Eye massage helps improve vision. Eye massage. Classic eye massage

In the last decade, the load on our visual organs has increased significantly, which negatively affects eye health. Every year the number of people with various vision problems is only increasing.

It is becoming urgent to find effective ways to relieve eye strain, allowing one to avoid the appearance of certain pathologies of the visual system.

One of the accessible and safe methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases of the organs of vision is eyeball massage. We'll talk more about this procedure in this article.

Eyeballs are an excellent way to prevent and treat various pathologies of the visual system. This therapeutic method allows:

  • relieve accumulated eye tension;
  • raise ;
  • develop the muscles of the visual organs;
  • activate blood supply and metabolic processes in the organ.

Regular massage of the eyeballs helps reduce eye fatigue, relieves pain and spasms.

Under the influence of massage movements, blood supply to tissues improves, nervous tension is relieved, which has a positive effect on eye health.

Contraindications to the use of eyeball massage

Even such a seemingly simple and safe procedure has contraindications that should not be ignored.

  • during the rehabilitation period after ophthalmological operations;
  • in the presence of purulent processes, inflammation;
  • for injuries to the organ of vision, manifestations;
  • with a high degree of myopia, some types;
  • for malignant tumors.

In addition, the procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from tuberculosis, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, hyperthermia and some other diseases.

Technique for performing eyeball massage

Massage relieves irritation

Eyeball massage can be performed either independently or by a specialist. Professional massage is used to treat various pathologies of the visual system: glaucoma, scleritis, etc.

But most often self-massage is used to relieve eye strain. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for each type of massage.


Before starting the procedure you must:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  2. Find a comfortable position that allows you to relax as much as possible.
  3. Warm up the palms of your hands. To do this, you need to rub them against each other for 50 seconds.

First of all, you should perform preparatory exercises. To do this, use warmed palms to close your eyes for a couple of seconds. In this case, it is important that the inner surface of the palms touches the closed eyelids. The exercise is performed 6-8 times.

Then you need to clench your hands into fists and gently rub your eyeball with them, avoiding too much pressure.
After the preparatory work has been completed, they proceed to the actual massage of the eyeballs, which is performed in stages using the fingertips.

It is recommended to spend at least two minutes on each stage:

  • Stage 1. Massage of the brow ridge. Performed in a circular motion. When identifying painful points, it is necessary to massage each of them for at least forty seconds.
  • Stage 2. Massage of the lower area of ​​the eye socket. Massage movements should be performed with light pressure.
  • Stage 3. Massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes.
  • Stage 4. Massage of the bridge of the nose. The movements must be performed towards the beginning of the bridge of the nose. Particular attention should be paid to the nasal arch, which contains the lacrimal canal.
  • Stage 5. Massage of the nasal sinuses, located below the visual organs. To achieve better results, you need to use your fingertips to feel the depressions in the lower area of ​​the eye socket and massage them thoroughly, pressing lightly. These depressions are considered biologically active points. Massaging these points can improve the overall tone of the body.
  • Stage 6. You should close your eyes and lightly press on the eyeballs with your fingertips. Then release the pressure.

The exercise must be repeated 8-10 times. The final stage is to perform the first exercise performed in preparation for the massage: with warmed palms we touch the eyeballs.

Professional massage

Eyeball massage - for the prevention of eye diseases

The massage procedure is carried out through the eyelids. The duration of treatment depends on the type of ophthalmological disease. As a rule, a massage course includes 10-15 procedures, each lasting an average of 5-7 minutes.

The patient takes a lying position. A small amount of special cream or Vaseline is applied to his eyelids, and his eyebrows are treated with alcohol. The massage therapist carefully prepares his hands: washes, disinfects, and warms up his palms.

As a rule, therapeutic massage of the eyeballs alternates with actions in the facial and collar areas. First of all, the anterior facial vein is massaged to drain blood from it.

