Job description of an orthopedic dentist. Job responsibilities of an orthopedic dentist. I. General provisions

The dentist profession is a concept that combines several areas: therapy, orthodontics, orthopedics, surgery. The specialty of pediatric dentistry is a little different.

* Therapeutic dentistry

Dentist-therapist - specialist generalist. His tasks: inspection oral cavity, staging preliminary diagnosis, issuing a referral for examination (primarily x-ray diagnostics), carrying out a procedure for preparing (sanitizing) the patient’s oral cavity for further dental procedures. The latter is done in order to eliminate all sources of infection that can provoke various kinds complications.

The responsibilities of a dental therapist include: expansion and antiseptic treatment of a carious cavity with further filling of the tooth, artistic restoration (restoration, extension) of the tooth in the patient’s oral cavity using filling materials - aesthetic dentistry, depulpation (removal of the nerve from the tooth) for special indications and root canal treatment, professional cleaning teeth.

If the condition of the teeth and gums becomes more complicated, they resort to the help of other dental specialists, namely, a surgeon (including an implantologist) and an orthopedist.

Periodontist is a doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the mucous membrane and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth. The periodontist removes supra- and subgingival hard and soft dental deposits and applies applications to the gums medicinal substances. Surgeries on the gums and the bone surrounding the teeth are performed by qualified periodontist surgeons. In most cases, problems with gums occur along with other lesions in the oral cavity and require an integrated approach to treatment together with other specialists.

Dentist-endodontist treats tooth canals.

Dental hygienist teaches oral hygiene, professionally removes dental plaque. Sometimes the functions of hygienists are performed by dental therapists if they have special equipment and tools.

When is therapeutic help needed?: bad smell from the mouth (gingivitis); toothache when exposed to chemical (sweet, salty) and temperature (cold, hot) stimuli; change in gum color, swelling, bleeding; loss of filling; change in tooth color, filling.

* Orthodontic dentistry

Orthodontist - specialist dentist.

The responsibilities of an orthodontist include: prevention of dentoalveolar deformations, normalization of occlusion (Latin occlusio - locking, hiding) - the relationship of the dentition with tight and complete closure, alignment of the position of teeth in children and adults. Previously, orthodontists corrected and controlled the development of teeth and jaws at various stages of treatment, mainly in children, because it was in childhood some anomalies can be corrected much faster and easier than in an adult, fully formed organism, when these changes are firmly established. With the help of fixed orthodontic equipment, in the absence of strict contraindications, it has become possible to carry out orthodontic correction at almost any age. IN difficult cases complex treatment is carried out, including the removal of individual teeth and/or plastic surgery.

An incorrect bite interferes with diction and can cause diseases of the teeth and gums. Most people care ugly smile and least of all worries about tooth decay and problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Violation correct bite leads to the fact that in the process of chewing food, some teeth are underloaded, while others receive increased load. As a result, pathological abrasion of hard dental tissues, excessive exposure of the necks of teeth may occur (that is, an increase in visible part tooth), tooth sensitivity increases. Gaps appear between the teeth and tooth mobility appears. For example, due to crowding, teeth are more difficult to clean and, as a result, the development of caries.

TMJ also suffers due to malocclusion. Over the years, a person begins to suffer from pain both in the joint itself and from headaches associated with it pathological process. This disease may be accompanied by a clicking sound when opening the mouth, as well as pain in the masticatory muscles. Malocclusion, of course, also leads to aesthetic problems, which affects a person’s profile and smile.

With the help of special removable and non-removable orthodontic equipment, fixed in the patient’s oral cavity, teeth are moved, jaw development is stimulated, jaw position is corrected, etc.

When is an orthodontist needed?: incorrect closure of the dentition, incorrect arrangement of teeth within the dentition.

* Orthopedic dentistry

Orthopedist - a specialist dentist who specializes in restoring teeth through prosthetics.

The responsibilities of an orthopedic dentist include: taking dental impressions, on the basis of which the dental technician prepares the prosthesis, fitting, fitting and final fixation of the prosthesis in the patient’s mouth.

The tasks of an orthopedic dentist: restoring the shape and aesthetics of damaged or discolored teeth, restoring the integrity of the dentition by installing artificial teeth. Today, an orthopedic dentist has many options for prosthetics at his disposal - from crowns (installed both on natural teeth and on implants), bridges (replacing lost teeth, attached to adjacent natural teeth using fixing elements), inlays (used for significant loss own tooth tissues), veneers (thin plates that replace the outer layer of teeth) to removable dentures(placed when several or all teeth are lost).

