Egg before bed for weight loss. The process of digestion of egg whites from a scientific point of view. Video: what happens if you eat eggs every day

An egg is a seemingly small food that can provide a lot of nutrients. That's why we say they have great nutritional value. They are easy to make and seem to be loved all over the world.

Eggs for weight loss are very valuable product, they are very rich in protein High Quality, this means that they have all the essential amino acids in the correct quantities for our body. Most vitamins (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin, A, E, D and minerals: selenium, zinc, phosphorus and iron) are found in the yolk, although the egg contains more protein.

Eggs for weight loss and health

Possessing nutritional components for weight loss, boiled eggs help not only to gain energy, but also to balance nervous system and also improve brain functioning. We would not recommend consuming raw eggs for weight loss, primarily because of the real possibility of contracting salmonellosis or other intestinal infection. Boiled eggs don't lose their nutritional value and much safer.

Calcium absorption occurs due to the vitamin D content, which helps prevent osteoporosis. Due to their iron content, eggs are suitable for treating anemia. They should be eaten during periods of recovery and convalescence because, in addition to being nutritious, eggs do not cause digestive problems.

Selenium and zinc are antioxidants that fight cell aging. Thanks to lutein, eggs help maintain vision.

For dry skin and dry, damaged hair You can make wonderful moisturizing masks with raw egg by adding to it vegetable oils, oatmeal or honey.

How many eggs can you eat while losing weight?

Until recently, everyone believed that significant increases in cholesterol and triglyceride levels were associated with eating more than three eggs per week. However, this statement lost its meaning when it was proven that in order to increase them you need to eat a lot fatty foods or constantly suffer from stress.

You can consume eggs every day by combining them with vegetables. Remember that this is animal protein and therefore there is no need to include meat or fish in the same meal. If you want to significantly reduce weight, then nutritionists recommend eating only protein.

Additionally, if you want to lose weight or lower your triglyceride levels, you should avoid eating fast food, sauces, or desserts. You can also use an alternative to chicken eggs - quail eggs.

How to cook eggs

While on a diet, it is recommended to consume eggs only in boiled form. But we are all human and monotony depresses us. Therefore, if you approach the issue of preparing eggs creatively and wisely, you can not only benefit the body, but also get pleasure.

Eggs provide great benefits, but perhaps you should not forget to include them in your diet moderate quantities like all other products.

Lush steamed omelette: Video recipe

Is it so? Turning to experts, we tried to understand the main arguments of opponents of the egg diet, most of which turned out to be outright misconceptions.

Eggs increase blood cholesterol levels

About thirty years ago, doctors actually declared eggs to be almost the main source of cholesterol. It was recommended to eat no more than three to four eggs per week. And many have banished the classic breakfast from their tables - fried eggs, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, soft-boiled and in a bag.

Later science figured it out. There really is a lot of cholesterol in eggs: the average egg contains 213 mg. Considering that it is not recommended to take more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, then one egg covers this limit by more than two-thirds. But thanks to other substances - phospholipids, which are found in abundance in eggs, cholesterol turned out to be not as terrible as it was made out to be. It turns out that the egg is a kind of shield and sword in one bottle: on the one hand, it increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, on the other, it reduces its concentration with the help of phospholipids.

Not long ago, American scientists summed up the results of a study, which found that an egg or two a day does not bring any harm to most people. For 14 years, doctors observed almost 120 thousand men and women, studying their gastronomic habits in detail. All myocardial infarctions and strokes were also recorded (violations cerebral circulation). As a result, it turned out that those who ate from seven to fourteen eggs a week suffered from these ailments no more often than those who ate no more than one egg during this time.

Eggs are bad for the liver

And this opinion is wrong. Phospholipids have another good thing - they help maintain liver health, strengthening it protective functions against the mass of toxic substances that she has to deal with every day. The most famous of them is alcohol, the effect of which on the liver can be very deplorable, and only phospholipids can mitigate it. Let’s just make a reservation that nutritionists still do not recommend that liverworts eat eggs with mayonnaise or fry them with fried eggs in butter.

Eggs make you fat, they are very high in calories

It’s hard to imagine how you can gain weight from a product that contains only 75 kilocalories. The yolk (there is no fat in the white) contains 5 g of fat. Moreover, eggs come in all sorts of fasting diets precisely because, with a low calorie content, they contain a storehouse of proteins - 10-13%, many vitamins and minerals (especially a large number of calcium and iron).

