Removal of postoperative scars. The most effective way to remove a postoperative scar. Laser resurfacing of sutures after cesarean section

Often, when serious illnesses patients are offered a choice between conservative and surgical treatment, they choose the first option. The paradox is that such a decision can be made even if the operation required is simple and almost complete guarantees of its successful completion are given. Why are people so afraid surgical intervention? One of the most common reasons given in anonymous surveys is postoperative scar. Indeed, a successful operation will be forgotten over time, just like the initial health problems, and an ugly scar will remain on the body for life. Is it possible to remove it?

How do scars appear?

Surely all the people who have undergone operations or sutured deep stab wounds have noticed that after suturing, more noticeable scars remain than from ordinary ones (even though the most noticeable scars remain after incisions for operations on the internal organs. So why do these scars appear and what are they made of?

During healing deep wounds grows and accumulates in the damaged area connective tissue. It is this that makes up the postoperative scar visible to the naked eye. Interesting fact: experts recommend assessing the type and appearance of the scar no earlier than a year after surgery. At this time, the scar is considered mature and you can decide whether it is necessary to improve its appearance and what is the best way to do this.

Types of scars

Before talking about what remains after the operation, you should figure out what they might be. If, as a souvenir of the surgical intervention, the patient is left with whitish or flesh-colored stripes, we can say with confidence that these are normotrophic scars. Usually the question of their removal is not even raised, since such scars are practically invisible, and over the years they can hardly be seen at all.

Visually, they resemble stretch marks and stretch marks that are much more disturbing. These scars look flabby and usually seem to be pressed into the skin. differ pink and protrude on the surface of the epidermis. The skin around them usually looks damaged. But there is also good news: Such scars can unexpectedly change their appearance within two years after formation.

A keloid postoperative scar is not a sight for the faint of heart. It usually forms if tissue regeneration occurs with some problems and complications. Features of such a scar - unusual shape and bright pink or violet-bluish color. The scar is very dense to the touch, and its surface is smooth. The scar may be located at skin level or protrude slightly.

When treatment is urgently needed: what is a ligature fistula of a postoperative scar?

The final stage is any surgery- suturing. Often, a ligature is used for this - a special thread that is used to ligate blood vessels. With normal healing of the suture, no problems or complications are observed. If an infection occurs during suturing, a granuloma of the postoperative scar may form and ligature fistula. This pathology is considered a complication of the surgical intervention.

A ligature fistula is an inflammation at the site where a wound is sutured with a ligature. Granuloma is a compaction in a given area, consisting of a thread and a cluster of cells different types. In fact, we are talking about suppuration of the suture, caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at the end of the operation and the unsterility of the thread itself. If there is a suspicion that a postoperative scar fistula has formed, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital.

The symptoms of this pathology are quite clear. This is the appearance of seals on the seam and in its immediate vicinity, redness and swelling of the tissues. Often, there may also be discharge of pus from the sutured wound, inflammation and an increase in the patient’s body temperature to 39 degrees. If at least some of the listed symptoms, you cannot put off seeing a doctor. Remember that a ligature fistula can always lead to the development of an abscess and death.

The main thing is proper healing

A good surgeon will tell you about the rules of care fresh scar immediately upon discharge from the hospital. Today there are a lot medications, capable of stimulating the process of proper tissue regeneration and scar resorption. Most often they are produced in the form of ointments, for example, Kontraktubeks, Mederma, Pyrogenal and Dermatix. Almost all of these products can be used immediately after the formation of a scar. It is important to apply the ointment regularly and follow the instructions for use. Often such superficial drug treatment gives incredible results. The scars become almost invisible and literally dissolve before our eyes.

What do beauty salons offer us?

To the clinics aesthetic medicine And beauty salons Patients regularly come in wanting to get rid of post-operative scars. One of the most gentle methods is mechanical grinding and micro-grinding. You can undergo this procedure no earlier than six months after the scar appears. It is important to understand that this method will only be effective if the scar is small and not too deep. For example, sanding is great for removing marks from careless

If you are concerned about the postoperative scar, don’t worry too much. big size, it is worth thinking about the cryodestruction procedure. It's about about the treatment of connective tissue cells The same method allows you to get rid of warts and papillomas. After cryodestruction, the treated tissues die naturally and after some time they are replaced by healthy skin cells.

