How much does a carton of eggs weigh? Chicken egg: how much does it weigh in different ratios

The most important source of protein in our body is bird eggs. Information about how many grams of protein are in one egg has different meanings for different species of birds. The most commonly consumed are chicken and quail eggs.

In addition, nutritionists, healthy nutrition experts and athletes take into account the amount of pure protein in an egg, while cooks or those losing weight are interested in how many grams of protein are in one egg - as one of the components of a highly nutritious product.

Such different feathered eggs

The amount of protein in bird eggs depends on the total weight of the different eggs. So, for example, an average chicken egg weighs 50-55 g, a quail egg - 10-12 g, a goose egg - 200 g, a guinea fowl egg - 25 g, a pheasant egg - 60 g, a turkey egg - 75 g, and a duck egg - 90 g. Ostrich eggs (900 g) hold the top spot in terms of weight, with the Australian emu bird taking second place (780 g). If the white of an egg makes up 55-60% of its total mass, then it is easy to calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg of waterfowl or exotic birds. In official cooking they are not recommended for consumption, as they are considered a possible source of infectious diseases even after heat treatment.

How many grams of protein are in the white of one egg?

Chicken or quail protein consists of 87% water and only 11% of the main nutrient - protein. The remaining 2% is formed by various minerals and ash. To calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg, you need to know the category of chicken eggs, which takes into account many parameters, including the weight of the product. This table will help you navigate and find out the desired result without using calculations:

Formula for calculating the mass of protein in an egg

Knowing the category of chicken eggs, you can easily calculate how much 1 egg white weighs. How many grams, for example, are in the first category egg white? Its weight can be seen in the table; it is approximately 55-65 grams. Protein in the total mass of an egg occupies 56% in a chicken egg and 60% in a quail egg. For convenience, it is believed that the yolk occupies 1/3 of the mass of the egg, and the white - 2/3. Calculation formula: find out the weight of the egg in accordance with its category and multiply by 2/3. Therefore, when calculating (or from the table given in the article), we get 36.7-43.3 grams of protein as a product.

For example, a quail egg contains, on average, 6 g of protein.

For athletes and people who adhere to healthy lifestyle rules

The main role in the exceptional nutritional value and benefits of eggs is played by their biological value - this is what nutritionists call the degree of absorption of the product. Eggs are an easily digestible food, it is 98% digestible by our body, so its nutritional value is the standard. To build muscle mass, athletes need to consume 2-3 g of high-quality protein per 1 kg of their body weight. Having found out how many grams of protein are in one egg, you can calculate the required amount of product in the diet for effective muscle building. Boiling or frying eggs without adding oil does not affect the volume of protein and it remains unchanged.

But a fried egg in butter contains 14 g of protein, an omelette - 17 g of protein, and with the addition of grated cheese - 15 g. Protein is a low-calorie product (44 kcal per 100 g). Eating a two-white omelet for breakfast every day helps you lose weight by 67% more than eating other foods with the same calorie content. Many people who are losing weight have a question about why 100 grams of eggs contain 12.7 g of protein (protein), and the same amount of egg white contains only 11.1 g. It turns out that the yolk is almost 1.5 times richer in protein than protein: 16.3% vs. 1.1%.

How to properly consume egg whites?

Nutritionists recommend that eggs or whites be subjected to heat treatment. Doctors do not recommend eating raw eggs, as they are only 50% digestible by the body and can also become a source of salmonellosis. Do you know how many grams of protein are in one egg? By boiling two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, you can get your personal daily protein intake.

Liquid yolk, if you are not allergic to its components, will be an excellent choleretic agent, reduce the risk of heart attack and become an obstacle to the development of cataracts. Egg white will provide useful enzymes, protein, B vitamins and glucose, vitamin K, niacin, choline and essential amino acids that help in the synthesis and regeneration of cells and tissues in our body. There are no contraindications for egg whites, except for individual intolerance.

