Honey back massage: benefits and harms. Honey massage

Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) is pathological changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, which lead to disruption of microcirculation and lymph outflow. It is expressed in the loss of skin elasticity, the formation of dents when pressed, and the formation of subcutaneous tubercles. Tissue fibrosis gives the “orange peel” effect.

The most common locations for cellulite are:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach.

Sometimes it covers the back and arms.

A radical lifestyle change will help you completely get rid of this phenomenon:

  • changing the food system;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular exercise.

A honey massage will help significantly reduce the appearance of uneven skin, restore muscle tone and restore elasticity to the skin. It improves the outflow of stagnant fluid from the fat layer and accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, and also removes metabolic products, which prevents the formation of new foci of stagnation. Honey also has the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues, absorb and remove waste and toxins.

This massage can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

Please note that there are areas that cannot be massaged:

  • groin area;
  • inner thighs;
  • areas under the knees.

In these places there are large concentrations of lymph nodes and vessels.

Any intense mechanical impact on The lymph nodes leads to a sharp increase in pressure and disruption of microcirculation inside. The ducts may be damaged and lymph fluid will leak into the tissues, causing severe swelling.


Before the session, it is advisable to take a shower using a soft scrub or rub problem areas with a hot towel. This will help prepare the skin and open the pores.

Each session should begin and end with light stroking movements to improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

You will need no more than two tablespoons of honey at a time. Its consistency should be liquid and viscous; if it is sugared, heat it up. The variety does not matter for this procedure. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as citrus, to the honey.

Execution technique

Honey anti-cellulite massage is considered therapeutic; it differs significantly from the usual classic one - there are no stroking or tapping movements.

1. Dry palms of the hands are smeared with a thin layer of honey, applied to the surface of the body and torn off. There are two options:

  • palms are lifted sharply vertically upward. In this case, there may appear painful sensations and even bruises and bruises. The efficiency of this technique is higher, but also painful sensations noticeably more pronounced;
  • smooth soft movements are made, the palm comes off the surface gradually - first Bottom part, then the middle and after that the fingers.

Both techniques can be combined, alternating the nature of movements, the pace can be accelerated and slowed down.

You should not apply too much effort, otherwise your hands will get tired very quickly, and it will be more difficult to continue the massage, and the effectiveness will noticeably decrease.

At first, the honey will seem to be absorbed into the skin, but after a few minutes you will see a gray-white mass on the surface that will stick to your hands. This color is obtained by beating honey with air. It also contains particles of dead cells of the epidermis (its stratum corneum), and with them pathogenic microorganisms, fats and proteins. This will cause the skin to become red and warm.

Normal sensations during the procedure are burning and slight pain, which gradually decrease, and the massage begins to bring pleasure.

2. You should not massage the whole thing at once. problem area. It is better to limit yourself to an area equal to the surface area of ​​​​both palms, and then move on to another. After about 10 minutes, your hands will stop sticking to your body, the honey mass will remain completely on your palms. The skin in the area where the massage was performed should be dry and non-sticky. You need to wash your hands, apply a new portion of honey and continue working on the next area.

Never reuse used honey as it has already absorbed toxins, sebum and dead skin cells.

If the problem areas are large enough, one session will take at least 60 minutes.

3. After the end of the session, take warm shower or wipe the body with a cloth dampened warm water, then wipe dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer or oil.

After the first procedure, severe bruising and hemorrhage may occur. This is normal and happens if the body is not used to physical activity. Also, in the first stages, it may seem that the size of the tubercles in problem areas has increased; you should not pay attention to this; by the end of the course, the skin will smooth out.

Video - Honey massage for cellulite, how to do it correctly?

Video - Honey massage for cellulite

Video - How to get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time

Course duration

For achievement visible result Regularity is important. The procedure is carried out every other day for two weeks. This is the minimum duration of the course, but the longer it is, the more noticeable the result will be. This type of massage should not be performed every day; you need to give the body a rest.

