Laser lipolysis procedure: reviews, description, before and after photos. How effective and safe is cold laser lipolysis? What is laser lipolysis for the body?

A lipolaser is a device whose action is aimed at breaking down fat and removing it from the body without surgical intervention. The principle of its action is based on the use of low-intensity therapeutic laser radiation, absorbed by adipocytes (fat cells) and their further breakdown and removal from the body. This whole process in cosmetology is called laser lipolysis, the obvious advantages of which are: speed of action, painlessness, short rehabilitation period.
Other names for the procedure:

  • diode laser lipolysis;
  • cold laser lipolysis;
  • diode lipolysis;
  • cold diode lipolaser.

The essence of the procedure

A device called Lipolaser, emitting waves of a certain length (mostly 650 nm), sends a chemical signal to adipocytes, which destroys them into smaller components - glycerol and fatty acids. These decay elements, passing through the cell membrane, enter the intercellular space, then into the lymphatic system and into the liver. The main part of them is used by the body as a source of energy in the process of metabolism and material for the creation of new cells, and excess fatty acids are excreted in bile and urine. All this is a natural process of the body using its own energy reserves, and therefore lipolysis does not lead to unnatural reactions.

Important! The lipolaser does not remove or damage fat cells, it only reduces their volume.

Indications for testing

The use of cold laser lipolysis is effective for areas of the body where fat accumulation is observed:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • "breeches" zone;
  • knees and shins;
  • belly and waist;
  • inner surface of the hands;
  • rib cage;
  • shoulders and forearms;
  • chin;
  • cheeks.

In all these areas, the LipoLaser allows you to achieve visible results.
Also indications for use are:

  • cellulite;
  • sagging skin;
  • stretch marks;
  • double chin.

How does the procedure work?

Non-surgical cold laser liposuction is carried out in several stages:

  1. Marking the problem area.
  2. Insertion of a conductor for optical fiber under the skin - a thin cannula with a diameter of 1 mm.
  3. Effect of lipolaser.
  4. Vacuum roller massage or myostimulation.

The last stage helps speed up the conversion of fats into energy. The duration of one procedure depends on the area being treated and takes on average about 30 minutes.

Important! Within an hour after the session, the patient needs to perform cardio procedures lasting 30-40 minutes (running, brisk walking, swimming pool, cycling).

A course of treatment

To achieve visible results, you need to undergo 10 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days. This break is optimal, since the pores created by the laser in adipocytes remain open for 24-72 hours. Cold lipolysis, carried out over a longer interval, will be less effective, as evidenced by reviews from patients and cosmetologists.


Despite its simplicity, cold laser lipolysis has many contraindications:

  • elevated temperature;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • herpes;
  • vascular diseases (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis);
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • lupus;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of pacemakers, prostheses, implants;
  • inflammatory processes in the treated areas.

If you hide the presence of these diseases from your doctor, this will be fraught not only with a lack of effect, but also with various complications.

Rehabilitation period

Since cold laser lipolysis does not involve surgical intervention, the rehabilitation period is very short: a few hours after the procedure, the patient can return home and do their usual activities.

  1. Drink more than two liters of clean water daily - this is necessary to improve the transport of fat into the lymph flow.
  2. Avoid eating foods high in sugar.
  3. Carry out small physical exercises every day - this helps to activate the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps remove disintegrated fat.
  4. Reduce smoking.
  5. Limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol, as alcohol and caffeine negatively affect the lymphatic system, delaying the removal of fats and subsequent metabolism.

Important! Despite the simplicity of implementation, laser lipolysis is a stress for the body, forcing it to work in an “enhanced” mode. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone active physical activity and visiting the sauna for a month.

Results of the procedure

As reviews show, the results after laser lipolysis are comparable to the effect of liposuction or plastic surgery. According to ultrasound data, in the places where the lipolaser is applied, the thickness of subcutaneous fat decreases by 30. After the procedure, patients are left with no scars, bruises or hematomas. There is also no need to wear compression garments.

After the lipolaser, the results are immediately visible: about four centimeters are lost in the waist area after the first session. In addition, laser radiation stimulates your own collagen production, thus triggering a natural rejuvenation mechanism.

