Signs of cancer in women at an early stage. Cancerophobia is the other side of the coin. Symptoms before death

Oncology is a diagnosis that can plunge any optimist into panic and instill fear of hopelessness. The high prevalence of cancer makes the topic of the first manifestations of cancer more and more relevant. Although the symptoms of a cancerous tumor depend on the location of the pathological process and its size, there are several signs that can be used to suspect terrible disease and consult a doctor in time. After all, the earlier a tumor is detected, the less aggressive techniques are needed to eliminate it and better prognosis. Modern medicine guarantees up to 100% successful outcome with timely detection of oncology.

General symptoms in the initial stages of cancer development

The vast majority of cancerous tumors initially manifest themselves with nonspecific signs, which are often present in various diseases of inflammatory and non-inflammatory etiology. However, these subtle symptoms, often left unattended, act as the first warning signs of cancer and require an urgent visit to the clinic.

Unreasonable weight loss

Loss of 4-5 kg ​​in 2-3 months against the background of a normal diet (no diet) and normal physical activity should be alarming. Often this symptom is the primary manifestation of oncopathology of the lung, stomach, pancreas or esophagus. Cancer cells primarily disrupt metabolic processes, causing weight loss for no apparent reason.

Chronic weakness

Life goes on as usual, but the weakness that appears does not disappear even after good sleep and taking vitamins. Oncological cells produce substances that poison the body, and increasing weakness develops into dizziness and fainting states, repeated with enviable regularity. Most tumors also provoke a decrease in hemoglobin, so even a routine blood test diagnoses anemia, although the causes of its occurrence (blood loss, inflammatory disease, lack of vegetables and meat in the diet) were not observed.

Stable increase in body temperature

A rise in temperature to 37.2-37.5ºC over a month or two can primarily be interpreted by the patient as an inflammatory process. However, there is neither an acute cold nor any chronic source of infection in the body. Persistent hyperthermia is a consequence of intoxication and suppression of the immune system by tumor cells.

Skin lumps and changes

Skin that is too pale or has a grayish tint is the first impression when examining a cancer patient. Often when a tumor develops in the liver with a blockage bile ducts Even in the first stages, yellowness of the skin and sclera appears. Also, the first signs of cancer appear in hyperpigmentation (local darkening of the skin) and erythematous lesions (redness similar to urticaria).

Degeneration of reproductive system cells in women (uterus, ovaries, pituitary system) is accompanied by increased vegetation in unusual places(face, chest, lower abdomen). Tumors of the thyroid gland, on the contrary, are manifested by increased hair loss, excessive fragility, and weakness of the nails (poor growth, dull color, lamination, spots on the nail plates).

Often a long-term non-healing wound appears on the skin that cannot be treated antibacterial ointments, indicates oncopathology. In this case, the ulcer can fester, bleed and ooze bad smell.

Even more alarming is the discovery of lumps on the skin. The appearance of a wart, a small lump under the skin or a dark spot, which also steadily increases in size and sometimes causes an inflammatory reaction around itself, indicates the possible degeneration of ordinary skin cells into cancerous ones. Often, women accidentally discover a lump in the mammary glands when washing in the shower. Palpation of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, under the arms or in the collarbone area usually indicates an already developed tumor and possible metastasis.


The presence of painful sensations is by no means a common sign of cancer pathology at the beginning of its development. Pain is rather a symptom of a large tumor and metastases. However, with testicular and bone cancer, the pain syndrome is pronounced initially. In most cases, specific sensations are observed: a lump in the throat, migrating abdominal pain, constant headache, feeling foreign body and heaviness in one or another organ. Typically, such symptoms prompt a person to take painkillers that provide only temporary relief, to be treated with traditional methods, or homeopathic medicines. Time passes, the tumor grows and there is less and less chance of recovery.

Dysfunction and deviation from certain organs

Some signs of cancer may indicate the location of the tumor.

  1. A prolonged, untreatable dry cough with further discharge of bloody sputum often signals lung cancer.
  2. A lump in the throat against the background of hoarseness indicates cancer of the vocal cords or thyroid gland.
  3. Persistent headaches and dizziness are often associated in the patient with migraine, pressure changes or magnetic storm. However, there is a possibility of developing brain cancer.
  4. Chronic constipation is often associated with colitis, and repeated diarrhea (diarrhea) with dysbacteriosis. However, both may indicate bowel cancer. Blood in the stool may not be hemorrhoids, but colon cancer.
  5. Perversion of taste and causeless nausea are an indication of possible growth cancer cells in the stomach.
  6. Painful urination and blood in the urine can be a sign of a tumor in the pelvis, and frequent urges that look like cystitis are often caused by damage to the prostate gland.
  7. A non-healing sore at the corner of the mouth, inside the mouth, or on the lips may indicate candidiasis or herpes. However similar symptoms symptoms that do not respond to appropriate treatment are more likely to be manifestations of cancer.
  8. “Strange” pain in the lower abdomen and bloody clots (especially after intercourse), heaviness in the lower back and unusual discharge may indicate infection or cancer. Extramenstrual bleeding usually only indicates an extensive oncological process.

Cancer risk group

Primary signs of cancer are often perceived as a slight malaise, and a visit to the doctor is postponed. Regular preventive examination - only a small number of people “suffer” from this habit. However, periodic medical examinations should not be neglected by people (especially them!):

  • previous generations who were diagnosed with cancer;
  • with identified precancerous diseases (cervical erosion, benign tumors history of prostatitis);
  • smokers;
  • women during menopause;
  • having a positive result for HPV (some strains are not cancer-hazardous);
  • living/working in harmful conditions (increased background radiation, toxic production);
  • in whom the immunogram revealed mutations of genes indicating possible degeneration of cells of certain organs.

If you find one or two or more “bad” signs, you should immediately undergo an examination. Health is priceless, and wasting time in treating any pathology, especially cancer, is fraught with serious consequences. It remains to advise you to be attentive to your body and not to neglect medical examinations.

I found useful information, in my opinion. I think it would be useful for everyone to know...

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of the development of any type of cancer.

Doctors explain which signals from our body cannot be ignored so as not to miss the development of cancer.

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of the development of any type of cancer.

1. Painful sensations. In the initial stage, it is not pain, but a feeling of discomfort in a certain organ: burning, squeezing, etc. In oncological practice, the term “pain” rather than “pain” is more acceptable, since tumors in the initial stages develop painlessly, and then sensations appear that are not always perceived by patients as pain. For example, the feeling of a “foreign body behind the sternum” with esophageal cancer or a feeling of discomfort with stomach cancer. Overfilling of the organ with contents - in case of cancer of the stomach, the left half of the colon - leads to a feeling of fullness, bloating, and release from it leads to complete relief. Pain can be an early sign of several tumors, such as those of the bones or testicle. Most often, however, pain is a symptom of a common process.

2. Quick loss weight. The tumor forces the body to produce substances that disrupt metabolic processes, why does a person loses weight in a few months. A cancerous tumor releases waste products into the blood, which causes signs of intoxication (poisoning) of the body, such as nausea, loss of appetite, etc. In addition, the tumor consumes a relatively large amount nutrients, which, along with loss of appetite, leads to weakness and weight loss.
Most people with cancer experience weight loss at some point during their illness. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​may be the first sign of cancer, especially pancreatic, stomach, esophageal or lung cancer.

3. Constant weakness. Intoxication of the body due to cancer causes weakness and anemia. Fatigue can be an important symptom as the disease progresses. However, fatigue and weakness can occur at an early stage, especially if the cancer causes chronic blood loss, which occurs with colon or stomach cancer.

4. Fever. The immune system, suppressed by the tumor, reacts with an increase in temperature. Almost all cancer patients develop a fever at some stage of the disease. Less commonly, an increase in temperature can be an early sign of cancer, for example, with Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis).

5. Changes in the condition of hair and skin. Due to violation metabolic processes external changes also occur. In addition to skin tumors, some internal cancers can cause visible skin signs such as darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), redness (erythema), itching, or excess hair growth.

6. Presence of a neoplasm. In the vast majority of cases, cancer manifests itself as the formation of a tumor. It could be something resembling a lump, lump, ulcer, wart, mole, etc. However, not all tumors are malignant or cancerous. One of the main signs of a cancerous tumor is its gradual and steady increase. Almost all tissues and organs can be affected by tumors.
(There are cancers without tumor formation, for example, blood cancer.)

7. Pathological discharge. Many cancers are characterized by pathological discharge: purulent, bloody, etc. The presence of blood in sputum and feces can occur with both small and large disintegrating tumors. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and bronchus by a tumor can lead to increased secretion mucus. The addition of an infection changes the nature of the discharge.