Probably every poultry breeder asked himself the question - how much does one chicken egg weigh on average? And not without reason, because this directly reflects the productivity of the farmer, as well as the very quality of the product produced. Actually, its cost also depends on the weight of the egg. Even if the chickens lay a lot of eggs and their weight is small, the profit will still be lower. In this article we will try to understand this issue.

First, you need to understand the types of products that chickens lay down. After all, its size and weight depend on this. So what are chicken eggs? The type of product, that is, the grade, is determined by its weight. If you purchase products in a supermarket, then most likely there is a marking on it that identifies the variety. Today, most stores in the former CIS countries sell eggs with two marks - C or D.

  • C - this means that the products you buy are classified as table food. It should be noted that the shelf life of such products should not exceed 7 days, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate.
  • D - this means that the egg is fresh and belongs to the dietary category. As a rule, it should be no more than a week old from the moment the hen laid it. If it is not sold within this period, its grade is changed to C.

You might also notice that a number is added to one of these letters. This figure, in fact, determines the category, and you can also use it to decipher the weight. These can be combinations of C2, D1, C0 and so on. Below is a table that will help you decipher the mass using such symbols.

After analyzing the above data, you can understand that on average the weight of one testicle is about 60 grams. If you cook often and it is important for you to know how much an egg weighs, then keep in mind that recipes mainly refer to the third grade, in this case the weight is about 40 grams. Accordingly, a dozen eggs will weigh about 400-600 grams.

In addition, it is worth considering that you can also find premium products on sale - such eggs weigh on average at least 75 grams, respectively, their cost will also be an order of magnitude higher. In addition, sometimes you can find double-yolk eggs. In this case, the minimum weight will be at least 80 grams.

Without shell

How much does an egg weigh without a shell? The weight of 1 piece of egg in this case is of more interest to consumers than to producers. It should immediately be noted that the mass of the shell is about 10% of the total weight of the testicle.

Therefore, thanks to simple calculations, you can calculate the mass of products without it according to the categories shown in the table:

As for the shells, they are often used by farmers as chicken feed as an excellent source of calcium.

Weight of white and yolk

We’ve figured out how much an egg weighs without a shell, now let’s move on to the weight of the yolk and white. As you understand, the mass of these components in 1 piece of product will vary depending on the variety. On average, according to official data, about 35% of the total weight comes from the yolk, and the weight of the white accounts for about 55% of the total mass. It's no secret that the yolk, unlike the white, contains a large amount of cholesterol - about 70%, especially if the egg is boiled. For those who are watching their figure, we recommend separating the yolk from the white.

Raw and cooked

Actually, this question will also be no less relevant for those who are watching their weight. How much does one boiled chicken egg weigh and is there a difference with raw eggs?

It should be noted that during the boiling process in a chicken egg the following does not occur:

  • moisture evaporation process;
  • impregnation of boiled white or yolk;
  • other digestion processes.

Accordingly, one boiled egg weighs the same as 1 raw egg. The only point worth considering is cleaning the shell. In such cases, the mass is reduced only due to this.

Interesting Facts

As you know, chickens were domesticated a long time ago. During this time, many myths and legends related to laying hens appeared.

Below are the most interesting facts:

