What is the difference between Mantu and Diaskintest. Mantu or Diaskintest, which is better and what is the difference? How to get a temporary medical outlet from Mantu

In order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis, various diagnostic measures are carried out, including intradermal Mantoux and Diaskintest tests, but what is the difference between Mantoux and Diaskintest, which is more effective and which is safer?

These questions concern many patients, because there are many myths about the Mantoux test and the negative impact of this test on the condition of the body. Diaskintest is the latest diagnostic tool, devoid of the disadvantages inherent in Mantoux, but it also raises questions and doubts among patients. In this regard, it is worth considering these two manipulations in comparison.

The difference between Mantoux and Diaskintest in composition and immune response to them

Diaskintest is a new drug that has been used since 2009. In medical circles it is considered highly effective and highly accurate, however, so far this test is not a complete replacement for the Mantoux tuberculin test.

The active ingredient is the main difference from Mantu Diaskintest.

Tuberculoprotein is the active ingredient of the drug used to perform the intradermal Mantoux test. It is obtained from non-living mycobacterium tuberculosis and their metabolic products through special purification and processing. Tuberculin contains all the main antigens of the tuberculosis bacillus, including the “human” (typus humanus) and “bovine” type (typusbovinus).

The active ingredient of Diaskintest is the recombinant protein ESAT6/CFP10, which is synthesized using the genetically modified bacterium Escherichia coli. Thus, Diaskintest contains only two main antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT6 and CFP10, which are responsible for the virulent properties of the viable tuberculosis bacillus and are produced in the infected organism during its active reproduction. The ESAT6/CFP10 protein is not contained in BCG vaccine strains.

Differences in the active substance between Diaskintest and Mantoux also determine some differences in the body’s immune response to these tests.

The reaction to Diaskintest should be positive only if the patient is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus and there is an active process of its reproduction in his body. That is, the body responded to the introduction of the antigen – the ESAT6/CFP10 protein.

The reaction to the Mantoux test can be positive not only in case of infection with tuberculosis.

A positive reaction to a tuberculin test occurs if:

  • there are other types of mycobacteria in the body to whose antigens a reaction occurred;
  • positive Mantoux reaction - a response to vaccination with the BCG vaccine, which contains all the antigens of living mycobacteria with the exception of the ESAT6/CFP10 protein;
  • the patient was in active contact with tuberculosis patients;
  • after the test, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug occurred;
  • the Mantoux test was performed on an unhealthy child;
  • mistakes were made when caring for the injection area - the sample site was scratched, rubbed, detergents or microbial agents got there.

Thus, the Mantoux test often gives a false positive reaction, even if the baby does not have tuberculosis. Diaskintest is carried out to refute or confirm a positive Mantoux result in a child. Sometimes these two tests are done simultaneously in different hands of the patient.

Unlike the Mantoux test, Diaskintest is not performed in the following cases:

  • tracking the “turn” - the annual immune response of a child vaccinated with BCG to the introduction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens;
  • determining the need for BCG revaccination for a child at the age of seven;
  • As an independent test, Diaskintest is not given to children under 7 years of age.

Thus, what is better to use: Diaskintest or Mantoux, the doctor decides in each specific case. Today, Diaskintest is an additional diagnostic tool, as it has its own contraindications, and in some cases can give false negative results.

Despite the differences, Mantoux and Diaskintest have much in common, and are indispensable tools in the fight against such a common and insidious disease as tuberculosis:

