Pressotherapy contraindications and side effects. Contraindications and indications for pressotherapy: air massage against orange peel. Comparison of compression massage with other wellness treatments

Do you want your legs to be perfect, without venous network and swelling? Then you should pay attention to a procedure such as pressotherapy. Reviews, contraindications, cost, photos before and after this event - all this will be discussed in the article. We will also look at the process of carrying out the procedure, and you will find out whether it can be performed at home.


Pressotherapy is a type of therapy performed using a special suit, which consists of a belt, sleeves and boots. During the procedure on lymphatic system human (which performs the function of protecting body cells from foreign substances, toxins) affects any malfunction of this system leading to swelling, extra pounds, cellulite, and unhealthy complexion. Also, a person’s immunity decreases, headaches appear, and performance decreases. And during pressotherapy, the movement of lymph from the center to the peripheral areas is activated, due to which stagnation is removed. As a result, the body is restored, muscle tension is relieved, and venous blood is cleansed.

Why is the procedure necessary?

Pressotherapy is an event that has a positive effect on the body in the following ways:

  1. Helps get rid of cellulite.
  2. Is effective method figure correction.
  3. This is a great way to restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin.
  4. Helps normalize blood circulation.
  5. This is a kind of massage that helps relax muscles.
  6. After the procedure, swelling disappears.
  7. Skin cells are nourished, tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  8. The mood lifts.
  9. The skin acquires a natural shade.
  10. Liquidated

Carrying out the procedure

Now let's find out how this kind of massage is done. Pressotherapy is an event, before starting which you must undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor himself determines the degree of a particular illness, and also develops an individual eight-step program.

For this process, a special apparatus is used, consisting of linings divided into parts. Depending on the treatment area, inflatable boots, cuffs, corsets, belts and gloves are used.

Before the procedure begins, a person lies down on a couch, one or more attachments are put on him, and a session called “pressotherapy” begins. Photos before and after such an event are shown below.

How is the session going? The specialist launches the program on the equipment by pressing the appropriate button on the device. During the process of pressotherapy, excess intercellular fluid from the body and excrete it naturally through the human renal system.

During this event, the patient experiences increased sweating, and the rhythmic vibrations of the pads create a massage effect.

Pressotherapy is a painful procedure. After its completion, a person feels lightness, warmth throughout the body, as well as an incredible surge of strength.

The total duration of one session should be no more than 40 minutes.


Pressotherapy is a procedure that is not suitable for all people. At the following features and health problems, it is prohibited to perform this type of lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. If there is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
  2. With severe endarteritis.
  3. Patients who have hemophilia, vascular fragility.
  4. For skin inflammation, suppuration.
  5. If there are liver diseases, cardiovascular, renal failure.
  6. For fractures.
  7. Pregnant women.
  8. Girls during menstruation.
  9. If there are malignant formations.

How many sessions are required to achieve results?

Pressotherapy must be completed in a full course, consisting of approximately 10-15 procedures. Sessions should alternate with breaks of 2 or even 3 days. And if a person needs a repeat course, it will be prescribed no earlier than six months later.

Do you know how effective a procedure called “pressotherapy” is (before and after photos can be seen in this article)? It turns out that one session is equivalent to 25 trips to a massage therapist. And, by the way, in addition to its healing properties, this procedure also has a relaxing effect.

Event held at home

Today, not a single elite fitness center or beauty salon can do without a pressotherapy apparatus. However, do not rush to believe that healing session can only be performed by specialists - this type of lymphatic drainage massage can also be performed at home.

To carry out this procedure, it is enough to purchase a special device, which can be purchased in specialized stores. medical equipment. Such devices will be discussed briefly below.

Popular equipment

We have already found out that there is not only salon lymphatic drainage, but also home pressotherapy. The devices that people began to purchase to perform these procedures have automatic programs and operate from a control panel. Therefore, after reading the instructions, anyone can master such a unit. The most popular models of pressotherapy devices are:

  • Power-Q1000 Plus. This is a four-chamber lymphatic drainage system with a modern design, an improved hose fastening system and increased level maximum pressure. This is a compact device, weighing only 2 kg. The kit includes one pair of cuffs for legs, arms, waist, massage insoles, connecting hoses.
  • Installing Happy System. This device is even smaller than the Power-Q1000 Plus. Its weight is 1.9 kg. The system configuration is similar to the first one. This device has 2 automatic and 9 individual modes.

Pressotherapy: reviews, photos

People's opinions about this procedure are positive. Most ladies go to the salon first for one reason - to get rid of cellulite in problem areas. Everyone achieves results - from orange peel not a trace remains. True, you should go to the salon not for 1 or 2 days, but for the full course, then the effect will really come.

