Pulmonary edema in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment. Pathology of pulmonary edema in a dog: etiology and clinical manifestations of the disease

Pulmonary edema in dogs, a condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the air spaces of the lungs. Liquid (transudate) interferes with gas exchange and oxygen transport to body tissues. Oxygen deficiency leads to hypoxia ( reduced content oxygen), which in turn can cause the death of the animal.

Lungs - paired organ, located in the chest of humans and animals. They are formed by a system of tubes that transport air and sacs - alveoli. It is in them, in the alveoli, that the main gas exchange occurs, oxygen enters the blood, and carbon dioxide exits into the blood. external environment. When fluid rather than air accumulates in the alveoli, the space required for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, is sharply limited.

When pulmonary edema develops in dogs, fluid may accumulate as slowly as chronic form), causing difficulty breathing, and quickly ( acute form), causing acute respiratory failure within minutes to hours.

Why does pulmonary edema occur?

Pulmonary edema in dogs often occurs as a consequence chronic illness hearts. Other causes of edema include sepsis (severe systemic infection of the body), anaphylaxis ( allergic reaction immediate type), oncological, infectious diseases, drowning, ingestion (aspiration) foreign objects, liquid or food. Some lung diseases can also cause fluid to accumulate in the alveoli.

How does pulmonary edema manifest?

The severity of symptoms of pulmonary edema directly correlates with the area of ​​affected (fluid-filled) alveoli. Key features include:

For diagnosis, in addition to clinical examination and auscultation (listening to respiratory sounds using a phonendoscope), radiographic examination is used chest. IN critical situations when there is a significant threat to life, everything diagnostic measures carried out only after the patient has been stabilized.

The prognosis for pulmonary edema in dogs depends on both the severity of the disease and the cause of the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the airways.

What is the treatment for pulmonary edema?

Treatment of pulmonary edema has several goals:

Stabilization of the patient. It is necessary to increase the volume of oxygen inhaled by the patient. To do this, oxygen is supplied through a mask, nasal catheter, or oxygen chamber. Along with this, sedative therapy is used to reduce stress and respiratory rate. IN severe cases When the number of affected alveoli exceeds significant limits, auxiliary ventilation is required.

Drug therapy for edema. Apply medications to resolve swelling, and also carry out correction associated violations metabolism.

Identification and correction of the cause that caused swelling - therapy for heart failure, pneumonia, cancer, etc. At this stage you will need additional diagnostics(ECHOCG, blood tests, bronchoscopy, etc.)

The main organ responsible for breathing is the lungs, consisting of two parts, which are divided into small “lobes” - segments. The segments, in turn, are formed from pulmonary vesicles or alveoli, surrounded on all sides by the finest vessels - capillaries.

Pulmonary edema in dogs occurs due to excessive amounts of blood and plasma in the capillaries and vessels, resulting arterial pressure“squeezes out” exudate from them, filling the alveoli and penetrating into the interstitial space. The process by which fluid accumulates in the lungs occurs gradually, from bottom to top, which makes it possible to detect the deterioration of the dog’s health and provide him with timely help.

Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of the disease

The development of the disease is associated with disruption of water metabolism and the colloid blood system. As a result of pathogenic processes, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs swell, the lumen of the respiratory tract decreases, and the alveolar walls lose their elasticity. All this together makes it difficult for air to enter and exit the alveoli. Due to the deviations that arise, the following occurs:

  • stimulation of the respiratory center;
  • simulation of salivation and sweating;
  • excessive blood thickening, as a result, cardiac overload vascular system;
  • violation metabolic processes in tissues;
  • disorder of cellular nutrition of the brain, kidneys, striated muscles.

Pulmonary edema occurs due to the filling of the interstitial space and alveoli with blood and plasma, as a result of which the animal develops respiratory failure. The process of filling with liquids occurs gradually. If the breeder pays attention to the symptoms in time, the dog will quickly get necessary treatment, then her life can be saved.

Regardless of the speed of development of the disease, the clinical picture will consist of the following symptoms:

  • the animal feels depressed and depressed (lack of reaction to treats or food);
  • shortness of breath may appear (it will manifest itself like this: the dog spreads its front paws wide and stretches its neck, thus straightening Airways);
  • the animal's breathing becomes unnatural (inhalations are frequent and intense, accompanied by strongly flared nostrils);
  • coughing or wheezing may develop;
  • mucous membranes and skin change color (eyelids, gums and tongue may become pale or, conversely, turn blue);
  • body temperature decreases;
  • bloody fluid may be released from the mouth or nostrils (for example, during a cough or just like that);
  • vesicular breathing weakens and is practically not audible (the symptom will only appear when examined with a stethoscope);
  • Hypoxia develops, the first signs of which can be seen in the animal’s nervous breakdown (convulsions, coordination of movements is impaired, the pet may lose consciousness).

Not everyone on the list may have symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs. Basically, only a few signs of the disease may appear.

It is necessary to pay attention to any abnormalities in the animal’s behavior and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.

During edema in the lungs, gas exchange is disrupted, the capillaries are filled with blood and exudate, subsequently leaking into the alveoli. The amount of carbohydrates in the walls of the alveoli is sharply reduced, which further disrupts gas exchange in the lungs. This leads to the release of large amounts of chlorine, which contributes to the enlargement of blood vessels and fluid retention.


Pulmonary edema is serious pathology, which can be caused by a number of serious diseases and disorders in the body, including:

  • Heart diseases and defects (for example, endocraditis and radiomyopathy), intravenous infusion. The above diseases affect the hydrostatic pressure in the blood vessels of the animal. It rapidly increases and leads to a disruption of capillary permeability and the release of blood into the lung tissue.
  • Hypoproteinemia is a disease that triggers a mechanism to reduce oncotic pressure. In this case, an imbalance appears between the oncotic pressure of the intercellular fluid and the similar pressure of the blood. The body tries to eliminate this difference, so the fluid leaves the vessel into the interstitium.
  • Inflammation of the lungs, intoxication of the body. These diseases lead to a sharp increase in the permeability of the membranes of capillaries and alveoli. This, in turn, provokes damage to the protein structure of the membranes itself. The fluid (as in the case of hypoproteinemia) goes into the interstitium.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Head injury.
  • Overheating of the body.
  • Long distance running.
  • Inhaling too hot air.
  • Electric shock.
  • Ingestion of poison (for example, snake poison) into the body.

Lung pathology such as edema is most often found in sled dogs and sports dogs, which is associated with heavy physical exertion. Often the disease develops against the background of problems with the cardiovascular system or due to increased venous pressure in the organ itself. Depending on the form of the disease, its causes can be divided into 2 groups.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs is associated with heart failure or increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation, and can be caused by one of the following:

  • congenital pathology such as cardiac pars;
  • enlargement of the heart muscle or part of it, which was caused by hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the cardiac aorta or valve, blockage pulmonary artery;
  • diseases of a rheumatic nature (can often develop during childbirth or while carrying puppies, especially if the bitch had toxicosis);
  • coronary insufficiency.

Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema is associated with thinning of capillary tissue, and usually develops against the background of various pathological processes in organism:

  1. The development of the disease can be caused by disruption of the central nervous system. The causes of swelling in this case may be:
    • head injury;
    • inflammatory process;
    • tumors and other neoplasms;
    • thrombus;
    • cerebral hemorrhage.
  2. The disease can be caused by pathology respiratory system, then the reason for its development must be sought in the following:
    • chest injury (closed or penetrating);
    • previous severe form of bronchitis or pneumonia;
    • tissue damage or burns caused by inhalation of toxic gases or smoke;
    • asphyxia.
  3. Chronic kidney failure.
  4. Edema also develops as a result of medical intervention: a complication after surgery (usually on cervicothoracic region), during infusion or blood transfusion.
  5. In the non-cardiogenic type of the disease, the cause of edema can be a common household injury:
    • the animal's state of shock followed by severe fright;
    • electrical injury;
    • prolonged exposure to the sun, which can lead to heatstroke or sunstroke;
    • insect bites;
    • poisoning of the body caused by the bite of a poisonous snake;
    • allergic manifestations or anaphylactic shock.

Pulmonary edema in dogs can have different causes, the main thing is to recognize the disease in time.

Pulmonary edema in dogs can be independent disease, but can also develop against the background of some other pathologies.

The causes of cardiogenic edema are most often diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • various heart defects;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • ischemia;
  • formation of a blood clot in the pulmonary artery.

Non-cardiogenic edema can be triggered by various external influences and diseases not related to heart failure:

  • head injury;
  • neoplasms, inflammation or rupture of blood vessels in the brain;
  • pneumonia or complex form of bronchitis in dogs;
  • inhalation of gases or chemicals;
  • suffocation due to compression of the respiratory tract or due to a foreign object entering it;
  • stressful state;
  • electric shock;
  • bite of a poisonous snake or insect;
  • heatstroke;
  • severe allergic reaction.

As we can see, pulmonary edema in a dog has a wide variety of causes and can occur, for example, after piroplasmosis, which the dog became infected with through a tick bite while walking outside. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your pet on walks and at home so that it does not overheat, do not go into dangerous places, and do everything on time necessary vaccinations and enjoy protective equipment from bites of dangerous insects.

Increased permeability of the vessel wall

The so-called respiratory distress syndrome. It develops after suffered trauma(not only pulmonary, but also any other organ), poisoning (poisons, including snake poisons, some medications, inhalation of smoke or toxic gases).

Passage of acidic contents from the stomach into the lungs (aspiration). Sepsis, uremia, even pancreatitis can cause the vascular wall to become “porous”, and the liquid fraction of the blood sweats out more easily.

Other reasons

  • Thromboembolism;
  • Brain injuries (especially those leading to nervous disorders, seizures);
  • Inflammatory processes in the lungs (infectious and non-infectious nature);
  • Neoplasms (tumors);
  • Dehydration. Plasma oncotic pressure decreases as a result of fasting, liver and kidney diseases (in particular glomerulopathy), losses through the gastrointestinal tract, and dehydration;
  • Heart failure. Overload of the cardiovascular system: heart failure (left side), shunt (from left side to right).

Among other things, possible causes include chronic renal failure or medical intervention, like - pulmonary edema in a dog as a reaction to a transfusion, blood infusion.

Not excluded domestic injuries. It could be:

  1. Sun, heatstroke.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Shock from severe fright.
  4. A bite of an insect.
  5. Electric shock.

The causes of the disease are varied, including:

  • heart defects and diseases;
  • hypoproteinemia;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • pneumonia;
  • poison intoxication;
  • electric shock;
  • inhalation of hot air;
  • long runs;
  • overheated body;
  • head injury;
  • renal failure.

The disease is most common among sports and sled dogs; this statistics is explained by the high physical stress that they have to experience. The disease can appear at any age.

Pathological conditions are conventionally divided into mild, moderate and critically severe. Pulmonary edema in dogs is a critically serious condition that is considered a difficult pathology to diagnose and treat. At home, the chances of saving an animal are slim. In order to prevent negative consequences if necessary, we will consider the possible causes, symptoms and emergency first aid techniques for pulmonary edema.

Physiological process of pulmonary edema, symptoms

The lungs are the main organ and part of the respiratory system of humans, animals, birds, most amphibians and reptiles. The organ is divided into two “sinuses”, which consist of segments. The main functional part of the organ is the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs - taking oxygen into the blood and getting rid of carbon dioxide. To fully enrich the body with oxygen, the alveoli are enveloped in capillaries, which, in turn, are connected to blood vessels.

The root cause of pulmonary edema is the overflow of veins, vessels and capillaries with blood. Gradually, under the influence of blood pressure or thinning vascular walls, plasma and blood are released through the membrane of the capillaries, filling the interstitial space and alveoli. Filling occurs gradually, from bottom to top, therefore, with a timely response from the owners, the edema is successfully diagnosed and the animal can be saved. The predominant risk group among animals is dogs and horses.

There are acute and slow course of the disease, however, they have common symptoms:

  • Depressed state– the dog is depressed and does not respond to food or treats.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath– the dog tries to spread its front paws wider and stretch its neck, straightening its airways and straightening its ribs, and may open its mouth. In a critical condition, the same signs appear, but the dog lies on its side.
  • Unnatural breathing– the dog takes abrupt, frequent and intense breaths, straightens its nostrils strongly. Signs of “abdominal” breathing are visible to the naked eye.
  • Cough – can be obvious or in the form of wheezing. It sounds like a dry, “heart-like” cough in people.
  • Change in color of mucous membranes and skin (cyanosis)– eyelids, gums and tongue turn pale or blue. The transition to “cyanosis” occurs quite quickly. With light pigmentation, blueness of the nose and ears is noticeable.
  • Decreased body temperature.
  • Discharge from nostrils and mouth– at the time of coughing or spontaneous leakage of fluid. Consistency can vary from clear to light pink tint until bloody foam.
  • Weakening of vesicular respiration– diagnosed with a stethoscope, practically not audible during wheezing. At normal breathing, throughout the entire inhalation, a smooth noise is heard, reminiscent of the sound of the letter “f”; with edema, it is heard only at the beginning.
  • Dull response when tapping the chest– is not mandatory, can be observed when falling into an extremely serious condition.

The presence of absolutely all signs is not mandatory; depending on the reasons for the development of the pathology, additional manifestations may be observed.

When diagnosing the disease, due to the similarity of symptoms, pulmonary edema is often confused with pneumonia, asphyxia (suffocation), and impaired gas exchange.

When one or more symptoms appear, the owner must be aware that the condition is serious, regardless of the future consequences, and qualified assistance to the animal will only be provided in a veterinary clinic.

Etiology of pulmonary edema in dogs

There are many causes of pulmonary edema in dogs. The most common of these are congenital or acquired heart failure (cardiogenic pulmonary edema), various kinds injuries (blows, falls, penetrating chest wounds), inflammatory diseases in the lung area (pneumonia, bronchopneumonia), allergic reactions (anaphylaxis, drug overdose), intoxication of the body due to hepatic and renal failure, as well as viral and bacterial infections. In addition, cancer can lead to the development of edema.