  1. The mechanism of action of both tests is based on the occurrence of a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in response to the introduction of tubercle bacilli antigens. The drugs differ only in the composition of the active substance. The auxiliary components of Tuberculin and Diaskintest are similar and include stabilizers and preservatives.
  2. The algorithm for performing the Diaskintest is identical to the scheme for performing the Mantoux test. The injection is carried out by a healthcare professional who has special permission to carry out such manipulations.
  3. The patient’s body’s response to the test is checked 72 hours after administration of the drug. Measurements and evaluation of results are carried out by measuring the diameter of the infiltrate (papule) formed at the injection site.
  4. Diaskintest and Mantoux can give a negative, questionable, positive and hyperergic reaction.
  5. There are a number of contraindications to these tests. Both Mantoux and Diaskintest are given if the patient does not have inflammatory processes in the body, does not have epilepsy, does not have acute allergic conditions and is not in a period of exacerbation of infectious and chronic diseases.
  6. Children do not receive any vaccinations before undergoing any of the tuberculosis tests. Both Mantoux and Diaskintest are carried out only a month after any vaccination. Samples are not taken during quarantine in children's institutions either.
  7. Before performing any of the tests, the patient is first questioned about complaints, examined, examined, and then allowed to carry out the test.
  8. After carrying out any of these intradermal tests, be it Mantoux or Diaskintest, you must strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations regarding the rules of behavior in the period from the moment of administration of the test drug to checking the result. You should not scratch or rub the injection site, tape or bandage the injection site, allow chemical detergents to come into contact, swim in open water, sunbathe, or take a steam bath.
  9. After the test, side effects may occur in the form of headache, slight increase in temperature, loss of appetite. However, such phenomena are short-lived and safe.

Depending on the situation, any of the tests may have an error. What is the difference between Diaskintest and Mantoux is that the accuracy of the Diaskin test result is close to 100%, while with Mantoux it is 50-70%.

It is important to remember that both Mantoux and Diaskintest are absolutely safe if you follow all the necessary rules and recommendations before using them. If the test result raises doubts among the specialist, the patient will be prescribed a repeat test and additional examination using instrumental diagnostic methods.

Despite the fact that the results of Diaskintest should differ from the Mantoux test in the direction of increasing accuracy, both methods still have their advantages and disadvantages.


High accuracy of identifying tuberculosis patientsHigh percentage of false negative results
Possibility of monitoring the patient treatment process and monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measuresNot sensitive to wild strains of bovine tuberculosis
Differentiation of BCG vaccinated patients from tuberculosis patients with a positive Mantoux testDoes not always detect tuberculosis with a localization other than pulmonary (tuberculosis of bones, lymph nodes, kidneys, etc.)
No side effectsDoes not recognize the disease at the earliest stages, when the mycobacterium has not yet begun to actively multiply
Gives a false negative result in people with weakened immune systems, HIV-infected people, and patients with severe forms of tuberculosis
Does not provide information about the need for BCG revaccination
Multiple contraindications to the test

Mantoux test

Helps diagnose the development of tuberculosis at the earliest stagesHigh percentage of false positive results
Helps track the dynamics of the reaction in children vaccinated with BCG - Mantoux turnTests positive for BCG vaccine strains and other mycobacteria similar to tuberculosis
Provides information about the need for BCG revaccinationThere is a high probability of allergic reactions to the components of the tuberculin drug
Has no side effectsGives false negative results in patients with a weakened immune system, patients with severe chronic diseases, HIV-infected people, and advanced forms of tuberculosis.

Thus, despite the shortcomings, these tests are carried out with the aim of identifying a dangerous disease in the early stages and preventing its spread among the population. They have their advantages and in most cases give reliable results.

Any of the methods of intradermal testing is safe for health, but it effectively helps to avoid difficult-to-treat pathologies.

Diaskintest is a drug intended for intradermal administration, which is used to detect tuberculosis in humans.

Diaskintest is a relatively new domestic drug, registered in 2008. Since 2009, it has been used or together with Mantoux to detect tuberculosis.

Since 2015, it began to be used in children from eight to seventeen years old inclusive for mass diagnosis of tuberculosis in schoolchildren, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014. No. 951 and the methodological recommendations approved therein for improving the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tuberculosis.

In children under seven years of age inclusive, it is still used for mass diagnosis of tuberculosis.

What is the difference between Diaskintest and tuberculin

Now more about the composition

Let's compare the main active ingredient - the allergen - in these two drugs.

Tuberculin contains a suspension of killed mycobacteria of human tuberculosis and cow tuberculosis, treated with trichloroacetic acid, ethyl alcohol, and ether for anesthesia.

Diaskintest does not contain a suspension of bacteria as a whole, but only one surface protein and contains 2 antigens of Mycobacterium human tuberculosis.