Result after using LipoLaser on the stomach and sides

Cold laser lipolysis will help effectively remove fat if diet and exercise do not give the desired result. For this procedure, a special laser device Lipobeltlaser is used. Lipolysis is performed using a fiber-optic probe, which is inserted under the skin. The probe has a head that emits a low-intensity laser. Under its influence, selective fat cells occur, the fat itself is absorbed into the bloodstream, and then enters the bloodstream, neutralizing it. In some cases, doctors can pump it out by combining laser and vacuum lipolysis.

The duration of the procedure is, on average, one and a half to two hours. The number of procedures depends on the existing excess weight and the condition of the body. On average, about 500 ml of fat is removed in one session. According to reviews, the result appears in about 3-4 weeks. When using a laser, blood vessels and nerve fibers are not damaged, and after inserting the probe, a small area remains on the skin.

This procedure is a collagen stimulator, after which the skin will become elastic and firm.

Cold laser lipolysis is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation), with blood diseases, problems with blood clotting, and liver disease. This procedure is not used as a means of curing obesity, it will be effective for body contouring for aesthetic purposes.

Recommendations for patients undergoing cold laser lipolysis

Cold laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure, after which you can begin your daily activities. However, doctors recommend resting for some time immediately after it (at least one hour). The compress or bandage at the puncture site should be kept for another two days (if lipolysis was performed on the face and chin). If the procedure was performed on the body, the bandage must be worn for a week. The probe insertion site must be clean. To avoid infectious complications, you need to take antibiotics for five days, which your doctor will select.

You should not drink alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure.

Two weeks after lipolysis, you need to self-massage those areas of the body from which the fat was pumped out. If painful swelling or redness appears at the sites of the procedure, you should definitely consult a doctor. For several weeks after lipolysis, you should avoid excessive stress and exercise.

To maintain a beautiful figure, laser lipolysis has become popular in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. What it is, its advantages, disadvantages and implementation options will be discussed further.

Lipo laser is the newest way to painlessly and safely remove excess fat tissue, restoring the natural appearance of some parts of the body. The essence of the laser lipolysis procedure is the delivery of heat to the desired area of ​​skin using a laser. During the heating process, excess fat is broken down into water and released from the cells.

Launched biological processes reduce the vacated space, adjusting the cell walls, and, consequently, the contour of the figure. The newly formed excess fluid enters the bloodstream, and then into the liver, where it leaves the body through urination or suction using a vacuum created by a special device.

What equipment is used in the procedure

To carry out the operation, the following devices are used:

  1. Lipo laser – designed to eliminate fat deposits from any part of the body. The kit includes:
  • 9 diode laser probe having a fiber-optic composition;
  • automatic mode for selecting the required frequency for the operation, according to the patient’s individual criteria.
  1. Lipobetlaser– used for facial lipolysis.
  2. Edaxis– used for comprehensive removal of excess substances. With the help of the device, in addition to classic lipolysis, an ultrasound version of the procedure is performed, as well as massage after it. The kit includes 3 devices that perform;
  • vacuum function;
  • transmitting stream 40 kHz;
  • transmitting stream at 1 MHz.
  1. Ilipo is intended for complex therapy, which includes three components:
    • laser lipolysis;
    • massage based on the vacuum effect provided by 2 vacuum-roller attachments with a laser with the capability of 785 nm;
    • radio waves.

The kit includes 4 additional devices with 9 lasers each.

During the procedure with this particular device, the patient’s body goes through the following stages:

  • body fat and total muscle mass are measured;
  • the amount of substance required for removal from the body is specified;
  • the data is entered into the device program and is monitored by a doctor;
  • the specialist installs sensors on the prepared part of the body and on the lymph nodes (for accelerated removal of excess matter);
  • the device sets a specially calculated frequency with which the laser will affect the body;
  • after removing excesses from the cells, a nozzle with a vacuum effect is installed to remove them from the body;
  • The latter includes a device with radio waves, which is necessary for tightening the skin and, as a result, eliminating the poor-quality appearance of the skin on the treated surface.