After the course, you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat if necessary. It is also recommended to do a preventive massage twice a month to keep the skin toned.


Since this procedure has a rather aggressive effect on the body, it has a number of contraindications.

Temporary contraindicationsAbsolute contraindications
Allergy. IN in rare cases contact of honey with skin can cause an allergic reaction. If after the procedure a rash appears, irritation or redness does not subside for a long time, you should take antihistamines and suspend the course. Repeat after a few days if negative reaction won't happen anymore, continueOncological diseases, presence of tumors
Period of acute respiratory infectionsThrombosis
Vessels located close to the skin. Due to the active flow of blood to the treated area, the load on the vessels increasesThrombophlebitis
Availability of any inflammatory processes in organismTendency to hemorrhage
State of hypertensive or hypotensive crisisMental illnesses. Since stimulation occurs during the procedure bioactive points, an inappropriate reaction may occur
Availability skin diseases and areas with damaged skin
Pregnancy and lactation

Anti-cellulite honey massage helps restore skin elasticity and firmness, significantly reduces subcutaneous fat capsules and makes the body texture even and smooth.

The main benefit of honey massage is its main component – ​​honey.

The main differences that distinguish honey massage from others are its technique and the honey itself. The “tearing off” technique, thanks to honey, has significant adhesion to the skin, which allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • Vacuum effect. When you press your palms on the skin, the honey on the surfaces sticks together. A sharp tearing off creates a short-term vacuum effect.
  • Deep peeling effect. Honey is known for its absorbent properties. When working with the skin, it draws out accumulated “dirt” (toxins) and releases upper layer epidermis.
  • Deep penetration effect. In addition to its cleansing properties, massage with honey is deeply nourishing. After all, the composition of honey has already been processed by bees and is completely absorbed by the body, without requiring time and energy for absorption. All the richest composition This healing product begins to work on the body. You can learn about the benefits of honey massage from the article.

Honey massage is one of the best ways fight cellulite

All these effects have the following effects on the body:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin. Increased elasticity, velvety and improved color.
  • Acceleration of metabolic, hematopoietic, excretory processes in the body. As a result, skin rejuvenation increased tone tissues, improving the functioning of the body. In addition, elimination is accelerated excess liquid and splitting of fatty nodes.
  • Nourishing the body with important elements, which gives additional strength. And it has a beneficial effect on the body.

About how to work with in different parts body: .

The benefits of honey for the body

Honey massage helps in the fight against various diseases

The benefits of honey massage can be understood by learning the components of the procedure. A special technique gives several effects at once. And the rich composition of honey makes this procedure truly unique. Honey contains more than three hundred different components, the most significant of which are:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Squirrels.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Hormones.


This is the main source of energy for humans. The benefit of honey massage is that carbohydrates help maintain normal microflora and active body functions. Besides, vitality And good mood also depends on correct content carbohydrates in the body. Honey consists of several types of sugars, including: glucose, fructose, sucrose and others.



The benefits of honey massage significantly outweigh the side effects and harm


What else does honey massage give? Macro- and microelements that affect immunity, protective functions body, and also regulate the work metabolic processes. Without them it is impossible normal operation nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body. Honey contains potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, boron and many other elements. As one scientist said, “Honey is half of the periodic table.” All this rich component penetrates the body thanks to the effects of honey massage.


The main one is acetylcholine, which is found most in flower honey. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. In addition, honey contains the so-called “growth hormone”. It provokes increased healthy growth living organisms.

This is all just part of the enormous richness of honey that comes with the massage procedure. Speaking about the benefits and harms of honey massage, only positive traits. But there are also negative sides.

About how to carry out the procedure at home: .

Harm of honey massage

One of side effects– bruises

The massage session itself does not cause any harm. Its two main disadvantages are pain and individual intolerance to honey. Persons with hypersensitivity skin, it is better to think carefully before embarking on such a procedure. The first sessions are very painful and may leave bruises. Afterwards, the body adapts and accepts the massage more easily. But severe bruising and hematomas indicate individual intolerance to aggressive influences or low qualifications of the specialist. In any of these cases, it is better not to continue the honey massage.