  1. The shell comes in several colors, but according to scientific research, the taste and composition of the contents do not depend in any way on the color. It’s just that the products in the white shell are demolished by more fertile chickens.
  2. Two yolks have also been known for a long time. But how about this - in the UK, a chicken laid an egg that contained as many as five yolks!
  3. The largest egg was also laid in Great Britain. A medium-sized chicken, whose weight was about 500 grams, laid one egg, the diameter of which was as much as 23 centimeters! Moreover, its length was about 32 cm.
  4. As for the smallest sizes, such a record was set in Malaysia. The mass of one unit of demolished product was about 10 grams, while it was five times smaller in size than the average.
  5. American farmers have bred a variety of birds with yellow, blue and even green shells. However, the composition of the product was normal.
  6. The record for eating products was set in 1910 by an American, whose name, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. So, the man ate as many as 144 pieces at one time.
  7. The largest scrambled egg weighed about 300 kilograms; it took 5 thousand pieces to prepare! This dish took two hours to prepare.
  8. In the early 1800s, a funny incident occurred in Great Britain. An inscription something like “The God is coming” appeared on the laying hens’ products, which translated means that the coming of Christ is coming. Seeing this, the British fell to their knees and asked the eggs for forgiveness for all their sins. As it turned out later, this phrase was written on the shell by the owner of the chicken, who then, attention, put them back into the laying hen!
  9. Sometimes chickens lay eggs with double shells. The largest record was set in the USA - the size was about 450 grams, with two shells and two yolks inside.
  10. You will be surprised, but what the Chinese can’t come up with! And now in China they have learned to make what comes out of the chicken by hand! The shell is made from calcium carbonate, and the white and yolk are made from food coloring and gelatin. By the way, in Russia the sale of such products is equated to smuggling.

A chicken egg is a common food on our table. Store shelves are full of a huge selection of this product. And it differs not only in manufacturer and price, but also in weight category, which mainly determines the price. It is useful to know what this category is and what it depends on.

The meaning of egg markings

According to our current standards, any egg produced by a poultry farm has its own marking. The marking mark consists of two elements: letters and numbers. The letter is responsible for the type of product, and the number or letter for the size (weight). There are two types of letter designations:

  1. “D” - dietary, a week is allotted for its implementation;
  2. “C” - table food, must be sold in 25 days.

Important! For importedslightly different markings: S - Small (up to 53 g), M - Medium (53–63 g), L - Large (63 73 g), XL - Very Large (more than 73 g).

By weight they are divided into the following categories:

  • 3 - third category, the smallest;
  • 2 - second;
  • 1 - first;
  • O - selected;
  • B - highest.
Thus, if you see the “C1” stamp on a product, this means that it is table food, first category.

Average weight of a chicken egg

Each described variety corresponds to a certain amount of goods in grams.


Raw egg without shell

When athletes calculate their daily diet, it also matters to them how much an egg weighs without a shell. To determine the weight of the contents of the product, you need to know what percentage of its total mass is the shell. Its share accounts for approximately 12%. Based on the above data, you can get the following:


Yolk and white mass



It is important for dieters and housewives to know whether the mass of a raw product differs from a boiled one. To understand this issue, you need to delve a little deeper into the anatomy of the egg. Its shell is permeable to air, but it releases it much more slowly than it lets it in. Therefore, no losses occur during cooking. When we remove the shell, the weight of the cooked contents will be equal to the weight of the raw contents of the shell.

Important! It is necessary to take into account the fact that if a product is stored for a long time, its contents still gradually evaporate, and when you cook it, it may turn out that its weight will not correspond to that declared by the manufacturer.

Egg weight depending on breed

Regardless of which breed a chicken belongs to, they all have the ability to lay eggs. True, the size of the demolished product will vary. Most often, meat and egg chickens lay larger ones, and small ones lay eggs. To obtain a product of the highest category, selected layers are bred and fed according to a special scheme.
The average weight values ​​for the most common breeds look like this:

Breed Egg weight
Rhode Island 56 58 g
New Hampshire 58 59 g
Plymouth Rock 56 60 g
Moscow 56 58 g
60 62 g
60 61 g
56 58 g
Pervomayskaya 58 63 g

In grocery stores, people rarely look closely at their appearance. Typically this product is selected by size. Has anyone ever wondered what the weight of chicken eggs is and how it affects the other indicators of this product?

Labeling rules

An egg purchased in a store, as a rule, has a special stamp that contains complete information about the purchased product. You just need to be able to read it correctly. Marking is usually done in two ways:

1) The stamp is applied separately to the shell of each egg.

