Car first aid kit Belarus instructions. What is included in a car first aid kit?

Most drivers do not care about having a first aid kit in their vehicle, because no one expects that an accident will happen to them. However, a first aid kit is not just a formality, but a necessity, since timely first aid can save a person’s life. Driving a car is fraught with danger, so the presence of medications in a vehicle is a basic requirement of the traffic police service, which is regulated by law. Let's look at how to assemble a first aid kit for a car and what the driver faces if it is not there.

What is it for?

No driver is insured against accidents and car accidents. Even the most experienced car owner can be injured due to the negligence of another road user. In this case, the car must have medicines to provide first aid.

The Ministry of Health has formed the following criteria for standard car first aid kits:

  • It should contain drugs and agents that help stop bleeding. According to traffic police officers, more than half of the people involved in road accidents died at the scene due to heavy blood loss. If bleeding is stopped in time, deaths can be avoided;
  • There should also be medications present that will help the victim remain “feeling” until the doctors arrive;
  • auxiliary equipment (scissors, sterile gloves).

According to the above criteria, a car first aid kit is necessary in order to refuse emergency medical care to a victim at the scene of an accident until the ambulance arrives.

Standard kit

As of 2017, the car first aid kit has remained unchanged for eight years. The latest amendments were made by the Ministry of Health in 2009: then many medications and drugs that were not intended to provide emergency first aid were excluded (aspirin, hydrogen peroxide, Activated carbon etc.).

Let's find out what it looks like new line-up car first aid kit after the latest changes:

  1. Dressing tourniquet to stop bleeding – 1 pc.;
  2. gauze bandages 5 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  3. gauze bandages 10 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  4. gauze bandage 14 cm wide, 7 m long – 1 pc.;
  5. sterile gauze bandage 7 cm wide, 5 m long – 2 pcs.;
  6. sterile gauze bandage 10 cm wide, 5 m long – 2 pcs.;
  7. sterile gauze bandage 14 cm wide, 7 m long – 1 pc.;
  8. roll adhesive plaster;
  9. package of sterile medical wipes – 1 pc.;
  10. bactericidal adhesive plasters – 10 pcs.;
  11. dressing bag – 1 pc.;
  12. emergency cardiac device pulmonary resuscitation;
  13. a pair of sterile medical gloves;
  14. scissors;
  15. case for first aid kit.

This should be the composition of a car first aid kit according to GOST. Traffic police inspectors do not require expensive medications, but, oddly enough, most drivers forget about a car first aid kit. It is enough that it contains the above medications, and then in case of an unforeseen situation you will be able to provide first aid.


In 2017, the Ministry of Health did not impose any new requirements on the contents of car first aid kits. It is enough to have all the tools listed above with you.

This list has been in effect since 2009, when the last amendments were made to the composition of the travel first aid kit. Thus, previously, drivers were required to have medications that could not be called first aid to an injured person: activated carbon, validol, brilliant green, etc. Thus, the requirements have been much relaxed, and therefore it is not difficult to assemble a travel medical kit.

Dressing products

As you may have noticed, more than 85% of a standard travel medical kit consists of dressings. This is due to the fact that the Ministry of Health has determined that the main criterion for a car first aid kit is the presence of things that will be able to stop bleeding at least temporarily. After all, according to statistics, the lack of necessary dressing material leads to deaths in road accident victims.

That is why, when collecting medications, you should definitely stock up on the following items:

  • Gauze bandages, both sterile and non-sterile;
  • at least one hemostatic dressing tourniquet;
  • bactericidal adhesive plasters;
  • roll adhesive plaster.

Thus, when collecting a first aid kit for a car, you should focus on dressings.

Legislation on the contents of a car first aid kit

First of all, a first aid kit must be present in every car, otherwise, for its absence, penalties will be applied to the driver who allowed this. According to the law Russian Federation, each driver is required to independently assemble and subsequently monitor the contents of a first aid kit.