Still, the benefits of honey massage far outweigh its negative aspects. If there are no contraindications, there are no varicose veins and the blood vessels are strong enough, honey massage is an excellent procedure for healing and rejuvenation.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! You've heard a lot about honey massage, but don't know how to do it. The topic of today's conversation is how to properly do honey massage at home. Let's consider massage techniques for the face, back, abdomen, vacuum and anti-cellulite massage

How honey affects the body

All Eastern healers know about the beneficial effects of honey on the skin and the entire body. We too can experience the rejuvenating effects of this magical product, as well as appreciate its rare capabilities, which allow you to restore the beauty of the figure and get rid of many long-standing ailments.

What are the benefits of honey massage?

Buy special jars equipped with a pump at the pharmacy, preferably silicone ones. Before starting the session, take a shower and thoroughly clean the skin of the problem area using a scrub.

Cupping abdominal massage technique

Apply a mixture of honey and oil to your stomach: 2 tsp. bee product, 3 drops each of lemon, juniper, orange oil.

  • Warm up the dermis by pinching until it becomes red.
  • Press the jar against the skin; the jar should not cover more than 2 cm of the skin.
  • Start moving the can, first near the navel, then increase the radius of coverage.
  • Massage the area along the iliac bone, then the sides.
  • Remove the jar and massage the problem area with your fists in a circle. Don't press too hard.
  • After the first session, the stomach may sag slightly, continue to carry out the therapeutic manipulation every other day, then everything will return to normal.

Honey wrap for weight loss

An incredibly effective process for losing weight is honey wrap. It can be made at home.

The undeniable benefits of wrapping:

  1. Acceleration of blood circulation in the areas where the wrap is performed. Most often, this is the abdomen, the area of ​​the inner and outer thighs, lower legs, arms, and legs.
  2. When hot wrapped, narrow pores open. But when it’s cold, the enlarged pores close.
  3. Excess fluid leaves the body.
  4. Fat deposits disappear.
  5. The skin is smoothed, tightened, and restored.

Honey massage

Massage- a truly magnificent discovery of humanity, and there is no doubt about it. It is massage that helps us keep our body in good shape, as well as improve our well-being and mood. However, the discovery classic look humanity has not limited itself to massage, and over time, types of massage have been created that include the benefits not only of the physical impact massage therapist on the human body, but also the healing effect of biologically used in his process active substances. One of the most popular types of such massage is honey massage. It is about this type of massage that we'll talk Further.

Of course, the main highlight of a honey massage is healing properties honey, which, in combination with the massage actions of the massage therapist, increase significantly. Why is honey so useful? Honey contains many useful minerals, among which potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur and chlorine, as well as honey contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6.

The properties of honey are especially valuable for its use in medical purposes. It has the following properties:

Using honey on wounds, burns, ulcers and cuts can significantly speed up their healing;
- honey relieves inflammation and reduces sore throat with dry cough, improves the digestion process, helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis, as well as short term relieves nasal congestion, reduces cough intensity. Honey in combination with milk can improve general health the patient and relieve the disease;
- honey has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties;
- honey can significantly improve blood quality due to strict quantity control free radicals through useful substances contained in honey;
- honey is an excellent sugar substitute, which is very important for people suffering from diabetes;
- honey naturally relieves tissue inflammation;
- regular use honey can provide reliable protection immune system person;
- honey is recommended for athletes as a source of increased performance and endurance.

Now we will consider in more detail the main indications for the use of honey massage, as well as contraindications, in the presence of which the use of honey massage must be categorically abandoned.

Contraindications to the use of honey massage:

- Presence of mental illness;
- Diabetes;
- Allergy to honey and bee products;
- Any disease at an acute stage;
- Increased fragility of blood vessels;
- Bronchial asthma;
- Phlebeurysm;
- Tumors regardless of their origin;
- AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases;
- Thyroid gland dysfunction;
- Tendency to open bleeding.

