What the labia of a newborn should look like. Genital hygiene in a newborn girl and baby boy: general rules, differences in care, features. Signs of synechia in girls

You will need

  • - sterile cotton wool;
  • - talc;
  • - absorbent cloth or soft diaper;
  • - sterile oil (vegetable, almond, sunflower or peach);
  • - hypoallergenic cosmetic product;
  • - wet baby wipes;
  • - boiled water.


Protect the skin of the external genitalia not only from contamination and infection, but also from mechanical and other irritations. After each urination, dry them with a soft diaper or an absorbent cloth, and after defecation, be sure to wash the external genital area with boiled water at room temperature and also dry gently.

Wash the skin exclusively from front to back, so that fecal residues will not contaminate the vulva area. Do not wash in a basin or bathtub, as germs may enter the genitals from dirty water.

After bathing and washing, first dry the genital area, labia, inguinal folds, skin, and only at the very end the perineum with a soft cloth or sterile cotton wool.

If you notice even slight signs of irritation, powder the skin with a thin layer of talcum powder mixed with zinc powder in a ratio of 50:50, or lubricate it with a thin layer of sterile vegetable (almond, sunflower, peach) oil. You can also relieve irritation by applying a cosmetic to the area of ​​redness.

At each swaddling, inspect the folds of the skin, paying special attention to the area of ​​the external genitalia. If you find that the labia covered with secretions are sticking together, carefully spread them apart with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. Then carefully remove the discharge and dry the skin.

In the first year of a child’s life, use potassium permanganate, cosmetics and other products as little as possible, as they not only dry out the skin very much, but also destroy the protective function of the skin that has already formed.


If redness appears in the genital area, be sure to show your child to the doctor. Every time before washing your child, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Helpful advice

If you don't have access to water, you can use baby wipes.


  • Recommendations for hygiene of girls during the newborn period
  • genitals of a newborn

The characteristics of the girl’s body oblige parents to carry out the necessary preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases that can arise from violations of the rules of personal hygiene. Inept and improper care of a newborn can harm her health.


The external genitalia of a newborn deserve special attention. In a full-term and healthy woman, the labia should cover the entrance to the vagina. If you suddenly have doubts about the correct structure of the genital organs, you can seek advice from a pediatric gynecologist (especially if the entrance to the vagina is not visible or the clitoris is excessively enlarged).

In the first days of life, it may experience an increased influence of hormones received from the mother. This leads to swelling of the mammary glands, as well as slight bleeding from the vagina (like menstruation). These symptoms have a peculiar name - “hormonal crisis”, which does not require special treatment. Do not massage the glands or squeeze out the contents under any circumstances; try to prevent clothing from rubbing. In a couple of weeks everything will go away on its own.

It is necessary to wash cleanly under running warm boiled water (after each bowel movement) in the direction from front to back, this way you can prevent the penetration of microbes from the intestines to the baby’s genitals. You can use baby soap when washing, but you need to soap your hand, not the newborn’s genitals. Finally, gently pat your skin dry with a diaper or soft towel. To moisturize the skin and prevent diaper rash, lubricate the genitals with sterile sunflower oil or a special baby cream.

Monitor the timely bowel movements of the newborn. A full intestine and bladder can be the main cause of uterine pathologies. Therefore, if the baby has not had a bowel movement for several days, it is worth using an enema. When carrying out preventive measures at a girl’s early age, you can prevent future malposition of internal organs.

Video on the topic

The functions of the skin are diverse. It protects the body from pathogens, harmful substances, and ultraviolet radiation. The skin contains numerous receptors, thanks to which it acts as an organ of touch. Another important function of the skin is secretion.

The total area of ​​an adult's skin varies from one and a half to 2.3 square meters. No organ has such a huge surface area, and all this space is in contact with the external environment. It would be surprising if nature did not use this opportunity to remove metabolic products from the body that are harmful to it.

The excretory function of the skin is provided by the sweat and sebaceous glands located in it.