Differences between the procedure and liposuction

The uniqueness of laser lipolysis, in contrast to the familiar surgical liposuction, lies in the absence of:

  • dermal damage– the method is carried out using special equipment, the use of which does not require additional skin incisions, and, therefore, no scars on the body;
  • serious drug intervention– during the internal lipolysis procedure, it is enough to use a light anesthetic instead of serious anesthesia;
  • severe postoperative pain– if there is pain, it passes quickly and has a slight tint;
  • complications when removing fat from difficult areas of the body– the laser reaches places that are inaccessible or difficult to reach with traditional liposuction;
  • long adaptation period– after diode lipolysis, the rehabilitation period ranges from 6 hours to 3 days. The amount of time for adaptation depends on the procedure option;
  • visible results within a month of sessions.

In addition to the differences between diode surgery and liposuction, there are some differences between lipolysis and the similar cavitation method.

Cavitation Lipolysis
Advantage Flaws Flaws Advantages
Large diameter working surface puncture Causes minimal damage
Adaptation about 2 – 3 hours Long adaptation period
Course duration from 6 months to 12 months (rest between sessions from 10 days to 2 weeks) Minimum time to complete the course
no pain during the procedure Mild but quickly passing pain during the procedure
Efficiency level up to 100% Efficiency up to 70 – 90%
Not for use on the face Can be used on any part of the body
No analgesics are used The use of analgesics for the internal method of removing the substance.
No need to wear a bandage Wearing a bandage for 24 hours after the procedure

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

When turning to laser lipolysis, it is advisable to study what it is, its pros and cons, listed below.

Advantages Flaws
Maintaining skin uniformity Minimum volume removal – half a liter of fat at a time
Correction of absolutely any part of the body (legs, arms, pelvis, cheeks) Use on specific areas of the body
Fast adaptation Getting results after several procedures
No scars Following a strict diet
No use of strong medications An impressive list of contraindications
Closer to natural weight loss processes The procedure is unsafe - there is a risk of irritation and infectious diseases
Increased skin elasticity
Wearing special underwear and bandages only for the first time
No risk of internal bleeding during surgery

Types of lipolysis

Laser lipolysis has 2 types, differing in target and quality characteristics, which in turn have narrow directions:

By depth of influence:

  • External– does not include surgical intervention. The method involves placing a special device on a palm-sized working area and inserting a needle under the skin to create contact between the device and the dermis. At the end of the fat removal process, the latter leaves the body naturally through urination.
  • Interior– including surgical procedures. The method involves puncturing the working surface to make contact between the skin and the device and remove excess fat from the inside. The operation is performed under the influence of an anesthetic.

According to the option for removing excess adipose tissue:

  • Natural– through the blood vessels, entering the liver, excess fat, turning into liquid, leaves the body.

Advantage— the proximity of fat elimination to natural weight loss. Flaw– the effect is not immediately noticeable.

The difference between laser lipolysis and liposuction
  • Artificial– suction using a special device that creates a vacuum effect.

Advantage– the presence of a visible result, painlessness and safety of the procedure. Flaw– there is a risk of infection, pain, allergic reaction to analgesic medications.

Mechanism of the procedure

There are 2 types of procedures, each of which has a specific mechanism of action:

Internal or hot:

  • determination of the working surface;
  • checking for allergens and administering a local analgesic;
  • piercing the surface being treated;
  • insertion of the device through a hole made in the dermis for the purpose of lipolysis;
  • performing an operation lasting from 2 to 4 hours to remove excess fatty tissue and remove it from the body. After eliminating the fat and turning it into water, it can come out:
    • naturally - through the kidneys;
    • artificial - using a special device that carries out suction through vacuum.

Important! At this stage, the patient himself decides which way of removing fat from the body is suitable for him and informs the doctor about it.

  • at the end of the procedure, the required skin punctures are covered with a gauze bandage and secured with an adhesive plaster;
  • the wound is protected with a bandage;
  • Precautions after surgery are discussed;
  • There is a postoperative adaptation period lasting up to 3 days.

External or cold:

Laser facial lipolysis

In the process of carrying out internal lipolysis of the face, the cost of which is about 30,000 rubles. The patient goes through the following stages:

  • preoperative consultation with a specialist to determine the scope of work;
  • administration of anesthetic;
  • piercing the working surface and introducing a device with a laser beam;
  • going through the process of eliminating excess substances (the procedure lasts an hour);
  • applying a compress;
  • completion of the rehabilitation period: 2-3 days.

