Modern methods of contraception. Natural types and methods of contraception. Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal products

Today, there is a huge selection of contraceptive methods for women that will help prevent unwanted pregnancy and maintain women's health for the possibility of having healthy children.

According to statistics, about half of girls lose their virginity before reaching the age of twenty. Moreover, in most cases the girls are not married. Two thirds have their first pregnancy terminated before the age of seventeen. The statistics are, of course, depressing. You can blame freedom of morals for everything, introduce all sorts of prohibitions, etc. However, nothing can be more effective than basic knowledge about contraceptive methods, which every girl must have. Only knowledge will help reduce the number of abortions among girls and young women who have not yet experienced the joys of motherhood, which carry with them various gynecological diseases, infertility and subsequent inability to bear a pregnancy. According to research by American experts in the field of oncology, it is the first abortion that provokes the development of cancer of the mammary glands and uterus.

The issue of contraception should be a top priority for sexually active young girls and women who are at least a little concerned about their future. So what do you need to know about contraception, and what methods exist?

Contraception means preventing the occurrence of unplanned pregnancy during casual relationships or regular sexual activity. Each woman can choose the most optimal method for herself. In this case, some nuances should be taken into account, among which should be the absence of pathological effects on the body, high contraceptive reliability and safety of the method, reversibility of the process (that is, after the end of their action there are no obstacles to pregnancy), being accessible and easy to use. The effectiveness of any contraceptive is expressed by the Pearl index, which is determined by the number of pregnancies in 100 women who used this method of contraception during the year.

Contraceptive methods for women are divided into groups:
Group 1 – provides for complete abstinence from sexual activity. This method is absolutely effective.

Group 2 - includes methods of contraception with low effectiveness, but which do not have either beneficial or harmful effects on the female body (rhythmic method (abstinence from sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation or the use of additional contraceptives during this period), intermittent sex, lactation method amenorrhea, temperature method, calendar method).

Group 3 – contraceptive methods with low effectiveness that do not have harmful effects, but at the same time exhibit some protective properties for the woman’s body (condom, vaginal diaphragm). Their advantage is that they prevent the possibility of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, and AIDS.

Group 4 – highly effective methods of contraception (hormonal contraceptives).

Group 5 – highly effective methods of contraception, but with the risk of developing a number of complications (intrauterine contraception, surgical sterilization of women or men).

Contraceptive methods are divided into:

  • hormonal;
  • intrauterine;
  • barrier;
  • surgical;
  • postcoital.
Hormonal method of contraception.
This method includes: combined (estrogen-gestagen) oral contraceptives (COCs), which are divided into monophasic oral agents with a constant dose of estrogen and gestagen, two-phase (the first 10 tablets contain estrogen, and the remaining eleven are combined), three-phase (include three type of tablets, their intake recreates the secretion of estrogens and gestagen during the menstrual cycle), vaginal rings and transdermal contraceptive system (Evra contraceptive patch), progestin oral contraceptives (mili-pili), long-acting injection contraceptives, implantation contraceptives (hormonal implant).

Oral contraceptives are the most common and popular methods of contraception today. This group of contraceptives is selected for each woman individually, taking into account her physiological characteristics, hormonal levels, and existing diseases. Third-generation birth control pills recreate a woman's normal menstrual cycle and have virtually no side effects. Their action is aimed at inhibiting the production of hormones that promote ovulation. Under their influence, some changes occur in the endometrium, due to which the fertilized egg is not able to implant. In addition, this group of contraceptives reduces the duration of menstruation, the amount of blood loss during the same period, reduces pain, and also reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Combined oral contraceptives have their disadvantages. Basically, when taking them, nausea, dizziness, headaches, irritability and mood swings may occur.

The main advantages of this method of contraception include high efficiency, positive effects on the woman’s body, including reproductive function, ease of use, and reversibility of the process. It has been proven that among women who regularly take this method of contraception for two years, the incidence of cancer of the reproductive system and mastopathy is reduced.

COCs have some contraindications, including thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, vascular hypertension, strokes, liver disease or dysfunction, hormone-dependent tumors, obesity, oncology, bleeding of unknown etiology. In addition, COCs should not be used by women over 35 who smoke.