It means that:

  1. Medicines and first aid supplies should not be expired;
  2. must be present in the first aid kit full list medical materials and drugs that were given above. The absence of at least one component is equivalent to the absence of a first aid kit;
  3. The case must close tightly.

The law imposes logical requirements on drivers that must be followed to avoid fines.


According to current legislation Russian Federation, any traffic police inspector can check the driver for the presence of a first aid kit. Any vehicle, including a passenger car, must be equipped with the necessary medicines, otherwise you will face a fine. Thus, according to the clause of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations, the amount of penalties for the lack of a first aid kit is 500 rubles. Moreover, a similar fine can be applied to those drivers whose first aid kit does not contain the necessary dressings or medications.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that your car first aid kit is properly equipped, otherwise sooner or later you will have to pay a fine.

Terms of use

Not only do you need to assemble a first aid kit for your car, you need to know how to use it correctly.

It is worth remembering the basic rules so that in the event of an accident you do not harm the victim:

  • All first aid procedures should be carried out only with sterile medical gloves, especially if the victim has an open wound, because touching the damaged area of ​​the body with dirty hands may subsequently cause internal infection;
  • if the victim is not breathing, it is imperative to use a device for emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which should be in the first aid kit;
  • with blood pressure, you must first pinch the damaged vessel with your fingers, then use a hemostatic tourniquet and secure the wound tightly with gauze bandages and napkins;
  • any bleeding wound must be fixed with a bandage;
  • if the wound does not bleed, it can be sealed with a bactericidal plaster.

From the contents of the travel first aid kit and your ability to act in the event of an attack emergency situations a person’s life may depend, so it is important to take note of the above rules.

How long is it good for?

In addition to having all necessary elements, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the car first aid kit and replace it if necessary. So, if you purchase a ready-made first aid kit with all medications, the expiration date is written on the case itself. As a rule, it is 5-6 years.

If you assemble the first aid kit yourself, the expiration date is written on the packaging of the drug. Antibacterial patches are suitable for use for no more than five years. As for bandages and tourniquets, they can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

Due to the fact that they were excluded from the car first aid kit medications, its shelf life has increased significantly. But still, medications should be checked from time to time: if they are no longer suitable for use, they should be replaced immediately.

When assembling a car first aid kit, you should consider the following nuances:

  • You cannot replace one element with a completely different one, or completely exclude it. necessary funds. It is necessary that the first aid kit be stocked with everything state standards;
  • It should not contain expired medications. Expired funds must be immediately replaced with new items, and old ones must be disposed of;
  • If you have used any product, you will need to purchase it and put it in the first aid kit. It is necessary to ensure that it is always fully stocked;
  • It is recommended to purchase a ready-made first aid kit, assembled in accordance with all state standards, from a trusted manufacturer. For example, the FEST company is one of the most popular manufacturers of car first aid kits. The price of the product, as a rule, does not exceed 500 rubles. You can purchase the company's product at any pharmacy in your city.

Remember that at any time your car can be stopped by a traffic police officer and inspected. If you do not have a first aid kit, you will get off with a fine, but having one is, first of all, in your interests. Therefore, if you still do not have the necessary medical kit, buy it and drive safely.

Back in 2015, drivers were warned that the contents of a standard car first aid kit would change. Until 2017, they were given the opportunity to review medications and bring everything in line with the rules. While there is still time to go to the pharmacy, let's remember what a car first aid kit should be like in the new year.

