How long does the herbal infusion last? Infusions, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs, methods of preparation and ratios. Recipes for folk remedies to strengthen hair

Firstly, When we acquire Baikal, we can still expect that there will be
the community of microorganisms is one that is somehow guaranteed. But when
We do a lot of dilutions ourselves, there is no guarantee that there
the necessary ones were preserved, not pests. My daughter is a biologist and knows that control at home
Secondly, quite an expensive pleasure, especially when the dacha is 40 acres.

Therefore, the advice is to prepare it yourself:

Method No. 1

Method No. 2

bucket of manure or droppings
bucket of leaf humus from the forest
bucket of wood ash
3 liter jar of mash (pour 100 grams of yeast warm water, add sugar or old jam, let it ferment for a week)
black crackers,
sour milk, kefir, whey, whatever
a shovel of soil from your garden.

Put herbs in a barrel, throw in old yeast, old bread (yeast
bacteria), add sugared jam. milk rinses. sour cream.
kefir (lactic acid bacteria), sprinkle hay dust (bacillus hay,
which is a devourer of harmful pathogens
microorganisms). You can add min. fertilizers, humates, throw a handful
earth (it has everything necessary microorganisms, by the way, not alien
for your site, and relatives, on a nutrient medium they will also
multiplied). To soften the disgusting odor, add ash (and
additional fertilizer).

Everything sits in a large bathtub or barrel with water for 10 days, then a ladle into a bucket of water, fertilize everything.
What's the point: uh this is how we grow beneficial microorganisms, including our own, soil from our own garden
What effect: plant only half as much.

Dilute 1 liter of infusion into a bucket.

Use as foliar
fertilizing and root. The effect is very wonderful. All microorganisms
which will be in these solutions are included as a base in “Baikal”.

It is not worth feeding plants 2 times a week. Once a week or 10 days is enough. For quick effect foliar treatments are carried out. We have been using this homemade “Baikal” for about 15 years. All the gardeners we know also now use this recipe and everyone is very happy and grateful. My daughter is a microbiologist and is savvy enough to recommend this recipe. She can, if necessary, control microorganisms under a microscope. No one guarantees that the Baikal purchased from companies will not introduce microorganisms foreign to your area into your garden.

Adding to "Baikal"
(A few comments)

First: never insist on LIVING, freshly cut, freshly torn plants. By doing so, we multiply organisms that can eat and damage living cells. Dry any grass - that’s hay dust for you.

The best option for earthen seed is upper layer- 1-2 kg per barrel, the top layer of soil with old leaves and twigs (the blackened leaf is that same hay bacilli - cellulose destroyer) from a planting away from the ground on which they worked with chemicals.

The best infusion option is to pump air through the infusion in this container from an aquarium compressor (or another similar option for aerating the infusion). There is no need to allow the stench. THIS IS A PROCESS OF ROTATION, NOT FERMENTATION.



How long can fertilizer infusions be stored?

Ash extraction can be stored for months. This is what infusions of ash are based on, when it is filled with water and only after a month and a half is used as a top dressing.

Worse in this regard bird droppings, mullein and herbal infusions. Their main nutritional element is nitrogen. This is an unstable substance, and even in undiluted form, manure and bird droppings depreciate over time. Over just 6-8 months of storage, their value decreases by a third.

In organic solutions, weathering occurs even faster. Infusions of bird droppings and mullein should not be kept more than a week(ideally 3-4 days). Sometimes their solutions are overexposed specifically to reduce the nitrogen content and use a more concentrated solution (increasing the specific gravity of phosphorus, potassium and trace elements).

Problems with dissolution superphosphate quite legal. It is better to add it to the soil closer to the roots. It’s even better to apply it in the fall when digging.

It is good for pre-sowing application, when between the furrows for seeds in the inter-rows, grooves are made 3-4 cm deeper than the seeds are sown, and superphosphate granules are poured there.

Superphosphate does not dissolve for a simple reason: it contains only 26% water-soluble phosphorus. Superphosphate also contains 6% nitrogen, 10% sulfur, 17% calcium, 0.5% magnesium. The rest is all filler, usually gypsum or lime. That is, in fact, you will not see in any way that phosphorus has already gone into solution. Bay it hot water(60-80°C) and after stirring well, you have already diluted everything that could be dissolved with water, we leave it for a day only so that the insoluble sediment settles and does not clog the sprayer.