  • Stroking the lower part of the orbit of the eye with the pads of the index and middle fingers from the outer corner to the inner. Next - to the root of the nose and along the upper part of the orbit in the opposite direction (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer). Then the strokes move to the fossa located in the temporal zone. And from there - to the earlobe.
  • Circular rubbing. In this case, the exercise is performed with little effort using the pads of two fingers simultaneously. The index finger works on the upper, and the middle finger on the lower parts of the orbit of the eye, in the direction from the inner corner to the outer.
  • Vibration touches of the eye orbit with the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers.
  • Each exercise is performed 4-5 times.

Then the specialist proceeds directly to massaging the eyeballs. The massage therapist performs the following groups of exercises:

  1. Stroking through the eyelid with the pad of the middle finger in different directions.
  2. Rubbing in a circle with the tips of the index and middle fingers. Next, the surface of the eyeball is rubbed with hatching movements, starting from its anterior section.
  3. Kneading - rhythmic pressure with the pads of the index and middle fingers on the surface of the sclera, as well as light compression of the eyeball with the thumb, index and middle fingers.
  4. Vibrating movements with your fingertips at a fast pace.
  5. Puncturing.

Each massage technique is performed 4-5 times.

Vibration massage of the eyeballs can be performed using a special device.

In our age of advanced technology and widespread computerization, not every person can boast of perfect vision. And similar problems occur not only among older people, but also among young people, students, schoolchildren and even preschool children. The reason for this may be not only age-related changes, but also frequent sitting in front of the TV or computer monitor, stress, poor diet, bad habits, etc.

Modern medicine has various methods of vision correction - from medications to laser surgery. But if the deterioration of vision did not occur as a result of some disease (for example, diabetes) or traumatic brain injury, where the help of medications and various types of devices cannot be avoided, then in other cases (and according to statistics, 75%) vision can be restored . And one of these methods is eye massage.

Eye massage will help not only stabilize the current condition, but also prevent vision deterioration.

Just 10 minutes of daily sessions will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes (improving their blood circulation and metabolism in tissues), help strengthen and relax tense eye muscles, and improve visual acuity.

In addition, eye massage is:

  • relaxation and complete rest for the eyes,
  • prevention and prevention of the development of myopia and farsightedness,
  • prevention of cataracts and glaucoma.

Massage techniques to improve vision

Several types of massage procedures are used to treat the eyes:

  • classic body massage performed by a masseur,
  • self-massage,
  • water.

Whatever type of eye massage you choose to improve your vision, you should consult with an ophthalmologist about its feasibility and correctness of implementation, who will conduct the necessary examination, find out the cause of your vision deterioration and offer an adequate treatment method.

Classic massage

This is a widespread method of treating many diseases, various systems and organs. Classic massage includes 4 main techniques:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • effleurage

These techniques can be performed in different variations, but in a strictly defined sequence (for any disease). The massage session ends as it begins with stroking. Techniques may vary depending on the area being massaged and the disease.

Classic massage is also used in the treatment of various visual impairments, however, there is a whole list of contraindications to this method:

  • increased body temperature,
  • general serious condition,
  • severe pain, relieved only with medications,
  • any skin diseases,
  • all blood diseases and tendency to bleeding,
  • the presence of any (including benign) tumors,
  • severe hypertension,
  • acute purulent processes,
  • physical and mental fatigue,
  • mental illness and increased excitability,
  • open form of tuberculosis.

When treating the eyes, as a rule, a back massage is performed at the level of the cervical (from the hairline to the 7th cervical vertebra - it is the most protruding) and thoracic (from the 7th cervical vertebra to the lower ribs) parts of the spine - it is in this area from The spinal cord contains nerve endings responsible for the condition of the eyes and visual acuity.

Massage sessions can be performed both in a sitting and lying position.

Massage in a sitting position:

  • sit on a chair or stool near the table,
  • place your arms bent at the elbows on the table, with your head on them (if necessary and for greater comfort, you can place a hard pillow, a stack of wide books or linen) so that the spine remains straight,
  • relax your muscles.

