How to remove a large wart? How and how to remove warts at home: the best recipes and general recommendations

Celandine - unique remedy, which suppresses the growth of “wrong” cells in the body. It is quite simple to use: break off part of the plant and treat the warts with the protruding juice yellow color. This procedure must be performed 1-2 times daily. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks.

If you can't find fresh celandine, pharmaceutical preparations based on this plant are also quite suitable: ointments, creams, various extracts, etc.

We use garlic

Another folk remedy is garlic, which has good antiviral effect. This is very important, since the nature of warts is the human papillomavirus.

Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub problem areas 1-2 times during the day, as well as before bed. You can also use garlic ointment to remove warts. Prepare a paste of peeled garlic cloves, then mix 1 tsp. the resulting mixture with 1 tsp. melted pork lard and add 4 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Treat warts with this remedy at night, securing it with an adhesive plaster or bandage.

Potatoes against warts

Wash the raw, unpeeled potatoes well and grate them on a coarse grater. Please note that you should only rub upper layer: peel and a small part of the pulp underneath. Make a compress from the resulting pulp - apply it to the wart, cover the top with plastic and secure it. Do this compress at night and be sure to do it every day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Removing warts using castor oil

Castor oil has unique healing properties, including providing beneficial effect on subcutaneous tissue and the skin itself. This is what explains its effectiveness in treating warts. Rub in morning and evening Castor oil into the warts so that they are completely saturated with it. This procedure must be completed within a month.

The acid present in castor oil has an effect on the wart irritant effect, which provides a positive result.

Vinegar will help you forget about warts forever

Take a strip of adhesive tape and cut a small hole in it. Position the adhesive plaster so that the wart is in the hole you made. Then treat it with vinegar - just add 1 drop (no more). In addition, you can add some wheat flour to acetic acid and make a flat cake. Such lozenges must be applied to warts daily. Do this until the hated growths completely dry out and fall off.

Silk thread is a rather extreme but effective method

You can try to remove warts this way: take a silk thread, make a small loop on it, then grab the wart, pull it slightly and at the same time tighten the loop tightly. Of course, it is best if someone helps you complete this procedure.
As a result of such manipulations, the wart is deprived of nutrition, dries out and falls off after a certain time.

The causes of warts are not fully understood. It has only been established that they are caused by the human papillomavirus, and the warts themselves are benign epidermal formations. The most common are common warts, which usually appear on the hands. There are also flat (youthful) and plantar warts.

You will need

  • - garlic;
  • - celandine;
  • - aloe;
  • - soda.


Warts can be treated well, but if the removal tactics are chosen incorrectly, complications are possible. Most often, cosmetic defects remain in the form of or from independent solutions such as “super cleanliness”, sulfuric acid or alkali. Therefore, when treating warts, consultation with a doctor and reasonable precautions are necessary.

Take a large and juicy head of garlic, separate one clove. Peel it and cut it in half. Rub one half over the wart, and bandage the other half to the wart overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage. Rub the wart with fresh garlic juice two more times a day. Remember to wash your hands before applying to the wart. But at night, cut the slice again and tie it to the wart. Repeat the procedure for 7-10 days. Procedures for getting rid of warts should be started on the waning moon.

Treatment of a wart with garlic can be combined with smearing it with fresh juice of the celandine herb, i.e. At night, rub garlic and tie it to the wart, and during the day, smear it with the yellow juice of freshly picked celandine herb.

Removing warts with aloe juice. In glass warm water dissolve half a teaspoon of soda, moisten a piece of cotton wool, and apply to the wart for 10 minutes. From a cut and washed aloe leaf, cut a slice and cut it lengthwise. Lubricate the wart with one half of the slice, place the other half on it and bandage it overnight. Store the remaining cut aloe in the refrigerator. Repeat the procedure for 7-10 days.

Having discovered unpleasant growths on the skin, which usually appear in the most visible place, you want to remove them quickly and forget them forever. In order to avoid visiting the doctor again, you have to figure out how to remove a wart at home.

However, if the wart is very big size You should first contact a dermatologist. So, how to remove a wart at home?! Methods for removing warts come in a wide variety, from the most uncomplicatedly simple to the unimaginably mystical and funny.

Warts are growths on the skin that are approximately 1 cm in diameter and have a convex shape just above the level of the skin. Warts appear on human skin when the papilloma virus is activated, which can enter the human body through a wound or scratch from contact with an infected object. Warts also appear on the feet due to excessive sweating.