Based on its composition, Diaskintest has advantages over tuberculin

  • It is more highly specific - it gives a positive reaction only when mycobacteria of human tuberculosis are in the active reproduction phase in the human body, and it extremely rarely gives nonspecific allergic reactions.
  • It can be used to monitor the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis treatment. During active tuberculosis, the diaskintest is sharply positive; as the process subsides, the size of the diaskintest papules decreases.
  • It has the main advantage over Mantoux - it actually does not give false positive results. A positive diaskintest in children with good test results and x-rays is a direct indication for the use of preventive anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Disadvantages of Diaskintest

  • Its main drawback is a fairly high percentage of false negative results.
  • It does not allow tracking post-vaccination immunity after AND determining the need for BCG revaccination of a child at 7 years of age. The BCG vaccine contains weakened bovine tuberculosis pathogens, to which Diaskintest is not sensitive. Therefore, Diaskintest is not used in children under 7 years of age as a method for mass diagnosis of tuberculosis. Diaskintest for children under 7 years of age is carried out only after Mantoux or simultaneously with it, as prescribed by a phthisiatrician.
  • It is not sensitive to wild strains of the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, which can cause tuberculosis in humans (up to 10% of the total number of tuberculosis cases).
  • It can be false negative at the very beginning of the disease, when the pathogen has entered the body, but has not yet entered the phase of active reproduction. That is why children with a Mantoux turn but a negative diaskintest are taken under observation. Diaskintest is recommended to be repeated after two to three months.
  • It can be false-negative in weakened people (with immunodeficiencies, severe chronic diseases, HIV-infected people). And in severe forms of tuberculosis, when the body does not fight the infection.

Therefore, children exposed to tuberculosis undergo a comprehensive examination: Mantoux, Diaskintest, tests, chest x-ray. Adolescents from the age of fifteen and adults undergo fluorography annually. And all children under 7 years old undergo the Mantoux test every year.

With the exception of the main active ingredient, the composition of tuberculin and Diaskintest are similar: polysorbate and Tween 80 are the same. This is a substance that helps keep the allergen at the injection site. And it does not allow it to be quickly absorbed into the blood. Phenol is a preservative. Both drugs are protein-based; without a preservative, long-term storage is impossible. The amount of these substances in the dose of the drug administered intradermally is negligible, so there is no need to worry about this.

I consider it necessary to highlight 2 more important thoughts. Tuberculin and Diskintest do not contain live tuberculosis pathogens. Therefore, it is impossible to get tuberculosis after they are performed. Both are not vaccinations. Immunity to tuberculosis is not developed after these tests.

How is Diaskintest done?

In terms of technique and evaluation of results, Diaskintest is similar to Mantoux.

  • 1 ampoule of Diaskintest contains 30 doses of the drug. Diaskintest is carried out separately with other vaccinations on a specially designated day and time. Before conducting the Diaskintest, written consent is taken from the parents. The child is examined by a doctor, and the child’s temperature is taken. Before performing a diaskintest, the child must be healthy.
  • The diaskintest itself is carried out by a nurse who has special permission to conduct it. Before the procedure, the child must be seated. Diaskintest is administered exclusively intradermally into the inner surface of the middle third of the forearm with a tuberculin syringe in a dose of 0.1 ml (which corresponds to 2 TU) of the drug. After this, a “button” should form on the skin - a papule about 5 mm in size.

Diaskintest result

  • The Diaskintest result is measured after 72 hours. Using a transparent ruler, measure the transverse size of the redness or papules at the injection site.
  • Diaskintest is considered negative if only an injection mark is visible at the site where it was performed.
  • Doubtful - if there is redness of the skin of any size, but no papule.
  • Positive - if there is a papule of any size.

All children with a positive or questionable diaskintest result are sent for consultation with a phthisiatrician. And they undergo a standard examination: Mantoux test, blood and urine tests, chest x-ray. If no signs of clinical tuberculosis are detected, preventive treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs is necessarily prescribed if the diaskintest result is positive.

If the result is questionable, it is possible to monitor the baby for two to three months without treatment.

If the results of the diaskintest are negative, treatment is not prescribed. But, if he is referred to a phthisiatrician based on Mantoux results, or due to contact with a patient with tuberculosis, the child is monitored, with the diaskintest repeated after two to three months.

Diaskintest - a safe diagnostic procedure, which does not affect the child’s health. There is no need to be afraid of her. There is no need to take antihistamines before the procedure. Diaskintest, like Mantoux, should not be rubbed or scratched until it is evaluated. It is allowed to bathe the child and walk with him after the diaskintest.