Human skin contains more than 2.5 million sweat glands, which are shaped like non-branching tubes. Their distribution over the surface of the body is uneven - the largest number is concentrated on the forehead and palms, and the palms are distinguished by the greatest density of their location. At the same time, there are parts of the body where there are no sweat glands at all - these are the lips in all people, the head of the penis and the foreskin, including its inner layer, in men, and in women - the clitoris, as well as the inner surface of the large and small genitalia lips
If it were possible to collect and weigh all the sweat glands of one person, they would be equal in mass to one of his kidneys.

Each sweat gland consists of a secretory glomerulus and an excretory duct that sometimes ends on the surface of the skin. Secretory glomeruli are located in the dermis - the connective tissue layer of the skin, and on the palms - in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Sweat glands are divided into eccrine (small) and apocrine (large). Eccrine are found almost everywhere, apocrine - in the skin of the armpits, pubis, lower abdomen, scrotum, around the anus, in the halos surrounding the nipples. In women, the apocrine glands are more developed than in men, and their volume changes during the menstrual cycle.

During the day, the sweat glands of the skin secrete from 300 ml to 1 liter of sweat. This is significantly less than the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys, and yet a third of all water excreted from the body comes out through the skin, and the sweat glands are ahead of the kidneys in terms of the amount of calcium excreted. Uric acid, urea, amylase, pepsinogen, alkaline phosphatosis, lipids, potassium, sodium, chlorides of various substances, trace elements, organic substances and even heavy metals are removed with sweat. In case of kidney disease, the content of substances in sweat that are usually excreted in the urine increases - the body compensates for renal failure due to increased work of the sweat glands.

The sebaceous glands play a lesser role in the excretory function of the skin than the sweat glands; they secrete no more than 20 g of secretion per day. And yet, some substances are excreted from the body precisely through the sebaceous glands: breakdown products of corticosteroids, sex hormones, enzymes, vitamins, as well as cholesterol.


  • Excretory function of the skin

Intimate hygiene of a newborn is an important procedure on which the health of the child’s genital organs depends. It is very important to pay great attention to this process. Care procedures should be carried out regularly and not cause discomfort to the baby. Personal hygiene for boys and girls is essentially the same, but each procedure has its own rules.

Children's humor! They brought our daughter from the maternity hospital, we bathe her in the evening, Sashka (3 years 3 months) looked and looked and said:
-Are you sure that this is your sister? I think it’s still my brother!

At first, parents may notice a creamy coating on the labia of a newborn. Normally, it has no odor and goes away after a month of the baby’s life. Otherwise, they resort to the procedure of removing it. The following principles for caring for a child’s genitals should be followed.

Important! Redness of the labia in a newborn girl and the appearance of a rash are grounds to consult a pediatrician.

We invite you to watch a video of the correct instructions for washing babies.

How to care for the genitals of a newborn boy?

If you constantly wear a diaper with your child, it is important to change it every three hours, therefore, wash your child at the same intervals. After defecation, be sure to wash from the baby's scrotum to the buttocks. There is no need to open the baby's foreskin; just wash the penis with running water without soap. Many mothers do not know how often to wash their newborn: it is better to do this whenever possible. Make sure all areas are dry after hygiene procedures, do not allow.

Children say! My daughter (4.5 years old) and I started a global cleaning. I:
- Well, we’ll still clean up here, are you and I still housewives or what?
- Let's better " or how»!

Important! After taking the procedures, leave the baby naked for 10-15 minutes to gradually harden the baby.

If a child experiences redness of the penis, wash the flesh with a syringe with a solution of furatsilin and lubricate the painful area with Levomekol for several days.