Laser lipolysis of the chin

The process involves:

Laser lipolysis of widow's hump

The procedure costs about 15,000 rubles. includes:

  • determination of the work area;
  • administration of anesthesia;
  • piercing the required area of ​​skin;
  • laser introduction;
  • removal of excess fat;
  • applying a compress;
  • passing through the adaptation period.

Advantages– maintaining the result for life, after completing one course of treatment. Flaws– the result is visible only after a month and a half.

Impact zones

The use of lipolaser is most effective in the area of:

Indications for use

To use the lipolaser method you must have:

  • sagging skin in the chest area in males;
  • excess fat in the lower abdomen;
  • excess fat in the waist area;
  • excess fat in the neck, face, chest, pelvis, arms, legs and other parts of the body.
  • stretch marks of the skin (especially after pregnancy);
  • laxity of the dermis;
  • excess sebaceous layer in the chin area.


When exploring what laser lipolysis is, its pros and cons, it is worth focusing on contraindications, including:

Preparatory stage

Before carrying out the procedure for removing adipose tissue using laser lipolysis, we will consider what it is and how to use it further, the following actions should be taken:

How does the procedure work?

During the operation, the patient goes through the following stages:

Recovery period

After undergoing laser lipolysis, we’ll look at what it is in the text, the adaptation period lasts from 6 hours to 3 days.

The amount of time for rehabilitation of the body depends on the type of procedure performed:

  • external – 6 hours;
  • domestic – 2-3 days.

In addition to the time provided for the body to recover, there are several recommendations that, if followed, will reduce the risk the appearance of unpleasant consequences after the operation and during its sessions:

  • exclude any types of tanning and body heating;
  • minimize the consumption of salty and sweet foods;
  • reduce caffeine consumption;
  • increase the consumption of clean water to 3 liters per day;
  • see a specialist;
  • refuse heavy physical labor;
  • switch to a healthy diet;
  • keep the treated parts of the skin dry;
  • take strong medications if prescribed by a doctor;
  • massage postoperative skin areas;
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and carbonated drinks.
  • apply compress:
    • from 2 to 3 days – if the operation was performed in the facial area;
    • up to 7 days on another part of the body.

Prices and efficiency

Cost of the operation:

  • Novosibirsk - from 1800 rub. up to 40,000 rub.
  • Moscow – from 3500 rub. up to 7000 rub.
  • St. Petersburg - from 350 rubles. up to 60,000 rub.
  • Volgodonsk – from 110 rubles. up to 45,000 rub.

The price depends on 3 factors:

The effect of the procedure is noticeable after 14-21 days of using the method, provided that the patient undergoes up to 10 sessions, each of which lasts from 30 minutes to 4 hours. The time of the procedure depends on the lipolysis option.

Possible complications

Among the unpleasant consequences are:

  • inflammation of the skin at the site of the procedure;
  • redness of the working area;
  • irritation of the treated area of ​​the dermis;
  • infection entering the body;
  • decrease and loss of the level of sensitivity of the skin;
  • general malaise, expressed in nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of swelling at the procedure sites;
  • increasing the level of existing diseases;
  • the appearance of unevenness on the working surface;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • the emergence of a risk of blood flow disease.

To achieve maximum effect and return the body to a high-quality appearance, it is recommended to carry out laser lipolysis with lymphatic drainage procedures to quickly restore the body.

What laser lipolysis is and what advantages it has over liposuction and cavitation is important to study for those who choose to remove fat tissue using modern cosmetic procedures and surgical methods.

Despite the existing advantages, before agreeing to the procedure, it is recommended to contact a specialist in this method, who will tell you whether the method of putting the body in order is suitable for a particular individual case.

Video about laser lipolysis

What is laser lipolysis:

Laser lipolysis from the inside. How the procedure works:

The modern generation has the fate of living in an era of food abundance. For the majority of the population, the problem of obesity is much more pressing than the struggle for survival and food. More than half of the inhabitants of developed countries are overweight.

Being overweight not only promises health problems, it causes a person to have an inferiority complex, a feeling of not meeting the standards imposed by glossy magazines. Let's figure out what laser lipolysis is, its difference from the traditional liposuction procedure, the principle of action and features, treatment areas and approximate prices, and also look at photos before and after the sessions.