Preventing the development of edema in dogs

Prevention is part of treatment. The health and even the health of the pet largely depends on the care of the owner and his maintenance of the animal’s living standards. Good housing is a home that is adapted and completely safe for an animal. Dogs under severe stress should be given the opportunity to rest in an optimal environment, provide privacy and adequate nutrition.

  • Diuretics. The medications prescribed are diuretics (diuretics) – furosemide. Mannitol is not used (especially for cardiogenic pulmonary edema).
  • Hormonal drugs. Glucocorticoids speed up recovery (prednisolone and dexamethasone are ideal), but you need to be extremely careful with them, because hormones are not to be trifled with.
  • Sedatives. If the animal is very restless and prone to stress, then sedatives are required.
  • Heart medications and bronchodilators. If necessary, vasodilators (drugs that help the heart function) are prescribed. To make breathing easier, bronchodilators (for example, aminophylline) are used.
  1. This condition is called respiratory distress syndrome. Its root cause is injury.
  2. The wall of the vessel becomes porous. This leads to rapid sweating of the liquid blood fraction.

Domestic injuries

Pathology develops against the background of:

  1. Electric shock.
  2. Insect bite.
  3. Shock caused by severe fright.
  4. Allergies.
  5. Heat stroke.

Other provoking factors

Other provoking factors include:

  • left-sided heart failure;
  • dehydration;
  • glomerulopathy;
  • the appearance of tumors;
  • non-infectious pulmonary inflammatory processes;
  • thromboembolism;
  • infectious pulmonary inflammatory processes;
  • brain injuries that provoke convulsive muscle contractions and nervous disorders;
  • chronic renal failure.

Signs of the disease

The following signs indicate the development of pathology:

  1. Lack of appetite.
  2. General depressed state.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Cough .
  5. Change in skin color.
  6. The appearance of foam from the nostrils and mouth of the dog.
  7. Temperature drop.

How to determine shortness of breath

  • A sick dog begins to stretch its neck.
  • The paws are spread wide, the airways and ribs are straightened.
  • The dog opens its mouth wide and breathes quickly and heavily.
  • Shortness of breath occurs not only after physical activity, but also when the pet is at rest.

Features of cough

  • The gums and tongue of a sick animal turn blue or pale. Their shade changes rapidly.
  • Against the background of light pigmentation, the hearing organs, as well as the pet’s nose, turn blue.

Other symptoms

  • As the disease progresses, wheezing can be heard during breathing. They are present when exhalation turns into inhalation.
  • On late stages wheezing is clearly heard both during exhalation and during inhalation.
  • If the root cause was heart failure, then when listening, arrhythmia is clearly heard. There are murmurs when the heart is working.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs

Pulmonary edema is a condition that is critical and requires immediate professional intervention. Pulmonary edema is also indicated by a number of other symptoms, including rapid pulse and breathing, severe shortness of breath, blue mucous membranes in the dog’s mouth, fussiness and chaotic behavior, as well as tachycardia.

Often, when pulmonary edema occurs, a substance that looks like foam is released from the pet’s mouth, salivary fluid or vomiting. These clinical signs may manifest differently, depending on the cause of the swelling. They usually cause acute respiratory failure, which may present serious danger for the dog's life.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs. The condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • intense and rapid breathing with wheezing, with rapidly increasing shortness of breath;
  • cough;
  • visible mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue become bluish (tissue cyanosis develops due to a decrease in the flow of oxygenated blood);
  • Foamy, sometimes reddish liquid may be released from the nasal openings during exhalation;
  • hypothermia (low body temperature) is possible;
  • to facilitate breathing, the dog spreads its forelimbs to the sides, stretches its neck, opens its mouth;
  • the animal is excited, worried, moaning, may be scared or, on the contrary, aggressive.

Some of the above symptoms may not be observed with pulmonary edema in dogs.

First, calm down yourself and try to calm the dog, as anxiety will only aggravate its already serious condition. After this, immediately go to veterinary clinic.

In the car, the dog should be arranged in a way that is comfortable for him, holding him so that he does not get hurt when moving. At the same time, it is necessary to continue to calm the animal, wipe off mucus and foam if they are released, and constantly ventilate the car interior.

When the diagnosis is clear, your pet will be given first aid and will look for the cause that caused pulmonary edema. Perhaps the dog will spend several days in a veterinary clinic, where he will be given oxygen inhalations and will be under round-the-clock supervision.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs are varied due to the abundance of causes for the development of the pathology.


Shortness of breath develops. It can be either on inhalation or exhalation.


The lack of oxygen will be caused by the fact that the “working” area of ​​the lungs is significantly reduced. The body cannot obtain the required amount of oxygen, as a result of which cells and tissues experience an acute lack of this gas. And without it, the cells will die. “React” to hypoxia first nerve cells, so there may be signs nervous disorder(convulsions, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, etc.).


  • In very severe cases, coughing up blood may occur.
  • The tongue, eyelids and gums may turn pale and blue. The color changes quickly. If the pigmentation is light, blue discoloration of the ears and nose can be observed.
  • Discharge from the mouth, nostrils.
  • The symptom appears not only when the dog coughs, but also spontaneously. The consistency of the discharge varies color scheme from a transparent pinkish liquid to bloody foam.
  • Unnatural breathing.
  • The animal takes frequent, intense breaths. At the same time, the nostrils flare wide open.

Lung wheezing, heart murmurs

Veterinarian during auscultation on initial stage will not hear wheezing. Over time, barely audible wheezing is detected at the moment of transition from exhalation to inhalation. If pulmonary edema in dogs is already severe, wheezing will be heard both during inhalation and exhalation. If pulmonary edema in dogs has developed against the background of heart failure, then upon auscultation (listening) arrhythmia, heart murmurs, as well as barely audible wheezing in the lungs themselves can be heard.

The symptoms of each pulmonary edema in dogs vary and it is rare for all signs to appear at the same time. On the contrary, depending on how the pathology develops, symptoms may be rare or completely new.

Pulmonary edema is considered a critical condition; it can be determined by the following signs:

  • depressed state - the dog is depressed, there is no reaction to food;
  • shortness of breath - the animal stretches its neck, spreads its paws wider, straightening its ribs and airways, and opens its mouth;
  • altered breathing;
  • cough - obvious or in the form of wheezing;
  • change in the shade of the skin and mucous membranes; with light pigmentation, the ears and nose turn blue;
  • discharge from the mouth and nostrils, the consistency varies from transparent pinkish to bloody foam;
  • low temperature;
  • chaotic, fussy behavior;
  • weakening of vesicular respiration.

During normal breathing, a smooth noise is heard; in some cases, when the chest is tapped, a dull knock is heard.

Let's highlight the main symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs:

  • Decreased activity. The dog becomes depressed and does not respond to calls or food.
  • Dyspnea. The dog is breathing heavily and trying to take a position that makes breathing easier. In the acute form of the leak, the dog lies on its side and tries to take uneven breaths.
  • The dog may become restless. Wander aimlessly, not finding a place for yourself.
  • Dry and hoarse cough.
  • The dog's body temperature drops.
  • The tongue, gums and eyelids become pale.
  • A clear liquid with a pink tint is released from the nostrils and mouth. Sometimes the discharge may be bloody.
  • During examination, the doctor may hear moist rales in the lungs and heart murmurs.