2) If the product is sold in a special closed container, then the information is indicated on the packaging. Usually this is a label that is glued in such a way that when opening the box you have to tear it off. This serves as a guarantee that the container has not been reused.

Most often, poultry farms try to label all their products without taking into account the type of subsequent packaging. In this way, the company tries to avoid possible misunderstandings and substitutions. Understanding the meaning of each symbol of the applied marking, any buyer can not only give a general description of the product, but also determine the weight of chicken eggs standing on the counter.

Buyer Information

The simplest marking stamp contains two symbols. The first is the type of egg, and it is indicated by a letter of the Russian alphabet, and the second is its size, and it is indicated conventionally in numbers or letters. Now you need to understand how to determine weight using all this symbolism. There are many chicken eggs, and they are all different. You need to figure it out in order. The letter symbol in the stamp indicates the type of product. This is not just a conventional name. In accordance with it, the shelf life and scope of application of poultry farm products are established. Therefore, eggs are divided into the following types:

  1. Dietary (“D”). They are usually stored for no more than 7 days. Moreover, the countdown does not start from the date of manufacture, but from the date of sorting. This must be taken into account when purchasing in a store.
  2. Canteens (“C”). Their shelf life reaches 25 days.

From this we can conclude that a dietary egg differs from a table egg not in any special qualities. There's just a good chance it's fresher. This is an important indicator. It is even more important than the weight of chicken eggs or any other. This may be why dietary eggs are used for baby food. They can be safely soft-boiled or used in confectionery production, for example, for making creams.

Egg weight categories

In addition to types, eggs are also divided into categories. There are only five of them:

  • first (1);
  • second (2);
  • third (3);
  • selected (O);
  • highest (B).

This indicator allows you to judge the size of the product. Therefore, knowing it, you can approximately determine the weight of 1 chicken egg. On average it is about 50 grams. Data on the type, category and weight of chicken eggs can be summarized in a table.

Table of the dependence of the weight of chicken eggs on their type and category

No. Type of egg Category Average weight, g Permissible weight deviations, g Marking on the stamp
from before


IN80 75 - Far East
2 ABOUT70 65 75 BEFORE
3 1 60 55 65 D1
4 2 50 45 55 D 2
5 3 40 35 45 D3

(dining room)

IN80 75 - NE
7 ABOUT70 65 75 CO
8 1 60 55 65 C1
9 2 50 45 55 C2
10 3 40 35 45 C3

Those who like to cook should know that when writing recipes, experts usually conventionally use eggs of the third category with an estimated weight of 40 grams. When making a purchase in a store, you can check the correctness of the labeling using a check scale.

Components of an egg

Any egg consists of three parts. The percentage share of each of them in the product is as follows:

  • protein - 58.5%;
  • yolk - 30%;
  • shell - 11.5%.

These indicators are approximately the same for eggs of all types and categories. Based on the above values, you can easily calculate the weight of a chicken egg without a shell. For example, if a C1 egg weighs 60 grams, then its shell, respectively, is 7 grams, the yolk is 20 grams, and the white is 33 grams. Usually such an indicator is not necessary, but sometimes it is indicated in some tables of measures. In addition, some confectionery companies use melange to produce their products. It is a mixture of yolks and whites without eggshells. In this case, knowing the weight of a particular batch of eggs, you can calculate how much melange can be produced from it. It is worth noting that the weight of the shell does not depend at all on its color. Eggs can be white, beige, brown and even olive. Based on this characteristic, it is rather possible to determine the breed of chicken that laid a particular egg.

Boiled product

Chicken eggs are usually eaten raw, boiled and fried. Boiled products often find use in the daily diet of any person. Boiled eggs are eaten plain or used to prepare a variety of dishes: appetizers, salads and even soups. When compiling recipes, experts usually use the number of eggs in pieces, but sometimes it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the ratio of the components of a complex dish in grams. This is where the need to know the weight of the egg arises. In this case, you need to immediately refer to the above table. You just need to calculate the weight of the white and yolk without the outer shell. This will be the desired value. After all, eggs are boiled in their shells, as if in a confined space, so any material losses in this case are practically excluded.