When you need the help of an orthopedic dentist: violation of the integrity of the dentition after the removal of one or more teeth, significant loss of volume of dental tissue.

* Surgical dentistry

Surgeon - a specialist dentist who treats diseases of the teeth and gums that require surgical treatment. Provides assistance when conservative methods Treatments are not effective and the problem requires drastic solutions.

Highly focused dental specialists: implantologist, maxillofacial surgeon.

The responsibilities of a dental surgeon include:

  • Tooth extraction. For example, removing wisdom teeth that have grown incorrectly and are in the way.
  • Tooth-preserving operations (resections of infected tooth root tips,...).
  • Treatment of injuries maxillofacial area(jaw fractures, soft tissue damage,...).
  • Treatment inflammatory diseases maxillofacial area (abscesses, phlegmon, etc.).
  • Installation of an implant (artificial root) into the jaw bone for further prosthetics on it.
  • Preventive operations. Trimming short bridle tongue and lips are carried out to prevent diastema and three (gap between teeth), periodontitis and distorted speech. The enlargement of the vestibule of the oral cavity is preventive measure gum recession and periodontitis. All these activities are carried out, as a rule, in childhood, when the problem has not yet appeared, but the cause is obvious.
  • Diagnostics specific diseases when their symptoms appear in the oral cavity (actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis).

The dentist-surgeon also performs such operations in the maxillofacial area as: removal of tumors, replanting bone tissue, aesthetic surgeries in periodontology, reconstructive plastic surgery on the jaws, etc.

Surgical dentistry closely connects its practice with such areas of medicine as: aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, orthopedics, so surgeons are increasingly collaborating with other dental specialists.

* Children's dentistry

Pediatric dentist provides services to patients aged 0 to 17 years. At this time, the jaws and teeth are just forming, and the pediatric dentist must take into account the peculiarities age development. The doctor will not only cure existing caries, but will also monitor how the teeth and bite are developing.

The specialists of the RifEl clinic are responsible, careful and always friendly. A complex approach, regular refresher courses by our doctors, possession of all the necessary knowledge and professional skills, great clinical experience work, the use of modern equipment, technologies and materials is the key to successful dental treatment at the RifEl clinic.

Be healthy!

Dentistry is a broad science. It includes various directions and techniques. Today, advanced orthopedic dentistry includes procedures that are aimed at the complete restoration of damaged dentition; procedures are carried out using the latest, effective technologies. Based on the department of dentistry in which the dentist works, he is awarded a specialization. This is an orthopedic dentist, orthodontist, and surgeon. These vacancies are in great demand today. In turn, an orthopedic dentist is a doctor who knows how to qualitatively reconstruct the dentition in a short period of time.

What is orthopedic dentistry?

Orthopedics highlights

Orthopedic dentistry is aimed at research, diagnosis, prevention, and defective treatment of the speech and masticatory apparatus. The specialization of orthopedic dentistry is dentures (part of the tooth is restored internally and externally).

Unnatural teeth, which are inserted into a patient by an orthopedic dentist, are very difficult to distinguish from ordinary ones, according to their external and functional characteristics. Teeth are restored for both elderly and young patients.

Zirconium is used to create the crown. For a higher quality ceramic prosthesis, the metal base is made of an alloy. They use gold or platinum, palladium.

Job vacancies are popular and in demand today pediatric dentist orthopedist A dentist restores a child's lost baby tooth with help children's prosthetics, which fell earlier than expected, and the expected date for the appearance of a new one permanent tooth is more than 1 year. This procedure is necessary to prevent:

  • development of malocclusion during the absence of a tooth;
  • provide the child with the opportunity to fully bite and chew food, since in the absence of a tooth, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system may occur.

Work on children's prosthetics may be limited to one visit to an orthopedic dentist.

Problems and diseases dealt with by an orthopedic dentist

An orthopedic dentist specializes in removable, non-removable, conditionally removable methods of tooth restoration. The orthopedist also takes impressions for the patient’s future crowns and stump inlays.

Reasons for dentures:

  1. significant destruction;
  2. protect the tooth from complete decay;
  3. modification of minor damage.

The factor of deep tooth decay can

How is a prosthesis made?

switch as in advanced stage caries and physical damage. Doesn't look good in this situation appearance smiles and the functional side. A person cannot chew food thoroughly and correctly, which leads to problems with the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, the work of an orthopedic dentist is aimed at the immediate restoration of the latter chewing teeth. Because each tooth has its own function and if it is lost, the functioning of the entire folding organism can be disrupted. Very often, patients seek the help of an orthopedic dentist after they have lost their front teeth.