The listed symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs can occur suddenly or appear gradually. If the owner notices at least some problems with the dog’s breathing, it is necessary to immediately seek help. Even if the cause is not pulmonary edema, there are still a fairly large number of serious diseases accompanied by similar symptoms.

Unfortunately, pulmonary edema can develop either gradually or very quickly, depending on the causes that caused it. Symptoms can arise either spontaneously or develop progressively. During pulmonary edema, the animal is in a very depressed state - it has no reaction to food, the dog is very apathetic.

The animal begins to short of breath, and the dog opens its mouth, stretches its neck and tries to spread its paws as wide as possible in order to straighten the airways; the dog starts coughing, maybe with or without wheezing, breathing becomes intermittent and deep.

Gradually, the dog’s skin and mucous membranes change in color; if the nose and ears were light in color, they begin to turn blue. From the nostrils and mouth of the animal, masses similar to vomiting light-colored Pink colour, bloody foam may be released. The dog's body temperature drops sharply and tachycardia begins.

    To diagnose in time Pulmonary edema in a dog, it is necessary to identify characteristic symptoms:
  1. The appearance of shortness of breath - the dog breathes quickly, abruptly, intensely, with his nostrils flaring wide. At the same time, you can see how the dog’s stomach rises and falls.
  2. The position of the dog - it selects a position for maximum air intake: it spreads its paws, stretches its head forward, opens its mouth. When the condition worsens, the dog lies on its side.
  3. The dog is depressed, apathetic, does not respond to treats, or, on the contrary, becomes very restless and excited.
  4. A dry cough, characteristic of heart patients, may appear.
  5. So-called cyanosis develops - the mucous membranes first turn pale and then turn blue due to lack of oxygen.
  6. Body temperature decreases.
  7. A clear foamy liquid, sometimes with blood, is released from the animal's mouth and nostrils.

Not all signs may appear, so it is the doctor who must understand them, so as not to confuse swelling with pneumonia, asphyxia, airway obstruction, laryngeal paralysis and other diseases.

Pulmonary edema in dogs and its causes

To successfully resolve an acute condition pulmonary insufficiency, it is important to know the reasons that caused pulmonary edema in a dog.

There are cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic forms of edema.

    Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs, caused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels, edema occurs due to:
  • coronary heart disease,
  • congenital heart defect,
  • hypertension,
  • pulmonary thrombus, aortic or heart valve dysfunction.
    Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs may be associated with the following diseases and injuries:
  • bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • asphyxia (suffocation);
  • head injury, tumor, blood clot or cerebral hemorrhage;
  • chest injuries;
  • inhalation of toxic substances or smoke;
  • electric shock;
  • sun or heatstroke;
  • allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, drug overdose;
  • stretching of the esophagus, stomach, gallbladder or bladder;
  • acute renal failure.

Pulmonary edema in dogs: diagnosis and first aid

While waiting for the doctor, provide your dog with comfortable position, access to fresh air, free the mouth and nostrils from secretions, calm the pet.

The veterinarian will use a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and examine clinical signs when examining the animal. Informative in this case radiographic examination. Lungs suffering from edema will be less transparent than expected, the roots of the lungs will be blurred and expanded. Laboratory tests will show elevated white blood cell counts, hyperazotemia (increased nitrogen levels in the blood), and liver enzyme activity.

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema in dogs

The diagnosis of this phenomenon is made on the basis of a detailed analysis of all symptoms, listening to the organ, as well as X-ray data. At the same time, moist rales should be noticed in the dog’s chest. General analysis blood, in turn, indicates increased activity liver enzymes, leukocytosis, and hyperazotemia.

As for the X-ray of the animal's chest, if pulmonary edema is suspected, this procedure carried out in two perpendicular projections. Pathology is detected if the image shows a noticeable decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue, as well as vagueness and enlargement of their roots. Such disturbances can be traced in all lobes of the organ, or be focal, which, however, is observed quite rarely.

The task of veterinarians is usually complicated by the fact that pulmonary edema must be separated from various pathologies with similar symptoms. Among such critical conditions of the body is tracheal collapse, various neoplasms, laryngeal paralysis, as well as airway obstruction.

The most comprehensive examination and accurate diagnosis This disease, as well as its treatment, can only be carried out in a clinic by a veterinarian!

Diagnosis is made based on characteristic clinical signs, data from auscultation of the lungs and heart.

When auscultating (listening) to the lungs, moist rales and weakened vesicular breathing are noted.

The important and most informative stage of diagnosis is X-ray examination chest area. X-ray It must be done in two projections - lateral (the animal is laid on the left or right side) and straight (position on the back with limbs stretched). X-rays show areas of decreased transparency lung tissue due to fluid accumulation. These changes can be unilateral or bilateral, diffuse and focal.

Fig. 1 Pulmonary edema in a dog. X-ray lateral projection.

Fig.2. Unilateral pulmonary edema in a dog on the right. X-ray image direct projection.

To get more information about possible causes of swelling, your doctor may suggest an ultrasound of the heart. This is an essential step in carrying out differential diagnosis and is often necessary to choose the right tactics for further treatment of the animal.

If treatment is not carried out on time, the dog will die from asphyxia. That is why it is so important to diagnose the disease in time and begin therapy.

The veterinarian will be able to make a diagnosis based on the collected medical history and clinical symptoms illness. A general blood test is also prescribed. The disease will manifest itself as leukocytosis, increased activity of blood enzymes, and hyperazotemia. To put correct diagnosis, the veterinarian must exclude diseases with a similar clinical picture. These include:

  • lobar pneumonia;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • laryngeal paralysis;
  • presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • infectious disease in the acute phase.

To confirm pulmonary edema, an x-ray may be ordered, which will also determine the cause of the disease. Diagnostics is important stage on the road to recovery. Treatment of an animal will be effective only if the correct diagnosis is made.

When pulmonary edema is confirmed, the main thing is not to self-medicate. The disease is quite serious; the animal can only receive qualified care at a veterinary clinic.

In the clinic, swelling will be removed based on the following provisions:

  1. If possible, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the disease. IN otherwise treatment will be aimed only at relieving symptoms, which will return immediately after stopping the drugs.
  2. During treatment, the animal is placed in a cool place with good ventilation.
  3. Reduce the dog's physical activity, since any stress increases the need for oxygen.
  4. Drug therapy is carried out:
    • a solution of Calcium Chloride or Gluconate is injected intravenously, as well as a solution of Glucose;
    • if the disease is a consequence of heart failure, then additional injections of cardiac medications are given (Caffeine solution, Cordiamin, etc.);
    • If the animal behaves nervously, sedatives may be prescribed.
  5. Oxygen therapy is carried out. Oxygen inhalations should reduce the manifestations of hypoxia.

Relieving swelling and stopping the symptoms accompanying the disease is the first thing treatment is aimed at. Sometimes surgery may be necessary to improve your dog's health. This is mainly due to the elimination of the root cause of the disease.