If you suspect that you have even a few symptoms, you should first contact a therapist. Sometimes symptoms are ignored because the person is afraid possible consequences and refuses to see a doctor, or considers the symptom that appears to be insignificant. Common symptoms such as fatigue are often not associated with cancer and therefore often go unnoticed, especially when there is obvious reason or when they are temporary. However, such symptoms cannot be ignored, especially if they exist for a long period of time, for example, weeks or there is a negative trend.

Based on materials from RBC-Ukraine,,

ABOUT Please note: the presence of any of these signs does not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer.
And vice versa, the absence of these signs, or the inability to detect them, does not mean that there is no cancer...

PS. Cancer is a disease that can affect any organs and tissues of the human body, the clinical symptoms of which are characterized by great diversity and depend on many factors: localization (location) of the tumor, its histological form (structure), growth pattern, prevalence of the process, age and gender of the patient , the presence of concomitant diseases.

"Absolute diagnostic symptoms(feelings of the patient himself) or signs (changes that may also be noticeable to others) do not exist, therefore diagnostic studies must ultimately involve taking tissue samples and examining them under a microscope (biopsy), since this is the only way to prove the presence of cancer."

Cancer is a malignant tumor that can form in any organ, and it only grows over time. The structure of the tumor depends on the person’s age and the presence of other diseases. Before describing the symptoms, you need to understand what cancer is.

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What is cancer (disease)

Cancer is mainly described depending on its location in the body; if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract, a sharp weight loss occurs, called cachexia, followed by anemia. If cancer affects the liver, a person feels exhausted and metabolism slows down. The localization of the malignant tumor demonstrates the clinical picture; if it is located in the final part of the stomach, symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not enter the intestines. But if the disease appears in the initial part of the stomach, then dysphagia will appear - food will not enter the stomach or will enter, but in small quantities.

Subsequently, at a late stage of the disease, all symptoms intensify, but they are not associated with the main cancer tumor, but with metastases that have penetrated deep into the tissues of the body. For example, symptoms of lung cancer can be expressed through the brain if metastases penetrate into it. For example, doctors say that prostate cancer can only be diagnosed after checking the bones; if there is pain and metastases in the bones, this indicates prostate cancer.

All malignant tumors, not including local symptoms, which are associated with only one organ, have certain general symptoms. The further the tumor develops, the more it destroys internal organs, and the most important systems of the body. Over time, changes occur in the metabolism, endocrine, nervous and immune systems. Because of this, the tumor has double action, either it destroys only one organ, or it destroys the entire system. When exposed to one organ, the tumor poisons healthy tissue that is located in proximity to the tumor. The local influence of a cancerous tumor is revealed during testing if the patient complains of certain symptoms. There are several groups of cancer symptoms: obstruction, destruction, compression. Each group has its own characteristics: destruction - destruction of the tumor, obturation - narrowing of the lumen of the organ, compression - pressure on the organ.

Why is it important to confirm/refute cancer symptoms?

There is a chance of curing the disease if it is identified as early as possible and treatment is started immediately. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when it has not yet developed and the tumor does not have huge size. This means that the cancer has not had time to affect other organs; it does not have big size and it can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe surgery to completely remove the cancerous tumor; this method can cure cancer in the first stages. It is imperative to begin treatment if skin melanoma is present; it can be removed quite simply if it has not deepened or pierced the inner layers of the skin. But very often melanoma develops at a rapid pace and penetrates too deeply, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not yet deepened. A person has 5 years to undergo treatment if the melanoma is not very advanced.

Works often psychological factor– a person is afraid to see a doctor, he believes that surgery or cancer treatment can cause complications, and he tries to ignore any symptoms that he notices. Of course, symptoms such as fatigue and diarrhea do not necessarily indicate cancer, but they may indicate its presence and should be checked anyway. Also, a girl may think that standard uterine fibroids and cysts do not indicate the presence of cancer, perhaps this is common illness which will pass with time. But what stronger man ignores the symptoms, the greater the chance that the disease will deepen and after some time become incurable. Very often, completely healthy people discover that they have cancer after undergoing tests, but they did not have any symptoms, and if a person has at least one symptom related to cancer, they need to go to the doctor immediately.

Five common signs of cancer

You need to understand what nonspecific symptoms are of this disease. Firstly, a person may suddenly lose weight without any reason, or there will be changes in skin color and acne. Secondly, the presence of any infection is indicated by heat, cancer is no exception. Of course, there are also general symptoms that apply to all diseases combined, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to see a doctor in time.
  • Sudden weight loss – Almost all people diagnosed with cancer have lost most of their weight during their illness. If you lose at least 5-7 kilograms without obvious reasons, you need to be checked at the hospital for cancer. Possibly related to cancer gastrointestinal tract.

  • Fever (high temperature) – a high temperature indicates the presence of cancer, especially if it affects entire organ systems. Basically, fever is due to the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body fights the infection and activates its powers, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. But fever does not appear at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms before the fever, it may not be cancer.

  • Weakness – weakness increases gradually as the disease penetrates deep into the body. But fatigue can develop at the very beginning after damage to the body, for example, if hemorrhage occurs in the stomach or large intestine. Due to blood loss, severe fatigue and discomfort appear within the body.

  • Painful sensations – pain appears in the initial stages of the disease if there are several tumors in the body. Often pain indicates defeat the whole system body.

  • Changes in the epidermis - hyperpigmentation occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria, and so on appear. Tumors may appear on the skin and hair may grow more rapidly, indicating the presence of cancer.

Seven Cancer Symptoms That Need Attention

Above we have listed the main nonspecific symptoms, but you also need to know the main symptoms that can help determine the presence of the disease. It’s worth mentioning right away that the symptoms do not occur in all cases, moreover, they are common to other diseases. But you still need to immediately contact a therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he can prescribe tests and a complete medical examination body.
  • Disorders in the genitourinary system and stool disorders often occur chronic constipation or diarrhea, the amount of stool and its color may change, which indicates colon cancer. If you experience pain when urinating and you see blood in your urine, you should consult a doctor immediately. Often there is an overly frequent urge to urinate for no apparent reason, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.

  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time - very often tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they bleed heavily. If there is a small sore in the mouth that constantly does not go away, this is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are ulcers on the vagina or penis, you should immediately undergo examination, as this indicates a serious infection of the body.

  • Strange discharge of pus or blood - if the disease has developed for a long time and you have not noticed it, strange bleeding or discharge of pus may begin. For example, if when you cough you cough up pus with blood, this is lung cancer, and if blood is found in the stool, then this is colon cancer. If you have cervical cancer, there is a chance of bleeding from the vagina, and if blood appears in the urine, it is cancer Bladder, perhaps the kidneys are also infected. If blood comes out of the nipple, this indicates breast cancer.

  • Small lumps in any part of the body - if the tumor is palpable through the skin in the testicles, breasts and others soft tissues, this indicates the presence of cancer. Moreover, it is impossible to say for sure whether this is an initial form or an advanced one, but if you notice a lump, tell your doctor immediately. Over time it will increase.

  • Difficulty swallowing and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - very often the symptoms indicate stomach or intestinal cancer; consult a doctor immediately.

  • The appearance of moles or warts - if you already had moles and they became larger or changed color, you should consult a doctor. It is quite possible that this is melanoma, and if examined, it can be cured at the initial stage.

  • Hoarse voice or coughing– a constant cough indicates lung cancer; if the voice disappears, it is cancer of the thyroid gland or throat.

Atypical cancer symptoms

Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:
  • The appearance of ulcers on the tongue and mouth;

  • Changes in the color of warts and moles, changes in their size;

  • Sore throat, severe and painful cough;

  • Lumps and knots in the nipples, dense buds in the testicles, mammary glands and other places;

  • Painful sensations when urinating;

  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;

  • Problems with swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in older people;

  • Severe migraine;

  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;

  • An increase or decrease in temperature for no reason indicates the presence of cancer;

  • Persistent infection for no apparent reason;

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;

  • Tumors that cannot be treated;

  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and skin;

  • Strange swelling that has never appeared before;

  • Bad breath.

But keep in mind that these symptoms indicate not only the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

Symptoms of cancer of different organs

  • Stomach cancer

With stomach cancer, it is impossible to say exactly which symptoms are most dominant, since there are many of them. Very often doctors state chronic gastritis and other non-serious diseases, without doing serious examinations. Usually medications are prescribed that do not cause even the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer; the main system for detecting cancer was introduced by L. I. Savitsky. He picked up the list mild symptoms and common symptoms for other diseases, which can reveal whether a person has a cancerous tumor in the stomach or is a symptom unrelated to this disease.

