How quickly do you adapt to a new team? New team: success from the first day. rules for adaptation to a new team

Getting a job that would meet all your criteria and requirements, from professionalism and high self-esteem to an appropriate salary, is very difficult in these competitive times.

Therefore, in order to easily adapt to a new place of work and in a new team, you must follow several important rules. After all, how long you will work in a prestigious company depends not only on your professional knowledge, but also on your behavior and manner of communication with colleagues.

The first day.

It is known to be the most difficult. Your colleagues and superiors will appreciate your professionalism in the first week. But at the level of non-verbal information, your future colleagues will form their individual impression of you in the very first minutes of communication.

They will notice how you are dressed, how you greeted and entered the office, they will pay attention to your gait, the way you move and introduce yourself. The first impression is always the strongest, although not always the most correct. But you won't have a second chance.


When preparing for an interview, you have already found out whether the company has its own dress code, have seen how the employees are dressed, and have roughly understood the atmosphere of relationships and communication. This will help you prepare in advance for your first “going out.”

If the company has a strict dress code and it is customary to dress in a certain color scheme, then prepare your suit, blouse, shoes and bag, which harmoniously combine with each other, in advance.

You shouldn’t show off things from prestigious brands on the first day - just an impeccably cut suit and expensive fabric, a silk or cotton correct blouse, mid-heeled pumps.

It is also inappropriate to appear at the office for the first time in your expensive headset with precious stones, a Cartier watch, a low-cut blouse or top, and bright makeup.

Your appearance: hairstyle, manicure and makeup must be impeccable, but correct. Do a haircut and styling in advance; if your hair is short or medium length, long hair can be gathered into a “shell” or a fashionable knot. will help you create neutral daytime makeup.

If the office has an informal style of dress, then your appearance in a strict classic suit will immediately create additional disharmony in communication. In this case, it is better to put together your ensemble from neutral things: tapered trousers with creases or chinos, a beautiful jumper or sporty blouse, fashionable low-heeled shoes or Oxford shoes.

If you are young, you can choose a preppy look - a white shirt, a sports blazer and chinos. As a compromise option, for any age from 25 to 40, an ensemble in fashionable and

Jeans, T-shirts, sneakers or other sports shoes, if this is the norm in the company, you can wear later, once you determine the most popular brands and brands preferred by colleagues.

Your behavior.

It is necessary, despite natural anxiety, to cope with your emotions. You must behave correctly, politely, calmly and confidently. To gain time, get to know your future colleagues. Try to remember names and patronymics, pay attention to how they usually address each other.

Some will introduce themselves as “Vadik”, and others as Elena Vasilievna. Moreover, despite the age. And on the first day of work in a new team, it’s hardly appropriate to go on a first-name basis with everyone.

An informal style of communication, if it is accepted in the office, will be suggested to you over time by your colleagues themselves. When getting to know each other or asking questions, look your interlocutor in the eyes, try to relax and show sincere interest.

Another important rule is not to take any part in possible discussions between colleagues. If “interest groups” have already formed in the team, you will be provoked to take a certain position in relation to your colleague, to impose a style of communication and even work.

Don’t make hasty decisions, and it’s better to focus on “your territory” for the first hour. Remove all unnecessary things from your desktop, check the condition of your laptop or computer, and check where other necessary work tools are located.

To establish contacts with colleagues, you can ask questions related to your professional responsibilities - unobtrusive curiosity related to work issues, acceptable in the first days, will allow you to find out which of your colleagues is friendly and which is used to working, clearly limiting your social circle.

The correct communication strategy on the first day at a new place of work is friendliness, politeness, and correctness. Smile more often, watch your movements - try to keep as few awkward and uncertain movements as possible. Your colleagues should understand and feel that you are calm and confident.

The beginning of workdays is the first week.

Usually, the first week is enough to adapt to a new team and a new job. You will already be familiar with those company employees with whom you most often communicate. Learn about how to communicate and how to dress. Decide how to behave towards your colleagues.

At first, it is better to adhere to the principle of mimicry - try to become like employees who have been working in the company for a long time, and not stand out with your style of clothing or behavior.

