The child's leg hurts all the time. Severe pain in the legs of a child

In medical circles this clinical unit as “growing pains” is a source of much debate. It is commonly believed that “growing pains” is a diagnosis of exclusion. After all, children and adolescents begin to complain of pain in their legs for no apparent reason. The child was not injured, and after examination, no organic diseases were revealed. Why, during sleep and in a state of complete rest, does he periodically suffer from pain in the lower limbs? Moreover, these pains are of a “flying” nature. Either the child’s knee or shin hurts, or the pain is concentrated in the hip area.


Growing pains usually affect children between the ages of 3 and 15 years. It is at this time that children grow rapidly. This growth is mainly due to the lower extremities. Doctors do not have a clear opinion regarding the appearance of these pains.

  • Some experts believe that the reason for their appearance is an unreasonably high load on fragile muscle and bone apparatus child.
  • Others believe that the reason is too rapid increase length of the legs, resulting in tension in the tendons and muscle fibers. Which leads to quite severe pain.

What symptoms accompany growing pains in children and adolescents?

  • Usually, night pain may intensify with increased physical activity during the day. Children may talk about pain under their knees, in their ankles, or on their outer thighs.
  • It is often possible to observe muscle cramps in the legs.
  • Some children complain about muscle numbness or stiffness when walking .
  • More often “growing pains” are localized in the calves, thighs and feet . They can occur alternately, now in the thigh, now in one foot, now in the other, now in the right, now in the left leg. Painful attacks are short-lived, they do not cause any harm and go away on their own.

Why are growing pains absent during the day and appear at night?

During the day, children lead an active lifestyle, forgetting about their nightly “adventures.” Even if the child had a fairly severe pain attack at night, in the morning he will feel great - run, jump, frolic.

Indeed, children complain of pain when they are completely at rest - during sleep or daytime rest, immediately after waking up. And this is quite natural, because it is at this time that vascular tone is reduced and blood supply is slowed down. And for physiological growth bone tissue a good blood supply is simply vital. Even with minor physical activity, blood circulation is normalized, and the bones of the limbs receive everything they need for their further growth. That is why, when moving while awake, children do not experience any pain.

Doctors explain the absence of pain during the day by the fact that at this time the child leads an active lifestyle and moves a lot. Consequently, his brain receives a lot of new information, thereby pushing aside memories of pain coming from tense tendons and muscles. At night, when the child is relaxed, pain impulses easily reach the nerve centers and children wake up feeling pain in their legs.

How to distinguish growing pains from other diseases?

Let’s first identify the history of which diseases present the symptom “pain in the legs”:

  • For most orthopedic pathologies. And also for diseases of Perthes and Ostud Spatter, etc.
  • For tuberculosis. Positive – a reason to urgently show the child to a TB doctor.
  • Night pain in the lower extremities - a symptom neurocircular dystonia. The history of this diagnosis also includes: headaches and heart pain, insomnia, shortness of breath and lack of air.
  • This symptom may also be present in congenital heart disease and blood vessels. IN in this case The pulse in the legs is faintly audible, and sometimes completely absent. The patient often falls, stumbles, and his legs are difficult to control.
  • If your baby complains about constant pain in the heel, it should be shown to the surgeon. He may have an Achilles tendon strain.
  • For rheumatism, arthritis, and pathology of the thyroid gland.
  • Often, pain in the legs is associated with water calluses, which parents can see for themselves by carefully examining the child’s legs.
  • Children (three years old and older) often suffer from pain in the calves. This means that the child’s body does not receive enough phosphorus and calcium. Similar pains often experienced by pregnant women.
  • Sudden pain in one of the joints is most often a symptom of injury. Typically, when an injury occurs, the joint swells.
  • In adolescents, acute knee pain may indicate the presence of Schlatter's disease.
  • A severely swollen and red joint on the leg requires urgent appeal to the doctor. Possible development infectious process.
  • Joint pain can also be a symptom of the flu or any other respiratory disease. As a rule, to joint pain others join cold symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, fever, etc.
  • But the most common reasons complaints of pain are rightfully considered bruises and all kinds of injuries.

In what cases should you go to the doctor?

  1. If the child limps for several days.
  2. His joints were red and inflamed.
  3. And, of course, if the parents do not exclude a possible dislocation or fracture.

How to distinguish "growing pains" from serious illnesses?

As you already understood, the current and clinical picture“Growing pains” are different from the symptoms of more serious diseases.

  • Growing pains make themselves felt during complete rest.
  • The pain begins to bother you a couple of hours after falling asleep.
  • Sometimes, the baby may cry from pain late at night.
  • The pain completely disappears after about a quarter of an hour.
  • In most cases, children are bothered by pain in large joints.
  • In the morning, the children don’t even remember the pain, they run around with pleasure and feel great.
  • These are “flying pains” that are not localized in the same place. The baby may complain of pain in the knee, then in the hip, then in the ankle.
  • The attacks are short-lived.
  • The temperature never rises.
  • The child's general condition is not deteriorating.
  • No redness or swelling is observed on the lower extremities.
  • The child does not limp.
  • The bone joints are mobile.
  • These pains may torment the child for several nights in a row or appear occasionally.
  • As soon as growth spurts are left behind, the pain will disappear forever.

Be that as it may, pediatricians strongly recommend an examination and a blood test. It wouldn’t hurt to check your ESR once again. As they say: “God protects those who are careful”

Growing pains in the legs in children: how to treat?

  1. The most important recommendation is to be attentive to your child, monitor his behavior and listen to his complaints. Do not try to diagnose yourself, there is a doctor for that!
  2. For growing pains, treatment usually consists of a light massage, which can be done by the parents themselves.
  3. For severe pain, doctors recommend giving the child one third of an Ibuprofen or Nurofen tablet. This dose is enough to relieve pain without putting a strain on the liver. If your baby wakes up due to pain in the legs for several nights in a row, doctors recommend giving Ibuprofen before bed, and not during an attack. The medicine will relieve the pain, the attack will pass and the baby will sleep peacefully through the night.
  4. You can use a warm bath to relieve pain. Or apply to a painful area warm compress.
  5. Sometimes doctors recommend using Butadione ointment. Some pediatricians prefer to prescribe Diclofenac ointment.

