Scenario “Cat House” (kindergarten, fire safety). "Cat house". Script of the play Fairy Tale play Cat's House

Extracurricular activities "World of Theater"

Performance "Cat's House"

Relevance: The performance, as a product of extracurricular activities, allows for the comprehensive development of students: personal, cognitive, communicative, social, which in turn contributes to the growth of the child’s intellectual activity.

Target: develop creative abilities and expand the general cultural horizons of students in the intellectual, aesthetic, spiritual and moral directions, and cultivate the ability to actively perceive art.

Tasks: introduce students to the world of artistic culture; to develop the ability to independently master artistic values; create conditions for the realization of creative abilities; develop creative skills; develop skills and abilities in the field of acting.

Results: extracurricular communication between children, teachers and parents, high school and junior school students, mutual assistance and assistance; the final “product” is a performance.

Script for the play “Cat’s House”


  • Cat Vasily;

    1st kitten;

    2nd kitten;

  • Narrator;


The wall of a cat's house, a table covered with a tablecloth, treats, flowers, a fireplace, a miserable house of kittens.


Tili-tili-tili-bom! The cat had a new home.
The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.
All around is a wide yard with a fence on four sides.
Opposite the house, at the gate, an old cat lived in a gatehouse.
For a century he served as a janitor, guarded the master's house,
I swept the paths in front of the cat's house.
He stood at the gate with a broom, driving strangers away.


Kittens want to eat. You live richly.
Warm us up, cat, feed us a little!

Cat Vasily

Who's knocking at the gate?
I am the cat's janitor, old cat!


We are cats' nephews!

Cat Vasily

Here I'll give you some gingerbread!
We have countless nephews, and everyone wants to drink and eat!


Tell our aunt: we are orphans,
Our hut has no roof, and the floor has been gnawed by mice,
And the wind blows through the cracks, and we ate the bread a long time ago...
Tell your mistress!

Cat Vasily

Fuck you, beggars!
Perhaps you want some cream? Here I am by the scruff of the neck!


Who were you talking to, old cat, my gatekeeper Vasily?

Cat Vasily

The kittens were at the gate - they asked for food.


What a disgrace! I was once a kitten myself.
Back then, kittens didn’t climb into neighboring houses.
There is no life for my nephews, I need to drown them in the river!

Welcome, friends, I am sincerely glad to see you.

The narrator introduces the guests. Guests take turns walking through the middle of the stage to the music


A famous goat in the city came to the rich cat
With his wife, gray-haired and stern, a long-horned goat.
The fighting rooster came, the hen came for him,
And the neighbor pig came in a light down shawl.


Kozel Kozlovich, how are you? I've been waiting for you for a long time!


Mm-my respect, cat! We got a little wet.
The rain caught us on the way and we had to walk through puddles.


Yes, today my husband and I walked through puddles all the time.
Did the cabbage ripen in the garden?


Hello my Petya the cockerel!


Thank you Crow!


And I see you, mother hen, very rarely.


It’s really not easy to visit you - you live very far away.
We, poor hens, are such homebodies!


Hello, Aunt Pig. How is your lovely family?


Thank you, kitty, oink-oink, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I send my little piglets to kindergarten,
My husband looks after the house, and I go to friends.


Now the five of us have come to look at your wonderful home.
The whole city is talking about him


My home is always open for you!
Guests take turns standing in front of the mirror
(from the reverse side so as to face the audience)

Goat (Kose)

Look at the mirrors! And I see a goat in everyone...


Dry your eyes properly! There is a goat in every mirror here.


It seems to you, friends: there is a pig in every mirror!


Oh no! What a pig! It's just us here: the rooster and me!


(Sitting in a chair, next to the geranium)
Neighbors, how long will we continue this dispute?
Dear hostess, sing and play for us!


Let the rooster crow with you. It's inconvenient to boast
But he has excellent hearing and an incomparable voice.


I'm just waiting for this. Ah, sing a song like
The old song “In the garden, in the cabbage garden”!

Song of the cat and the rooster.


Meow meow! Night has fallen. The first star shines.


Oh, where have you gone? Crow! Where-where?..

Goat(Quiet to the goat)

Listen, you fool, stop eating the owner's geranium!


You try. Delicious. It's like chewing a cabbage leaf. (after chewing the flowers)
Incomparable! Bravo! Bravo! Really, you sang brilliantly!
Sing something again.


No, let's dance...

Dance of the guests

Suddenly the music stops abruptly and the voices of kittens are heard

Song of kittens

Aunt, aunt cat, look out the window!
Let us spend the night, put us on the bed.
If there is no bed, we will lie down on the floor,
We can lie down on a bench or stove, or on the floor,
And cover it with a matting! Aunt, aunt cat!

The cat draws the curtains


What a wonderful reception it was!


What a wonderful cat house!


What a delicious geranium!


Oh, what are you, you fool, stop it!


Goodbye, mistress, oink-oink! I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I ask you to come to me on Sunday for my birthday.


And I ask you to come to dinner on Wednesday.


And we will ask you to come on Tuesday evening at six.


The mistress and Vasily, the mustachioed old cat,
It didn't take long before they escorted the neighbors to the gate.
Word after word - and again the conversation,
And at home, in front of the stove, the fire burned through the carpet.
Climbed the wallpaper, climbed onto the table


Where will I live now?

Cat Vasily

What will I guard?..

The guests laugh maliciously and run away. The cat is crying, Vasily the cat looks around in confusion.


Stumbling, wandering a little, leading the cat by the arm,
He squints at the fire in the window...

Cat Vasily(knocking on the window)

Do roosters and hens live here?


Oh, my godfather, my compassionate neighbor!..
Now we have no housing...
Where will I and Vasily, my gatekeeper, live?
Let us into your chicken coop!


I would be glad to shelter you myself, godfather,
But my husband trembles with anger if we have guests.


Why did you call me to dinner this Wednesday?


I didn’t call forever, and today is not Wednesday.

The cat knocks on the window


Hey, hostess, let me in, we're exhausted on the road.


Good evening, I'm glad to see you, but what do you want from us?


It's raining and snowing outside, let us spend the night.
Don't spare us any corner


You ask the goat.


What do you tell us, neighbor?

Goat(quiet to the goat)

Say there's no room!


The goat just told me that we don’t have enough space here.
I can't argue with her - she has longer horns.


Apparently the bearded guy is joking!.. Yes, it’s a bit crowded here...
If you knock on a pig’s door, there is room in its home.


What should we do, Vasily,
Our former friends did not let us into the door...
What will the pig tell us?


We have found shelter with you! (to the pig who is looking out the window of his apartment)
Let me in, pig, I'm left homeless.


We ourselves have little space - there is nowhere to turn.
There is a roomier house, knock on it, godfather!


Here is the lame-legged cat Vasily walking along the road.
Stumbling, wandering a little, leading the cat by the hand...


We have traveled all over the world - there is no shelter for us anywhere!