What should be in a new first aid kit

The composition of a car first aid kit is determined by the resolution of the Ministry of Health “On establishing lists of first aid kits, emergency medical kits, the attachments included in these first aid kits, and determining the order of their configuration” No. 80 dated December 4, 2014. What should a first aid kit in a car be equipped with:

ammonium solution 10% - 1 ml No. 10 (vial 10 ml, 40 ml) or ammonia- 1 package;
iodine alcohol solution 5% - 10 ml (40 ml) or 5% - 1 ml No. 10;
sterile medical bandage 5 m by 10 cm - 1 package;
non-sterile bandages: 5 m by 5 cm and 5 m by 10 cm - 2 packs each; sterile bandage 5 m by 10 cm;
medical elastic non-sterile tubular bandage No. 1, 3 or 6;
sterile absorbent cotton wool 50 g;
Esmarch's hemostatic tourniquet;
bactericidal adhesive plaster: 2.5×7.2 cm - 3 packs, 4×10 cm (6×10 cm) - 1 pack;
adhesive plaster roll 1×500 cm (2×500 cm);
blunt scissors no less than 13 cm;
portable hypothermic cooling package;
sterile wipes with a size of at least 10×10 cm No. 1 - 4 packs.

What changed

Validol, glyceryl trinitrate, acetylsalicylic acid, drotaverine, loratadine, metamizole sodium, paracetamol, sulfacetamide solution, citramon. This is explained by the fact that it is impossible to ensure the storage of these drugs in proper conditions, including temperature, in a car.

Changes also affected the packaging of bandages and adhesive plasters. Now in the first aid kit, among other things, you need to have two packages of non-sterile bandages measuring 5×5 cm and 5×10 cm. The cotton wool must be sterile - 50 g. The composition of bactericidal adhesive plasters is as follows: 3 pcs. sizes 2.5x7.2 cm and 1 pc. size 4×10 cm or 6×10 cm. The reel adhesive plaster should be 1×500 cm or 2×500 cm in size.

Where to buy and how much it costs

First aid kit for equipment Vehicle You can buy it already assembled in many pharmacies. One point: car owners need to make sure that everything is included in the kit necessary medications so that it complies with the standards adopted in Belarus. As a rule, there are no problems with this. The cost of a ready-made first aid kit with everything you need ranges around 13 rubles (130,000).

You can also review your existing first aid kit and buy everything you need. So, for example, an alcohol solution of iodine in the required quantity costs about 60 kopecks (6000). The tourniquet will cost approximately 1 ruble 35 kopecks (13,500).

Will they check

The contents of the first aid kit are checked during technical inspection. The inspector can verify the availability of each medication and product from the list, up to the number of packs of patches - be prepared for this. Afterwards, a traffic police officer may ask about the availability of a first aid kit in case of an inspection. The question is whether there is a first aid kit in the car - the inspector will not check its contents according to the list. It is assumed that it is in the interests of the driver himself to ensure that the first aid kit has everything he needs.

Source of information:

Medical devices and materials are considered an indispensable attribute of every vehicle. At the same time, the composition of a car first aid kit is strictly regulated and any car owner must know exactly which elements should be present in the kit. Recently, according to GOST, it has been used new list components, the study of which will allow the driver to prepare a full-fledged medical unit for the car.

Why do you need a first aid kit for a car?

A car first aid kit or first medical support kit is a block of devices, materials, and dressings designed to provide immediate assistance to citizens in emergency situations on road. Some drivers believe that such an attribute is useless, but any reasonable person understands that a medical unit may actually be needed in the event of a serious accident or other situation, health threatening anyone.

In addition, without a first aid kit, no car will be able to pass a technical inspection and issue diagnostic card. As you know, without the latter you cannot obtain a compulsory insurance policy, which means access to driving a vehicle will be prohibited.

Law regulating the composition of a first aid kit

Until recently, a first aid kit for vehicles was equipped not only with the appropriate tools, but also with all kinds of medicines.

According to the decree of the Ministry of Health dated September 8, 2009, the list of medical units was reduced as much as possible. Now the following drugs are completely excluded from the list of its components:

  • analgin;
  • aspirin;
  • validol;
  • brilliant green;
  • corvalol or valerian;
  • ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • nitroglycerine;
  • Activated carbon

New first aid kit contents include different kinds dressings aimed at providing emergency care victims of road accidents.

Why has the composition of the first aid kit changed?

A significant change in the composition of a first aid kit for a car is due to the fact that most medications require certain storage conditions, which are quite difficult to maintain inside the vehicle. In particular, this applies to temperature conditions.