The most unpleasant sight is warts on the face. They have certain features and have a narrow oblong shape, look like a rooster's comb. Such warts often appear in older people and can reach from one to four centimeters.

They are easy to touch and damage, however, even if you accidentally tear off a wart, a new one will grow in its place. One of the best means celandine used to remove warts on the face.

Warts in children usually appear at the age of five, when the immune system is still weak. But they may soon disappear. The child may also be afraid to go to the doctor. And methods for treating warts can be turned into exciting game for a child. If warts remain for a long time, you should try one of the home wart removal methods. At the same time, taking measures to strengthen the immune system.

So, here is a list of remedies that you can use to get rid of warts at home.

The most affordable and effective way to remove warts at home is vinegar. However, you need to be careful! Acetic acid just as dangerous as other acids. To do this, you need to prepare a wide, thick plaster and bandage in advance.

Apply a mixture of flour and one or three drops of vinegar to the wart, under no circumstances touching the skin around the wart. The mixture should be quite thick. The mixture should dry before wrapping it with a bandage and plaster for 12 hours. The bandage will come off along with the wart, leaving a pale spot in its place. Pink colour. Unfortunately, this is the only drawback of this method. But this is one of the ways to quickly remove a wart.


Celandine is a perennial plant widely used in folk medicine. Medicinal properties celandine were discovered in ancient times. The main advantage of celandine is its cleansing properties and natural origin. One of the characteristic names of celandine among the people is warthog.

More effective method will lubricate the wart fresh plant or celandine extract, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The extract should be applied only to the surface of the wart to avoid burns. healthy skin. If you only have a dried plant, you can wipe it with a strong decoction. The wart will eventually darken and disappear.

Salicylic acid

One of available funds, which is sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, is salicylic acid (more about it). The action of salicylic acid is aimed at softening the rough layers of the skin of the wart, which can be easily and painlessly cut off on your own.

If possible, it is better to steam the wart in a warm bath before use. At your discretion, you can choose either an ointment based on salicylic acid or a special patch, which you need to keep on the surface of the wart for one or two days.


Almost everyone has garlic in the house. Bactericidal properties garlic will help get rid of warts. Since the cause of warts is decreased immunity, garlic treatment will be an effective treatment that will last for two weeks.

Unlike previous remedies, when treating warts with garlic, a burning sensation and slight redness are inevitable. Therefore, you should definitely check whether you are allergic to garlic by applying a little garlic juice on the skin of the wrist.

You can treat warts with garlic using a slice cut in half, attaching it with a plaster for a day, and juice, rubbing it at least 10 times during the day, and grated garlic mixed with flour, applying the resulting cake for a day or two. The first results will be visible only on day 10 regular use. However, unlike some products, there will be no traces left at the site of the disappeared wart, which is a huge advantage.


Using iodine in the treatment of warts is very simple. Apply often enough cotton swab iodine on the affected area until the wart dries and disappears.

Preparations for warts

Methods for removing warts include the following list: medical supplies. In pharmacies you can find many drugs that help against warts and are sold without a doctor's prescription. Here is a list of the most popular drugs in use.


This is one of the cauterizing agents that prevents any contact of the solution with a healthy area of ​​skin. To avoid this, the drug should be applied using a toothpick. Depending on the size of the wart, the number of applications of the drug will increase.

To speed up the effect, you need to steam the wart well in a warm soda bath. Repeated application of the drug should be no earlier than a week after the crust falls off. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications, which includes the prohibition of applying the drug to the mucous membrane, as well as the genital area.


This is an improved version of the previous drug with a milder effect and with a special convenient applicator for applying the drug. The method of application is the same as Feresol.


This drug acts on the very cause of wart formation, helping to fight the virus. The protective protein derived by scientists is identical to interferon, which is contained in human body to fight viruses, is part of this ointment.

In addition, the ointment contains vitamin E, which has regenerating properties. You need to lubricate warts with ointment at least three or four times a day until the wart disappears. The result will certainly be positive.


The effect of this drug is similar to the previous one. However, thanks to its gel base, it penetrates deeper into the layers of the skin, which accelerates the result up to 10 days, with daily use from two to four lubrications. In addition, the drug remains on the skin without being washed off for up to three days.


A preparation based on biologically active minerals, penetrating deeply into the layers skin. After applying this drug to the surface of the wart, you need to apply a film to this place and bandage it with a bandage overnight or for 7–9 hours.