To protect them from destruction completely, not all types of prostheses can be used, since there are also types of prostheses that restore only a certain part of the tooth. If we take the installation of a fixation on the stump (the finished part of a natural incisor), then dentures are performed not only if the tooth is destroyed, but also to prevent destruction.

When a tooth may be subject to decay, it is very fragile and may break at some point, then it is necessary to prevent possible breakage earlier. This is necessary so that its function and the person’s appearance are not impaired, and the breakdown does not cause pain.

It happens that the teeth fully perform their function, although the patient is not satisfied with their appearance. And in these situations, an orthopedic dentist performs dentures. Thanks to thin ceramic plates, it is possible to hide minor flaws. These include:

  • chipping;
  • scratch;
  • significant gaps between teeth;
  • curvature.

The job of a dentist is to prepare and install dentures; he also prepares a person’s teeth for the upcoming operation.

Dental prosthetics and its results


At the first visit, the orthopedic dentist will examine the oral cavity and determine whether the patient has problems with the chewing apparatus and at what stage of development.

The doctor’s job is to restore the function of a lost tooth, the main one of which is chewing.

The job of a dentist is as follows:

  • elimination in the periodontium various damages that were obtained due to injury by placing a total load on the entire row of teeth;
  • distributes the load on all teeth along the line;
  • eliminates pain that was caused by trauma to tooth tissue;
  • organizes stability and bite stability;
  • the doctor restores the functioning of the bite after the procedures;
  • An orthopedic dentist carries out prevention and treats periodontal pathologies.

A dentist treats the following diseases:

  • injury;
  • caries;
  • damage;
  • periodontitis;
  • chylitis;

If there is a diagnosis, the doctor prepares a treatment plan:

  1. A dentist prepares a person’s oral cavity for the required restoration or prosthetics.
  2. Preparation of a complex of orthopedic measures.
  3. The doctor makes a choice regarding the method of prosthetics, restoration, and the type of prosthesis to be performed.
  4. If necessary, a prosthesis is placed.

Before starting treatment of the patient, the orthopedic dentist examines the patient:

  1. orthopantogram;
  2. CT scan;
  3. wax modeling;
  4. other.

When drawing up a treatment plan, the orthopedic doctor must interact with other dentists specializing in surgery, therapist, and implantologist.

This is what a CT scan looks like

The work of an orthopedist is complex and requires precision and attentiveness, which is why the services are highly rated. According to information, vacancies are open for the position of orthopedist in the Ukrainian city of Kyiv, the average salary is 34,000 hryvnia. Vacancies for a pediatric dentist or orthopedist are somewhat less - 10,000 hryvnia.

Get a job a good specialist You can see an orthopedic dentist abroad. Vacancies for dentists with diplomas are open in Germany, America, and the Czech Republic. Job vacancies required in various clinics with the prospect of further promotion and decent pay.

The following vacancies are in demand:

  • dentist;
  • orthopedic dental assistant;
  • dentist surgeon;
  • dentist therapist

Video. Orthopedic dentist

The specialization of an orthopedic doctor is actively developing, new materials for prosthetics are constantly being used, which requires the orthopedist to undergo continuous training, improve your skill level.

Sample form (template example) instructions:

(name of enterprise, institution, organization)

Job description of an orthopedic dentist

I approve

(head of institution, organization, other official,


authorized to approve


job description)

_________ ____________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

"___" ____________ ____

I. General provisions

1. An orthopedic dentist belongs to the “Professionals” category.

2. Appointment to the position of an orthopedic dentist and dismissal from it is made by order of _________________________________________ upon the recommendation of __________________________________ in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of Ukraine and the current labor legislation.

3. An orthopedic dentist reports directly to _________.

II. Job responsibilities

Orthopedic dentist:

1. Managed current legislation Ukraine on health protection and regulatory legal acts that determine the activities of governing bodies and health care institutions, the organization of dental care.

2.Applies modern methods diagnosis of major dental diseases.

3. Conducts orthopedic treatment of hard dental tissues, periodontal diseases, pathological abrasion, pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

4. Provides emergency dental care.

5. Supervises adverse reactions(actions) of medicines.

6. Works closely with related specialists and services.

7. Complies with the principles of medical deontology.

8. Plans work and analyzes its results.

9. Manages the work of the middle medical personnel.

10. Maintains medical documentation.

11. Promotes the dissemination of medical knowledge among the population.

12. Constantly improves his professional level.

13. _____________________________________________________________

III. Rights

An orthopedic dentist has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the performance of his duties.