For example, if everyone prefers instant coffee or tea in bags, then it is better not to brew your favorite chamomile tea in a porcelain teapot for now. And communicate with colleagues only on neutral or professional topics. It’s better to never be frank with colleagues at work, and especially at first.

If you have serious difficulties adapting to a new place, contact the company management with a request to recommend a supervisor - a person who will quickly, clearly and correctly help you determine your responsibilities and powers, explain the company’s basic strategy, management hierarchy, and accepted rules of conduct. And it will help you pass the probation period painlessly and successfully.

Results of the first month of work.

The main mistake of newcomers to a new team is the desire to remain in an almost complete vacuum of communication, and not allow anyone beyond the boundaries of communication established for themselves.

But now not only professionalism is valued, but also communication skills and the ability to work organically and harmoniously in a team. Therefore, do not try to proudly dine alone, do not ignore informal communication during the day, if it does not harm your work, do not try to create a “wall of alienation” around yourself. Even if you are unlucky with your colleagues, you need to find compromise options for communication. After all, it is important for you to maintain a prestigious job.

At the end of the month, it is better to contact your superiors and arrange a meeting. There is already a certain opinion about you as a professional. And a request for a meeting will characterize you as an open, sociable employee, ready for dialogue, constructive criticism and further cooperation with the company.

Try to avoid these habits.

Long-term communication between several people in a confined space is a serious test even for a person with nerves of steel. After all, it is impossible to completely exclude communication with colleagues, even if you concentrate as much as possible on your work.

We are all different, with our own habits and preferences. But there are habits that irritate almost everyone. If you control yourself, you will be able to minimize possible negative attitudes towards yourself.

Don't be arrogant.

Even if you are a rare professional with extraordinary abilities, and your superiors have already appreciated what a valuable employee you are for the company, you should not openly demonstrate this to your colleagues.

But there are completely innocent actions that you don’t even pay attention to, but which will create your reputation as an arrogant and arrogant person. For example, you thoughtfully walked past a familiar employee or the director’s secretary and did not say hello. There may be many reasons for your absent-mindedness. But no one cares about your problems, but your behavior is worried and hotly discussed.

Don't gossip or talk about personal things.

Over time, when you have already passed the probationary period and become an “experienced” employee, you will gradually learn personal information about your colleagues. You may even be deliberately provoked to take part in a discussion of the professional or personal qualities of your colleagues.

Do not succumb to these provocations under any circumstances. When discussing others, you, firstly, unwittingly reveal yourself. Secondly, gossipers are always avoided for fear of becoming the next target. Thirdly, such people are considered to be less professional, even if this is not true.

Also avoid talking with colleagues about personal matters, and especially about your problems. Don't complain about life and don't whine. You may find temporary understanding and sympathy, but this information can be used against you and hinder your professional career.

Monitor your phone calls.

First, choose neutral ringtones if your loved ones have a habit of calling you often. Secondly, set the volume to minimum or vibration mode - do not force your colleagues to flinch, frown, or be distracted from work every time.

And teach your family that calling you during work hours is only in emergency circumstances or during a lunch break. Even in this case, it is better not to talk in the presence of colleagues - why let them know about your personal life.

Support your team in a crisis situation.

If you have been asked to go out for half a day on your legal day off, or have been asked to do part of the work for a colleague who has gone on vacation, try to objectively analyze the situation.

In any team, unforeseen circumstances arise from time to time. And your desire to support your colleagues, to help in such a situation, your corporate spirit will be highly appreciated.

At the same time, in order to avoid becoming a person who will continue to be entrusted with tasks that no one wants to do, you need to learn to delicately but firmly say “no” if the situation repeats itself too often. And once again contact your immediate superior with a request to clearly define your responsibilities.

Working in a new team is always stressful and a search for compromise. Your high professionalism, confidence in your strengths and abilities, intuition, healthy egoism and sense of humor will help you adapt quickly and easily. And also respect for your colleagues.

Posted on 09.11.2017

Getting a job that would meet all your criteria and requirements, from professionalism and high self-esteem to an appropriate salary, is very difficult in these competitive times.