Laser removal

Lasers have long been successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. There are many advantages to such devices. The laser beam acts precisely and non-contactly on the selected area of ​​the tissue. However, today laser procedures for removing scars provide only a cosmetic effect. Even the most modern devices unable to destroy scar tissue. But you can make the scar much lighter and neater. However, be prepared to undergo a whole series of treatments, and this treatment option is not recommended for all types of scars.

Plastic surgery

Today, the most radical and most effective way to improve appearance and treatment option for many diseases is considered surgical interventions. If the scar is too large and noticeable, and more than 2 years have passed since its formation, it makes sense to think about plastic surgery. Depending on the type of scar and its size/location, the doctor will suggest the most effective option.

How to remove a postoperative scar if it is large and located on a visible part of the body? In this case, the doctor may suggest the option of excision of the connective tissue and applying a cosmetic subcutaneous suture to the incision site. If the scar is large and very deep, and also sagging, it can be removed by cutting it out completely. After the operation, the surface of the skin will not look as perfect as in the previous version, but positive changes will definitely become noticeable.

Postoperative scars: before and after photos. Is it worth treating scars?

It is worth noting that treating scars left after operations is not a cheap pleasure. Even the simplest healing ointments are sometimes quite expensive, let alone plastic surgery and salon methods. In addition, treating postoperative scars will never help you forget about them completely. Usually even with complex therapy traces of scars remain. If you decide to join the fight for the beauty of your skin, remember: today it is impossible to completely remove a scar from surgery without leaving a trace. So is it worth trying to cure it and make it less noticeable? This personal question, it all depends on what inconvenience the owner of the scar experiences and how often he thinks about this feature of his. If a scar prevents you from enjoying life and being happy, it’s definitely worth trying to get rid of it.

Scars and scars after surgery: how to remove them

How to remove a scar after surgery

Plastic surgery offers effective, although expensive, methods for removing scars. One of best methods– excision. This option is used in cases where after surgery a very rough, uneven scar remains, which is easier to cut off than to disguise. The scar is cut out of the skin, leaving only a thin, almost invisible strip of connective tissue.

To effectively conceal a scar, treatments usually need to be performed soon after it appears. This does not apply to excision - you can get rid of the scar a year after the operation

Another option is scar resurfacing. The top layers of tissue are removed from the scar until it becomes almost invisible. This method has a drawback: to achieve the desired result, as a rule, you have to carry out several sessions. Upper layer fabrics can be removed different ways, including the use of laser resurfacing and special drugs. This option is even suitable for removing facial scars.

How to remove a scar at home

Modern medical methods Scar removal is effective, but not always available. If you want to try a more gentle method to remove scars without spending money, try using folk recipes. Remember important rule: You should start getting rid of the scar no later than 3-4 months after the stitches are removed, otherwise the scar will harden and it will be very difficult to remove it without surgery.

To make the scar invisible, you can use oil ointments. They are prepared as follows: fresh grass is poured sunflower oil and left in the refrigerator for two weeks, and then the resulting product is used to make compresses that need to be kept on the rumen for 20 minutes every day. A mixture of oil with fresh herb woodlice or St. John's wort helps effectively. You can also add to olive oil in equal parts of tea oil, rosewood and frankincense.

You can also use pea flour to make compresses. Mix it with water in equal proportions, and then apply the resulting slurry to the scar in a thick layer and leave for an hour. The procedure should be repeated daily until you achieve the desired result. A mask of 2 crushed cabbage leaves with 1 tbsp. honey It should be applied to the scar and left for 2 hours.

A postoperative scar is traditionally considered a cosmetic defect, however, its main danger lies not in its appearance, but in structural changes in the skin. The fibrous tissue that makes up the scar differs in its properties from healthy epithelial or muscle tissue. Fibrin fibers are tightly pressed together, do not have blood vessels and contain few living cells (they cannot be detected at all in old scars).

Anti-scar injections

Before attempting to remove a defect radical methods, it is worth trying drug treatment. Fibrin does not dissolve in aqueous solutions, but is capable of softening and destruction under the influence of steroid drugs. The drugs are selected only by the attending physician, and injections are carried out only under supervision. To remove postoperative defects, medications are used that contain analogues of adrenal hormones.

A number of specialists also use injections of immunosuppressants and even cytostatics. It has been proven that drugs that suppress the activity of fibroblasts (cells that synthesize fibrin fibers) help avoid tissue scarring. Using work correction immune system you can remove a scar only by initial stage formation, 5-6 months after surgery this type of therapy is no longer relevant. Steroids can be used on old scars too.