Stay healthy!

Disease diagnostic technologies do not stand still. X-rays, tests, laboratory tests - all these methods are developing every day. “Evolution” has not bypassed the familiar Mantoux tests - at the moment, to replace the good old vaccination, you can do a more accurate test, which is called “Diaskintest”. This method of determining tuberculosis is also carried out subcutaneously, however, according to the famous children's doctor Komarovsky, it is more effective. What's the difference?

Mantoux test

Mantoux is a special procedure that can be done to detect the presence of antibodies, and, accordingly, immunity to tuberculosis. Destroyed mycobacterial particles called tuberculin are injected under the skin. Then, within 72 hours, a certain reaction of the body to the substance occurs, which is then measured and assessed by a doctor.

It is the result that determines whether or not the immune system has the ability to resist, or whether the body’s “experience” of interaction with the tuberculosis virus is completely absent. The injection itself is practically painless even for small children, since only 0.2 milliliters of solution is injected under the skin.


If we talk about the effectiveness of the Mantoux test, then the situation here is twofold. This reaction is just a primary diagnosis before x-rays and blood tests.

It does not make it possible to conclude for sure about the presence or absence of the virus. The accuracy of the procedure can be hampered by a lot of accompanying internal factors, such as chronic and temporary diseases, as well as external ones - when the injection site is damaged by the child himself. That is why doctors give only 60-70% accuracy of the reaction to a test aimed at detecting tuberculosis. And truly high-quality tests include blood tests, fluorography, x-rays, laboratory tests of urine and sputum, and other measures.


There are various scary tales about the body’s reaction to the Mantoux test, most of which simply have no real basis, because it is no more dangerous than an X-ray or PCR test. For example, many believe that once an extract of mycobacteria is introduced into the body, a child can become infected with tuberculosis through vaccination.

This is not true - the bacterial extract is destroyed and incapable of causing illness in either children or adults, since there are no mycobacteria themselves in the solution. Another thing is that the baby can become infected directly at the dispensary where they will be vaccinated. If you are afraid of such consequences, it is better to call a nurse at home, or wait for the scheduled school vaccination.

The test can be dangerous if the body is weakened by any diseases - allergic reactions, colds or chronic illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right period for holding Mantoux.

When you probably shouldn’t be afraid of the consequences, it’s if Mantu is accidentally wet, because “don’t get it wet” is just a post-Soviet, completely irrelevant rule.

Indications for testing

From here the indications under which the procedure can be performed smoothly follow: the baby should not be in an allergic state, should not suffer from ARVI, and should not be in a period of exacerbation of diseases. Also, Mantoux is indicated only for those children who do not have epilepsy. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of one year, and if the first reaction was normal and no unexpected results were detected, the test for immunity is repeated regularly until the age of 14. If not, then you will have to check for tuberculosis in another way - using an x-ray or a general analysis.

How results are assessed

As already mentioned, in order to check the result, you need to wait 3 days. The resulting compaction is then measured with a transparent ruler. If there are no traces at the injection site, it means that the reaction is completely negative and the body has not previously encountered the tuberculosis virus.

With a button measuring from 4 to 16 millimeters, we can conclude that the immune system is fine and is successfully producing antibodies. If the skin lump has increased to 17 millimeters or more, the patient may have tuberculosis and needs an x-ray and further tests, or perhaps the doctor will prescribe pills and a re-examination in a couple of months. Sometimes the reaction is quite sharp - ulcers, wounds form at the injection site, and blisters swell. This may indicate a severe allergy.


Diaskintest was introduced quite recently, in 2009. This is a completely new drug for diagnosing tuberculosis, which has become a better alternative to Mantoux.

Diaskintest contains a tuberculosis recombinant allergen, consisting of two interconnected antigens. They make it possible to determine a positive reaction result in the true presence of tuberculosis, and this can be called a real breakthrough in medicine.

Diaskintest is carried out in the same way as the Mantoux test - in a sitting position, 0.1 milliliter of the drug is injected under the child’s skin, after which the result must be assessed after three days. At the same time, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it does not matter at all whether the Mantoux test was recently performed or not, the main thing is to do the Diaskintest on the other hand.