Only when the cancer has deepened and penetrated into the tissues of the body does a person develop strong symptoms: severe pain in the stomach, which can be felt even in the back, increased weakness and reluctance to do anything, sudden weight loss throughout long term. Doctors pay attention to the skin; it becomes very pale, and in some cases takes on an earthy tint. But at the initial stage, the skin color remains the same.

Main symptoms: nipple retraction and hardening, bloody and unclear discharge from the nipple. Very often cancer is accompanied without pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

  • Skin cancer

There are several forms: infiltrative, nodular and ulcerative. Squamous cell carcinoma develops very quickly; in order to identify it, doctors painlessly cross-check all nodules that are pink or yellow in color. The nodes may have translucent pearl-colored edges with the formation of pigmentation. Tumor formation gradually progresses, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer that develop slowly; they can develop for years without a person even knowing about their presence. Next, several nodules connect with each other and form a dense and painful neoplasm, which has a dark color. It is at this stage that people consult a doctor.
  • Rectal cancer

As in other cases, at the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the tumor continues to grow and after some time the intestinal lumen closes. Painful sensations appear, since feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, stool becomes deformed and changes color; in medicine this is called ribbon-like stool. Rectal cancer is compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning. Subsequently, there is a frequent urge to defecate, frequent discharge of bloody-purulent masses that have a disgusting odor.
  • Lungs' cancer

It all depends on where the tumor appears. It can appear in the lung tissue or in the bronchus; if a tumor appears in the bronchus, the person begins to cough every day. The cough is dry and painful, after a while sputum with blood appears. Inflammation of the lungs, such as pneumonia, occurs periodically. Because of it, other symptoms appear: chest pain, temperature of 40 degrees, headache, weakness and inability to concentrate.
If the cancer has formed in the lung tissue, then the disease will pass without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation because the person does not undergo a medical examination. If you take an x-ray, you can identify the initial tumor.

  • Uterine cancer

Mostly women complain of strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and the cancer is already in neglected form. The initial form of uterine cancer does not manifest itself in any way, so women are not examined. Leucorrhoea is also a sign of cancer - an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood. Leucorrhoea often has a very unpleasant odor, but not in all cases; sometimes it does not smell of anything. In the presence of strange discharge Consult a doctor, it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet reached a deep and advanced stage and there is a chance of cure.

According to the latest medical data, the number of people experiencing symptoms of cancer is steadily increasing every year. Despite the work carried out by scientists around the world in the fight against cancer, the mortality rate from cancer is high. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the disease is diagnosed in the later stages of its development. Every person needs to know what cancer is, its symptoms and diagnosis in order to begin proper treatment in a timely manner.

The concept of cancer, factors of its formation

Cancer is deadly dangerous disease, during which, for some reason, it is formed from the internal tissues of the body. As it grows, compression of nearby blood vessels, nerves, internal organs and the spread of metastases throughout the body. Cancer can form in any part of the human body: in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, brain, etc.

Over time, a malignant formation destroys the most important internal organs, causing irreversible negative changes in the metabolism, nervous, immune, and endocrine systems.

This disease in its advanced form is considered incurable and leads to death.

Not exactly defined. Scientists have found that there are external and internal factors that contribute to its formation. These include:

  • heredity;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • smoking and alcoholism;
  • poor quality nutrition;
  • various infections;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • hazardous industries, etc.

These factors can trigger pathological changes in the DNA structure and activation of the oncogene, resulting in the formation of a malignant tumor. It is important to know how quickly cancer develops and what main stages it goes through.

The rate of cancer development varies depending on many reasons, in particular its location. The most rapid progression of untreated cancer leading to death occurs in the lungs or liver. The tumor develops most slowly in the thyroid gland.

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The first signs and main stages of cancer development

There are 4 stages of disease progression. It is worth considering how cancer manifests itself in each of them.

At the first stage of oncology development, atypical cells and begin to divide randomly. At the initial stage of development, the disease is successfully cured. The second stage of cancer is characterized by the further development of a malignant tumor, which can be eliminated if the disease is detected in a timely manner.

The third stage of cancer is considered more serious, when it metastasizes throughout the body through the circulatory or lymphatic system. Treatment of the disease at this stage occurs in in rare cases. Each subsequent stage of the disease has more pronounced signs of cancer.

The last stage of cancer is incurable. Cancer cells spread to different organs and systems, and new malignant tumors form. Symptoms of cancer appear especially clearly at this stage. The efforts of doctors are aimed at prolonging life and alleviating the patient’s condition.

It's sad that the initial stage of cancer, which is modern stage is successfully cured and has virtually no symptoms. In this regard, patients do not seek treatment in a timely manner. medical assistance. The disease enters a more severe stage of its development.

You can consider how to determine oncology by early stage its development. Everyone should be alert to the following signs:

  • the appearance of causeless severe fatigue;
  • palpation of dense painless formations in tissues;
  • feeling of discomfort in any organ;
  • increase in body temperature for no apparent reason.

You should pay attention to the ascendant in Cancer, reflecting outside development of a malignant process. External changes in a person with cancer can be expressed by a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, skin, especially on the face and limbs, etc.

If you notice, you should immediately consult a doctor to have necessary research and identify a diagnosis.

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Diagnostic measures

Let's take a closer look at how cancer is diagnosed in medical institutions. If you notice any signs of cancer, you should immediately consult a qualified doctor. Modern cancer diagnostics has in its arsenal enough tools and methods for an accurate diagnosis.

Doctors usually divide it into 2 stages. First, the presence of a malignant tumor in the body is determined. Then a refined diagnosis is made, in which the verification of cancer and the extent of its spread are determined.

First of all, the specialist collects and evaluates the medical history: conducts a personal conversation with the patient, during which his complaints are clarified. Then an initial examination is performed with palpation of the diseased area. The results are important for diagnosis laboratory research, for this you need to take tests of blood, urine, feces, gastric contents, etc. It is mandatory to carry out histological examination material samples. This must be done to establish the nature of tumor formation. Biochemical analysis blood will indicate the inflammatory process occurring in the body.

If the tests are bad, the doctor conducts further examination of the patient. The following methods for diagnosing a cancer tumor using modern equipment can be used:

  • CT scan;
  • radiography;
  • radioisotope scanning;
  • ultrasonography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

After defining accurate diagnosis As a result of a refined diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen for each patient.

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General symptoms of oncology

Despite the variety of types of cancer, several common signs of oncology can be identified, usually clearly manifested on late stages development of the disease. These include:

  • general weakness;
  • significant weight loss with the same diet;
  • bleeding;
  • pain;
  • the appearance of a tumor;
  • high body temperature;
  • changes in the epidermis.

Weakness and fatigue are the first signs of cancer. As the disease progresses, these signs intensify. This is facilitated by the penetration of a malignant tumor into blood vessels, development of anemia, poisoning of the body with waste products of a cancerous tumor.

Almost always (in the presence of this disease), noticeable weight loss occurs over a short period of time. The reason may be a deep disruption of the body's metabolic processes by substances synthesized by a malignant tumor.

Common symptoms of a tumor are various bleeding, which can appear at any stage of the disease. Bleeding indicates obvious disturbances in the functioning of any internal organs. Depending on the type, it can be seen in urine, stool, sputum when coughing, etc.

Cancer pain can occur both in the early stages of the disease and in its later stages of development. On initial stages development, pain usually indicates that there are several malignant tumors or certain types of cancer in the body (testicles, bones, brain). Specified symptom always accompanies a malignant process in its final stages.

Often, cancer patients may find some painless lumps on their body, which can be considered another common symptom diseases. It is impossible to determine by touch whether such a formation is malignant, so to solve the problem you should contact a specialist.

Another common sign of cancer is an increase in body temperature. This means the immune system responds to the spread of cancer. However, the fight of immune cells against cancer is considered unsuccessful.

The presence of cancer may be indicated by a sharp change in the epidermis. Redness or yellowing of the skin, itching, hyperpigmentation, and excessive hair growth may occur.

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Atypical symptoms of cancer

Along with the general symptoms of the disease, there are a number of atypical signs of cancer. You should pay attention to this and see a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • non-healing ulcers in the mouth;
  • bad breath;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • painful cough, sore throat, hoarseness of voice;
  • discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland in women;
  • disturbance of the menstrual cycle;
  • causeless swelling of the limbs;
  • pain when urinating or defecating;
  • a sudden change in the color and shape of a mole or wart.

A cancerous tumor can masquerade as various wounds and ulcers that constantly bleed and do not heal for a long time. Mouth ulcers are common among smokers and drinkers.