You should not eat an egg at night, as it is difficult to digest.

This is not entirely true. A soft-boiled egg is digested faster than a fried and hard-boiled egg. The longer the egg is exposed heat treatment, the more time it takes for the stomach to work. But even a hard-boiled egg can be processed by the stomach in three hours. It's just worth remembering that late dinner, even the easiest one, cannot bring you health.

Raw eggs increase male strength

Indeed, the famous Casanovas have always been distinguished by their passion for cocktails, which always included a raw egg. Henry IV, famous for his passion, drank a glass of cognac mixed with yolk every morning. Other gentlemen preferred to shake a raw egg in dark beer.

And in the Kama Sutra, before the night of love, it is recommended to eat a mixture of rice boiled in milk with sparrow eggs, fried onions and honey. Nevertheless modern science does not find any special substances in the egg that affect potency. But here there is an abundance of vitamins and proteins, which will be very useful for ardent lovers.

The brighter the yolk, the more benefits the egg has.

They explained it this way: if the chicken has had plenty of time in the sun, the yolk has a more saturated color. But in fact, bright yellow and even reddish yolks are obtained if the chicken is given the appropriate food. To do this, a good housewife always chops her chickens green nettle. And farmers give laying hens at poultry farms canthaxanthin, a special nutritional supplement.

The same substance is used in feeding salmon and trout to give the fish a rich pink color. But recently European doctors warned the public: canthaxanthin may have harmful effects on vision.

Eggs with brown shells are tastier and healthier than eggs with white shells.

In fact, there are no differences in taste and benefits. Dark ones are laid by chickens of Asian breeds, and light ones are laid by European ones. Poultry farmers find more advantages in “dark” eggs only because they have a stronger shell, which means they can be transported to the store without loss, and Asian chickens themselves are larger than European ones and have a calmer disposition, which increases egg production.

Eggs often cause salmonellosis

Only if they are cooked incorrectly. Poorly cooked fried eggs with unset jelly-like whites pose the greatest risk. It is better to fry the eggs well, and you need to cook the eggs in boiling water for at least a minute so that the yolk becomes soft, like wax. Once the yolk has lost its fluidity, the salmonella is dead.

By the way, poultry farmers claim that salmonella germs are found in only one out of seven thousand fresh eggs. Salmonella will only show its harmful power if the egg was stored in unsuitable conditions. To protect yourself from trouble, wash it before cracking a fresh egg. And you shouldn’t be afraid of Easter eggs that are hard-cooked and blessed in church.

There are many legends regarding the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter. One of them says that the stones that were thrown at the Savior by the enemies they encountered during Christ’s journey with the Apostle Peter turned into colored and painted eggs. Saint Peter collected them in his pocket and later distributed them good people. Since that time, there has been a custom of preparing Easter eggs for the Great Day. According to another legend, the tradition of painting eggs red symbolizes the blood of the crucified Christ.

By the way

In ancient times, Easter eggs served as amulets: the egg seemed to our distant ancestors as a symbol of the spring rebirth of the luminary. This custom also existed among other peoples. The Egyptians imagined the Universe in the shape of an egg. The ancient Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch believed that the egg is a symbol of the Creator of the Universe. Even earlier, many eastern peoples had a tradition of placing red colored eggs on the table on the first day of the New Year - it was considered the most beautiful. This tradition came to Europe from the ancient Jews.

Personal opinion

Valentin Smirnitsky, actor:

– At Easter we always paint eggs with onion skins. We make cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots and candied fruits and bake Easter cakes. True, in Lately such an assortment of Easter cakes appeared that the need to bake them naturally disappeared.

Chicken protein - composition and nutritional value

Of all protein products chicken proteins are considered the most easily digestible and beneficial for the body.

Egg white is a clear, viscous, odorless liquid. It consists of 90% water, the rest is occupied by the proteins ovoalbumin, ovomucin, and lysozyme. It also contains choline, glucose, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, minerals - calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, enzymes - protease, dipepsidase, diastase.

The nutritional value chicken egg white per 100 g:

  • calories - 44;
  • proteins - 12.7 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g.