The results of the Diaskintest test are amazing - like x-rays and other types of diagnostics, its effectiveness is close to 100%. This means that in the vast majority of cases the diagnosis shows the correct answer. The effectiveness of this drug was assessed at three clinical sites, comparing it with pure tuberculin, measuring the sensitivity and specificity of the drug. To do this, tests had to be done on adults and children with tuberculosis, as well as on those who do not have it. After this, reliability was revealed in the range from 100 to 90%. This is already a very good conclusion, in comparison with the Mantoux test, which guarantees a maximum of 70% efficiency in detecting tuberculosis in children.

Sample danger

As with Mantoux, there is no risk of contracting tuberculosis from Diaskintest, because the drug was developed in a special way so as not to cause any harm to the patient. However, there is a small list of side effects that may occur as a result of the test. These include: weakness throughout the body, loss of appetite, slight fluctuations in temperature, headache, fatigue, and the appearance of hyperemia.

But these symptoms cannot be classified as specific, since they can appear if you have recently taken any pills. Therefore, there is no danger from this procedure for either adults or children.

Indications for testing

This test should be done for the purpose of diagnosing tuberculosis, assessing the activity of internal processes, and also identifying patients whose risk of developing tuberculosis processes is especially high.

The drug is used only as prescribed by a phthisiatrician, as well as under his direct control and observation. It is recommended to be administered to patients who have been referred to a hospital without additional investigations (in the form of x-rays or tests), as well as to people who are at risk for this disease. Very often Diaskintest is carried out in combination with x-rays and other diagnostic measures.

How results are assessed

Analysis of the results should be done after 72 hours, as in the case of vaccination. Many people are afraid of distorted results if they have recently taken antihistamine tablets with a child. We hasten to reassure you that neither antihistamine tablets nor any other tablets can affect the assessment of the test.

You need to measure with the same transparent ruler, and the transverse, relative to the forearm, size. A reaction is considered negative if the mark does not appear at all or does not exceed 2 millimeters. A moderately expressed result is from 5 to 9 millimeters, and a pronounced result is from 9 to 14. With more extensive irritation, we can conclude that the person is infected. If the reaction turns out to be positive, this is not yet a reason to panic; in such cases, the doctor may advise you to take the pills and do a repeat test. Usually Pyrazinamide, Chophytol, vitamin B and other similar tablets are prescribed.

As you can see, Diaskintest, in all its characteristics, is very similar to the mantoux test, however, it is considered a more advanced alternative due to its high accuracy. That is why, if you have a choice, it is better to give preference to Diaskintest, and only then carry out x-rays and other procedures.

Video “Diaskintest or Mantoux - what to choose?”

From the video you will learn about the advantages of both types of tuberculosis diagnosis, all the negative and positive sides. You will be able to choose which option suits you best.

The Mantoux reaction, the familiar “button”, has been used in schools and clinics for more than 100 years. Finally, instead of the old means, a new technique has come to replace it, which is called Diaskintest - a modern development of biologists and doctors that allows you to diagnose tuberculosis more accurately. An alternative to the classic Mantoux test is distinguished by its lightweight composition, ease of evaluation of test results and safety for the child’s body.

Allergy test for tuberculosis Diaskintest

What is Diaskintest and how does it differ from Mantoux?

Diaskintest is a new skin diagnostic drug that allows you to detect tuberculosis in children. Today, clinics use it instead of Mantoux because of the more accurate result and its specificity. The product contains 2 antigens that contain the causative agent of tuberculosis. In the active stage of the disease, the test will show the presence of the pathogen in the blood. However, previous BCG vaccination does not affect the results in any way.

Diaskintest is used not only for the initial diagnosis of tuberculosis, but also to evaluate the effect of anti-tuberculosis therapy. The features of the drug make it possible to determine when the process of active reproduction of the pathogen subsides, thus monitoring the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis therapy.

Why look for new methods if the old ones are good for diagnosis? Of course, the classic “button” and Diaskintest are similar due to the active substance and method of administration. However, the differences between these drugs are still significant. Mantoux is a “live” test; it contains tuberculin, extracted from the causative agents of tuberculosis. This protein is also found in some types of tuberculin bacilli used in BCG, which are not the cause of the disease - they are the ones who make it possible to obtain false-positive results.