Evgeniy Komarovsky is of the opinion that when washing a baby, a lot depends on the correct position and how you hold the baby. There are several rules in this regard:

  • To wash the baby under the tap, place him with his chest on the mother’s hand so that he is comfortably located on your forearm. This position does not require additional support for the baby's head.
Attention! Make sure that during the procedure there is no pressure on the baby's tummy, as he may regurgitate all the food.
  • They practice the “front” pose, when the child lies with his back on the parent’s forearm. The supporting hand holds the baby by the butt. This position is convenient for washing girls, as well as when using sinks and basins for hygienic purposes;
  • When bathing, the child is washed very carefully, first of all during the bathing process. After all, after swimming, bacteria remain in the water, which can have a bad effect on the child’s genitals. At first it will be difficult for you to get used to this procedure, so enlist the support of your spouse.

Intimate hygiene products for children: how to choose?

It is advisable to use all kinds of cosmetics intended for babies in the first days of life; we immediately remind you that frequent use of such products affects the health of the baby. Therefore, we choose intimate care items correctly:

  • We purchase baby soap, preferably from the popular companies Pampers Happy and Hagies. It is better to limit yourself to solids, since liquids often disturb the acidic flora of the genital organs;
  • buy quality diaper cream. Bepanten or BoroPlus are perfect for babies in the first months. Try not to change it throughout the entire period while the baby is wearing a diaper;
  • It is better to purchase chamomile in pharmacies; it is suitable for evening washes. Make a weak solution of manganese, it makes the water antibacterial, so you don’t have to use soap;
  • Wet wipes for intimate hygiene should not contain alcohol and have a neutral odor. It is better to purchase such products in children's stores or pharmacies.

It is also recommended to use for washing infants' underwear. Today the market is full of cleaning products for washing children's clothes; you can use powders such as “Eared Nyan”, “Stork”, “I was born”.

Video instructions on how to choose intimate hygiene products for a newborn will come to your aid.

Intimate hygiene of newborns is an extremely important procedure on which the health of babies and their reproductive ability in the future depends. The genitals of boys and girls differ not only in appearance, but also in the features of caring for them. Today we’ll talk about how to carry out competent caring for the genitals of a newborn girls and also boys.

Caring for the genitals of a newborn girl

The little princess's intimate organs need special care. Newborn babies do not yet have the natural protection that adult women have, so children are more likely to develop dangerous inflammatory processes.

Some girls experience swelling or swelling of the labia after birth. This is a completely common occurrence and should not be a cause for panic. With proper hygiene, everything will pass quickly.


Vaginal discharge is normal for the female body, and this process does not depend on age. The following phenomena may occur in newborn girls:

  • bloody issues - in the first couple of weeks after birth. It is necessary to tell the doctor about this, but you should not be afraid - this happens due to the entry of a large amount of maternal hormones into the baby’s body;
  • white discharge – if they are scanty and do not cause inconvenience, then there is no reason to worry. The appearance of itching or redness indicates an inflammatory process or improper hygiene. You should get a doctor's opinion;
  • whitish coating - the secretion of the glands of the labia, which is secreted by the body to protect the girl’s genitals. You should not remove it with cotton wool or napkins - there is a high risk of injury to the mucous membrane.

ATTENTION! Whatever discharge may occur, consulting a doctor is never superfluous. Especially when it comes to a newborn.


Intimate care for newborn girls, certainly includes washing - the process of cleansing the genitals from accumulated secretions and feces of crumbs, which become fertile ground for the development of bacteria. To do this, use only warm running water and children's intimate hygiene product (only in case of severe contamination). It is necessary to wash the girl, moving from the pubis to the butt.

The vernix lubrication present in the folds of girls also needs to be carefully removed. If you wash it incorrectly or constantly use wet wipes, the lubricant will not be completely removed and will very soon cause the baby’s labia to become fused.

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to clean the child's genitals in the opposite direction or in the basin! In this case, there is a danger of dangerous infections getting into the baby’s genital tract.

After finishing the washing procedure, the baby’s genitals should be gently blotted with a soft towel. If necessary, you can use powder. Caring for the labia of a newborn must be done daily.

More information about how to care for a newborn's pee pads is described in the following video.