Attention! Any medications and ointments should be prescribed by a pediatrician. No amateur performances.

Growing pains begin and go away spontaneously. The child gets scared, and fear only intensifies the pain. That's why Parents must first reassure the child by explaining to him that his legs are growing, and soon he will become very big.

Nutrition of children during active growth

— Parents should know that the first growth spurt occurs in girls at 6 years old, and in boys at 5 years old.

- The second is for girls at 10 years old, and for boys at 9. At this time, children grow rapidly; in one year they can grow by 15-20 cm.

— The third leap begins at 13-15 years.

It is during the period of active growth that children especially need balanced diet. Their diet must include proteins, microelements, and vitamins. Especially A and D. Children should receive sufficient amounts of minerals from food.

Usually, light massage or a warm bath is often enough to make the pain go away. If the pain does not go away, other more serious diseases should be ruled out. And for this you need to undergo examination in a specialized institution. A visit to the doctor in this case is inevitable.

There is nothing for any parents worse than the disease child. Even an ordinary ARVI makes them worry. What can we say about incomprehensible night pain in the legs. We have tried to outline the main symptoms of growing pains in children. But, of course, no article, even the most detailed one, can replace a consultation with a pediatrician. And you shouldn’t forget about this.

Doctors note leg pain among all common childhood diseases. They can appear at the most various reasons, both harmless and not so when they serve as a symptom of development serious illnesses. If, this may indicate the development of a number of diseases that have different causes and manifestations. Therefore, in each case, it is necessary to clearly clarify the exact localization of pain that can form in muscles, bones, and so on. Such sensations can occur at any age of the child, but in isolated cases there is no need to run to medical institution, but also severe attacks It is not recommended to ignore pain. The first thing to do is to determine the source of the combat syndrome as precisely as possible.

Signs and causes

The appearance of pain in the lower extremities is typical for children aged two to nine years. The peak of this disease is considered to be between five and six years of age. Wherein the child often complains of leg pain, especially when you have to stand or walk. It also happens that pain is observed in the morning, in the first half hour after waking up. Several decades ago, doctors explained this by the fact that the child’s body does not have enough vitamin D, as well as the rapid growth of the child.

But with the development of immunology, it became clear that in most cases pain is caused by inflammatory processes of a chronic nature, for example, inflammation of the adenoids or urinary tract, dysbacteriosis, etc. The reason for this is a rheumatic reaction to an infectious process. Reactions to vaccinations may also occur; in this case, children's immunity is weakened and tense, and it cannot cope with infections. That's why immune cells attack the tendons, causing pain at the muscle attachment points. For streptococcal infections also the child complains that his legs hurt. There are many reasons for this disease; we will consider the most common of them below.

Features of the child's body

IN childhood the structure and development of bone tissue, ligaments, and muscles occurs, the features of which depend on nutrition, metabolism and growth rate. The child's legs and feet grow quickly, so there must be a good blood supply in these places. Tissues that grow are supplied with blood through blood vessels. But they have a small amount of elastic fibers, therefore, during physical activity, blood circulation in the limbs increases, bones and muscles grow and develop normally. At rest the child complains of pain in the legs at night vascular tone decreases, discomfort.

Lack of vitamins

In childhood, pain and cramps often appear in the lower extremities, in particular in the muscles of the feet and calves, due to a lack of vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body. Pain in joints and bones may also occur. In this case, deformation may be observed in the bones. Calcium deficiency can be determined using a blood test.

ARVI and nasopharyngeal infections

When observed in the body viral infection, appears temperature, the child complains of pain in the legs. Parents can give him paracetamol or other medicine for ARVI. Usually, after treating a cold, the pain syndrome disappears completely. But sometimes the pain is very severe and prolonged, in which case it is recommended to immediately call a doctor. Otherwise, complications may occur. Pain syndrome can also be observed with caries, tonsillitis, adenoids and other infectious diseases.

Leg injuries

Bruises and injuries are the most common causes of leg pain, especially if the child is very active and energetic. They usually heal on their own and the pain goes away, but in some cases they can cause lameness. The child often cannot stand on his feet, so it is recommended to consult a specialist who will prescribe an x-ray to identify the causes of discomfort. Older children often strain the muscles in their lower extremities, as well as ligaments. Pain can also be caused by knee bruises, ingrown toenails, uncomfortable shoes and tendon sprains.

VSD and hypotension

Such ailments are mainly observed in adolescents and are caused by low blood pressure, decreased tone blood vessels, pain in the legs and other parts of the body. Pain often appears at night. At the same time, the head, stomach, joints and bones, heart. Sleep disturbance may occur. For congenital pathology of cardio-vascular system blood flow is reduced, so children may stumble when walking and fall. This is due to the fact that fatigue and pain appear in the legs.

Orthopedic pathology

In some cases, children may develop scoliosis, flat feet, curvature of the spine and incorrect posture, as well as varicose veins and renal prolapse. In this case, the center of gravity is transferred to the legs, maximum pressure is applied, and the load on the muscles becomes large. All this provokes pain when running, walking and jumping.


If a person overweight, the entire load falls on the joints and bones of the lower extremities, which are also growing. Therefore, they cannot cope with this load, which provokes the appearance of pain with minimal physical activity. If a child complains of leg pain, reasons which lie in obesity, it is necessary to reduce weight with the help of diets, then the discomfort will go away.

Development of osteochondropathy

They can provoke the appearance of pain in the limbs and osteochondropathy, which include:

  1. Osgood-Schlatter disease. Characterized by damage to the tibia. The disease appears in adolescents around ten or twelve years of age who play sports. The disease is caused by loads on the knee joint during the period of growth of the child’s body, as a result of which necrosis is observed in the cartilage of the tibia. At the same time, he develops knee swelling, a painful lump, and the knee joint is affected.
  2. Perthes disease, which is caused by necrosis of the femoral head, the cause of which is currently unknown. The disease mainly affects boys from three to fourteen years old, pain appears in the knee, hip joint, and lameness occurs.


Arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints, is quite common in children. Often the child complains of pain in the legs, appears heat, intoxication, lethargy, lameness. The disease appears in some cases after undergoing streptococcal infection, intestinal or genitourinary. The disease is caused by a reaction immune system for antibodies. Sometimes the disease is chronic and constantly progresses, which can lead to disability.

What should parents do?

Parents must first find out where the pain is localized: in a bone, joint or muscle. They should establish at what time the discomfort appears, what it is associated with, and when the pain first appeared. Then it is recommended to examine the child, determine whether there are redness and swelling on the limbs, whether the joint hurts when touched and whether it is hot, and also monitor the child’s movements. If necessary, you should seek help from a medical facility.

When to see a doctor

When, which are accompanied by inflammation and redness of the joints or if a fracture or sprain is suspected, as well as if there is long time lameness, you need to see a doctor. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. This is done by specialists such as a neurologist, hematologist, pediatrician or orthopedist. If the joint turns brown, this may indicate an infection has entered the body. If, for example, a 4-year-old child complains of leg pain in the morning for a long time, this may indicate that he has Still's disease or leukemia. Doctors will prescribe blood and urine tests, diagnose using ECG and X-ray, and then diagnose accurate diagnosis. In any case, parents are obliged to monitor their children, feed them properly, and not limit their movements. A child’s diet requires the presence of all nutrients which are needed for normal development body.


Having consulted a doctor and found out, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. Thus, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat arthritis. For Perthes disease, calcium and vitamins are prescribed, as well as electrophoresis and massage, in some cases they resort to surgical intervention. With Schlatter-Osgood disease, the child is restricted from movements that put stress on the knee joints. It is recommended to engage in swimming and therapeutic physical culture. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers are also used, and electrophoresis is prescribed. For flat feet it is necessary to use orthopedic shoes, massage and exercise therapy are indicated. VSD and hypotension require stabilization blood pressure and increasing vascular tone. If pain is associated with the growth of the child, it is recommended to rub the limbs with warming ointments, massage and foot baths.

The baby complains that his legs hurt, and the parents panic because you don’t know why the child’s legs hurt at night, and what disease it is associated with. Sometimes, we are not talking about a disease, but the child experiences pain in the legs as a result of intensive growth of bone tissue. But so that you can navigate how to help your baby endure pain and not miss anything, we have prepared material on the relevant topic.

When it was time for bed, the mother of 5-year-old Vanya became worried; the boy woke up in the middle of the night and began to cry. Pain symptom appears 1-2 hours after falling asleep, and there is no clear trend of manifestations behind them.

It is impossible to guess when the child will wake up due to pain in the legs and why the child’s legs hurt at night. The pain lasts up to an hour, in rare cases longer. At the same time, in the place where Vanya points, there is no visible signs inflammatory process. The boy can move his legs normally and does not feel any other symptoms: no vomiting, no fever. And in the morning the baby wakes up, healthy and cheerful.

Why does my child's legs hurt while sleeping?

Doctors are still at a loss for ideas. One of the assumptions is that during the day the child moves so much, jumps, runs, that at night his muscles simply ache. A common belief is that the rapid growth of bones in relation to tendons is to blame.

Not everyone experiences growing pains. Statistics show that only every fourth child has leg pain at night.

The latter option is plausible, given the fact that children's legs grow at night, just at the time when pain appears. There is proof of this: legs hurt at night in preschool and secondary school children, school age. This is the period during which intensive growth occurs.

If your child complains that his legs hurt and the pain gets worse when touched, contact your pediatrician. Sometimes it is a sign of rheumatic fever, bone infection, flat feet, and even bone cancer. Don't be alarmed, just go to the hospital to be on the safe side.

A simple test can be used to diagnose growing pains in a child. During an attack of pain, begin to gently stroke and massage the area of ​​discomfort. If intensity painful sensations subsides, the child falls into the category of children suffering from growing pains. If stroking does not help, and the pain becomes stronger, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Forget about self-medication, do not delay your visit to the pediatrician, only a doctor has the right to make a final diagnosis.

How to relieve leg pain?

Now Vanya’s mother knows why her child’s legs hurt at night, and also knows a way to relieve the pain. The boy loves it when his aching areas are gently massaged. Brings relief warm shower or bath. If the massage does not help, the mother gives the child painkillers: paracetamol, ibuprofen, after which the child calmly falls asleep.

We hope we have explained in detail the nature of the painful sensations that children experience during sleep. Do not be upset about some of the information we gave in the article regarding terrible diseases causing pain in the legs.

We are forced to play it safe, and you, as parents, do not neglect the health of your children. It’s better to go to the doctor once again and hear the diagnosis: growing pains, accompanied by increased pain. And sleep peacefully. Because this type the problem does not affect health, does not cause lameness and prolonged attacks of pain.

Leg pain in children can occur at any age and for a variety of reasons. It can occur for completely harmless reasons, or it can be a symptom of a serious illness in the child.

information If you have isolated complaints, you should not immediately rush to the hospital, but you cannot ignore severe or frequently recurring pain. When self-diagnosing, it is important to determine the source of pain as accurately as possible.

Causes and consequences

The main causes of leg pain in a child, as well as their consequences, are presented below:

  1. Fast growth. This is one of the most common and quite harmless reasons However, it can cause significant inconvenience to both the child and the parents. In this case, the baby often wakes up at night with pain in his legs. Before the onset of puberty, the child's height increases significantly due to an increase in the length of the legs, especially the legs and feet. The body intensively supplies growing tissues with blood, but the vessels through which blood circulation occurs in childhood (up to 10 years) contain too few elastic fibers. That's why good circulation blood is observed mainly during the day, when the child is active and moves a lot. At night, vascular tone decreases, blood flow becomes less intense, which leads to pain. In this case, you just need to increase the blood flow in the legs: massage, stroke, rub the child’s legs and feet.
  2. Trauma, bruise, sprain. The most common causes of pain, especially if the child is active and energetic. Most often they heal on their own, without outside help, but especially severe cases A visit to a doctor is recommended.
  3. Orthopedic pathology. The cause of pain may be scoliosis, various disorders posture, Ostud-Schlatter disease, congenital pathologies of the leg joints.
  4. Congenital pathology of blood vessels and heart. The pain is associated with deterioration of blood flow in the legs. The child gets tired quickly, often stumbles and falls when walking. There is also a noticeable difference in the pulse in the arms (easy to find, everything is normal) and legs (weakly felt or not felt at all).
  5. Leg pain as a symptom chronic diseases and pathologies. In this case, the cause of pain in the legs may be the following diseases: arthritis of the joints, blood diseases, pathologies endocrine system(adrenal gland diseases,), rheumatism, infection of the nasopharynx (, multiple caries,).
  6. Deficiency of calcium, potassium and phosphorus. There is severe pain in calf muscles. Occurs when there is insufficient supply of these microelements into a growing organism, or from them poor absorption.
  7. , ORZ. Pain and aches in the joints often accompany such diseases. Paracetamol will help get rid of discomfort. As you recover, the pain will go away.
  8. Schlaterr's disease. Often appears in teenagers and children involved in sports. Manifested by acute pain in the front of the knees, these places become painful sensitivity. The causes of this disease have not been precisely established; Schlaterra disease often goes away on its own.
  9. Still's disease, leukemia. It is worth paying attention to severe constant pain in the joints (sometimes with lumbago), with pronounced feeling unwell child and consult a doctor immediately. Still's disease can cause severe visual impairment.
  10. Congenital deficiency of connective tissues. Since this tissue is part of the organs of the cardiovascular system, in addition to pain in the legs, it can cause diseases such as nephroptosis, postural disorders, and joint diseases.
  11. Septic arthritis. Associated with infection of the joints and in advanced cases can damage them irreversibly.
  12. Swelling and redness of the joints. These symptoms, combined with pain in the legs, may indicate not only serious injuries and bruises, but also an infection in the joint and various serious diseases.
  13. Uncomfortable shoes. A common cause of pain in the legs, often accompanied by calluses.
  14. Ingrown nail.

When to see a doctor

If a child complains of pain in the legs, parents should carefully examine him, try to determine the duration of the pain and the exact moment of its occurrence, and, if necessary, contact a specialist.

important It is also necessary to see a doctor if you experience severe redness and inflammation of the joints. In case of suspected fracture, severe sprain or other serious injury. And also if there is lameness for several days.

A qualified doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment. You may need to take an ECG and x-ray. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and not to self-medicate, as this can only worsen the disease.

In medical circles, such a clinical unit as “growing pains” causes a lot of controversy. It is generally accepted that “growing pains” is a diagnosis of exclusion. After all, children and adolescents begin to complain of pain in their legs for no apparent reason. The child was not injured, and after examination, no organic diseases were revealed. Why, during sleep and in a state of complete rest, does he periodically suffer from pain in the lower extremities? Moreover, these pains are of a “flying” nature. Either the child’s knee or shin hurts, or the pain is concentrated in the hip area.


Growing pains usually affect children between the ages of 3 and 15 years. It is at this time that children grow rapidly. This growth is mainly due to the lower extremities. Doctors do not have a clear opinion regarding the appearance of these pains.

  • Some experts believe that the reason for their appearance is an unreasonably high load on the child’s fragile muscle and bone system.
  • Others believe that the cause is too rapid an increase in the length of the legs, which results in tension in the tendons and muscle fibers. Which leads to quite severe pain.

What symptoms accompany growing pains in children and adolescents?

  • Usually, night pain may intensify with increased physical activity during the day. Children may talk about pain under their knees, in their ankles, or on their outer thighs.
  • It is often possible to observe muscle cramps in the legs.
  • Some children complain about muscle numbness or stiffness when walking.
  • More often “growing pains” are localized in the calves, thighs and feet. They can occur alternately, now in the thigh, now in one foot, now in the other, now in the right, now in the left leg. Painful attacks are short-lived, they do not cause any harm and go away on their own.

Why are growing pains absent during the day and appear at night?

During the day, children lead an active lifestyle, forgetting about their nightly “adventures.” Even if the child had a fairly severe pain attack at night, in the morning he will feel great - run, jump, frolic.

Indeed, children complain of pain when they are completely at rest - during sleep or daytime rest, immediately after waking up. And this is quite natural, because it is at this time that vascular tone is reduced and blood supply is slowed down. And for the physiological growth of bone tissue, good blood supply is simply vital. Even with minor physical activity, blood circulation is normalized, and the bones of the limbs receive everything they need for their further growth. That is why, when moving while awake, children do not experience any pain.

Doctors explain the absence of pain during the day by the fact that at this time the child leads an active lifestyle and moves a lot. Consequently, his brain receives a lot of new information, thereby pushing aside memories of pain coming from tense tendons and muscles. At night, when the child is relaxed, pain impulses easily reach the nerve centers and children wake up feeling pain in their legs.

How to distinguish growing pains from other diseases?

Let’s first identify the history of which diseases present the symptom “pain in the legs”:

  • For most orthopedic pathologies. And also for diseases of Perthes and Ostud Spatter, etc.
  • For tuberculosis. Positive reaction Mantoux is a reason to urgently show the child to a phthisiatrician.
  • Night pain in the lower extremities is a symptom of neurocircular dystonia. The history of this diagnosis also includes: headaches and heart pain, insomnia, shortness of breath and lack of air.
  • This symptom may also be present in congenital pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. In this case, the pulse in the legs is faintly audible, and sometimes completely absent. The patient often falls, stumbles, and his legs are difficult to control.
  • If your baby complains of constant pain in the heel, then he should be shown to a surgeon. He may have an Achilles tendon strain.
  • For rheumatism, diabetes in children, arthritis, and pathology of the thyroid gland.
  • Often, pain in the legs is associated with water calluses, which parents can see for themselves by carefully examining the child’s legs.
  • Children (three years old and older) often suffer from pain in the calves. This means that the child’s body does not receive enough phosphorus and calcium. Pregnant women often experience similar pain.
  • Sudden pain in one of the joints is most often a symptom of injury. Typically, when an injury occurs, the joint swells.
  • In adolescents, acute knee pain may indicate the presence of Schlatter's disease.
  • A severely swollen and reddened joint on the leg requires urgent medical attention. An infectious process may develop.
  • Also, joint pain can be a symptom of the flu or any other respiratory disease. As a rule, joint pain is accompanied by other cold symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, fever, etc.
  • But the most common causes of pain complaints are considered to be bruises and all kinds of injuries.

