Oxygen inhalations at home. Oxygen therapy

Oxygen is necessary for the human body. Absolutely everyone knows about this. After all, we breathe oxygen, it participates in various metabolic processes in our body, supplies cells necessary substances. Therefore, doctors learned to use oxygen for medical purposes. Today there are many useful procedures oxygen based. Thanks to oxygen therapy, you can saturate the body or its individual tissues with oxygen.

We breathe oxygen. However, residents of huge cities constantly lack it. And all because in large industrialized cities, in addition to oxygen, there are many other chemical elements in the air that are not very useful. For the normal functioning of the body, a person must receive a lot pure oxygen. Normally, its percentage in the air should be about 21%. However, according to the results of numerous studies, its percentage in the air is only 19% - 12%. Thus, it turns out that we receive half as much oxygen. As a result, there is not enough oxygen for the heart, liver, brain and other organs. This can lead to serious consequences.

With a lack of oxygen, premature aging occurs, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems appear, and internal organs suffer.

Oxygen inhalations

Oxygen inhalations are prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, tuberculosis, asthma), for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for gas poisoning, disorders of the liver and kidneys, for intoxication, and for shock conditions. In addition, such a procedure will not interfere with residents of large cities for prevention. Improves after oxygen therapy appearance and well-being, increased performance, increased overall tone of the body.

Inhalation is carried out through a tube or mask through which the respiratory mixture flows. The most effective are inhalations through the nose, which are carried out using a special catheter.

Pharmacies sell special devices for oxygen inhalation, which are intended for independent use at home. They are usually prescribed for asthma, hypoxia, fainting, nervous disorders, chronic fatigue and the like.

Pharmacies sell oxygen canisters about 30 cm high. They contain gaseous oxygen diluted with nitrogen. The cylinder is equipped with a special atomizer that allows you to inhale the gas through the nose or mouth. The cylinder is designed for a different number of breaths. It is recommended to use it two to three times a day. Usually the bottle lasts for 3-5 days.

There are also oxygen concentrators for oxygen inhalation. These are electrical devices from which oxygen is released from atmospheric air at room temperature. The device separates oxygen into different components. The resulting gas contains at least 70% oxygen, which is supplied through a mask. This type of oxygen therapy is the most profitable, it is safe, creates little noise and is easy to use.

At home, you need to use oxygen devices very carefully so as not to overdose on this element. An overdose is as harmful as a lack of oxygen. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor: convulsions, dry cough, thermoregulation disorders, burning sensation in the chest. To monitor the amount of oxygen in the blood, you need to use a pulse oximeter.


This type of oxygen therapy is based on the exposure of the body to air or pure oxygen under high or low pressure. High blood pressure is most often used. It is created in special pressure chambers that have different sizes and are used in various areas medicine. There are large pressure chambers in which operations are performed or births are performed. For medicinal purposes, such chambers are used to influence certain human organs or tissues.

By enriching the body with oxygen, it has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates tissue regeneration and rejuvenation. Exposure of the body to oxygen under high pressure is effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, gynecological pathologies, with radiation injuries and the like.

Oxygen mesotherapy

Oxygen mesotherapy is used in cosmetology. This procedure speeds up the introduction active substances into the deep layers of the skin. After this procedure, the active substances remain in the skin cells for a long time and enrich it. Also, thanks to this procedure, the regeneration process is accelerated, a rejuvenating effect is achieved, the healthy appearance of the skin is restored, and cellulite disappears. Many beauty salons provide various procedures using oxygen mesotherapy. On average, the cost of one procedure is about 2000 rubles.

Oxygen baths

Oxygen baths are very useful. A special bath is being prepared; the water temperature in it is about 35 degrees. The bath is saturated with active oxygen, which results in a healing effect.

After such procedures, a person’s well-being improves, sleep normalizes, headaches go away, blood pressure normalizes, and metabolism improves. This effect is achieved due to the penetration of oxygen into the cells and tissues of the body. Oxygen penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and stimulates nerve receptors. Oxygen baths can be found in beauty salons and spas. They are also made in sanatoriums.

Oxygen cocktails

This is one of the most common types of oxygen therapy. The oxygen cocktail is very tasty. It is filled with foam and bubbles that contain 95% medical oxygen. The basis of the cocktail is a special foaming composition (syrup, juice, vitamin mixtures, herbal infusions). This gives flavor and color to the drink. Oxygen cocktails very useful for the gastrointestinal tract. They activate enzymatic, motor and secretory functions, improve the general condition of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, dysentery and the like.

The cocktail helps with diseases of the central nervous system, liver diseases, and blood pressure disorders. It improves metabolism and promotes weight loss, relieves fatigue and headaches, removes excess liquid from the body. With regular use, performance improves and the immune system is strengthened.

Oxygen cocktails are sold in some fitness clubs and sanatoriums. However, they can also be prepared at home. You can purchase a special device for oxygen cocktails at the pharmacy. The device consists of an oxygen cylinder, a special nozzle, bags of dry mixture, a spoon and a cup. Juices can be used as a base, herbal teas etc. This set costs about 1,500 rubles, and is enough for 15 servings.

Read in this article

Types of oxygen therapy

Some patients require only intermittent oxygen support, others require permanent treatment. There are different types of oxygen therapy. Doctors help choose the most suitable method for each patient.

  • Oxygen gas

The gas is compressed and stored in special portable cylinders. You can use containers at home bigger size, and take portable devices with you. Small cylinders are usually used in conjunction with oxygen-conserving equipment to maintain a supply of gas for for a long time. In this case, it will be supplied in pulses, and not continuously.

Portable oxygen tank

Such systems are less modern than other types. When used at home, a large container and regular refilling are required. It is best to have a small, portable cylinder that can be used when going outside or together with the concentrator as a backup source in case of a power outage.

  • Liquid oxygen

It is obtained from gas by cooling to -300 °C. This substance is also stored in a portable container. It is more concentrated, so a larger volume of oxygen is placed in a small container. Such devices are convenient for people who drive active image life and often leave the house and travel.

MIT-S device (single-channel)

Liquid oxygen devices supply gas at 100% concentration and do not require an electric battery. The weight of the portable device is about 5 kg.

  • Oxygen Concentrator

Oxygen concentrators are larger and heavier devices. The principle of their operation is to remove other gases from the air and create a concentrated gas mixture containing 85 - 95% pure oxygen. Oxygen is supplied from the machine through a tube. It can enter the lungs through a nasal cannula; a breathing mask is less commonly used.

Nasal cannula– a thin plastic tube that is placed in the nasal passage. It can be used to deliver large amounts of oxygen. However, if the volume of gas exceeds 4 liters per minute, it dries out the nasal passages. Therefore, if intensive care is necessary, it is necessary to use additional systems for humidifying and warming the gas mixture.