Cat Vasily

There's someone's house opposite. And dark and cramped,
Both wretched and small, it seems to have grown into the ground.
I still don’t know who lives in that house on the other side.
Let's try to ask to spend the night again (knocks on the window).

Who's knocking at the gate?

Cat Vasily

I am a cat janitor, an old cat.
I ask you for an overnight stay, shelter us from the snow!


Oh, Vasily the cat, is that you? Is Aunt Cat with you?
And we knocked on your window all day until dark.
You didn’t open the gate for us yesterday, old janitor!

Cat Vasily

What kind of janitor am I without a yard? I am now a homeless child...


I'm sorry if I was to blame for you

Cat Vasily

Now our house has burned down, let us in, kittens!


In cold, blizzard, rain and snow, you can’t be homeless
The one who asked for an overnight stay will sooner understand the other.

Who knows how wet the water is, how terrible the bitter cold is,
He will never leave passers-by without shelter!
Even though it’s crowded here, even though it’s scarce here,
But it’s not difficult for us to find a place for guests.
We have no pillow, no blanket,
We huddle close to each other to make it warmer.
Even though it’s crowded here, even though it’s scarce here,
But it’s not difficult for us to find a place for guests.


I want to sleep - there is no urine! Finally I found a home.
Well, friends, good night... Tili-tili... tili... bom!

The final

Tili-tili-tili-bom! Come to your new home!
All characters come out to bow to the music.


We involved both parents and children in our work. Our parents gladly helped us in making the decorations.

We showed our play “Cat's House” to the students of our school. Both children and adults had great fun.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales,
music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Art has great potential for the emotional development of personality, creative and moral education of students.

Relevance: a musical performance, as a product of club work, containing various areas of activity, allows for the comprehensive development of students: personal, cognitive, communicative, social, which in turn contributes to the growth of the child’s intellectual activity.

The musical is a special stage genre where dramatic, musical, vocal, choreographic and plastic arts merge in inextricable unity. At the present stage, it is one of the most complex and unique genres, in which, to one degree or another, almost all styles of stage art that existed before are reflected. Formed in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century.

Goal: to develop creative abilities and expand the general cultural horizons of students in the intellectual, aesthetic, spiritual and moral directions, to cultivate the ability to actively perceive art.

Objectives: introduce students to the world of artistic culture; to develop the ability to independently master artistic values; create conditions for the realization of creative abilities; develop creative skills; to develop skills and abilities in the field of acting, musical literacy, vocal and choral performance, choreographic art.

Results: joint work of various children's associations of additional education; informal, extracurricular communication of children, teachers and parents, high school and junior school students, mutual assistance and mutual assistance; the final “product” is a musical.

Musicals, different in content, mood and artistic form, have become one of the brightest theatrical and musical phenomena of our time.

Script for the musical “Cat House”


  • Cat;
  • Cat Vasily;
  • 1st kitten;
  • 2nd kitten;
  • Goat;
  • Goat;
  • Rooster;
  • Chicken;
  • Pig;
  • Piglets;
  • Narrator;
  • Choir - everything;
  • Choreographic group: fire, blizzard, cockerels.


Wall of a cat's house.

At the beginning of the tale turned towards the viewer by the inner wall, against the background of which is the interior - an armchair, geraniums on the window, a mirror frame, and everything else is painted on the wall. The window is cut, there are curtains on the window.

In the fire scene this wall unfolds, covering the interior and turning into the facade of the house, which will cover the fire

The neighbors' house is a three-story panel house with cut-out windows through which the characters will look out.

Poor house of kittens.

Act one


Dance of the bells


Bim-bom! Tili-bom! There is a tall house in the yard.

And on the stairs there is a carpet with a gold embroidered pattern.
A cat walks along a patterned carpet in the morning.
She, the cat, has boots on her feet,
Boots on my feet and earrings in my ears
On the boots - varnish, varnish, varnish.
And the earrings are a trinket, a trinket, a trinket.
Tili-tili-tili-bom! The cat had a new home.
The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.
All around is a wide yard with a fence on four sides.
Opposite the house, at the gate, an old cat lived in a gatehouse.
For a century he served as a janitor, guarded the master's house,
I swept the paths in front of the cat's house.
He stood at the gate with a broom, driving strangers away.
We'll tell a fairy tale about a rich cat's house.
Just sit and wait - a fairy tale will come!


Listen, children:
Once upon a time there was a cat in the world,
Overseas, Angora.
She lived differently from other cats:
She slept not on a matting, but in a cozy bedroom, on a small crib,
She covered herself with a scarlet warm blanket
And she buried her head in the down pillow.
So two orphan nephews came to a rich aunt.
They knocked on the window to be let into the house.


Kittens want to eat. You live richly.
Warm us up, cat, feed us a little!
Repeat 2 times.

Cat Vasily

Who's knocking at the gate?
I am the cat's janitor, old cat!


We are cats' nephews!

Cat Vasily

Here I'll give you some gingerbread!
We have countless nephews, and everyone wants to drink and eat!


Tell our aunt: we are orphans,
Our hut has no roof, and the floor has been gnawed by mice,
And the wind blows through the cracks, and we ate the bread a long time ago...
Tell your mistress!

Cat Vasily

Fuck you, beggars!
Perhaps you want some cream? Here I am by the scruff of the neck!


Who were you talking to, old cat, my gatekeeper Vasily?

Cat Vasily

The kittens were at the gate - they asked for food.


What a disgrace! I was once a kitten myself.
Back then, kittens didn’t climb into neighboring houses.
There is no life for my nephews, I need to drown them in the river!

Welcome, friends, I am sincerely glad to see you.

The narrator introduces the guests. Guests take turns walking through the middle of the stage to the music


A famous goat in the city came to the rich cat
With his wife, gray-haired and stern, a long-horned goat.
The fighting rooster came, the hen came for him,
And the neighbor pig came in a light down shawl.

Song of the cat and guests

Kozel Kozlovich, how are you? I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Mm-my respect, cat! We got a little wet.
The rain caught us on the way and we had to walk through puddles.

Yes, today my husband and I walked through puddles all the time.
Did the cabbage ripen in the garden?

Hello my Petya the cockerel!

Thank you Crow!

And I see you, mother hen, very rarely.

It’s really not easy to visit you - you live very far away.
We, poor hens, are such homebodies!

Hello, Aunt Pig. How is your lovely family?

Thank you, kitty, oink-oink, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I send my little piglets to kindergarten,
My husband looks after the house, and I go to friends.

Now the five of us have come to look at your wonderful home.
The whole city is talking about him

My home is always open for you!
Guests take turns standing in front of the mirror
(from the reverse side so as to face the audience)

Goat (Kose)

Look at the mirrors! And I see a goat in everyone...

Dry your eyes properly! There is a goat in every mirror here.

It seems to you, friends: there is a pig in every mirror!

Oh no! What a pig! It's just us here: the rooster and me!

(Sitting in a chair, next to the geranium)
Neighbors, how long will we continue this dispute?
Dear hostess, sing and play for us!