Caring for the genitals of a newborn boy

Sexual hygiene of newborn boys is not particularly complicated, however, it is worth considering some nuances.

After birth, the head of the penis is completely covered by a fold of skin. It will remain in this state for up to three to five years. Under the fold there are glands that produce lubricant - smegma. If intimate cleansing is improper, dangerous inflammatory diseases can occur in a boy’s genitals. . Newborn Penis Care includes the following manipulations.


Washing a boy is no different from cleansing a girl's genitals - the procedure must be carried out under running water (no basins!) with a children's intimate hygiene product, if necessary. You should rinse from top to bottom from the penis to the butt. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the entry of dangerous microorganisms from the anus.

When cleansing a boy’s genitals, it is strictly prohibited:

  • direct the foreskin under a strong stream of water;
  • move the skin on the penis for thorough rinsing;
  • expose the head and wash it with water.

IMPORTANT! Neglecting these tips can lead to the formation of cracks, which, when healed, will turn into scars. In the future, such manifestations will lead to a narrowing of the foreskin, which can only be eliminated through surgery.

Circumcision: is it necessary?

Previously, there was an opinion that circumcision could protect a man from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Many operations were carried out during which the foreskin was removed, while the frenulum remained intact (due to the presence of important vessels in it, necessary for the intimate organ of the strong half of humanity).

When the first newborn girl appears in a family, inexperienced parents have many questions. Sometimes a mother comes home from the maternity hospital with her baby, but without the necessary knowledge. Very often you have to collect information on your own, asking something from pediatricians, learning something from grandmothers and friends. All parents want to raise a healthy and happy girl. And for this you need to give her your love and care. And, of course, every mother caring for her child should know the basics of hygiene. After all, not only the daughter’s well-being, but also the health of the future generation of the family depends on this. Let's figure out how to wash the baby and take care of the genitals correctly?

Features of the structure and physiology of the external genitalia in a newborn

In general, the structure and physiology of the external genitalia in girls corresponds to the structure of the organs in women. On the outside are the labia majora, followed by the labia minora, which cover the entrance to the vestibule of the vagina. But for a baby girl there are some differences:

  • close location of the vaginal opening to the anus;
  • the external genitalia are covered from the inside with a delicate, well-developed mucous membrane;
  • there is a posterior commissure of the labia minora;
  • there are a lot of glands on the labia;
  • the vaginal contents are acidic;
  • up to a year, the condition of the vagina is influenced by placental estrogens, the epithelium contains glycogen;
  • after a year, the protective functions of the vagina disappear, and the epithelial cover becomes thinner.

Mom needs to remember that the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and the environment of the baby’s vagina are capable of independently preventing the occurrence of infection, and when leaving it is important not to affect this natural protection.

Sometimes a newborn girl may notice discharge from the external genitalia. They can be transparent, yellowish, gray-white, and sometimes reddish. Parents should not worry about this. This is how the sexual crisis of newborns manifests itself. It may also be accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands and acne. A crisis occurs within a period of up to two months as a result of the child’s body being freed from the abundance of maternal estrogens. Bloody discharge lasts 1–2 days, after which it disappears on its own; no treatment is required. A sticky gray-white or light beige coating (vernix) between the labia and in the vagina is also normal. If there is only a small amount of such grease, then there is no need to specifically remove it. In case of discharge and plaque, the baby only needs regular washing under running water.

A girl’s health largely depends on proper care

If the discharge continues for more than three days, has an unpleasant odor, is purulent, very abundant, and/or inflammation of the child’s external genitalia is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is imperative to wash the girl after stool, since contact with mucous membranes can cause inflammation. During hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to frequently use various care products, be it soap, wet wipes or powders. They can affect the vaginal environment, reducing its barrier function. And the substances contained in them contribute to dry skin and mucous membranes. You can use cleaning products no more than once a day, and they must be appropriate for the child’s age. Due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the girl’s external genitalia is very delicate, it is not recommended to use washcloths, sponges, napkins, or rough towels when washing and drying this area.

