Why you can’t treat teeth for a cold. Is it possible to treat caries or remove teeth during a cold with a runny nose and fever? Complications during dental interventions

Bacteria that provoke the development of acute respiratory viral infections infect the body unexpectedly and develop with incredible speed. This usually occurs due to immunity weakened by nervous stress and other external factors.

In addition, a cold may appear along with a cold, causing unbearable suffering to the patient. In such a situation, the issue of contacting a dentist becomes more pressing than the help of a therapist. But is it possible to treat teeth (or, what is even more difficult, remove them) in the presence of fever, sore throat and other symptoms that indicate a cold? Many people face this question at least once in their lives.

How does a cold affect the body?

It is generally accepted that colds are transmitted by airborne droplets. When viruses enter a healthy body, they create the ground for their reproduction. An infected person experiences excessive saliva production, runny nose, sore throat, fever and cough. This chain of symptoms provokes the flight of small particles of saliva, saturated with a huge number of viruses, from the mouth of an already sick person into the airspace. This creates a chain of transmission of ARVI.

In addition, colds are transmitted through contact. The virus overcomes many natural barriers in the body person before it affects the body. The main transmission mechanism is the hands. The patient constantly covers his mouth with his hand when coughing or sneezing, and then, for example, by shaking hands, he infects a healthy person.

Once a cold infection enters the body, it goes through an incubation period. On average it lasts up to 2 days. It then manifests itself in two directions. This is catarrhal and intoxication syndrome. The first has the following symptoms:

  • dryness in the mouth and throat;
  • due to damage to the bronchi, an expectorant reflex occurs in the form of a cough;
  • The nose gets stuffy and the person sneezes constantly.

The second syndrome occurs much later and is characterized by fever, muscle pain and chills. In severe cases, the patient experiences nausea and there is a risk of fainting.

The main reasons for the development of colds are a weakened immune system and hypothermia. When the peak of the disease is reached, the body receives additional stress.

Due to stress, general weakness of the body and lack of nutrients, a person’s teeth begin to decay. In such a situation, every normal person will want to go to the dentist to cure a bad tooth, but not everything is so simple; for a cold, treatment at the dentist, alas, is not always possible and acceptable.

The desire to be healthy is laudable, but...

What symptoms characteristic of a cold can serve as a reason for postponing a visit to the dentist and why?

If a cold progresses, your throat hurts, your temperature rises and you have a runny nose, experts recommend postponing your visit to the dentist for dental treatment. The reasons for this are:

  • it is difficult to keep your mouth constantly open during dental treatment when your nose is completely stuffy;
  • It will be impossible for the dentist to perform manipulations in the oral cavity if the patient has an intense cough.

Doctors also advise postponing a visit to the dentist if you have an acute respiratory viral infection due to a weakened immune system. This condition can become more complicated and cause a set of serious consequences. For example, the risk of infection increases significantly, since pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity can easily penetrate deep into the body.

Dental procedures require extra strength. Therapists have their own point of view on why it is better not to treat or remove teeth until the cold is completely eliminated:

  • dental procedures are accompanied by the appearance of open wounds where bacteria and viruses can enter, which are especially dangerous when the body is weakened;
  • medications with anesthetic substances weakly anesthetize a sore tooth when the body is affected by ARVI;
  • When undergoing procedures, it is easy to transmit a cold infection to the doctor and other patients.

For patients with a sore throat, treatment is usually delayed until the symptom resolves. But there are a number of cases when procedures in the dental office cannot be postponed until better times. This is an acute inflammatory process with purulent pathology and the appearance of flux.

In any case, going to the dentist with a fever is not recommended, since this is how the body fights infection and the immune system is weakened.

When treatment is still acceptable and even necessary

As is known from medical practice, in most cases, ARVI is accompanied by high fever, cough and many other symptoms. But there are a number of factors when it is permissible to undergo dental procedures even in this case.