Progestin oral contraceptives contain only progestins. These contraceptives are best used by mature women. As a rule, their use is prescribed to women with heavy and painful menstruation, mastalgia, PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Contraceptives of this group can be used even during breastfeeding, and they do not in any way affect the quality and quantity of milk.

Sufficiently long-term protection from unwanted pregnancy is provided by injectable contraceptives or implants inserted subcutaneously. These drugs constantly release special hormones in doses that prevent pregnancy. When using this group of contraceptives, there are the same side effects as when using oral contraceptives.

Intrauterine contraception (IUD).
Among intrauterine contraceptives, the most common is the IUD. Made from plastic or copper, the IUD is quickly and painlessly inserted into a woman’s uterus for two or 5 years. Modern intrauterine devices release doses of hormones that prevent the fertilization of the egg. Its action is aimed at reducing the viability of sperm, enhancing the spermicidal properties of the endometrium, reducing the viability of the egg, and also creates obstruction of the fallopian tubes and enhances the contractile function of the uterus, due to which pregnancy will not occur even as a result of fertilization.

This method of contraception also has its contraindications. The main ones are pregnancy, oncology of the uterus or its cervix, uterine bleeding, infections of the reproductive system.

Barrier methods of contraception and spermicides.
These include: male condoms, vaginal diaphragms, cervical caps and spermicides.

This method of contraception creates mechanical obstacles to the path of sperm into the vagina (condom), cervix (caps, diaphragms), and also blocks sperm activity (spermicides). The effectiveness of this method of contraception directly depends on correct use.

Surgical method of contraception.
This method of contraception is widespread throughout the world. Its effectiveness is absolute, since fertilization does not occur. Surgical contraception or sterilization is resorted to if a married couple has decided that they should no longer have children. This method does not affect sexual function in any way. Female sterilization is carried out through occlusion of the fallopian tubes using laparoscopic surgery, male sterilization through ligation of the vas deferens. After sterilization, it is impossible to restore the ability to bear children.

Postcoital contraception or emergency method of contraception.
Emergency contraception is a collective concept that combines a variety of methods of contraception, the use of which in the first 1–3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse prevents the onset of an unplanned pregnancy. Emergency contraception is used in cases where sexual intercourse not protected by other means has taken place, as well as in cases where pregnancy may pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother. Emergency or post-coital contraception is recommended for women who have been raped, if the integrity of the condom is broken, if the intrauterine contraceptive device falls out completely or incompletely, if sexual intercourse is interrupted, when ejaculation occurred earlier, as well as for women with irregular sex life. This type of contraception is not intended for permanent use; it cannot be considered as a contraceptive.

This type of contraception includes: the high-dose gestagenic drug Postinor. Taken immediately after sexual intercourse and 12 hours later, 2 tablets, oral contraceptives containing 50 mcg of estrogen (2 tablets 2 times with an interval of 12 hours) - Danazol 400 mg 3 times with intervals of 12 hours, Mifepristone 600 mg once or 200 mg per day for 5 days in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Each of the listed methods of contraception entails serious interference in the functional state of a woman’s reproductive system, the violation of which can cause the further development of ovarian dysfunction.

Temperature and calendar methods of contraception.
Temperature and calendar methods can only be used by healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle. However, these methods are not effective and are inferior to modern means. Most often, when using these methods, women make mistakes in calculations.

The temperature method is based on identifying the period during which, for physiological reasons, conception is impossible. During the menstrual cycle, a woman measures her basal temperature every morning immediately after waking up by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. When the temperature rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees, ovulation occurs. After 2-3 days, unfavorable days for conception follow. The possibility of fertilization occurs 4-5 days before the next ovulation.

The calendar method of contraception involves monthly recording of the start and end dates of menstruation in order to identify unfavorable days for conception.

Interrupted sexual intercourse.
The most popular, but not reliable method of contraception is interrupted coitus, in which the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. During sexual intercourse, a man must constantly control himself, which is difficult psychologically. In addition, during sexual intercourse, men release droplets of sperm, which is completely impossible to control. This drop is enough for fertilization to occur.

The choice of one or another method of contraception must be made together with a gynecologist, who, taking into account physiological characteristics and health status, will suggest the most optimal option for you.