How to properly wash a girl: wisdom and remedies

Already in the maternity hospital, the medical worker must teach the mother all the intricacies of care. After arriving home, the rules remain the same.

You need to wash the girl under running water

They wash a newborn girl under running water when changing a diaper. It is not recommended to use baby care products. The sequence of actions when washing is as follows:

  1. Wash your own hands thoroughly.
  2. Turn on the tap water. Its temperature should match the temperature of the skin. You can check this with your own forearm or elbow, placing it under the stream. The mother (or another caring adult) should not feel either heat or cold.
  3. Take the baby so that her head lies on the elbow cavity, her back on the forearm. Use the hand on which the child is lying to clasp one leg. The second hand is free.
  4. Place the child's perineum under running water.
  5. With the second hand, strictly in the direction from front to back, first rinse only the girl’s labia, then the inguinal folds, removing all contaminants.
  6. Next, rinse the anal area and between the buttocks.
  7. Clean the skin around the perineum.
  8. Finally, gently pat your skin lightly with a clean, dry towel.
  9. If possible, leave the child to “ventilate” for 10–15 minutes.

Before bathing the baby, she must also be washed under running water. When washing, do not be overzealous and do not touch the mucous membranes. It is necessary to change the diaper and wash off dirt after each bowel movement of the baby.

Nothing special: ordinary clean (if in doubt, boiled) water, at room temperature, washed by hand, without any cotton wool or rags. The direction of movement is very important - from the pubis to the butt. There is no need to add any antiseptics (furacilin, potassium permanganate), baby soap (soapy water) - yes, but not often (1-2 times a week, and wash well). The main thing: prevention of problems - supporting the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, i.e. avoid overheating.

Komarovsky E. O.


Without a doctor's prescription, no medications or antibacterial agents should be used for washing and treating the external genitalia, as they disrupt the natural microflora of the child.

After air baths, you can put a diaper or absorbent panties on your baby. Modern diapers meet all safety requirements and do not negatively affect the child’s health (including the genital area) if properly cared for.

How to wash your baby in the first year - video

How to care for a little girl's genitals

When caring for a girl, hands should be washed, without long nails or inflammation. After washing, about once a day, the mother should examine her daughter’s genitals.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn - video If there are particles of feces, cream, powders, etc. behind the labia majora, it is necessary to remove the contamination. To do this, with clean hands you need to take a sterile cotton swab and soak it in sterile vegetable oil. At home, the oil is sterilized in a water bath for 30 minutes. Using movements from front to back, gently wipe the baby's labia. If necessary, change the tampon and repeat the procedure.

Sometimes a girl’s mother may notice the formation of a film between her labia. This film may appear as a result of fusion of the labia minora. This phenomenon is called synechia.

Synechia is the fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Fusion can be complete or partial.

Signs of synechia:

  • the labia are connected to each other by a membrane;
  • the genital slit does not open or is partially visible;
  • possible redness in the perineal area;
  • if the fusion has affected a large part, then the girl may have pain when washing (the mother will hear crying);
  • the stream of urine may change direction;
  • urine leakage occurs regularly.

Synechia is not such a rare occurrence. It occurs due to a lack of sex hormones - estrogens - in the girl’s body. Provoking factors for the occurrence of adhesions include:

  • allergic reactions in a child;
  • constant washing with soap and other cleaning products;
  • reusable wiping of the labia with wet wipes, sponges and washcloths;
  • no washing before taking a bath (contaminants can get into the child’s genital opening and cause inflammation);
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • too frequent washing or insufficient care of the girl’s genitals.

If you suspect the occurrence of synechia, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist.

Washing with chlorhexidine and furatsilin and other drugs can be carried out only after the recommendation of a doctor. These are medications, and their uncontrolled use can harm the child. Furacilin often no longer acts properly on microbes, since over the years of its use, pathogenic microorganisms have become resistant to it.