Also, many reviews regarding the procedure are left on the forums by representatives of the fair sex who love to walk on Naturally, after they spend at least half a day in 10-centimeter stilettos, their feet will begin to hurt. For such girls there is a way out - to come to medical Center for pressotherapy, which will help relieve fatigue from lower limbs, and it will also relieve varicose veins.

Also, those people who had problems with swelling noticed an amazing result after the sessions: their legs took on a normal appearance, because thanks to the procedure, all fluid was quickly removed from the body. True, you should also maintain the correct water regime.

In addition to the fact that pressotherapy is an event that can bring the body into excellent shape without much effort, it is also wonderful remedy relaxation. Indeed, many people leave reviews dedicated to this positive point. Women, as well as men, note that even if they come to the procedure tired, bad mood, after the end of the session they leave full of strength and energy. And some patients even manage to fall asleep during such an event.

However, after reading positive reviews about this type of lymphatic drainage massage, you should not rush to the salon and ask to sign you up for the procedure. First, you should visit a doctor so that he allows you to go to such a session. After all, do not forget that there are contraindications to the procedure, they were discussed above. In order not to harm your health, do everything thoughtfully and correctly.


The price of this type of lymphatic drainage massage is actually not fixed. There are many factors that determine the cost of the procedure. For example, if pressotherapy is performed on the abdomen, then the price is small, but if the session is also performed on the arms and legs, then the prices are completely different. The cost is also affected by the quality of the device itself and the suit, the level of the salon in which the procedure will be performed, the qualifications of the specialist, etc.

For example, pressotherapy in Moscow will cost an average of 1,500 rubles per session, but you need to complete a whole course (20 visits). You can calculate how much money you will have to give in this case - 30 thousand rubles. The result is worth it. Some people, having tried this type of lymphatic drainage massage and experienced its amazing effect, purchase home equipment and do the procedure themselves to save money.

Now you know what pressotherapy is and how it is performed. Remember that before going to a beauty salon for this procedure, you need to visit a doctor who will decide on the need for such a relaxing event. Reviews about pressotherapy are positive, so those who are allowed this type of lymphatic drainage massage should experience all the delights of therapy.

– one of the options from intensive lymphatic drainage automatic massage.

The lymphatic system is the most important component immune system person. It provides:

  • absorption (resorption) of protein and its return to the circulatory system;
  • protects every cell of the body from harmful substances, waste, toxins;
  • controls the condition and physiological activity of connective tissues.

This is far from full list functions performed by the lymphatic system. Any disruption in its operation has Negative influence on the human body, causing swelling, overweight, the formation of cellulite, as well as painful skin color.

In addition, lymph stagnation significantly weakens protective functions body (immunity), causes headaches, reduces performance, and can also cause irritability and depression.

Pressotherapy is unique method modern cosmetology, aimed at healing the body through the action of compressed air on the lymphatic system.

During the procedure, the movement of lymph from the central regions bodies to peripheral ones, removed congestion. This process leads to the restoration of fluid balance, active cleansing of the slow venous blood, decrease oxygen starvation and tension in muscle tissue. That is, pressotherapy “turns on” the mechanism of self-cleaning and healing of the body.

During the procedure naturally excess fluid is removed a large number of harmful components, which inevitably accumulate in the body due to our lifestyle, nutrition, and poor environment.

It is worth noting that the improvement extends not only to the area of ​​the body that is treated with pressure, but also to general state the whole body, as well as on appearance.

How the procedure is performed

This procedure requires a special suit designed for the therapy. Compressed air is introduced into sealed cavities (segments or cuffs).

The set may also include two inflatable high boots and up to 15 additional parts, thanks to which you can work on problem areas. In this way, it is possible to ensure uniform simultaneous impact on several areas of the body.

Control over the process and the required pressure in the cuffs (segments) are provided automatically according to a special program. The choice of procedure mode is determined based on the indications given by the doctor based on the patient’s condition and specific goals. This approach allows us to take into account the individual characteristics and problems of each patient as much as possible and achieve the optimal effect.


The important thing is that the effect after the procedure is beauty salon visually visible and tangible after the first session.

After the procedure, patients note:

  • feeling of lightness in the limbs;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • a surge of energy and a great mood.

Three or four sessions and the puffiness completely goes away, the unsightly “orange peel” disappears, small blood vessels, the skin will be significantly refreshed.

Indications and contraindications

Pressotherapy is classified as a medical and cosmetic procedure. It is also a powerful preventive and health remedy.