A prolonged, debilitating cough and hoarseness may indicate cancer of the thyroid gland, larynx or lungs. Difficulty swallowing food and bad breath can be caused by cancer of the throat, esophagus or stomach. A various disorders when urinating may indicate prostate cancer.

These symptoms may be signs of other diseases. Despite this, full examination for cancer must be carried out without fail in order to exclude it.

The sooner a patient can be diagnosed, the more effective the recovery will be. Treatment is comprehensive: chemotherapy, radiation and surgery on an operable tumor are used. Cancer prevention is a very important element to control the development of the deadly virus in the body. Treatment of cancer with folk remedies can help with early detection.

Remember, you can always stop cancer if you catch its symptoms at the very beginning!

A dangerous disease in which cells grow rapidly, while destroying healthy ones. Symptoms cancerous tumors They differ in different human organs; there is no exact definition here. About 100 types of cancer have been identified. Each has a specific type of cell that can grow quickly and infect healthy organs. The definition is associated with the image of a crab or cancer, because it often creates outgrowths like the limbs of a crayfish.

Two types of tumor:

  • Benign. Does not grow and does not form metastases. It is removed during surgery and does not require special treatment.
  • Malignant. It is life-threatening, capable of not only increasing rapidly, but also spreading throughout the body, affecting healthy cells. In the final stages, metastases affect all important systems and organs. This condition is incurable.
A contradiction - we are afraid of cancer as an evil and inevitable karma, but at the same time we neglect the rules of prevention and diagnosis, which is the cause of most deaths! “A third of cancers can be prevented,” says WHO. Therefore, prevention is one of the key health strategies.

The cause of 90-95% of diseases is environment and lifestyle:

  • Smoking - 30%;
  • Dietary features (high-calorie foods, obesity, carcinogens in the menu, a small amount of fiber in food) - 35%;
  • Infection (viruses, chronic foci of infection) - 10%,
  • Carcinogens - 4-5%,
  • Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation - 6-8%,
  • Alcoholism - 2-3%,
  • Polluted air - 1-2%,
  • Reproductive (sexual) factors - 4-5%,
  • Low physical activity - 4-5% of all malignant neoplasms.

Symptoms of cancer of different organs

Diseases of some organs are not difficult to determine by self-examination. Often people consult a doctor only when they already feel the progression of the disease. Diagnosis of symptoms of cancer and other oncological processes carried out at the formation stage guarantees a cure in 99% of cases. Not everything is so bad if you remember the methods of early diagnosis.

  • Fatigue, weakness, weight loss, fever for no apparent reason (zombification of infected tissue takes a lot of energy).
  • Seals on the body. Appears due to the spread of toxins by cancer cells throughout the body. The tumor forms in the lymph nodes or in the bloodstream.
  • Regular pain, because it can affect nerve endings or other organs.
  • The skin changes color or pigmentation, spots on the body, rash or itching occur.
  • Persistent bleeding or other discharge from the mouth, genitals, nose, ears, or nipple.
  • Open wounds, not amenable to treatment. It is important to pay attention to non-healing mouth ulcers, with unusual color(red, brown-red) and jagged edges.
  • Pale skin along with weakness and susceptibility to infections. Talks about leukemia, bone marrow cancer, etc.
Mobile phones and brain cancer. Can it be used mobile phones provoke the development of a brain tumor? Watch the video to find out. Why is it important to understand the symptoms and prevention of cancer?

The human factor - the patient is afraid to see a doctor, believes that treatment can cause complications, and misses obvious symptoms. Fatigue and diarrhea are not always related to it, but they may indicate its presence. Often completely healthy people discover that they have cancer after an examination, and they have not noticed any symptoms, and if a person has at least one factor related to it, consult a doctor immediately.

5 common signs of cancer:

7 main symptoms of cancer to look out for:

It is immediately important to clarify that they do not occur in all cases; they are common to other diseases.

  • Disturbances in the genitourinary system and stool- constipation or diarrhea, stool weight and color (colon cancer) changes. Pain when urinating and blood in the urine.
  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time- they look like an ulcer. If there is a small sore in your mouth that does not go away, it may be an infection of the oral cavity. It occurs more often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are ulcers on the vagina or penis, you should immediately undergo examination, as this indicates a severe infection of the body.
  • Discharge of pus or blood- if the disease has already developed and you have not noticed it, bleeding or pus may appear. If pus with blood comes out when you cough, this is a lung injury, and if blood is found in the stool, then this is a disease of the large intestine. If you have cervical cancer, there is a chance of bleeding from the vagina, and if blood appears in the urine, it is bladder cancer. If blood is released from the nipple, this indicates infection of the mammary gland.
  • Small seals- if the tumor is palpable through the skin in the ovaries, mammary gland and other soft tissues, this indicates the presence of the disease. It is impossible to say for sure whether this is the initial form or the advanced one, but if you notice a lump, tell your doctor immediately.
  • Difficulty swallowing and gastrointestinal problems- very often the symptoms indicate stomach or intestinal cancer.
  • The appearance of moles or warts- if you already had moles, and they became larger or changed color, it may be melanoma.
  • Hoarse voice or severe cough- a persistent cough indicates lung cancer (thyroid or throat).
15 Atypical symptoms cancer

Not the most common symptoms that also indicate the development of the disease:

  • Sores on the tongue and mouth;
  • Changes in the color and size of warts and moles;
  • Sore throat, severe and painful cough;
  • Thickenings and nodes in the nipples, dense lumps in the ovaries, mammary glands and other places;
  • Painful sensations when urinating;
  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;
  • Problems with swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in older people;
  • Severe migraine;
  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;
  • Persistent infection for no apparent reason;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Tumors that cannot be treated;
  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and skin;
  • Strange swelling that has not appeared before;
  • Bad breath.

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, it is important to regularly undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Precancerous conditions

This is a condition of the body that can develop into cancer. Let's highlight two main categories of precancers:

  1. Obligate diseases are combined into one group of diseases, the cause of which is a malignant neoplasm.
  2. Optional pathological conditions, which are not necessarily accompanied by degeneration of the affected tissues.

Patients who do not wish to undergo treatment should be aware that it can be considered the initial stage of the oncological process, so a non-invasive tumor (in situ) must be eliminated.

5 Stages of Cancer

Without delving into the classification characteristics, let’s consider similar options:

Stage 1: Increases its borders, does not go far and does not infect organs. The exception is stomach cancer, which at this stage infects the lymph nodes.

Stage 2: not only the progression of the process, but also the growth of metastases in the lymph nodes.

Stage 3: Penetration into the lymph nodes, no distant metastases yet. Survival rates for stage 3 cancer are also different for each type. You can't count on a long and happy life.

Stage 4: Damage to the organ, lymph nodes, metastases to organs. Common, rapidly growing tumors that affect the lymph nodes. There is no cure for stage 4 cancer.

Claims that someone was cured of stage 4 cancer with baking soda, folk remedies, or some other in an unconventional way, often a publicity stunt of various charlatans and have no basis, and people who defeated him and are able to support or refute pseudoscientific arguments, unfortunately, simply do not exist. IN otherwise- this is another disease that the patient himself mistook for a malignant tumor.


Cancer has several stages, the first of which are treatable. For this purpose in modern medicine There are treatment methods that involve a whole range of procedures. They are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.

Primary prevention of cancer

This group of preventive measures includes methods aimed at changing lifestyle, diet, and eliminating risk factors for the development of cancer. Let's take a closer look at each of the examples.

Increased morbidity is caused by:

  1. Obesity. Inflammation of the reproductive system in women (uterus, mammary gland) is more common in fatty, sweaty and overweight women. Preventing breast cancer begins with stabilizing your weight.
  2. Fatty foods. The total amount of fat consumed in 24 hours should not exceed 60 grams!
  3. Harmful products– smoked, fried. Increases the risk of damage to the large intestine.
  4. Sausages– in their production, nitrites are used as a dye. Give them pink color, but it is a weak carcinogen. No one is forcing you to completely remove sausages from your diet, but eating only them is not good for your health.

    The following will help reduce the risk of developing cancer:

  1. Fruits and vegetables – Rich in vitamins and microelements, support normal work body cells and inhibits mutations healthy cells into cancerous ones.
  2. Cellulose . This is an element that is not digestible in the human body (found in vegetables, grains, and fruits). Has a huge impact on digestive process and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Lifestyle and bad habits

Smoking is the most obvious factor contributing to the development of cancer of the lungs, larynx, lips and tongue. Regular smokers have a much higher risk of damage to the stomach, uterus, and pancreas. The risk increases not only active smoking, but also passive - the smoke exhaled by smokers contains slightly less carcinogens.

Lack of physical activity leads to obesity, and you already know about its consequences. Sport not only helps to normalize weight, but also improves the overall tone of the immune system. She fights cancerous transformation of cells, so her condition is important at any time.