But it's better to breed double superphosphate. It contains 46% soluble phosphorus, and most importantly, there is no sulfur, which in such large quantities can damage some crops.

This solution can be stored for 1-3 weeks, unless, of course, in the sun. But if an insecticide or microelements or stimulants have been added to it, the solution should be used immediately. It is no longer suitable for storage.


1. Herbal concentrate.

Weeds, preferably with the presence medicinal herbs, growing on your site, for example, chamomile, stinging nettle, peppermint, celandine, plantain, burdock, etc., chop and put in a 250-liter barrel (6 full buckets of grass are taken for this volume). Add about two buckets of finished compost, half a bucket of vegetable ash, pour clean water to the top, cover and leave for about two weeks. The finished concentrate is used to prepare a fertilizer composition - 1 liter of herbal infusion per 10 liters clean water. This solution is used to water all trees, shrubs, vegetables and berry crops at the rate of 1.5 liters per plant.

2. Rice concentrate.

Pour 0.25 ml of water into a quarter glass of rice and stir for 10 minutes until the water turns white and cloudy. Only drained water is used for the preparation; rice can be used for cooking. The rice infusion is left to ferment in a warm place in a glass jar for a week, filtered, topped with 2.5 liters of whole milk and allowed to brew for another 6 days. At the end of the cooking period, the curd mass that accumulates on top is removed, and a tablespoon is dissolved in the whey granulated sugar. The finished concentrate is stored in the refrigerator. To awaken microorganisms and use fertilizer, the mixture is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:20 and used for watering plants.

3. Universal complex nutrition with microorganisms based on yeast.

Prepare the mash: half a glass of sugar and a pinch of dry yeast are diluted in a three-liter jar of water. The mixture is left to ferment for three days, after which it is poured into a 200-liter barrel. Add a quarter of a bucket of vegetable ash, the same amount of river sand, half a bucket of mullein or bird droppings and mature compost (can be replaced with high-quality humus or soil from your own garden), a full bucket of rotten hay (can be replaced with rotten straw or fallen leaves) from last season) and 1 liter fermented milk product(yogurt, curdled milk, whey, kefir, fermented baked milk with live bacteria). The barrel is filled to the top with water, covered with a lid, and the mixture is infused for at least a week. The mixture needs to be mixed regularly (stir once or twice a day). The finished concentrate is used from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, watering plants with it (dilute with water 1:5 - 1:10, depending on the needs of various crops for enhanced nutrition).

All fertilizing should be carried out either in cloudy weather or after sunset, since microorganisms do not tolerate direct sun rays. It is also undesirable to fertilize the beds in rainy weather, since bacteria will be washed into the deep layers of the soil along with precipitation.

In addition to applying to the soil in the spring and feeding plants, EM compositions are effective for treating planting material before sowing (soaking seeds, spraying potato tubers), preparing fungicidal solutions for disease prevention (use both for spraying plants and for soil disinfection). The addition of EM preparations significantly accelerates the maturation of compost and the decomposition of fresh manure. Good result allows the use of concentrates for the purpose of processing and odor elimination feces in country toilets.

Thus, we can conclude that modern EM technologies are applicable in every personal plot. And only you can choose whether to prepare EM preparations with your own hands, relying on the experience of experienced summer residents, or purchase them in specialized stores.

When procuring medicinal plants, it is necessary to be able to accurately identify the plant, correctly collect, dry and store it.

Flowers, inflorescences, leaves, grass, fruits and seeds, buds, bark, roots and rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. Medicinal plants are collected only in good dry weather. Moreover, it is better to collect leaves, grass, flowers and inflorescences in the morning in sunny weather, after the dew has dried. Roots and rhizomes are collected in early spring (April, May) or autumn (September, October). Buds should be collected in early spring, tree bark in April, flowers when buds appear (chain, thyme, prickly tartar), at the beginning of flowering (chamomile, rose). It is recommended to harvest the fruits on dry, cool days.

How to collect medicinal plants correctly

Each type of medicinal raw material is collected in a separate container. Collected plants it is necessary to decompose, clear of debris, sort through.