Indications for the use of this massage:

  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • overweight, cellulite, stretch marks (postpartum);
  • swelling of the extremities (post-traumatic/postoperative);
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin;
  • voltage various groups muscles caused by monotonous and excessive physical activity
  • restoration of muscle tone;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.
  • swelling, the result of which is disease internal organs(eg kidneys, heart);
  • damage, acute inflammation and purulent lesions of the skin;
  • liver diseases, kidney and cardiovascular failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fractures;
  • pregnancy/lactation/menstruation;
  • thrombosis/thromphlebitis.

Number of sessions required for optimal results

The healing course consists of several sessions, their number is determined individually.

A full course of pressotherapy usually includes 10-20 visits. After each session, be sure to take a break for two to three days. For sustainable and long-lasting results, experts advise taking a second course, which is prescribed after six months and not earlier.

The procedure has not only medicinal properties, but also has a relaxing effect, like any quality massage. During the sessions, the client feels pleasant warmth, lightness and a calming effect.

The pressotherapy suit is designed in such a way that there is no feeling of discomfort.

How to do pressotherapy at home

Is it possible to carry out pressotherapy on your own? Of course, you can if you purchase equipment for this procedure.

Various trading companies offer everything you need for home massage, provide delivery and provide a guarantee.

Devices for lymphomassage at home are more compact in size and relatively inexpensive (around 30,000 rubles). In two years the device will fully pay for itself.

Home pressotherapy is no different from a similar procedure in an elite salon, and the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time. The device also has several massage modes. You can choose the optimal regimen after consulting your doctor first.

Devices for massage at home are becoming increasingly popular, as they help maintain health and beauty, and provide an opportunity to relax after a hard day. Such devices are good helpers for those who need massage for health reasons.

How to choose the right device and where to buy it

Pressotherapy devices are produced different types and configurations. The main requirements for such purchases are: high reliability and ease of use. Give preference to newer modern models.

The device has three main components:

  1. Device, consisting of a power supply, compressor, valves, and automation for controlling the process (electronic board). Regulation of pressure in the segments of the suit, compression time, intensity of air injection, and selection of one of the possible programs is performed automatically. It is better to choose metal valves.
  2. Costume(its quality must be given Special attention when purchasing a set). Experts advise taking a separate option. Individual segments can be easily customized to suit a person of any size, which will allow it to be used by all family members. Separate suits are more practical and easier to put on. In addition, if necessary, you can work only on problem areas.
  3. Air ducts. Give preference to a set with flexible, elastic and fairly wide air ducts made of material High Quality. It is more convenient to work if all the hoses are connected into one “connector”.

On average, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles for one session in the salon, full course Their 15 procedures will cost 22,500 rubles. A high-quality device for home pressotherapy can be selected within the range of 20,000-30,000 rubles.

It is better to buy a massage device from companies that professionally sell high-quality medical and cosmetic equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.


Sergey Petrovich, 62 years old

I worked at the machine all my life, my legs were constantly swelling, and I had difficulty moving. My son persuaded me to undergo a course of pressotherapy treatment at a beauty salon. The fact that it was cosmetic made me wary, but I agreed. After the first procedure I felt noticeable relief. I completed the entire course, signed up and took the course again six months later. Great effect, very pleasant procedure. I’m thinking of buying a device for home use for prevention.

Alinka, 23 years old

Over the winter, I gained excess weight, and all of it was concentrated in the waist area. I wanted to get rid of this burden as quickly as possible. A friend recommended it. Pressotherapy is simply a miracle: pleasant music, complete relaxation and a wave-like massage of my problem area... After the third visit I fit into all last year’s summer dresses, after the fifth - I realized that I would have to update my wardrobe!!! I enjoyed the 10 sessions. In addition to weight loss, there are a lot of positive feelings and emotions. I'm thinking of purchasing such a device for home use.

Veronica, 33 years old

I love high heels, but, unfortunately, my legs began to hurt and swell very much. even after I switched to lower heels. I had to go to a specialist for consultation. It was he who advised me to undergo a course of pressotherapy to “disperse the lymph and blood.” I decided to try it and did not regret it - the massage helped a lot. Now I carry out procedures regularly and not only in the leg area. Both for prevention and for mood.

Denis, 27 years old

I am an avid cyclist, and then I broke my leg out of the blue. After treatment, my leg began to swell. I visited a massage therapist, things were progressing, but slowly. They suggested good people that the beauty salon offers a procedure called lymphomassage. I was offered to work not only on the leg, but also on all possible areas. The first time we put on “armor”, I thought it would be difficult and uncomfortable, but, as it turned out, the procedure was pleasant, relaxing, a kind of complex massage with music. I was glad that the problem with my leg went away quickly, and, in addition, the venous networks on my legs disappeared! And, what I didn’t expect, the fat layer on my stomach disappeared somewhere, which I couldn’t get rid of even after intense abdominal pumping.