In what cases should you go to the doctor?

  1. If the child limps for several days.
  2. His joints were red and inflamed.
  3. And, of course, if the parents do not exclude a possible dislocation or fracture.

How to distinguish “growing pains” from serious diseases?

As you already understand, the course and clinical picture of “growing pains” differ from the symptoms of more serious diseases.

  • Growing pains make themselves felt during complete rest.
  • The pain begins to bother you a couple of hours after falling asleep.
  • Sometimes, the baby may cry from pain late at night.
  • The pain completely disappears after about a quarter of an hour.
  • In most cases, children are bothered by pain in large joints.
  • In the morning, the children don’t even remember the pain, they run around with pleasure and feel great.
  • These are “flying pains” that are not localized in the same place. The baby may complain of pain in the knee, then in the hip, then in the ankle.
  • The attacks are short-lived.
  • The temperature never rises.
  • The child's general condition is not deteriorating.
  • No redness or swelling is observed on the lower extremities.
  • The child does not limp.
  • The bone joints are mobile.
  • These pains may torment the child for several nights in a row or appear occasionally.
  • As soon as growth spurts are left behind, the pain will disappear forever.

Be that as it may, pediatricians strongly recommend an examination and a blood test. It wouldn’t hurt to check your ESR once again. As they say: “God protects those who are careful”

Growing pains in the legs in children: how to treat?

  1. The most important recommendation is to be attentive to your child, monitor his behavior and listen to his complaints. Do not try to diagnose yourself, there is a doctor for that!
  2. For growing pains, treatment usually consists of a light massage, which can be done by the parents themselves.
  3. For severe pain, doctors recommend giving the child one third of an Ibuprofen or Nurofen tablet. This dose is enough to relieve pain without putting a strain on the liver. If your baby wakes up with leg pain several nights in a row, doctors recommend giving Ibuprofen before bed rather than during the attack. The medicine will relieve the pain, the attack will pass and the baby will sleep peacefully through the night.
  4. You can use a warm bath to relieve pain. Or apply a warm compress to the painful area.
  5. Sometimes doctors recommend using Butadione ointment. Some pediatricians prefer to prescribe Diclofenac ointment.

Attention! Any medications and ointments should be prescribed by a pediatrician. No amateur performances.

Growing pains begin and go away spontaneously. The child gets scared, and fear only intensifies the pain. Therefore, parents must first reassure the child by explaining to him that his legs are growing, and soon he will become very big.

Nutrition of children during active growth

Parents should know that the first growth spurt occurs in girls at 6 years old, and in boys at 5 years old.

The second is for girls at 10 years old, and for boys at 9. At this time, children grow rapidly; in one year they can grow by 15-20 cm.

The third leap begins at 13-15 years of age.

It is during the period of active growth that children especially need a balanced diet. Their diet must include proteins, microelements, and vitamins. Especially A and D. Children should receive sufficient amounts of minerals from food.

As a rule, a light massage or a warm bath is enough to relieve the pain. If the pain does not go away, other more serious diseases should be ruled out. And for this you need to undergo examination in a specialized institution. A visit to the doctor in this case is inevitable.

For any parents, there is nothing worse than a child’s illness. Even an ordinary ARVI makes them worry. What can we say about incomprehensible night pain in the legs. We have tried to outline the main symptoms of growing pains in children. But, of course, no article, even the most detailed one, can replace a consultation with a pediatrician. And you shouldn’t forget about this.

» Pain in a child

Causes of pain in the legs of a child

Why children's legs hurt is a question that worries many parents. It is necessary to constantly monitor the baby’s behavior and find out from him about his well-being, since pain in a child’s legs can be a rather alarming symptom of a general illness.

Pain in a child’s legs is commonly called “growing pains.” They do not affect all children, and in those who are affected, the pain may not be pronounced, so children may not notice it.

Until now, the reasons why it would be possible to determine why children have leg pain have not been fully identified. True, there is an opinion among doctors that “growing pains” can arise due to rapid growth bones, while muscle mass can't keep up with them. As a result of all this, the muscles along with the tendons are stretched and adhere to the bones so tightly that they burn the joints. As a result, children experience discomfort.

The source of pain can be the front surface of the thigh, lower leg, and calves. Moreover, the pain can change its location, that is, if your knee hurts today, then tomorrow both ankles will hurt. Growing pains can also occur in 3-year-olds, but most often it affects children aged 4 to 9 years.

In addition, growing pains can be associated with physical activity, as well as playing sports. But often the pain occurs at night. This is due to the fact that throughout the day the child is hyperactive, and upon returning home he gets tired, relaxes, and when he goes to bed, all the load transferred to his legs makes itself felt.

Also, overextended, tight muscles can cause pain in a child's legs. Pain in the legs can also include muscle convulsions, in other words, cramps. They occur in the calf muscle and are accompanied by spasms. It is the latter that distinguishes cramps from growing pains.

Rheumatoid arthritis is becoming one of the dangerous and serious diseases. Yes, it happens to children too. If parents notice a child following symptoms that accompany leg pain in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Fever
  • Joints and muscles become swollen
  • The child constantly complains of fatigue, does not want to eat, and loses kilograms of weight.
  • Starts to limp
  • Waking up in the morning, he experiences pain in his legs.

What to do?

If the doctor excludes serious diseases, you need to:

  • Try to calm the child down and find the right words. So that the child does not get scared, but he is already in fear of pain, you need to tell him that his legs hurt because he has overexerted himself. The pain will soon subside
  • Start rubbing the baby's legs with your hands. Sometimes a massage helps instantly. You just need to do this with extreme caution, especially if a muscle is injured.
  • You can apply a warm compress to soothe the sore area. Just do not leave the child with a warm compress or a warm bath for a long time.
  • Don't forget about painkillers.

Doctors are always in favor hospital treatment, since they are confident that treatment outside the home is much more effective, they relieve pain or stop its effect altogether. In any case, if the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor to be sure that everything is in order.