The components of Diaskintest are synthetic proteins that are characteristic only of tuberculosis pathogens, which reduces the likelihood of obtaining an incorrect result to a minimum. Medical statistics show that the classic “button” gives an accurate result in only 70% of cases, while the reliability of the result of an alternative to the standard Mantoux (Diaskintest) is 98%, which is much better. The difference is obvious.

Coincidence in 44% of cases (diaskintest accuracy is 90%)

Does Diaskintest replace the Mantoux reaction?

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The Mantoux test and the modern Diaskintest are not interchangeable, they have different mechanisms for detecting the disease, and they do not affect each other’s results. Diaskintest does not give a positive answer when infected with the “bovine” strain of tuberculosis, which is often found in pastoral areas. It is part of the BCG vaccine. According to some reports, Diaskintest may be false positive at the very beginning of the disease, with a recent infection. Doctors advise first taking a Mantoux test, and then, if you receive questionable results, confirm or refute them using a more modern test.

How often are tests for tuberculosis done?

Children's immunity is not yet fully developed, and they are at risk. That is why doctors recommend at least once a year, and more often if necessary, to be diagnosed with tuberculosis. If the epidemiological situation in the country worsens, the Mantoux test or Diaskintest is performed on children twice a year. To exclude tuberculosis, instead of the standard Mantoux, children over 15 years of age undergo a chest x-ray.

Diaskintest can be carried out to confirm or refute a diagnosis made on the basis of the Mantoux test, or simultaneously with it. The test and Diaskintest are administered into the baby’s body at the same time, into the forearms of different hands, but sometimes doctors advise doing them at different times with a certain interval. The modern drug is considered safer than its outdated counterpart - using it, you cannot become infected with tuberculosis.

Do not forget that a medical examination is indicated before the test. Also, the test is postponed for a month if the child receives a routine vaccination.

Norms of Diaskintest indicators

Based on examination of the injection site, changes in the size of the papule, and the presence of redness, 4 possible results are distinguished:

  • the reaction is negative;
  • the reaction is false positive, or doubtful;
  • the reaction is positive;
  • hyperergic reaction.

On the first day, the result is not visible, there may be slight redness or hematoma at the injection site. Doubtful, positive or hyperergic reactions to Diaskintest can be not only a consequence of tuberculosis - this is possible for the following reasons:

  • the test was carried out against the background of a latent viral infection;
  • after Diaskintest, the child’s injection site became infected;
  • the presence of undiagnosed autoimmune or somatic diseases, a hidden allergy to one of the components of the drug.

Decoding the results

The Diaskintest result is assessed a few days after the test, usually after 3 days. The assessment is carried out by a doctor or a specially trained nurse using a special transparent and flexible ruler to measure the size of the papule. How the Diaskintest indicators are interpreted with explanations of the various reactions to the test can be seen in the photo.

The reaction is negative

A negative reaction to Diaskintest is considered normal. If the Mantoux test gives a positive result, and the Diaskintest is negative, this indicates that the baby is healthy (we recommend reading:). Signs of a negative reaction:

  • absence of infiltration;
  • there is no redness, or they have a small diameter (up to 2 cm);
  • a small hematoma at the injection site is possible if the drug is administered unsuccessfully.

The reaction is false positive or questionable

If the patient’s reaction is questionable, a TB specialist should examine him and prescribe additional examination methods to clarify the diagnosis. Biochemical blood parameters and radiography may be required.

A questionable reaction to a vaccine has the following signs:

  • slight hyperemia;
  • absence of dense infiltrate;
  • the presence of papules with a diameter of up to 4 mm.

The reaction is positive

The main sign of a positive Diaskintest reaction is the presence of a papule whose diameter exceeds 5 mm. A positive reaction indicates the presence of an inflammatory process associated with infection. If the baby has good immunity, he can cope with mycobacteria on his own, and then Gon lesions or calcifications form at the site of infection.