Natalya, 31 years old

She gave birth to her second child and from a small reed she turned into a rather voluminous lady with noticeable stretch marks on her stomach and orange peel on her hips... When I stopped feeding the baby, I immediately went on a diet, went to the gym... The weight began to go away little by little, but the stretch marks and cellulite became even more noticeable, the skin lost its elasticity in places... Lymphomassage procedures helped a lot. I completed the course, which was 15 sessions. Already by the 10th procedure, minus 5 kilograms! Cellulite has practically disappeared, my skin condition has improved significantly, as have my well-being and mood. This procedure has an excellent relaxing effect. As a result, my husband bought a home version of the pressotherapy device. It is, of course, simpler than the professional one, but it works great. I recommend!

Valentina, 39 years old

I was sick for a long time, bed rest led to sagging skin muscle weakness and other problems. Any exercise stress It was difficult, depression and apathy. The doctor advised me to try pressotherapy. Like, you don’t need to do anything there, just lie down and think about good things, and the technology will do everything for you. I completed two courses, 10 and 15 sessions. The procedure not only helped, but brought me back to life. This great massage, which warms and relaxes, but at the same time gives strength to the muscles, heals the skin and lifts the mood.

Ekaterina, 35 years old

Networks of blood vessels began to appear on my legs. Cause for concern and frustration. The beauty salon recommended pressotherapy. Before I agree to this procedure, consulted with the attending physician, he supported this idea. We massaged only the leg area, the result already in the 7th session was simply excellent. Along the way, the orange peels on my thighs disappeared. In addition, my thighs have become noticeably thinner.

Pressotherapy is one of the most effective techniques to combat cellulite, varicose veins and many other problems. With the help of pressotherapy, you can achieve a significant increase in skin turgor, lose a little weight and get rid of swelling. Patients who work on their feet all day and experience significant muscle tension, swelling and pain will find pressotherapy procedures particularly beneficial. It can be used for chronic varicose veins and traumatic edema.

Pressotherapy - what is it?

Pressotherapy (compression massage, pneumomassage, hardware lymphatic drainage massage) is painless procedure, in which excess fluid is removed from the body. Lymphatic drainage is the effect of compressed air on the lymphatic system. Air is supplied under pressure through special cuffs. The purpose of this procedure is to activate cell receptors that are responsible for the breakdown of fat. At the same time it is cleaned and recharged dermal layer. This physiotherapeutic method uses the latest hardware ─ reliable way mechanical impact on subcutaneous tissues in order to displace all excess intercellular fluid.

Pneumatic massage has an active effect on the lymphatic system, removes accumulated toxins and excess fluid, enhances the processes of cleansing and nourishing tissue. In this way, compression massage has a profound healing effect on the body, which is based on two main mechanisms: therapeutic effect massage and physiological tissue drainage. Pressotherapy relieves swelling different types, in one session the body volume is reduced by one size. The method allows you to effectively combat the manifestations of cellulite and eliminates sagging skin.

The functions of the lymphatic system, in addition to nourishing and protecting tissues, also include cleansing of waste and toxins. When excess fluid and harmful substances are removed, it is restored water balance. This is due to the normal circulation of lymph and intercellular fluid. Hardware lymphomassage enhances venous circulation, accelerates metabolic processes in fat cells, because they are 80% water.

In medicine, pulse barotherapy (another name for the method), which provides antispasmodic and vasodilator effect, used in complex treatment muscle tension, prevention of varicose veins: heaviness in the legs goes away and the tone of the vascular walls increases. Compression massage actively combats swelling after injuries and operations. Developed special programs using the pneumomassage method in recovery after surgery.

What is a pressotherapy procedure?

The press massage procedure occurs as follows: a special suit is put on the waist, hips, legs or arms, and air is pumped into the elastic cuffs with compressors. At the same time they compress in waves soft fabrics patients, which leads to increased blood circulation. Pressotherapy equipment produces rhythmic vibrations under pressure. Such cyclical pressure on certain parts of the body makes it possible to remove not only excess liquid from tissues, but also stagnant metabolic products. Swelling goes away, the tone of the vascular walls increases.

When the pressure in the cuffs decreases, the blood vessels dilate, increasing blood circulation. As a result, the lymphatic system is activated and the body is cleansed of waste and toxins. Accelerates the breakdown of fats and the removal of breakdown products, cellular level all metabolic processes in tissues are enhanced.

Compression massage has a gentle mode of action, so it is suitable even for those who have contraindications for lymphatic drainage using electrical stimulation muscle tissue electrophoresis, or manual massage.