At first glance, it seems that the solution to the problem is obvious - moderate nutrition and physical activity. But many people are familiar with the situation when a certain area of ​​the body stubbornly refuses to give in to improvement, despite the Herculean efforts made.

In this case, only surgical or cosmetic procedures can help.

In the last decade, laser liposuction (lipolysis) has been rapidly gaining popularity, aimed specifically at correcting a small area of ​​the body and having a fairly high efficiency.


The first attempts to invent methods for getting rid of fat deposits were made back in the 20s of the last century. They did not bring the desired results and resulted in more complications than benefits.

But humanity did not lose hope of coming up with a “miraculous” way to lose weight on a specific part of the body. The next attempt to perform an operation to remove fatty deposits took place only half a century after the previous one. Unfortunately, it also turned out to be a failure.

However, ten years later, an Italian surgeon conducted a complex medical experiment; his own wife became the patient; he sucked out fat with a vacuum through a cannula he invented. The experience turned out to be successful, but quite traumatic.

In the 80s, a solution was developed that helps to detach fat and remove it out. A few years later, it was the turn of ultrasonic liposuction, which made a huge breakthrough.

Using the latest technology, it has become possible to remove up to ten liters of fat at once.

Subsequently, methods of vibration and PAL liposuction were developed, raising aesthetic medicine to a high level. Laser technology arose thanks to a surgeon from Colombia in the 90s.

He discovered that there was no need for large incisions to remove fat; after laser treatment, the resulting emulsion was easily removed through small punctures.

The active use of new technology began at the beginning of our century. The technique is constantly being improved and is widely used in many developed countries.

Operating principle

In medicine, the unique properties of lasers are used everywhere. In contour plastic surgery, under the influence of a low-frequency beam, the fat cell loses its shape and is destroyed, releasing the resulting emulsion.

Fat enters the general bloodstream and is excreted by the body. To get rid of a relatively large volume, vacuum suction is used, thereby reducing the load on the liver.

In addition, it prevents bleeding and compresses collagen fibers, providing the skin with a tightening effect.

Features of the procedure

The lipolysis method has become widespread due to its numerous advantages:

  • There is no need for large incisions. This not only eliminates the risk of scars, but also reduces the likelihood of inflammation and infection.
  • Does not require general anesthesia.
  • Allows you to precisely focus on the “problem” area.
  • The treated area of ​​the body has a smoother surface.
  • Promotes skin tightening.

Thanks to these advantages, the procedure is by far the safest, minimizing surgical intervention.

The difference between traditional liposuction and laser

Before deciding on the type of contour plastic surgery, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The traditional procedure has a number of features that significantly distinguish it from the laser method:

  • Cuts. With the usual procedure they are insignificant, but there are still more punctures when using a laser. External lipolysis eliminates the need for incisions.
  • Anesthesia. With the traditional method - general, with the laser method local anesthesia is sufficient. Accordingly, there will be more contraindications for conventional surgery.
  • The volume of fat removed during a typical operation ranges from 1 to 3 liters. During lipolysis - no more than 0.5 liters.
  • Hard-to-reach places are easier to “work” with a laser beam.
  • The healing of incisions after lipolysis is faster; there is no need to wear compression garments for a long time.
  • Skin tightening is an advantage of the laser method.
  • Pain after classical surgery is stronger and longer lasting.


In order to understand how the procedure works, you need to know that there are two types of it - external and internal. Each case has its own fundamental differences.


With this option, an external laser is used. The split fat is neutralized in the liver and excreted from the body. After taking photographs and measurements, the doctor determines the “problem” area. Based on calculations, a suitable laser attachment is selected and carefully fixed on the body.

Lipolysis lasts about 20 minutes and does not cause discomfort. Upon completion, new measurements are taken to determine whether the required result has been achieved.


After photographing, a cannula with a low-frequency laser is inserted through the puncture. Under its influence, fat cells are destroyed and removed using vacuum suction.

Due to the fact that during the operation the lower layers of the dermis are heated by the laser, the collagen fibers are compressed and excess skin is tightened. The entire process takes about two hours, after which the patient is put on compression garments that tighten the treated areas.

We offer you to see how the laser lipolysis procedure works:

Impact zones and indications

Laser liposuction is great for small areas of the body - chin, cheeks, upper arm, stomach, thighs, knees.