Therefore, in order to easily adapt to a new place of work and in a new team, you must follow several important rules. After all, how long you will work in a prestigious company depends not only on your professional knowledge, but also on your behavior and manner of communication with colleagues.

The first day.

It is known to be the most difficult. Your colleagues and superiors will appreciate your professionalism in the first week. But at the level of non-verbal information, your future colleagues will form their individual impression of you in the very first minutes of communication.

They will notice how you are dressed, how you greeted and entered the office, they will pay attention to your gait, the way you move and introduce yourself. The first impression is always the strongest, although not always the most correct. But you won't have a second chance.


When preparing for an interview, you have already found out whether the company has its own dress code, have seen how the employees are dressed, and have roughly understood the atmosphere of relationships and communication. This will help you prepare in advance for your first “going out.”

If the company has a strict dress code and it is customary to dress in a certain color scheme, then prepare your suit, blouse, shoes and bag, which harmoniously combine with each other, in advance.

You shouldn’t show off things from prestigious brands on the first day - just an impeccably cut suit and expensive fabric, a silk or cotton correct blouse, mid-heeled pumps.

It is also inappropriate to appear at the office for the first time in your expensive headset with precious stones, a Cartier watch, a low-cut blouse or top, and bright makeup.

Your appearance: hairstyle, manicure and makeup must be impeccable, but correct. Do a haircut and styling in advance; if your hair is short or medium length, long hair can be gathered into a “shell” or a fashionable knot. This master class will help you create neutral daytime makeup.

If the office has an informal style of dress, then your appearance in a strict classic suit will immediately create additional disharmony in communication. In this case, it is better to put together your ensemble from neutral things: tapered trousers with creases or chinos, a beautiful jumper or sporty blouse, fashionable low-heeled shoes or Oxford shoes.

If you are young, you can choose a preppy look - a white shirt, a sports blazer and chinos. As a compromise option, for any age from 25 to 40, an ensemble in a fashionable and modern smart casual office style is suitable.

Jeans, T-shirts, sneakers or other sports shoes, if this is the norm in the company, you can wear later, once you determine the most popular brands and brands preferred by colleagues.

Your behavior.

It is necessary, despite natural anxiety, to cope with your emotions. You must behave correctly, politely, calmly and confidently. To gain time, get to know your future colleagues. Try to remember names and patronymics, pay attention to how they usually address each other.

Some will introduce themselves as “Vadik”, and others as Elena Vasilievna. Moreover, despite the age. And on the first day of work in a new team, it’s hardly appropriate to go on a first-name basis with everyone.

An informal style of communication, if it is accepted in the office, will be suggested to you over time by your colleagues themselves. When getting to know each other or asking questions, look your interlocutor in the eyes, try to relax and show sincere interest.

Another important rule is not to take any part in possible discussions between colleagues. If “interest groups” have already formed in the team, you will be provoked to take a certain position in relation to your colleague, to impose a style of communication and even work.

Don’t make hasty decisions, and it’s better to focus on “your territory” for the first hour.

Remove all unnecessary things from your desktop, check the condition of your laptop or computer, and check where other necessary work tools are located.

To establish contacts with colleagues, you can ask questions related to your professional responsibilities - unobtrusive curiosity related to work issues, acceptable in the first days, will allow you to find out which of your colleagues is friendly and which is used to working, clearly limiting your social circle.

The correct communication strategy on the first day at a new place of work is friendliness, politeness, and correctness. Smile more often, watch your movements - try to keep as few awkward and uncertain movements as possible. Your colleagues should understand and feel that you are calm and confident.

The beginning of workdays is the first week.

Usually, the first week is enough to adapt to a new team and a new job. You will already be familiar with those company employees with whom you most often communicate. Learn about how to communicate and how to dress. Decide how to behave towards your colleagues.

At first, it is better to adhere to the principle of mimicry - try to become like employees who have been working in the company for a long time, and not stand out with your style of clothing or behavior.

For example, if everyone prefers instant coffee or tea in bags, then it is better not to brew your favorite chamomile tea in a porcelain teapot for now.

And communicate with colleagues only on neutral or professional topics. It’s better to never be frank with colleagues at work, and especially at first.