Pressotherapy can be performed daily. The duration of the procedure is on average 45 minutes. To clarify the course program taking into account individual characteristics To agree on indications and contraindications, you should consult a doctor.

After the procedure compression massage, which is also an excellent relaxation, the patient feels rested, invigorated, protected from stressful situations, which is facilitated by a feeling of lightness in the body, especially in the legs, a surge of strength and energy. This effect is observed after the first pressotherapy sessions.

Pressotherapy results

Hardware massage affects the skin, subcutaneous fat, restores normal circulation of lymph and intercellular fluid, significantly reduces rehabilitation time after operations and injuries. The rhythmic alternation of pauses and pressure increases blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves nutrition of all tissues and organs, heals and restores body functions.

Compression massage eliminates swelling of various origins and significantly reduces body volume. Massage with compressed air removes excess fluid, normalizing water-salt balance, and freeing the body from toxins. The manifestations of cellulite are eliminated, skin tone increases after the first session(for severe cellulite, 3 to 5 sessions will be required). The method allows you to remove cellulite and fat folds

Thanks to its vasodilating and antispasmodic effects, pressotherapy is an effective method of treatment and prevention. varicose veins veins (especially at an early stage).

Pressotherapy sessions increase immunity and stress resistance, improve mood, and charge the body with vigor and positive energy.

The massage has a deeply relaxing effect; at the end of the session, patients feel lightness in the body and a surge of vitality.

Positive results are noticeable after the first procedure and persist for a long time after the end of the pressotherapy course.

Air massage is combined with others cosmetic procedures, which are aimed at correcting the figure, for example, with body wraps. Problem areas are treated with active components (for example, algae), on which a film is placed, a thermal blanket on top and, finally, a pressure therapy cuff.

In addition to wrapping, pressotherapy goes well with electrical stimulation or ultrasound treatment
. For
stable high results Experts recommend a set of procedures: pressotherapy, vacuum massage (LPG), wraps and deep heat treatment.

If available serious illnesses, before making a decision in favor of pressotherapy, you should consult your doctor. Here is the list general contraindications, requiring clarification and agreement:

  • hypertension;
  • all types of bleeding;
  • critical days, threat of miscarriage and the period of pregnancy starting from the second trimester;
  • high temperature, febrile state;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • varicose veins of the third degree;
  • acute inflammation;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis in the acute stage;
  • cardiac edema and vascular insufficiency(second-third degree);
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • rehabilitation period after heart attack and stroke;
  • fractures and dislocations at or near the devices;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • macro- and microangiopathy in diabetes mellitus;
  • suppuration or other skin damage;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • benign tumors that tend to grow;
  • electronic implants in the body;
  • probability adverse consequences with increased lymphatic or venous outflow.

Pressotherapy equipment

Equipment for press massage is a control unit connected to a special suit, into which compressed air is supplied. The procedure follows the following scheme: air is supplied under pressure through the air vents and enters the suit. The professional device allows you to regulate the air supply speed and pressure through the control unit. The equipment creates a rhythmic alternation of pressure in a special suit, increasing blood flow, blood supply to muscles and metabolism, respectively.

In addition to professional equipment such as Pharmacels Power-Q6000 PLUS or Ballancer®, you can use a home-made leg lymphatic drainage device to prevent varicose veins and reduce swelling. The equipment for lymphatic drainage of the Israeli brand Ballancer® has proven itself, which is used today in 30 countries around the world ─ America, France, Germany, China, India, South Korea and others. A special suit (trousers and jacket) contains 36 isolated chambers created by Israeli scientists. The device operates in several modes, depending on the massage technique, the average cost is ─ 5000 €. The most common areas of application of pressotherapy:

The device is used to remove toxins and waste, increase immunity and general tone, toning blood vessels and preventing thrombosis. This innovative technique is also indispensable in sports, when you need to quickly and effectively relieve muscle fatigue. Hardware lymphatic drainage helps to recover faster after injuries and surgeries. The method is widely used in cosmetology (cellulite, skin tightening).

How does the session happen?

The pressotherapy device is a 12-channel computer-controlled lymphatic drainage device. The massage technique is as follows. The patient, wearing a pressure suit, is located on a couch or in a comfortable chair. The equipment depends on the area of ​​application: huge boots on the legs, a wide belt on the stomach and hips, long gloves on the hands. Elastic cuffs are connected to the device using air ducts. The device pumps air into this protective clothing, compressing the tissue from the periphery to the heart in soft and strong waves. These massage movements help remove excess fluid and metabolic products and eliminate swelling. When the pressure in the cuffs decreases, the vessels expand, increasing blood flow and metabolic processes in tissues and cells. Flow high and low pressure can be adjusted at intervals from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The course consists of 10-15 procedures, they can be carried out in 1-3 days. Average cost of a session ─ 1000 rubles, subscription for 10 visits ─ 7500 rubles. Repeat course - no earlier than six months later. The result does not depend on the time of year or solar activity.