Before using the honey massage procedure, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.

There are a lot of contraindications, right? But they are perfectly compensated by the benefits that come from using honey massage.

In particular, honey massage is an excellent means of maintaining excellent physical and mental form in case of serious stressful situations, fights fatigue well and fills with vitality and lightness. The purpose of honey massage is most often to provide assistance for diseases of the spine, restore the energy of all organs of the body, cleanse energy channels, and combat discomfort in the joints. After several sessions of honey massage, a person’s level of cheerfulness significantly increases, vitality is restored, incredible ease of movement appears, pain disappears, and the level of activity increases.

Honey massage is often used as an important component of most anti-cellulite and weight correction programs. Honey massage significantly improves blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin and the muscles next to them, helps improve tissue nutrition and internal organs. Honey is considered a substance that perfectly absorbs toxins and helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

Full range of indications for honey massage: diseases of subcutaneous fat, arthrosis, arthritis, joint diseases, peripheral diseases nervous system, myositis, muscle pain, osteochondrosis, chronic fatigue, low skin elasticity, colds, radiculitis, excess weight, circulatory disorders, spinal diseases, slagging in the body.

At the very beginning of the procedure, the patient should be checked for individual tolerance to honey, and in case of intolerance to the main component of honey massage, the procedure should be abandoned. In order to test the tolerance of honey, a small amount of honey is applied to the patient’s forearm for 15-25 minutes. If the patient does not show signs of redness, itching or blistering, conclusions are drawn about the normal tolerance of honey and a honey massage is started.

Honey massage of the back area.

To improve the elasticity of the skin, at the beginning of the honey massage, the massage therapist performs a light classic massage. For this, classic massage techniques are used: stroking with the palm and brush, rubbing (performed transversely or longitudinally). Typically, circular and linear movements are used at the beginning of the procedure.

At the beginning of the massage, it is recommended to alternate massage techniques with vibration techniques. Immediately after the rubbing technique, kneading is followed to influence the deepest layers of the body. Classic massage is highly desirable at the beginning of the honey massage procedure for the reason that it can alleviate the upcoming pain that occurs in the honey massage.

Having noticed slight redness on the client’s body, or having felt an increase in the patient’s body temperature, carrying out classic massage stops. In order to increase the intensity of blood flow and lymph flow, several squeezing techniques are performed. Only after carrying out the above actions, the massage therapist proceeds directly to the honey massage procedure.

At the very beginning of the honey massage procedure, natural honey in the amount of two tablespoons is applied in an even layer to the massaged surface of the patient’s back. Using classic massage techniques, the honey begins to press into the skin of the patient's back. This process involves the edge of the palm, the base of the palm and the massage therapist's fingertips. Due to the fact that the honey begins to gradually stick to the hands of the massage therapist, he begins to make sharper and stronger movements with his palms longitudinally and transversely. It is effective to use the “rolling” technique, when each of the massage therapist’s hands in turn begins to roll over the patient’s back area, the movement goes from the base of the palm to the fingertips transversely and longitudinally.

Next appointment honey massage - “twisting”, carried out with the base of the massage therapist’s palm. Next, stretching is carried out paravertebrally over the surface of the skin, the purpose of which is to increase the intensity of penetration natural honey deep into the tissues. The next technique is moving the radial edge of the palm, which is carried out on the spine. After this, the techniques carried out earlier are alternated, and the techniques of “puncturing” and “patting” are added to them. It is imperative to alternate hard techniques with softer ones, otherwise the patient will begin to feel discomfort and even pain.

Over time, under the influence of massage movements, honey begins to be drawn out of the body, and along with it, harmful toxins are drawn out of the body, the body is cleansed, and the condition of subcutaneous fat tissue is normalized.