These are cases of urgent need:

  • progress of inflammatory processes in the tooth structure;
  • there is a high probability that at the next stage of the disease it will appear.

In such cases, the dentist will always undertake treatment, despite the acute phase of ARVI.

Everyone knows what unbearable toothache is. In medical practice, there are many examples when specialists urgently begin treatment, despite the progressing cold infection in the body.

Such cases include:

  • instant development of inflammation in the tooth structure;
  • inflammation is accompanied by suppuration;
  • rapid development of flux.

In such situations, visiting a dentist is vital. It should not be put off even if there is no strength to get out of bed.

General rules for dental treatment for colds

When the body is affected by an infection and at the same time there is toothache, the patient feels incredible suffering. Often he needs to resort to independent actions, since visiting the dental office unless absolutely necessary is not recommended until complete recovery.

In such a situation, the following rules should be followed:

  • independent treatment cannot be carried out without consulting a specialist;
  • Before going to a consultation, you need to take a painkiller in the form of Analgin, No-shpa or Spazmalgon.

Inflammation of the triple nerve, which causes pain, can be treated with electrophoresis or antibiotics. Such procedures are prescribed according to individual indications. It all depends on the strength and unbearability of the toothache.

Is it possible to remove a tooth if you have a sore throat and fever?

A fever during a cold indicates that the body is intensively fighting harmful bacteria; it is usually not recommended to treat and remove teeth in this condition, since this can only cause harm, due to the fact that the wounds in the oral cavity will heal poorly and become inflamed. Therefore, the dentist decides on tooth extraction together with the therapist.

Specialists jointly solve the following problems:

  • developing antiviral therapy;
  • prescribe procedures to strengthen the immune system;
  • carry out disinfection of all possible cracks and scratches in the oral cavity;
  • treat the wound with antibacterial agents after tooth extraction surgery;
  • special means are used to protect the dentist from ARVI infection.

How to relieve toothache during a cold?

With a cold, it may appear. It may be accompanied by pain during eating, when eating salty, sour or sweet foods.

To relieve pain, medications with an analgesic effect are prescribed. In case of severe pain, the patient is referred to physiotherapeutic procedures after the recommendations of the dentist.

In addition, in such cases you can use. Many of them are characterized by high efficiency.

Pain caused by hypersensitivity can be relieved if:

  • rub sore gums;
  • rinse your teeth with a decoction of yarrow;
  • rinse the mouth with a decoction of sage and thyme leaves;
  • Place a small slice of lard between the sore spot and your cheek.

Many people, having fallen ill with ARVI, forget to do basic things. Do not rinse your mouth after taking medications or food, and also, citing weakness, not at night.

Such inactivity leads to toothache. To avoid this, you need to remember basic hygiene rules even during an acute period of illness.

Regular visits to the dentist and compliance with all hygiene standards are very important for a beautiful smile and the health of all teeth.

However, what should you do if you experience symptoms such as a runny nose and throat discomfort before visiting the dentist? Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold?

Any disease is a strong stress for the body. A visit to a dental clinic to remove a tooth, treat caries, and eliminate other problems is always accompanied by nervous tension.

Naturally, for an organism that is weakened by a cold, unnecessary stress will not be beneficial. But if the tooth hurts very badly and treatment cannot be postponed, then you still need to visit the dentist.

Doctors do not give a definite answer to the question of whether a person with cold symptoms should be treated for caries. But still, therapists and dentists recommend curing a cold and only then taking care of your oral health.

This is explained by the fact that during the course of ARVI, the vital activity of pathogenic microflora and bacteria is activated, so the body spends a lot of energy on destroying microbes.

As a result, immune forces are depleted. Therefore, there is a very high probability that open wounds and areas arising during surgical and dental procedures will become infected.

Therefore, if you need to visit a dentist to remove a tooth, cure pulpitis or carious disease, then it is advisable to wait until the symptoms of ARVI disappear completely. In addition, it will be uncomfortable for the patient to sit motionless in the dental chair for about 30 minutes, with his mouth open, snot flowing and his throat sore.