Let the rooster crow with you. It's inconvenient to boast
But he has excellent hearing and an incomparable voice.

I'm just waiting for this. Ah, sing a song like
The old song “In the garden, in the cabbage garden”!

Song of the cat and the rooster.

Meow meow! Night has fallen. The first star shines.

Oh, where have you gone? Crow! Where-where?..

Goat (Quiet for the Goat)

Listen, you fool, stop eating the owner's geranium!

You try. Delicious. It's like chewing a cabbage leaf. (after chewing the flowers)
Incomparable! Bravo! Bravo! Really, you sang brilliantly!
Sing something again.

No, let's dance...

Dance of the guests

Suddenly the music stops abruptly and the voices of kittens are heard

Song of kittens

Aunt, aunt cat, look out the window!
Let us spend the night, put us on the bed.
If there is no bed, we will lie down on the floor,
We can lie down on a bench or stove, or on the floor,
And cover it with a matting! Aunt, aunt cat!

The cat draws the curtains

What a wonderful reception it was!

What a wonderful cat house!

What a delicious geranium!

Oh, what are you, you fool, stop it!

Goodbye, mistress, oink-oink! I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I ask you to come to me on Sunday for my birthday.

And I ask you to come to dinner on Wednesday.

And we will ask you to come on Tuesday evening at six.


The mistress and Vasily, the mustachioed old cat,
It didn't take long before they escorted the neighbors to the gate.
Word after word - and again the conversation,
And at home, in front of the stove, the fire burned through the carpet.
Climbed the wallpaper, climbed onto the table
And scattered in a swarm of golden-winged bees.

Fire dance

At the end of the dance, the fire (the dance group) obscures the entire cat's house, and when the fire disappears, the house is no longer there.

So the cat's house collapsed!

Burned with all the goodness!

Where will I live now?

Cat Vasily

What will I guard?..

The guests laugh maliciously and run away. The cat is crying, Vasily the cat looks around in confusion.

End of Act I

Act two

The street is not a prestigious area, on which there is a panel high-rise building.


Stumbling, wandering a little, leading the cat by the arm,
He squints at the fire in the window...

Cat Vasily (knocking on the window first floors)

Do roosters and hens live here?

Oh, my godfather, my compassionate neighbor!..
Now we have no housing...
Where will I and Vasily, my gatekeeper, live?
Let us into your chicken coop!

I would be glad to shelter you myself, godfather,
But my husband trembles with anger if we have guests.
My intractable husband is my Cochin rooster...
He has such spurs that I’m afraid to argue with him!

Why did you call me to dinner this Wednesday?

I didn’t call forever, and today is not Wednesday.
But we live a little crowded, I have chickens growing up,
Young cockerels, fighters, mischief-makers...

Hey, hold the cat and the cat! Give them some millet for the road!
Tear the fluff and feathers from the cat's tail!

Dance - cockfight.

The cat and Vasily the cat are hiding.
After the dance, the cockerels run into the house
The cat knocks on the window on the second floor

Hey, hostess, let me in, we're exhausted on the road.

Good evening, I'm glad to see you, but what do you want from us?

It's raining and snowing outside, let us spend the night.
Don't spare us any corner

You ask the goat.

What do you tell us, neighbor?

Goat (quietly to the goat)

Say there's no room!

The goat just told me that we don’t have enough space here.
I can't argue with her - she has longer horns.

Apparently the bearded guy is joking!.. Yes, it’s a bit crowded here...
If you knock on a pig’s door, there is room in its home.

What should we do, Vasily,
Our former friends did not let us into the door...
What will the pig tell us?
The piglets run out and dance

Song-dance of piglets

I am a pig, and you are a pig, all of us, brothers, are pigs.
Today, friends, they gave us a whole vat of botvinya.
We sit on benches and eat from bowls.
Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli, we eat from the bowls.
Eat and slurp together, brother pigs!
We look like pigs, even though we are still guys.
Our tails are crocheted, our stigmas are snouts.
Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli, our stigmas are like a snout.

Cat Vasily

That's how fun they sing!

We have found shelter with you! (to the pig who is looking out the window of his apartment)
Let me in, pig, I'm left homeless.

We ourselves have little space - there is nowhere to turn.
There is a roomier house, knock on it, godfather!


Here is the lame-legged cat Vasily walking along the road.
Stumbling, wandering a little, leading the cat by the hand...

Dance “Blizzard”

We have traveled all over the world - there is no shelter for us anywhere!

Cat Vasily

There's someone's house opposite. And dark and cramped,
Both wretched and small, it seems to have grown into the ground.
I still don’t know who lives in that house on the other side.
Let's try to ask to spend the night again (knocks on the window).

Who's knocking at the gate?

Cat Vasily

I am a cat janitor, an old cat.
I ask you for an overnight stay, shelter us from the snow!

Oh, Vasily the cat, is that you? Is Aunt Cat with you?
And we knocked on your window all day until dark.
You didn’t open the gate for us yesterday, old janitor!

Cat Vasily

What kind of janitor am I without a yard? I am now a homeless child...

I'm sorry if I was to blame for you

Cat Vasily

Now our house has burned down, let us in, kittens!

Song of kittens

In cold, blizzard, rain and snow, you can’t be homeless
The one who asked for an overnight stay will sooner understand the other.

Who knows how wet the water is, how terrible the bitter cold is,
He will never leave passers-by without shelter!
Even though it’s crowded here, even though it’s scarce here,
But it’s not difficult for us to find a place for guests.
We have no pillow, no blanket,
We huddle close to each other to make it warmer.
Even though it’s crowded here, even though it’s scarce here,
But it’s not difficult for us to find a place for guests.

I want to sleep - there is no urine! Finally I found a home.
Well, friends, good night... Tili-tili... tili... bom!

Bim-bom! Tili-bom! There was a cat's house in the world.
On the right, on the left - porches, red railings,
The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.
Tili-tili-tili-bom! The cat's house burned down.
There is no sign of him. Either he was there or he wasn’t...
And we have a rumor that the old cat is alive.
Lives with nephews! She is reputed to be a homebody.
The old cat has also become wiser. He's not the same anymore.
During the day he goes to work, in the dark at night he goes hunting.
Soon the orphans will grow up and become bigger than the old aunt.
The four of them can’t live together closely – we need to build a new house.

Cat Vasily

The whole family, four of us, will build a new house!

We will lay the logs level, row by row.

Cat Vasily

Well, it's ready. Now we’ll install the ladder and the door.

The windows are painted, the shutters are carved.

1st kitten

Here is the stove and chimney

2nd kitten

Two porches, two pillars.

1st kitten

Let's build an attic

2nd kitten

We'll cover the house with planks

We'll fill up the cracks with tow.


And our new home is ready!

Tomorrow there will be a housewarming party.

Cat Vasily

There's fun all over the street.

Tili-tili-tili-bom! Come to your new home!
All characters come out to bow to the music.


With our passion for music and art, we “infected” both parents and teachers, who expressed their intention to help us in everything and even take part in our productions.

