Fungal diseases of the lungs. Fungal infection of the lungs

Fungi- the same natural inhabitants of our microflora as bacteria. However, their excessive quantity is also dangerous and causes various diseases.

Fungal bronchitis is treated special drugs, standard antibiotics or inhalations will not be effective.

What symptoms of fungal bronchitis allow one to suspect it, and what treatment would be right??

Fungal infection lungs is quite rare.

Basically, it occurs in individuals with severely reduced immunity.

There is only one mechanism for the fungus to enter the respiratory tract - along with the blood flow.

Where does it come from in the blood? increased amount fungus?

Already possible here two options:

  1. Activation of your own fungal flora.
  2. Ingress of fungal threads from the air.

The likelihood of fungus entering from the outside depends on the territorial location and living conditions of a person. Usually, These are fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Their action will be discussed in more detail below.

Types of pathologies

Symptoms of fungal infection of the lungs and respiratory tract a little different, depending on the cause. When one's own flora is activated, respiratory tract candidiasis most often occurs. If threads get in from outside - aspergillosis.

Symptoms of pulmonary candidiasis

Candidiasis occurs as a complication of another systemic infection, which was treated with antibacterial drugs.

Candidiasis of the upper respiratory tract is common
after pneumonia, suppuration, complicated diseases oral cavity.

The main symptom of candidiasis is wet painful cough. However, in addition to this, bronchial candidiasis causes:

  1. Shortness of breath.
  2. Bronchospastic syndrome.
  3. Fever.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Chest pain.

This type is often accompanied by damage gastrointestinal tract with foci of inflammation and even necrosis. Small bronchi with pulmonary candidiasis are almost always affected, and the fungus grows through the wall bronchial tree. On the top respiratory tract this is extremely rare.

Hormonal drugs can also provoke the proliferation of fungal flora.

Symptoms of fungus in the lungs often resemble, therefore additional methods research is required.

Pulmonary aspergillosis

Aspergillus comes from ventilation, humidifiers, old books, soil, pigeons, rotting grass, and other sources.

It mainly affects the respiratory tract, in which something like allergic restructuring and destructive process.

main symptom this type of mycosis.

Residents are more susceptible to such infection Saudi Arabia and people suffering diabetes mellitus. This type of bronchitis is not contagious. Aspergillosis manifests itself:

  1. Hemoptysis (due to toxic effect mushrooms on vessels).
  2. Germination of mycelium, formation of areas of necrosis visible on x-ray.
  3. Attacks of suffocation.

It may be accompanied by damage to the sinuses and the appearance of spherical formations, and also have a chronic course.


The main ways to determine pneumomycosis are: X-ray and sputum analysis. On an X-ray image, the pathology is visible by specific round formations.

The specific type of fungus has already been determined laboratory methods. Treatment for fungus in the lungs depends on the pathogen identified. At pulmonary candidiasis sputum microscopy shows fungi of the genus Candida, with aspergillosis - genus Aspergillus.

Treatment of fungus in the lungs

Regardless of the type of fungus detected, patients are prescribed restorative and immunostimulating therapy. The direct fight against the fungus is carried out with antifungal drugs. Your doctor may prescribe one of the following::

  1. Itraconazole
  2. Voriconazole.
  3. Nystatin.
  4. Levorin.

IN severe cases may be shown surgery. , as a rule, does not involve identifying a specific type of pathogen. In the case of a fungal infection, this must be done to select suitable drug for treatment.

Self-administration of antifungal agents is unacceptable!


At untimely treatment large foci of necrosis appear and infection spreads to adjacent tissues. Symptoms begin to worsen and can lead to death from suffocation.


Prevention measures include:

  1. Regularly check air conditioners, air ducts, and damp surfaces for the presence of Aspergillus spores.
  2. Increasing the patient's immunity.
  3. Regular disinfection of hospital premises.
  4. Eating only fresh, unmoldy foods.
  5. Using air filters indoors.
  6. Simultaneous use of antifungal drugs in a prophylactic dose during antibiotic therapy.