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Treatment of postoperative scars is possible! Find out how to make your scar elastic and unnoticeable!

Surgery is not the most pleasant, but often necessary event in our lives. Modern humanity has learned to save with the help of surgical intervention human lives and treat many serious illnesses. The operation was successful, the problem was eliminated, the wounds healed, the stitches were removed. It would seem that this test can be forgotten. But we are prevented from doing this by the scars that form at the surgical site.

They say scars make a man. In some cases this may be true. But a large, uneven postoperative scar is unlikely to become a decoration. And for women, a scar in a visible place can generally bring a lot of unpleasant emotions and cause depressive moods and self-doubt. What to do? Is there anything that can be done to reduce or eliminate the post-surgical scar?

How is a scar formed?

A scar is a dense connective tissue formation that forms after tissue regeneration at the site of damage. During the operation, the surgeon cuts the skin, cutting the nerve and vascular endings. A wound is formed, in place of which, after healing, a scar appears. Wound healing occurs in three phases:

  • Inflammation. At this stage, capillaries are allowed to enter the damaged area. a large number of fluid, swelling of the affected area occurs. And fibrin clots tighten the damaged surface.
  • Fibroplastic phase. To increase the strength of tissue connections at the site of injury, fibroblasts produce large amounts of the connective tissue protein collagen.
  • Maturation. During this phase, the redness and nodularity of the suture decrease. The scar becomes flatter and softer, and collagen is partially broken down.

The final formation of the scar occurs within a year. At normal course process, 3 weeks after the injury, a gradual decrease in collagen in the scar tissue begins. But if something goes wrong, collagen can continue to be produced for months or even years, causing rough skin cosmetic defect- an ugly scar.

What types of scars are there?

Postoperative scars are: atrophic, normotrophic, hypertrophic and keloid. Hypertrophic and keloid scars have an unpresentable appearance.

« Keloid and hypertrophic scars represent excessive growth of dense fibrous tissue which usually develops during the healing process damaged skin. The keloid extends beyond the damaged area and rises above the skin level, usually does not regress spontaneously, and often recurs after excision. The hypertrophic scar remains limited to the injured area and spontaneously regresses over 12-18 months, although the regression may not necessarily be complete,” writes Ph.D. senior Researcher Department of Transplantation of the Hand and Tissue Complexes of the Institute of Surgery and Transplantology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Alexander Yuryevich Furmanov.

Postoperative scars can be made less noticeable!

Surgery means scarring. But does the mark left after the operation have to be rough, convex and ugly? It turns out not! If treatment is started on time, the postoperative scar may become less noticeable.

As an effective emollient, smoothes scars and prevents the formation of hypertrophic or keloid scars, use Contractubex gel.

Contractubex will help cope with scars

Contractubex gel has a beneficial effect on skin covering, stimulating regeneration healthy cells skin. It gives softness and elasticity to scar tissue.

Contractubex has three important components:

  • ExtractLuke has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions. In addition, this component inhibits excessive synthesis of fibrous tissue.
  • Heparin has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps retain water in old scars and softens keloid tissue.
  • Allantoin actively heals wound surfaces. Reduces itching, improves tissue permeability for other active ingredients of the drug, helps maintain blood circulation and retain moisture in old scars.

All three components complement each other and thereby enhance healing effect gel. The success of this combination has been confirmed by science and time.

How to use Contractubex correctly?

You can use Contractubex gel immediately after the wound has healed or been removed. postoperative sutures. A small amount of Contractubex gel should be applied to the scar and gently rubbed in with gentle movements from the center to the edges of the scar until completely absorbed. The gel is recommended to be used 1-3 times a day. If the scar is old, the drug is applied under a bandage for 6-12 hours.

Depending on the size and “freshness” of the scar, treatment will take from 1 to 6 months.

The sooner you start using Contractubex, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Don't expect the scar to go away on its own. Use effective remedy - Contractubex and get rid of unaesthetic postoperative scars! And let the beauty of your body not be spoiled by scars!

The skin is a seamless organ. When the skin is damaged from a burn, cut or tear, the body heals it by forming scar tissue.

The scar can range from almost invisible to obvious and disfiguring. Unsightly scars can be wide, sunken, red, raised, or pale. They are different in color or texture from surrounding healthy tissue and may be especially noticeable because of their size, shape, or location.

The appearance of a scar is affected by:

  • depth and size of the wound,
  • blood supply to the area,
  • skin thickness and color,
  • direction of the scar,
  • age,
  • genes,

Every person heals differently and scars are always unique.