Average value

Two different eggs of the same category and type may have different weights. This is provided for by the current standard. But if we are talking about large batches, then permissible deviations in grams are usually not taken into account. Only the average value is taken into account, that is, the average weight of a chicken egg. For example, a dietary egg of the second category should weigh from 45 to 55 grams. Therefore, the average weight of such eggs in a batch is considered to be 50 grams. In practice, this is what happens. Both larger and smaller eggs are found. If you set a goal and weigh, for example, one hundred eggs of the same marking, and then divide the resulting value by the total quantity, the result will be the weight of 1 egg equal to the average value approved by GOST. Some manufacturers, to expand their range, give ordinary eggs additional properties: they enrich them with selenium or iodine, and achieve a bright yolk color. In any case, the average weight is determined based on the category and type of product produced.

Every farmer should know the mass of the resulting product, because thanks to such information in the future it will be clear to which category the products obtained from laying hens can be classified.

So, eggs can be table or diet. The former can be stored for 25 days at room temperature and 90 days in the refrigerator. The latter can last only one week.

As for the varieties, they are as follows:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

Each variety has its own weight and marking:

  • highest – from 75 g;
  • selected - from 65 to 74 g;
  • first – from 55 to 64 g;
  • the second - from 45 to 54 g;
  • third – from 35 to 45 g.

A few words about middleweight

It is after the division into varieties that egg products will have the appropriate price category. You will have to spend the least amount of money when buying eggs from young animals, which at the beginning of their egg production do not lay very large products. Larger products are obtained from adult individuals and, accordingly, have a higher price.

If we talk about the average weight, then it is 40–60 g. They are the ones that can most often be purchased in the store, and they are the ones that are best suited for cooking.

What is the weight without shell

Answering this question is not so simple; even the most avid poultry farmers do not always know how much an egg will weigh if the shell is removed. The result is an approximate figure of 55 g (approximate, because each egg has its own mass, and it has some deviations even within the same variety).

Most often, knowing how much a product weighs without shell is important in the confectionery business. And for this they use percentage values:

  • shell – 12%;
  • yolk part – 32%;
  • protein part – 56%.

It is enough to remove the shell and get the percentage of the egg.

Weight of raw products

Not everyone knows that raw eggs weigh slightly less than their stated weight. When purchasing, you can pay attention to the markings and tell about the approximate weight. But at home it turns out that the mass is less.

The whole subtlety is that when the product lies on the counter, it begins to gradually lose moisture due to evaporation, and therefore the mass will also change. Fresh eggs always weigh more than those that have been waiting for their buyer for a long time.

How much does a boiled egg weigh?

Another interesting point is that while cooking is in progress, the mass will not change. Here it’s all about the shell, which creates a protective shell that prevents moisture loss, and therefore everything will remain in place. Based on this, we can safely say that the weight of both boiled and raw eggs remains unchanged.

If frying is used, the mass decreases due to the evaporation of moisture.

The yolk, white and shell also have their own weight

When broken, an egg can be divided into several components:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

The heaviest weight will be on the protein, and the lightest on the shell.

As for the numbers, the averages will look like this:

  • protein part – 33 g;
  • yolk – 22 g;
  • shell – 7 gr.

How much does an imported egg weigh?

The European Union countries have their own labeling of egg products, this applies to varieties. The smallest weight here is 30 g, and the largest is 73 g. The packaging contains data on weight, size, and also a number of other notes. Some, for example, relate to keeping birds (meaning cage or floor). Many buyers pay attention to this fact when purchasing products. Some eggs are marked with numbers that indicate the country of origin.

In the following table you can see the breeds of chickens and the weight of egg products:

Breed name