Regular medical examinations with doctors and x-rays will help to detect infection in time, which can be chronic and asymptomatic.

Traditional treatment

There are a few folk remedies, which quite effectively kill the fungus in sputum at an early stage. Natural remedies, as a rule, have several effects simultaneously, including – immunostimulating. This is especially important for fungal infections. Popular:

  1. Calendula.
  2. Elder.
  3. Thyme.
  4. Adonis.
  5. Honey.
  6. Badger fat.

Decoctions, infusions and syrups are prepared from them, which have antibacterial properties. The use of compresses is also effective.

For example, How to make a radish compress: radishes are heated, wrapped in gauze and applied to the respiratory tract area like mustard plasters.

Radish can also be taken orally. For this, syrup is prepared with the addition of vodka and flower honey. You only need to take a teaspoon a day. This contributes to the death of the fungus.

It can also be effective using folk remedies. Many of nature's gifts can be used for prevention, preventing the development of any foreign pathogen.

Folk remedies are effective only in the initial stages of fungal bronchitis and are very useful for prevention.

Video about candidiasis

Elena Malysheva will talk about what candidiasis is.

Mycosis can develop against the background of another disease, or it can be primary, that is, independent. In addition, a distinction is made between isolated pulmonary mycosis, which affects exclusively lung tissue, and mycosis that spreads to other organs, such as the bronchi or liver.

The cause of pulmonary mycoses is active life activity pathogenic fungi V human body. The provoking factor is not always their penetration into the body, because some types of mycoses (aspergillosis, candidiasis, actinomycosis) are characterized by endogenous origin, that is, a small number of them is considered normal for healthy body, and mycosis develops only under certain Not favorable conditions. Other varieties of mycoses, which are exogenous, are characterized by contagiousness, that is, the ability to be transmitted by contact and through inhalation of infected dust. These include coccidioidosis and histoplasmosis.

The trigger for the development of pulmonary mycoses may be an infectious inflammatory process, aggressive antibacterial therapy, weakening of the body concomitant diseases(that is, mycosis develops against the background of another disease).

Symptoms of mycoses in many ways similar to clinical manifestations respiratory infections and chronic diseases respiratory system. The patient complains about general weakness And fatigue, sweating and increased body temperature, suffers from cough and sometimes chest pain. Bloody spots and pus may appear in the sputum. Suspicions of mycosis are confirmed during laboratory diagnostics and radiography.

How to treat pulmonary mycosis?

Treatment of pulmonary mycoses should be started as soon as possible after confirmation of the diagnosis. Untimely and inadequate therapy is dangerous for the development of complications and the spread of infection throughout the body, right up to the membranes of the brain. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogens to drugs. If mycosis was preceded by another disease, its treatment is also required.

Treatment of actinomycosis

Antibiotics are prescribed and sulfa drugs depending on the sensitivity of bacterial flora and fungi to them.

Treatment of aspergillosis

Antifungal antibiotics are prescribed intravenous administration sodium iodine, amphotericin, ingestion of a solution of potassium iodide, amphoglucamine, inhalation of ethyl iodide and the same amphotericin. Expectorants and cardiac glycosides are recommended in combination. Under the influence of Aspergillus, aspergilloma can develop, a neoplasm that requires surgical treatment.

Treatment of histoplasmosis

Levorin, amphoglucomine and amphotericin are prescribed, but in combination with sulfadimezine, gamma globulin and blood transfusions. To suppress secondary flora it is prescribed additional treatment antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of candidiasis

Antifungal antibiotics are prescribed: levorin, amphotericin, amphoglucamine, mycoheptin.

Treatment of coccidiosis

Antifungal antibiotics are prescribed in combination with sulfadimesine and sulfadimethoxine.

The treatment process must certainly be monitored by a qualified specialist in a hospital setting. Self-medication and untimely consultation with a doctor are dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

What diseases can it be associated with?