Causes of leg pain in children

According to statistics, leg pain most often occurs in children aged 3 to 10 years. Their reasons are often various injuries(bruises, sprains of muscles and ligaments), but it also happens that no visible reasons The child has no pain in his legs. In this case, you cannot do without contacting a pediatrician, since pain in the joints or muscles of the legs can indicate many different diseases.

What can cause pain in a child's legs?

Let's look at the most common causes of leg pain that occurs in childhood. Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but it doesn’t hurt parents to know what disorders and diseases can cause leg pain.

Peculiarities of childhood. During the developmental period, a child experiences intensive growth of his legs, and especially his legs and feet. Children under 7–10 years of age may experience a deficiency of elastic fibers in the places where active growth and changes in tissue, and this leads to insufficient blood supply. During the day, while the child is actively moving, blood circulation is normal, but at night, blood flow in developing parts of the body worsens. In such cases, parents notice that the child’s legs hurt at night, although he feels fine during the day. A light foot massage helps to cope with pain, as a result of which blood flow increases.

Violation metabolic processes. If a child's calves hurt, this may indicate insufficient intake of phosphorus, calcium and potassium. This disorder can occur in children over 3 years of age. The rapidly developing child’s body requires increased amount microelements for normal height bones, and their deficiency can cause pain in the legs.

Orthopedic disorders. Leg pain in children can occur due to flat feet, poor posture, scoliosis and various joint pathologies, which can be either congenital or acquired. All such violations lead to a shift in the center of gravity, in which any part of the leg is exposed to high blood pressure, which leads to pain. In such cases, the localization of pain can be different: the child has pain in the calves, feet, hip, knee or ankle joints.

Chronic infections and diseases. Pain in the legs of a child can be caused by the presence of an infectious process in the body, congenital pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, the development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism or blood diseases. In addition, there are a number of diseases that disrupt the normal mineralization of bone tissue and ultimately cause pain in the legs. These include diseases of the adrenal glands, diabetes, diseases parathyroid gland and other endocrine disorders.

Cardiopsychoneurosis. With this disease, the child’s legs hurt at night or after long stay in a stationary position. In addition to the fact that the baby’s legs hurt, the child complains of headache, lack of air and discomfort in the abdomen and heart.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Minor injuries are the most common cause of leg pain. In such cases, any special treatment usually not required: after some time, minor bruises and sprains go away on their own. But if the injury is accompanied by severe swelling of the joint and severe pain, you will still have to visit a doctor.

Note: Small child He is not always able to sort out his feelings and independently understand that his legs hurt. Does your child complain that it is difficult for him to walk or that his legs are tired, but cannot show where it hurts? This should already be a reason for a medical examination.

Seek qualified medical care also necessary in the following cases:

  • if you suspect a serious injury or fracture;
  • for inflammation and redness of joints;
  • if the child is severely limping for no apparent reason.

IN last week began to say that his bones hurt (in different time different - legs, arms, hip bone), I said several times today. At first I thought that maybe it was growing so rapidly, but now I’m worried. What could it be and which doctor should I go to? I don’t have a cold, I didn’t hit myself.

2008-11-10 08:00:47

Our legs often hurt, and our arms only hurt once. has long been. I asked the orthopedist, grit is normal, it happens

2008-11-17 09:56:29

Could it be growing pains? My son suffered from this. Growing pains. What is it? Growing pains are benign syndrome, which includes pain in the limbs with characteristic features, usually occurring in children under 10 years of age. How often does this occur? Pain in the extremities is among the leading reasons for visiting pain specialists in children. The most common among them are growing pains. Worldwide, 10-12% of children experience growing pains, mainly between the ages of 3 and 12 years. In boys and girls, these pains occur with equal frequency. What are the main symptoms? Pain occurs most often in the legs (skin, calf muscle area, back surface knee joints, hips) and is usually bilateral. The pain usually appears in the afternoon or at night, often when the child wakes up. Parents usually report that the child's pain develops throughout the day as physical activity increases. The duration of this pain is usually from 10 to 30 minutes, although it can vary from a few minutes to hours. The intensity of the pain ranges from minimal to very severe. Growing pains are transient, with pain-free intervals lasting from several days to months. In some cases, pain can occur daily. How is the disease diagnosed? Characteristics of pain in combination with normal results physical examination allows you to make a diagnosis. There is no need to perform laboratory and X-ray studies, the results of which are always normal. How is the disease treated? Explaining the benign nature of the process reduces the anxiety of the child and family. During an episode of pain, local massage and mild analgesics may help. In children with frequent episodes, a dose of ibuprofen given in the evening may minimize or prevent pain. Prognosis: Growing pains are not associated with any serious organic disease and usually stop as they get older. In 100% of children, pain disappears when they become adults.

2008-11-25 04:17:37

Multimama, Nat@, I hope that’s exactly the case. Thank you.

2008-12-02 05:40:54

Zavochka, I agree with the opinion that these may be growing pains. but just in case, notify the pediatrician so that if something happens you don’t miss the onset of the disease.

2008-12-03 05:44:02

Most likely these are growing pains. But just in case, you can see a rheumatologist. Eat special examinations with such problems. But this is the case if the pain is long-term and regular. You can relieve pain with medications such as nimesil or nemulide - this is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkiller. But again, this should be done only in acute rare cases, when you can’t do without it, you shouldn’t abuse it - and it’s better to get examined.

2008-12-06 08:47:53

Zavochka, I don’t want to scare you at all, but this is for information. Such symptoms often occur when children have so-called infantile rheumatism. In our family, for some reason, this happens to all generations of girls. And so did my little sister. I don’t remember about myself, but I remember very well how my sister cried at night and was given medicine. Everything went away after puberty.