3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

4. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all those identified in the process of his activities, and make proposals for their elimination.

5. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of their duties.

6. ______________________________________________________________

IV. Responsibility

The orthopedic dentist is responsible

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties, as well as for failure to use or directly one’s rights provided for by this job description, internal labor regulations, - within the limits determined by the current legislation of Ukraine and criminal law Ukraine.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

4. ______________________________________________________________

V. An orthopedic dentist must know:

1. Current legislation on health care and regulations regulating the activities of government bodies and healthcare institutions.

2. Organization of dental orthopedic care.

3. Fundamentals of law in medicine.

4. Rights, duties and responsibilities of an orthopedic dentist.

5. Modern classification diseases of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area.

6. biomechanics of chewing.

7. Age-related changes in the maxillofacial region, especially the impact of the surrounding and internal environment on it.

8. Principles of preventive diagnostics and treatment for dentoalveolar deformities and anomalies of teeth and jaws.

9. Indications for dental prosthetics, principles of preparing the oral cavity and dentofacial apparatus for orthopedic intervention.

10. Morphological changes in dental system for orthopedic and orthodontic interventions.

11. Mechanism of action, design principles and features of manufacturing technology of orthodontic and orthopedic devices and prostheses.

12. Personal protective equipment against acute respiratory diseases and especially dangerous infections.

13. Forms and methods of health education among the population.

14. Design rules medical documentation.

15. Modern literature on the specialty and methods of its generalization.

16. _____________________________________________________________

VI. Qualification requirements

Dentist-orthopedist of higher education qualification category: higher education (specialist, master) in the field of preparation "Medicine", specialty "Dentistry".Availability of a medical specialist certificate and a certificate of assignment (confirmation) of the highest qualification category in this specialty.Work experience in the specialty for more than 10 years.

Dentist-orthopedist of the 1st qualification category: higher education (specialist, master's degree) in the field of training "Medicine", specialty "Dentistry".Specialization in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" (internship, specialization courses).Advanced training (advanced courses, internships, pre-certification cycles, etc.).Availability of a medical specialist certificate and a certificate of assignment (confirmation) of the first qualification category in this specialty.Work experience in the specialty for more than 7 years.

Dentist-orthopedist of the II qualification category: higher education (specialist, master) in the field of training “Medicine”, specialty “Dentistry”.Specialization in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" (internship, specialization courses).Advanced training (advanced courses, internships, pre-certification cycles, etc.).Availability of a medical specialist certificate and a certificate of assignment (confirmation) of the 2nd qualification category in this specialty.Work experience in the specialty for more than 5 years.

Orthopedic dentist: higher education (specialist, master's degree) in the field of training "Medicine", specialty "Dentistry".Specialization in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" (internship, specialization courses).Availability of a medical specialist certificate.No work experience requirements.

- _______________________________________________________________

VII. Relationships (connections) by position

1. To fulfill the duties and exercise the rights, the orthopedic dentist interacts:



1.2. With ________________________________ regarding questions:


1.3. With ________________________________ regarding questions:


1.4. With ________________________________ regarding questions:


1.5. With ________________________________ regarding questions:


structural unit


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____ G..

Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____

I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____

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1. General Provisions


1.1. An orthopedic dentist (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) is a specialist.

1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (positional connections) of the Employee, criteria for assessing his business qualities and work results when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace in "____________________" (hereinafter - " Employer").

1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.

1.4. The employee reports directly to ____________________.

1.5. The employee must know:

Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, consumer rights protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population; theoretical foundations of the chosen specialty; modern methods of treatment, diagnosis and drug provision for patients; basics of medical and social examination; rules for action when a patient is detected with signs of particularly dangerous infections, HIV infection; the procedure for interaction with other medical specialists, services, organizations, including insurance companies, physician associations, etc.; fundamentals of the functioning of budgetary insurance medicine and voluntary health insurance, ensuring sanitary and preventive and medicinal assistance to the population; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; basics labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and fire safety;


1.6. The employee must comply qualification requirements to the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry", established by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 8, 2015 N 707n "On approval of the Qualification Requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the field of training "Health and Medical Sciences":

- Higher education - specialty in Dentistry;

Residency training in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" or professional retraining in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" with training in internship/residency in one of the specialties: "General Dentistry", "Dentistry";

- Advanced training at least once every 5 years throughout your career.