If you have serious difficulties adapting to a new place, contact the company management with a request to recommend a supervisor - a person who will quickly, clearly and correctly help you determine your responsibilities and powers, explain the company’s basic strategy, management hierarchy, and accepted rules of conduct. And it will help you pass the probation period painlessly and successfully.

Results of the first month of work.

The main mistake of newcomers to a new team is the desire to remain in an almost complete vacuum of communication, and not allow anyone beyond the boundaries of communication established for themselves.

But now not only professionalism is valued, but also communication skills and the ability to work organically and harmoniously in a team. Therefore, do not try to proudly dine alone, do not ignore informal communication during the day, if it does not harm your work, do not try to create a “wall of alienation” around yourself. Even if you are unlucky with your colleagues, you need to find compromise options for communication. After all, it is important for you to maintain a prestigious job.

At the end of the month, it is better to contact your superiors and arrange a meeting. There is already a certain opinion about you as a professional. And a request for a meeting will characterize you as an open, sociable employee, ready for dialogue, constructive criticism and further cooperation with the company.

Try to avoid these habits.

Long-term communication between several people in a confined space is a serious test even for a person with nerves of steel. After all, it is impossible to completely exclude communication with colleagues, even if you concentrate as much as possible on your work.

We are all different, with our own habits and preferences. But there are habits that irritate almost everyone. If you control yourself, you will be able to minimize possible negative attitudes towards yourself.

Don't be arrogant.

Even if you are a rare professional with extraordinary abilities, and your superiors have already appreciated what a valuable employee you are for the company, you should not openly demonstrate this to your colleagues.

But there are completely innocent actions that you don’t even pay attention to, but which will create your reputation as an arrogant and arrogant person. For example, you thoughtfully walked past a familiar employee or the director’s secretary and did not say hello. There may be many reasons for your absent-mindedness. But no one cares about your problems, but your behavior is worried and hotly discussed.

Don't gossip or talk about personal things.

Over time, when you have already passed the probationary period and become an “experienced” employee, you will gradually learn personal information about your colleagues. You may even be deliberately provoked to take part in a discussion of the professional or personal qualities of your colleagues.

Do not succumb to these provocations under any circumstances.

How to adapt to a new team without suffering

When discussing others, you, firstly, unwittingly reveal yourself. Secondly, gossipers are always avoided for fear of becoming the next target. Thirdly, such people are considered to be less professional, even if this is not true.

Also avoid talking with colleagues about personal matters, and especially about your problems. Don't complain about life and don't whine. You may find temporary understanding and sympathy, but this information can be used against you and hinder your professional career.

Monitor your phone calls.

First, choose neutral ringtones if your loved ones have a habit of calling you often. Secondly, set the volume to minimum or vibration mode - do not force your colleagues to flinch, frown, or be distracted from work every time.

And teach your family that calling you during work hours is only in emergency circumstances or during a lunch break. Even in this case, it is better not to talk in the presence of colleagues - why let them know about your personal life.

Support your team in a crisis situation.

If you have been asked to go out for half a day on your legal day off, or have been asked to do part of the work for a colleague who has gone on vacation, try to objectively analyze the situation.

In any team, unforeseen circumstances arise from time to time. And your desire to support your colleagues, to help in such a situation, your corporate spirit will be highly appreciated.

At the same time, in order to avoid becoming a person who will continue to be entrusted with tasks that no one wants to do, you need to learn to delicately but firmly say “no” if the situation repeats itself too often. And once again contact your immediate superior with a request to clearly define your responsibilities.

Working in a new team is always stressful and a search for compromise. Your high professionalism, confidence in your strengths and abilities, intuition, healthy egoism and sense of humor will help you adapt quickly and easily. And also respect for your colleagues.

So, your job search has finally succeeded. You successfully passed the interview, met your immediate superior, as well as the director of the company. Interesting, promising work that meets all your needs awaits you.

However, such a significant event in the life of each of us is overshadowed by the realization that we will very soon have to go through a very difficult and thorny path of getting to know a new team, which involves the emergence of various stressful situations, misunderstandings and conflicts.

The following question arises: what mandatory steps need to be taken in order to quickly adapt to a new team, as well as establish yourself as a responsible, purposeful and reliable person?