Egg white is considered the best protein, as it contains 8 essential amino acids

Beneficial and harmful properties of egg white

People sticking healthy eating, I’m wondering if it’s possible to eat eggs at night? Nutritionists recommend eating egg whites in the evening. There are two reasons for this. The first is that egg whites contain virtually no fat or carbohydrates. They are considered the easiest to absorb by the body. The second reason is the presence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances in the composition. Therefore, it is recommended to consume proteins for weight loss, after protracted illnesses and to boost immunity. It is known that chicken egg whites have a beneficial effect on brain cells and have bactericidal properties, and are also prophylactic from cataracts.

Useful qualities chicken egg whites:

If you abuse egg whites and eat too much of them, then unpleasant consequences are possible - an increase in the level of bad cholesterol and allergic reactions. Also, consuming a lot of egg whites is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding and sick diabetes mellitus.

Will egg whites help you lose weight?

Is it possible to eat an egg at night while losing weight? Many people are afraid to eat eggs because they believe that they raise cholesterol and contain too much fat. But this only applies to chicken yolks. Egg whites do not contain fat or carbohydrates, they are easily digestible and, if consumed before bed, promote weight loss.

Those losing weight are recommended to consume boiled egg whites, since after the protein enters the stomach, the hormone serotonin begins to be produced, which promotes cell renewal and rapid growth of muscle mass. If you replace regular food with egg whites in the evening, the person will gradually lose weight and be enriched with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances. For a person weighing more than 80 kg, it is enough to eat two egg whites at night.

How to eat eggs for weight loss

For eggs to help a person lose weight, it is necessary to consume only protein in the evening. The fact is that after eating protein in combination with fats (yolk, lard, butter), starchy carbohydrates (bread, cereals) or starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes), the body begins to actively secrete insulin, which blocks the hormone serotonin. As a result, a person does not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gains weight. It is also recommended to consume only boiled eggs.

How to eat properly chicken eggs, to lose weight:

  • To lose weight you need to eat boiled proteins. The digestion process in the stomach continues throughout the night without affecting sleep;
  • people weighing less than 80 kg need to eat one protein before bed to lose weight within 7 days;
  • people weighing more than 80 kg need to eat 2 egg whites at night to lose weight within 7 days;
  • for weight loss in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir and eat one boiled protein (the course is 7 days);
  • people with overweight It is recommended to eat a steamed omelette made from two egg whites in the evening;
  • to lose weight, it is recommended to eat two boiled chicken proteins and half a grapefruit in the evening (course - 3-4 days);
  • It is recommended to divide the boiled egg - eat the yolk in the first half of the day, and leave the white for the evening;
  • the yolk should be eaten with fresh vegetables, greens and, of course, without bread;
  • boiled eggs are healthier than fried and raw eggs;
  • It is enough for a person to eat 1 boiled chicken egg or 2 quail eggs per day.

This protein nutrition helps you lose several kilograms of weight in a week.

You can't eat raw egg whites! They contain a harmful enzyme that destroys trypsin enzymes, which are beneficial for digestion. Therefore, raw proteins are difficult to digest and overload the digestive organs.

If you eat eggs at night when losing weight, or rather egg white, then you will quickly achieve the desired result. You just need to follow some rules. It is necessary to consume chicken proteins every evening for no more than 7 days, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences for the body. Also, when dieting, it is important to monitor what you eat during the day. Must be consumed low calorie foods. Protein diet in combination with regular physical activity guarantees fast and effective result.

How to quickly lose weight with eggs can be seen in the video below.

« Give dinner to the enemy», « don't eat after 6», « you can only have a glass of kefir for dinner“- what myths accompany the final meal. Today we will look at best options dinner for weight loss and we will touch on the basic principles of dinner formation.

The main principles of a healthy dinner

Before we get into specific dinner options for weight loss, let's first look at the basic principles of forming healthy dinner . So what is important to know about your last meal?

1. You need to have dinner about 3 hours before bedtime. Not earlier, otherwise you will go to bed hungry. And not later, otherwise the food will not have time to be absorbed.

2. To avoid overeating for dinner, be sure to have a full breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

3. Forget about the rule: do not eat after 18.00. Unless, of course, you go to bed at 21.00.

4. Also forget about the rule: “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” You need to have dinner, otherwise hungry evenings will definitely lead you to an eating breakdown.

5. But you don’t need to overeat in the evening. Avoid situations where you snack during the day, and in the evening you decide to catch up on what you missed for the whole day.