2. Job responsibilities


2.1. Conducts orthopedic treatment of the adult population with congenital and acquired defects of teeth, dentition, alveolar processes, jaws and face.

2.2. Maintains medical documentation in accordance with the established procedure.

2.3. Plans and analyzes the results of his work.

2.4. Complies with the principles of medical ethics.

2.5. Supervises the work of nursing and junior medical staff.

2.6. Conducts health education work among patients and their relatives to promote health and prevent diseases, promote healthy image life.

3. Employee Rights

The employee has the right to:

providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;

a workplace that complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;

timely and full payment wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed;

rest provided by establishing normal duration working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual leave;

complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;

professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established Labor Code Russian Federation and others federal laws;

association, including the right to create and join trade unions to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement;

Preparing for work the workplace of an orthopedic dentist: tools, medications, dental material. 2. Assisting an orthopedic surgeon during orthopedic interventions and manipulations. 3. Maintain order in the offices, ensure compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, and process instruments within the limits of their qualifications. 4. Ensuring timely receipt of head nurse medicines, filling materials. 5. Maintaining documentation on nomenclature dental department. 6. Compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, and safety regulations. 7. Promotion professional qualifications by attending classes organized in the department for nursing staff. My working day begins with preparing the office to receive patients.

Job description of a dental nurse

Enter steroid hormones IV: prednisolone 75-150 mg, dexamethosone 4-20 mg, hydrocortisone 150-300 mg. If it is impossible to administer IV, administer IM. 3. Antihistamines: pipolfen 2-4ml 2.5% solution s.c. In case of asphyxia and suffocation, administer 10-20 ml of 2.4% aminophylline solution intravenously.

If signs of heart failure appear, administer corglycon 1.0 ml 0.06% solution in isotonic solution sodium chloride, Lasix 40-60 mg IV bolus. 5. Hospitalization in a hospital. Prevention of occupational infection. To prevent infection of medical personnel, disposable gloves, masks, and protective goggles are used.

If necessary, protective helmets and aprons are used. Disposable bibs, cups, and syringes are provided for the patient. Each doctor's office is equipped with a first aid kit for the prevention of HIV infections.
Algorithm of actions in the event of an emergency: 1.

Areas of activity of a nurse in the orthopedic department

I. a common part The main tasks of a nurse dental office are the implementation of diagnostic and treatment appointments of a dentist and assistance to him in organizing specialized medical care for the population living in the area of ​​​​operation of the Clinic, as well as workers and employees of attached enterprises. The appointment and dismissal of a nurse in the dental office is carried out by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with current legislation. The dental office nurse reports directly to the dentist and works under his supervision.

In her work, a dental nurse is guided by this job description and other official documents. II. Responsibilities To perform her functions, a dental nurse is required to: 1.

403 forbidden

A dental office nurse should know: - The Constitution of the Russian Federation; — laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; — theoretical basis nursing; — basics of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; — rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment; — statistical indicators characterizing the state of public health and activity medical organizations; — rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations; — basics of valeology and sanology; — rules for maintaining office accounting and reporting documentation, main types of medical documentation; — medical ethics; — psychology of professional communication; — basics of labor legislation; — internal labor regulations; — labor protection and fire safety rules. 2.

Responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry

Give to the patient horizontal position. 2. Free from tight clothing, ensure flow fresh air(open the window, turn on the fan). 3. Moisten the swab with a 10% solution ammonia, let it inhale several times in a row, wipe your temples. 4. If the reaction is weak, administer 1 ml of a 10% caffeine solution subcutaneously.


Anaphylactic shock. In my practice, there were no cases of anaphylactic shock, but independently emergency assistance I can provide it. First aid. 1. Immediately stop administering medications and other allergens, applying a tourniquet proximal to the site of allergen injection. 2. Call a doctor. 3. Lay the patient down and fix the tongue to prevent asphyxia.

4. Inject 0.5 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution subcutaneously at the site of allergen injection and 1.0 ml of adrenaline solution intravenously. Medical assistance: 1. If blood pressure does not increase, repeat IV adrenaline after 10-15 minutes 2.