  • Tracheobronchitis

Treatment of pulmonary mycosis at home

Treatment of pulmonary mycoses It is not recommended to do it at home. Self-medication is even more dangerous. The course of treatment is carried out mainly with specific antifungal antibiotics, which are administered intravenously; therapy may be accompanied by blood transfusion, and in some cases it is necessary surgical intervention. Such circumstances, combined with the need to treat diseases associated with mycosis, require professional approach And constant monitoring from the outside medical personnel, and therefore a stay in a hospital setting.

What drugs are used to treat pulmonary mycosis?

Medicines are prescribed depending on the causative agent of mycosis:




  • Mycoheptin

Candidiasis and coccidiosis

  • Mycoheptin

Treatment of mycosis of the lungs with traditional methods

Traditional medicine can be an addition to drug treatment of mycoses internal organs. Fees demonstrate their relative effectiveness medicinal herbs, a tablespoon of which must be brewed in a glass of boiling water, and after cooling, strain and take orally. For treatment of pulmonary mycoses fees may be as follows:

  • black elderberry, fennel, hyssop, angelica, istod and wild rosemary;
  • black walnut, hemlock, Walnut, lumbago, yew, celandine, colchicum.

Treatment of mycosis of the lungs during pregnancy

Mycoses of the lungs are not very common diseases; they develop more often against the background of other diseases of the respiratory system or when exposed to unfavorable factors and contacts that a pregnant woman should avoid in every possible way. If it is still not possible to avoid the disease, treatment must be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician, who will assess the benefits of treatment for the woman and the risks of such therapy for the fetus.

Which doctors should you contact if you have mycosis of the lungs?

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - m

Treatment of malaria

Fungus in the lungs is most often diagnosed in people with severely reduced immunity.. It is most often caused by fungi such as Candida and leads to severe changes in the tissues of the lungs. Mycoses can be observed at any age, but patients with tuberculosis are more susceptible to this pathology. oncological pathologies and those people who take it for a long time antibacterial drugs. A fungus in the lungs can be one of the symptoms of human immunodeficiency. This pathology requires long-term and systemic treatment.


Fungal infection of the lungs rarely occurs in completely healthy people. Most often, this pathology is observed in people with immunodeficiency. There are many causes of the disease, but the main provoking factors are:

  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs wide range actions.
  • Oncological diseases and long-term chemotherapy.
  • Tuberculosis of any form.
  • Diabetes of different types.
  • Immunodeficiency states.
  • Relapse of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Fungal spores spread throughout the body hematogenously. If there are fungal infections skin, intestines, genitals or oral cavity, then the mycelium can enter the respiratory organs through the bloodstream and lead to the development of the disease.

The mycelium of pathogenic fungi can penetrate the respiratory organs by inhaling tiny dust particles that contain fungal spores.


On initial stage there is no fungus in the lungs specific signs and reminds respiratory disease or bronchitis. A sick person may be bothered by a dry cough, but sometimes during coughing attacks a little viscous sputum comes out. As the disease develops, the fungus in the lungs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature rises greatly. Although in some patients the marks on the thermometer do not exceed low-grade fever.
  • Breathing becomes difficult, severe shortness of breath appears, even in a calm state.
  • The volume of secreted sputum increases significantly.
  • The sputum becomes yellow color, there are inclusions of blood in it.
  • When inhaling, a sick person feels pain in the sternum.

If you look at an x-ray, you will notice that with pulmonary candidiasis, the pleura becomes thicker, and changes are observed in the bronchi. The ribs are always subject to deformation from the side inflammatory process.

Fungal diseases of the lungs gradually cover the pleura and walls chest. Severe pain is felt, fistulas form on the skin, through which purulent contents come out. The fungus is often found in sputum.

Most often, the fungus affects only one respiratory organ and is localized mainly in its lower part. This pathology is characterized by a long and constantly progressive course. At the very first stage, the disease is difficult to diagnose, since characteristic features Not yet. A little later, as the fungus spreads, fungi are observed in the person's lungs and sputum, and the symptoms become more clear. Fistula canals and infiltrates appear under the skin.