Massage in a lying position:

  • lie down on a couch or fairly hard surface, face down (on your stomach),
  • turn your head to the side,
  • extend your arms along your body,
  • relax all muscles.

The massage is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

  1. Stroking- a mandatory appointment at the beginning of any massage. The massage therapist places his open palms on the patient's back in the area of ​​the lower border of the thoracic region and slowly, continuously strokes along the spine upward - to the base of the neck and slightly to the sides - to the shoulder joints. Stroking the cervical region is performed in the opposite way: from the upper border downwards, lightly and not with the entire palm, but only with fingers folded together. Stroking each section is performed 10 times with increasing pressure, but so that the skin does not gather in folds: the pressure on the patient’s skin is such as not to move it in relation to the underlying muscles.
  2. Trituration- second phase. This is a more intense technique, so the skin shifts and gathers into a small fold formed in front of the massaging hands to warm up the skin and improve blood flow to the massaged area. Rubbing can be carried out not only from top to bottom, but also in different directions - with straight-line movements in opposite directions with both hands at the same time or with spiral movements with one hand. On the back, rubbing can be done with the entire palm or its edge, with a fist or fingers, and on the neck - with the edge of the palm, fingers folded together.
  3. Kneading- the third stage of massage, performed to deeply affect the muscles. It is carried out with the fingers of both hands: the muscles are slightly raised and compressed. However, it is impossible to grab the back muscles - these layers are too wide, and therefore the main technique here is pressure, which is performed with the entire palm, its base, fist, fingertips - in jerky movements several times on the same place, with a frequency of 20-60 times in a minute. The direction of movement along the back muscles is to the left and right of the spine.

After completing the session, you should make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction.

Back massage to improve vision is carried out 3-4 times a week.


Self-massage is performed in a sitting or standing position with completely relaxed muscles (to do this, the head should be tilted towards the chest) and always with clean hands. When self-massage, classical techniques are used, but only on accessible areas of the body (cervical spine). The techniques are performed slowly, each 5-6 times.

Eye massage - how to do it?

Before starting the session, you need to wash and warm your hands, revive blood circulation in them. To do this, you need to rub your palms well against each other for 30-40 seconds.

When massaging the eyes, classic massage techniques are used - stroking closed eyes, light kneading, rubbing with the palm of the hand.

First, you need to close your eyes and perform palming - a method of relaxing the eyes (cover tightly with the palms of your hands without putting pressure on your eyes and relax all the facial muscles for 1-2 minutes). Repeat several times.

Now do the previous exercise, but increase the pressure with your palms (without fanaticism!) - repeat 5-7 times.

The most common technique is when both eyes are massaged at once (with the index and middle fingers 10-15 times): along the lower edge - towards the nose, along the upper edge - above the eyebrow.

The following exercise is also effective: with the back of the 2nd phalanx of the thumb, lightly pressing on the closed eyes, make stroking movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples (at least 20 times).

During the massage, your eyes should not get tired, and after the end of the session you need to palm (5 minutes) or simply blink.

Eye massage according to Zhdanov

It is performed not only in the eye area, but also on the entire face. This type of massage will be effective for myopia and astigmatism and is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Massage the forehead with three middle fingers, followed by light stroking.
  2. The same eyebrow massage: it is important to find a dimple in the center of the eyebrows - the optic nerve.
  3. Massaging your temples with two fingers.
  4. Massaging and stroking with three fingers the upper cheekbone under the eyes.
  5. Massage the sinuses with your index fingers. Finish with stroking.
  6. Massage the nose and bridge of the nose with your middle fingers.
  7. Find the dimple at the end of the cheeks near the ear - massage and stroking.
  8. Back neck massage.
  9. Eye massage - vibrating movements with two fingers on the upper eyelid.
  10. Use your middle fingers to massage your eyes, starting from the corners.
  11. Massage the eyeball with four fingers.
  12. Massage the astigmatic point with the index finger.
  13. Close your eyes three times and make “Chinese” eyes.