This drug contains silver nitrate, which has an antiseptic effect. Due to cauterization, the skin of the wart dries out and falls off over time. Lapis must be used very carefully. Since after using Lapis a scar remains at the site of the wart, it is not recommended to use it against warts on the face. Lapis can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of a special pencil.

A liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen has a very low temperature of -180 °C and below, due to which destruction occurs, that is, the skin dies. Since from now on tissues will not have contact with blood reinfection this area is excluded.

The procedure itself lasts a matter of seconds. Side effects include slight swelling, which goes away the day after the procedure, and a pink spot where the wart was. This procedure can be carried out both in special cosmetology centers, and at home.

There is a Wartner Cryo product for sale for cryotherapy, that is, freezing liquid nitrogen. The product is intended for adults and children over five years of age. Using a special applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied, which causes the skin to turn pale and cause a slight burning sensation.

To avoid severe damage, do not freeze the skin too deeply. You should act strictly according to the instructions. The Wartner Cryo kit includes 12 disposable applicators for 12 procedures.

If after two weeks after using Wartner Cryo the wart has not disappeared, you can repeat the procedure again. However, if the wart does not change within three or four weeks under the influence of cryotherapy, you should consult a doctor.


Another product with an identical cryotherapy effect is Cryopharma, which is produced in Japan and is recognized in Europe. The drug is also designed for 12 procedures. And with correct and consistent use, according to the instructions, the warts will disappear after 10 days.

Thus, there are many ways to remove warts at home. Everyone has their own priorities. Some people prefer to use natural and plant based or modern drugs. Everyone decides for themselves which method is better and can choose one or more ways to remove warts at home.

Zebrina in treatment (video)

Warts are a common skin growth that is caused by viruses, specifically the human papillomavirus. This virus may be different types and each of them causes a specific wart. It happens that they are removed quickly and without hassle, but sometimes people struggle with them for years and cannot get rid of them.

Warts are only visible symptom viral infection. The virus itself spreads through personal belongings or by touching, sometimes through sexual intercourse (in these cases warts appear in intimate places). The infection lives in the upper layers of the skin and gets there through microtraumas or cracks.

The virus is the main cause of the problem

It is quite difficult to remove the papilloma virus from the body. There are certain vaccines that protect against several types of it, but if you do not use them in time, they will not help after infection. However, being infected with the human papillomavirus does not necessarily mean that you will develop warts or other growths on your body. Many people are carriers of this infection, but they do not have warts.

Once the virus has entered the body, it may take several weeks or months before anything appears. Or maybe it won't appear. All this depends on the person, his state of health, concomitant diseases and immunity. At this time, the virus is developing, it penetrates into the nucleus of skin cells and changes their growth rate. They begin to grow incorrectly, and external manifestations appear.

The infection loves a moist environment, so it can be picked up in the pool or other places where a lot of people go. Children are very susceptible to it. Even if you can successfully remove warts, this does not mean that it is all over; they may appear again, even in more, since you did not get rid of the virus.

Prejudices and misconceptions

Warts are more irritant than something serious. Many perceive them as an aesthetic skin problem (in most cases they are). These growths have tormented people since ancient times and for many they evoke associations with witches, toads, frogs and similar disgusting creatures, it’s almost like a stereotype.

As with many others medical problems, people often treat warts with ridicule and rarely take a rational approach to the problem. Warts can also appear in those who take special care of their personal hygiene.

This accusation is often heard in other skin conditions, such as acne, where the phrase “poor personal hygiene” has little to do with the problem itself.

What types of warts are there?

Usually the growth of warts is caused by a low-grade virus oncogenic type. In fact, they can appear anywhere, so they are divided according to appearance and location:

Types of warts

  • Common warts
  • Genital warts (genital warts)

Almost always, you have to deal with one of these types of warts. However, because there are several different viruses, the emergence of rare new types of warts is also possible.

How to remove warts?

All methods of treating warts discussed below are aimed at removing the tumor, and not against the virus. IN long term The virus may disappear from the body on its own or may never bother you again.

For example, the herpes virus is also very common, but first of all, they are not fighting it, but its external manifestations. If you approach the problem wisely, you can immediately understand that warts can be cured or removed quite quickly and relatively easily. Let's look at some methods that can help you with this:

- a remedy for common types of warts, contains well-known ingredients: salicylic acid and lactic acid, which dissolves the wart tissue and thus it is removed piece by piece.