The most common chemical contraceptive drugs are pills, suppositories or creams. Recently, tampons and sponges have also appeared. These are so-called “carrier drugs”. The principle of their action is approximately the following: the active substance is evenly distributed over the tampon/sponge and is retained in the vagina for a long time. Accordingly, the time of effectiveness of the active substance is extended (we will also talk about them in this article). For comparison: the validity period of a local contraceptive pill is 2 hours, and a tampon is about 12. In addition, a kind of mechanical barrier is created, which provides additional protection.

On vacation, a condom is best suited in all respects. However, it is known that not all men like to use it. So that the consequences of a love relationship do not have to be treated, much less undergo a vacuum or abortion, it is worth trying a chemical method of contraception. Moreover, this is precisely the method that depends on the woman. Another undeniable advantage is that, unlike a condom, it does not reduce sensitivity at all.

The method of application and principle of action for all chemical contraceptive drugs is the same: the product is inserted into the vagina and suppresses the activity of sperm. As a result, they lose mobility, i.e. they do not penetrate the cervical canal, but remain in the vagina, where conception is impossible even theoretically. Of course, contraception using chemicals has both its advantages and disadvantages.


  • can be bought at almost any pharmacy;
  • low cost;
  • compact packaging, convenient to carry in a handbag;
  • can be used together with a condom, does not destroy latex;
  • used immediately before sexual intercourse;
  • practically no side effects, with the exception of allergic reactions;
  • additional antiseptic and antimicrobial effect;
  • does not affect hormonal levels and normal vaginal microflora;
  • if pregnancy does occur, it proceeds normally, there is no risk of progression.

  • Minuses

  • it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions: wait until sexual intercourse; for 2 hours before and after sexual intercourse, do not wash the genitals with soapy water, because this leads to the destruction of the drug if tablets, suppositories or cream are used;
  • requires use before each sexual intercourse;
  • when using, hands must be clean to avoid infection (the drugs are administered deep into the vagina);
  • declared efficiency is 90%, in practice it is about 75%;
  • common allergic reactions.
  • Today, in the world of chemical contraception, the palm belongs to new generation drugs containing benzalkonium chloride or nonaxinalone. Citric acid, which was previously included in such preparations, is practically no longer used.

    Action benzalkonium chloride associated with the ability to destroy sperm membranes. To put it simply, their “tails” fall off. Unlike benzalkonium chloride nonaxinalone paralyzes sperm, suppressing their activity. The secondary effect of this substance is the creation of a mechanical barrier for male reproductive cells in the form of foam in front of the cervix.

    Each type of chemical contraceptive has its own effectiveness indicators and recommendations for use.

    New Generation Previous generation
    active substance benzalkonium chloride or nonaxinalone lemon acid
    80-75% very low

    dates, testimony

    in connection with antiseptic
    tic and antimicrobial
    toxic effect (on gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, enterococci, coryne-
    bacteria, staphylococci, candida fungi, herpes virus) suitable for rare sexual contacts;

    in case of opposite
    indications for hormonal and intramural
    accurate contraception;

    during breaks between taking hormonal contraceptives
    Second World War or in the first week of admission;

    if you miss a dose of contraceptive
    initial tablet;

    for women who do not have regular menstruation
    al cycle;

    during the interval between births and during breastfeeding.

    use together with a condom
    tive; in particularly urgent cases (for example, when a condom breaks or when other contraceptives
    Vov is simply out of stock).

    examples of contra-

    benzalkonium chloride: Pharmatex, Pharmagi-
    nex, Erotex

    nonaxinalone: Patentex-oval

    ceptin C

    In pharmacies, chemical contraceptives have different prices, even those that contain the same active substance. For example, the cost of benzalkonium chloride containing Pharmaginexa significantly lower than Pharmatexa. Does this mean that a more expensive product has a greater degree of protection? In fact, the price depends on the manufacturer and who first brought the drug to the market. For example, Pharmatex is the first drug based on benzalkonium chloride to appear on the market. Consequently, the manufacturing company - the French laboratory "Innotera" and the distributor "Innotek International" invested more money in conducting experiments in the creation of this drug, its promotion, and advertising campaign. Therefore, the final cost of the drug will be higher than that of its subsequent analogues. As for the degree of effectiveness, in practice it is the same.