It should be remembered that this operation is not suitable for overweight people; it is designed to correct individual areas that are not amenable to diet and exercise.

Ideal indications for it are:

  • fat deposits in hard-to-reach places;
  • unevenness after the traditional procedure;
  • lipomas;
  • treatment of hyperhidrosis.

Young mothers who want to regain their “girlish” waist often resort to lipolysis.

Often, it is after pregnancy that accumulations of fat remain in the lower abdomen. The procedure can help cope with this problem and tighten skin that has lost its elasticity.

Contraindications and complications

The list of contraindications is not long:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin diseases;
  • liver disease (with external liposuction).

If fat removal occurs naturally, then nausea and slight intoxication are possible.

Therefore, this method is only suitable for people with a completely healthy liver.

Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require large incisions, complications are quite rare. Basically, this is a slight irritation, redness, inflammation of the skin at the puncture site.

Preparation period

First of all, you need to bring your weight back to normal - otherwise losing 0.5 kg will have no effect. You should stop taking any medications and strictly limit alcohol consumption and smoking.

As prescribed by your doctor, you should undergo all the necessary tests to make sure that the procedure will not harm your health.

Rehabilitation period

Laser liposuction does not require a long hospital stay. A couple of hours after the procedure you can leave the clinic. It will be necessary to treat the puncture sites and take a course of antibiotics for prevention.

You will need to wear the compression garment for about four weeks. You can undergo additional procedures to reduce swelling and resolve hematomas.

Look at the photos before and after the laser lipolysis procedure:


Since laser fat removal is a relatively new technique, many people have questions about it.

  • “How long does the effect last?”

    “During lipolysis, fat cells are destroyed, so the treated area will remain slim for life.”

  • “Is it possible to stop dieting?”

    “If an excess amount of calories enters the body, fat will still be deposited, but in other places. Body proportions can change significantly when overeating.”

  • “Will there be scars?”

    “Minor puncture marks will heal very quickly.”

  • “Is it possible to sunbathe after lipolysis?”

    “You shouldn’t get carried away with tanning during the first month; you need to give your skin the opportunity to recover.”

  • “How soon will the results be visible?”

    “The reduction in volume is noticeable immediately, over two months the body contour will improve and after six months the final result will be visible.”

Choosing a clinic and prices

The choice of devices for laser fat reduction is quite wide - “Zerona”, “iLipo”, “Fotona”. Most often, clinics use the Italian SmartLipo laser.

The cost of a laser liposuction procedure varies from 6,000 to 20,000 rubles per zone. The zone is a palm-sized area.

Modern fat removal under the influence of laser has already proven itself well. It is important to remember that lipolysis is not a panacea for obesity, but helps in removing fat in hard-to-reach places. Maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity will ensure that the results are maintained for many years.

Laser lipolysis is one of the alternatives to surgical liposuction, which allows you to reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat without surgery. Used in plastic surgery to correct small areas of the face, such as the cheeks or chin.

Indications for laser lipolysis

  • excess fat deposits on the face;
  • chubby cheeks, “swollen” cheeks;
  • elimination of the “double” chin;
  • alignment of facial contours (elimination of irregularities and depressions after classical liposuction).

Individual consultation

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Contraindications to laser lipolysis

The laser lipolysis procedure is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, with pathologies of the liver and kidneys, as well as the cardiovascular system, with exacerbation of systemic and oncological diseases, with diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation and in individual cases (determined during a consultation with a plastic surgeon ).

Using laser to reduce fat deposits

Laser facial lipolysis at the SM-Plastika Plastic Surgery Center is performed using a SmartLipo laser device (Italy) under local, intravenous or general anesthesia. The procedure itself is painless and does not leave noticeable scars or scars. It allows you to target areas with excess adipose tissue without heating them, which is why it is called “cold laser lipolysis.”

Using a thin cannula, the plastic surgeon makes a puncture and inserts an electrode under the skin. A laser pulse directed at the problem area destroys fat cells and at the same time activates the production of subcutaneous collagen, which stimulates the process of natural skin tightening. It takes no more than 20 minutes to treat one zone. The breakdown products of fat cells are gradually eliminated from the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

After laser lipolysis, patients are transferred to the center’s day hospital, where they remain under the supervision of our specialists for two to four hours.

The rehabilitation period after laser lipolysis