The massage time is 10-15 minutes, or until the patient experiences pronounced pain. At the end of the honey massage procedure, vibration techniques are performed, and cold and hot compresses are applied in alternating order. If you have colds in last resort A hot compress is applied to the back. The use of compresses can not only intensify blood and lymph flow, but also enhance the effect of the main component of honey massage - natural honey. To make the patient feel more comfortable, hygienic treatment of the body is carried out using compresses. The surface of the patient's back is wiped dry, and the patient himself is covered with a warm blanket.

The best time for a honey massage is before bed, so that the healing effects of the massage continue throughout the night. At the end of the procedure, the patient should lie down for 25-35 minutes.

Honey massage of the abdominal area.

Honey massage of the abdominal area is performed if the patient has the following diseases: colitis, constipation, diseases gastrointestinal tract, cellulite, cholecystitis. Just like with a back massage, the abdominal area is prepared for a honey massage using classical massage techniques. First, you should apply a gentle impact on the abdominal area by applying clockwise vibration, applying pressure and rolling the entire surface of the palm. After this, the techniques of stroking clockwise and kneading with the phalanges of the fingers are performed. Initially, a soft impact is performed, which gradually turns into a deeper impact. The following actions - mild frequent vibration of the abdominal area using the hands and lightly kneading the area of ​​influence clockwise with both hands.

Mandatory actions when preparing the abdominal area for a honey massage are the use of effleurage, puncturing, and pinching techniques. These techniques are carried out clockwise. These techniques relieve spasms and improve blood circulation. abdominal cavity, relieve pain and reduce swelling, increase the secretion of intestinal glands.

After performing classical massage techniques, they proceed to applying natural honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon to the abdominal area and distributing it evenly. Honey massage of the abdominal area should be performed especially delicately and gently. Rolls are made from the base of the palm to the fingers, performed clockwise, transversely and longitudinally, in circular movements with the palm. These exercises are performed alternately or by simultaneously placing your palms on the surface of the abdomen. Impacts should be soft, without using sharp breaks, U-shaped movements.

It is recommended to perform a twisting technique in the area near the patient's navel. Puncture and manipulation with fingertips will also not be superfluous, since these actions improve the elasticity of the skin and fight sagging skin. At the end, the massaged area of ​​skin is hygienically treated with a damp compress, after which the patient’s body is wiped dry and covered with a terry towel.

Facial area massage.

At the beginning of the honey massage of the facial area, the patient's skin mandatory cleansed with a cleansing tonic. Facial massage should begin by stroking the back of the hand. In this case, the massage is carried out in the direction from the center of the face to its edge - from the nose to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the ears, from the chin to the earlobe. It is necessary to take into account the special sensitivity of this area to influences, and therefore it should be done gently, barely touching the facial area. The massage is carried out strictly along massage lines, which are also followed when using cosmetic massage. Puncture is allowed, which helps to increase blood flow. With light massage movements, the masseur influences the submandibular region patient. Next, use the pads of your thumbs to influence the temporal region and submandibular area.

After the preliminary massage, they proceed directly to the main part of the procedure. To do this, take a small amount of natural honey (approximately 0.5 - 1 tablespoon) and apply it evenly in a thin layer to the nose, forehead, and cheekbones. Under no circumstances should honey be applied to the area under the eyes, as there is a large accumulation of blood vessels. After this, the honey is rubbed lightly into the chin area. It should be taken into account that the facial muscles are easily stretched, and therefore it is necessary to massage this area with the utmost caution. For the most correct execution procedures during the massage, fixation is used with two fingers of the free hand.

When gently applied with the fingertips, blood circulation in the skin of the face increases, the number of wrinkles decreases, skin turgor improves, and there is an amazing rejuvenating effect. During the massage there is a direct effect on the biological active points persons that provide healing effect from massage.