The ground is ripe for creating a family theater club. But not in the narrow sense of “Family” as a union with parents, but in a broader sense: school family, where one for all and all for one.

Results of our club:

  • joint work of various children's associations of additional education;
  • informal, extracurricular communication between children, teachers and parents, high school and junior school students, mutual assistance and assistance;
  • the final “product” is a MUSICAL PERFORMANCE, which premiered on December 24, 2012. Musical director Elena Viktorovna Chikatueva provided great assistance.

We showed our musical “Cat House” in kindergartens. Both children and adults had great fun.


  1. Great Musicals of the World (Reference Edition). M., 2002.
  2. History of the musical [Electronic resource]
  3. E.U. Campus About the musical. L, 1983.
  4. Kudinova T.N. From vaudeville to musicals. M., 1982.
  5. Mezhibovskaya R.Ya. We're playing a musical. M., 1988.
  6. [Electronic resource] //
  7. Chronology of the most famous musicals. I. Emelyanova.


(Based on a fairy tale by S. Marshak, revised.)

Chernyak Olga Vladimirovna

Correctional group teacher


Throughout the year, the children of the senior speech therapy group and I worked on the project “Dangers Around Us.” The project was used as a way to organize work with children on life safety issues. At the end of the project, the children and I staged the play “Cat’s House” in order to prevent fire hazards in everyday life.


(Based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak, adapted by teacher Chernyak O.V.)

Scenario for a children's theater (garden), where the children themselves will play.



2 Buffoons











(The Cat’s house is on stage, the shutters are closed. The Introduction sounds)

(Shutters open)


Listen, children, listen!

Once upon a time there was a cat in the world,

Overseas, Angora.

She lived differently from other cats:

I didn't sleep on the matting,

And in a cozy bedroom,

On a small bed,

She covered herself in scarlet

Warm blanket

And in a down pillow

She drowned her head.

(The buffoons enter and play on spoons)




Tili - boom!

There's a tall house in the yard!

Carved shutters,

The windows are painted!

And there's a carpet on the stairs,

Gold embroidered pattern.
On a patterned carpet.

The cat comes out in the morning

Cat: At me, at the Cat's,

Boots on my feet,

Boots on my feet,

And in the ears there are earrings.

The boots have varnish, varnish, varnish,

And the earrings are a trinket, a trinket, a trinket.

You can see every step, step, step,

And everyone hears the earrings!


Tili bim-bom! Tili bim-bom!

There is a tall house in the yard.

Tili bim-bom! Tili bim-bom!

The shutters are carved in it.
About a rich cat's house

We will also tell a fairy tale.

Sit and wait -

The fairy tale will be ahead

There will be a fairy tale, there will be a fairy tale,

A fairy tale will come!

1 Buffoon:

Opposite the house, at the gate,

An old cat lived in the gatehouse.

He served as a janitor for a century,

He guarded the master's house,

Sweeping the paths

In front of the Cat's house.

(Cat comes out, sweeps the paths)

2 Buffoon:

So we came to the rich aunt

Two orphan nephews.

They knocked on the window

To be allowed into the house:

(kittens come out and knock on the window)


Aunt, Aunt Cat!

Look out the window.

Kittens want to eat.

You live richly.

Warm us, Cat,

Feed me a little!

(Cat Vasily appears.)

CAT: Fuck you, beggars!

Perhaps you want some cream?

Here I am by the scruff of the neck!

(Kittens run away)

1 Buffoon:

A guest came to the rich cat -

Famous in the city of Kozel,

Be strict with your wife,

Long-horned goat.

(important Goat and Goat enter)

2 Buffoon: The fighting rooster appeared,

Behind the Rooster Mother Hen

(The Rooster and the Hen go into the house)

1 Buffoon: And behind the pockmarked neighbor,

The pig neighbors came

(Pig and boar)

(The cat turns to leave. Music. The cat turns around. The Goat and the Goat, the Rooster and the Hen, the Pig appear on the stage.)

Pig: Now the five of us have arrived

Take a look at your wonderful home.

The whole city is talking about him.


GOAT: Dear Mistress,

Sing to us and play!

Cat: Let's dance!

Dance - polka

Cat: Now I will sing for you!

Romance Cats

Guests: Incomparable! Bravo, bravo!

Really, you sang brilliantly!

2 Buffoon: Mistress and Vasily,

Mustachioed old cat.

Not carried out soon

Neighbors to the gate!

Rooster: What a wonderful cat house!

How good we had it!
The whole city is talking about him!

Cat: My home is always open for you!

Chicken: Yes, neighbor, this Wednesday,

Perhaps you should join us for lunch!

Goat: Don't forget to come to us,

Saturday night at six!

Pig: For our birthday
We are waiting for you on Sunday!

1 Buffoon:

Word by word -

And again the conversation

And at home in front of the stove

The fire burned through the carpet.

Fire Dance

2 Buffoon:

The cat Vasily has returned

And the Cat follows him -

Cat and Cat: Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!

March of Firemen

(1 fireman included)

1: Let's go, let's go to the fire!

Tili bom! Tili bom!

Cat's house caught fire!
Hey fire brigade

We must hurry!

2: Hurry, without delay...

Disassemble the axes.

We will bring down all the fences(they tear down the fence)

Let's put out the fire on earth! (stew)

Cat: Save the house from the flames,

Take out our things!

1: You will not save the good -

It's time for you to save yourself...

2: Watch out, the roof will collapse!

Run away in all directions!

( the house is collapsing)

Buffoons: So the cat's house collapsed,

Burned with all the goodness!

Theme of sadness

The cat walks towards the viewer with its paws outstretched)

Cat: Where will I live now?

Cat: What will I guard?

Act 2

(Cat and Cat go to Chicken's house)

Cat: A rooster and a hen live here.

You will let us in, godfathers.

We were left without housing.

And besides, on this Wednesday,

You called us for dinner.


We didn't call you forever,

And today is not Wednesday.

And we live a little crowded,

And we have chickens growing,

Young cockerels,

Brawlers, mischief makers,

(Chicks come out - dance)

(Cat and Cat leave, Rooster, Hen and Chickens enter their house)

Cat: Hey, hostess, let me in!

We were exhausted on the way!

It's raining and snowing outside,

You will be allowed in for the night.

(The goat and the goat come out from behind the house.)

GOAT: Yes, it's a bit crowded here.

Little goats are jumping here

(Kids do a dance with spoons)


Yes, it's a bit crowded here...

Knock on the pig's door -

There is a place in her apartment.

CAT: Well, Vasenka, let's go,

Let's knock on the third house.

(The Goat, the Goat and the Little Goats go behind their house.)

(Cat and Cat Vasily go to the Pig’s house, the song of the Piglets is heard)

(The piglets are sitting near the house)

The piglets are singing: I am a pig and you are a pig,

We are all brother pigs

Today they gave us, friends,

A whole basin of botvinya.

We are sitting on benches

We eat from bowls.