The concentrator runs on mains power or battery power. The weight of home devices ranges from 14 to 25 kg, they usually have wheels for moving around the room.

The advantages of concentrators are their lower cost and the absence of the need to refill with oxygen. However, these are quite heavy devices, best suited only for home use.

There are also portable versions of the devices, but they are larger than cylinders and weigh about 5 - 7 kg. At the same time, they create a less concentrated gas mixture, and can also supply it not constantly, but in a pulsed mode.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Diseases that may require oxygen therapy at home:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchopulmonary dysplasia, lung malformations in children;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • sleep apnea syndrome;
  • other serious diseases of the lungs, in which their respiratory surface is reduced, as well as the consequences of certain operations (for example, removal of a lung for tuberculosis or cancer).

To determine the need for oxygen, its content in the patient’s arterial blood is examined. A simpler method is to use a pulse oximeter. This small device attaches to your finger and shows your blood oxygen saturation.

Normally, the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is 75 - 100 mmHg. Art. The need for home oxygen therapy occurs when this indicator drops below 60 mmHg. Art.

Devices for oxygen therapy at home

There are many devices for home oxygen therapy, for example:

  • concentrator Armed 8F-1 (China) weighs about 7 kg, can be used before bedtime, during physical training; This is an economical device with almost silent operation, suitable for preparing oxygen cocktails; concentrators of this brand are more suitable for preventive or short-term therapy;
  • concentrator Omron JAY-5A (China) used to treat chronic lung diseases and heart failure; it weighs 23 kg, has wheels for transport and low level noise;
  • cylinder with a compressed gas mixture with a volume of 16 liters, containing 80% oxygen Kislorod-K16L-M (Prana) is a small (35 cm) cylinder with a mask that is convenient to take with you, it is enough for an average of 120 breaths.

What to look for when choosing

The selection of an oxygen concentrator for patients with chronic heart and lung diseases should only be carried out by a specialist. However, there are situations when a patient or relative is forced to purchase such a device on their own. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics of the device:

  • performance: less than 1 liter per minute – devices for preventive oxygen therapy; up to 3 liters per minute – suitable for supporting mild forms of illness; up to 5 liters per minute – enough to treat severe pathologies; up to 10 liters per minute – powerful devices, used for extremely severe stages of respiratory or heart failure;
  • oxygen concentration: at the outlet it should be from 85% to 98% of pure gas, it must be taken into account that such a concentration is achieved at the lower of the productivity values ​​(for example, when producing 3 - 5 liters per minute, there will be a sufficient oxygen content in the mixture only with a volume of 3 liters) ;
  • manufacturer: Chinese appliances are inexpensive, but often short-lived; devices from Germany (Invacare) provide optimal price-quality ratio; American equipment (AirSep, Philips, Mark 5) has excellent specifications, but often too expensive;
  • apparatus weight: lightweight home models with a capacity of about 3 liters per minute weigh up to 10 kg; efficient devices with a productivity of 5 - 10 liters per minute are heavier - their weight ranges from 14 to 25 kg; portable models are much lighter (up to 4 kg), but much more expensive;
  • noise level: if the device will be used at night, it must be as quiet as possible or have a long oxygen hose that allows it to be placed in another room;
  • availability of additional functions, such as a remote control, LCD display or the ability to prepare oxygen cocktails;
  • duration of the warranty period and the possibility of quick repairs.

Treatment methods

There are two types of oxygen therapy: continuous and on demand..

Demand-mode devices supply oxygen to Airways only during inspiration. This allows you to save gas. However, such devices cannot be used effectively in children, as well as in weakened patients with insufficient inhalation force.

In addition, some people may use low-flow oxygen compressors to improve the functioning of their respiratory system.

These are pregnant women, children, athletes, smokers, elderly patients. However, the benefits of such use have not been proven.

It is difficult to choose a suitable device on your own, as this requires checking the oxygen level in the blood when at different levels activity. Therefore, to choose a treatment method, it is necessary to consult a pulmonologist or cardiologist who works with such equipment.

Possible complications

There are practically no contraindications to oxygen therapy. If it is used incorrectly, usually in too high a dosage, such symptoms may occur. side effects:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • confusion, euphoria;

Confusion is one of the complications

If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor. Also urgent help required for patients who experience symptoms of oxygen deficiency:

  • shortness of breath at rest;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • cough or wheezing in the lungs;
  • sweating;
  • confusion;
  • bluish skin tone.

Positive effects of oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy may be helpful for people who lack this gas when breathing. It allows you to reduce shortness of breath and increase physical activity, increases life expectancy and improves its quality.

Oxygen therapy also helps reduce headaches, emotional disturbances, fatigue, swelling of the legs.

Oxygen therapy improves the growth and development of children with chronic lung diseases.

Continuous oxygen therapy is especially indicated for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Oxygen therapy can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will determine how often you need to use the oxygen concentrator, calculate the required gas flow rate and the need for it per minute. These recommendations should be strictly followed and you should not make any changes to the treatment schedule yourself.

Some patients require therapy only during physical activity or sleep, others require ongoing treatment. When leaving home, such patients need to use portable devices or oxygen tanks.

During treatment, you should not take alcohol and certain medications (sleeping pills, sedatives) that slow down breathing. Questions about taking medications should be discussed with your doctor.

Watch the video about oxygen therapy:

Safety of use

Oxygen supports combustion well, so it is important to comply with safety requirements:

  • do not smoke or use open fire in the room where the equipment is located;
  • equip the house with a fire alarm;
  • When operating the device, do not place it near walls or heating devices;
  • Do not store cylinders in an unventilated area, do not put them in the trunk of a car when traveling.

Oxygen therapy is used mainly for severe lung and heart diseases. It reduces the severity of symptoms and allows patients to manage more active life, and also increases its duration. Independent use of oxygen therapy without the advice of a specialist is not recommended by doctors due to the risk of complications and the lack of proven benefit.

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To assess breathing and oxygen levels, pulsometry is performed, the norm and deviations of which will help to adjust the treatment. The non-invasive sensor can be installed in newborns, adults, day or night.

  • Shortness of breath in heart failure is a fairly common pathology in patients. It is important to relieve symptoms with medications and herbs.
  • Oxygen therapy is started when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood. The indications are quite varied, as are the types of therapy. For example, defoamers are used for pneumonia. The technique used depends on the device.
  • If diagnosed pulmonary hypertension, treatment must be started as soon as possible to alleviate the patient’s condition. Preparations for secondary or high hypertension are prescribed comprehensively. If the methods do not help, the prognosis is unfavorable.
  • Brain hypoxia can develop in a newborn or in adults under the influence of internal and external factors. It can be chronic and acute. The consequences are extremely severe without treatment.
  • Everyone knows from childhood that a person cannot live without oxygen. People breathe it, it takes part in many metabolic processes, saturates organs and tissues with useful substances. Therefore, oxygen treatment has long been used in many medical procedures, thanks to which you can saturate the body or cells with important elements, as well as improve your health.