According to experts, one course of pressotherapy procedure replaces 20-30 sessions of manual classic massage. A session of a popular hardware massage is not only a painless procedure, but also a pleasant one: the body feels slight tingling, a relaxing warmth spreads throughout the body.

The pressotherapy device was invented by the Dutch scientist Van Der Molen, who is convinced that intermittent rhythmic pressure on the limbs will help remove excess fluid and relieve patients from edema, obesity, and skin problems. This unique and highly effective technique for modeling and rejuvenating the body in medicine and cosmetology has been used for quite a long time and has already found its fans all over the world who want to reduce their volume to 6-8 cm in one course and recharge vital energy until the next one, because the result of pressotherapy lasts a long time and does not disappear without a trace.

IN modern world Humanity has a huge number of problems, which are quite difficult to get rid of using old methods. With development latest technologies There are a large number of innovative solutions that can qualitatively improve health and correct many cosmetic problems. Among such innovations is pressotherapy, a procedure carried out using a special device.

What is the essence of this manipulation? Are there any contraindications to its implementation? And what should you consider when doing it at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Pressotherapy: indications and contraindications

The essence of a pressotherapy session is to restore the correct flow of lymph and venous blood through consistent rhythmic stimulation of muscles human body. This procedure is very useful and important for excellent health and beauty of the body. After all, proper lymph circulation removes toxins from the body and harmful substances, as well as excess fluid from the tissues, due to which there is no cellulite.

Pressotherapy affects the lymphatic system with compressed air, which is formed by passing through special sleeves in the device. Air pressure is controlled using a computer.

A device for pressotherapy or presso-massage takes the form of a special suit with inflatable boots, long gloves, a wide belt for the hips and abdomen, as well as several separate inflatable elements that are put on the patient. The air, entering the suit and controlled by a computer program, specifically affects all parts of the body.

Depending on the problem area, experienced specialist, having familiarized himself with the patient’s health condition, selects a program and treatment regimen.

Indications for the use of pressotherapy are as follows:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Rehabilitation after surgery.
  3. Fight constipation.
  4. Strengthening intestinal motility.
  5. Increased body tone.
  6. Relieving pain as a result of physical activity.
  7. Fight with overweight and obesity.
  8. Relieving post-traumatic swelling.
  9. Fight cellulite.
  10. Relieving heaviness in the legs.

Pressotherapy has positive reviews among patients. But, unfortunately, not everyone who wants this procedure can undergo this procedure. Exist serious problems in a state of health that does not allow using press massage sessions. Namely:

  1. Hemophilia and vascular fragility.
  2. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  3. Severe endarteritis.
  4. Skin inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Fractures.
  6. Diabetes disease.
  7. Kidney failure.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Period of menstruation.
  10. Cardiovascular failure.
  11. Liver diseases and edema.
  12. Tuberculosis.

Before deciding on a pressotherapy procedure, any patient, even the healthiest in his opinion, needs to consult a doctor.

How often can pressotherapy be done?

Depending on which part of the body the procedure will be performed on, the patient is put on long gloves; on the stomach and hips - a wide belt, on the legs - long boots. All this “clothing” is connected by air ducts to the device and exerts a mechanical effect on the skin and muscles, lymph and blood vessels by alternating air pressure: low or high. At the time of the procedure, the alternation of compression and vacuum lasts from thirty seconds to two minutes. It is the reduced pressure in the cuffs that leads to vasodilation and active blood movement to the skin and muscles, as well as subcutaneous tissue.

The duration of a pressotherapy session is forty-five minutes. The course of procedures is designed for ten or fifteen times. There should be a break of up to two or three days between procedures. If necessary, the course of pressotherapy can be repeated after six months, not earlier.

Pressotherapy at home

Many people who want to correct their figure and improve their vitality, simply do not have time to visit special clinics or beauty salons. Pressotherapy at home will help you keep your body in excellent shape without grueling workouts and strict diets. More recently, this type of procedure was used exclusively in beauty salons. Now there is a unique great opportunity purchasing lymphatic drainage devices for the purpose of home use. The device for performing pressotherapy has a low price and will pay for itself to the user after the first course of use.

Lymphatic drainage device for home use Easy to use, you just need to read the instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please contact a specialist.

The device has several operating modes, which makes it possible to configure it for your purposes. Pressotherapy at home is a real relaxation, because you can use such a procedure while lying in front of the TV, or sitting comfortably with an interesting book or a magazine. One session of home lymphatic drainage will restore vigor to a tired person and increase vital energy.