Shiatsu massage to improve vision

The Shiatsu system originates from Japan and was created in 1912. This is acupressure - a method of influencing various points of the body using pressure with the fingers or palm (medicines are not used). The purpose of the method is to activate processes that maintain and restore health.

The method is based on the fact that a person has about 10 active shiatsu points around each eye. If you stimulate these points by pressing your fingers, it is possible:

  • reduce eye fatigue,
  • reduce tension in the eye muscles,
  • normalize eye pressure,
  • improve visual acuity.

The positive effect of the shiatsu system in the treatment of vision is that as a result of pressure (pressure) on certain points around the eyes, blood vessels are stimulated (which in turn improves blood flow to the eyes), and as a result, this has a beneficial effect on the optic nerves. However, the shiatsu system is not recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • glaucoma,
  • low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • infectious eye lesions.

According to the shiatsu method, several exercises are performed, and it should be remembered that the massage is done gently so as not to cause unpleasant sensations (without rough and sharp pressure):

  1. Place the index, middle and ring fingers simultaneously along the upper edge of the eye socket, gently press with your fingers for 7 seconds towards the eyebrows, without touching the eyeball. Do the same on the lower edge of the orbital socket, pressing down.
  2. Place your index and ring fingers on the edges of the eyebrow, and the middle finger on the center of the eyebrow. Press on the eyebrow for 7 seconds.
  3. Press your fingertips separately on the inner and outer corners of your eyes for 7 seconds.
  4. For 10 seconds, apply pressure with the inside of your thumbs on the eyelids of both eyes.
  5. Press on the cheekbone or temples with three fingers for 7 seconds.

Important: before you start using the shiatsu system, consult your doctor about the correct execution of the exercises, since inept execution can lead to the opposite of the expected result.

Acupressure to improve vision

Active points that can improve vision are located not only near the eyes, so you can use acupressure on the following points (exposure lasts no more than 1.5 minutes):

Point 1- in the fossa at the base of the skull, 3 cm above the scalp, between the occipital bone and the first vertebra.

Point 2 (steam room)- located behind the ear, on the border of the scalp.

Point 3- located at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the scalp, at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones.

Point 4 (steam room)- is located at an equal distance between the middle of the eyebrow and the front hairline.

Point 5- located in the center of the forehead.

Point 6 (steam room)- located in the middle of the eyebrow (middle of the supraorbital foramen).

This massage is especially useful for the prevention of cataracts.

Head massage

In addition to being pleasant, a head massage is also useful, as it helps preserve vision (after all, it relieves general tension and activates blood supply to the eyes):

  • Massage of the back of the head and neck (with your fingertips) along the spine activates blood circulation in the head and eyeball.
  • Tilt your head down and look at the floor. Slowly raise your head up and gently tilt it back - look at the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Use your fingertips to gently massage the skin near the eyes (clockwise). Press the area under the eyes and eyebrows a little harder.
  • For 20 seconds, press on the point at the outer edge of the eye. Repeat 4-5 times.

To improve your vision with massage, you will need very little time. Spend just 10 minutes a day (preferably in the evening) on ​​your eyes - and in a month you will feel and notice that they have become less tired, you are no longer bothered by pain and dryness, and you have begun to see better and more clearly.

Constant work at the computer tires our sensitive organs of vision.

Treatment methods for various diseases in ophthalmology are constantly being improved and modified, but are more likely to be surgical or medicinal in nature.

In the distant past, there were no all these delights of modern medicine and surgery, but people were treated by massaging the eyes and eye points. Previously, the secret technique of therapeutic massage was known only to a few, but today anyone can watch a video with detailed instructions.