Hyperergic reaction

A hyperergic reaction indicates the presence of a large number of tuberculin bacteria in the body. The patient should be shown to a TB specialist, who will prescribe additional examination methods to clarify the diagnosis. Signs that indicate a hyperergic result:

  • the infiltrate diameter reaches 14 mm;
  • pronounced redness;
  • sores around the injection site;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Hyperergic reaction

Contraindications to Diaskintest

Before conducting Diaskin testing, you need to be sure that it is not contraindicated for the baby. An alternative to Mantoux - Diaskintest - has absolute and relative (temporary) contraindications. The presence of absolute contraindications for the baby means that he cannot undergo Diaskintest under any circumstances, while temporary ones simply postpone the test until the baby’s health condition returns to normal.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe chronic diseases with possible exacerbations;
  • hepatitis;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • age up to 1 year.

Before conducting an allergy test, a child must be examined by a doctor for the presence of absolute and temporary contraindications.

Temporary contraindications:

  • increased body temperature of unknown etiology;
  • acute infectious diseases: the Diaskin test can be performed after at least 3 weeks have passed after the baby has finally recovered;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases, allergies;
  • pneumonia: the test is carried out a month after recovery;
  • exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  • recent vaccination: a month must pass after vaccination;
  • exacerbation of somatic pathologies;
  • during quarantine in kindergartens and schools.

In order to be sure that there are no absolute or temporary contraindications to the test, you should consult your doctor before the procedure. Based on the results of the tests and examination, the doctor will make a conclusion whether the child can undergo Diaskintest (a modern alternative to the tuberculin test), or will tell you how much time should pass between them if it is necessary to obtain a more accurate result.

Side effects

However, despite all the precautions taken, after the Diaskin test, minor side effects are possible, which disappear within a few days:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • deterioration of health;
  • loss of appetite.

Parents should remember that enzyme immunoassay testing is aimed at timely detection of tuberculosis. If your baby has no contraindications, do not ignore the doctor’s recommendations and undergo all necessary examinations and tests.

Despite all the possibilities of modern medicine, the prevalence of diseases such as tuberculosis is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures aimed at identifying pathology in the early stages. Diaskintest (DST) is the best alternative to Mantoux, a method for diagnosing tuberculosis, which is offered by specialists. The new technique is considered safer and avoids complications that may occur during a reaction with tuberculin.

Many patients do not know what DST is. Diaskintest, like, is carried out for preventive purposes. It is a specially developed drug. It includes two antigens - proteins characteristic of the causative agent of tuberculosis:

  1. CFP10;
  2. ESA T6

An infected person's body produces antibodies in response to exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When its components are administered subcutaneously, antibodies leave the blood and bind to them. An inflammatory reaction develops, which is externally manifested by the appearance of a papule on the child’s hand.

In addition to antigenic elements, the Mantoux analogue includes additional substances:

  1. Polysorbate 80;
  2. Water for injections;
  3. Phenol.

DST as an alternative to Mantoux is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If you suspect infection with tuberculosis bacillus;
  2. As planned during medical examinations of students;
  3. For differential diagnosis of early forms of tuberculosis with other pathologies.

The Mantoux test and Diaskintest are carried out in the same way. 0.5 ml of the drug is injected subcutaneously into the child's forearm. The result obtained is assessed 72 hours after the study.

It is important to determine in advance whether Mantoux and Diaskintest can be done. Doctors identify a number of contraindications for the study. These include the following diseases:

  1. Epilepsy;
  2. Exacerbation of chronic processes in the body (after excluding the diagnosis of tuberculosis);
  3. Severe somatic diseases;
  4. Exacerbation of allergic reactions.

DST should not be prescribed when the patient has dermatitis, urticaria or any other skin disease. This is due to the fact that skin rashes will interfere with the evaluation of the test result. Doctors may mistake the manifestations of dermatitis for an increased reaction to the administration of the drug, which can lead to an error in diagnosis.

A study with the drug Diaskintest is also not carried out during an acute infectious disease. The patient’s immunity is too active during this period, which can also contribute to the appearance of a false positive result. Analysis is allowed only a month after completion of treatment.

Analysis of results

After 3 days, the results of the analysis will be assessed. When examining Diaskintest, the norm does not imply the occurrence of any pathological manifestations at the injection site. The patient does not develop a papule - a formation protruding above the surface of the skin.