Another reason - side effects and contraindications of drugs. People's bodies react differently to medicine - what suits one person may have an extremely negative effect on another. The legislation determines that only a professional physician has the right to prescribe medications.

First aid kit contents

Based on the same decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a medical unit for a car according to GOST should include the following components:

  • 1 tourniquet to eliminate or reduce blood loss;
  • regular bandages with a length of 5 m and a width of 5 and 10 cm - 2 pieces, and also with a size of 7 m × 14 cm in the amount of 1 piece;
  • sterilization bandages 5 m long, 7 and 10 cm wide, 2 pieces each, with parameters 7 m × 14 cm – 1 bandage;
  • 1 sterilization bag for dressing;
  • 1 package of sterile gauze wipes measuring at least 16 cm × 14 cm;
  • 2 bactericidal patches 4 cm × 10 cm and 10 pieces with parameters 1.9 cm × 7.2 cm;
  • 1 adhesive plaster in a roll measuring 1 cm × 250 cm;
  • unit for restoring pulmonary activity “Mouth-Device-Mouth”;
  • 1 pack of gloves;
  • scissors;
  • instructions for use of the medical unit;
  • bag or case for storing materials.

In addition, it is not forbidden to supplement the first aid kit with any materials. It can be:

  • disinfectants;
  • cooling packs;
  • anti-poisoning agents;
  • antiseptics;
  • antiallergic drugs.

The presence of medications is not necessary, but acceptable. It all depends on the personal needs and health of the driver. The main thing is that there is a list of devices and means regulated by the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Where to buy a first aid kit for a car

Buy medical kit You can either come pre-assembled or assemble it yourself. In the first case, the price will vary from 100 to 500 rubles. Accordingly, the higher the price, the better and more complete the contents of the first aid kit. To avoid problems, you should spend a little time and check the presence of all the necessary components with the regulated list.

If you assemble the set yourself, perhaps the price for a complete set will be slightly higher, but in this case the driver does not have to worry about the integrity of the materials or the serviceability of the devices.

Video about the composition of the first aid kit

The composition of the first aid kit for vehicles for the current year according to GOST completely excludes medicines. The list requires an increase in the number of dressings. But the car owner is not forbidden to supplement the medical unit with what he thinks is necessary. More full first aid kit in emergency situations can play an important role and contribute to providing assistance to the victim.

Health problems can occur to the driver and/or passengers in places far from the first aid point. Unfortunately, a first aid kit purchased for a formal technical inspection often turns out to be useless if the situation is serious. What should be in a car first aid kit in 2019 is described below.

Composition of a first aid kit for a car from a store

The beginning of 2010, for motorists, was marked by a relaxation of investments in a first aid kit of drugs. Changes have occurred in the direction of reducing the number of components. In fact, boxes with a cross began to contain only dressings, which remain useless in numerous situations. The debate on this issue ceased, due to the sufficiency of the content for the traffic police to check. In reality, this composition of a car first aid kit is useful only for minor domestic injuries– a cut on a finger, for example.

What is included in a first aid kit, 2019 model

The price categories of purchased sets differ significantly - from 100 to 300 rubles per box. However, the content of all options lacks variety. So, what is included in a car first aid kit purchased in a store:

  1. Hemostatic tourniquet – 1 pc.
  2. Sterile and non-sterile bandages. Quantity, length and width vary.
  3. Adhesive plasters. Rolls – 1 pc. and stickers – up to 10 pcs.
  4. Device for artificial respiration- 1 PC.
  5. Scissors and gloves 1 pc.

Depending on the cost, the number of funds described may vary. But all of them, according to motorists, do not deserve a quality assessment. For example, gloves are good for almost one use, scissors don’t cut, bandages are unreliable, bandages fall apart into threads. A similar first aid kit for a car meets the requirements of 2019, contains the appropriate certificate, but is absolutely useless for real problems.