The device is small in size and can be stored on a shelf in a closet or in a nightstand. The device does not cause any inconvenience during transportation, so you can safely take it with you to the dacha or even on a business trip.

Pressotherapy sessions are absolutely painless, feelings of lightness and vigor are felt after the first procedures, and visible effect already there after three or four procedures.

Having a lymphatic drainage device in your home will save you and your family from health problems and will help you maintain your figure in excellent shape at minimal cost and in a short time.

Remember that pressotherapy has contraindications, so before purchasing a lymphatic drainage device for use at home, consult a specialist doctor.

Which is better: myostimulation or pressotherapy?

Very often on TV screens we hear advertisements about a miracle device that relieves us of all problems at once: from fat deposits on the body to sinusitis. Before you completely trust advertising and rush to buy a magical device, you need to understand its quality yourself.

Let's talk about the myostimulator as a unique invention of modern science.

Myostimulation is the rehabilitation of the natural functioning of human internal organs, tissues and muscles through exposure to current pulses. That is, the electric shock is less pronounced, but more targeted.

In medicine, myostimulation is used in cardiac surgery: with its help, the heart muscle is brought into action and resuscitation is carried out using cardiac defibrillation. Directed currents affect nervous system, used for arthritis, osteochondrosis and pelvic diseases.

Cosmetology today uses myostimulators more often than medicine: acting on muscles and tissues, microimpulses not only get rid of fat deposits, but also strengthen muscles, put sagging skin on the face in order, making it elastic and taut in the area of ​​the chin and nasolabial folds, eliminates cellulite.

But if you read the annotation for the device, you will find the following: to achieve the maximum effect in losing weight and correcting your figure in the fight against sagging skin and its sagging, you need to eat a balanced diet and exercise hard physical exercise. That is, without diet and exercise, using only myostimulation, you will achieve minimal results and not for long.

Myostimulation has contraindications that must be taken into account:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Urolithiasis and gallstone diseases.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. The presence of an installed pacemaker in the body.
  7. Alcoholism and drug addiction.
  8. Mental disorders.
  9. Oncological diseases.
  10. Kidney and liver failure.
  11. Purulent inflammatory processes.
  12. Active form of tuberculosis.
  13. Viral colds.
  14. Fractures and bruises.
  15. Postoperative scars for at least nine months.

So, the use of myostimulation is possible in excellent health and in the absence of special sensitivity to pulse current.

Everyone dreams of having beautiful figure and elastic skin, but decide for yourself what methods to achieve this: go to the gym and regular training to achieve goals; adhere to moderation in food; purchase a device for home pressotherapy and within short terms gain a figure like in the picture of a fashion magazine, or attend myostimulation sessions.

Before deciding on one option or another, consult your doctor. Be beautiful and healthy!

64 864 0 Hello! In this article we talk about another procedure of hardware cosmetology - pressotherapy. We will introduce you to contraindications, tell you about the benefits and harms, and also show you photos before and after the procedure.

What is pressotherapy

- a hardware massage procedure using compressed air. The main effect of pressotherapy is on the lymphatic system.

Pressotherapy is called pneumomassage, lymphatic drainage massage, pneumatic drainage, barocompression.

The pressotherapy procedure is carried out using special apparatus and a pneumatic suit. The compressed air method was discovered in the 19th century, and the first pressotherapy apparatus appeared only in the 20th century in Holland.

The operating principle of pressotherapy is based on the supply of high and low pressure compressed air through the cuffs of a pneumatic suit. The procedure is completely controlled; compressed air is applied intermittently. With the help of pressotherapy, active lymphatic drainage is carried out, positive influence on metabolic processes, wastes and toxins are removed.

As you know, lymph plays a big role in cleansing the body of toxins and foreign bodies and is responsible for protective barriers. Pressotherapy has a beneficial effect on lymphatic and blood vessels, the condition of the skin, muscles, and subcutaneous fat layer.

The pneumatic suit, through which compression pressure is supplied, consists of several parts, which are removable cuffs - gloves, belt, shoes, corsets, boots.

Pressotherapy is beneficial appearance And internal state body.

Effect of pressotherapy:

  • Improving skin elasticity;
  • Active circulation of blood and lymph;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Stabilization of water balance;
  • Weight loss;
  • Fight cellulite;
  • Reducing volumes;
  • Reduced swelling;
  • Restoration of venous flow;
  • Improving the tone of cells and tissues.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for pressotherapy Contraindications
presence of cellulite;skin diseases;
overweight;renal failure and kidney disease;
early stage of varicose veins and venous insufficiency;oncology and benign neoplasms;
swelling of soft tissues;tuberculosis;
presence of hematomas;diabetes;
figure correction;pregnancy and breastfeeding;
chronic fatigue;diseases of internal organs;
recovery after heavy physical exertion.cardiovascular diseases;
unhealed fractures.