Honey facial massage in the nasal area is regularly used in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, and other colds, as well as nasal congestion. When massaging the submandibular zone, the condition of the teeth improves, blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat increases, the condition of the skin in this area improves, and the function of salivary glands. The duration of the honey massage of the facial area is 4-5 minutes. The massage ends with rubbing the skin in the affected area. Often for best result From the massage, cool compresses are used, which have a tonic effect on the skin and improve its turgor. As a result of a honey massage of the facial area, fatigue is relieved, mood improves, facial skin condition improves, headaches go away, depressive states, consequences caused by states of increased stress occur more easily.

Anti-cellulite honey massage.

The main areas of influence during anti-cellulite honey massage are the buttocks and thighs. As during a back massage, classical massage techniques are preliminarily performed to prepare the affected areas for the honey massage. The force of impact should gradually increase as the massage progresses. It is strongly recommended that before using this type of anti-cellulite massage, you consult with your doctor and, in the case of women, a gynecologist. Massage cannot be performed if there is varicose veins veins, stones in gallbladder and kidneys, increased fragility vessels. The main techniques for preparing the affected area for honey massage - effleurage, rubbing and stroking - are carried out gently and intensively.

Cellulitetherapy is complex method treatment, and therefore massage should be combined with proper nutrition and exercise. You should not hope for an instant effect from an anti-cellulite honey massage, because only compliance with the entire complex of procedures indicated above will bear fruit. Therefore, please be patient.

At the end of the preliminary procedures, honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon is applied to the buttocks and thighs. Using gentle massage movements, honey is distributed over the entire area of ​​the treatment area, after which it is gradually rubbed into the surface of the skin. After this, the technique of patting the buttocks and thighs is performed. This impact begins gently, but gradually the force of the impact increases through sharper and jerkier movements.

During an anti-cellulite honey massage, honey helps burn fat cells and increase blood circulation, as well as remove excess interstitial fluid, which causes defects in the affected area, the skin tightens, skin turgor improves, muscle elasticity increases, and they become denser. To prevent the patient from feeling discomfort and pain, hard techniques should be combined with soft ones, sequentially alternating them during the massage process.

Vibrating the surface of the entire palm is the final technique in the anti-cellulite honey massage. At the end of the procedure, hygienic treatment of the skin is carried out, and compresses are also applied (starting with a cold compress and ending with a cold one) in the amount of 8-10 pieces. The patient's skin is wiped with a dry towel, and at the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a softening cream. After the procedure, the patient should rest for 20-30 minutes, first covering himself with a terry towel. To remove excess interstitial fluid, squeezing can be used.

Regular use of honey massage is a source of health and good mood!

Massage with honey is extremely effective health treatment, which has been known since antiquity. It was widespread in China and India, was actively used to treat many diseases in Tibet, and allowed one to maintain youth and health in Rus'. The popularity of this massage technique has not decreased even today.

Massage with honey

During this procedure, the benefits of massage techniques are significantly enhanced and complemented by the benefits of vitamins and microelements contained in honey. The bee product with its entire complex of useful substances penetrates deeply into the skin, blood, muscles, and internal organs, nourishing them and toning them. As a result, the effect of honey massage is simply enormous. With its help you can:

  • Strengthen immunity, significantly increasing the body's resistance to various diseases and negative external influences.
  • Neutralize physical and mental fatigue. The special composition of the honey mass allows you to quickly replenish the body’s energy reserves, and certain substances calm and normalize the nervous system. Honey massage is often prescribed as part of treatment for psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Restore the tone and function of internal organs, joints, muscles. Besides, this remedy has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, reducing it to the optimal value.
  • Prevent or cure a number of diseases. It is used to treat colds, bronchitis and other problems with respiratory tract. The massage procedure is also effective in the fight against osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and arthrosis. This effect helps to quickly and permanently overcome headaches.
  • Improve muscle condition, tighten the skin and make it healthy and elastic. Honey significantly enhances blood circulation, lymph, and the absorption of other beneficial substances and elements. In addition, the sticky substance cleanses the pores of dirt, allowing the skin to better transmit oxygen.
  • Remove toxins from the body. Honey binds them and brings them out. This makes it possible to improve well-being, improve metabolism, and normalize weight.
  • Strengthen and strengthen blood vessels and cardiovascular system generally.