If yeast-like mushrooms and mold stays in the lungs for too long, the body becomes severely depleted and severe intoxication is observed.

Pathogenic fungi in the human body lead to disruption of normal protein metabolism, which greatly affects the work important organs and systems.


To make an accurate diagnosis, sputum and fluid from the fistula tracts
. In some cases, a puncture of the lungs is performed. By using microscopic examination it is possible to detect the mycelium of the fungus, and using a special reaction, the type of pathogen is determined.

In many cases, fungal spores are not found in patients' sputum, so analysis of pus from fistulas or bacterial culture is considered more effective. Such tests help not only to correctly identify the pathogen, but also to correctly select medications for the treatment of pathology.

Diagnostics by x-ray at an early stage of the disease is impossible, since fungi initially do not cause morphological changes in tissues.


Fungus in the lungs is treated comprehensively. Most often, the doctor prescribes intramuscular as well as subcutaneous administration of Actinolysate. This drug is an immunostimulant; it increases the production of antibodies to various pathogens infectious pathologies and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. The duration of such treatment can be up to 15 injections.

IN mandatory antibacterial drugs are prescribed, which are selected based on the results of bacterial culture. Most often, preference is given to drugs of the penicillin series, which have a wide spectrum of action. If there is an allergy to such drugs, then macrolides or sulfide drugs are prescribed.

Antibiotics reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of attachment secondary infection with fungal infection of the lung.

Abscesses and infiltrates are opened surgically, the cavities are washed antifungal solutions and insert tubes for drainage. If the lung is severely affected by fungi, then removal of part of the organ may be indicated, this operation is called a lobectomy.

Also, indications for surgical intervention are the ineffectiveness of long-term drug treatment and the need to quickly eliminate residual effects from the fungus. Indications for surgery may include lung cysts and bronchiectasis of the upper respiratory organs.

Also carried out symptomatic treatment mycosis of the respiratory tract. The patient is prescribed oral antifungal agents, sorbents and blood plasma substitutes. In addition, the patient must strengthen protective forces body, for this purpose they are prescribed vitamin complexes.

To quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. Most often, UV irradiation is prescribed for the chest area and electrophoresis with special medicines.

With early treatment, the prognosis is very favorable. If the disease is already very advanced and irreversible changes have appeared, then the treatment is long and expensive, and with the further addition of a secondary infection it can be fatal.

Traditional methods of treatment

It is immediately worth noting that to cure mycosis of the lungs only one folk recipes unreal. Such methods will help strengthen the body's defenses, but they can only be used in consultation with a doctor and simultaneously with prescribed medications. The following formulations are considered the most effective in the treatment of fungal diseases:

  • Pine honey. This drug is very helpful in treating fungus. Honey is made from young pine cones and pine shoots. Take the drug according to dessert spoon before meals, drinking plenty of warm water.
  • Can be cooked antifungal composition from radish. One medium radish is washed, peeled and grated. Squeeze out the juice and mix with half a glass of honey and the same amount of vodka. You need to consume this composition in a teaspoon, once a day, certainly in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Their blackberry tea. You can brew berries, leaves and young shoots. This remedy is considered very effective against fungi.
  • Aloe. The juice of a five-year or older plant is mixed with honey, Cahors and badger fat in a 1:1 ratio, take a teaspoon three times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment can be combined or alternated. But do not forget that all actions must be coordinated with the doctor.

To prevent mycosis of the lungs, it is necessary to promptly treat infectious and chronic diseases. Do not cause fungal infections of the oral cavity and genitals. You need to understand that with the blood flow, the pores of the fungus can enter the respiratory system.