Oh liu-li,

Oh, darling,

We eat from bowls!

(The cat knocks on the Pig’s house. The Pig comes out from behind the house.)

Cat: That's how fun they sing!

Cat: We have found a shelter!


PIG and BOAR: Who's knocking?

CAT: Cat and Cat!

CAT: Let us in, Kumovya!

We were left without housing.

PIG and BOAR: We don’t have enough space ourselves -

There was nowhere to turn.

There are more spacious houses,

Knock there, godfather!

(The pig and the boar go behind their house.)

CAT: Ah, Vasily, my Vasily,

And they didn’t let us in here...

We went around the whole world -

We have no shelter anywhere!

The snowstorm is starting.

Blizzard Dance

(Cat and Cat approach the kittens’ house, and kittens are dancing there) They knock on the window of the house, Kittens look out from behind the house.)

1ST KITTEN: Who's knocking at the gate?

CAT: Yes, it’s me, Vasily the cat,

I ask you for an overnight stay!

2ND KITTEN: Oh, Vasily the Cat, is that you?

Is Aunt Cat with you?

1: And we are all day until dark

They knocked on your window.

2: You didn't open for us yesterday

Gates, old janitor!

CAT: What kind of janitor am I without a yard?

I am now a homeless child...

CAT: Sorry if I was

I'm guilty of you.

CAT: Now our house has burned to the ground,

Let us in, kittens!

1ST KITTEN: But we have a miserable house,

There is no stove, no roof.

2: We live almost under the sky,

And the floor was gnawed by mice.

Kittens: Although our place is cramped,

Even though we are poor,

But find us a place

It's not difficult for guests!

Cat: Tili-tili-tili-bom!

We finally found a home!

CAT: And the four of us guys,

Let's build a new house!

(they will build a new house)

CAT: Our new home is ready.

Tomorrow there will be a housewarming party -

There's fun all over the street!

All: Tili-tili-tili-bom!

Come to your new home!

(everyone goes out for the final song about friendship

We present to your attention a summary of the DED (direct educational activity) “Cat House”, which was developed for children of middle preschool age. This summary had practical application and received a positive response from both adults and children. Enjoy watching! Educator Tatyana Alekseevna Vorobyova, GBOU School No. 1467 (Pre-2), Moscow. January 31, 2017

Open display

cat house

As part of self-education
Forming the basics of fire safety in preschoolers
through the artistic word
Middle group No. 12

Target: developing fire safety skills in preschoolers through artistic expression.


  • teach children the rules of safe behavior in the event of a fire using the example of S. Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Cat’s House”;
  • teach to reason, think, find the correct answer based on the content of the work;
  • to create in children a feeling of increased danger towards fire;
  • to develop children’s independence in artistic, speech and theatrical and play activities;
  • consolidate accurate gluing skills;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous and safe household items;
  • develop creativity, confidence and a sense of mutual assistance, choral singing skills;
  • cultivate a sense of responsibility, love and interest in the artistic word.

Preliminary work:

  • reading the fairy tale “Cat’s House” by S. Ya. Marshak,
  • educational conversations on the topic: “Rules for using household electrical appliances”, “Violation of fire safety rules”;
  • memorizing poems on this topic.


  • house, cat costume; handkerchief;
  • hats: sparkles, hen, chicks, rooster, fox, bunnies, plume;
  • buckets; pomelo; flashlight; fox;
  • music for the heroes' exit;
  • cards with dangerous and safe objects (for each child);
  • signs: red and green circles;
  • cones;
  • telephones, numbers (1,0,2, 3,1) ,
  • glue, wet tissues - for each child;
  • multimedia screen for displaying illustrations;
  • laptop;
  • presentation “The ABCs of Fire Safety”;
  • music for the song “Song of Friends”;
  • souvenirs.

Children enter the hall.


I’ll tell you a secret: today we will find ourselves in a fairy tale. Guess which one.
And now about someone's house
We'll have a conversation.
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly
This house burned to the ground.
What kind of fairy tale?


Here is Koshkin's house. I'll knock and wake up the cat.

Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all!

Educator: Hello, Aunt Cat. Why are you so sad?

Cat: I now have a new home. And I'm afraid that there might be a fire in it again?

Educator: Don’t worry, the guys and I will teach you how to handle fire correctly, so that it is not an enemy, but a friend. But first, let's remember how everything was in the fairy tale.

Tili-bom, tili-bom
Cat's house caught fire
Sparks are flying all around.

Dance of sparks.

Reading poems

1 child.

I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy.
And I burn everything around.

2nd child.
If you want to save your property,
Don't leave when the stove is heating up!
When the stove is left unattended -
One ember can set your house on fire.

3 child.
Don't touch the matches!
There's fire in the matches!
Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember: she is small,
But from a small match
The house might burn down.

Tili-bom, tili-bom
Help, help,
Save the house from fire!

The cat jumped out
Her eyes bulged.

(The cat runs around the house, waving its arms)

Oh, trouble, my house is on fire,
From the porch to the roof,
Who will come running to help?

A chicken is running with a bucket,
Cat's house is flooded.

Hen (rings the bell):
Tili-bom, tili-bom,
The cat's house is on fire!
You chickens, don't sit, help your mother.

(The chickens run out and put out the fire together with the mother chicken.)

We can't handle it. Trouble!
I need daddy's help.

Petya, Petya the cockerel,
Help quickly, my friend.

And after her with all his might
A rooster runs with a broom.

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
Cat's house caught fire!
You, fox, run quickly
And put out our fire.

And a fox with a lantern.

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
Cat's house caught fire!
Little bunnies, run with the leaves,
Help, help.

Oh, let's run, run, run
And we'll put out the fire quickly.
(also tries to extinguish)

One, one,
One, one.
And the fire went out.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, did the cat do the right thing by running away from the burning house?

Educator: Why did a fire start in the cat's house?
Children's answers.

Educator: There are things and devices in the house that must be treated with care, because careless handling of them is what starts a fire.

Cat: What are these devices?

Educator: We will remind you about them now.

Outdoor game "Dangerous and safe items"

(The teacher gives the children cards with various household items: matches, toys, iron, stove, TV, pencils, books, etc. Children stand in a column.

Children’s task: run around the cones with a snake and stick their card to the desired sign (red circle - dangerous objects, green circle - safe objects).

After the game, the teacher and the children check the correctness of the completed task.

Educator: What if suddenly a fire started in the house. Who should I call?

Brave guys
They will come to your aid,
On a dangerous road
Take water with you!
101, help!
Put out the fire in the house!

Cat: How can I remember and not forget this necessary number?
Educator: We will give you a reminder, and you will never forget this number!

Productive activity“Telephone memo with fire department number”

There are numbers on the table in front of the children. On the “telephone” blank, children lay out and glue the number of the fire department. After that, they give their works to the Cat.

Cat: Thank you. I’ll take it to my house, hang it near my phone and give it to all my friends.

Educator: Aunt Cat, there are also “Fire Safety Rules”. I suggest you listen to them.