2008-12-11 10:12:00

Zavochka, Katya, when I was a child, my bones hurt all the time. I remember crying at night and being rubbed with various ointments. They took me to a rheumatologist, he promised that I would outgrow it. Outgrown

2008-12-18 10:02:23

Oh, I also have Evka complaining, and it was after sleep, yesterday she cried. I thought it might be a cramp, but the muscle is soft. I even wanted to take her to a surgeon. And it turns out how

2008-12-26 05:58:49

In the last week he began to say that his bones hurt (at different times - legs, arms, pelvic bone), today he said several times. At first I thought that maybe it was growing so intensely, but now I’m worried. What could it be? Which doctor should we go to? He doesn’t have a cold, he didn’t hit himself. My son complained twice about pain in his legs and the pediatrician sent us to get tested for rheumatology and to consult a rheumatologist. And the rheumatologist will do an ultrasound of the heart and an ecg. Rheumatism makes your heart feel worse, it’s better to get it checked. I hope everything goes well for you.

2008-12-30 03:14:55

I join general opinion about growing pains. As a child, my knees hurt a lot when I was 12-13 years old. We went to both a surgeon and a rheumatologist, but found nothing. But no one said about Pain that this happens. Everything will be fine, but still go to the doctor to calm down. Good luck

2009-01-07 09:53:58

If for rheumatism, then best center here: ( There is something to read there.

2009-01-07 10:08:57

And we drink calcium. For 5 years old, Masha is a tall girl, and as the neurologist said, her bones can’t keep up. She doesn’t like pills and I buy chewable multi-colored Calcinova. We drink it for a month, take a month off. He hasn't complained about bones for a long time.

2009-01-14 09:07:50

Growing pains can and most often do go away without any treatment. Analgesics, even mild ones, are not indicated, they do not solve the problem. With severe pain syndrome It’s better to turn to a homeopath, such pain is evidence of intense processes of mineral metabolism, which happens to almost everyone in childhood. Tested.

2009-01-18 09:33:35

My three-year-old also has this problem, complaining about his legs. And some friends also had a child who complained, the parents didn’t pay attention, and in the end it turned out to be bone tuberculosis. It's scary. Right now they're pumping him full of calcium. I'm looking for good calcium

Sources: No comments yet!

A child’s illness is a test not only for him, but also for his parents. Sometimes a small ailment turns into big problem. If a child begins to complain of leg pain for no apparent reason, the anxiety intensifies. The sooner the causes of the pathology are found and treatment begins, the better. Pain in the legs is sometimes a consequence of normal physiological processes, but sometimes it signals the need for urgent medical intervention.

When a child complains of pain in the legs, he must be shown to an experienced specialist

Possible causes of pain and accompanying symptoms

Table possible reasons Why does a child's legs hurt:

Causes Why is this happening? Associated symptoms
Growing up The child's body increases in size. The growth of bones in the arms, legs, legs and feet causes discomfort. None.
Orthopedic pathologies Weak musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot. Fatigue, shift in center of gravity when walking.
Osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity Availability physical activity in children. Usually appears at 10-15 years of age. A lump just below the knee that hurts when exercising.
Perthes disease Congenital pathology. Pain, lameness.
Infections Temperature and inflammatory process cause pain and aches in the joints. Symptoms of ARVI, tonsillitis.
Arthritis Not fully studied. Periodic pain (legs, arms, back hurt), hyperthermia, weakness.
Rheumatism Increase in the number of streptococci. Headache, increased fatigue. Rarely - shortness of breath, back pain.
Cardiopsychoneurosis Weak vegetative system- usually a consequence of stress. Wandering pains for no apparent reason (most often the heart or stomach hurts), insomnia.
Injuries Mechanical damage. Leg swelling, hematoma.
Pain occurs due to disruption of the blood supply to the legs. Fatigue, pallor, heart pain.
There is no “building material” for normal bone growth. Cramps, muscle pain, weak bones.

Growing pains
Growing pains are harmless temporary pains of a growing child.

One of common factors, causing pain in the legs in children 3-9 years old - growing pains. At rest, the discomfort disappears. Characteristic symptoms:

  • normal body temperature;
  • no changes skin on the arms and legs (swelling, redness, etc.);
  • there is no pain during the day, or it is insignificant;
  • the localization of painful sensations does not change.

If the child is characterized by most of the items from the specified list, then he has encountered normal physiological process. Why is this happening? The answer lies in the asynchronous development of muscles and bones. Relieve unpleasant symptoms You can use a warm bath or a relaxing massage. If necessary, Diclofenac (ointment), Nurofen or Ibuprofen will help with medications.

Orthopedic pathologies

The vast majority of orthopedic pathologies accompanied by leg pain are different kinds flat feet, incorrect posture, dysplasia or others pathological changes hip joints. Localization of pain - Bottom part legs (foot, lower leg), symptoms intensify with exercise. No changes in the skin are observed.

Pain in the legs of a child, especially boys, can be caused by excessive active image life

If a child is characterized by mobility and a “fighting” character, then this is the source of pain in the legs. Injuries, sprains, bruises - all this is a consequence of an overly active lifestyle. In this case, nothing needs to be done; the consequences of minor injuries go away on their own. If the damage turns out to be serious and leads to lameness, contact a traumatologist - it is necessary instrumental diagnostics causes of discomfort.

Chronic infectious processes

Most common infections:

Lack of microelements and vitamins

For constant growth and development children's body needs to " building materials": proteins, fats, carbohydrates, acids, vitamins and microelements. If any substances are insufficient, pathologies arise.

For example, pain in the legs for no apparent reason may be the result of a deficiency:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins.

Imbalance of microelements most often occurs in children 2-7 years old. At this time, the rate of development of the child is highly dependent on nutrition. Pain caused by nutritional deficiencies occurs at night (in the form of cramps in the calf area) or when walking (pain in the feet or below the knees). Weak regeneration is also noted: even after the slightest bruise, the legs hurt for a long time, and this causes a lot of inconvenience. To eliminate the problem, try adjusting your diet yourself or consult a doctor.


Dystonia - muscle spasms. Factors causing pathology, many: heredity, stress, past illnesses. Neurocirculatory dystonia is characterized by sharply occurring spasms that hinder movement. In this case, the pain goes away on its own. The disease is accompanied by disorders of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, bradycardia. Therapy includes taking sedatives.