This drug has a high degree of effectiveness, although it is much gentler than some other removal methods. The surrounding skin is less affected by the medication, so the risk of scarring is very low.

How to use Duofilm

Duofilm must be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day, preferably with a cotton swab. Before the next treatment, the softened part of the neoplasm must be removed.

This way, you will remove it layer by layer, without pain or hassle. The more times a day (you can use up to 4 times!) you apply the solution, the faster and more effectively you will get rid of the wart.

To avoid causing skin irritation, you can apply some cream around the wart. Children under one year of age and nursing and pregnant women should not use the drug (or only under medical supervision).

Side effects and complications

During application, if the drug gets on healthy skin, you may feel a slight burning sensation. If this happens often, you can get burned. Treatment may be interrupted in cases of irritation or pain. In patients with hypersensitivity to salicylic acid, skin redness and swelling may occur.


The cost is about $8-$10 (in Moscow)


Verrucacid contains the well-known and proven ingredient salicylic acid, which has long been used as a remedy for warts and can be used against any keratinization of the skin, especially well against plantar warts.

According to research, salicylic acid is one of the most effective components to remove warts, which is why it is used in almost all wart remedies.


Verrucacid must be applied 2 times a day, the course of treatment can last up to 6 weeks. Before each subsequent use, soft top part the warts must be removed. It is also necessary to protect the surrounding skin from contact with the product.

This can be done using some cream or using a special pipette. This drug is not recommended for small children and people suffering from kidney disease. Pregnant and lactating women and people with diabetes should consult a physician.

Possible side effects

As in the previous case, a slight burning sensation may occur. Contact of the active substance with surrounding skin should be avoided. Also, this medicine should not be applied to mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water.


The cost is about $4-$5 (in Moscow)

Wartner pencil

Wartner Wart Pencil was designed to remove warts on the hands and feet in just a few uses. He contains powerful substance, which dissolves the wart. Thus, the wart is easily removed, and a healthy layer of skin is formed under it.

Even if you are removing plantar warts, you will most likely notice results after the first week of use. However, since plantar warts are very keratinized and tend to have deep roots, it may take more than 1 week for them to completely disappear.


The highly concentrated gel is applied twice a day for 4 days using a special applicator. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

The top layer of tissue dies upon contact with the active substance and may turn white from its effects. After 4 days of use there should be a break, also for 4 days; During this time, the top layer of the wart should fall off under the influence of warm water.

If the wart has not completely disappeared during this time, then you need to start the second cycle of treatment. The older and larger the wart and the harder it is, the more difficult it is to remove and the longer it will take.


Main ingredient this drug is trichloroacetic acid, which is extremely corrosive and harmful to the surrounding skin. Therefore, you must act carefully, according to the instructions, so as not to harm yourself. At correct use, probability side effects minimal.

Tea tree oil for warts

It has long been proven that oil tea tree effectively fights many skin diseases, such as: molluscum contagiosum, fungal infections, acne, pimples, blackheads and psoriasis, including warts.

Wartner cryo

Wartner has long been selling a variety of effective products for removing or treating warts. We have already looked at a special pencil for warts, but that’s not all. This company also offers a freezing spray based on cryotherapy. A dermatologist in a clinic can offer you approximately the same thing, only he will use liquid nitrogen, and in this case a mixture of gases is used.

How to use it

This spray is especially suitable for treating small warts. So, if you have several small warts on your fingers, then you can safely buy it. You should not buy it for plantar warts; there is another version of this product, specially designed for these types of tumors.

It's very easy to use: you refill the applicator from a special container, and then bring this applicator to the wart and press on it. Hold it firmly against the wart for 10 to 20 seconds. After 10-14 days, only healthy, new skin should remain at the site of the wart. If this does not happen, you will have to repeat the procedure again.


Wartner Cryo costs about $16-$19 (Moscow time)

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is considered as a remedy for treating various diseases, including warts. Aloe has antiseptic properties, which makes it an interesting remedy in the fight against warts.


Aloe juice is used to remove warts; you just need to apply it two to three times a day. If the warts are very stubborn, here again it can come to the rescue cotton swab. It must be completely moistened with Aloe juice and applied to the wart for a day. The next day make a new one.

Laser removal

Laser treatment for warts is used for very severe cases and is performed by a doctor in a hospital. Treatment can be unpleasant, sometimes painful, and there is usually a risk that postoperative pain or scars on the skin.