When the skin is in the process of recovering from injury, whether the result of an accident, surgery, burns or acne, scarring (formation of connective tissue) will occur where multiple layers of skin have been affected.

Scars are not elastic, they do not contain sweat and sebaceous glands. Without treatment, they sprout blood vessels after 3 months. Once a scar forms, it remains forever. Severe burns that destroy large areas of skin heal by tightening the skin. It can even affect muscles and tendons. Scars are divided into normal and pathological. Normal scars are level with the surrounding skin or slightly retracted. Pathological ones include keloid and hypertrophic scars.

There are many plastic surgery techniques to treat and improve appearance scars. The scar cannot be completely removed, but it can be reduced in size and changed in appearance, making it less noticeable.

Scar tissue correction surgical techniques aim to smooth out the scar and make it as invisible as possible. The procedure involves recreating the incision, moving the surrounding skin, or even repositioning the scar to make it less noticeable. For each specific scar, revision surgery options are considered depending on where it is located and what its nature is. Treatment can also help relieve tension caused by scar tissue.

Treatment options may vary depending on the type and extent of scarring and may include:

  • conservative local treatment,
  • minimally invasive procedures,
  • surgical intervention.

A combination of techniques is often necessary to achieve the best results.

Preoperative consultation

The surgeon examines the scar to decide on appropriate treatment and informs the patient about the results that can be expected from the surgery.

Scars are very individual, so more than one type of technique may be used to maximize scar improvement.

The surgeon may initially offer less invasive methods Treatments to minimize scarring include laser resurfacing, steroid injections, and silicone dressings. However, some scars can only be removed surgically. Many patients want to combine scar removal with another plastic procedure.

The timing of the operation is another important choice. Many plastic surgeons It is recommended to wait a year or more after injury or surgery before deciding to have scar removal surgery. This interval gives the body enough time to fully heal. Many scars that appear large and unsightly at first may become less noticeable over time.

Scar removal surgery is generally safe, but there is always the possibility of complications. These may include infection, bleeding, a reaction to the anesthesia, or re-formation of an unsightly scar.

Types of scars and methods for their correction

Keloids are scar tissue that grows beyond the edges of the original wound or incision, causing pain.

Keloid scars are the result of overproduction of collagen in the skin.

These scars usually appear as growths. They often have red or dark color different from the surrounding skin. Keloid scars can appear anywhere on the body, but they are most common over the breastbone, earlobes, and shoulders. The tendency to develop keloid scars decreases with age.

Small keloid scars can be treated with cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen). You can also prevent keloids by using silicone gel strips after an injury. Keloid scars are often treated with injections steroid drugs directly into scar tissue to reduce redness, itching and burning. In some cases, this helps reduce the scar.

If steroid treatment is not enough, scar tissue may be removed and the wound closed with fine stitches. This is usually outpatient procedure, and is carried out under local anesthesia. The patient will be able to return to work the same day, and the stitches will be removed within a few days. Skin grafting is rarely used. However, keloid scars may return, requiring repeat treatments over several years.

Enlarged (hypertrophic) scars

Hypertrophic scars are often confused with keloid scars because they are similar in appearance: rough, red and higher than the level of the surrounding skin. Hypertrophic scars, unlike keloids, form within the original incision or wound, but due to their dense texture, can be unsightly and can also restrict the natural movement of muscles and tendons. The appearance of hypertrophic scars often improves on its own, although this may take a year or more. Hypertrophic scars can be improved with steroid injections or silicone dressings.

If conservative approach not effective, hypertrophic scars can be improved surgically. This surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the location of the scar. The patient may receive steroid injections during surgery and as a preventive measure periodically for two years after surgery.

Scar contractures

Burns and other injuries result in the loss of a large area of ​​skin and can form a scar that pulls the edges of the skin together. As a result of skin tightening, contracture can form - restriction of normal mobility of the joint, tendons, and muscles.

Correcting contracture usually involves removing the scar and replacing it with a skin graft. Skin flaps from adjacent healthy, intact skin are lifted and repositioned to create a new incision line. If relocation of adjacent skin areas is not possible, a skin graft may be used. In some cases, a technique known as a Z-plasty may be used. If the contracture has been present for some time, patients may need physical therapy after surgery to restore full muscle and tendon function.

Acne scars and stretch marks

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. Severe acne usually leaves scars and scars. There are several types of acne scars, such as raised, indented, and holey. Treatment options depend on the number and type of scars from acne.