    And now the most important thing is what you need to remember when using chemical contraceptives. Read the instructions carefully and try to follow them as closely as possible. If it is indicated that you need to use a new tablet or suppository before each sexual intercourse, do this strictly. Saving contraceptives in this case is inappropriate. In some situations, it is not very convenient to wait a certain time before sexual intercourse. Try to choose the best option for yourself. For example, the cream is effective immediately after administration. To avoid infection in the genitourinary system, keep your hands clean when using the drug. Only the external genitalia should be washed. If the drug is washed out of the vagina, its effectiveness is reduced to zero.

    Not everyone can tolerate the active substance in the base of the drug. Irritation, redness, itching, and burning may occur. Moreover, we draw attention to the fact that similar symptoms can appear in both women and men. If such symptoms occur, doctors advise either replacing the drug itself or only its form. For example, tablets for suppositories, suppositories for creams, etc. Remember - your comfort here depends only on you and on how much you are able to listen to your feelings and the body’s reactions to the effects of drugs.

    From medical practice

    There are cases when a partner does not have information about possible allergic reactions to a drug, encountered them and, without understanding what was going on, accused his partner of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Most often this happens when the partners' relationship is built only on sex.

    We will continue our story about contraceptive methods, but for now we hope that the information offered in this article will be useful and will prolong the pleasant moments of relaxation with no less pleasant memories after it.

    First a mystery. Let's say you have a hundred women. Of these, you gave a third into sexual slavery to the editorial office of the magazine (by the way, thank you). And of this third, another third are black. Attention, question: what is the Pearl index? Right. This is an index of failures, showing how many women out of a hundred, using the chosen means of protection for a year, will eventually become pregnant. The lower it is, the better the product. For example, for condoms this index is up to 12, which is quite a lot. What does black concubines have to do with it, you ask. Yes, the image is beautiful.

    We collected the data on the Pearl index in a table, and described the remaining pros and cons of all known contraceptives (both male and female) in detail.

    1. Condoms

    Better than anything they protect against infections. Efficiency - 85-90% (less only for mycoplasmosis and herpes).

    Safe, even indifferent to health, if you are not allergic to latex.

    They need to be bought, kept in your pocket and put on on time (according to the Sanders-Graham-Crosby study, 50% of women do not have this skill: they put their partner in protection after the start of the act).

    There is nothing to add to what has been said. Just to get a little boring. According to science, to achieve an impressive 95% effectiveness of a condom, you need to:
    ● inspect the condom packaging for damage;
    ● do not put it on inside out...
    ● ...and on the erect penis, to the end (follow me, Beavis, we said “end”!);
    ● always leave a spout at the end to collect sperm (you will be surprised, but this actually somehow increases the effectiveness of your latex friend);
    ● use exclusively water-based lubricants (leave butter to the heroes of “Tango in Paris”).

    2. Barrier contraception

    In our editorial office, full of hypocrites, and even Old Believers, there was not a person who could, without embarrassment, write down all the words of the expert on female contraception Tatyana Kaznacheeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Education and Science of Moscow State Medical University. Therefore, warn your woman: it is better to get information about suppositories and sponges not from a men's magazine or even from a women's magazine, but from a conversation with a personal gynecologist. However, we learned something. The diaphragm and the female condom, according to Tatyana, have not taken root in our country, despite the fact that “this rare condom, due to its larger surface area, is capable of protecting against STIs to a greater extent than the male condom.” Well, as for spermicidal products (creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories), their only advantage is their availability. There are at least three disadvantages.

    Spermicides can cause irritation and allergies not only for her, but also for you.

    They are so ineffective that young anemones are not recommended to use them at all due to frequent misfires.

    Most products need to be administered 20–30 minutes before the act and renewed with each subsequent one, and this is not always convenient.

    3. Vasectomy

    This method, with a stretch, can also be classified as a barrier method, only the barrier to the sperm is not foam tablets and latex, but your surgically tied vas deferens. Vasectomy does not affect sperm count, which is something that lovers of sperm count will appreciate.

    Contraception is always with you, it does not require you to download new firmware and generally take care of its maintenance.