Alcohol abuse leads to metabolic disorders in the body, reduces overall resistance, weakens the immune system, which increases the risk of cancer.

Quitting smoking, alcohol, regular exercise is a comprehensive prevention of the disease. All these methods can be classified as folk methods of prevention, which are confirmed by scientific research.

Prevention of infectious diseases

The connection between the development of certain types of cancer and viral and bacterial diseases has been 100% proven.


  1. Hepatitis B and C increases the risk of liver cancer;
  2. Presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, which contributes to the occurrence of not only gastritis and ulcers, but also stomach cancer.
  3. Some strains of papillomavirus (HPV), lead to damage to the cervix.

Prevention measures include vaccination against these viruses and bacteria, as well as avoiding unprotected sex with untested partners. You can get rid of Helicobacter pylori by undergoing a course of eradication therapy.

Environmental factors

Pollution is one of the main factors behind the rise in disease worldwide. In the presence of strong foci of pollution, only changing the place of permanent residence can reduce the likelihood of cancer - for this you need to move away from polluted cities, metallurgical and cement factories.

In villages far from big cities, the incidence of skin cancer, lung cancer and other cancers is approximately 1.5 times lower than in large cities. In cities, young people are more likely to die from it.

Professional “harm”

Working in hazardous working conditions, where a person is in daily contact with carcinogens, increases the incidence of cancer. To eliminate this risk factor, you must either change your place of work or carefully follow safety precautions: wear protective clothing, respirators, pay attention great attention hygiene - take a shower every day at the end of the working day.

Secondary prevention

Includes various types of honey. examinations aimed at identifying precancerous diseases, as well as precursors of oncology.


  1. fluorography: – X-ray examination aimed at identifying lung and mediastinal cancer;
  2. Mammography: – X-ray of the mammary glands, to identify mutations in the mammary gland at an early stage;
  3. Smear examination: from the cervix and from the cervical canal - prevention of the cervix;
  4. endoscopic examinations:. Detects colon cancer in the early stages. This includes bronchoscopy to rule out cancer of the bronchi and lungs.
  5. MRI and CT: including – with contrast;
  6. Blood test for tumor markers:– unique chemical substances, the concentration of which increases when oncology occurs. Most types of cancer have their own tumor markers.

All people over a certain age must undergo fluorography, women over 35 years old must undergo mammography. At the first symptoms of cancer, it is necessary to consult an oncologist, who will prescribe additional tests and medications for prevention.

Important: the introduction of cancer prevention screening programs has increased the detection of the disease in the early stages by 50%. This made it possible to reduce mortality by 15-20%. Every woman should know how to palpate the mammary glands for the presence of malignant tumors. During a consultation with an oncologist, you can gain the necessary skills - even a small formation in the mammary gland is a reason for consulting a doctor and a more accurate examination.

Tertiary prevention

The measures are aimed at identifying tumors in those who have already received treatment for metastases, as well as at early diagnosis. This is done by an oncologist, whose consultation can be obtained at any clinic or oncology clinic.

Important: Every patient treated for cancer and its symptoms should undergo regular medical checkup at the oncologist.

The frequency of these inspections:

  1. The first year – quarterly.
  2. The second year – once every six months.
  3. Third and subsequent– annually.

You will receive complete information about all cancer prevention measures by watching the video review:

Eating Well to Prevent Cancer: 7 Steps Before Taking Any Vitamins
  1. Include iodine in your diet:
  • Seaweed and sea kale.
  • Dilute one drop of iodine in water and drink. Make iodine grids.
  • Drink herbal decoctions containing burdock and birch leaves. Include dogwood berries, elderberries, and chaga in your diet.
  • Eat up to 10 (no more) raw apricot kernels every day. They are very high in anti-cancer vitamin B17. But they should not be abused, as they are toxic.
  • Every morning, cleanse yourself of trichomonas. You need to take a spoonful of flaxseed (or any other) oil into your mouth and hold it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. The oil will turn white - this is an accumulation of trichomonas, they love oil and easily pass into it.
  • Before taking medications, you must cleanse your body! Otherwise, the effectiveness is greatly reduced and Trichomonas will have a chance to survive!
  • After cleansing, we take a course of the drug “Trichopol” according to the instructions. You can use any other drug.
  • Cancer grows in acidic environment, in alkaline dies (the main reason why some people take soda for years stop the development of cancer). The conclusion is simple - we need to alkalize the blood!

    How to do it? The most powerful mineral that helps maintain blood alkalinity is calcium (cancer patients are deficient in it!). By taking calcium in sufficient quantities, you will shift the blood reaction from acidic to alkaline and cancer cells will not be able to develop.

    Calcium is a difficult to digest mineral! This is one of the reasons why we miss him. The second reason why it is not absorbed at all is magnesium deficiency - calcium is absorbed only in the presence of magnesium, in a ratio of 1 to 2 (calcium).

    What foods contain magnesium? There is enough of it only in green leaves, which is why in August people have a peak level of calcium and magnesium in the blood and there is a terrible deficiency by March, after winter. The conclusion is simple - you need to eat greens (Victoria Butenko’s “green smoothies” can help here).

    And the third reason why calcium is not absorbed is that we consume mainly calcium carbonate (from meat, for example, and almost all pharmaceutical complexes) and other forms that are difficult to digest (in greens, minerals are in ionic form, which is very easily absorbed). Calcium carbonate requires a lot of gastric juice for absorption; for those who have stomach problems, the% absorption drops by 4 times compared to, for example, calcium citrate.

    Conclusion: take calcium complexes with mandatory magnesium content and always in ionic form, and not in the form of carbonate (for example, coral calcium). There is a lot of ionic calcium in turnip tops.

    Avoid dairy products (casein is even more acidic than pork!), as well as flour products and all kinds of sweets. Meat is also a highly acidifying product, so eat it in minimum quantities and only boiled! Drink freshly squeezed vegetable (not fruit) juices.


    Basis type drug treatment is treated with chemotherapy. There are cancer treatments that are similar to chemotherapy. Hormonal or immunotherapy, but “chemistry” is based on the destruction of cells that contribute to the development of the disease. Instead of cancer cells, healthy ones appear.

    The medicine is injected into the blood and circulates through the veins. If you try to remove the cells using surgery or radiotherapy, there is a chance that some of them will remain. During the development of the disease, a small clot may separate from the tumor and travel through the bloodstream to another system of the body. Thus, the process may contribute to the emergence of a new tumor. And in the case of chemotherapy, the medicine moves throughout the body and, if new cancer cells form somewhere, it will destroy them.

    The two main side effects of chemotherapy are:

    1. Partial or complete hair loss. This reaction of the body is very difficult for people who find it difficult to get used to changes in appearance. There are medications that reduce the risk of hair loss.
    2. Bone marrow damage, since a huge mass of drugs passes through it. Can appear side effects in the form of fatigue, temporary memory loss, since it is difficult for the body to resist colds due to the fact that the level of leukocytes is greatly reduced.

    Folk remedies

    IN folk medicine There are many recommendations and recipes for treatment using mainly the healing qualities of plants. They are able to inhibit the growth of tumors, destroy damaged cells and allow healthy ones to grow. Help the body correct failures in defense mechanisms. Remember that any folk remedies are best used in combination with medical treatment and after consultation.

    Organ cancers

    Mammary gland (breast)

    The most common cancer in women. A cancerous tumor consists of malignant cells replacing glandular tissue. The disease was characterized predominant defeat women over 50 years of age.

    7 symptoms that can cause the disease:

    • Heredity.
    • Contraceptive and hormonal drugs.
    • Early onset of menstruation and later menopause.
    • Big break between births and delayed onset of the first pregnancy.
    • If there was once damage to another organ, and the infected tissues of the body were exposed to radioactive radiation.
    • Diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.
    • Addiction to bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and poor diet.

    It can be confused with simple inflammation. If your breast hurts or itches, your nipple becomes inverted or swollen, or the skin on your chest turns red and becomes covered with yellowish scales, consult a doctor immediately. This may not be simple inflammation, but the first symptoms of cancer that require treatment. Stages of the disease:

    • A solid mass is an incidental finding when there are no other symptoms;
    • Discharge from the nipple;
    • Nipple retraction;
    • The skin changes color, a “lemon peel” appears;
    • Discomfort in armpits;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes on the affected side.

    Malignant tumors of the mammary gland can only be determined surgically. If the tumor is less than 5 cm in diameter, it is removed along with the surrounding ducts. And if it is more than 5 cm, the mammary gland itself is removed.