Another contraindication to dental procedures during a cold is that analgesics and antiseptics can have an adverse effect on a depleted body.

And from an ethical point of view, there is a high risk that a patient who has a cold will infect the doctor during dental procedures.

An exception

Despite the fact that it is not recommended to go to the dentist for acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, such diseases are still not considered an absolute contraindication to treatment of teeth and gums. Therefore, if the situation is urgent, then the doctor will definitely carry out all the necessary procedures. Indications for dental intervention for colds are:

  1. rapid development of purulent inflammation;
  2. flux.

But it is better for a person with a cold to hold off on tooth extraction, because an open wound is an ideal place for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

However, if the procedure is carried out by an experienced dentist using high-quality antiseptic drugs, then the oral cavity will be disinfected and there is no need to worry about adverse consequences.

Moreover, the use of modern techniques almost completely eliminates infection of the gums and dental tissues during dental procedures.

In some cases, discomfort in the teeth and gums may occur due to a cold. The fact is that the body is a complex mechanism and disruption of the functioning of its individual components affects the functioning of other systems.

With colds and flu, the respiratory tract is often affected, causing the paranasal sinuses to become inflamed. Thus, a slippery substance accumulates on the nasal mucosa, which blocks the nasal passages, creating pressure in them.

Therefore, when you have a cold, you may experience toothache. To eliminate discomfort, you should take the following measures:

  • Constantly rinsing the mouth with a soda solution or sage decoction will eliminate inflammation and reduce irritation from the periodontal tissues.
  • The use of special dental drops based on camphor and valerian, which will relieve pain and have a calming effect.

It is worth noting that if the above treatment is not effective, it is necessary to seek dental help. Otherwise, various complications may develop.

It turns out that dental treatment during a runny nose is undesirable, since dental tissue can be infected, which will only intensify the symptoms of dental disease. Moreover, if a cold is accompanied by a manifestation such as high fever, then it is better to stay in bed and stay at home. But, if the pain in the teeth is too severe and an inflammatory process and other problems develop, then of course you should not postpone your visit to the dentist.

The video in this article will help you find out what to do immediately if you have a cold.

A cold can become an obstacle to the implementation of plans at any time of the year, and visiting the dentist is no exception. If you have any doubts about the possibility of dental treatment, contact your doctor; a qualified specialist will help you make the right decision. Any disease is stress for the body, is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and slows down the healing process. Dental treatment during ARVI can cause a sharp deterioration in health.

Features of the disease

There is a widespread misconception about the safety of colds for an adult; most people disdain the need for bed rest and limiting exercise until complete recovery. When the first signs of ARVI appear: sore throat, nasal congestion, treatment should begin, ideally under the supervision of a qualified specialist. Complications after a cold are common: kidney and heart diseases. After the first signs, a cough, runny nose begins, the temperature rises, and the disease develops rapidly. Many suffer from a cold “on their feet”, doing their usual things, visiting public places, limiting themselves to taking modern medications that do not cure, but relieve symptoms.

ARVI is a threat to others; viruses live indoors for more than 7 hours. A visit to the dental office by a sick person is accompanied by the risk of infection of staff and visitors. Dental treatment during ARVI is a risk for the patient himself; the weakened body does not resist and is not protected from other infections and viruses.

Visiting the dentist if you have a cold

There is no consensus regarding the possibility of dental treatment for colds; doctors act according to the circumstances. For example, acute toothache is the basis for immediate treatment. In certain situations, the patient does not want to reschedule a visit to the doctor; clinic staff have the right to refuse to provide services in order to prevent infection of other patients.

Explanations from a qualified specialist will help you make the right decision and cancel your planned visit to the dentist. Dental treatment is accompanied by the risk of injury to the gums; wounds are a “road” for infection. In addition, painkillers can become a cause of deterioration of well-being during ARVI. A cough and runny nose are an obstacle to the dentist’s manipulations; the patient cannot stand it with his mouth open for a long time. Pauses have a negative impact on the quality of treatment; in addition, the possibility of infection of the doctor cannot be ruled out.