Fungus in the lungs is quite rare and is often confused with other serious pulmonary diseases. This is serious and dangerous disease, requiring urgent treatment. IN running forms it causes severe consequences and becomes the reason deaths. Fungal disease lung disease is difficult to recognize because it causes identical symptoms to tuberculosis and pneumonia, but is treated with completely different medications.

Causes of the disease

Fungal infection of the lungs is a difficult to cure disease and is caused by the fact that the lungs are affected yeast mushrooms genus Candida. They are permanent and safe for healthy person, inhabitants of our skin. Candida fungi become dangerous when immunity decreases. The causes of decreased immunity are constant stressful situations, antibiotics and vitamin deficiency. Mycotic infection of the lungs and upper respiratory tract is dangerous for everyone; the fungus affects both adults and children. Increased risk infected in sick people:

  • HIV infection;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • AIDS;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • serious chronic diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Fungal diseases of the lungs initially manifest themselves as a common dry cough, like a cold. When you cough, you produce sputum interspersed with mucus. After the lung tissue is damaged by the fungus, body temperature rises and breathing becomes difficult. The patient experiences shortness of breath and an increase in the amount of sputum. Bloody thread-like inclusions are observed in the sputum. The patient experiences pain when inhaling.

Fungal infection of the lungs occurs in people with sharply reduced protective reactions of the body.

On secondary stages disease, the presence of abscesses and thickening of the chaff in the lungs is observed. When the lungs are infected with a fungus, changes begin in the bronchi and the ribs become deformed. The patient complains of increased pain. The formation of fistulous tracts and the discharge of pus become visible on his skin. In it, as in sputum, doctors detect fungal spores during analysis. Fungi that infect the lungs are located in the lower part of one of them. The disease takes a long time to develop and constantly progresses.

Pulmonary mycoses have their own obvious signs - this is a deterioration in the patient’s condition after taking antibiotics and the absence of wheezing in the lungs.

Symptoms of the disease are initially difficult to distinguish from common cold, That's why fungal infection lungs are left without proper treatment until the patient has bright severe symptoms in the form of subcutaneous infiltrates, fistulous tracts, exhaustion of the body, development of cachexia and intoxication. Advanced cases of this disease lead to death.

Symptoms of aspergillosis

Mold fungal infections of the lungs also occur; they affect HIV-infected and very weakened people; the disease develops when the lungs have already been affected by tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. The causative agents of the disease are fungi derived from mold. Symptoms appear the same as with candidiasis. Mold in the lungs causes weakness and apathy, anorexia, and sweating. It is distinguished by its upper, right-sided location in the lungs.

Diagnosis of fungus in the lungs

For accurate and correct diagnosis diseases perform a puncture of the lungs through the skin.

For selection effective medicines It is important that the disease is diagnosed as early as possible. An analysis of sputum released during coughing or necrotic masses from fistulous tracts is carried out. To confirm the diagnosis, a lung puncture is performed through the skin. Under a microscope, the spores of the fungus that causes the disease become visible. This type of analysis will help determine the genus of mushrooms. A test for bacterial culture pus from fistulous tracts. This is how the presence of mushrooms is determined and effective medicine, in order to cure them. Application x-ray examination not recommended as it is ineffective on early stages disease and because of it the presence of chronic pneumonia, abscess, swelling or tuberculosis. On late stages disease, when examining the image, changes in the ribs, chaff and bronchial tree become noticeable. Aspergillosis in the respiratory tract is diagnosed in the same way as pulmonary candidiasis.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment for fungus takes a long time. A set of antimycotic agents and antibiotics is used. When the disease became chronic form, they are used in the form of injections. Antibiotics are selected by acting on the grown colonies of fungi from the samples taken. Add inhalations to achieve best results Immunostimulants are prescribed to help the body produce antibodies that fight fungal infections. Vitamin complexes and a special low-carbohydrate diet are prescribed. Selected by doctors optimal treatment, especially when the disease is detected in a child.

Fungal lung diseases occur mainly in people with HIV and AIDS. But there is a risk of infection in people prone to cancer diseases. Scientists have confirmed that the fungus begins to develop in the respiratory organ after long-term use antibiotics or antibacterial drugs.