To diagnose such a phenomenon, a detailed analysis of each symptom is required. In addition, the lungs are listened to, and the “patient” is sent for an X-ray examination. Among other things, the pet’s blood is taken for analysis to detect the activity of liver enzymes, hyperazotemia, and leukocytosis. The doctor can also conduct an echocardiographic examination, which will give him confidence that the dog does not have cardiac disorders that could lead to edema.

As for the pet's chest x-ray, if there is a suspicion of pulmonary edema, the procedure is carried out in 2 perpendicular projections. The disease is detected if it is clear that the transparency of the lung tissue is reduced, there are blurrings, and the roots are enlarged. Most often, the pathology affects the entire lung area, but there are cases of focal damage.

X-ray for diagnosis

The most effective method to make a correct diagnosis is an x-ray. With its help, you can notice not only the pulmonary edema itself in dogs, but also determine its nature. It is very important that your veterinarian correctly diagnoses your pet's illness. After all, edema can be confused with bronchopneumonia, tumors in the lungs, thromboembolism, or even contusion.

If symptoms of pulmonary edema appear in a dog, the pet must be taken to the hospital immediately. The veterinarian should listen to the dog's breathing for wet gurgling sounds in the lungs.

How do you do an x-ray on a dog? The animal is placed on an iron table in the correct position, holding it so that it does not escape. The doctor takes a picture of the desired area. To detect pulmonary edema, the dog is photographed in two projections. On an x-ray, you can notice a decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue. Most often, edema can be noted over the entire area of ​​the lung, and not in its individual parts. The doctor must do a general blood test. With pulmonary edema it may show increased content leukocytes in the blood.

It is worth doing an echocardiographic study, which will help rule out heart problems such as possible reason pulmonary edema. It is necessary to measure the pulse, which, if there is a problem with the lungs, often becomes rapid and thready.

Blood pressure must be measured. High performance may indicate hydrostatic edema.

It is important to correctly differentiate pulmonary edema from others possible problems with lungs that have similar symptoms.

For correct setting diagnosis, the veterinarian needs to know everything clinical picture development of the disease. To do this, the animal's lungs are listened to and an X-ray examination is required. The dog also undergoes a blood draw and echocardiography - these studies will help identify the cause of the edema.

  • On the way to the doctor, the owner of the sick animal undertakes to create comfortable conditions for its transportation. The car interior must be ventilated. The dog needs to be calmed down and any secretions removed.
  • If the animal's condition allows it, it is done x-ray. This helps make the diagnosis easier.
  • But the specialist also refers the four-legged patient to general blood test. After this, the animal is sent for echocardiography.

Blood analysis

The doctor takes blood for analysis to detect:

  • leukocytosis;
  • hyperazotemia;
  • liver enzyme activity.

Features of echocardiography

This type of examination is prescribed so that the veterinarian can make sure that the sick animal does not have cardiac defects that could contribute to the occurrence of swelling.

Features of X-ray examination

An X-ray of the dog's chest is taken in two perpendicular projections. Pathology is detected if the following is present:

  • enlarged roots;
  • vagueness;
  • reduced transparency of lung tissue.


Productive treatment of edema depends on both the veterinarian and the pet owner. The dog must be given complete rest and limited as much as possible. physical exercise, and also, if possible, protect her from any stress. At pulmonary edema Oxygen inhalation and drug therapy are also provided.

The latter, in turn, involves the use of glucocorticoids, vasodilators, bronchodilators and diuretics. If a sick dog is very nervous, the veterinarian will prescribe a sedative such as acepromazine. Bloodletting may also be used. The dog is injected intravenously with calcium chloride and glucose solution. Cordiamine or caffeine is used to maintain normal heart function. IN in some cases diuretics are prescribed.

If non-cardiogenic edema occurs, first of all, measures aimed at treating the underlying disease are applied.

Pulmonary edema is a critical condition, which means that the pet is most often transferred to the hospital. This allows you to constantly monitor the animal, as well as conduct examinations and take resuscitation measures if necessary.

Pulmonary edema in both humans and animals is an extremely life-threatening condition that can progress very quickly and lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to immediately contact a veterinary clinic at the first signs of breathing problems and shortness of breath. The earlier this process is diagnosed, the greater the chances of a successful outcome.

Treatment of pulmonary edema is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting! The animal is given complete rest, oxygen therapy is performed (constant access of oxygen in a special box or through an oxygen mask), diuretics, cardiac and respiratory stimulants are administered intravenously. In case of non-cardiogenic edema, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed steroid drugs And saline solutions intravenously.

In emergency cases, if necessary, the animal undergoes thoracentesis - removal of excess fluid from the chest cavity. The liquid obtained by this method is subjected to laboratory tests.

By eliminating the most severe symptoms and, having made a diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment for your dog. If the causes of pulmonary edema are heart problems, then the treatment tactics will be as follows:

  • Elimination of edema by intravenous administration or oral administration diuretics.
  • Injections of drugs to stimulate the heart.
  • Bleeding.
  • Taking steroid drugs.
  • Reception sedatives with excessive nervous excitability dogs.
  • Relieving cough with expectorants.

To treat the pneumonia that caused the pulmonary edema, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

After emergency measures, treatment can be continued at home, but certain conditions will need to be created for the dog in order to fully cure your pet.

So, your dog has been diagnosed with pulmonary edema, what should you do? Do not self-medicate, but entrust the therapy to an experienced, qualified veterinarian. All assistance must be emergency. How faster doctor will begin treatment of the dog, the fewer complications the pet will have it. If the swelling is not caused by heart problems, then the cause must be eliminated. Otherwise, all therapy will only be aimed at relieving symptoms, and as soon as the drugs are discontinued, the mustache will suffer again.

Limiting physical activity

Treatment of a dog with pulmonary edema consists of limiting physical activity (after all, during physical activity, the need for oxygen increases, the pulse and respiratory rate increases), oxygen therapy (the animal is allowed to breathe oxygen through a mask), and the use of medications. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the stress on the animal.

Treatment of pulmonary edema in a dog must be carried out immediately as soon as it is diagnosed. accurate diagnosis. The animal must be calmed and immobilized as much as possible. The dog should wear an oxygen mask.

Sometimes doctors perform bloodletting on dogs to slightly reduce the blood pressure in the vessels. They give medications to maintain the functioning of the heart muscle. At first, the animal is given sedatives, bronchodilators, and diuretics.

An important task is to determine the cause of pulmonary edema. If the cause cannot be eliminated, doctors may refuse to carry out life-saving measures. It is important to prevent state of shock in an animal, because in itself it is very dangerous and can lead to death.

If treatment is successful, upon returning home the dog should be provided special conditions contents:

  • refrain from long walks and other physical activities;
  • eliminate all possible sources of stress for the animal, because the dog needs peace;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations and give the animal necessary medications;
  • The dog must have clean drinking water in the access area at all times;
  • food should be selected based on the advice of the attending physician.

Treatment of pulmonary edema is carried out only in medical institution. An important condition Treatment is to limit physical activity and minimize stress factors. To treat pulmonary edema, the animal is given oxygen inhalation and medication therapy. As a rule, the animal is administered diuretic drugs (furosemide and mannitol), bronchodilators - aminophylline, glucocorticoids, and sedatives can also be prescribed to stabilize the state of stress.