    Lack of oxygen in the body

    A person breathes oxygen. But those who live in large cities with developed industry experience a lack of it. This is due to the fact that in megacities there are harmful pollutants in the air. chemical elements. In order for the human body to be healthy and fully functioning, it needs pure oxygen, the proportion of which in the air should be approximately 21%. But various studies have shown that in the city it is only 12%. As you can see, residents of megacities receive a vital element 2 times less than the norm.

    Symptoms of lack of oxygen

    • increase in breathing rate,
    • increase in heart rate,
    • headache,
    • organ function slows down,
    • impaired concentration,
    • reaction slows down
    • lethargy,
    • drowsiness,
    • acidosis develops
    • bluish skin,
    • changing the shape of nails.

    Consequences of lack of oxygen

    As a result, the lack of oxygen in the body negatively affects the functioning of the heart, liver, brain, etc. The likelihood of premature aging, the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

    Therefore, it is recommended to change your place of residence, move to a more environmentally friendly area of ​​the city, or better yet, move out of town, closer to nature. If such an opportunity is not expected in the near future, then try to get out to parks or squares more often.

    Since residents of large cities can have a whole “bouquet” of diseases due to a lack of this element, we suggest you familiarize yourself with oxygen treatment methods.

    Oxygen treatment methods

    Oxygen inhalations

    Prescribed to patients suffering from diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, tuberculosis, asthma), heart disease, poisoning, malfunction of the liver and kidneys, and shock.

    Oxygen therapy can also be done as a preventive measure for residents of large cities. After the procedure, a person’s appearance becomes better, their mood and general well-being improve, they gain energy and strength for work and creativity.

    Oxygen inhalation procedure at home

    For oxygen inhalation, you need a tube or mask through which the breathing mixture will flow. It is best to carry out the procedure through the nose, using a special catheter. The proportion of oxygen in breathing mixtures is from 30% to 95%. The duration of inhalation depends on the condition of the body, usually 10-20 minutes. This procedure is often resorted to in the postoperative period.

    Anyone can purchase the necessary equipment for oxygen therapy in pharmacies and carry out inhalation themselves. Oxygen cartridges usually available on sale are approximately 30 cm high and contain oxygen and nitrogen gas inside. The cylinder has a nebulizer for breathing gas through the nose or mouth. Of course, the cylinder does not last forever; as a rule, it lasts for 3-5 days. It is worth using it 2-3 times daily.

    Oxygen is very beneficial for humans, but an overdose can be harmful. Therefore, when carrying out independent procedures, be careful and do not overdo it. Do everything according to the instructions. If after oxygen therapy you have following symptoms- dry cough, cramps, burning behind the sternum - then consult a doctor immediately. To prevent this from happening, use a pulse oximeter to help monitor the oxygen level in your blood.

    This procedure means exposure to increased or low blood pressure on the human body. As a rule, they resort to increased pressure, which is created in pressure chambers having different sizes with different medical purposes. There are large ones, they are designed for operations and childbirth.

    Due to the fact that tissues and organs are saturated with oxygen, swelling and inflammation are reduced, cell renewal and rejuvenation are accelerated.

    Effectively use oxygen under high pressure in diseases of the stomach, heart, endocrine and nervous systems, in the presence of gynecological problems, etc.

    It is used in cosmetology to introduce active substances into the deep layers of the skin, which will enrich it. This oxygen therapy improves the condition of the skin, it rejuvenates, and also eliminates cellulite. On this moment Oxygen mesotherapy is a popular service in cosmetology salons.

    Oxygen baths

    They are quite useful. Water is poured into the bath, the temperature of which should be approximately 35°C. It is saturated with active oxygen, due to which it provides therapeutic effect on the body.

    After taking oxygen baths, a person begins to feel better, insomnia and migraines go away, blood pressure normalizes, and metabolism improves. This effect occurs due to the penetration of oxygen into the deep layers of the skin and stimulation nerve receptors. Such services are usually provided in spa salons or sanatoriums.

    Oxygen cocktails

    They are very popular now. Oxygen cocktails are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

    What are they? The basis that gives color and taste is syrup, juice, vitamins, herbal infusions, in addition, such drinks are filled with foam and bubbles containing 95% medical oxygen. Oxygen cocktails should be drunk by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases or problems with the nervous system. Such medicinal drink also normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, relieves fatigue, eliminates migraines and removes excess fluid from the body. If you consume oxygen cocktails daily, a person’s immune system is strengthened and performance increases.

    You can buy them in many sanatoriums or fitness clubs. You can also prepare oxygen cocktails yourself; for this you need to purchase a special device at the pharmacy. Use freshly squeezed vegetable, fruit juices or herbal mixtures as a base.

    There are many diseases that are accompanied by oxygen starvation of the body. Therefore, in hospitals, oxygen is supplied to almost every hospital bed, even in ordinary wards, not to mention resuscitation or intensive care. Long-term oxygen therapy (LOT) in the clinic is so commonplace that it is often forgotten when a seriously ill patient is discharged home. However, experience shows that it is better to take care of this in advance.

    Theoretically, oxygen therapy at home can be organized different ways. But in practice, many methods are hopelessly outdated. Let's talk about them in more detail.

    Oxygen cushion

    There was a time when oxygen was delivered to the home in oxygen bags. You could buy an oxygen bag in almost every pharmacy; they were often refilled right on the spot from a large oxygen cylinder. And, by the way, very affordable price. It was very convenient to have 2 pillows - one of them is used by the patient, and the second at this time could be easily filled with a new portion of oxygen. Oxygen pads held liters of oxygen. By today's standards this is very little, but in those years there was no alternative.

    Soon, fire codes began to prohibit the placement of large oxygen cylinders in pharmacy rooms. Transporting pillows already filled with oxygen turned out to be unprofitable and over time they almost disappeared from sale. However, even today in search engines The phrase “buy an oxygen bag” comes up quite often.

    Oxygen cartridge

    Oxygen tanks replaced the pillows. Although they contain only liters of oxygen, they are much more compact, since the oxygen in them is under pressure. The cans are similar in size and shape to air freshener or hairspray, they are easy to transport and convenient to use. There is only one minus - the price/quality ratio. The oxygen in them runs out very quickly, and they are quite expensive. Use an oxygen tank on the treadmill while exercising, or take a couple of breaths into public transport on a sweltering summer afternoon it’s still possible. But buying an oxygen tank for breathing for a seriously ill patient is like throwing money away. For a long time there was no adequate solution to this problem. Such patients were either kept in the hospital or discharged home to fend for themselves. However, several years ago, convenient, effective and relatively inexpensive devices for oxygen therapy at home - oxygen concentrators - appeared on the market.