After collection, medicinal plants must be dried, and this process must be started as quickly as possible to avoid the destructive action of enzymes and molding of compressed wet plants.

How and where to dry collected medicinal plants

Drying is a very important component of the raw material procurement process; the quality of the harvested medicinal plants depends on the correctness of its implementation. In most cases, drying should not be carried out under the influence of direct sunlight, since this destroys chlorophyll, essential oils, glycosides. Plants should be dried by spreading the raw materials in a thin layer in the attic, on shelves, on spread paper or fabric in a well-ventilated place.

Plants containing a large number of tannins, as well as roots, rhizomes and flowers of hawthorn, elderberry, white cherry, ivy bud. Before drying, roots and rhizomes are washed (as quickly as possible) in a basket or net, and only the roots of some plants (for example, burdock) are only brushed from the soil and cut lengthwise before drying. The average drying time is 4-7 days at a temperature not exceeding 30-35 °C. Plants containing ascorbic acid, dried at a temperature not exceeding 80-90 ° C, herbs containing glucosides (lily of the valley, goritsa) are dried at 50-60 ° C. Poisonous plants, as well as having strong smell must be dried separately.

How to properly store medicinal plants and herbs

Medicinal plants should be stored in labeled paper bags, boxes (pre-lined inside with paper), and in glass jars with lids. Flowers, inflorescences, grass are stored for one year, fruits, roots, rhizomes and bark for two years or more. The storage area must be dry and cool.

How to prepare infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants

Medicinal plants are usually used in the form of decoctions and infusions, which are aqueous extracts from medicinal raw materials. To prepare decoctions and infusions, you should not use aluminum utensils; you should use enamel utensils.

Decoctions and infusions are prepared in different ways, for example, a plant in a certain dose is brewed like tea, and not boiled, but only infused in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, or the recipe recommends pre-soaking in cold water(usually about a day), in which it is then boiled. The decoctions are stored in a cool place for no more than a day.

IN special cases Infusions are made when the crushed plant is infused in cold water for 6-8 hours, then the infusion is filtered and poured into a glass container.

A medicinal plant infused with alcohol is a tincture (in Latin, tincture - tinctura - tincture). Often when home cooking In tinctures, alcohol is replaced with vodka, which is taken twice as much as alcohol, if alcohol is specified in the recipe. Usually the medicinal plant is infused in a warm place for 7-10 days, and the tincture must be shaken occasionally. Before infusing the herb or root, they need to be crushed. The finished tincture is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle.

An extract from the plant, if not prepared in a pharmacy, is popularly replaced simple decoction, but condensed in a hot oven (oven) to half, evaporate the broth in a closed container. This is how it is necessary to prepare the extract when using essential oil plants.

Powders are prepared by crushing plant material until it turns into flour. The powder should be stored in a well-closed container, and it is better to prepare it immediately before use.

Ointments are prepared on the basis of internal rendered fat (pork, badger, etc.) or fresh unsalted butter. The base is based on plant powder, extract, tincture or Fresh Juice. Must be mixed thoroughly long time until the previously heated base hardens. The preparation dose is often 1:4, that is, 1 part of the plant to 4 parts of the base (unless other proportions are indicated in the recipe).

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Infusions and decoctions, prepared on the basis medicinal herbs, you and I often use as home therapy against numerous ailments.

It is necessary to strictly observe not only the indicated proportions of the required ingredients, but also to have at least minimal knowledge of how to properly prepare them, and what conditions are acceptable for further storage.

What are key differences between decoction and infusion, what methods of their preparation exist, as well as other medicinal herbal remedies- I think that you will find the answers to these questions by reading this material to the end.

Preparation of infusions and decoctions

From the original plant you can make:

  • an infusion that can be consumed both hot and cold
  • juice is a product that has the maximum effect on the body
  • herbal paste, otherwise called herbal mass
  • decoction

In addition, sometimes for convenience, dry herbs are ground to a powdery state. However, the absolute first place among all home remedies is occupied by fresh aqueous extracts from plants, in other words, infusions and decoctions without competition.

Let's talk in more detail about each of the above. folk remedies.