Having crossed the threshold of a new company, you are faced with the so-called aggressive environment of someone else's social system, which regularly tests your strength and emotional and psychological resilience.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of communication in a team. Thanks to this, you will achieve mutual understanding and achieve respect for you as an individual with a fairly high level of development of communicative competence.

Focus on the underlying causes of your problems, analyze and study them. As for all kinds of provocations on the part of your newly minted colleagues, you are advised to ignore and avoid them in every possible way.

Here are some practical tips to help you quickly adapt to a new company.

1. Set yourself in a positive mood and stay in a good mood. By adhering to this rule, you have a real chance to improve your current position in the new team. Make every effort to prove yourself.

Under any circumstances, you must show others that you are ready to make contact with them. Not everyone manages to find a common language with new people on the very first day of work, since newcomers are most often perceived biasedly, showing a certain suspicion and wariness towards them.

As practice shows, over time, relations between “newcomers” and “old-timers” improve. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions and do not make rash decisions. Take a closer look at the team, which, in turn, studies you.

2. Wait. React absolutely calmly to the behavior of your colleagues, even if it seems provocative and disrespectful to you.

Adaptation to a new team: behavior at a new job

Perhaps you have simply never encountered such a style of communication, the emotional atmosphere in the team and the conditions of the work environment.

If all your difficulties and problems are associated exclusively with unreasonable aggression on the part of employees, then there is no reason to worry - after some time they will disappear as a result of mutual adaptation.

3. Try to find the real reasons for your problems. We should not forget that a wait-and-see attitude does not imply the absence of a search for various options for solving existing problems.

Your main task is to understand what or who is the cause of the conflict. Perhaps the problem lies not only in the standard “lice check” of a new employee, but also in your complexes or fears.

4. Take time to analyze in detail your individual psychological problems. If you change jobs very often and constantly encounter emotional barriers in communicating with a new team, then you should definitely think about the likelihood that you are the source of communication contradictions. Your sudden dismissal will not be the most optimal solution to this problem. Take effective action to identify and correct your own shortcomings.

5. Try to find an informal leader. The frivolous behavior of a newcomer or his rash statements and careless comments may seem impermissibly impudent to the informal leader of the work team, resulting in a conflict situation.

Of course, it is quite difficult to establish contact with an informal leader, but if he is the source of problems and disagreements, then at least you will have an understanding of what needs to be done and in what direction to move.

6. Respect the company's established values. There is also a high probability that in this team you will not have the opportunity to open up. And the point here is not that you lack experience or that you do not have the qualities and talents necessary for this job.

The decision is yours: try to change yourself or change the system. It is almost impossible to break the working atmosphere in a team that has been formed over the years. And is there a need for a “revolution” and a “revolt on the ship”? Is this why you were hired?

7. Determine for yourself the time frame for adaptation to the new team. You must set a time frame for yourself to join the team. Otherwise, you will constantly go in circles.

For most people, the optimal time to decide whether to stay with or leave a company is three months. If during this time you realize that in this team you will not be able to do your work efficiently and productively, then you can safely write a letter of resignation.

Do not waste your time, strength and energy where you will constantly be on the verge of a nervous breakdown and will not be able to fully open up, express yourself, and realize your potential.

Many researchers admit that mobbing exists, that is, bullying of newcomers. This brings inconvenience to both the employee and the organization itself, so recently there has been an active development of training for specialists who help to successfully integrate into the team. But if there are no such specialists when applying for a job, this does not mean that you need to paint yourself into a corner. You need to look at the situation sensibly, because everyone survives after meeting a new team. In order to adapt and maintain your nerves, you should calm down and follow these rules:

Even if after two days in a new place you don’t have friends, it doesn’t matter. After all, a newcomer needs a couple of months to finally join the new team.

During your first day at work, most people assume that being polite means you are soft and spineless. Quite the contrary, it is required to show sincerity and goodwill towards new colleagues. In the future, you should learn to express your position, but without offending others.

Informal communication is a great way to overcome a number of complexes and uncertainty. Formal communication constrains not only you, but also others. Therefore, after a week spent at a new job, invite your colleagues to a cafe or to your home, having learned personal things about employees, you will become your own fish in this ocean.