    Oxygen Concentrator

    These devices operate from the electrical network and, by converting the ambient air from the room, produce almost pure oxygen - 92-93%. The operating principle of the oxygen concentrator is described in more detail here. Today, home oxygen concentrators are actively used to organize VCT - long-term oxygen therapy at home.

    Oxygen concentrators are easy to use, safe and affordable. Using an oxygen breathing apparatus is today the most effective and cost-effective way to organize oxygen therapy at home. You can buy an oxygen concentrator or rent one by visiting our online store.

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    Moscow, Skhodnenskaya street

    © Center for Modern Oxygen Technologies LLC

    Oxygen therapy for COPD at home

    Oxygen therapy (also known as oxygen therapy) occupies a special place in the treatment of diseases such as chronic obstruction lung diseases (COPD).

    How is oxygen therapy performed at home for COPD and other diseases? What device will help the patient saturate the body with oxygen?

    Oxygen therapy: indications and contraindications

    Before prescribing long-term oxygen therapy to a patient at home, the doctor must make sure that treatment with medications does not bring results and is ineffective.

    He must also make sure that this treatment does not cause oxygen levels to rise above normal.

    Oxygen therapy is often prescribed for diseases such as:

    • chronic obstruction of pulmonary diseases (COPD);
    • cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis);
    • bronchial asthma;
    • emphysema ( excessive accumulation lungs in organs and/or tissues);
    • lung cancer, etc.

    There are often no contraindications to oxygen therapy. But in in rare cases When using oxygen devices in an incorrect dosage, a patient may experience the following symptoms: drowsiness, headache, breathing problems, impaired consciousness, etc.

    The effectiveness of oxygen therapy

    With a regular supply of oxygen in sufficient quantities, the patient:

    • the chances of recovery increase, the recovery process accelerates;
    • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
    • the body's defenses increase;
    • appearance improves, skin becomes elastic, firm, young;
    • increases performance (both physical and mental);
    • sleep improves;
    • Toxins and other harmful substances are neutralized.

    Methods for obtaining oxygen at home

    Oxygen therapy at home can be carried out using:

    The most popular method of treating COPD at home is the use of concentrators that produce oxygen from the air.

    Rules for using an oxygen concentrator

    It is easy to use the device at home:

    1. Pour water into a special container of the unit - a humidifier.
    2. Connect the mask or nasal cannula to the concentrator.
    3. Turn on the device, put on a mask or nasal prongs.
    4. Adjust the oxygen flow depending on the readings.
    5. Breathe through the mask for as long as the doctor prescribes.

    For patients with COPD, oxygen therapy sessions need to be performed frequently; the more, the better.

    With a severe form of lung disease, this method of treatment needs to be carried out at least 15 hours a day.

    Oxygen therapy for lung cancer

    At malignant tumor lung oxygen therapy has the following positive results:

    • leads to self-destruction of malignant cells;
    • stimulates the functioning of the immune system. In order for the body's immune cells to function normally, it is necessary to increase the oxygen content in the body;
    • enhances the detoxification effect - helps remove toxic substances from the body;
    • improves the general condition of the body.

    In the later stages of cancer, patients develop hypoxemia, resulting in a sharp decrease in the amount of oxygen, which leads to shortness of breath.

    Oxygen therapy for lung cancer is used only under the supervision of a specialist.

    Only a doctor can prescribe the required oxygen concentration depending on the type of tumor, its size, the presence of metastases, the age and gender of the patient.

    Oxygen therapy for lung cancer is divided into:

    • local (local) - oxygen is introduced using a needle, the cells are quickly saturated with oxygen;
    • general - all tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen thanks to a special pressure chamber where the patient is placed. General oxygen treatment is aimed not only at destroying malignant cells, but also at increasing immune defense, as well as the detoxification process.

    Oxygen therapy for face

    People living near forests, rivers, and seas have beautiful skin, age later than those who live in a metropolis and work in an office. Do you know why? Because they receive hundreds of times more oxygen every day.

    A lack of O2 in the body leads to dry skin and deterioration of complexion. As a result, a person's skin aging process accelerates.

    In people who feel a lack of oxygen, cells work worse; they do not have time to divide and resist the attack of free radicals.

    Solve the issue today oxygen starvation face and body skin at home using:

    • oxygen cosmetics;
    • ozonated water for washing;
    • home ozonizer.

    Oxygen cosmetics

    The following creams are very useful for the skin of the face and body:

    • cream Triple Oxygen + C Energizing, Bliss;
    • cream “Skin Inspiration”;
    • Faberlic cream “Oxygen Energy”, etc.

    Ozonated water for washing

    If you want to improve your complexion, get rid of wrinkles, enlarged pores, and blackheads, then use ozonated water at home. It speeds up the process of cell restoration and fights all defects on the face.

    Home ozonator

    This is a device with which you can ozonate water at home, saturate it with ozone, and then wash it or take it orally.

    After several days of use, the first results will be visible: the skin will become clearer and more elastic, acne will disappear.

    And by taking baths with ozonized water, skin breathing will soon improve and cellulite will disappear.

    You can take such an ozone bath for 10 minutes every day.

    In addition to purifying water, a home ozonizer can also be used to blow on your face. Do the procedure for no more than 3 minutes.

    Oxygen therapy for heart failure

    With long-term oxygen therapy carried out at home, it is possible to reduce the severity of heart failure, reduce blood pressure in pulmonary artery, as well as manifestations of oxygen starvation of tissues.

    Cardiologists suggest that patients use special oxygen devices - concentrators.

    The most reliable devices are oxygen concentrators manufactured by:

    • in Germany - they work stably, have a long service life, low noise level;
    • in the USA - they are light in weight, and in terms of functional characteristics they are not inferior to German devices;
    • in China under the Armed TM.

    These are stationary devices for oxygen therapy at home. But if you need to get out of the house, then you can use portable hubs.

    By hanging a small device on your shoulder, you can easily move any distance, while maintaining the oxygen concentration at the desired level.

    Oxygen cushion for emphysema

    For a disease such as emphysema, which is an excessive accumulation of air in the lungs or skin, an oxygen cushion can help well at home.

    This is a special bag that looks like a pillow with a rubber tube, a tap and a mouthpiece.

    The pillow is filled with oxygen in a pharmacy and its capacity is 10 liters.