The result of infusion of previously crushed medicinal raw materials in water is called infusion. With help this method, from “extraction occurs” useful substances that can have a strong positive impact on the body.

Basically, soft parts of plants are used for cooking, that is, leaves, flowers, stems. Fundamentally, we can talk about two ways:

  • hot
  • cold

With the hot method of preparation, it is necessary to take the amount of medicinal raw material required by the recipe, place it in a clay dishes. If there are no special specifications, then boiling water is added at the rate of 1/10.

After keeping the closed container on low heat for the required period of time, allow it to cool.

For the cold method, you need to carry out the following steps. Into container the right size, pre-weighed, carefully crushed plant components are placed.

Then the entire contents are filled with the required amount of cooled boiled water. Closing the lid tightly, we allow it to stand (as long as required by the recipe), most often from 2-12 hours.

Significant temporary difference is explained by the different volumes of medicinal raw materials required according to the prescription, as well as the differences in its chemical composition. Next, the procedure is similar, filter through two layers of gauze and you can start using it.


The source “material” for this medicine are considered solid organs plants, which are roots, bark. They require a longer period of time for heat treatment.

The raw materials required by the recipe should initially be weighed and ground to a powder state. Place in a bowl and add water, for external use (1/5), and for internal use (1/10). Unless otherwise specified, simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for half an hour. After this, we filter and replenish the lost volume to the original volume using boiled water.

A general clarification regarding infusions and decoctions is that treatment is best carried out with means of a weaker consistency. For fever and fever, recommended hot view prepared medicine.

Herbal mass

Using a chopper, fresh parts medicinal plant must be reduced to a paste. For example, you can use a ceramic board for this purpose. It is necessary to chop finely, making sure that the juice is not absorbed into the board. There is no need to strain the juice.

If plant, used to prepare herbal paste, was taken in dry form, then beneficial features the resulting product is somewhat weaker. The dry plant is crushed in any convenient way, for example, passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is passed through a sieve and added required amount water, stirring occasionally until a thick consistency (like sour cream) is formed.

The basis for such a herbal paste can be not only water, but also vegetable oil, honey, even pork fat. The list of diseases for which herbal masses are used is impressive; the external method predominates:

  • skin diseases
  • wounds, abrasions, burns

If there is a shortage of medicinal raw materials, then you can initially prepare a paste, and then medicinal infusion. It will turn out stronger, because useful material from the crushed plant they pass into water in a more complete volume.


To receive this type of medicine, the best option there will be a mechanical mill. In the absence of one, it is quite acceptable to use a regular chopper or meat grinder. The powder form of the raw material is very convenient for mixing with other ingredients when preparing various medicinal preparations.

To be stored in a closed container, the shelf life ranges from six months to a year. For massages, rubbing, can be used medicinal oils. It’s not difficult to prepare, we combine the herb required in the recipe with oil, ratio 1/4. Let stand for one and a half days, and then filter.

Medicinal fees

Before starting preparation, the raw materials must be thoroughly crushed.

The next step is to mix everything thoroughly. Choose dry places for storage.

The container must be tightly closed, and the raw materials placed in it must be well dried.


This term refers to alcohol extracts from various useful herbs and fruits having long term storage

Usually 70% alcohol is used as a base.

Pre-crushed raw materials are combined with pre-diluted alcohol (the strength required by the recipe). Reception is carried out drop by drop.


This name was given to healing drink, obtained by evaporating infusions or decoctions in a closed container. It is necessary to evaporate until the original volume is reduced by half. This product has a longer shelf life than decoctions and infusions. Reception is carried out by drip.


Extremely popular, very effective remedy against many diseases. Squeezing is carried out from fresh berries, fruits, leaves, roots. Boiling is not used.

The necessary ingredients should be thoroughly washed and crushed in any convenient way. Then squeeze out using several layers of gauze. However, if you have a juicer, you can avoid such hassle.


The sequence of actions during the procedure for freezing grass and leaves is as follows:

  • initially, finely crushed, necessary for recipe Ingredients
  • carefully placed in containers intended for freezing
  • add a small amount of water
  • place the container in the freezer

Next, the frozen cubes are filled into plastic bags, labeled so as not to get confused, and stored in the freezer. Before use, give the plant required time thaw, and then use it immediately, because over time, healing qualities are gradually lost.

