmothers.”

Why don't men cover their heads in church?

Requirements for the male half, according to long-standing traditions
When visiting any premises, a man must remove his headdress
This is done in order to pay tribute to the honor and respect of the owner
The owner of the church is the Lord
Thus, a man shows not only respect, but also emphasizes his defenselessness in the face of the Lord, and shows true faith
It is important to be attentive to people’s feelings, and to remember that they attend church in order to open up before God, ask him for the most secret and valuable things, and pray for forgiveness for sins. Therefore, it is necessary to dress and behave in this place in accordance with church canons.

It will be useful to read the words of the Apostle Paul on this matter:


Since ancient times, a woman has been going to church with her head covered - this is an ancient custom that originated from the words of the Apostle Paul. The apostle said that a wife should have a symbol on her head that signifies authority over her. This is necessary, first of all, for Angels.

This is where the tradition of covering one's head when entering a church arose. According to the apostle, if a woman prays with her head uncovered, it is shameful. An uncovered head is equivalent to a shaved head. With these words, the apostle emphasized the shamefulness of the clothing of modern women who show their bodies. A man has the right to go to church with his head open.

By the way, in ancient culture the head was covered as a sign of modesty. Hair at that time was considered the most striking attribute of female attractiveness and beauty. Family women were not able to walk around with their hair down, and were required to wear a headdress such as a scarf. The headscarf was an indicator that the woman was busy and belonged to her husband. Covering the head with a scarf is closely related to another point. In ancient times, soothsayers and priestesses, falling into frenzy, let down their hair.

Thus, they showed their mystical ecstasy, symbolizing absolute detachment from public opinion. However, the Apostle does not connect this fact with the requirement to attend church in a headscarf. He determines this necessity by the fact that communication with God must be orderly and pure. Women's clothing should be in certain agreement with Christian teaching.

The doctrine interprets that a woman should not emphasize her figure and decorate her clothes. If all other clothes look indecent, then a scarf on the head has no meaning. On the contrary, the scarf in this case emphasizes the woman’s shamelessness even more and causes temptation among other people. The Apostle Paul reaffirms his view of women as subordinate to the demands of their husbands and to God.

Nowadays, clothing carries a completely different meaning. Women dress in fashion that is not based on Christian teachings. Women look up to each other, showing off the new items they have acquired. According to Christian teaching, one should not be ashamed of modest attire and pay attention to the appearance of others, worrying that people will misunderstand and have a bad opinion.

The apostle said that the clothing of a believer should not be provocative, but look modest, discreet and not the subject of attracting general attention. If you maintain all the customs proposed by the church, then it will be much easier for a person to tune in to prayer and be left alone with himself and God.

If a person attends church, it means that he believes and therefore he must adhere to certain requirements, non-compliance with which is considered shameful. Therefore, based on the above, believers consider it inappropriate to go to church without wearing a headscarf.