    Precancerous breast conditions: Breast tumors develop into cancer in 30% of cases. Such diseases are most often a problem for young women. After 40 years, the incidence of breast pathologies decreases. Most often, pathology occurs due to a violation hormonal balance. Excess estrogen and lack of progesterone lead to the formation of tumors.

    Lungs (bronchi)

    It is based on malignant degeneration lung tissue and disruption of air exchange. Characterized by high mortality. The main risk group consists of smoking men aged 50-80 years.

    More than 1 million new cases are diagnosed annually, with approximately 60 thousand in Russia. According to statistics, it is most often formed on the right (57%), this is due to anatomical features: the trachea flows into the right lung almost at a right angle, so it is more strongly affected unfavorable factors. Can appear at any age.

    The formation of a tumor on the lungs more often occurs in people who have had chronic diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. People employed in hazardous industries where they inhale tar, coke and essential oils are susceptible to this disease. Smokers, miners, workers in metallurgical, asbestos-cement, and phosphate industries suffer from lung cancer more often.

    Lung precancer: include diseases such as lung cysts, chronic pneumonia, chronic suppurative processes, tuberculosis. To make a correct and timely diagnosis lung cancer, it is necessary to take into account the presence of these diseases during the examination.

    Bronchial damage: The disease (small cell, squamous cell and others) is diagnosed in patients from 45 to 75 years old. More often, signs appear in representatives of the stronger sex. Over the past few decades, the incidence has increased several times. Scientists attribute this trend to the increased influence of carcinogens.

    Stomach or pancreas, esophagus (GIT)

    Malignant mutation of gastric epithelial cells. The disease in 70-90% of cases is associated with damage to the stomach walls by bacteria Helicobacter pylori and refers to common cancers in people aged 50 to 70 years. Stomach cancer is diagnosed 10-20% more often in men than in women. The incidence is 19-30 people per 100 thousand. The duration of the preclinical period of the disease is from 11 months to 6 years. Men with stomach cancer live on average 12 years, and women 15 years less than their peers.

    Factors contributing to the development of cancer cells in the stomach:

    • Monotonous diet, the presence of pickled, fried and smoked foods, salt, and animal fats in the menu.
    • The composition of the soil in the area in which you live.
    • Gardeners use fertilizers that contain nitrogen, nitrate, copper, cobalt and molybdenum.
    • Living conditions. If a person lives in a private house and heats it with a stove, then the product of combustion of coal or wood - ash, entering the body, contributes to the development of the disease. Addiction to smoking and alcohol, especially vodka.
    • Patients with stomach ulcers, polyps, atrophic gastritis.

    When the cancer has grown greatly and gone deep into the tissues of the body, a person develops new symptoms: severe pain in the stomach that can be felt even in the back, increased weakness and reluctance to do anything, sudden weight loss over a long period of time. Doctors pay attention to the skin; it becomes pale, and in some cases acquires an earthy tint. Pain appears in the later stages (3-4), when the cancer, having reached a large size, has spread to other organs. The last stage leaves a stomach cancer patient with only a few months to live.

    Symptoms of cancer and signs of a malignant process in other localizations are described in materials dedicated to individual bodies, we have given only the most common forms.

    Precancerous diseases of the pancreas:

    • Diabetes,
    • Chronic pancreatitis,
    • Gallbladder diseases,
    • Pancreatic cysts.

    It grows quickly, metastasizes early, is difficult and painful to diagnose and treat, and has a very unfavorable prognosis. However, if you detect the disease at the first stage and quickly take action, you can count on five (or even more) years of life.

    At the third and fourth stages, the voice already changes, dysphagia increases, vomiting periodically appears, something is constantly bothering the chest, the patient loses weight and loses the ability to work. Survival for stage 3 cancer is low; with active treatment, 25% of patients survive, but with distant metastasis, only half of them have little prospects.

    With stage 4 cancer, patients live barely six months, and this can hardly be called a full life.

    Elderly people suffer from esophageal cancer. There are more patients among men. The appearance of a tumor is promoted by smoking and drinking strong alcoholic drinks. Such habits increase the risk of developing cancer tenfold. Most often they occur in the middle and lower parts of the esophagus. The most common form develops from squamous epithelial cells. In second place is adenocarcinoma, which is formed from glandular cells. In 10% of cases, this form is accompanied by a tumor in the oral cavity: lips, palate, tonsils, larynx.

    Tolstoy and small intestine(intestines)

    Malignant degeneration of the glandular epithelium of the colon or rectum. The main treatment method is surgical removal of the affected tissue.

    More often affects colon middle-aged and elderly men. The first symptoms (discomfort, fatigue, nervousness) do not give much reason to suspect. The appearance of obvious signs (pain, intestinal disorders, excretion of blood in feces) is often delayed.

    It is characterized by the appearance of neoplasms of a malignant nature in the wall of its mucosa. Currently, oncological diseases in different departments intestines are diagnosed in 9 - 12 people per 100 thousand.

    In the structure of cancer incidence, colon cancer ranks 2nd in women, behind breast disease, and 3rd in men, behind infection of the prostate gland and lungs. It accounts for 15% of all malignant tumors, with 20% affecting the cecum and rectum, 10% sigmoid and 40% colon.

    The reasons for the appearance are not benign formations in the intestines:

    • Smoking
    • Nutritional Features
    • Familial forms (heredity, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)

    Gastrointestinal diseases:

    • Polyps in the intestines (benign formations) can become malignant (75%), so they are considered stage 0 oncology and are recommended to be cut out.
    • Inflammation and ulcers in the mucous wall, Crohn's disease and other gastrointestinal diseases can provoke the appearance of neoplasms.
    • Celiac disease - gluten intolerance is also one of the provocateurs of the development of oncology in the intestines.

    What should you pay attention to so as not to miss the disease?

    • Intestinal disorder, which is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, and fecal incontinence. Discharge: bloody, purulent and mucous.
    • Feeling of pain in the rectum.
    • Sudden weight loss, manifestations of anemia, pallor.

    At the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the infected area continues to grow and after some time the intestinal lumen closes. Painful sensations appear, since feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, feces become deformed and change color; in medicine this is called ribbon-like stool. Rectal cancer is compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning.


    Women from 15 to 70 years old are affected. Between the ages of 18 and 40, the disease is the leading cause of early death. This type cancer can be vaccinated.

    8 reasons promoting development:

    • Hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
    • Addiction to smoking and alcohol.
    • AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
    • Menopause disorders.
    • Early sex life and childbirth.
    • Frequent change of sexual partners.
    • Scars after birth injuries and erosion.
    • Obesity.

    Early diagnosis gives hope for a full recovery. If a form is discovered that cannot be treated, the pregnancy of a woman expecting a child is terminated.

    Symptoms: Mostly women complain of pain and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and is already in an advanced form. It is referred to as leucorrhoea - an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood. Leucorrhoea often has a very unpleasant odor, but not in all cases; sometimes it does not smell of anything. If you have strange discharge, consult a doctor; it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet reached a deep and advanced stage and there is a chance of cure.

    Throat (larynx)

    65-70% of tumors that are recognized as malignant are throat cancer. This disease most often affects men who are already 40 years old. The percentage of those who can be cured is 60%. This is an “urban” disease; rural residents suffer less from it.

    Factors of appearance:

    • smoking;
    • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    • professional (whether inhaling dust from coal or asbestos);
    • neglect of oral hygiene;
    • excessive consumption of salted meat;
    • heredity;
    • chronic diseases (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis).

    In rare cases, a tumor can develop as a result of malignancy of leukoplakia, long-standing papillomas and other benign formations in the throat area. At the initial stage, the following can be distinguished: symptoms of throat and larynx cancer:

    • significant change in voice sound;
    • the appearance of hoarseness in the voice, followed by loss of voice;
    • pain when swallowing food and saliva;
    • feeling of a foreign object in the throat;
    • possible occurrence of shortness of breath.

    A cough in the presence of a formation in the throat occurs reflexively and is accompanied by the secretion of mucus, with possible streaks of blood, due to a violation of the formation. Probable Causes pain syndrome caused by the presence of formation in the upper parts of the throat. The pain can radiate to the ear and also intensifies when swallowing, which is the reason for refusing to eat.

    Larynx: In the general structure of malignant tumors, it accounts for 2.6% of cases. Among such neoplasms of the head and neck, it ranks first in frequency. Patients with laryngeal cancer make up about 70% of all patients with cancer of the upper respiratory tract. It affects mainly males; for every 1 sick woman there are 9-10 men. Most often it occurs in men aged 65-75 years, in women - at 70-80 years.