    A vasectomy is only suitable if you have already had some children. Because it may not work out anymore...

    - ...since reconstructive surgery is a procedure several orders of magnitude more complex than basic knot tying. Its result is unpredictable. It often happens that it is completely impossible.

    4. Female sterilization

    Almost one hundred percent effective.

    One operation for life.

    It is regulated by law and even in our liberal (ha ha) country it is prohibited for nulliparous women under 35 years of age.

    A real operation - with preparation, hospitalization, anesthesia.

    Conditionally irreversible. Reconstructive surgery is possible, but there are a lot of reservations.

    There is, however, a method of reversible sterilization, when spiral-shaped devices are inserted into the mouths of the fallopian tubes, making it impossible for the egg and sperm to rendezvous. But this method is not widespread in our country, to put it mildly.

    5. COC tablets

    Few side effects. With continuous use for two years or more, they reduce the likelihood of developing various female diseases. No new ones are added.

    Long history of observations and quality control: tablets have been used in the civilized world for 50 years.

    They require daily intake and, as a result, the presence of a certain amount of gray matter in a woman’s head. If the dosage regimen is violated, COCs lose effectiveness.

    They are not subject to strict male control: it is impossible to understand by the type of pills what your woman is drinking - contraceptives or glycine, which means that deception and intrigue are likely (well, suddenly).

    Bad reputation: if your woman has decided that she will not “go on hormones,” then it will be logically impossible to convince her. Moreover, side effects like weight gain and headaches do occur even with the most modern wheels. True, noticeably less often than with “classical” drugs.

    If your woman is prejudiced only by the form of release of combined contraceptives, you can offer her a skin patch or vaginal ring. You don’t even have to blatantly lie that these remedies are more gentle and less hormonal. This is often true. Oh yes, there are also mini-pills! These do not contain estrogens at all, and besides, they are more harmless purely visually - due to their size.

    Combined contraceptive male educational program

    Gynecologist, Ph.D., Medical Adviser, MSD Pharmaceuticals LLC

    Pills containing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone must be taken daily for three weeks, then take a week's break during which menstruation occurs. The main mechanism of action is suppression of egg maturation. There are pills that do not contain estrogen, they contain analogues of progesterone (one of the female hormones) and are just as reliable as combination pills. Such drugs may be recommended for breastfeeding women or those for whom estrogens are contraindicated. The tablets are often packaged in a blister with a picture of flowers, but this is not necessary. They look like any other small tablets.

    It also contains analogues of two female sex hormones. The patch, measuring 4.5 by 4.5 cm, is self-adhered by the woman to a clean, dry butt. That is, sorry, skin. The mechanism of action is the suppression of ovulation. The color is beige and does not peel off by itself.

    Flexible vaginal ring
    Designed on the principle of a multilayer membrane. Continuously releases minimal (due to localization they should not be large) doses of estrogen and progestogen, which are absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of you know what. It couldn’t be simpler: a flexible ring with a diameter of 5.4 cm is inserted by the woman herself, you know where (following the example of a tampon). The location of the ring does not affect its effectiveness. The ring remains inside for three weeks, and, like a cat’s litter box, it’s best not to forget to change it. There is a one-week break between the removal of the old and the introduction of the new. The ring effectively suppresses the release of the egg. By the way, as private surveys show, some people really like it when their partner knows where (in none of our articles has this bashful euphemism been repeated such a terrifying number of times. - Editor's note) there is such a nice ring. This supposedly improves the sensation.

    6. Injections and implants

    The merciless need to take pills every day often leads to truly Zen riddles like “I forgot to take them for three days. Can I take three pills at once now?” In order not to answer endless questions from endless forum visitors, doctors came up with long-lasting solutions.

    Long-term effect: 3 months for injections and up to 5 years for implants.

    They do not require feats of self-discipline. Injections need to be done quite rarely, which the organizer or secretary will always remind you of - after all, she is also interested in this.

    All procedures are invasive and require a visit to the doctor. You can theoretically cope with an intramuscular injection, but not with subcutaneous implantation.

    No matter how few side effects modern drugs cause, in this case they are irreversible: if the injection is given and something goes wrong, then the entire duration of the drug will expire.