    You need to use it like this:

    1. Having put the pillowcase on the pillow, you should attach the mouthpiece, which should first be treated with alcohol.
    2. Wrap the mouthpiece in 3 layers of gauze.
    3. Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth and press it tightly. Open the airbag tap and adjust the oxygen flow rate.
    4. Inhale oxygen through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
    5. As the oxygen in the pillow decreases, it needs to be slowly rolled up.

    Oxygen cartridges

    For bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, doctors very often prescribe oxygen inhalation to patients.

    Oxygen inhalations are also very useful for poisoning, suffocation, and shock.

    You can buy an oxygen canister for inhalation at a pharmacy or fitness center. Inside such a cylinder there is oxygen gas. The cylinder is equipped with a nebulizer through which a person can inhale the gas.

    Cylinders vary depending on the volume. On average, people use 5 liter cylinders and use them up in a week.

    They carry out the inhalation procedure itself through a mask or tube through which the respiratory mixture flows.

    Oxygen cocktails

    One of the most common types of oxygen therapy is taking oxygen cocktails. They are a foam consisting of bubbles filled with 95% oxygen.

    The foam may contain various components, for example, licorice root syrup, juices, vitamins, etc.

    Such medicinal cocktails have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help with gastritis, colitis, and ulcers. They increase immunity and performance.

    Oxygen cocktails can be easily prepared at home. To do this, buy at the pharmacy special set for preparing cocktails, which includes an oxygen cylinder, a nozzle, bags of dry mixture, a measuring cup, and a spoon.

    You can take anything as a liquid: natural juices, herbal teas.

    Oxygen therapy is a treatment method that can prolong the life of patients with COPD and lung cancer, as well as improve the appearance of the skin and increase daily activity.

    Oxygen therapy has a positive effect on the patient’s quality of life. To prevent a person from being tied to the walls of a hospital, various devices for oxygen therapy at home are produced today.

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    Website about health

    All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

    The information published on the site is for informational purposes only. Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes traditional medicine etc. It is not recommended to use it yourself. Be sure to consult a specialist so as not to harm your health!

    • Number of servings:
    • Serving size: 200 ml
    • Packaging: package
    • Material: metallized polyethylene
    • Closure: zip flap
    • Taste: no
    • Weight: 0.3 kg
    • Digital display.
    • Oxygen production from 1 to 5 liters
    • Productivity l/min.
    • Output oxygen concentration: oxygen output 1: 87-95.5%
    • Residual pressure, MPa 15
    • Adjustable oxygen flow, l/min 1-10
    • Pressure after decompression, MPa 0.2-0.3
    • Safety valve pressure, MPa 0.35
    • Output oxygen humidity, % 85
    • Volume of moisturizing container, ml 250
    • Working volume of liquid, ml
    • Dimensions, mm 105x65x240
    • Net weight, kg 0.36
    • Oxygen capacity: 0-10 l/min
    • Outlet pressure: no more than 1.03 atmospheres
    • Ingredients: Licorice root extract, apple pectin, ascorbic acid, sugar
    • Packaging: Package
    • Material: Metallized polyethylene
    • Closure: Zip flap
    • Taste: No
    • Weight: 0.3 kg
    • Gas consumption: 0.5 - 5 liters per minute
    • Number of speeds: 2
    • Power supply: 12V
    • Overall dimensions: 20 x 20 x 32 cm
    • Weight: 0.95 kg
    • Pure oxygen productivity 95%
    • Oxygen therapy.
    • Capacity: 1-10 l/min
    • Spray rate (productivity), not less than: 0.2 ml/min
    • Output oxygen concentration: 93%
    • Inhalation tank volume: 6 ml
    • Maximum compressor pressure: 62 kPa
    • Pressure relief device driven at 250 kPa
    • Noise level: 60 dB
    • Oxygen capacity up to 5 l/min
    • Saturation up to 90%+/-3%
    • LED screen
    • Reduced energy consumption
    • Device dimensions: 375x215x350 mm
    • Net weight: 8kg
    • Noise: less than 40 dB
    • Dimensions: 32 x 36 x 48 cm
    • Net weight: 5.2 kg

    90% (adjustable)

  • The adapter allows you to use the device in a car
  • The case contains a small humidifier with light
    • Gives strength during physical activity
    • Promotes performance
    • Supports the cardiovascular system
    • Improves metabolism
    • Reduces chronic fatigue in the body
    • Strengthens the immune system
    • For oxygen concentrator LF-H-10A
    • Oxygen capacity: 0-8 l/min
    • O2 flow saturation: at 5l/min: 93+/-3%
    • Power: 400 Watt
    • Possibility of adjusting and setting separately pressure on inhalation and exhalation.
    • Item Type: Oxygen Concentrator
    • Flow Saturation: About
    • 2 glasses of 0.5 l and 1.6 l included in delivery
    • Simple device and long operating time
    • Productivity: Additions/min.
    • Serving size: 200 ml

    Home oxygen breathing machines

    health products

    Next day delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    Features of oxygen therapy: advantages and disadvantages, types and costs

    Residents of modern cities do not have enough oxygen in the air, since a large number of cars and operating enterprises burn it. This is why the body is often in a state of hypoxia. Lack of oxygen leads to drowsiness, stress, apathy, headaches and other symptoms that interfere with a full life.

    Concept of method

    Oxygen therapy or oxygen therapy is a procedure for saturating the body with oxygen with therapeutic or for preventive purposes. Everyone knows that this gas is vital for any living organism and its deficiency has disastrous consequences.

    This procedure, depending on how oxygen is administered, is divided into two types:

    The first type involves saturating the body with oxygen through the respiratory tract. This can be inhalation of the gas itself or its mixtures. It can be carried out through masks designed for the mouth or nose, nasal catheters, as well as special tubes. Most often, tents are used for children.

    The second type involves the introduction of oxygen by cutaneous, subcutaneous, intra-articular, enteral and other methods.

    The video below will tell you about the benefits of oxygen therapy and the devices for its use:

    Its pros and cons

    The advantages of this procedure are:

    • Strengthening immunity;
    • Normalization of blood pressure;
    • Improved metabolism;
    • Improving metabolism;
    • Acceleration of tissue regeneration.

    The only important condition is to comply with the amount of oxygen supplied, since its excess negatively affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    Indications for testing

    Oxygen therapy is recommended for many conditions of the body. And it is most widespread in diseases of the lungs, as well as acute and chronic respiratory failure. This procedure is also recommended for:

    In addition, oxygen therapy allows the body to recover faster after alcohol poisoning, as well as carbon monoxide. For children this procedure It is most often prescribed for hypoxia, which begins to develop as early as six months and is fully formed by the age of 8. Also, the reason to prescribe the procedure may be arterial hypoxemia, which is determined in children and newborns at rest.