Massage will strengthen the cardiovascular system

What is typical is that even during the process of producing the delicacy, bees produce special enzymes that process beneficial substances into a form that is easier to digest. As a result, honey for massage directly penetrates the skin and almost all of its composition benefits the body.

Indications and contraindications

Just as effective as in professional massage parlors, you can perform a honey massage at home. The main thing is to correctly follow the technique of the procedure, as well as adhere to the indications and contraindications.

This format of health-improving effects is used in a number of cases. It has proven itself to be effective prophylactic, which helps prevent many diseases and constantly keep the body in good shape. Also, the massage process using honey is used to treat pulmonary and cold diseases (pneumonia, mild and Chronical bronchitis, flu symptoms). Recommended this method yourself and as effective means combat stress.

Honey massage is widely used in the cosmetology field. It is prescribed to combat cellulite, eliminate stretch marks, and small scars. On its basis, work is carried out to correct the shape of the figure. It also provides elasticity and firmness to the skin and removes the “orange peel” effect.

But, it should be remembered that the use of honey massage is possible only if a person has no contraindications to it. These contraindications are:

Increased body temperature

  • Availability allergic reactions on honey or its individual components;
  • increased body temperature and fever, which are a consequence of diseases;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors in body;
  • most sexually transmitted diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • serious problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • dermatitis, fungi and other skin diseases;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • asthma and tuberculosis.

Attention! Completely contraindicated during pregnancy. It cannot be performed even when the patient is in a state of alcohol intoxication. If the procedure is performed for a person prone to hypertension, it can be traced sharp increase pressure, which also makes it undesirable in this state.

How to choose honey for massage

The most commonly used varieties are buckwheat and linden. They are especially in demand when working with the face. When general procedure For the prevention of disease or weight loss, any option is suitable. The main thing is that it has the right consistency.

The product is used exclusively in the form of a liquid, transparent mass with high viscosity. The candied form, naturally, is not suitable for the procedure. Before use, it must be thoroughly melted in a steam bath. As for the volume, 4-5 tablespoons of the substance will be enough for one session.

Quite often, honey is not used for pure form, but with various additives that enhance its main effect. Basically, they are used for this essential oils. You can add a few drops of mint, orange, juniper oil. If the main goal of the session is to lose weight, a specific mixture of oils is added to the bee treat. It includes:

Geranium oil

  • Geranium oil – 3 drops.
  • Juniper – 3 drops.
  • Grapefruit – 5 drops.
  • Lemon – 2 drops.

The components are thoroughly mixed and then added to the total substance, 5 drops per session. They allow you to quickly break down and remove fat deposits and excess water.

Types of honey massage

General healing and rejuvenating effect massage treatments using honey is widely known. But, targeted impact on certain areas of the body with different intensity and various additives can give more specific results. In accordance with this, there are several dozen types of such massage. The main ones are:

Honey massage for face

Of course, this approach is especially popular among women. It can significantly increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, make it softer and silkier, and smooth out wrinkles. But useful this type massage not only in cosmetic terms. It is believed that there are points on the face that directly affect the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, by stimulating such points, it is possible to increase the general tone of most body systems, solve minor and some more major diseases, developing in them.

Massage with honey for face and neck

Massage treatments for the abdomen

The emphasis on this area significantly enhances metabolism, tidies up the intestines and stomach, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Honey is also quickly absorbed into the skin and allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins in a few sessions.

Anti-cellulite variety

It makes it possible to remove excess fat and remove water from the thighs and buttocks within a month of regular sessions. Sessions are held every other day. In this case, the main emphasis is placed exclusively on “problem” areas of the body. Often the composition uses a honey mass interspersed with citrus essential oils.