In this case, the wart is affected using a laser beam. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia. This method is usually considered only in extreme cases severe cases when other treatments have shown limited or no results. Sometimes this method is used to remove warts from pregnant women.

Some features of the procedure

  • The possibility of scarring is minimal, but it still exists
  • Everything is done under local anesthesia
  • Laser treatment is one of the most expensive ways to remove a wart.
  • The risk of relapse after such removal also exists, but it is quite low, since the wart is removed along with its root

About warts with Elena Malysheva (video)

Warts- benign skin formations in the form of a nodule or tubercle.

The cause of their appearance is human papillomavirus plus reduced immunity and abrasions, scratches at the contact site.

The appearance of a wart is specific, so you can easily distinguish it from other formations:

  • the wart does not have a distinct color, its color is flesh-colored, pinkish, brownish
  • does not cause any sensations (does not itch or hurt, except for the plantar pain), except for discomfort regarding its occurrence.

How to get rid of warts

If the wart has popped up recently and you are ready to fight it yourself, try removing it folk remedies.

How to treat with folk remedies

The most effective remedies in folk medicine are celandine, garlic, onion and acetic acid.


  • easy to use
  • significant cost savings


  • risk of recurrence
  • scars may remain (it is not recommended to remove warts on the face using this method)
  • Removing warts requires a lot of time (up to 2-3 weeks of daily procedures)

Removing warts at home

You can get rid of warts at home. The pros and cons of this treatment are the same as traditional medicine. But the risk of scar formation is minimal - no acids are used and active ingredients. Try removing a wart using:

Vitamin A American doctor Gerry's recipe: puncture a vitamin A capsule (dosage - 25,000 IU) and rub a little liquid into the growth. The doctor promises results in 2-4 months for flat warts, 2-5 months - for plantar.

Bandage or adhesive plaster The bandaging method will help reduce plantar warts: tightly bandage the formation with a bandage and leave the bandage for a day, then change it.

If the growth is on the fingers, it is more convenient to use 4 pieces of adhesive plaster: one piece is attached along the finger, the next - around it, the remaining 2 - according to the same pattern. After 6 days, change the bandage. The result is in 2-3 weeks.

Castor oil Morning and evening, rub a few drops of oil into the wart and bandage tightly; repeat the procedure for 3 weeks

How to remove it using pharmaceutical drugs

Modern medicine allows you to try to get rid of warts yourself at home using pharmaceutical products.


  • speed (excretion in 3 - 14 days)
  • price (cheaper than removing traditional treatment from a specialist)
  • easy to use


  • risk of recurrence
  • you can damage healthy skin and leave a scar at the site of the growth (in case potent drugs- “Super cleanliness”)

So, how to get rid of warts pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Ointments

    An effective remedy, which not only eliminates the growth, but affects the cause of its appearance - the virus itself.

  • "Super clean"

    It is an alkali solution that cauterizes the formation on the skin

  • "Cryopharma" and "Wartner"

    “Freezing” warts at home, although less effective than liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). It is best used to remove small ordinary, flat and filiform warts. For plantar problems, choose another product.

  • Solutions for external use - “Solcoderm”, “Kollomak”, “Ferezol”

    The action of the drugs is based on the destruction of the virus and cauterization of the wart.

  • Patch

    The most common is “Salipod” - a salicylic acid-based patch.

Professional help in the treatment of warts

If you are desperate to remove a wart at home and are ready to see a dermatologist, then you have made the right decision. The specialist will prescribe you treatment that will work in two directions:

  • Eliminate a wart with a “double blow”: remove its outer part and act on the inner part various drugs with antiviral effect
  • Increase immunity, which will prevent recurrence of the disease


  • quick removal
  • high chances that the disease will not reappear
  • finally you can get rid of a wart without pain (laser photocoagulation, radio wave treatment)


  • a significant waste of time and money

The price of the procedures is always calculated individually and depends on the level of the clinic and the size of the wart.

What can the clinic offer you:

  • - freezing with liquid nitrogen
  • - laser burning
  • electrocoagulation - removal by current, which causes an increase in temperature in the tissues, destruction of the growth and destruction of the virus. Bloodless method, but with deep exposure may leave a small scar
  • removal with a radio wave knife - non-contact method, evaporation of tissue under the influence of high-frequency waves; At the same time, vessels are cauterized, minimizing the risk of bleeding
  • intralesional administration of interferon - used for multiple, often recurrent warts; a drug is injected into the lesion, which makes the cells immune to the virus and at the same time increases overall immunity

Everyone is free to choose the method they trust. In any case, remember that warts are not a lifelong diagnosis. You can win the battle either way.