    Preparation for the procedure

    Preparing for oxygen treatment requires medical supervision. The need for its administration is determined by insufficient blood oxygen saturation, which is determined by pulse oximetry and clinical observations. Next, the specialist determines the amount of this gas that needs to be administered. It may be required around the clock or during sleep or physical activity.

    Since oxygen can support combustion, when using it, you should not be near an open fire or flammable substances (aerosols, Vaseline, etc.). The slightest spark from a cigarette or electrical appliance can ignite the patient's pastel items that have been soaked during oxygen therapy. In addition, all evaporators and humidifiers must have plugs that protect the devices from explosion.

    Oxygen therapy for COPD is the topic of the following video:

    How is oxygen therapy performed?

    Oxygen therapy can be carried out both in a clinic and at home. For the last option, pillows are suitable, oxygen cylinders and concentrators. They allow long-term therapy, but in any case, the method and frequency of the procedure are prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination and diagnosis.

    With the inhalation form of oxygen therapy, the algorithm for its implementation consists of the following stages:

    • Checking patency and clearing the airways;
    • Opening the package containing the catheter;
    • Measuring the distance from the nose to the earlobe;
    • Lubricating part of the catheter with Vaseline;
    • Insertion of the cannula along the nasal passage to the wall of the pharynx, which is equal to the previously determined distance to the ear;
    • Checking the catheter through the patient's open mouth;
    • Connecting the outer part of the catheter to an oxygen source and securing it to the patient’s forehead or cheek;
    • Opening oxygen supply up to 3 liters per minute;
    • Regularly change the position of the cannula.

    If an oxygen cushion is used, the algorithm will be slightly different:

    • Checking the airbag for oxygen filling;
    • Applying a clamp to the tube coming out of it;
    • Wrapping the funnel with a sterile napkin;
    • The location of the funnel is 5 cm from the mouth;
    • Opening the clamp as you inhale and closing it as you exhale.

    Non-inhalation methods differ in the technology used and the way oxygen enters the body.

    1. The enteral method involves the passage of gas through the stomach and subsequent penetration into the intestines and bloodstream. Previously, it was intended to resuscitate newborns and combat pulmonary failure in adults. Oxygen cocktails and mousses are now actively used, which are recommended for obesity, toxicosis, and people with kidney failure.
    2. The intravascular method is a blood transfusion to the patient, which is pre-saturated with the required amount of oxygen.
    3. The cutaneous method is actively used for cardio- vascular diseases, severe injuries and ulcers. Oxygen enters the patient’s body through oxygen baths.

    Consequences of use and possible complications

    Using oxygen as intended does not cause addiction to the body and does not lead to side effects. However, in rare cases, the following symptoms may still occur:

    In addition to these symptoms, a deviated nasal septum may occur, which develops as a result of improper use of the cannula, as well as the introduction of unhumidified oxygen.

    Recovery and care after the procedure

    The recovery period after the procedure depends on the patient’s condition, as well as the method of oxygen therapy itself.


    For the purpose of healing, oxygen therapy can be carried out either daily or several times a week. average cost One session lasting 30 minutes is about rubles. If desired, this procedure can be performed at home. To do this, you will need to purchase an oxygen concentrator, which costs about thousand. rub.

    Where in Russia can you get this treatment?

    Oxygen therapy is a popular procedure in spa salons, as well as health centers. For therapeutic purposes, it can be found in modern medical institutions of both general and narrow focus.

    An oxygen therapy session for a child is shown in the video below:

    Oxygen breathing apparatus at home

    Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F-1L (White / Black)
    Oxygen concentrator Armed 8F-1 (White / Beech)
    Armed 7F-3L oxygen concentrator (with inhalation outlet)
    Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F-3A
    Armed 7F-5 oxygen concentrator
    Armed 8F-3 oxygen concentrator
    Armed 8F-5AW oxygen concentrator
    Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F-5L
    Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F-10L
    Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F-8L
    Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator
    Oxygen concentrator Bitmos OXY-6000
    Invacare Platinum 9 Oxygen Concentrator
    Portable oxygen concentrator Invacare SOLO2
    Oxygen concentrator Atmung 03-C
    Portable oxygen concentrator AirSep Freestyle 3
    Portable oxygen concentrator AirSep Freestyle 5
    Portable oxygen concentrator AirSep Focus
    Portable oxygen concentrator Philips SimplyGo
    Portable oxygen concentrator Invacare XPO2

    Oxygen therapy at home: how to choose an oxygen device

    Oxygen is necessary for all living things. It is one of the three main components of the air we breathe, and its deficiency can cause extreme unpleasant consequences For human body from simple deterioration of health to serious illnesses. To reduce the risk oxygen deficiency, doctors suggest using oxygen therapy - a method of artificially saturating the blood with oxygen using special devices.

    Oxygen therapy: what is it for?

    For normal functioning of the human body, the oxygen concentration in the ambient air is required to be 20-21% - then a person feels cheerful and does not experience headaches or malaise. But the realities modern world are such that in large cities, due to smog and high concentrations of exhaust gases, its level in the air rarely reaches at least 16%.

    This “fasting” is especially dangerous for people who suffer from the following diseases:

    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • Asthma;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Chronical bronchitis;
    • Diseases of the nervous system;
    • Obesity;
    • Kidney diseases;
    • Pneumonia.

    Oxygen therapy is indicated for them, which is carried out as in conditions hospital inpatient, and at home. In addition to them, additional exposure to oxygen is required for those who have experienced gas poisoning, shock, or suffocation.

    This therapy in moderate doses is useful for everyone: thanks to the additional saturation of the blood with oxygen, you can avoid chronic fatigue syndrome, improve your complexion, restore freshness to the skin and increase the overall tone of the body. How to do it outside medical institutions? It is enough to purchase a home oxygen concentrator.

    Oxygen breathing apparatus at home

    To carry out oxygen treatment at home, you can use the following devices:

    • Oxygen cartridges;
    • Oxygen concentrators;
    • Oxygen generators;
    • Oxygen cocktails.

    Oxygen cartridges

    One of the simplest oxygen breathing devices for home use is a can of compressed oxygen. It can be produced in different volumes up to 18 liters, and such a device can be purchased both in Moscow pharmacies and through online stores. The oxygen concentration in the cylinder can reach 96%. The remaining 4% is nitrogen.

    Depending on the amount of pure oxygen in the canister, the doctor gives recommendations on its use, frequency of use and dosage. It is worth remembering that you should not overdo it with inhalations: an overdose is fraught with complications.

    You can use the can in several ways:

    • Spray concentrated oxygen at home to increase the amount of oxygen in the air;
    • Inhale oxygen from a cylinder through a mask or nasal cannulas and tubes.

    Both methods are suitable for improving well-being and increasing tone, but can be treated with this type of therapy serious illnesses not worth it. The main advantage of the cylinder is that it is a portable oxygen breathing apparatus. You can easily move around the city with it, use it in especially polluted places, with crowds of people and in closed, stuffy spaces.