Impact on the back

When working with the back, the effect can also be quite powerful. This type involves accelerating blood circulation in the muscles. As a result, they relax and the tension that causes pain is eliminated. Beneficial influence can also be traced in relation to the nervous system. It consists of relieving stress, getting rid of insomnia, neutralizing physical fatigue. The method is also quite effective in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Vacuum massage

This is done using special jars. It involves pumping out the waste mass from the deeper layers of the skin, as well as a more intense blood flow to it. As a result, the resulting effect may be more pronounced.

Vacuum body massage

Basic rules for honey massage

Like any other therapeutic effect, massage using honey can only be effective if performed correctly. This, in turn, is possible only if the basic rules and stages of the procedure are observed.

First of all, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Honey should not be sugary, but not very liquid either. Should be selected golden mean between these two states.
  2. It is not recommended to apply it to the groin area, skin of the armpits and knees, and chest.
  3. The honey mass must be exclusively natural. The same applies to the essential oils used.
  4. Once used, the product must be immediately discarded. Reuse is prohibited, as the waste material contains many toxins and waste.

These rules will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency. But we should also not forget about correct sequence implementation of the massage process. It starts with preparation.


The preparatory stage is carried out right before the main part. During this procedure, the patient can take a warm, relaxing shower. Next, the master (the one who performs the massage) places the patient on the couch so that he is comfortable.

Before applying the bee product itself, you should warm up the body well in advance. Effective way This can be done by lightly patting the areas to be further affected. Do them for 5 minutes. You can also warm up the muscles using well-known standard techniques over the same period of time.

Honey is heated in a water bath

At the end of the warm-up, the master Once again checks whether the honey is in the right condition. If it thickens a little, it needs to be further heated in a water bath. The main thing is not to overdo it with the temperature, since too much heating will lead to the disintegration of many useful microelements.

At the end of heating, the sweet mass is carefully and easily rubbed into the body. Where exactly depends on the type used. At general massage Application starts from the feet. The massage therapist smoothly moves to the back and higher.


At the end of the preparatory stage, the main part follows immediately without a pause. It is represented by the following sequence:

  1. By alternating light and stronger strokes, honey continues to be rubbed into the skin. This allows for increased heating of muscles and tissues, and also allows honey to penetrate deeper into the pores. When the mass thickens to such an extent that further rubbing is difficult, the stroking ends.
  2. Next, the master applies his palm to individual areas of the skin. When it is completely stuck to the sticky mixture, the palm is abruptly torn off. Together with her from skin salts, dirt, sebaceous plugs, particles of fat.
  3. When the entire surface of the massaged area is covered with a thick white film, it must be washed off with a sponge and warm water.

At the end of the main part, the patient should be wiped dry, wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to lie there for 15 minutes. If possible, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon. This will enhance the effectiveness of the work done.

Reference. You can prolong the effect by wrapping the affected areas with plastic wrap. A thick layer of fabric is wound over the film. This will ensure an abundant release of toxins and absorption of nutrients. This wrapping can be carried out for 1-3 hours.


At the end of the procedure, a shower is preferable to a regular towel. Even after wiping with a sponge, particles of honey with toxins remain on the body. And over time, they are again absorbed into the pores. But a warm shower will help wash them off the skin, which will completely eliminate even the slightest chance of re-contaminating the body.

Duration and number of sessions

Parameters such as session duration, frequency and general term Treatments are quite individual. They may depend on the type of massage and the patient's condition. In addition, a person’s sensitivity to pain is also an important factor. This process is quite painful and at the end of it, small bruises may even appear. But with each procedure the body gets used to it, and the effect can be extended.

On average, one session can take from 5 to 60 minutes. The number of sessions is also strictly individual. On average, it is 8-10 visits with a pause of 1-2 days. In this case, the patient focuses on his pain sensations. If the pain does not go away by the 3-4th visit, it is better to refuse this type of massage.


The procedure has already become an integral item in the list of services of most massage parlors and beauty salons. But, due to the ease of implementation, it can easily be implemented at home. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the listed rules and warnings. A massage with honey will make you look much younger and healthier, spending a minimum of money and effort on it.