How is pressotherapy performed?

Types of pressotherapy

Lymphatic drainage pressotherapy is highly effective for weight loss and cellulite. In addition, compression massage is used to restore the body after some severe injuries and operations, after a stroke and for many joint problems.

There are two types of pressotherapy:

  • comprehensive— when pressotherapy is carried out on the entire body, in a one-piece suit similar to an astronaut’s suit;
  • selective— pressotherapy on individual problem areas, carried out using separate cuffs.

Stages of pressotherapy

Step 1. Preparation for the procedure— mandatory consultation with a specialist to identify contraindications, presence chronic illnesses, identifying problem areas.

Step 2. Pressotherapy procedure— a special suit or cuffs are put on problem areas. Selected optimal mode impact. The procedure is painless. Compression pressure appears on problem areas wave-like with alternating high and low pressure. From this effect, blood and lymph begin to circulate more actively, cells get rid of toxins and their breakdown products.

  • The effectiveness and results of pressotherapy are noticeable almost immediately after the first procedure.
  • No rehabilitation period is required, nor is it required special care. After the procedure, you can lead your normal life.
  • The duration of the session is approximately 30-40 minutes. Pressotherapy is suitable for any age and gender in the absence of contraindications.
  • Pressotherapy of individual areas of the body: pressotherapy of the legs (thighs, buttocks, calves), pressotherapy of the abdomen, pressotherapy of the arms allows you to eliminate the fat layer in these areas, tighten the skin, and get rid of cellulite.

The effect of pressotherapy lasts for several months to six months. Supported by physical fitness through training and balanced nutrition, the results of pressotherapy last longer.

One session of pressotherapy can replace 15-20 sessions of manual (manual) massage.

How to do home pressotherapy

Until relatively recently, pressotherapy was only a salon procedure. Modern developments in the field of hardware cosmetology made it possible to create portable devices for pressotherapy at home. Using such a device, you can perform pneumomassage on individual parts of the body.

Before performing pressotherapy at home, it is also necessary to undergo a consultation and examination with a specialist.

Portable devices for pressotherapy are smaller, more compact, easier to use and relatively expensive.

Salon devices have greater functionality, multi-mode, and additional parameters for controlling the procedure.

Possible complications and side effects

During any procedure it is possible side effects. During pressotherapy they can also be observed:

  • increased urination;
  • sometimes the formation of hematomas.

Complications can arise if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, if the specialist is insufficiently qualified, or if existing chronic ailments are hidden.

  • Pressotherapy for varicose veins: Pneumomassage is used to prevent varicose veins and in its early stages. In other cases, pressotherapy is not recommended at all or with careful dosage, duration and frequency. It is also possible to use compression stockings during a session.
  • Pressotherapy for menstruation : since pneumomassage activates blood and lymph circulation, it is contraindicated during menstruation, otherwise it can cause heavy bleeding.
  • Pressotherapy for gynecological diseases is possible only after consultation with a doctor. For most of these “sores”, pressotherapy is contraindicated (cysts, fibroids, etc.).

Compatibility and comparison with other procedures

  • Pressotherapy and manual massage — hardware massage is more effective in its effectiveness. As already noted, one session of pneumomassage replaces about 20 manual procedures. However, if there are contraindications or due to individual characteristics, the question of what is better - pressotherapy or massage - will be answered by a specialist.
  • Pressotherapy and cavitation— these procedures perfectly complement and enhance each other. They are used in combination, alternating in stages.
  • Pressotherapy and myostimulationfull compatibility procedures and enhancing the effect. Also used in combination. There are courses of “pressotherapy + + cavitation” procedures.
  • Infrared pressotherapy- Also effective method body correction, based on a complex of pressotherapy procedures and infrared radiation. The so-called “infrared pants” can significantly enhance the breakdown of fat, have a similar effect to pressotherapy active action to circulatory and lymphatic vessels. Read:
  • Wrap along with pressotherapy, it enhances the anti-cellulite effect, helps tighten skin and muscle tone. There is also a course of procedures consisting of a complex infrared therapy, pressotherapy and wraps.
  • Pressotherapy or- also compatible procedures. The choice between these procedures depends on the desired effect and the problem of the body. The presence of contraindications is important.
  • Vacuum pressotherapy— combines vacuum massage and pneumatic massage. Gives enhanced effect, quick loss excess weight and lasting effect.

The correct course of figure correction: cavitation + LPG massage + pressotherapy

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