    Oxygen concentrators

    The best way to saturate your lungs with oxygen is to walk through the forest. But this method is not always available to residents of large cities. A worthy alternative to walking in the fresh forest air is to use an oxygen concentrator. This equipment is also suitable for home use: the device produces oxygen directly from the air using the nitrogen removal method. The device comes with reusable masks and nasal cannulas. With them, the whole family will be able to receive a portion of oxygen.

    Concentrators vary in their power. Models that provide at least 1 liter of oxygen per minute are suitable for home use. They can be compact in size and do not interfere with movement around the house. Thanks to the extensive selection of concentrator models, everyone can choose a device that is suitable in terms of performance, size and price.

    An oxygen concentrator at home requires compliance with several operating rules:

    • The home oxygen apparatus must not be covered or other objects placed on it;
    • Oxygen is a flammable gas, you should constantly monitor the integrity of the device and check for leaks;
    • Smoking and an oxygen machine at home are incompatible;
    • Before using the concentrator, be sure to ventilate the room.

    It’s easy to buy an oxygen device at home: you can place an order for home delivery in online stores, for example, a wide selection is offered by a manufacturer such as Armed.

    Oxygen generators

    A home oxygen generator is the most best option for the prevention of hypoxia in an ordinary city apartment. The principle of its operation is similar to a concentrator, but if in the concentrator the percentage of oxygen released reaches 95%, which is good for treating patients, but quite dangerous for simple preventive use, then in the generator the air is also purified from nitrogen, but the amount of oxygen in it is less - only about 30-40%.

    The generator can also serve as a portable oxygen breathing apparatus: it can be moved from room to car. But the overall dimensions still do not make it portable, like the same cylinder. The generator is useful because it performs the following functions:

    • Due to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, which carries nutrients for body cells, accelerates metabolic processes, provides vigor, energy, good mood;
    • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • Pregnant women can avoid fetal hypoxia;
    • Relieves hangover syndrome.

    Oxygen cocktails

    In cosmetology and medicine, the benefits of oxygen cocktails are considered proven. Thanks to the lush foam, this cocktail literally allows you to inhale a sip. fresh air and goes off like a real bomb. Preparing oxygen cocktails at home is very simple: you just need to use a foaming liquid, a cocktail base of your choice and start the cocktail maker. It is difficult to call this device a full-fledged home oxygen breathing apparatus, but it can significantly improve the quality of life in a metropolis and will become a useful device for families with children and people who care about their health.

    Oxygen breathing apparatus for every home!

    Breathing devices are useful not only in the treatment of diseases. Right choice home equipment will help you avoid many negative consequences poor air quality in urban environments. Portable devices will help maintain an active lifestyle for those who require constant therapy, and an oxygen generator in the apartment will provide a fresh supply of air.

    The convenience of using such equipment also lies in the fact that a used oxygen breathing apparatus can be used further without worrying that the patient’s oxygen apparatus may become a source of illness. To do this, it is enough to replace personal equipment (mask, cannulas, tubes) with new ones. And you can buy this product in almost any online medical equipment store.

  • Oxygen therapy, or oxygen therapy - the use of oxygen in medicinal purposes. The method is suitable for adults and children from infancy. Its main task is to replenish oxygen in the tissues of the body and prevent oxygen starvation.


    Indicated for patients with lack of movement, frequent stress, diseases of the respiratory system. Oxygen therapy is necessary for patients with cancer who have undergone surgery and are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, patients with prolonged stay in bed. WITH scientific point From the perspective, the mechanism of oxygen’s action on the body has not yet been well studied, but practical application shows numerous positive examples of a positive effect.

    The Düsseldorf Radiation Therapy Clinic conducted a series of experiments, which revealed that oxygen therapy enhances the effect of radiation and partially eliminates complications and side effects. It also became known that in healthy tissues regeneration occurs faster, while the effect of oxygen on diseased tissue is the opposite - cancer cells they die faster. General state patients improves significantly. Greatest effect Oxygen therapy is used in the treatment of neuroblastomas.

    Health promotion

    People who do not have any special illnesses also need to be saturated with additional portions of oxygen, especially for residents of large cities where industrial zones are concentrated.

    Normal functioning of the body is possible if the presence of oxygen in the air is at least 21% of the total mass. In fact, the oxygen level is no more than 19%. As a result, the tissues of internal organs suffer, and diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems arise.


    Oxygen therapy is indicated for the following diseases:

    • Cyanosis, respiratory failure, acute or chronic course.
    • Obstructive pulmonary pathology chronic form.
    • Pulmonary edema, shock.
    • Cystic fibrosis, eye diseases.
    • Traumatic brain injuries.
    • Allergic pathologies accompanied by attacks of suffocation.
    • Arthritis, arthrosis, cardiac asthma.
    • Rehabilitation after poisoning.
    • Increasing the effectiveness of cancer therapy.


    • Autism.
    • Some types of brain diseases (dystrophy).
    • Pulmonary hemorrhage.

    Oxygen therapy is never carried out using pure O2 gas. The pure substance causes drying of lung tissue. For treatment, mixtures of gases are used, where the proportion of oxygen ranges from 40 to 80%, the concentration is determined by the patient’s diagnosis.

    What is the benefit

    Oxygen therapy has a positive effect on many functions of the human body. During the procedure, the following is noted:

    • Replenishment in tissues.
    • Normalization of cell regeneration processes.
    • Recovery normal level cellular respiration.
    • Metabolic processes in tissues are stabilized.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • Blood pressure returns to normal.
    • The body is detoxified.
    • Metabolism accelerates.
    • Hemodynamics improve, respiratory functions are normalized.

    The effect of oxygen therapy is prolonged. Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient improves:

    • Blood oxygen saturation.
    • Improving blood circulation in all organs.
    • The amount of hemoglobin and leukocytes in the blood increases.
    • The kidneys produce large quantity fluids, elimination functions improve, which relieves swelling.
    • The pain threshold decreases, etc.

    Types of mixtures

    Oxygen therapy is carried out using healing mixtures gases where O 2 is present in a strictly dosed volume. For patients with pulmonary edema, mixtures are administered through an antifoam agent.

    Types of mixtures used:

    • Carbogen - consists of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a 50:50 ratio. The presence of CO 2 makes it easier for the patient to absorb oxygen.
    • Oxygen-argon - a mixture of oxygen (70-80%) with argon. This version of the gas prevents drying of the mucous membranes and improves the absorption of O 2.
    • Helium-oxygen - the majority (60-70%) is helium, the rest is O 2.


    Oxygen therapy is a method of restoring health through physical therapy. The procedure is offered and prescribed in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and sanatorium-resort institutions.