During the examination, the doctor chooses treatment tactics. If the fusion is small and does not cause any discomfort to the baby, then it is usually left and monitored in the future. When synechiae interferes with urination, causes discomfort and pain, the doctor dissects the film, having previously anesthetized the site of its formation. This manipulation is quick and painless for the child. Relapses can occur up to 5–7 years. To prevent them, it is necessary to remove provoking factors.

At first glance, it seems that caring for a newborn baby cannot cause any difficulties. However, incorrect actions of parents can lead to health problems for the baby. You should be especially careful when it comes to hygiene. If you wash a girl incorrectly, you can dry out the delicate skin, disrupt the microflora, and cause an infection.

Physiological features of a girl

The structure of the genital organs of an adult woman and a newborn baby is significantly different. There is a difference in the structure of the reproductive system in children of different sexes. Therefore, boys and girls are washed differently.

A newborn girl's labia majora are always swollen. They almost completely cover the labia minora. A fold is formed in which discharge from the uterus, fecal residues, diaper pellets, etc. can accumulate. Refusal of hygiene procedures will lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

The structure of the reproductive system in boys and girls is significantly different

In a newly born girl, the length of the urethra does not exceed 1 cm. This anatomical feature can cause cystitis or other diseases of the urinary system. To avoid pathological microflora entering the urethra, the girl should be washed correctly.

The correct selection of hygiene products is also of great importance. The delicate skin of a newborn baby is vulnerable to cosmetics used by an adult. Even tap water can cause irritation. Diaper rash in a newborn also appears with prolonged contact with feces. Therefore, the baby should be washed every time after a bowel movement.

How to care for the genitals of a newborn girl: washing rules

Both adults and children need hygienic care every day. However, in the case of newborns and infants who do not yet know how to go to the toilet on their own, special rules apply. The girl must be washed every time after a bowel movement, as well as in the evening during her next bath.

You shouldn't overdo it. Modern diapers absorb moisture very well. Therefore, washing after each urination does not make sense. In addition, frequent exposure to the baby’s delicate skin can be harmful. Even high-quality water often causes disruption of the vaginal microflora. Not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria live on the mucous membrane, which are necessary for the normal development of the baby.

The mother will be taught how to properly care for her baby in the maternity ward

Use soap or special cleaning wipes with extreme caution. Deep penetration is unacceptable. It is necessary to treat the skin only from the outside (in the area of ​​the labia majora). Under no circumstances should you try to get into the vagina or treat the labia minora with soap! Thus, the mother washes away the unique protection and disrupts the healthy microflora.

When washing the girl, you need to hold her face to the running water

Soap should only be used under running water. It is not advisable to bathe a newborn baby in a bubble bath. The soap solution may get into the vagina.

Neonatal vaginitis is a common disease that occurs due to improper hygienic care of girls. When soap gets into the vagina, it is not washed out completely. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

When washing a newborn girl both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For hygiene of the labia, exclusively running water is used. Bathing in the bath is carried out for hygiene of the whole body in the evening before bed. To bathe the baby, you should use boiled water until the umbilical cord is completely healed.
  2. To avoid disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane, soap should be used not more than once a day, but preferably three times a week.
  3. Before washing the girl, an adult must wash his hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. The baby should be held facing the stream of water, and movements should be made in the direction from the vagina to the anus. This prevents bacteria that may be contained in feces from entering the vagina.
  5. A soft, ironed towel should be used for drying. First you should blot (do not rub!) the area of ​​the vaginal slit, then the labia and anus. The internal genital organs should not be wiped to avoid disturbing the microflora or irritating the delicate mucous membranes.
  6. The water temperature for washing or bathing should be in the range of 34–37 degrees Celsius.

Air baths are an excellent prevention of skin diseases in newborns. At least once a day after washing, you should leave the baby without clothes for 5-10 minutes. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Video: proper washing of a newborn baby

Problems of the genital organs that may occur in an infant

Immediately after birth, the baby’s body adapts to new conditions. In this regard, problems often arise that can frighten a young mother. Experienced nurses and neonatologists will always come to the rescue. However, a woman should familiarize herself with basic information even before giving birth.