We are not at all advocating that you refuse the help of professionals, but rather the opposite - feeling unwell, go to see an ophthalmologist y to find out the diagnosis, but do not rush to buy glasses and contact lenses. Unfortunately, long-term wearing of corrective glasses stimulates visual impairment and causes second eye addiction.

Today we’ll talk about video massage for and discuss its technique in detail.

Benefits of Eye Massage

Eye massage came to us from the countries of the Far East

Taoist eye massage to restore vision, captured on video is the most ancient technique that came to us from the countries of the “Rising Sun”.

Looking ahead a little, let's say that all modern techniques through massage movements are based on the Taoist system, but certain adjustments have been made, taking into account the specifics of diseases.

It is worth noting that self-massage extends to 3 zones where the the maximum number of active points acting on the optic nerves:

  • Eyeballs, eyelids;
  • The area from the top of the cheekbone to the eyebrow and to the temple;
  • Tip of the nose, nostrils.

All movements are performed with the index, middle and ring fingers.

Before we move on to the description of eye massage movements to restore vision in the video, please note that stretching the skin or pressing hard on it contraindicated, because such actions wear out the skin, make it more flabby and provoke the appearance of wrinkles.

Taoist eye massage to restore vision, see here:

Self-massage exercises

The massage program is aimed not only at, but will also be an excellent assistant in relieving stress, fatigue, mental and physical fatigue.

Before you start massaging, you need to warm up your hands. To do this, it is enough to intensively rub one palm against the other.

Watching the video is a must if you want to correctly perceive the information received:

5. Focus on the corners of your eyes. Perform the following complex: place your thumb with the nail up, and make spiral movements with your middle finger. Thus, you can find the most painful points where it is most rational to influence the eye muscles. Once you find the most painful area, stop the application and press slowly, increasing the pressure.

6. Rub our eyes. Remember the moments from childhood when you rubbed your eyes while crying. The mechanism of action is approximately the same, but you just need to rub not the eyes, but the area of ​​the upper arch (the line along the bottom of the eyebrow).

7. Use your middle finger. Massage the eyeball using progressive circular movements. There is no need to put pressure on the eye, because this process can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

Remember a number of rules!

All exercises are performed with eyes closed , and you can only open it for a few seconds in between exercises.

Watch your breathing: it should be smooth, calm and not very frequent. Repeat twice a day, and noticeable results will appear within 2-3 weeks.

Nowadays, visual impairment is becoming a big problem. Eye pathologies occur in every second person. Experts often recommend (in addition to correction using optics) a special massage to improve vision. It is not difficult to learn, it will take a few minutes a day, and the effectiveness and benefits will be great.

Eye massage is a simple and affordable way to improve visual acuity. Anyone can learn a simple technique for performing it; it is not necessary to invite a specialist. As a result of regular exercise, you can significantly help your eye health and even cure minor ophthalmic ailments. The massage does not take much time and can be combined with traditional treatment.

How is eye massage useful for restoring vision?

Many years of practice suggest that with proper regular exercise for 10-15 minutes a day, you can achieve excellent results within a month. When exposed to the area around the eyes, the circulatory system is activated, due to which the capillaries are more intensively saturated with oxygen, and this is one of the indispensable conditions for the stable functioning of any human organs.

Massage will help improve vision not only with eye pathologies, but is recommended (in the absence of contraindications, which we will discuss below) for all people over 40 years of age. At this age, the ciliary muscles begin to slowly weaken. Massage will help maintain eye health for a longer period. With its help, it is easy to relieve tension and fatigue, and slow down age-related changes in the muscles of the eyeball. It is only important to do it regularly to achieve effective results.

Therapeutic and health massage with the right technique helps to:

  • improving blood flow and lymph circulation;
  • increasing immunity, which will help prevent the occurrence of ophthalmological disorders (glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, myopia);
  • strengthening the eye muscles;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • providing rest to tired eyes.

During the exercise, the muscles relax and spasms are relieved. The eyeballs begin to tire less, and visual acuity also increases, which is noted by thousands of users for whom massage really helped to cope with troubling problems.