Congenital cardiovascular diseases
Congenital cardiovascular diseases can cause leg pain in children in the first years of life

With defects of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation is impaired. As a result, the legs become weak. Congenital pathologies are detected in the first year of a baby’s life, but if doctors have not found any violations, then they can be identified independently using the following signs:

  • from the early age legs hurt in the morning and at night;
  • at rest the pain disappears, but when walking it appears again;
  • Heart rate and respiratory rate are outside the normal range;
  • the pulse in the legs is weak;
  • painful sensations cover the legs below the knee and foot.

Stress is a person’s companion throughout life. It is more difficult for children to cope with it than for adults, which is why they arise psychosomatic diseases. At 3-4 years of age, stress is caused by adaptation to the outside world. At 5-6 years old they begin school years, and the baby has to join in new team. Help your child during this time. Listen when he complains. Try to find out about his experiences in a timely manner and cope with them together.

Other reasons

The described list of causes of pain is not exhaustive. Any disease affects many internal organs and can affect the condition of the joints. Failures in the production of hormones also lead to pain in various parts of the body.

Still's disease, Schlatter's disease, bone diseases - all this negatively affects the development of the baby, so it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

How to eliminate leg pain in young children, depending on its cause?

Treatment regimens:

Pathology Which doctor should I contact? How to treat?
Orthopedic pathologies Orthopedist Gymnastics, special orthopedic shoes.
Rupture (stretch) of the Achilles tendon Traumatologist When stretching they are used conservative methods: gypsum, bed rest. If the pain is severe, painkillers can be used. In case of rupture, treatment is performed surgically.
Infections Infectious disease specialist Depending on the disease. Most often - antibiotics.
Arthritis Orthopedist Analgesic ointments, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local injections.
Rheumatism Pediatrician, rheumatologist, reflexologist Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics (bicillins).
Cardiopsychoneurosis Cardiologist Psychotherapy, sedatives, neuroleptics, antidepressants.
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system Cardiologist Maintenance therapy or surgery.
Osteomyelitis Infectious disease specialist, pediatrician Antibiotics, painkillers, sometimes surgery.

Whenever alarming symptoms First of all, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor will conduct primary diagnosis and, if necessary, refer you to specialized specialists. The sooner you consult your doctor, the better. Most diseases are treatable simple treatment just on initial stages. Self-administration of medications is prohibited, because side effects can have a detrimental effect on the child's body.

Among the common childhood ailments, experts note: leg pain. This concept includes a number of diseases, which are completely different in symptoms and causes of appearance. Any specific case requires a clear clarification of the exact location of pain, which may appear in the bones, muscles, and limbs.

  • Causes of leg pain in children
  • Which doctors should I contact and when?

Why a child’s legs may hurt - causes of pain in a child’s legs

  • Peculiarities of childhood

At this time, the structure of bones, blood vessels, ligaments and muscles have a number of features that provide nutrition, correct exchange substances and growth rates. Children's legs and feet grow faster than others. In places rapid growth tissue must be provided with abundant blood flow. Growing tissues of the body, thanks to the vessels that supply nutrition to the muscles and bones, are properly supplied with blood. However, the number of elastic fibers in them is minimal. Consequently, when the child moves, the blood circulation improves. When muscles work, bones grow and develop. When the child sleeps, there is a decrease in the tone of the venous and arterial vessels. The intensity of blood flow decreases - painful sensations appear.

  • Orthopedic pathology - flat feet, scoliosis, curvature of the spine, incorrect posture

With these ailments, the center of gravity shifts, and maximum pressure falls on a certain area of ​​the leg.

  • Chronic nasopharyngeal infections

For example - caries, adenoiditis, tonsillitis. That is why in childhood you need to regularly visit an ENT doctor and dentist. Pain in the legs may indicate the presence various diseases infectious nature.

  • Neurocirculatory dystonia (hypotonic type)

This disease causes pain in the legs of children at night. Children with this disease also complain of headaches, cardiac discomfort, and abdominal discomfort. Sleep disturbance may also occur.

  • Cardiovascular congenital pathology

As a result of this pathology, blood flow decreases. When walking, children may fall and stumble - this is due to leg fatigue and pain.

  • Congenital inferiority of connective tissues

Children with this anomaly may suffer varicose veins veins, renal prolapse, curvature of posture, scoliosis, flat feet.

  • Bruises and injuries

They can cause children to lame. Older children often strain ligaments and muscles. The healing process does not require outside intervention.

  • Strong emotions or stress

This can cause lameness in some cases. This is especially noticeable when the child is excited or upset. You should seek help from a doctor if the lameness does not go away the next day.

  • Bruise (or inflammation) of the knee or ankle
  • Inflammation of the toe, ingrown toenail
  • Tight shoes
  • Achilles tendon sprain

It can cause heel pain. If the foot is affected, pain may occur in the middle or middle part of the foot. Water calluses can also cause discomfort.

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements

Children over three years of age complain of pain in the calf muscles associated with a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the bone growth zones.

With any ARVI or flu, all joints may also hurt in a child. Regular paracetamol will help relieve pain.

Which doctors should I contact and when should I contact them if my child’s legs hurt?

If a child complains of leg pain, you should seek help from the following specialists:

  1. Pediatric neurologist;
  2. Hematologist;
  3. Pediatrician;
  4. Orthopedist-traumatologist.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • You noticed inflammation and redness of the hip, knee or ankle joint;
  • The child limps for no apparent reason;
  • There is a suspicion of a thorough injury or fracture.
  • Any injury can be a source of sudden pain in the legs. You need to see a doctor if there is swelling or pain in the joint.

  • If the joint is swollen and has turned red or brown color, You should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps this is the beginning of something difficult systemic disease or infection in the joint.
  • It is necessary to take this very seriously the appearance of joint pain in a child in the morning- they may indicate the presence of Still's disease or leukemia.
  • Schlatter's disease is quite widespread among children. The disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the knee (front part), at the point of attachment of the tendon kneecap to the tibia. Cause of this disease not installed.

Every parent should watch their child, watch his shoes, provide good nutrition and do not limit the child’s movement. The baby's diet should contain everything necessary for the normal development and growth of the child's body.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. If alarming symptoms occur, consult a specialist! Rotovirus intestinal infection symptoms and treatment in an 8 year old child Dental treatment during pregnancy early stages consequences for the child Treatment of adenoids in children without surgery Komarovsky child 3 years old