The location of mycosis greatly affects the symptoms. Therefore, mycosis of the lungs is accompanied by a cough. Distinctive characteristics such a cough - copious discharge sputum and severe pain in the area of ​​the bronchi. Against this background, weakness and decreased motor activity occur. The X-ray shows round shadows. Sputum culture reveals a large number of fungus certain type. Only after this can treatment begin.

Types of pathology

IN modern classification The following main types of disease are distinguished:

  • aspergillosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • paracoccidioidomycosis;
  • coccidioidomycosis;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • mucormycosis;
  • blastomycosis;
  • sporotrichosis.

The most common diseases are aspergillosis and candidiasis, which need to be considered in more detail.

Pulmonary aspergillosis

Pulmonary aspergillosis is caused by an infection of the fungus Aspergillus. Basically, penetration into humans is achieved by inhaling fungal spores. In case of insufficient immune defense– carried out active development diseases with numerous formation of fungal formations. At the same time, a person’s immunity is further weakened and pneumonia or bronchitis develops in parallel.

Symptoms of respiratory aspergillosis do not always appear. Often the disease is asymptomatic, but when serious complication pulmonary hemorrhages are possible. Thus, if there is high temperature bodies, persistent cough, accompanied big amount sputum and, especially, hemoptysis - you must immediately contact medical institution to accurately identify the cause of such symptoms. A fluorographic examination of the chest area can reliably determine the disease.

Pulmonary candidiasis

The cause of pulmonary candidiasis is an infection with Candida fungi with a significant decrease in the level of immunity, mainly due to tuberculosis or pneumonia. This type mushrooms are present in many people, including healthy ones. The disease occurs under favorable conditions for the development of Candida fungi, mainly due to immunosuppressive conditions caused by numerous factors. As a result, the fungus exhibits high pathogenic activity.

You should pay attention to the following main symptoms of respiratory candidiasis:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath with increased physical activity;
  • gravity respiratory process accompanied by wheezing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • persistent cough with increased secretion sputum containing bloody elements.

In the presence of serious signs diseases, in order to avoid suppuration and fibrosis, you should immediately contact a pulmonologist.

Preventive measures

As a preventative measure, you should follow several rules:

  1. Treat with caution public places with high humidity (baths, saunas, showers in gyms). If possible, if you have this moment If your immune system is reduced or you feel painfully weak, it is better to avoid them.
  2. You should not bring unwashed hands to your face, and especially not touch the mucous membranes.
  3. Using individual towels will help avoid infection from the patient.
  4. Also, people with reduced immunity should avoid places that are the most likely source of fungal spread:
    • old premises;
    • places from increased content dust;
    • rotting plants and dust;
    • uncleaned ventilation systems;
    • old things.
  5. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Modern and traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of fungal diseases of the lungs, the symptoms of which are pronounced, is a long and responsible task. Often, surgery is required to completely eradicate the infection. a long period rehabilitation. On early stages antibiotics are prescribed and antifungal drugs. Radiation therapy is used against the background of drug treatment.

And if you find the symptoms indicated above, then immediately consult a pulmonologist. A competent specialist will conduct a thorough examination and, if pathology is present, prescribe effective and modern treatment.

IN folk medicine There are several recipes for the treatment of fungal diseases of the lungs, which, in combination with modern methods will help you cope with the disease faster. Among medicinal plants Elderberry, calendula, horsetail, aspen, adonis, eucalyptus and thyme are often used. Used for treatment pine honey, which long time taken before meals. To stop the proliferation of a fungal infection, use an infusion of aloe. In this case, a plant is selected that is at least five years old. To relieve cough, you can use herbal rubs based on mallow, fennel, thyme and coltsfoot.

Treatment is best done in inpatient conditions, as qualified assistance may be required. In some cases you have to do artificial ventilation respiratory organ. The outcome of therapy depends on timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.