Summer is a traditional period of “quiet” in the labor market. But in the fall, thousands of employees join new teams: some get their first job, while others change companies or areas of activity.

“The first three months of a new job are essentially an extension of the interview process,” says Amanda Augustine, an expert at TheLadders, a job matching service for professionals. “From day one you have to be on your toes,” she explains.

Having spent many years consulting with high-level professionals, Amanda shares some observations about how employees behave in the workplace, who subsequently fit into the team and achieve success.

1. Meet

Don't wait for your colleagues to come up to you to get to know you - take the initiative. Say hello and communicate with new people at every opportunity: in the elevator, in the kitchen, in the smoking room. “Colleagues may not have time for a long conversation with a new person,” says Amanda. “Start with the people who are closest to you, those who work directly with you.” In addition, colleagues themselves are interested in you adapting to work in the company as quickly as possible - after all, your activities affect the overall result.

2. Make friends with someone who has worked here for a long time and can help with advice.

Find out which colleagues have been working for the company long enough to be aware of all the intricacies of corporate policy. Find a "veteran" who has already learned what approaches work and what doesn't, and ask him to help you get used to the new place. “Every company has its own slang and “inside jokes,” stories from the life of the team,” says Amanda Augustine. “Instead of trying to understand the cultural subtleties on your own, find someone who will help you decipher the local “communication codes” and initiate you into features of the rules of conduct."

In addition, you will need someone to contact with stupid questions: where to get a pencil, who answers computer repairs, when water and cookies will arrive. It’s absurd to go to a manager with such problems, but asking a colleague about little things is quite appropriate.

3. Set expectations

“Work within the expectations of your boss,” advises Amanda. Try to find out during the interview exactly what results are expected from your work and by what criteria you will be assessed. The first 3 months are best spent working on “meeting expectations.”

If you have taken a leadership position, make sure that your new subordinates are aware of your requirements. The first week of work can determine the direction and tone of all future communications.

4. Find out who is playing on your team

Pay attention to how your colleagues react to you. It is quite possible that you took the place that one of the more experienced employees was aiming for. So don't relax right away, but pay attention to non-verbal signals and what they say behind your back. At the same time, you should help your colleagues and generally behave as kindly as possible in order to avoid offense and misunderstandings, at least in the first months of work.

5. Remember where the coffee is

Purely everyday issues can destroy not only a family, but also relationships in a team. A newcomer, although nice and professional, is always moving the sugar bowl in the common kitchen and is incredibly annoying. So try at first to put things back exactly where you got them from, learn the habits of your office and get used to them.

6. Live up to the legend

It doesn’t matter how you managed to get hired, or what exactly you said about your talents and skills during the interview. It is important that at least in the first few weeks you live up to the impression you made at the interview.

If you have focused on your ability to work with social networks or analytical talents, create a company account or start preparing summary reports on office work. It is important that this activity is noticed by management. At the beginning of cooperation, you will already receive enough attention - so don’t be shy to show what you are working on. Prepare a complete list of your tasks and successes. If you don’t need it now, it will be fine for future recertifications or as an argument for your demand to increase your salary.

7. Ask, ask, ask

The worst thing you can do in the first week of work is to remain silent in a corner. If you are planning to build a career in a company or change the usual way of things in the office, first understand how everything really works here. In addition, the desire to learn about the usual rhythm of office life will help win the favor of colleagues. As you know, it is not customary to go to a foreign monastery with its own rules. And you have a chance to prove that you are willing to learn and adapt to others - at least in small ways.

8. Organize your work

You will have to learn a lot of new information, even if you came to a job that you have been doing for a long time, but in a different company. Organize your workday wisely and conveniently so as not to create more chaos.

Moving to a new job is also a great opportunity to start good habits and break bad habits. If you've been wanting to start using a time planner for a long time, there's no better time.

9. Show yourself in public

Try to “show up” in front of as many people as possible. The faster they remember you and begin to recognize you, the faster they will get used to you as part of the team. Yes, not everyone finds it easy to behave relaxed in a new place. But just free communication and the absence of tension is an indicator that you have become “one of our own” in the team.