Depending on the severity of the dog’s condition, bloodletting may be performed, glucose solutions and solutions may be administered intravenously. calcium chloride. To maintain cardiac activity, the animal is prescribed caffeine or cordiamine. If the swelling is accompanied by pneumonia, then antibiotics are added. In the case where swelling is concomitant disease, then therapy is aimed at treating the underlying disease.

Intensive therapy is carried out until the dog’s condition is completely stabilized. Typically this occurs within 24-72 hours, and further treatment the dog doesn't need it.

However, if the animal experiences respiratory distress, the animal dies.

If pulmonary edema is not a minor symptom of the underlying disease, then after treatment the animal will gradually fully recover and return to its previous physical form.

After returning the dog home, it is very important to maintain comfortable conditions for the complete rehabilitation of the animal. At first, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the dog’s breathing during exercise and at rest. The room must be kept clean, well ventilated, the air temperature should preferably not exceed 18 degrees, the dog must not have soft bedding, feeding must be carried out strictly according to the schedule, during rehabilitation period the dog follows a salt-free diet, stress and physical activity should be minimal.

At the first symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs, first of all, the animal needs to be provided with complete rest in order to minimize stress and physical activity. If the dog is very restless, the veterinarian will use a sedative. Oxygen therapy is mandatory to relieve acute respiratory failure, reduce oxygen deficiency in tissues and organs, and prevent the development of shock.

A state of shock is characterized by a critical decrease in all vital signs: breathing becomes weak and shallow, the pulse is barely palpable, the pupils are constricted, the animal is motionless and does not respond to external influences. Therefore, it is so important to deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic on time or call an emergency veterinary team at home.

In addition, the dog will need medicinal support aimed at maintaining the heart muscle, expanding the venous bed, excreting excess liquid and improvement of the condition of the bronchi. Diuretics, bronchodilators, glucocorticoids, and vasodilators are usually prescribed. If the edema is of non-cardiogenic origin, its cause is eliminated and the underlying disease is treated.

At home, the pet must be provided with conditions favorable for recovery: emotional peace, a minimum of physical activity, full special menu, which the doctor will advise and timely taking of medications.

Pulmonary edema in dogs: prevention measures

The best treatment, as we know, is to prevent the disease, to prevent pulmonary edema in dogs. To prevent your pet from suffering such a misfortune as pulmonary edema, provide her rational mode exercise and rest, protect from injury and overheating. If your dog is old, monitor the condition of its heart and blood vessels, and keep first aid supplies for the heart in your first aid kit. Every dog ​​is recommended to have annual preventive examinations necessary for early diagnosis serious diseases.

It is especially comfortable in a busy city life to be able to call a veterinarian at home, because we are often limited in time, capabilities and strength, we work late, we have other household members on our hands, etc. With the presence of a mobile veterinary service ready to provide assistance even at night, these problems can be easily solved. Call us - and we will help you maintain the health of your pet!


There are simply no special rules for preventing pulmonary edema. Proper maintenance of the dog, moderate physical activity, and preventing the animal from overheating will help reduce the risk of pathology. If the main symptom of edema, shortness of breath, becomes too noticeable, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

The room where the dog lives should have cool, clean air, and for the dog to rest, it needs not too soft hypoallergenic bedding. Physical and mental stress must be reduced, that is, if it is a hunting or hound dog, then its activity must be significantly limited, and for other breeds the duration and intensity of walks must be slightly reduced.

To avoid such a terrible disease as pulmonary edema in your dog, provide it with proper care and good room for housing, evenly alternate loads and rest, follow the vaccination schedule and treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, and all this will be a good prevention of the occurrence of this disease.

Remember - a quick visit to the veterinarian at the first appearance of shortness of breath, coughing or unusual breathing in your dog is a guarantee that your pet will survive, recover, and continue to delight your entire family!

Prevention is considered the best treatment for any disease; the health of the animal largely depends on compliance with the conditions of detention and the attention the owner pays to these rules. The premises must be safe for pet and adapted to his needs.

Dogs that move a lot, especially hounds and hunting dogs, should have proper rest, have the opportunity to retire, and special attention should be paid to nutrition. If an animal is predisposed to heart disease, there should always be a first aid kit in the house; resuscitation and first aid skills are very important for the owner.

One of the most common reasons problems with the health of the pet is a violation of the rules of its maintenance. Lack of long walks and constant activity can lead to problems with the animal’s cardiovascular system. However, too much activity of an animal without proper rest can be dangerous.

It is necessary to closely monitor the animal. It is worth remembering that a harmless walk in the forest may end with the dog being bitten by a snake or other poisonous animal. Wounds and cuts must be disinfected and treated. Overheating is very dangerous for a dog - you should not leave it tied under the rays of the scorching sun or in stuffy rooms.

The pet's diet must contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins. You should not buy the cheapest dry food for your pet, because often their quality does not meet the needs of the animal. Food must contain sufficient amounts of protein. When feeding natural food it is necessary to adhere to a special recipe, and not feed the animal “from the table”.

It is worth closely monitoring the health of your pet. If your animal has heart problems, you should periodically visit the veterinarian for preventive examinations. Any deviation in behavior or well-being should be a signal for a visit to the doctor.

The best treatment for any disease is its proper prevention. It is very important that the room where the animal lives is adapted to its characteristics. Dogs that constantly experience intense physical activity should have proper rest, they should have the opportunity to retire; it is very correct for the dog to stick to proper diet and diet.

  • If a dog runs a lot, the need for oxygen increases. The pulse increases. The same thing happens with the respiratory rate.
  • Need some time limit the duration of walks and playing with other animals.
  • It is very important to reduce stress impact for the dog. It is allowed to give her sedative medications.
  • If there is no allergy, you can bathe your pet in herbs. Has the best effect pharmaceutical chamomile . But it can only be used on the recommendation of a veterinarian.


The prognosis for making this diagnosis in a dog depends largely on the reasons for its development. Most often, with non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema and its timely diagnosis, the prognosis is favorable. IN in this case it is important to eliminate the pathological factor, stabilize the animal’s condition and prescribe adequate infusion and antibiotic therapy.

If we talk about pulmonary edema, which develops as a result of heart failure of various origins, then the prognosis depends on the type and severity of cardiac pathology. But even in this case, it is important timely diagnosis and adequate treatment tactics. If your dog gets help promptly and the condition is monitored by a knowledgeable professional, the risk of relapse is minimized.

Pulmonary edema (Oedema pulmonum)– overflow of capillaries and veins of the parenchyma lung with blood with subsequent effusion of its liquid part into the lumen of the respiratory tract, alveoli and interstitial tissue.

Pulmonary edema can be active, passive and hypostatic.

Most often, pulmonary edema occurs in sled dogs and sports dogs due to heavy physical exertion.

Causes of pulmonary edema.