Contraindications for eye massage

Like any method of influencing the body, massage to improve vision has some contraindications. It is very important before starting exercises to visit a specialist and find out whether this procedure will be harmful for your health condition. Doctors prohibit it from being performed if a person has the following pathologies and disorders:

  • any dermatological diseases, including injuries to the skin around the eye area;
  • blood diseases, tendency to bleeding;
  • oncological tumors of any quality, tuberculosis;
  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • severe hypertension;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and others.

If a specialist recommends refraining from eye massage due to these or other pathologies, then it is better to resort to other methods of influence and treatment. It is also important to listen to your own feelings during the procedure. If you feel overworked, it is better to stop exercising and consult your doctor again.

Types of eye massage to improve vision

There are many methods of eye massage, but several of them can be called the most popular and effective, proven by practice.

  • Eyeball massage.
  • Taoist massage.
  • Shiatsu (acupuncture, acupressure).
  • Zhdanov technique.

Each of these types is based on a specific technique: these can be stroking, tapping, acupressure and other exercises. Don't try to cover all types at once. Study each one carefully and start with the one that is most convenient and acceptable for you. Remember that all movements must be performed carefully, especially when affecting the eyeballs, because careless or too intense actions can harm our visual organs.

How to do your own eye massage

So, we will describe the most popular techniques that are successfully used all over the world to improve vision and prevent eye diseases. Remember that before performing exercises you need to wash your hands thoroughly; they should be warm, not cold. Makeup should be washed off from the eyes. It is best to take a comfortable position, relax, turn on pleasant music.

Eyeball massage

1. Stroking closed eyelids and light pressure on the eyeballs to relax.
2. Alternately press with your palms on the left and right eyes (5-10 times).
3. Gently massage the eye sockets with your fists using scrolling movements (like children rubbing their eyelids when they cry).
4. Squeeze your eyes very tightly, then open your eyes wide (5 times).

Shiatsu massage (acupressure)

Shiatsu (acupressure of the eyes to improve vision) was invented in Japan, where acupuncture has been used for a very long time to treat various diseases. When carried out, blood circulation and metabolic processes improve, relieve muscle fatigue, and normalize intraocular pressure. The Japanese believe that there are 10 points on a person’s face, the impact of which helps to increase visual acuity. So, how to do an eye massage using the shiatsu technique?

1. The ring, middle and index fingers are folded together and placed on the edge of the eye socket (where the upper eyelid begins) so that they rest on the bone above the eye. Then you need to press on it for seven seconds, and then repeat the same procedure with the lower cavity.
2. The tips of the index, middle and ring fingers are located evenly on three points of the eyebrow: on the left and right edges and in the middle. In this position, pressure is applied for seven seconds.
3. Press the tip of the middle finger to the inner corner of the eye, and the index finger to the outer corner, and then apply pressure for seven seconds.
4. At the end of the exercises, use the tips of all three folded fingers to apply pressure to the temples.

This type of massage is considered very effective, but there are contraindications for it. If you have glaucoma or low blood pressure, inflammatory diseases, then you do not need to use it.

Zhdanov technique

This method was developed by Soviet professor V.G. Zhdanov. This can even be called a facial massage, since it affects not only the eyes, but also other areas. When carried out, you can get rid of myopia and mild astigmatism. So, eye massage to restore vision using this method involves the following sequence of actions.

1. First, lightly massage the center of the forehead with the tips of three folded fingers for about half a minute, after which this area is lightly stroked with the palm of your hand.
2. Next, you need to massage your eyebrows along the entire length, again with three folded fingers. This is done until you feel warm.
3. Then you need to massage the temples (we use the same three fingers), then the upper cheekbones, bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip (exactly in the listed sequence).
4. Next, you need to massage your neck with circular and stroking movements, then move on to your eyes.
5. Light pressure is necessary on closed eyelids in the center.
6. Using the tips of fingers folded into a pinch, massage the closed eyelids in a circular motion. At the end of the exercises, you need to close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide. It is recommended to perform this complex three times a day.