Presentation “The ABCs of Fire Safety”.

The child tells.

Bottom line.
Educator: We talked a lot about fire today. I suggest you play the latest game, which will help you test how well you know fire safety rules.

Didactic game “Finish the sentence”
(Children stand in a circle. Pass the light around the circle, answering the teacher’s questions.)

One, two, three, four - who has a fire in...? (apartment)
Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who hasn't turned off...? (iron)
To save you from trouble. We encourage everyone: “Friends, play with flames...? (It is forbidden!) "
Fire is a man's friend, but in vain...? (don't touch!)
If you indulge, then troubles...? (not to be missed!)
Lighting a fire near the house, strictly...? (prohibited!)
So how can that fire spread to... (house.)
A red glow ran. Who's with the matches... ? (played)
The table and cabinet burned down at once. Who dried clothes over... ? (gas)
Remember, every citizen, this number....? (101)
I saw smoke - don’t yawn. And firefighters...? (call)
It should be clear to everyone that playing with fire...? (dangerous)

Educator: Let's all sing together "The Song of Young Firemen."

1.We are going, going, going,
Fearless friends
We rush to help people
And we can’t hesitate!
It’s not easy for firefighters throughout the country to live,
And the song says,
About how important we are.

Chorus: And now we will sing to you:
Don't joke with fire!
It is dangerous to burn matches
Let's explain clearly.
To avoid trouble:
Don't take matches! (2 times)

2. And if trouble happens,
So don't get lost,
Call the firefighters -
They will come to you.
Brave guys
They will come to your aid,
On a dangerous road
Take water with you!

Chorus. (Same)

Cat: Thanks guys. You taught me a lot. To remember our meeting, I want to give you books.

More interesting:

See also:

Knot pendant (folk toy)
Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 1 "Solnyshko" (Nekrasovskoye village) Irina Vladimirovna Larionova prepared a master...

I draw myself
An article devoted to a current problem - the level of a child’s drawing in class and at home. I draw myself...


(Based on a fairy tale by S. Marshak.)

Scenario for a children's theater (garden), where the children themselves will play.





STORYTELLER: Tili-tili-tili-bom!
The cat had a new home.
Carved shutters,
The windows are painted.
And all around is a wide yard.
There is a fence on four sides.

Opposite the house, at the gate,
An old cat lived in the gatehouse.
He served as a janitor for a century,
He guarded the master's house,
Sweeping the paths
In front of the Cat's house,
He stood at the gate with a broom,
He drove strangers away...

So we came to the rich aunt
Two orphan nephews.
They knocked on the window
To be allowed into the house:

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a beautiful house (you can draw a house). Kittens appear.)

1ST KITTEN: Aunt, Aunt Cat!
2ND KITTEN: Look out the window.
1ST KITTEN: Kittens want to eat.
2ND KITTEN: You live richly.
1ST KITTEN: Warm us, Cat,
2ND KITTEN: Feed me a little!

(Cat Vasily appears.)

CAT VASILY: Who's knocking at the gate?
I am the cat's janitor, old cat!

KITTENS: We are Cat's nephews!

CAT VASILY: Here I'll give you some gingerbread!
We have countless nephews,
And everyone wants to drink and eat!

1ST KITTEN: Tell our aunt:
2ND KITTEN: We are orphans
1ST KITTEN: Our hut is without a roof,
2ND KITTEN: And the floor was gnawed by mice,
1ST KITTEN: And the wind blows through the cracks,
2ND KITTEN: And we ate the bread a long time ago...
1ST KITTEN: Tell your mistress!

CAT VASILY: Fuck you, beggars!
Perhaps you want some cream?
Here I am by the scruff of the neck!

(The kittens go off stage. The Cat appears.)

CAT: Who were you talking to, old cat?
My gatekeeper Vasily?

CAT VASILY: The kittens were at the gate -
They asked for food.

CAT: What a disgrace! I was there myself
I was once a kitten.
Then to the neighboring houses
The kittens didn't climb.

What do they want from us?
Slackers and rogues?
For starving kittens
There are shelters in the city!

(The cat turns to leave. Music. The cat turns around. The Goat and the Goat, the Rooster and the Hen, the Pig appear on the stage.)

CAT: Welcome, friends,
I am sincerely glad to see you.

(The cat hurries towards the guests.)

CAT: Kozel Kozlovich, how are you?
I've been waiting for you for a long time!

GOAT: My respects, Cat!
We got a little wet.
The rain caught us on the way,
We had to walk through puddles.

GOAT: Yes, today my husband and I
We walked through puddles all the time.

CAT: Hello my Pete-Cockerel!

ROOSTER: Thank you Ku-ka-riku!

CAT: And you, mother hen,
I see it very rarely!

CHICKEN: It’s really not easy to go to you -
You live very far away.
We, poor hens,
Such homebodies!

CAT: Hello, Aunt Pig.
How is your lovely family?

PIG: Thank you, Kitty, oink-oink,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Me and family for now
Our life is not bad at all.
Your little piglets
I send you to kindergarten
My husband looks after the house
And I go to see my friends.

GOAT: Now the five of us have arrived
Take a look at your wonderful home.
The whole city is talking about him.

CAT: My home is always open for you!

(Music. Vasily the cat (or two stage assistants) moves aside the riser (or screen) on which the drawing of a hut is fixed. Behind the riser we see a table, chairs and a painted stove with a fire, which is still covered with something, for example, a curtain.)

CAT: This is my dining room.
All the furniture in it is oak.
This is the chair -
They sit on it.
This is the table -
They eat after him.

PIG: This is the table -
They are sitting on it!...

GOAT: This is the chair -
They eat him!...

CAT: You are wrong, friends.
That's not what I said at all.
Why do you need our chairs?
You can sit on them.
Although the furniture is inedible,
It's comfortable to sit on.

GOAT: To tell the truth, the Goat and I
We are not used to eating at the table.
We love in freedom
Have lunch in the garden.

PIG: And put the Pig at the table
I'll put my feet on the table!

ROOSTER: (reproachfully) That's why it's about you
A very bad reputation!

(The cat approaches the piano (you can draw a piano or put a small one, for example, a toy one).)

CAT: I bought a piano
One donkey...

GOAT: Dear Mistress,
Sing to us and play!

CHICKEN: Let the Rooster crow with you...
It's inconvenient to boast
But he has excellent hearing,
And the voice is incomparable.

ROOSTER: I sing more often in the mornings,
Waking up on the roost.
But if it pleases you,
I will sing with you together.

GOAT: I'm just waiting for this.
Ah, sing a song like
An old song: “In the garden,
In the cabbage garden!

(The cat sits at the piano, sings (or speaks).)

CAT: Meow meow! Night has fallen
The first star shines.

ROOSTER: Oh, where have you gone?
Ku-ka-riku! Where-where?...

(The Rooster and the Cat seem to continue singing at the piano, and the Chicken and the Pig are listening to them. The Goat and the Goat leave, the Goat finds a flower in a pot and begins to eat it.))