In places of uncontrolled proliferation of epidermal cells. The infection is highly contagious and is often accompanied by weakened immunity. When deciding how to remove a wart at home, you should simultaneously stimulate protective forces body. It is also recommended to pay attention to the fact that the virus “prefers” areas of the skin that are subject to maceration from sweat or water, or affected by dermatological diseases.

Benign and dangerous warts

Moles, actinic keratosis do not apply to viral lesions. Home remedies designed to reduce warts cannot be used against these formations. Although in a clinic or cosmetology office the same methods are used to treat and remove different growths. To remove warts at home, you should understand the variety of their types. The most common formations are vulgar, plantar and flat, the locations are hands and feet.

Distinguish harmless warts from cancerous ones, diagnose accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can do this based on many years of professional experience and laboratory diagnostic results.

The virus, which has penetrated the basal layer of the skin, remains inactive for some time (latent state). The incubation period lasts from 15 days to several months or years. It happens that the carrier HPV infection does not manifest itself throughout life, or provokes the growth of benign or malignant tumors. The German scientist and doctor H. C. Hausen proved in his studies the oncogenic danger of HPV-16, 18 and a number of other papillomaviruses.

Vulgar warts are most often localized on the hands, their size is comparable to the head of a pin. The growths can increase in size, and the initially smooth surface becomes hard and rough. Usually warts do not hurt, they only cause aesthetic discomfort. Most painful formations- plantar and periungual, the stroma of which grows inside the layers of the skin. Difficulties with treatment arise when warty formations of a reddish color with black dots appear. They often grow back after removal (recurrent course).

Genital warts or are transmitted during sexual contacts. The infection quickly affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs, the initial single growths merge into larger ones. Condylomas are more common in people with compromised immunity; pregnant women transmit the virus to the fetus and child at birth.

Self-removal of warts using pharmaceutical preparations

Impact on the keratinized apex skin formation will not bring the desired result. Almost do not penetrate through the keratin layer medications, cosmetic liquids and homemade tinctures.

The more aggressive the drug, the faster the wart is destroyed. The process of dissolving keratin layers and affected cells will take from several days to 3-6 months.

How to remove a wart at home pharmaceutical products(one or two from the suggested list):

Before removing warts at home, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist about the choice of method and product. The doctor will explain in which cases the drug should be applied once, when several treatments need to be done intermittently. Intact skin around the growth should be protected from aggressive substances with ointment or plaster.

Forecast HPV treatment usually favorable, although relapses and complications occur. In almost every second case, warts regress and disappear on their own. However, more often persistent treatment is required for an average of 3–12 weeks. It is recommended to take during the same period antiviral drugs, prescribed by a doctor, vitamins and adaptogens.

Alternative medicine recommendations for wart removal

Folk remedies act more carefully, the effect is usually achieved after long-term use. Utility conservative methods is often questioned, but aggressive drugs and professional ways wart removal does not always achieve the desired result.

Be careful, garlic, onion, lemon, green peel nuts and other folk remedies cause burns to healthy skin and mucous membranes!

In all cases, it is necessary to be patient, adhere to recommendations and pay attention to the feedback of “brothers in misfortune”.

How to remove a wart at home using folk remedies:

  1. Apply daily Fresh Juice celandine, or use oil extract, alcohol tincture plants (100 g of grass per 150 ml of ethanol).
  2. Secure a thin plate or paste of garlic, pre-soaked in vinegar, to the formation with a plaster or bandage.
  3. The method is the same as in the previous paragraph, but instead of garlic, use onion or a piece of banana peel.
  4. Treat the affected skin throughout the day with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.
  5. Wipe the growth with the juice of green walnut peel.
  6. Apply castor oil at night.
  7. Cauterize with formic alcohol.

Rich active substances, useful for general and local immunity, pine resin. To obtain a folk remedy, soft green cones are cut and filled with alcohol. After three weeks, the aromatic, sweetish liquid is ready for use. Apply the product to warts, papillomas, and ingest. Favorable procedures for affected skin are baths and trays with vinegar, whey, infusions of celandine, St. John's wort, thyme, and walnut leaves.