Exceptional cases of dental treatment for colds

In certain situations, dental treatment for ARVI is inevitable. Often a cold is accompanied by the development of fluxes, which are a serious threat to the entire body. Pus is a real danger to the patient’s life; fluxes should be treated in the early stages to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences to a minimum. If possible, the doctor tolerates tooth extraction; an open wound is a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and microbes; in addition, the healing process is delayed due to weakened immunity.

Viral diseases are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, headaches; patients take antipyretics and painkillers, which are not always compatible with drugs used in dentistry. The patient must inform the doctor about the medications he is taking.

The acute stage of a cold lasts on average 3-4 days, subject to the doctor’s recommendations, bed rest, and proceeds without complications. Both the patient and the doctor are interested in rescheduling a planned visit to the dental clinic. The patient recovers in comfortable conditions, medical workers are protected from bacteria and viruses. If it is impossible to postpone treatment, the specialist takes additional precautions and ventilates or quartzizes the room after the appointment.

If necessary, the dentist will provide assistance, for example, installing a temporary filling until the patient fully recovers. Often, after visiting the dentist during an acute respiratory viral infection, the patient experiences pain in the tooth area; the body’s reaction goes away after a few days. Periodic visits to the dental office are a rule that patients must follow, regardless of age or employment. Preventative dental examinations will eliminate the need to make a responsible decision during an exacerbation of a cold.

Viral diseases, such as flu and colds, tend to start when you least expect them. And viruses are not at all worried about the fact that you have an appointment with the dentist.

Fever, runny nose, weakness, headache, but there’s no way to postpone tomorrow’s visit? Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during colds.

Why not

Before accurately answering this question, it is necessary to firmly understand that any disease is a stressful situation for the body, which means it significantly weakens its protective functions, forcing the immune system to work beyond its capabilities.

Impacts on teeth, as well as any interference in a functioning organism from the outside, represent a stressful situation. It, superimposed on the already weakened immunity due to the virus, can cause complications, the outcome of which is quite difficult to predict. Of course, not everyone will develop complications, but if we are talking about health, then it is better not to take risks.

In addition to the general weakening of the body, there are other reasons why you should postpone a visit to the doctor, even if your tooth hurts, until you have completely recovered:

  • Due to weakened immunity, the body is more easily susceptible to infections, and pathogenic organisms from the oral cavity can penetrate deeper without much hindrance.
  • Dental manipulations often lead to the formation of open wounds, which also serve as excellent entry points for the infectious process.
  • Drugs with an analgesic effect do not always work well on an organism weakened by a viral disease.
  • If you have a cold that is accompanied by a runny nose, it is difficult to stay in the dental chair for a long time with your mouth open.
  • Cough is a frequent accompaniment of a cold, which also does not contribute to successful manipulations with the oral cavity.
  • During dental treatment, you can infect your dentist.

If you take into account everything that is said above, then it is still better to postpone going to the dentist until you recover.

When treatment is necessary

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are not a strict contraindication for treating diseased teeth, although dental procedures during their course are extremely undesirable.

Sometimes dental treatment during a cold is necessary. Such situations include:

  • Rapid development of the inflammatory process.
  • Acute and progressive purulent inflammation.
  • High probability of flux development.

Treatment for a cold on the lip

The herpes simplex virus, according to research, lives in the bodies of 90% of people. The virus usually appears when the immune system is weakened, due to stress, or hypothermia.

People often wonder whether it is possible to treat teeth if they have a cold on the lip, and some patients are completely sure that there is nothing wrong with small bubbles and they will not interfere with the dentist. This is mistake.

For diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and caries, as well as during tooth extraction, a cold on the lips is a strict contraindication for manipulation.