It is quite acceptable not to pour crushed medicinal raw materials, but to quickly put them into bags and freeze them.

Dosage reminder

Sometimes, in recipes, the amount of the required ingredient is indicated not in grams, but in spoons (st., tsp, dess.,).

Here are the approximate ratios:

  • 1 tsp - 5 gr. crushed, dry medicinal raw materials
  • 1 tbsp. l - 15 gr.
  • 1 dec. l. - 10 gr.
  • a regular glass holds 200 ml. water

It is most correct to measure the components using scales, because all herbs have different weights.

Dishes for decoctions and infusions

Extremely important point- what kind of utensils are used for cooking healing decoctions and infusions.

Most the best option there will be a container, followed by stainless steel utensils. The enamel layer closes the top three, and the enamel layer should not contain any cracks or chips, and must be thoroughly washed with soda.

The best option would be to have a specialized container intended exclusively for preparing home remedies.

Aluminum cookware is absolutely unacceptable for these purposes. The effectiveness of the products prepared in it is minimal. Plastic containers are also not suitable, but don’t be surprised, there are “healers” who use such containers.

Ceramic, porcelain, earthenware mugs, even glass, but not crystal, are suitable for infusion.

A few words need to be said about fire. The most effective are decoctions with infusions prepared over an open fire. Next in descending order are electric stove, well, ah, on gas, healing properties herbs are greatly minimized.

It is worth mentioning the quality of the water used:

complete absence of the smell of chlorine and other impurities

clean, filtered

The best option.

How to store medicinal herbs

The following containers are used for dried raw materials: fabric bags, paper bags, wooden containers. Everything is signed (name, year and place of collection). Regularly audit stored raw materials. If it’s spoiled, don’t hesitate to throw it away.

Strictly observe shelf life; do not store expired herbs. In this situation, saving and consuming low-quality raw materials is fraught serious consequences for the health of the body. In one of the subsequent articles, the topic of collection, procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials will be covered in more detail.

Made at home infusions and decoctions It is better to store them on a shelf specially designated for them, separate from food, at room temperature. Avoid exposure to light, otherwise the healing properties of herbs will quickly weaken. Keep away from children.

Take an interest in your health in a timely manner, goodbye.