6. As a rule, dinner should be 20-25% caloric from the daily diet.

7. The ideal dinner for weight loss should include protein products and fiber-rich foods. Protein is a tool for building our muscles and bones, and fiber is a product that is not processed into fat cells.

8. If you still couldn’t restrain yourself and ate too much for dinner, don’t go on a hunger strike the next day. Better organize yourself an additional cardio workout.

9. You you can limit yourself to evening kefir (for example, with bran), but only in volume if you eat your calorie allowance during the day. Not the minimum of 1200 kcal, but the norm.

10. The most important rule for losing weight: eat less than your body can burn in a whole day. Therefore, yes, counting the caloric content of the diet and maintaining the balance of dietary fat is the basic principle of nutrition throughout the day, regardless of the correct “dinners” and “breakfasts”. BUT! If you learn to properly plan your menu throughout the day, you will lose weight guaranteed faster.

Dinner for weight loss: do's and don'ts

If you want to get into great shape as quickly as possible, then you need to be very responsible when choosing dinner. There are certain forbidden foods, but there is also great alternatives.

  • baked goods, flour, confectionery products;
  • potatoes, pasta, white rice;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, watermelon, melon, mango);
  • dried fruits and nuts (it is better to put them aside for the first half of the day);
  • products containing industrial sugar (sweet yoghurts and curds);

It's also best not to eat it for dinner. legume products And white cabbage because of possible problems with digestion.

Dinner for weight loss: 7 best options

What then for dinner, you ask? In fact, there are many options, you can even combine Several products suggested below.

1. Lean fish or seafood

Fish and seafood are an ideal dinner option for weight loss. First of all, it is pure protein. Secondly, this is the source useful vitamins and microelements. Thirdly, it is nourishing and tasty. You just don’t need to fry them; it’s better to boil, stew or bake. You can add a portion of fresh vegetables to fish and seafood.

2. Lean chicken or turkey

Chicken breasts - classic version dinner for those losing weight. Again, avoid the option of frying in oil, otherwise the dish will cease to be so unconditionally healthy. If you want to diversify your meat menu, you can cook turkey fillet.

3. Cottage cheese

One more an indispensable product for weight loss is cottage cheese. It contains the “long” protein casein, which is simply necessary for muscle recovery. Cottage cheese can be eaten with white natural yogurt. The only recommendation: try to avoid not only fatty dairy products, but also completely low-fat ones.

4. Vegetable salad with low-fat cheese

Vegetables are the main source of fiber, which helps normalize digestion. Therefore, an evening vegetable salad will come in handy. You can supplement it with pieces of low-fat cheese. When choosing cheese, choose one that contains more protein.

5. Stewed or boiled vegetables

If you're not a fan raw vegetables, then stewed and boiled vegetables can appear a great alternative. You can buy ready-made vegetable mixtures (just check whether the composition is natural) or, for example, broccoli. You can also afford carrots and beets, but it’s better not to overuse them.

6. Boiled eggs

Dinner for weight loss can also consist of eggs, but boiled ones are still better. You can add the same vegetables to the eggs, raw or cooked.

7. Fermented milk products with fruits

Well, still, let’s not ignore kefir. For those who like to dine at a quick fix, fermented milk drink with apple, other unsweetened fruit or a berry will be an acceptable dinner option for weight loss. Of course, this is not a protein dish or fiber, but if you ate a balanced diet during the day, then such a dinner has a place.

If after dinner your hand still voluntarily reaches for the refrigerator, then in a simple way The body will lose its appetite... routine teeth cleaning. Always remember that improving nutrition means 80% of the solution to the issue of losing weight.

The answer to the question of whether eggs are really effective in losing weight is positive, but it is important to know how and in what form to consume them - raw, boiled, or the white and yolk separately. Each option has specific recommendations, following which you can achieve beautiful slim figure. The reason for introducing such a product into the diet is its low calorie content and a large amount of protein in the composition. In addition, it contains vitamins, nutrients And useful microelements. If you are also interested in whether you can lose weight on eggs, read the information below.

Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight?

Controversy over bad cholesterol in eggs and its harm to health continue to this day, but even so this product Recommended for those who are losing weight and even for those who are obese. All because of the low calorie content - only about 70 kcal in one piece. The protein in their composition has no analogues in nature, which is why it is so necessary for the body. For this reason, you even need to eat eggs when losing weight, but in the right quantities. Due to the yolk containing about 4 g of fat, it is allowed to be consumed no more than once a week. You can eat protein more often, because it is the basis of muscles.