Pulmonary edema is a very serious disease in dogs, which is caused by a number of serious diseases and disorders in the animal’s body, such as:

  • Pulmonary edema in dogs develops during heavy exercise in sled dogs and sports dogs.
  • For decompensated heart defects, pulmonary artery occlusion, cardiomyopathy, cardiac aortic dysfunction or heart valve, intravenous administration of certain medications.
  • Closed and penetrating chest injuries ().
  • Burns or tissue damage due to inhalation of toxic chemical gases or smoke.
  • Choking (asphyxia).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Head injuries.
  • Hypoproteinemia.
  • Infectious diseases ().
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Bites from poisonous snakes or insects.

Pathogenesis. Pulmonary edema develops as a result of disturbances in water metabolism and the colloid blood system. In this case, the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs swells, the lumen of the respiratory tract decreases, the elasticity of the alveolar walls decreases, and the flow of air into the alveoli and its exit from the alveoli becomes difficult. The amount of carbohydrates in the walls of the alveoli decreases, which aggravates the disruption of gas exchange, reduces reserve alkalinity and partially increases the release of chlorine from compounds. Chlorine at the time of release increases the porosity of blood vessels and fluid retention. With the existing hydrodynamic and colloid-osmotic pressure, the flow of blood and lymph, the resorption of fluid and protein from the lung tissue slows down. The endothelium swells, capillaries and metarterioles expand. The resulting deviations excite respiratory center, contribute to increased secretion of saliva and sweat, which leads to large thickening of the blood, overload of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders in tissues, trophism of the brain, kidneys, and striated muscles. The liquid released into the respiratory tract foams, which further disrupts metabolism. The dog develops respiratory failure, which can cause the dog's death.

Pathological changes. The lungs are enlarged in volume and dark red in color; their surface is shiny with pinpoint hemorrhages, consistency – doughy. In the bronchi and trachea there is a pink foamy liquid; hemorrhages are noticeable on their mucous membrane. When cut, a copious amount of foamy fluid drains from the surface of the lungs.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema in dogs usually occurs rapidly and violently, but the disease can also progress slowly. A characteristic clinical sign of the disease in a dog is intense and rapid breathing with rapidly increasing shortness of breath. mixed type. With the naked eye we note signs of “abdominal” breathing. To facilitate breathing, dogs spread their forelimbs to the sides, while their nasal openings are greatly expanded. With the development of edema in the lungs, moist rales and sometimes groans are clearly audible. A cough appears. During exhalation, a foamy discharge, usually reddish, is released from the dog's nasal openings. Veterinary specialists hear moist rales during auscultation in the area of ​​the trachea, bronchi and lungs. At the beginning of edema, percussion of the chest in the lung area produces a tympanic sound, later the percussion sound becomes dull and dull.

Rapidly developing pulmonary edema is accompanied by agitation, wildness, fear or aggression on the part of the dog. The dog's symptoms of choking quickly increase. Visible mucous membranes become cyanotic, the pulse is small, hard, weak wave, arrhythmic. Body temperature is reduced. The death of the dog occurs from asphyxia.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of pulmonary edema in a dog is made based on the collected history, clinical signs of the disease (progressive mixed dyspnea, moist rales in the bronchi and lungs during auscultation, foamy discharge from the nose, symptoms of asphyxia). A general blood test reveals leukocytosis, increased activity of blood enzymes, and hyperazotemia.

Differential diagnosis. We exclude tracheal collapse, laryngeal paralysis, foreign body in the respiratory tract, and acute infectious diseases.

Treatment. Dogs with pulmonary edema are placed in a cool, well-ventilated room. Veterinary assistance the dog must be treated as an emergency

The dog is injected intravenously with 10% solutions of calcium chloride or gluconate - 2-10 ml and 20-40% glucose solution at the rate of 2-20 ml per animal. For heart failure, subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous administration cardiac drugs - 20% solution of caffeine, cordiamine, 10% solution of sulfocamphocaine 0.5 -1 ml 3 times a day or 2.4% solution of aminophylline intravenously 2 ml in 10 ml of 40% glucose solution 2-3 times a day

The dog is inhaled with oxygen.

In cases where the dog is very nervous, the veterinary specialist prescribes a sedative - acepromazine. Sometimes it is necessary to use bloodletting as an emergency.

When treating pulmonary edema, diuretics are prescribed - veroshpiron, diacarb, furosemide (Lasix), cyclomethiazide and others. They are administered intramuscularly or intravenously in standard doses.

Diphenhydramine, tavegil, fenkarol, suprastin, kistin, pipolfen, trexil and others are used as antihistamines and decongestants.

In severe cases, glucocorticoids - salts and depomedrol, prednisolone, cortisone and hydrocortisone - are more effective. These drugs are administered intramuscularly, less often intravenously. The dose and course of treatment should be determined by the attending veterinarian. Additional Information in the articles on our website - first aid for heatstroke.

Prevention. Prevention of pulmonary edema involves correct content dogs, moderate physical activity, and also prevent the animal from overheating.

Pulmonary edema in dogs, a condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the air spaces of the lungs. Liquid (transudate) interferes with gas exchange and oxygen transport to body tissues. Oxygen deficiency leads to hypoxia (low oxygen content), which in turn can cause the death of the animal.

The lungs are a paired organ located in the chest of humans and animals. They are formed by a system of tubes that transport air and sacs - alveoli. It is in them, in the alveoli, that the main gas exchange occurs, oxygen enters the blood, and carbon dioxide enters the external environment. When fluid rather than air accumulates in the alveoli, the space required for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is sharply limited.

When pulmonary edema develops in dogs, fluid can accumulate either slowly (chronic), causing difficulty breathing, or quickly (acute), causing acute respiratory failure within minutes or hours.

Why does pulmonary edema occur?

Pulmonary edema in dogs often occurs as a consequence of chronic heart disease. Other causes of edema include sepsis (severe systemic infection of the body), anaphylaxis (an immediate allergic reaction), cancer, infectious diseases, drowning, and ingestion (aspiration) of foreign objects, liquid or food. Some lung diseases can also cause fluid to accumulate in the alveoli.

How does pulmonary edema manifest?

The severity of symptoms of pulmonary edema directly correlates with the area of ​​affected (fluid-filled) alveoli. Key features include:

For diagnosis, in addition to clinical examination and auscultation (listening to respiratory sounds using a phonendoscope), chest X-ray examination is used. In critical situations, when there is a significant threat to life, all diagnostic measures are carried out only after the patient has been stabilized.

The prognosis for pulmonary edema in dogs depends on both the severity of the disease and the cause of the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the airways.

What is the treatment for pulmonary edema?

Treatment of pulmonary edema has several goals:

Stabilization of the patient. It is necessary to increase the volume of oxygen inhaled by the patient. To do this, oxygen is supplied through a mask, nasal catheter, or oxygen chamber. Along with this, sedative therapy is used to reduce stress and respiratory rate. In severe cases, when the number of affected alveoli exceeds significant limits, auxiliary ventilation is required.

Drug therapy for edema. Medications are used to resolve edema, and also correct concomitant metabolic disorders.

Identification and correction of the cause that caused swelling - therapy for heart failure, pneumonia, cancer, etc. At this stage, additional diagnostics will be required (ECHOCG, blood tests, bronchoscopy, etc.)