Most medical procedures in the oral cavity lead to mechanical damage to tissue, and in this case the virus easily penetrates inside. As a result, a disease such as herpetic stomatitis develops, in which not the lip, but the entire oral cavity is covered with wounds.

What to do

Sometimes toothache makes you want to climb the wall, but dental procedures are prohibited due to a viral disease. In this case, you can use one of the methods below to relieve the pain. Do not forget that the choice of method is best agreed with your doctor.

You can remove teeth and perform other dental procedures for a cold, although this is extremely undesirable. The virus is not a complete contraindication. Doctors usually advise you to think about your own health and postpone visiting the dentist to avoid complications.

Colds occur without warning. They are absolutely indifferent to the fact that a person has a planned visit to the dentist. However, is it possible to have dental treatment if you have a cold? This question interests many people who are faced with a similar situation.

Initially, you need to understand that any disease contributes to the emergence of a stressful situation in the body. Bacteria and germs weaken the immune system. Dental treatment is also stressful for the body. This means that with acute respiratory illnesses, the condition can only worsen.

Features of the development of the disease

Some people wrongly consider the cold to be a primitive ailment that can be easily cured in a day or two. In fact, this disease develops gradually. In the first few days, a person feels very lethargic and tired. Initially, the throat begins to feel sore. Then a runny nose occurs. The man begins to sneeze. After another day or two, a cough appears. The temperature rises slightly, to about 38 degrees, and lasts up to two days. There is no need to knock it down.

However, if such a disease is not treated and you endure it on your feet, doing everyday things and visiting public places, then ear inflammation or bronchitis may occur. Complications after a cold are very rare.

But indoors, acute respiratory viruses spread around a person at a distance of up to seven meters. From two to nine hours they can live in the air of the corresponding room. And the highest concentration is in the first few days of the disease.

This leads to the conclusion that visiting public places when you have a cold is extremely dangerous. This increases the risk of infecting other people. In addition, a weakened body, which spends a lot of strength and energy to resist an insidious disease, can easily catch some more dangerous infection.

Dental treatment for colds

Currently, experts disagree about the advisability of dental treatment for colds. However, if you have a strong desire, you should consult a dentist or therapist - they will help you find the optimal solution.

It should be understood that germs and bacteria significantly reduce immunity. As a result, a person may contract an infection. Dental procedures typically create open wounds. Infection can occur through them. Painkillers and anesthetics also negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Therefore, in order to avoid additional diseases, there is no need to treat your teeth when you have a cold. In addition, this disease is mainly accompanied by a cough and runny nose. In such a state, sitting for a long time with your mouth open and your head thrown back is at least difficult. Moreover, the patient can simply infect the dentist.

When is treatment acceptable?

Of course, acute respiratory illnesses are not a contraindication to dental treatment. However, it is still undesirable to perform dental procedures during this period. Although there are several cases in which treatment is not canceled.

For example, the development of fluxes or purulent inflammations due to the progression of a cold. In this case, tooth extraction is not advisable. After all, an open wound is an ideal place for pathogenic microbes and bacteria. If the therapist does not prescribe treatment for your teeth, then if you have a cold, it is better to stay at home and not rush around in lines at dental offices. After all, such treatment is excessive stress for the body and the possibility of additional infection.

Viral diseases can haunt you for a long time with weakness, headaches, runny nose and fever. During this period, the body works at the limit of its own capabilities. Therefore, he does not need additional medical intervention. Impact on teeth is also a stressful situation. Against the background of reduced immunity, this is fraught with complications with unpredictable outcomes. Therefore, the risk in this situation is not justified.

Of course, a systematic examination by a dentist, as well as compliance with hygienic rules for oral care are the key to a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. However, if you have a cold, treating tooth enamel is not the best solution. After all, the infection can penetrate directly into the dental tissue. This will only worsen the course of dental disease. It is advisable to remain in bed for several days, following the recommendations of the therapist, and regularly consult with your doctor in order to recover quickly and visit the dentist.