Job Description for a Dental Nurse

Control of instruments sample azopyram and phenolphthalein Year Number of samples Of these positive 2008 16421 No 2009 15044 No 2010 17522 No 7. Sterilization in a dry-heat oven at t-180C, exposure time 60 min. All instruments and products in contact with wound surface, blood, and also individual species medical instruments that, during operation, come into contact with the mucous membrane and can cause damage to it. I place sterile instruments under aseptic conditions in a UV-bactericidal chamber, which is designed for storing sterilized instruments in order to prevent their secondary contamination with microorganisms. As prescribed by the doctor, I can perform the following manipulations: - prepare impression materials; — filling materials: for temporary fillings, cements, for filling canals, amalgams, composites.
On strengthening and improving prevention measures typhus and pediculosis"; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated August 16, 1994. “On measures to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV-infected patients in the Russian Federation”; Order of the State Healthcare Institution No. 42 of 1990 “On the state of the incidence of scabies in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and measures to reduce it”; Order of the Ministry of Health No. 326 dated November 10, 1997 “On the rules for writing prescriptions for medicines and their vacations in health care facilities"; Order of the Ministry of Health No. 245 dated August 30, 1991 “On consumption standards ethyl alcohol in healthcare institutions"; OST 42-21-2-85 dated 02.21.85. “Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices. Methods, means, modes"; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 32/69 of April 13, 1994 “On conducting anti-epidemic surveillance of cholera on the territory of the Russian Federation”; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 36 dated 02/03/97 “On improving measures for the prevention of diphtheria”; Order No. 37/676 dated August 7, 1994

Responsibilities of a dental orthopedic nurse

I have practical skills in coating teeth with fluoride varnish. Brush your teeth, dry them, and apply rollers. First apply as a thin film to teeth lower jaw, then on the teeth upper jaw. Dry for 3 minutes. For a course there are 3-4 procedures every other day.
Brushing teeth after 12 hours. After the procedure, do not eat for 2 hours. During various dental interventions, complications and threatening conditions sometimes arise that require urgent measures. To the group of complications that arise at any stage dental intervention, at any time, regardless of the nature of the disease, includes: 1.

Acute vascular insufficiency: fainting, collapse, shock. 2. Allergic conditions: anaphylactic shock. 3. Heart rhythm disturbances - paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole. 4. Dizziness. 5. Neurotic conditions. Algorithm for carrying out emergency measures.

Fainting. 1.

During the appointment, I give the doctor an individual dental kit, consisting of a set of instruments (tray, dental mirror, tweezers, dental probe), a craft bag with cotton swabs, a craft bag with tweezers (for working with sterile instruments). After seeing the patient, I disinfect the surfaces of objects located in the treatment area. I carry out disinfection, pre-sterilization treatment and sterilization of instruments.

Used medical instruments are immersed in a closed container with a disinfectant solution for disinfection and pre-sterilization treatment. Exposure according to the instructions of the disinfectant used. I use it at work disinfectants: “Biolok”, “Gexanios”, “Ultradez - Bio”.

2. After exposure, I clean each piece of equipment in the same container using the brushing method for at least 1 minute. per unit. 3.
Logbook for recording the quality of pre-sterilization treatment (F No. 366/u). 2. Logbook for monitoring the operation of air and steam autoclave sterilizers (F No. 257/u). 3. Logbook for registration and control of the bactericidal installation (R.3.5.1904-04).
4. Event registration log general cleaning(SanPin 5. Journal of recording of potent drugs. 6. Emergency log. In my work I am guided by orders, instructions and methodological instructions on organizing the work of the department: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 408 dated July 12, 1989.
“On measures to reduce morbidity viral hepatitis in the country"; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 720 dated August 31, 1978. "About improvement medical care patients with purulent-surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections"; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 342 dated November 26, 1998.
III. Rights A nurse in a dental office has the right to: - make demands to the administration of the clinic for the creation necessary conditions in the workplace, ensuring high-quality performance of their job duties; — take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the dental office; - receive necessary information to carry out their functional responsibilities from a dentist, senior Medical Nurses department (responsible for the office), chief medical nurse; — require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic; — master a related specialty; — give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the dental office; - improve your qualifications at work, advanced training courses in the prescribed manner. IV.
The department has modern devices for therapeutic measures: 1. Desensitron II - Iontophoresis device - a device for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity caused by erosion, exposed root surfaces, enamel wear or hypoplasia. 2. Diathermocoagulator “Sensimatic 500 SE” is an electric pulse device for surgical manipulations. Indicated for use in dental surgery for periodontitis, orthodontics, prosthetics, for cutting crowns and bridges. 3. Digital tester for checking the vital activity of the pulp - Digitest electronic. 4. The Formatron device is a digital electronic measuring device that is fixed in the oral cavity and accurately determines the location of the apex of the tooth root. 5. Device for depophoresis “Original” - for the treatment of complicated caries with poorly traversed canals, apical periodontitis, cysts. 6.