But simply “trading face” is not enough. Feel free to speak out on topics in which you consider yourself competent. This will earn you the title of expert in certain areas. And if you make a mistake, as a beginner, it will be forgiven.

10. Make friends with new colleagues on social networks

There are not many opportunities for informal communication in the office. Thanks to social networks: in order to get to know a person better and understand how they live, we no longer have to study their habits for years or ask mutual friends. It’s better to start “virtual dating” with professional social networks, for example, with LinkedIn (Facebook, and even more so VKontakte, is perceived by many as an exclusively personal space where you don’t want to allow “just acquaintances”).

11. Get to know your colleagues from your previous job better

It may sound counterintuitive, but moving to a new location is a good time to reacquaint yourself with people from your previous team. You may be surprised to learn that the most interesting colleagues are not those with whom you worked on the same project, but, for example, an inconspicuous lawyer from a neighboring department. Now that you are not bound by strict corporate rules and work “turnover” does not distort a person’s perception, you can make “new old friends.”

Another bonus from communicating with former colleagues is that right now, when you are not actively looking for a job, the easiest way for them to write you a couple of recommendations is on LinkedIn.

12. Find your way to a pharmacy and a normal cafe

Explore your surroundings. Moving to a new job is almost like moving into a new apartment. Few people pay attention to the infrastructure right away, but when necessary, it turns out that there are no “very urgently needed” things nearby. So on the way to work, mark where the nearest shopping center is, where you can have a snack or drink coffee, where the emergency pharmacy is, and where it is most convenient to call a taxi. Believe me, all these little things will be very useful to you if you are going to stay in the company for a long time.

The beginning of the year is considered by many as a convenient moment to change jobs, especially if things didn’t work out at the previous place. But joining a new work team is a difficult process, sometimes very stressful. What factors are most important for him to be as successful as possible?

Recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel asked this question to middle and senior managers. The majority of them - 63% - consider the determining factor to be the completeness of the information provided at the new place of work. Many companies also create special adaptation programs for newcomers, which helps improve their performance and prevents possible stress and conflicts.

The first day at a new place of work is always very stressful,” Olga Museychuk, leading consultant at Penny Lane Personnel, comments on the results of the survey. - Employees of the HR department should pay attention to the new colleague, which will put him in a positive mood and minimize the psychological burden. But the newcomer himself is obliged to be active: get to know his colleagues, the scope of work, and the corporate code. The first day is also a large flow of information, starting from the road to the new office and ending with the specifics of the business. Therefore, he needs to concentrate as much as possible in order to understand the structure of the company, the style of his immediate superior, the speed and features of business processes.

Adaptation of new employees is very important, but its format depends on the size of the organization, says Irina Antonenko, head of the personnel selection group at the UNITY personnel center. - If this is a small company, then your closest colleague can introduce the newcomer to the rules. In a large organization, you cannot do without an adaptation specialist who will talk about the basic principles of work, interaction in a team, show where everything is, etc. And colleagues in the department will be able to supplement the general information with details. During the probationary period, it is worth appointing a personal mentor to whom the employee could contact with all questions. After all, newcomers are often embarrassed to clarify information with their manager or colleague so as not to distract them, but a wrong decision made out of ignorance can have a much greater negative effect than the possible dissatisfaction of a colleague.

How should a person behave in order to adapt faster and easier to a new place? Should you adapt to the generally accepted style of behavior in the team or should you maintain your own habits and rules?

It is important to maintain a balance between how it is customary to behave in a new company and how it is typical for you, - Irina Antonenko is sure. - Try to establish contact with colleagues, communicate willingly with them, do not ignore offers to have lunch together during a break, etc.

Those who have had to start in a new place more than once know the secrets of adaptation. It is important to work responsibly and diligently, but not to show excessive zeal - too strong a desire to please everyone and immediately will most likely cause harm. It is important not to stick your head out “with your own opinion” from the very first days, but to wait until your colleagues speak out. Under no circumstances should you listen to gossip or delve into the squabbles that arose in the team before the newcomer arrived, much less take someone’s side. Friendliness, willingness to learn and accept criticism, a sense of humor and patience - all this will quickly make you a part of any team.