    7. Intrauterine devices

    The effectiveness of some “spiral” solutions is up to 99%.

    It’s very convenient to use: set it and forget it. Moreover, not for myself, but for her. And you have nothing to do with it at all. Although no, you will have to periodically monitor the position, forgive the details, of the “antennae” of the intrauterine device and monitor the service life. However, this mission is also unlikely to be entrusted to you.

    Can be used as early as six weeks after birth. You're so paranoid.

    There are no draconian restrictions on age and smoking, characteristic of COCs.

    Any foreign object in the body reduces local resistance to infection and gladly aggravates and aggravates its course, if it has already appeared. This also applies to the spiral.

    Your partner can no longer catch an STI. That is, both you and all her other men are now required to use condoms. So give them all this magazine - let them know that this is not a joke, and generally photocopy the article.

    Conventional copper intrauterine devices can, especially at first, cause discomfort, pain and all sorts of bleeding. Expensive hormonal systems like Mirena are almost devoid of such effects; their main disadvantage is the price, that is, the only parameter of the IUD that, for once, concerns you.

    There is one more important point to remember. This hellish remedy is famous for one unpleasant fact: pregnancy is still possible when using it. The sperm unites with the egg - life actually begins, but things do not go further than that. The resulting zygote cannot adhere to the wall of the uterus due to the local effects created by the spiral, so in some cases it does not care about the health of the mother and nests wherever it wants. It's called an ectopic pregnancy, and it's no laughing matter. Go to the hospital immediately!

    8. Natural methods

    They are always with you, you don’t need to buy them at the pharmacy. That is, you only pay with them for sex!

    Most so-called natural contraceptive methods do not work at all and are based on myths. Even for interrupted coitus, the Pearl index is very high, and for other tricks and subterfuges it is even higher.

    Again, there are studies showing the harm of interrupted intercourse for prostate health. They are not supported by the proper apparatus of evidence, but they are still somehow alarming.

    “I have safe days”, “She is breastfeeding. I read somewhere that it is possible”, “I went to the sauna, and sperm remain alive only at temperatures below 36 degrees” - what phrases do not resonate with joy in the hearts of irresponsible partners! Some even still believe in a lemon stuck in you know where (that’s it, this phrase will not be used again), and that you can’t get pregnant in the cowgirl position. Ha! I wouldn't believe it! Cash costs - zero. Zero hassle. Guarantees - well, let's say, not zero, but they are rather absent, if the word “guarantee” is correctly understood.

    In general, natural methods are among the most unreliable. Indeed, overheating of the scrotum sometimes prevents conception. And during the period of breastfeeding or severe stress, some women experience confusion and even complete loss of the ovulation mechanism. However, you should not rely on these vagaries of nature. Cunning spermatozoa are contained not only in sperm, but also in lubricant; they live in the communication routes, sometimes for ten days in a row (that is, they can hold out and greet the dawn of a “dangerous” day with a whoop). Do not consider all these dances with tambourines as serious methods of contraception and turn your attention, for example, to the most reliable method, according to experts. We saved it for last, of course.


    Just so you know, our consultants tried not to use the word “contraception” at all. Allegedly, there is a connotation of undesirability in it, and it should say “family planning.” Because the thing here is this: today you don’t plan it, but tomorrow amniotic fluid may well hit your head.

    Therefore, in most cases, especially with unfamiliar partners with whom you don’t even plan to have breakfast yet, doctors recommend using the “double Dutch method.” This is when a woman drinks COCs and a man uses a condom. Even in the case of the most chaotic lifestyle, such a tandem brings to zero not only the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the risk of contracting an STI.

    Well, if you both realized that children are exactly the reason you need to take out another consumer loan from the bank, you can always abandon the Dutch method.

    Spermicides- creams, gels, aerosol foams, as well as foam and non-foam suppositories containing an active component that inactivates sperm within a few seconds (maximum 2 minutes). Typically used in conjunction with other contraceptives such as diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, and condoms. 3% of women use only spermicides.

    2 types of substances are used as the active ingredient

      Surfactants (eg, nonoxynol-9)

      Inhibitors of active enzymes.