Plaque on the labia

Many mothers notice a white or gray coating in their newborn babies, both girls and boys, in the genital area. These are the remains of smegma (original lubricant). If the secretion does not have a thick consistency, it is absorbed into the skin within a few hours after the birth of the baby. But if the grease is thick, it must be removed. Otherwise, the remnants of smegma can lead to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

You can remove vernix with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. If the secretion is thick enough and is removed in pellets, you can wash it off in several steps. After 2-3 days, the vernix lubrication completely disappears.

Hormonal crisis

Within a few days after the baby is born, the mother may notice mucous discharge from the vagina mixed with blood. This is a manifestation of the hormonal crisis of newborns, which is more pronounced in girls. During pregnancy, the baby’s body receives from the mother all the substances necessary for normal development, including hormones. After birth, the child must adapt to autonomous development. Bloody discharge is a consequence of changes in the body.

When mucus is detected, the mother’s actions should be the same as when removing vernix lubrication. Discharge should be carefully removed with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.

Diaper dermatitis

Rashes on a child’s skin can appear from the first days of life, as an allergic reaction to the components contained in the diaper. If you have to deal with unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to properly treat the affected skin of the baby. For this, antiseptic solutions of Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin can be used. Hydrogen peroxide is affordable and safe. These products are good because they do not cause burning on the treated skin of the newborn.

Diaper dermatitis is one of the most common problems arising from improper child care.

An antiseptic solution can be prepared by diluting a Furacilin tablet (0.02 g) in boiled water at room temperature.

Video: washing a newborn under running water

Intimate hygiene products

To carry out proper hygiene procedures, the mother will have to purchase all the necessary products in advance. Some of them will be useful already in the maternity hospital.

Disposable diapers

This remedy is necessary not only to make the mother’s life easier, but also to maintain the health of the newborn girl. Modern diapers are made from special materials that instantly absorb moisture. This allows you to avoid an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of a newborn girl.

Frequent diaper changing is the basic rule of baby care. You should avoid using this product around the clock. Ideally, the diaper should be worn at night and for walks.

Wet wipes

This product was created to keep the baby clean when there is no water nearby. However, napkins should not be a substitute for proper washing or bathing. You should only purchase them in pharmacies, having first studied the composition. You need to be prepared for the fact that your baby may have an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product.

Baby soap

Despite the fact that bathing a baby with soap is often not recommended, this product should be present in a young mother’s cabinet. It is also worth purchasing it at a pharmacy. It is better to give preference to classic solid baby soap without fragrances.

Sterile cotton wool

This product will be needed to remove smegma, treat the skin with antiseptic solutions (if necessary), remove mucus, etc. For the hygiene of a newborn girl, sterile cotton wool in the form of pressed balls is perfect.

Antiseptic solution

You don't have to use the product every day. An antiseptic is necessary if the baby develops a rash or irritation on the skin. Solutions of Chlorhexidine or Mirasmistin are suitable for caring for a baby. You can use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with a dispenser.

Baby oil

With this product, you will need to treat the folds in the area of ​​the baby’s labia majora to avoid dryness and irritation of the delicate skin. It is also recommended to purchase baby oil at a pharmacy. Some mothers use regular sunflower oil. This is absolutely not allowed! Only sterile product should be used.

Baby oil is also useful for treating folds throughout the baby’s body, as well as for massage.

Water thermometer

The baby should be bathed in water whose temperature is comfortable for the child (34–37 degrees). To accurately measure, you need a special device.

You can approximately find out the temperature of the water in the bath without a thermometer. To do this, just put your elbow in the bath. If there are no sensations, the temperature in the container is equal to body temperature. This water is ideal for bathing a baby.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

If your baby has diaper dermatitis, special products from the pharmacy will help quickly restore the delicate skin. Excellent results are shown by creams Bepanten, Rescuer, Desitin, etc.