Stretch marks form when the skin stretches quickly, such as during pregnancy and weight gain. They occur when the volume of the body increases faster than the skin stretches to accommodate this volume. When stretch marks occur, connective tissue compensates for the lack of skin. Laser treatment may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Conservative methods of scar treatment

For some patients, conservative forms of therapy may be most effective.

Steroid injections are used to treat keloids and hypertrophic scars. Hormones are injected deep into the scar, which reduces collagen production. Introduction of collagen or fillers based on hyaluronic acid may be effective for some types of scars, especially sunken atrophic ones. This procedure does not provide permanent results and will have to be repeated every 4-12 months.

Occlusive therapy may use silicone gel and sealant dressings to soften scars. Plasters and bandages increase the pressure and temperature of the skin and moisturize it. All this increases the activity of collagenase, which breaks down collagen. The effect appears gradually, usually over several weeks or months. Silicone is effective in the beginning preventive treatment in the first 2-3 months of scar healing.

Hardware cosmetology for scar correction

Laser treatments can help reduce scar size and redness. Laser beams penetrate the upper layers of the skin and help reverse the formation of scar tissue, reducing the size of the scar as it heals. This form of treatment can reduce acne scars, treat active form acne, reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

Some scars can be smoothed using laser skin resurfacing. The laser vaporizes the surface layers of the scar, aligning it with the surrounding skin. Dermabrasion is the controlled scraping of the top layers of skin using a high-speed rotating brush. Dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing can smooth out small scars but do not completely remove them.

Cryotherapy is based on the use of liquid nitrogen. A liquid nitrogen creates short-term cooling of the skin surface and helps smooth out scars.

Surgical methods for scar removal

Excision of scars

To improve the appearance of some scars, simply removing the scar tissue and re-closing wounds. If there is enough skin adjacent to the scar, surgical excision removes scar tissue, then the edges of the skin are carefully sutured. As a result, instead of a scar, a thin, less noticeable scar remains.


Z-plasty is surgical method, which is used to redirect the scar so that it more closely follows the natural lines and folds of the skin and is less noticeable. Not all scars are amenable to Z-plasty.

With this procedure old scar excised. New incisions are made at each end of the scar, at an angle of 60 degrees to the scar and equal in length, creating small triangles of skin. These triangular sections are then rearranged, reversing them to cover the original scar at a different angle, resulting in a zigzag incision shape. The wound is closed with small stitches, which are removed after a few days. Z-plasty is usually performed under local anesthesia.

With multiple Z-plasty, to improve scar camouflage, the Z-plasty skin flaps are made small. As a result of their connection, a broken scar is created, and the tension is redistributed in several directions. Multiple Z-plasty is used to reduce scar contracture.


In W-plasty, small successive triangular segments of skin are excised around the perimeter of the scar. Then the opposing flaps of skin are aligned with each other in the form of teeth and the wound is closed. With W-plasty, the scar does not lengthen significantly.

Skin graft

Skin graft transplantation is serious method removal of scars. In this case, the scar is excised, and skin from another (donor) area of ​​the body is used to cover this area. This method is effective for large scar areas; it is often used for burns. The operation is usually performed using general anesthesia. The transplant leaves small scars on both the donor sites and the transplant area.

Patchwork plastic surgery

Flap surgery (plasty with a pedunculated skin flap) is complex procedure, in which the skin, along with subcutaneous fat, blood vessels, and sometimes muscles, moves from a healthy area to a damaged one. In some cases, the blood supply remains dependent on the donor site. In other cases blood vessels The skin flap is connected to the vessels in a new location using microvascular surgery.

The cosmetic results of skin grafting can only be satisfactory, since the grafted skin may not exactly match the color and texture of the surrounding skin.

Flap surgery gives the best cosmetic results than skin grafting.

After operation

Patients may feel some discomfort after scar removal. Swelling, bruising and redness are usually inevitable.

Surgeons usually insist on reduced activity after surgery. Patients in the supine position should keep their head elevated. Cold compresses can be used to reduce swelling. Any activity that creates excessive load on the cut area.

The patient should keep in mind that the scar cannot be completely removed. The degree of improvement depends on the size and location of the scar, the properties of the skin, and the quality of wound care after surgery.

It is important to remember that scars take a year or more to fully heal. After the initial active healing phase, the wound reaches a maturation phase where the scar becomes less dense and red. Over the course of 6-12 months, the scar tissue matures and stabilizes.

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