    The active ingredients destroy sperm, reduce their motility, or inactivate enzymes necessary for sperm to penetrate the egg. Some sperm that penetrate the cervical mucus after exposure to spermicide have reduced fertility.

      Must be combined with barrier contraceptive methods.

      Spermicide should be re-injected with each sexual intercourse.

      After sexual intercourse using spermicide, douching should not be done for 6-8 hours.

      After use, the applicator should be rinsed with water.

    Indications: contraception in women with a reduced risk of pregnancy (rare sexual intercourse or late reproductive age); combination with a rhythmic method of contraception; temporary break in the use of IUDs or oral contraceptives.

    Flaws: relatively low contraceptive effect (pregnancy rate is 25-30 cases per 100 women per year), the possibility of teratogenic effects on the fetus during pregnancy.

    Advantages. Protects against sexually transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammation, especially when combined with barrier methods of contraception. It has been established that nonoxynol-9 also inactivates gonococci, genital herpes virus, Trichomonas, Treponema pallidum and even HIV.

    SEXUAL INTERRUPTION (coitus interrupt)

    Normal sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation outside the woman's genital tract.

    The method has many disadvantages:

      Low contraceptive effect (15-30 pregnancies per 100 woman year) 60% of women do not experience orgasm

      With prolonged use, the development of congestion in the pelvis, frigidity, and ovarian dysfunction is possible.

      In men, long-term use can cause neurasthenia, decreased potency, and prostate hypertrophy.

    Intrauterine devices


      High efficiency - the pregnancy rate when using intrauterine devices (IUDs) is 2-3 cases per 100 women per year.

      No concomitant systemic effect on metabolism.

      For long-term use, a single procedure (insertion of an IUD) is sufficient.

      No teratogenic effect.

      Reversibility of contraceptive effects.

      Elimination of psychological discomfort associated with the need to take care of preventing unwanted pregnancy before each sexual intercourse.

    Disadvantages: A large number of contraindications:

      High risk of developing inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages

      Increased blood loss during menstruation

      High risk of uterine perforation.

    Mechanism of action:

      Inert ( non-medicinal ) IUD - the action is associated with a local aseptic inflammatory reaction caused by the presence of a foreign body in the uterus.

      Contractions of the myometrium, increased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes - the fertilized egg passes through faster fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity before the conditions for its implantation arise.

      Inflammation of the endometrium (not always), which also prevents implantation. The addition of copper enhances the inflammatory response.

      After removal of both copper-coated and non-copper IUDs, the inflammatory reaction quickly disappears, followed by restoration of fertilization ability.

      Spermatotoxic and ovotoxic effects of copper ions.

      Medication IUDs with progesterone exert their contraceptive effect locally in the endometrium and cervix - the endometrium does not undergo the changes necessary for implantation, changes in the cervical mucus make it difficult for sperm to penetrate.


      TSi-380A: service life - 5 years

      TCu-220, TCu-220B - 3 years

      TCu-200Ag - 3 years

      TCu-380Ag - 4 years

      Multiload C 375 - 5 years

    About 90 out of 100 cases could be prevented. However, for some reason women do not want or cannot use contraceptives. Often patients are simply not sufficiently informed about what reliable methods of birth control are available. Today's article will tell you about them.

    How to choose a contraceptive?

    If your immediate plans do not include having children, then it is worth finding out what methods of birth control are available. A lot of products have now been developed for women. Some of them are based on hormonal correction, others are barrier methods. Some contraceptives may also protect against sexually transmitted infections. Some drugs are suitable only for women who have given birth, while others are preferable for those with irregular sex life.

    To choose the right methods of birth control (for women), you need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination for you. After this - taking into account individual characteristics - the specialist will offer you several suitable methods. You can choose one or more of them. Next, you can learn how to protect yourself from unwanted conception.

    Hormonal drugs: COCs, patches and others

    What methods of birth control for women are considered the safest? Experts say that when using hormonal drugs, the chance of unexpected conception is almost zero.

    There are several types. Before choosing one or another remedy, you must undergo tests.