Alcohol tinctures of herbs are needed. First, they preserve herbs out of season. Preserve exotic herbs. Alcohol tinctures can last in a hermetically sealed bottle for at least 100 years. A small bottle of alcohol tincture can be carried to car first aid kit, just in case. Teach that alcoholic tinctures of the same plants are completely different in composition from water tinctures(teas) of the same plants. This is because alcohol is a fat solvent, so the alcohol primarily draws out the fat-soluble substances from the herb. Tinctures based on water draw out only water-soluble substances and do not draw out fat-soluble ones. Thus, a tincture of the same herb, if one is purely alcoholic and the other aqueous, they are different!
Therefore, for alcoholic tinctures, it is necessary to use vodka at an optimal 35-40% strength. Because vodka will draw out both the water-soluble and fat-soluble substances of the herbs approximately equally.
Any alcohol tincture should be prepared as follows:
1. Alcohol (vodka) only 35-40% strength. There is no need to use 70-90% alcohol, as is done everywhere! 2. Take a big one, like a huge one and a half liter glass bottle with a narrow neck and a cork stopper; fill it to the top with collected or purchased, washed and dried, say, echinaceae, or, say, red pepper, or plantain, or ginger. And fill the bottle to the top with regular 40 degree vodka. All! It can stand for 100 years, and the longer, the stronger it will be.
Use depending on the circumstances.
Every person should have several alcohol tinctures, extremely important and priority herbs, at home and in the car first aid kit. Here are a few of their options:
1) After the events in Japan, there is already panic abroad: “The price of anti-radioactive pills reached $200 per package and increased by 1900% in just a few days.” If suddenly this emotional wave reaches us, know that there are no pills for radiation sickness they don't help! These are businessmen selling potassium iodide tablets for supposedly “anti-radiation pills.” And they sell 20 tablets for 200 dollars, although the most best source Potassium iodide is the usual “Lugol’s solution”, the price of which is from 7 to 15 rubles per bottle. A bottle is enough for 1-3 drops per day for 3 years.
It is not recommended to increase the dose - the substance is quite active, but also harmless in such doses, because both potassium and iodine are not aluminum, and in good condition Both potassium and iodine are found in the body. About 30 years ago, a book by an American guru was translated into the USSR traditional medicine Dr. Jarvis, and he recommended daily intake 1-3 drops of Lugol's solution. Read: However, potassium iodide, of course, is not a remedy for radioactivity, since it can presumably act in in the right direction only and only against radioactive strontium, about the concentration of which nothing is said at all, and pills are already selling for 200 bucks! The mechanism of the possible - only the possible positive action potassium iodide is such that radioactive strontium, which is not normally found in human body, displaces iodide, which is normally found in thyroid gland, disrupting its function and leading to cancer thyroid gland. Firstly, strontium is much more active than iodine and the displacement of strontium by potassium iodide is a purely speculative assumption. But the main radiation is not from strontium, but from uranium, plutonium, etc., and potassium iodide has nothing to do with it!
2) A tincture of the hottest red pepper you can get. The tincture is made as described above. If you don’t have red pepper, use a glass of powder per bottle of vodka. A glass or half a bottle of powder!
Indications: all bleeding or cardiovascular conditions. Example: You see a car accident. Come - there are people lying with their limbs torn off and open lacerations. Take out the bottle with your red pepper tincture and pour it liberally into the wounds. Don't be afraid, red pepper is in open wound– it doesn’t hurt. It only hurts on the mucous membranes. Red pepper stops bleeding and relieves state of shock, optimizing blood circulation in a shock situation. Also applies when stomach bleeding inside. Another example: you are walking down the street, a person is lying, conscious or not, it’s bad for the person. Take out a bottle of your red pepper tincture from your pocket. And with a full pipette, or from the neck, a few milliliters under the tongue until you come to your senses. Red pepper is the first hemostatic and anti-shock remedy in any situation! It has been used since ancient times for this purpose by the American Indians.
3) Alcohol tincture plantain. Plantain is the only antidote for bites of snakes, scorpions, wasps, animals, as well as for suppuration of wounds and phlegmon. It is applied by impregnating cotton cloth and applying it to the wound. If it’s summer and there’s a lot of plantain, the plantain is ground with a meat grinder or something else into a slurry. And when, say, a snake bites an arm or leg, the entire limb is covered and the bandage is changed when it dries.
4). Garlic - in any form and form, inside and into wounds as a natural antibiotic with an unlimited spectrum of action. Remember, garlic and infection do not occur in the same place!
Thus, for everyone this case infection, you just need to figure out how to deliver the garlic to the site of infection. If the infection is general, garlic should be taken inside constantly. It is not necessary, although it is necessary, there is raw garlic. If you are intolerant, you can make garlic tea or garlic alcohol tincture. On purulent wounds garlic is applied ground in gauze.
To eliminate the purulent process in any wound, the wound should smell like garlic and onions!
5). Due to the catastrophic epidemic bronchial asthma, asthmatics cannot live without lobelia: Always have an alcohol tincture of lobelia with you. Inhalation of lobelia at home using any steam generator.
6). Due to the catastrophic super-toxic situation in external environment You need to constantly strengthen your immune system. The best immunity booster from herbs is wild echinacea ( but not garden one.
Another immunity booster is “Vitgrass Juice” - Juice from green sprouts of anything. For example, green wheat sprout juice. It should be pressed a little on a sip every day, a small amount up to 30 ml. A killer thing, in the opposite sense. Green chlorophyll is a hemoglobin molecule in pure form. Therefore, Greenery saves blood, which is primarily affected by radiation! We are talking about any herb that produces a rich squeeze of green juice! It can be any kind of grass. You take a herb juicer, a meat grinder type, pass green sprouts of wheat, rye, oats through it, what's the difference? You can try nettle, sedge, plantain, and any well-known non-poisonous greens.

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How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

The beneficial properties of the decoction do not last long - microbes begin to multiply in it, “thanks to” which various enzymatic processes are launched in the decoction. That's why permissible period The decoction's shelf life is short: a day at room temperature, two days in the refrigerator.

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