The doctor may notice an injection mark or a small hematoma that can occur if the needle is inserted incorrectly. This result is negative, which makes it possible to confirm the absence in the body of an active infectious process caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A good result is also the appearance of skin hyperemia, not exceeding 2 mm in diameter. If the area of ​​redness is larger (from 2 to 4 mm), then the reaction is assessed as doubtful. In this case, the child needs to be examined to determine the cause of the increased reaction. It can be caused both by the presence of tuberculosis in the early stages of development, and by a person’s increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Test results are assessed as positive when the diameter of the infiltrate (papules) exceeds 5 mm. This test result indicates that the patient has an active tuberculosis process in the body, so the patient should be referred for treatment.

In some cases, a hyperergic reaction to DST is possible. A person experiences:

  1. Papules at the injection site larger than 14 mm;
  2. Fluid-filled blisters or sores on the skin;
  3. Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes (axillary, elbow).

If there is an increased reaction to the study, the patient also needs a full examination to assess his condition and prescribe treatment.

Many patients argue whether it is better to use Diaskintest or Mantoux, what is the difference and how one method differs from the other. The new diagnostic method has a number of advantages over the classic Mantoux test. This is due to the characteristics of the drugs used in the analysis.

The Mantoux reaction uses tuberculin, a substance that is part of all mycobacteria. DST contains other substances - antigens, which are found only in pathogenic microorganisms.

Greater accuracy

Important! The most important advantage of using Diaskintest is the high accuracy of the study. So, if the results of the Mantoux reaction have a reliability of approximately 60-70%, then when conducting a new study the indicator is 90% accurate.

Using analogs of the study with Diaskin, it is possible to reduce the number of false negative test results that are possible when using classical diagnostic methods. Thus, if Diaskintest is used instead of Mantoux, almost all patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis are detected.

Sensitivity to active infectious processes

There are several groups of mycobacteria, among which there are pathogenic microorganisms that cause tuberculosis, as well as non-pathogenic (non-pathogenic) forms. If non-pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the human body, they do not cause the development of symptoms of the disease.

When performing the Mantoux reaction, there is a high probability that these cells can be identified as pathogenic. This is the reason for the appearance of a false positive result when a healthy person is diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Using the Diaskintest technique as an alternative to Mantoux allows you to avoid diagnostic errors. It has great specificity due to the fact that the drug contains antigens that are characteristic only of pathogenic mycobacteria. A positive test result indicates the presence of an active pathological process in the body.

This difference is especially important in cases where the pathology occurs in a latent form, with few symptoms. Often in the early stages, tuberculosis has mild clinical manifestations that the patient can ignore. Timely detection of the disease during preventive medical examinations will allow timely treatment to begin and avoid progression of the disease.

Complete security

Important! Diaskintest is not harmful to humans; it is impossible to become infected with tuberculosis during the reaction. The drug does not contain whole cells of the pathogen; it contains only its proteins - antigens.

The administration of Diaskintest may be accompanied by a number of side symptoms:

  1. General weakness;
  2. Loss of appetite;
  3. Headache;
  4. Slight increase in temperature.

Their appearance is explained by the body’s reaction to the administration of the drug. Side effects usually pass quickly and have no consequences. The severity of undesirable effects when using this method is significantly lower than when performing the Mantoux reaction.

The drug Diaskintest is better tolerated by the patient's body and at the same time does not have a strong effect on his metabolism; it is a safer diagnostic method than classical analysis. The lack of influence on the patient is another important argument in the debate whether Mantoux or Diaskintest should be used.

Lack of response to BCG vaccination

Another disadvantage that the Mantoux reaction has is its low specificity. When performed on a child who has recently undergone surgery, the test result may be false positive. This becomes a reason for a useless examination of a person who is actually healthy.

An important feature of Diaskintest is the lack of reaction to BCG vaccination. In this case, a discrepancy arises: and the Diaskintest is negative. Therefore, the use of DST allows you to obtain an accurate result.

Thus, the Diaskintest diagnostic technique has a number of important advantages that distinguish it from the Mantoux test. The use of a new method for identifying mycobacteria makes it possible to determine the presence of a pathological process in the patient’s body with almost one hundred percent accuracy. That is why it is increasingly replacing the outdated Mantoux reaction in modern medicine.

Who said that it is impossible to cure tuberculosis?

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