    The oxygen therapy system has several options, the most commonly used are the following:

    • Inhalation - the supply of an oxygen mixture occurs through catheters, masks, cannulas or This is a method of directly introducing oxygen into the lungs, usually through the nose. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes and up to 1 hour. For inhalation, a Bobrov apparatus is used, in which the gas mixture is moistened. The supply comes from oxygen bags, stationary cylinders or clinic storage facilities.
    • Extrapulmonary - oxygen is supplied to the peritoneum, subcutaneously or subconjunctivally. Each type of this therapy has its own goals - rectal administration increases partial pressure, accelerates metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract, regulates some nervous processes. Intraperitoneal injection into the pleural area is indicated to overcome pulmonary insufficiency, gas poisoning, tuberculosis, wounds, etc. The introduction of an O2 mixture into the stomach using a probe eliminates bleeding, improves motility, secretory functions, and promotes tissue restoration. Subcutaneous administration is indicated for diseases of the nervous system. In case of eye injuries or inflammation, oxygenation is carried out by injections into the periocular areas. For treatment helminthic infestation oxygen is introduced into the intestines.
    • Hyperbaric oxygenation is carried out using a sealed pressure chamber into which a gas mixture is supplied under pressure. Indicated for patients with a number of pathologies - hypoxia, air embolism, all types of shock, decompression, blood microcirculation disorders, gas gangrene, etc.
    • Oxygen baths - this type of balneotherapy activates redox processes in the body, eliminates insomnia, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and lowers blood pressure. For the procedure, the water in the bathroom is heated to 35 degrees Celsius and enriched with oxygen. The required number of sessions to achieve results is at least 10 baths of 15 minutes each.
    • Oxygen tent, awning, incubator - equipment used for oxygen therapy of infants.
    • Oxygen cocktails, mousses - enteral oxygen therapy. Juices and herbal decoctions are passed through liquefied oxygen. Drinks bring invaluable help for otolaryngological diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, allergies, bronchial asthma, chronic fatigue, and long-term illnesses. Used to prevent colds in young children.

    Ozone and oxygen

    Ozone-oxygen therapy has a complex effect on the body - blood microcirculation improves, the body's protective functions improve. External use of drugs in this group eliminates inflammation on the skin, and the bactericidal, oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of ozone appear.

    A course of ozone therapy is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and having bad habits- gray complexion is eliminated by subcutaneous administration of drugs. have a destructive effect on foreign and harmful bacteria, viruses, and damaged skin fibers. Fungal infections nail plates are successfully treated with ozone therapy.

    Oxygen-ozone therapy is indicated for the following diseases:

    • Psoriasis.
    • Eczema.
    • Pruritic and atopic dermatitis.
    • Acne.

    The drugs are administered subcutaneously with short needles, used externally, or administered rectally. After the course of treatment, rashes disappear, including weeping ones, itching disappears, the skin acquires a healthy appearance and integrity of the cover.

    In cosmetology, ozone therapy methods are actively used for the following purposes:

    • Eliminate or reduce the appearance of cellulite.
    • Reducing the signs of age - wrinkles, dullness and decreased skin tone.
    • Massages for overall skin strengthening and rejuvenation.


    Like any other method, ozone therapy has its limitations in application. Contraindications to oxygen-ozone therapy are as follows:

    • Low clotting blood.
    • Blood clots, ozone allergy, hypocalcemia.
    • Diabetes mellitus, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
    • Hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction.
    • Convulsions, internal bleeding.
    • Pancreatitis in acute form.

    Activated oxygen

    Singlet oxygen therapy is the use of activated oxygen for treatment. It is obtained by passing a steam-water mixture through a magnetic-ultraviolet activator. The magnetic field promotes the formation of new oxygen compounds that act more efficiently and exhibit greater stability.

    Therapy with such oxygen normalizes the antioxidant functions of the body and is indicated for diseases of the following areas:

    • Pulmonology (tuberculosis, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, occupational diseases, bronchitis, etc.).
    • Cardiology (hypertension, angina pectoris, VSD, cardiopathy, varicose veins, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, etc.).
    • Gastroenterology (gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, etc.).
    • Hematology (anemia and leukemia).
    • Endocrinology (obesity, diabetes).
    • Neurology (VSD, neuroses, diencephalic syndrome, asthenic conditions, etc.).
    • Traumatology and orthopedics (Bechterew's disease, post-traumatic injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.).
    • Dermatology (neurodermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, etc.).
    • Infectology (tonsillitis, intestinal infections etc.).

    The qualities and positive effects of activated oxygen have found application in sports medicine, surgery, urology, radiology and other areas of medicine.

    Oxygen mesotherapy

    Oxygen therapy for the face and body solves many skin problems and age-related changes.

    The method helps to get rid of:

    • Stretch marks, swelling, rosacea.
    • Scars, scars, acne, dry skin.
    • Age spots, facial wrinkles, acne.

    Also eliminated or reduced dark circles under the eyes, sagging chin.

    With the help of oxygen, the epidermis is restored after traumatic procedures (peeling, photorejuvenation, etc.).

    Apparatus for oxygen therapy used in for cosmetic purposes, has several attachments for influencing different areas of the skin. Treatment is carried out externally using pure O2. Before starting the procedure, the skin is prepared - cleaned, applied special means, reinforcing therapeutic effect. To achieve results, you must undergo at least 10 procedures.

    Home oxygen therapy

    Oxygen therapy at home is carried out using:

    • Oxygen cartridge. The container contains a gas mixture where the oxygen content is 80%. A special mask is used for breathing. The use of a spray can is recommended for asthma attacks, insomnia, heart attacks, hangover syndrome or to overcome motion sickness syndrome.
    • Oxygen cushion- is a rubberized bag with a device for connecting individual equipment. To ensure humidification of the supplied oxygen, the outlet of the pillow is wrapped with a damp cloth. The pillow holds up to 75 liters of gas mixture; filling occurs from a stationary cylinder at the nearest clinic.

    Helpful information

    The oxygen therapy procedure is painless. Before the session, the doctor checks the patient’s oxygen level with a special device - a pulse oximeter; this is not a mandatory requirement, but gives the doctor a situational picture. Prescriptions are made individually, depending on the patient’s condition and treatment goals.

    Most often, treatment is carried out by inhalation using nasal cannulas or a mask. The duration of the session can last several hours or be continuous for several days. After the session you need to monitor your condition. Some symptoms may indicate a negative effect of therapy, namely:

    • Dry cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing.
    • Insomnia, interrupted night sleep.
    • Changes in skin color around the eyes, lips or gums (bluish, gray tint).

    If such signs or one of them are detected, you must contact your doctor to adjust the prescription, condition, or cancel oxygen therapy.