    A dangerous disease that is difficult to treat and can lead to death. Greatest Threat lies in its asymptomatic course - the fourth stage of brain cancer, in which the patient has pronounced symptoms of cancer, is difficult to treat and the prognosis for such patients is disappointing. The incidence of this cancer is about one and a half percent of total number registered malignant tumors.

    Factors in the development of oncology:

    Ovaries or prostate

    A common pathology, which is most often detected among women of retirement age (from 50 to 70 years). The prognosis cannot be the same for everyone; we cannot talk about the stage; in each case, the characteristics of the tumor, the age of the patient, and the condition of other organs are taken into account. Ovarian tumors account for a quarter of all inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. Given the high mortality rate, it is very important to detect the disease in its early stages.

    The term “ovarian cancer” is most often used in a general sense and means a malignant neoplasm. But in fact, there are many different tumor processes that can pass from benign to “cancerous” forms, be located in different parts and have completely different treatments.

    Thyroid gland

    1% of all tumors and less than 0.5% of deaths. The peak incidence is at 45-60 years of age, but malignant tumors of the thyroid gland can appear at any age. This form is also found in children and adolescents. IN early age the tumor behaves more aggressively than in adults.

    Women are 2-3 times more likely to become victims of thyroid cancer. But in old age (over 65) men are at greater risk of getting sick than their peers.

    The disease most often occurs in regions that have been exposed to radiation and where there is an insufficient amount of iodine in nature. This form of cancer is most common among Caucasians. It is classified as a non-aggressive tumor. It may not increase in size for years and not metastasize to other organs.

    Blood (leukemia)

    What is blood cancer? A malignant tumor that affects and destroys the hematopoietic system. This reproduction can occur not only in the bone marrow, but also in the blood passing along the periphery, as well as in internal organs. As a result, it grows in the bone marrow and replaces the “healthy” processes of blood formation.

    During the further development of the disease, the patient develops many diseases that are associated with:

    • Increased degree of bleeding;
    • General weakening of the immune system;
    • Infectious complications.

    There are two main forms:

    • Acute: determined by a significant number of immature cells that inhibit normal blood production.
    • Chronic form: it is considered to be overly active formation of two types of bodies, granulocytes or granular-type leukocytes. As noted above, it is they who ultimately replace healthy cells that previously formed blood.

    How long do they live? Prognosis for leukemia chronic type many times more positive than for acute forms. The extremely rapid, even aggressive course of acute leukemia always provokes an equally rapid “fading” of the patient.

    Presented form of leukemia:

    • Practically unyielding adequate treatment;
    • It often turns out to be a catalyst for the formation of lymphoblastic leukemia (in approximately 80% of cases).

    With this type of leukemia, discovered at an advanced stage, months count. In case of timely intervention - from two to five years. Chronic leukemia determined by a slower flow. However, this happens exactly up to a certain stage, at which the so-called “blast crisis” occurs. In this case, chronic leukemia actually acquires all the features of acute leukemia.

    Death at this stage may well occur from any consequences of the disease. Medical intervention, provided on time, gives a chance for many years and even decades to achieve long-term remission. The younger the patient, the higher the chances of 100% recovery.

    At the initial stage, the patient is faced with:

    • Painful sensations in the abdominal cavity, especially in its upper region;
    • Pain in the joints, which may be accompanied by “ache” in the bones;
    • Frequent bleeding, which are quite difficult to stop;
    • Forced formation of bruises or blood stains;
    • A significant increase in the size of not only the liver, but also the lymph nodes;
    • Constant weakness, lethargy and apathy;
    • A condition with symptoms resembling fever;
    • Frequent infectious diseases;
    • Frequent urges to urination.

    As a rule, this stage of blood cancer is diagnosed after the fact - when moving to a further stage of the disease.

    Other less common types of cancer: Skin (melanoma)

    The formation of a malignant tumor occurs during uncontrolled division somatic cell and its introduction into human organs. Cancer is dangerous because such division cannot be seen visually. This disease may develop as a result of chronic dermatitis, prolonged exposure to the skin from the sun and radioactive radiation.

    First, small nodules form on the skin. When there are few of them, it does not cause pain. And when the plaque nodules protrude above the skin and grow, the pain becomes noticeable. Finally, the tumor grows to such a size that it covers the entire skin and penetrates deep into it.

    It includes the following types of malignant skin tumors:

    • basalioma (formed from basal cells of the skin),
    • squamous,
    • melanoma (formed from melanocytes).

    If a mole changes color, becomes larger, itches, or bleeds, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is recommended to examine a dermatologist once a year and perform dermatoscopy in the presence of suspicious moles and other age spots.

    skin tumors: 1 - mole, 2 - nevus dysplasia (moles), 3 - actinic keratosis, 4 - squamous cell, 5 - basal cell, 6 - melanoma


    A connection between this disease and chronic hepatitis has been established. The development of mutations in cell tissue occurs gradually, over several years after infection with the virus. Under its influence, healthy cells die and scars (cirrhosis) form in their place, which leads to the development of cancer. Chronic disease alcoholic hepatitis is another reason for the development of the disease.

    Liver cancer has almost no symptoms. Loss of appetite and weight, fatigue, weakness, pain in the right side may go unnoticed. And this can precisely be caused by the growth of cancer cells.

    Its treatment is carried out by surgery and can only be cured with complete removal of the tumor! During this procedure, the affected area of ​​the liver is removed, and, if necessary, half of the organ. The liver quickly recovers to its original size.

    If the tumor is too large, is located next to large vessels and has spread to the entire organ, surgery is useless. In this case it applies rehabilitation treatment for relax general condition patient and prolonging his life. If left untreated, it quickly leads to death.


    The symptoms are similar in terms of manifestations to cystitis, it appears several times more often in men than in women, it occurs mainly in people of both sexes aged 40 to 60 years.

    The growth of a tumor formation that occurs in the area of ​​the lumen of the bladder, with the subsequent destruction of this formation leads to hematuria, the main manifestations of which are the appearance of blood in the urine. It is fresh, has a scarlet color, and appears in the urine in the form of several drops or streaks. Its appearance is not accompanied by pain; moreover, the state of health at this time can be called prosperous.

    The progression of the tumor process leads to the following complications: Renal hydronephrotic transformation, manifested in combination with impaired urine outflow. Chronic renal failure with its characteristic symptoms such as dry mucous membranes and skin, lethargy and itchy skin. In addition, digestive disorders may occur.

    Bladder cancer comes in different types. This classification depends on what cells the malignant formation consists of:

    • Transitional cell category (carcinoma). It is he who is diagnosed most often, in 90% of overall statistics of cases.
    • Squamous category. It forms noticeably less frequently, and its main cause is cystitis, that is, chronic inflammation.
    • Among the rather rare forms are carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, etc. Despite their rarity, they are not excluded when making a diagnosis.
    Bones and joints

    In 60% of cases, patients with cancer are diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma. This is a malignant tumor that most often affects the long bones of the leg. A similar disease is diagnosed in adolescents and young adults aged 10 to 25 years. The neoplasm develops during the period of intensive growth and puberty, and boys are more prone to this disease.

    It typically forms in a growth area, such as near the knee or at the lower end of the femur. Constant pain that gets worse when walking, temporary lameness, weakness and sudden weight loss are the main symptoms of leg bone cancer. Without treatment, metastasis occurs, with the lungs being primarily affected. The main risk group is children and young people under thirty years of age. It affects men from 17 to 30. Elderly people get sick very rarely.

    Main symptoms:

    • limitation of joint mobility;
    • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
    • swelling of the limbs and joints;
    • swelling of the soft tissues at the location of the tumor;
    • pain even after rest, worse at night;
    • increased skin temperature over infection;
    • thinning, pale skin, pronounced vascular pattern;
    • weakness, lethargy, fast fatiguability, drowsiness;
    • breathing disorders.
    Kidneys and adrenal glands

    The tumor can develop on one or both kidneys. In most cases, patients diagnosed with kidney cancer have metastases in the various organs. Most often, the disease occurs in the male half of the population; women are slightly less likely to encounter this problem.

    The reasons for the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the kidneys include the following:

    • Bad habits. Smoking, since nicotine contains carcinogens that have a detrimental effect on kidney tissue;
    • Excess weight. Even in the early stages of obesity, people can develop kidney malignancies;
    • Injuries and falls. Any mechanical impact on the kidneys can provoke the appearance of a malignant neoplasm;
    • Medicines. Constant use of medications during treatment various diseases, increases the risk of swelling;
    • Contact with chemistry and radiation;

    TO precancerous kidney diseases include kidney cysts. These are tumor-like formations of the kidneys, often with an asymptomatic course. Sometimes there is pain in the lower back or hypochondrium on the affected side, renal colic and a tendency to increase blood pressure.