Unfortunately, pets are not immune from various ailments. They are mild degree, moderate and critical. Pulmonary edema in dogs is critical dangerous conditions. It is impossible to cope with such diseases at home. What are the causes, symptoms and features emergency treatment of this disease in dogs? What the owner needs to know so that he can provide it on time to a pet emergency help?

Lungs - the most important body breathing, both of humans and dogs, which is paired. In turn, they consist of alveoli. The main purpose of the lungs is gas exchange, that is, the intake of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide into the external environment. In order for this process to occur correctly, each alveolus is surrounded by a tiny network of capillaries. Finally, they communicate with the system of veins and arteries.

Due to the fact that the blood vessels are filled with blood, blood plasma and interstitial fluid are released into the nearby tissues(in this case - into the alveoli). They fill with liquid, and normal gas exchange in them stops. This process occurs gradually, in an upward direction.

If you provide the animal with the necessary assistance in a timely manner, when the alveoli are not yet completely filled with fluid, the animal can be saved. However, the owners' reaction must be immediate. If breathing stops, the chances of salvation are negligible.

Pulmonary edema can be interstitial and alveolar. Interstitial edema is formed as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the space outside the vessels. It develops as a consequence of heart failure in dogs.

With an increase in pressure in the veins, plasma begins to exit into the alveoli, along with red blood cells and leukocytes. This type of edema is characterized by severe symptomatic picture shock. In severe conditions, acidosis and hypercapnia develop: as these phenomena progress, breathing stops.

Causes of pulmonary edema in dogs

There are three main causes of this pathology in dogs:

  • High pressure in the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs and back. With a significant jump in pressure, the permeability of the vessel worsens, while the plasma gradually enters the alveoli. This occurs as a result of heart defects, canine cardiopathy, and endocarditis. High hydrostatic pressure occurs with intensive infusions.
  • There is a large difference between the oncotic indicator of blood pressure and interstitial fluid pressure. Liquid from blood vessel gradually enters the intracellular space. Such phenomena can develop as a result of hypoproteinemia.
  • High permeability of vascular membranes. This occurs as a result of pneumonia, as well as disseminated intravascular coagulation in dogs.

The following factors also contribute to the development of pulmonary edema:

  • acute form of renal failure;
  • acute overheating;
  • snake bite;
  • electric shock;
  • trauma to the skull or brain;
  • laryngeal paresis;
  • Availability foreign bodies in the larynx;
  • CO 2 or smoke poisoning;
  • blood poisoning;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In older dogs, edema sometimes develops as a result of excessive exercise.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs and the course of the disease

During pulmonary edema in canine representatives, slow and quick form. However, their symptoms are similar:

  • Inhibition of behavior. The animal is very depressed and...
  • Rapid breathing. It is necessary to pay attention to the characteristic posture of the pet. The dog spreads its front paws and stretches its neck. In this position, she tries to straighten her airways and straighten her ribs, thereby making breathing easier for herself. IN in serious condition When symptoms develop very quickly, the dog lies in a lateral position.
  • Breathing changes: the animal tries to make short and jerky breathing movements. At the same time, the nostrils spread wide. Noticeably intense abdominal breathing.
  • Change in behavior - the animal becomes restless.
  • Appears dry and hoarse. It resembles a cough in people suffering from cardiac and vascular pathologies.
  • The gums, tongue, and sometimes the eyelids become pale. Appears quickly enough bluish tint these mucous membranes. If your dog has light pigmentation, you may notice blue discoloration of the nostrils.
  • goes down.
  • Unnatural discharge appears from the nostrils and mouth. Their consistency is transparent with a pink tint. The release of bloody foam is possible.
  • Vesicular respiration is weakened. This can be seen using a stethoscope.
  • When the chest is tapped, a dull sound is heard. This is especially noticeable in a dangerous state.

These symptoms may appear suddenly. When the current is lightning fast, there is a serious threat to the dog’s life.

What you need to know about a dog in shock

Pulmonary edema can contribute to the development of shock in a dog. In this case, there is a sharp stop or weakening to almost zero. essential functions body. As a rule, due to pulmonary edema, a torpid type of shock develops. Its signs are as follows:

  • lack of reflexes to any external stimuli;
  • shallow and very weak breathing;
  • immobility;
  • weak pulse, sometimes thread-like;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • blue discoloration of the mucous membranes of the body.

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema

The diagnosis is made based on the results of an analysis of symptoms and listening to the lungs, which determines moist rales. X-ray data are quite informative.

Laboratory data show a significant increase in the number of leukocyte cells in the blood, hyperazotemia, and excessive activity of liver enzymes.

X-rays are usually performed in two planes. There is a noticeable decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue. The roots of the lungs are blurred and expanded. Focal changes in the lungs they are much less common: most often all lobes of the lung change.

Edema must be differentiated from:

  • collapse of the windpipe;
  • laryngeal paresis;
  • blockage of the respiratory tract;
  • tumors;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

Urgent Care

If the owner notices signs of this dangerous disease at four-legged friend, then the first thing you need to stop doing is panicking. However, in any case, the owner should know that the pet’s condition is very serious, and help can only be provided to him in a veterinary hospital. The dog owner's first priority is to quickly deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic. This is what first and emergency aid consists of.

On the way to the veterinary clinic, you need to help the dog: it needs to maintain the most correct posture, remove saliva and other liquids. If possible, it is necessary to ventilate the car area to ensure that the dog Fresh air. It is definitely recommended to calm the dog down.

First of all, it is necessary to minimize the dog’s physical activity. Since the animal is restless, it is necessary to limit the influence of stress as much as possible. Oxygen therapy, that is, oxygen inhalation, begins immediately.

Drug support consists of administering the following drugs:

  • diuretics (Furosemide, etc.);
  • glucocorticoid drugs (Dexamethasone or Prednisolone);
  • vasodilators (Nitroglycerin);
  • brochnolytics.

If necessary, bloodletting is performed in a veterinary clinic. Cordiamine or Caffeine is administered to support the heart muscle.

If pulmonary edema is caused by non-cardiogenic causes, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease, and in particular, hypoproteinemia. Acute respiratory failure is relieved and oxygen deficiency is corrected. It is important to prevent the development of a state of shock. Intensive therapy is carried out until the dog’s health is completely stabilized.

Only after the animal’s condition has stabilized is it discharged home. At home he needs to be provided with favorable conditions:

  • minimize the impact of stress;
  • avoid prolonged and intense physical activity;
  • feed and water the dog in a timely manner (food and drink should only be chosen as recommended by a veterinarian);
  • administer the necessary medications.

Preventive measures

The dog needs a complete and good care. If she moves a lot and drives active image life, then she also needs rest. In addition, she needs to be given the opportunity to privacy.

Particular attention should be paid to dogs predisposed to heart disease. Such owners should always have the necessary medications in their first aid kit to support cardiac activity. Dog owners must be proficient in CPR.

It is equally important to establish the right balanced diet. The health and activity of your four-legged pet depends on this.

The animal must be periodically shown to a veterinarian for preventive examination. This is a guarantee of early diagnosis of dangerous pet diseases.