We've given you a little insight into the most common massage techniques that some people use to improve visual acuity, improve blood circulation and help their eyes rest. We remind you that before you start doing any of them, you need to consult a specialist. He will also explain how to perform the exercises correctly; the final effect depends on the correct movements.

The flow of information in the modern world is inexhaustible. It is not surprising that the eyes, through which our brain perceives 80% of all data from the outside, weaken under the influence of constant overexertion. Massage will help maintain visual acuity and reduce the risk of diseases.

How is eye massage useful for restoring vision?

It has been proven that daily exercise can eliminate headaches, stop the progression of the disease and protect the eyes from excessive stress. The thing is that simple movements help:

  • tone the muscles;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • stabilize intraocular pressure;
  • reduce the risk of vascular atrophy and stagnation;
  • instantly relieve fatigue.

Spend just 10 minutes of your time on it every day and after a month you will notice a significant result. You don’t need special oils or products to perform it, and any technique can be found on the Internet completely free of charge.


There are a number of restrictions under which eye massage cannot be used to improve vision without the consent of a doctor. For certain factors the ban is temporary, for others it is strictly prohibited. More often they are associated with inflammatory processes, poor circulation and blood pressure problems.

Before performing an eye massage, make sure that you or the person for whom it is intended does not suffer from:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headaches;
  • internal bleeding;
  • clotting problems and other blood ailments;
  • skin diseases;
  • tumors of any quality;
  • the last stage of hypertension;
  • purulent processes;
  • psycho-emotional deviations;
  • central nervous system disorder;
  • tuberculosis in open form.

Of course, you cannot conduct massage sessions if your eyeball is injured or has a viral or infectious infection. Any irritation in this case will aggravate the disease and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Eye massage technique

Facial palpation, which we use to restore vision, will be effective only if the rules and methodological recommendations are followed. Let's start with preparation:

If you are simultaneously doing eye exercises, a massage should be performed immediately after it, as a relaxation. Most techniques involve a sitting position and absolute relaxation.

Classic eye massage

The procedure has an optimal effect on the visual organs - it relaxes and at the same time tones. After it, you don’t have to worry about drowsiness, because the main task is to activate all the receptors in the eye zone. The massage consists of the following:


The technique is based on the concentration points of nerve endings, the stimulation of which activates recovery processes. Use three-fingered palms for massage. The pressure is applied simultaneously and synchronously with a force at which you will not feel discomfort. For convenience, the actions are described in points that correspond to the points shown in the picture.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Based on the name, it is obvious that the purpose of the procedure is to stimulate the movement of lymph. This type of massage should not be considered solely a cosmetic product. The result of the course is not only smoothed wrinkles and reduced swelling under the eyes, but also increased endurance of the visual organs. And all because simple manipulations improve blood flow, relieve fatigue and are the strongest prevention against blockage of blood vessels. Muscles that are toned are less prone to atrophy, and their daily relaxation spares the organ of vision for productive service in the future.

You can learn more about lymphatic drainage massage by watching the video:

Shiatsu massage

The Japanese technique is based on the theory that each point on our body is responsible for the vitality of a specific internal organ. And just as in eastern martial art such knowledge helps to overcome the enemy with one touch, so Shiatsu reveals the secrets of rejuvenation, restoration and longevity hidden in a single click.

The video shows a set of key Shiatsu points that help maintain healthy eyesight:

Eye massage to improve vision according to Zhdanov

The doctor claims that with the help of gymnastics and massage you can restore your vision, curing yourself of myopia and mild forms of astigmatism. The recipe for success is simple - the exercises should be performed daily, following the instructions appropriate for your disease. A set of simple exercises presented below will help strengthen the visual apparatus as a whole. In addition to the area around the eyes, the procedure also affects other parts of the face.