GOAT: (To the goat) Listen, you fool, stop it
There is the owner's geranium!

GOAT: You try. Delicious.
It's like chewing a cabbage leaf.
Here's another pot.
Eat this flower too!

ROOSTER: (sings or speaks) Oh, where have you gone?
Ku-ka-riku! Where-where?...

GOAT: (stops chewing) Incomparable! Bravo, bravo!
Really, you sang brilliantly!
Sing something again.

CAT: No, let's dance...
I'll play the piano
I can do the Boston Waltz for you.

GOAT: No, play the goat gallop!

GOAT: Goat dance in the meadow!

ROOSTER: Cock dance is ringing
Please play for me!

PIG: For me, my friend, “The Three Little Pigs”!

CHICKEN: Play me a chicken waltz!

CAT: I can't, sorry
To please you all at once.
You dance what you want
If only there was a merry dance!

(Music. Everyone starts dancing. Suddenly the music stops and the voices of Kittens are heard.)

1ST KITTEN: Aunt, aunt cat,
2ND KITTEN: Look out the window!
1ST KITTEN: Let us spend the night
2ND KITTEN: Lay us down on the bed.
1ST KITTEN: If there is no bed,
2ND KITTEN: Let's lie down on the floor
1ST KITTEN: On a bench or stove,
2ND KITTEN: Or we can lie on the floor,
1ST KITTEN: And cover it with a matting!
2ND KITTEN: Aunt, Aunt Cat!

CAT: Vasily the Cat, curtain the window!
It's already getting dark.
Two stearin candles
Light it up for us in the dining room
Light a fire in the stove!

(The cat Vasily approaches the curtain, as if doing something there, then pulls back the curtain. We see a painted stove with a fire inside.)

CAT VASILY: You're welcome, it's ready!

CAT: Thank you, Vasenka, a friend could!
And you, friends, sit in a circle.
Found in front of the stove
There's a place for everyone.
Let the rain and snow knock on the glass:
It's cozy and warm...
Let's write a fairy tale!
The Goat will start, the Rooster will follow.
Then - Goat.
Behind her is a pig
And then Chicken and me!
(To the goat) Well! Get started!

GOAT: It's already dark!
It's time for us to hit the road!
You need to rest too!

CHICKEN: What a wonderful reception it was!

ROOSTER: What a wonderful cat house!

PIG: Goodbye, mistress, oink-oink!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I ask you on Sunday
To myself for my birthday.

CHICKEN: And I ask you on Wednesday
Welcome to dinner.
In my simple chicken coop
You and I will peck millet,
And then on the roost
Let's take a nap with you together!

GOAT: And we will ask you to come
Tuesday evening at six
For our goat pie
With cabbage and raspberries.
So don't forget, I'm waiting!

CAT: I'll definitely come,
Even though I'm a homebody
And I rarely go to visit...
Don't forget me too!

ROOSTER: Neighbor, from today
I am your servant until death.
Please believe me!

PIG: Well, my cat, goodbye
Visit me more often!

CAT: Farewell, goodbye
Thanks for the company.
Me and Vasily, old cat,
We escort the guests to the gate.

(Everyone leaves and goes behind the stage. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: Mistress and Vasily,
Mustachioed old cat
Not carried out soon
Neighbors to the gate.

Word by word -
And again the conversation
And at home in front of the stove
The fire burned through the carpet.

One more moment -
And a light light
Pine logs
Enveloped, enveloped.

Climbed the wallpaper
Climbed onto the table
And scattered in a swarm
Golden-winged bees.

The cat Vasily has returned
And the Cat follows him -
And suddenly they started saying:
Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!

With a crash, a click and a thunder
There was a fire over the new house,
Looks around
Waving his red sleeve.

How the rooks saw
This is the flame from the tower,
They blew the trumpet and rang:

Tili-tili, tili-bom!
Cat's house caught fire!

The cat's house caught fire,
A chicken is running with a bucket,
And behind her with all his might
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet - with sieve
And a goat - with a lantern!

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
So the cat's house collapsed!
Burned with all the goodness!

(Cat and Cat Vasily appear on the proscenium.)

CAT: Where will we live now?

CAT VASILY: What will I guard?...

(The cat is crying, Vasily the Cat is comforting her.)

STORYTELLER: Black smoke spreads in the wind;
The fire cat is crying...
There is no house, no yard,
No pillow, no carpet!

CAT: (stops crying) Ah, my Vasily, Vasily!
We were invited to the chicken coop,
Shouldn't we go to the Rooster?
There's a feather bed with down.

CAT VASILY: Well, mistress, let's go
Spend the night in a chicken house!

(Cat and Cat Vasily leave the proscenium.)


STORYTELLER: Here he is walking along the road
Cat Vasily chromogonium.
Stumbling, he wanders a little.
Leads the cat by the hand,
He squints at the fire in the window...
“A rooster and a hen live here?”
This must be the case here:
The cockerels are singing in the hallway.

(Music. The curtain opens. There are three houses on the stage (they can be drawn): a Hen with a Rooster, a Pig and a Goat with a Goat. A Cat and Vasily the Cat appear on the stage. They approach the house of the Hen and the Rooster. The Hen appears from behind the house. )

CAT: Ah, my godfather hen,
Compassionate neighbor!...
Now we have no housing...
Where will I live?
And Vasily, my gatekeeper?
Let us into your chicken coop!

CHICKEN: I'd be happy to do it myself
Shelter you, godfather,
But my husband is shaking with anger,
If guests come to us.
Uncooperative spouse
My cocky rooster...
He has such spurs
That I'm afraid to get into arguments with him!

(The Rooster appears from behind the house.)

ROOSTER: Ko-ko-ko! Ku-ka-riku!
No rest for the old man!

(The rooster goes behind the house.)

CAT: Why on this Wednesday
Did you call me for dinner?

CHICKEN: I didn't call forever
And today is not Wednesday.
And we live a little crowded,
I have chickens growing up
Young cockerels,
Brawlers, mischief makers,
Hungers, bullies,
They spend the whole day fighting,
They don't let us sleep at night,
They sing ahead of time.
Look, they're fighting again!

CHICKEN: Ah, robbers, villains!
Go away, godfather, quickly!
If they start a fight,
It will hit you and me too!

CAT: Well, it’s time for us, dear Vasya,
Get out.

CHICKEN: Knock on the next door
The Goat and the Goat live there!

CAT VASILY: Oh, it's sad for the homeless
Wander around the courtyards in the dark!

(The Chicken goes behind her house. The Cat and Vasily the Cat leave the Chicken’s house and go to the Goat’s house with the Goat.)

STORYTELLER: Vasily the Cat walks and wanders,
He leads the hostess by the arm.
There's an old house in front of them
On a hill by the river.

(The cat knocks on the Goat’s house.)

CAT: Hey, hostess, let me in!
This is me and Vasya the janitor...
You called to your place on Tuesday.
We couldn't wait long
Arrived ahead of time!

(The goat comes out from behind the house.)