Perfect option losing weight on eggs - eat them boiled. In this case, there is no risk of contracting salmonellosis. Even just by eating one egg or an omelet instead of sausage sandwiches in the morning, you will already bring health benefits to your body. more benefit. By using this breakfast regularly, you will begin to lose weight. Is it possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet? They are allowed to be consumed even in the evening, but only one piece and not daily. The best option– do not eat boiled eggs whole for weight loss, but leave only the white for dinner, adding greens to it. A couple more tips for your last meal:

  1. Boiled eggs at night for weight loss can be eaten no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. If you expect to go to bed in another 4-5 hours, you will have to make a second dinner of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir or 1-3 boiled proteins.


Athletes often consume raw eggs. They are cooking protein shakes who drink on an empty stomach. This is where the fashion came from to use raw eggs for weight loss, although this is not at all necessary. The body spends the same amount of energy processing raw and cooked food. They also do not differ in calorie content. In addition, boiled protein is completely absorbed, while raw protein is only 70% digestible. If you still decide to use the latter option, then buy quail or chicken eggs, but not duck eggs.


Boiled eggs can quickly get boring, and almost everyone likes them much better fried. In this case, it is important to prepare the dish correctly so that it does not turn out to be too high in calories. For scrambled eggs, use a non-stick frying pan. This way you can cook without oil, just a drop of olive won’t hurt. For taste, you can add garlic, shrimp, sea ​​salt, mushrooms or cheese. Scrambled eggs in butter are permissible no more than once every 7-10 days.

How to lose weight on eggs

There are many options for protein diets, the main permitted product of which is eggs. Such nutrition systems limit the consumption of carbohydrates. It turns out that the diet contains a lot of proteins, which is why the body begins to convert its own fat reserves into energy. In addition, you can eat not only chicken. Quail deserved it good feedback thanks to its hypoallergenicity. Duck eggs on a diet, on the contrary, are poorly absorbed by the body.

Egg diet

Options egg diets The list can go on for a long time, but the kefir mono-diet is considered one of the most effective. It is very simple, easy to carry and gives good results. In a week you can lose up to 5-7 extra pounds. The main condition is to eat 2 eggs for breakfast every day, and drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day. It is necessary to add other products to them depending on the day of the diet:

  • first - 4 boiled potatoes;
  • second – 150-200 g chicken breast;
  • third - up to 150-200 g of lean beef;
  • fourth – 150-200 g lean fish;
  • fifth – up to 1 kg of apples or vegetable salads;
  • sixth and seventh - only kefir, water and 2 eggs.

Another effective option diet is based on the effective combination of eggs and citrus fruits. According to some reviews, you can lose up to 9 kg in one week in the process. Diet for each day of the diet in the table:

Day of the week


2 boiled eggs +


Boiled chicken (150 g)

200 g chicken, a glass of low-fat kefir

A glass of freshly squeezed juice

150 g chicken

orange, glass of milk

Green tea

A portion boiled meat, grapefruit

Boiled chicken

About 200 g chicken with vegetable salad

Orange (2 pcs.)

Boiled carrot salad

Glass of citrus juice

200 g stewed fish

Orange, 150 g cottage cheese

Orange (2 pcs.)

Mineral water without gas



200 g meat, grapefruit

Losing weight with yolk

Although protein is used more often when losing weight, the yolk is considered no less effective in this area. For this reason, the yolk diet is very popular today. It helps not only to get rid of overweight, but also to cleanse the body. Unique chemical composition yolk with complete absence carbohydrates ensures normalization of digestion and prevents the deposition of fats. But the yolk diet also has a number of contraindications:

  • due to the content of bad cholesterol, it is not suitable for atherosclerosis;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • cardiovascular pathologies and urolithiasis.

You should not overuse yolks - they daily norm is 1-2 pieces. One chicken is equal to two quail. You can eat the yolks boiled or fried, but only on olive oil or steamed and preferably for breakfast. Cooking should take 7-10 minutes. This way the yolk will acquire a structure that is most suitable for absorption by the body. Their combination with citrus fruits is optimal. It is also important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Other allowed foods on the yolk diet are:

Video: eggs for weight loss