    Adrenal cancer accounts for 10-15% of all tumors, including benign ones. Both children and elderly people get sick. If we consider that the incidence in Russia is only 0.2% in adolescents and children, and the dynamics increases with age to 7%, then the probability of getting sick is low - 1-2 cases per million population.


    This is a male disease, otherwise it is called carcinoma. It affects the prostate gland, which negatively affects a man’s sexual function and can threaten his life. It is more common in men over 40 years of age. Carcinoma is a very dangerous disease. The threat lies in the active spread of metastases when a person does not feel signs of the disease. Therefore, mature men need to carefully monitor their health. And for this you need to know what signs prostate cancer has. Treatment should be started immediately. Contact your doctor immediately if you are concerned about:

    • Painful urination with blood.
    • Urinary incontinence.
    • Pain in the perineum and bones.
    • Weight loss.

    The initial stage of tongue cancer is asymptomatic in most cases, but painful cracks, ulcers, erosions, and indurations should alert you to the development of an oncological process. Leukoplakia of the tongue, papillomatosis, erosive changes in the mucosa are common precancerous conditions.

    The average age of patients is 60 years. It often forms on the lateral surface or middle part of the tongue, less often found on the root, back and tip of the tongue. It is quite easy to detect a tumor, since it forms on visible parts of this body. The danger of cancer growth in the tongue is that the tumor is located close to important organs, such as lymph nodes or the brain, and when metastases spread, they can be affected. The main causes are addiction to tobacco, poor diet and dental problems in the oral cavity.

    Cancer treatment consists of a complex of measures, including drug therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and specially formulated postoperative nutrition.

    Lymph nodes

    It is important to remember that the concept of “lymph node cancer” implies and combines at least 30 specific types of tumor formations.

    Main groups:

    • Hodgkin's lymphoma, accounting for approximately 25-35% of all existing lymphomas. It is determined during examination by the presence of extremely large Ridge-Berezovsky-Strenberg tissues in the lymph nodes. Also called lymphogranulomatosis;
    • Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas- this is the name of all other types of malignant lymphomas, which account for the remaining 65-75%. A diagnosis can be made only after a histological examination of all samples of cells and tissues of the formation.

    Almost always, the main route is lymphogenous or regional location, and then more distant nodes are affected. This happens when cancer cells spread throughout the body. Very often, a tumor also begins to form in the lymph nodes.


    It most often affects the lower lip (95-98%), mainly in men. The remaining 2 - 5% are malignant neoplasms of the upper lip: in this group of patients almost only women. It forms after the age of sixty, and after seventy there is a sharp rise in incidence. Therefore, lip cancer is considered a disease of old age. However individual cases This cancer occurs in younger people.

    In the absence of prevention and treatment of cancer, it spreads to the cheeks and bones of the lower jaw, chin, then to the supraclavicular lymph nodes and cervical lymph nodes. Lip cancer gives metastases to other organs and systems very rarely. If the disease is detected early, the prognosis for the patient’s life is very favorable. Complete cure perhaps seventy percent of the time.

    Lip cancer is not as common; smokers or people who irritate people suffer more. this zone another way. Symptoms (non-healing cracks, ulcers, peeling, in general, everything that should not be there) are not so painful for the patient that he quickly runs to the doctor, but in vain, because at the initial stage it can be cured. This will be very difficult to do in the future. The initial stage of throat cancer occurs with symptoms of inflammation, so patients attribute everything to manifestations of a common chronic disease and, as a rule, do not rush to see a doctor.

    Neoplastic processes that have found a place on the tongue, lips, and throat are combined into one pathology - oral cancer.


    Eye cancer is the name given to a whole group of malignant neoplasms that appear in the appendages eyeball(the lacrimal gland and on the eyelid), and in its tissues (conjunctiva, retina and choroid).

    Since the causes of eye cancer have not yet been fully established, it is generally accepted that no person is potentially protected from the risk of their development.


    The danger of the disease lies in the cancerous intoxication of the body, the proximity of the airways and the brain. Early diagnosis of malignant neck lesions plays a key role in the treatment of cancer patients.

    There are many risk factors for the development of malignant tumors of the neck, but correction of the vast majority of them is possible. Quitting alcohol and smoking protects not only from the development of cancer, but also from many other diseases; if gastroesophageal reflux disease is detected in time, it responds well to treatment (sometimes there is even no need to take medications).


    Cancer often develops in the vertebral bodies, which is the reason for the development of pain in the affected areas. Malignant tumors are divided into: those affecting the spinal lining, those affecting spinal cord. They lead to painful sensations in the organs located below it. Often these places lose sensitivity, and the person feels muscle weakness.

    To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out necessary examination, one of the main components is x-ray, during which a special colored liquid is injected into the spinal canal, which in the image indicates the absence or presence of a spinal tumor. To definitively clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy and computed tomography are indicated.


    Rarely seen. More often in men than in women. The cause of this disease has not been identified. But in most cases, risk factors for developing nasal cancer are contact with flour and wood dust, and work in the production of leather products. The risk also increases if a person works with solvents and glue, nickel, chromium and some other substances. Smoking increases the likelihood of sinus and nasal disease. Therefore, preventing the development of a malignant tumor involves eliminating risk factors. The reason that changes a benign tumor into a malignant one has also not been established.

    The prognosis of nasal cancer depends on its stage. At stage 1, 100% of cancer patients experience complete recovery. The outcome of nasal cancer in the final stages with the formation of multiple metastases in the lymph nodes worsens. According to statistics, the survival rate at stage 4 does not exceed 10%, so it is important to diagnose it as early as possible.


    A dangerous disease that requires prompt treatment. 15% of visits to dentistry are related to various neoplasms, originating from bone tissue. Not all of them are caused by the development of cancer cells. Only 1-2% are a sign of cancer. There is no specific age for the disease. Jaw cancer develops in both older people and infants. Each patient requires an individual approach.

    • The injury is chronic. A bruise, an incorrectly installed crown, filling, or a prosthesis that causes constant rubbing of the gums.
    • Damage to the oral mucosa.
    • Inflammatory process.
    • Smoking.
    • Ionizing radiation.

    In Russia - about 2% of cases of tumors of the neck and head in men, and about 1% - in women and girls. The disease most often affects older people aged 50-60 years, but benign tumors (hemangiomas and angiofibromas) occur in adolescents and children. The development of oncology in the nasopharynx begins unnoticed. It is important not to start the process, but to identify it fatally dangerous problem and put correct diagnosis. With the correct tactics of oncological therapy, the three-year survival rate after nasopharyngeal cancer detected in the early stages is 93% (without relapses - 65%).

    Cancer in children

    A silent question in the eyes of parents: “Why and why did this happen to my child?” remains unanswered. There is an opinion that the risk of a tumor is associated with a breakdown of the gene, that is, it is programmed before birth. In most cases, the question of the origin of cancer in children remains open.

    In a young growing body, a tumor develops rapidly, so noticing it in the initial stages is an important task, because only early diagnosis may give hope for recovery. When people talk about childhood oncology, they often don’t mean cancer itself, because epithelial tumors are not typical for children. Children more often develop tumor processes in other tissues:

    1. Bone, muscle and connective tissue (which includes blood and lymph) - sarcomas, lymphomas and leukemia, which people call blood cancer, which, in principle, is incorrect, but understandable;
    2. Nervous - neuroblastomas, gliomas and others (with a tumor localized in the brain, everything is the same as with neoplasia of hematopoietic tissue - it is popularly called brain cancer).

    People in the non-medical profession can be forgiven for such a renaming; classification is a matter for specialists, and the short word “cancer” immediately explains everything.

    Tumors of the central nervous systems They give symptoms and signs that are also suitable for various pathological conditions:

    • Headaches, especially in the morning, with vomiting (who would see cancer in such manifestations?);
    • Decreased visual acuity (the child began to see poorly, but many parents attribute this to Negative influence monitor, children now sit at the computer);
    • Apathy, indifference to games, changes in behavior;
    • Gait disturbance;
    • Increased head volume (the only symptom in young children who cannot yet correctly express their complaints).

    Symptoms of cancer in children caused by tumors of other localizations can also resemble any disease:

    • Weakness, fatigue, malaise, headaches;
    • Pale skin, anemia;
    • Dyspnea;
    • Loss of appetite and weight;
    • Pain in bones, muscles and joints;
    • Increased body temperature;
    • “Growing” belly due to enlargement of the spleen and liver;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.

    Of course, not all symptoms and signs appear at the same time; this depends on the type of neoplasia, its stage and location. Availability similar manifestations does not indicate the development of a malignant process, so often a local pediatrician, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist tries to treat children, suspecting ARVI, poisoning, rheumatism and much more.