GOAT: Good evening. I'm glad to see you!
But what do you want from us?

CAT: It's raining and snowing outside,
Let us stay for the night.

GOAT: There is no bed in our house.

CAT: We can also sleep on straw.
Don't spare us any corner!

GOAT: You ask the Goat.
My Goat is hornless though.
And the owner is very strict!

(Goat comes out from behind the house.)

CAT: What do you tell us, neighbor?

GOAT: (quiet) Say there's no room!

GOAT: The Goat just told me
That we don't have enough space here.
I can't argue with her -
Her horns are longer.

GOAT: He's joking, apparently he's bearded!...
Yes, it's a bit crowded here...
Knock on the pig's door -
There is a place in her apartment.
From the gate you go left,
And you will reach the stable.

CAT: Well, Vasenka, let's go,
Let's knock on the third house.
Oh, how hard it is to be homeless!

GOAT: Be healthy!

(Goat and Goat go behind their house.)

CAT: What should we do, Vasily?
They didn't let us in
Our former friends...
Will the pig tell us something?

(Cat and Cat Vasily go to the Pig’s house.)

CAT VASILY: Here is her fence and hut.
Piglets are looking out the window.
Ten fat piglets -
Everyone is sitting on benches.
Everyone is sitting on benches,
They eat from the bowls.

CAT: Let's knock on their window!

(The cat knocks on the Pig’s house. The Pig comes out from behind the house.)

PIG: Who's knocking?

CAT VASILY: Cat and Cat!

CAT: Let me in, Pig!
I was left homeless.
I'll wash your dishes
I will rock the piglets!

PIG: Not yours, godfather, sadness
Rock my piglets
And the cesspool
Good, although not washed.
I can't let you in
Stay in our house.
We don’t have enough space ourselves -
There was nowhere to turn.
My family is great:
My husband is a Boar, and I am a Pig,
We also have ten
Young piglets.
There are more spacious houses,
Knock there, godfather!

(The pig goes behind his house.)

CAT: Ah, Vasily, my Vasily,
And they didn’t let us in here...
We went around the whole world -
We have no shelter anywhere!

CAT VASILY: There's someone's house opposite,
And dark and cramped,
And poor and small
It seems to have grown into the ground.
Who lives in that house on the edge,
I don’t know myself yet.
Let's try again
Ask to spend the night!

(Music. The curtain closes. The Cat and Vasily the Cat appear on the proscenium and walk along it.)

STORYTELLER: Here he is walking along the road
Cat Vasily lame-footed
Stumbling, wandering a little,
He leads the cat by the hand.
The path goes down
And then he runs to the ramp.
And Aunt Cat doesn’t know
What's in the hut by the window -
Two little kittens
They sit under the window.


(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage there is a house of Kittens with a fence (the house can be drawn). The Cat and the Cat Vasily appear. The cat knocks on the house.)

STORYTELLER: The little ones hear that someone
I knocked on their gate.

(Kittens look out the window of the house or from behind the house.)

1ST KITTEN: Who's knocking at the gate?

CAT VASILY: I am the cat's janitor, old cat.
I ask you for an overnight stay,
Protect us from the snow!

2ND KITTEN: Oh, Vasily the Cat, is that you?
Is Aunt Cat with you?
And we are all day until dark
They knocked on your window.
You didn't open for us yesterday
Gates, old janitor!

CAT VASILY: What kind of janitor am I without a yard?
I am now a homeless child...

CAT: Sorry if I was
I'm guilty of you.

CAT VASILY: Now our house has burned to the ground,
Let us in, kittens!

1ST KITTEN: I'm ready to forget forever
Insults and ridicule
But for wandering cats
There are night shelters in the city!

CAT: I can't get to the shelter.
I'm shaking all over from the wind!

CAT VASILY: There's a roundabout way there
Four kilometers.

CAT: And on the short way
You can’t even get there!

2ND KITTEN: Well, what do you say, big brother,
Open the gate for them?

CAT VASILY: To tell the truth, go back
We don’t feel like wandering...

1ST KITTEN: Well, what can you do!
In the rain and snow
You can't be homeless.
Who asked for an overnight stay -
He will sooner understand the other.
Who knows how wet the water is
How terrible the bitter cold is.
He will never leave
Passers-by without shelter!

2ND KITTEN: But we have a miserable house,
There is no stove, no roof.
We live almost under the sky,
And the floor was gnawed by mice.

CAT VASILY: And the four of us guys,
Maybe we'll fix up the old house.
I am both a stove maker and a carpenter,
And a mouse hunter!

CAT: I will be your second mother.
I know how to skim cream.
I will catch mice
Wash dishes with your tongue...
Let your poor relatives in!

1ST KITTEN: Yes, I’m not driving you away, auntie!
Even though our place is cramped,
Even though we are poor,
But find us a place
It's easy for guests.

2ND KITTEN: We don't have a pillow
There is no blanket either.
We cling to each other,
To make it warmer.

CAT: Are you hugging each other?
Poor kittens!
It's a pity, we'll give you pillows
They didn’t give it once...

CAT VASILY: They didn't give me a bed
They didn't give me feather beds...
It would be very useful
Nowadays it's chicken fluff.
Your aunt will feel cold
Yes, and I have a cold...
Maybe you'll find
Bread for dinner?

2ND KITTEN: (shows a bucket) Here's a bucket for you,
Full of water.

1ST KITTEN: Even though our place is cramped,
Even though we are poor,
But find us a place
It's not difficult for guests!

CAT: I want to sleep - there is no urine!
Finally, I found a home.

(The cat turns to the hall.)

CAT: Well, friends, good night...
The four of us will live here!

(Cat, Vasily the Cat and Kittens enter the house. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: Bim-bom! Tili-bom!
There was a cat's house in the world.
On the right, on the left - the porch,
Red railings,
Carved shutters,
The windows are painted.

The cat's house burned down.
There is no sign of him.
Either he was there or he wasn’t...

And we have a rumor -
The old cat is alive.
Lives with nephews!
She is reputed to be a homebody.

Such a homebody!
Rarely comes out of the gate,
Catches mice in the cellar,
At home she nurses babies.

The old cat has also become wiser.
He's not the same anymore.
During the day he goes to work
On a dark night - go hunting.
All evening long
Sings songs to children...

The orphans will soon grow up,
They will become bigger than the old aunt.
The four of them live together closely -
We need to build a new house.

(Cat, Vasily the Cat and Kittens come to the forefront.)

CAT: Definitely a must!
CAT VASILY: Come on, strong! Come on, together!
1ST KITTEN: The whole family, four of us,
2ND KITTEN: We will build a new house!

ALL: And our new home is ready!

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a new house - very beautiful. It is held on one side by the Cat and the 1st Kitten, on the other side by the Cat Vasily and the 2nd Kitten.)

CAT: Tomorrow there will be a housewarming party.

CAT VASILY: There's fun all over the street.

ALL: Tili-tili-tili-bom!
Come to your new home!

(Music. The curtain closes.)