    • Pills. There are different types: monophasic, biphasic, three-phase. Such drugs have many contraindications. They are not prescribed for diabetes, varicose veins, migraines, smoking and many diseases. You need to take the pills at the same time every day. Only in this case will the effect be expected.
    • Plasters. Hormonal drugs of this type are used less frequently. These modern methods of birth control are considered quite expensive. One patch is used for 22 days. After this there is a week break. Then the scheme is repeated.
    • Subcutaneous implants. Such contraceptives are used in cases where the use of patches or tablets is not possible. Capsules are sewn under the skin for up to several years. As a result, a woman does not have to bother with taking pills and gets rid of worries about unwanted conception.

    All hormonal methods of birth control for women are based on one action. They stop the ovaries from working and prevent the release of an egg.

    Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal products

    The most popular barrier method is the condom. However, it is used by men, not women. A condom is placed on the penis before sexual intercourse. This method allows you to protect against all infections, including syphilis and HIV. Condoms are suitable for women who do not have a regular partner. They are also used as additional contraceptives. An alternative to such products would be

    Barrier contraceptives include various spermicidal contraceptives. These are candles, creams, gels or foams. They are used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse and are effective for 40 minutes. The drugs can protect against certain infections and have a bactericidal effect. However, not all microbes die from these agents. In addition, long-term use of spermicides can disrupt the vaginal microflora.

    Natural Methods

    The most dangerous methods of birth control are calendar calculation, interrupted sexual intercourse and some others. All of them are based on the woman’s feelings and assumptions. Often, representatives of the fairer sex who prefer these options end up pregnant.

    • The essence of contact) is that the man ejaculates outside the woman's body.
    • contraception is used by women with regular cycles. Representatives of the fairer sex calculate the timing of ovulation and during this period refrain from intercourse.

    Natural methods of birth control include tracking basal temperature, studying cervical mucus, and so on. Be that as it may, but this is a method of contraception not recommended by gynecologists.

    Intrauterine devices

    Reviews from experts about the use of IUDs say that this method of protection is proven and safe. But it is not recommended for nulliparous women, since they require dilation of the cervical canal during insertion of the device. Intrauterine devices do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the surface of the endometrium, even in the event of conception. Therefore, there is a guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

    Reviews from some women about the IUD say that they managed to get pregnant even with the device installed. Such conception is considered pathological and in most cases ends in miscarriage.

    Postcoital remedies

    After the act? In such situations, modern post-coital methods of contraception come to the rescue. Drugs are produced in tablets: “Mifegin”, “Postinor”, ​​“Escapelle” and so on. They should be taken no later than three days after intercourse. The drugs are contraindicated in case of liver failure, smoking, thrombosis.

    The action of the drugs is based on stopping the production of progesterone and separating the endometrium from the lining of the uterus. Such medications should be used only in emergency cases. They are not suitable for permanent birth control. Side effects of the drugs include nausea, abdominal pain, hormonal imbalances, and so on.

    Emergency methods of contraception include the installation of an intrauterine device. It has already been discussed above. In this case, you need to meet the deadline of 5 days. If during this time you manage to carry out the manipulation, then the probability of pregnancy will be close to zero. But it is worth remembering that before such a procedure it is necessary to undergo tests. Some studies take more than five days.

    Traditional methods

    Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew how not to get pregnant after intercourse. For this, various folk remedies and recipes were used. But modern gynecologists are against such “amateur activities.” The ineffectiveness of such methods has long been proven. But for general information, it’s worth talking about them.

    • Douching. Potassium permanganate, citric acid and aspirin tablets are used as the basis of the solution for insertion into the vagina. All these components are diluted in water. It is assumed that the liquid radically changes the microflora and acidity in the vagina. This is why sperm cannot survive.
    • Another “grandmother’s” method of contraception is a loading dose of vitamin C. It has long been known that this method can bring menstruation closer. It is believed that after unprotected sex, vitamin C can prevent conception.
    • In ancient times, before sexual intercourse, women inserted a slice of lemon into the vagina. The acidic environment did not allow viable sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.


    Modern medicine offers couples a variety of contraceptives. They are selected individually, taking into account all your characteristics and wishes. If a woman has a hormonal disorder, then certain medications can help eliminate it. Be sure to visit a gynecologist and choose the method that is right for you. By using contraceptives, you can protect yourself from abortion and its complications. Approach this issue responsibly and take care of yourself!