Legal aspect

Having a first aid kit in your car is a must. The liability for its absence - 500 rubles - is incomparable with the consequences if the funds are needed in critical situation.

In addition to the presence of a suitcase or box, the traffic police inspector checks its contents and the expiration date of each component. Due to the fact that it is different for each product, an independent inspection is carried out once a month with subsequent replenishment. For a standard store kit, the shelf life of a car first aid kit is 4.5 years.

Self-assembled first aid kit

Own safety should be more expensive for the car owner than a formally passed technical inspection or any kind. Therefore, it is important to complete your own kit medical supplies to be prepared for possible dangerous situations with health problems that happen on the road. The following groups should be added to the standard kit, which contains instructions for using the 2019 car first aid kit attachments:

  • Additional dressings.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Medicines.
More details:
  • The dressings already available in the car first aid kit should be increased several times - the store kit is poor in this regard and to eliminate serious bleeding it is required at least, several first aid kits.
  • It is important to add several packs of cotton wool and sticker patches to the gauze products. Fixing minor problems in a car always involves the risk of cuts, so adhesive plasters are used up often and quickly.
  • An individual dressing package is required. Previously, in Russia, they existed in army first aid kits and were packages made of rubberized fabric, sealed and durable for mechanical damage. It's hard to find them now, but it's possible. It helps stop serious bleeding. The packages are inexpensive and it is better to have several of them.
  • The tourniquet in the car first aid kit, model 2019, is a linen elastic band, not suitable for hemostatic surgery. It needs to be replaced with a thin rubber hose and be included in a set of 2-3 pieces with notes and a pencil to record the time of application.
  • Cooling pack. New car first aid kits do not contain it, however, in case of bruises, it will provide an invaluable service. The bag contains saltpeter powder and a sealed bag of water. When mixed (break the bag of water with the edge of your palm), the contents become very cold. It is applied to the bruise.
  • As disinfectants you need to purchase iodine, hydrogen peroxide and a bottle of medical alcohol. A large quantity is not required, it is only important to purchase thick glass bottles with a plastic stopper and a reliable screw cap - plastic containers are not suitable, as they are too thin.
  • Medicines. What is most often needed? The most common health problems are headaches, muscle pain, and stomach pain. Poisoning and associated diarrhea and vomiting are common. Standing in traffic jams for a long time or an emergency situation on the highway in winter, which is also increased by the absence, provoke colds.

Due to listed diseases, a new first aid kit for a car in 2019 should contain analgin, baralgin, no-shpu, smecta, mezim, antibiotics, anti-flu tablets - powders are effective only if you have a thermos with boiling water. Specially equip a first aid kit for cars strong drugs not required - in a critical situation, it is important to relieve symptoms and get safely to the nearest aid station.

And the last thing - individual preparations. Drivers who know their own diagnosis should keep their medications separate from the car first aid kit - next to the documents. If the car is a family car, then for safety on a long journey, the suitcase is equipped with anti-allergic, cardiac and anti-inflammatory drugs. arterial pressure, for all members. Children's medications are extremely important if the child has not yet left infancy and cannot notify his parents about his own condition.

In addition to medical investments, the composition of a car first aid kit in 2019 according to GOST requires mechanical means - scissors and tweezers. The ready-made kits only contain scissors, the quality of which is not good - they do not cut the bandage and the blades bend when interacting with harder materials. It is better to buy separate, high-quality stationery ones and replace the existing ones with them.

Tweezers are indispensable during repairs. Minor injuries such as hangnails and splinters can cause suffering no less than open wounds, bruises or stuffy nose. It must be used in combination with disinfectants. The list of contents of the first aid kit should include powdered streptocide and medical glue - after removing the splinter or hangnail, the affected area is treated with any means.

An important condition - even the complete set of the ambulance suitcase does not provide a guarantee effective use, if the owner of the car has no idea about the operation of a particular component. Our website provides an opportunity to use the attachments of a car first aid kit - you need to print it out and take it with you as a reminder. Good luck on the roads!