How to find out what the temperature is without a thermometer. Minimum human body temperature. Ways to check the temperature of children without a thermometer

Test the person's forehead and neck with your hand. The most common way to check temperature without a thermometer is to touch the person's forehead or neck with your hand. If these areas are hotter than usual, your loved one most likely has a fever.

  • Use the back of your hand or lips to touch the forehead or neck of the person who may have a fever. If the temperature is elevated, the forehead will be hot.
  • Do not check the temperature of a person's hands or feet; they may be cold, although the person may have a fever.
  • Using this method, you will be able to determine that the temperature is elevated, but you will not be able to say with certainty what it is. Sometimes a person's skin may feel cold and clammy when they have a fever, and in some cases, a person's skin may feel very hot even if they do not have a fever.
  • Make sure your loved one's room is not too hot. Also, do not check temperature after a person has exercised.

Look at your complexion. A person who has a fever usually has an unhealthy blush on their face. However, if the person has dark skin, you may not notice the blush.

A person with a high fever tends to be lethargic. Fever is often accompanied by lethargy or fatigue. It is difficult for a person to move, he speaks slowly and does not want to get out of bed.

  • A child with a high fever may complain of weakness. He may also refuse to eat or play.
  • Ask how your loved one is feeling. Pain throughout the body and muscles is often a sign of high fever.

    • In addition, the person may experience a headache.
  • Find out if your loved one is thirsty. When a person has a high temperature, they lose fluid. Ask your loved one if they have dry mouth and if they are thirsty.

    • Bright yellow urine is a sign of dehydration and high fever.
  • Find out if your loved one is experiencing nausea. Nausea is a symptom of fever and some illnesses such as the flu. Pay special attention if your loved one complains of nausea and vomiting.

  • Chills and sweating. When experiencing temperature changes, a person begins to shiver from the cold, even when the room is warm enough.

    • A person may also complain that he is either hot or cold. Typically, when the temperature is elevated, a person experiences chills, while other people in the room feel comfortable.
  • Treat seizures that last less than three minutes. Febrile convulsions in children occur against the background of increased body temperature. About one in twenty children under 5 years of age had this symptom. Uncontrollable convulsions against a background of high fever can frighten even the calmest parent. However, don't worry, they are not dangerous and do not cause brain damage. You can do the following:

    • Place your baby on a safe, flat surface.
    • Leave your mouth alone and do not insert foreign objects into it. Any object can break off and block the airway.
    • Do not leave your child's side while the attack lasts.
    • Lay the baby on his side.
  • how to tell if you have a temperature without a thermometer

    1. The traditional method of determining temperature without a thermometer is to place your hand on your forehead or touch it with your lips. This method, of course, gives very approximate results, but it is still possible to determine whether the temperature is elevated or not.

      At high temperatures, as a rule, the legs and arms become cold, but the temperature rises in the groin area, elbow pits, at the base of the skull and in the hollows under the knees. By placing your hand on one of these places, you can feel it.

      An increase in temperature is accompanied by fatigue and body aches. The patient may have very red cheeks and shiny eyes.

      In addition, high temperature provokes an increase in heart rate. So, in a one-year-old child in a horizontal position, the normal pulse is one hundred and forty beats per minute, and in an adult, eighty beats. With an increase in body temperature, a child’s pulse can increase by twenty beats per minute, and in an adult by eight beats.

      You can also determine your temperature without a thermometer by your breathing rate, which is calculated in a relaxed state. In a waking adult, the breathing rate is twenty breaths per minute (in a sleeping adult it slows down to twelve breaths). A one-year-old baby takes thirty breaths per minute.

      As the temperature rises, dehydration occurs (extreme thirst, dry mouth, problems urinating). The presence of these signs can only indicate one thing - that the temperature has risen too much.

    2. For example, when I have a fever. feeling of stuffiness in the nose
    3. In the traditional way, touch your forehead or touch it with your hand. If you are alone at home, then of course you will not be able to touch your lips to your mouth, and you yourself will not be able to detect the temperature with your hand. Look for ways on the Internet other than the site answers, for example the sites listed above. You can also cup your hand and bring it to your mouth, slightly covering your nose, breathe and see if the wings of your nose are hot?
    4. I have a headache what should I do?
    5. When the temperature is low, the following usually happens: the ears begin to burn, the cheeks begin to burn, the brow ridges tingle or even hurt, and heaviness in the back of the head.
      At high temperatures, a person becomes sleepy, loses appetite, and gets chills.
    6. Touch your love with your hand and you will understand everything yourself ^^
    7. Ask someone to touch your forehead with their lips.
    8. breathe on the back of your hand, if it feels hot, it’s probably there
    9. The first method is known to almost every person. You need to touch the forehead of the sick person with your lips or eyelid. If there is fever, the other person will notice it very quickly. You can touch it with your hand, but since the skin on it is rougher, it will be much more difficult to understand the difference.
      If you are alone, cup your palm, bring it to your mouth and exhale into it. At elevated temperatures, you will feel the heat in the wings of your nose.
      Check your pulse. When body temperature rises by one degree, the pulse increases by an average of 10 beats per minute. That is, if your pulse is 30 beats higher than usual, then your temperature is about forty degrees. But this method is only suitable for those who know their working pulse. And, of course, before measuring you should not perform physical activities, drink tea, coffee or smoke.

      It happens that you don’t have a thermometer at hand, and your body temperature needs to be measured urgently.
      Everyone has at least once found themselves in a situation where they urgently need to measure their body temperature, but, as luck would have it, there is no thermometer at hand. In this case, it’s worth knowing how to do this with improvised means with the help of advice from traditional healers and people simply wise with life experience, writes HealthyStyle..
      The simplest and most popular method is to place your palm on your forehead. Surely each of us went through such a procedure in childhood, coming into the sight of our mother or grandmother, flushed from active games. If a person has a normal temperature, such a touch will immediately indicate that the second person has a fever.
      You can also check for temperature by placing your lips or eyelids on your forehead - these are the areas of the body with the most delicate skin, which instantly reacts to any temperature changes.
      You can determine your own body temperature this way: you need to fold your palms, forming a “cup” and bring it to your mouth. Then you need to exhale into it. When you have a fever, you will immediately notice the heat at the edges of your nose.
      Another way to measure your body temperature without outside help is by using your pulse. It is important to know that 1 degree of increased temperature is equal to an additional 10 beats per minute. Therefore, when your pulse is 20 beats higher, your body temperature is approximately 39 degrees. This method is recommended for those who know their normal heart rate well. Before measuring your pulse, you should not drink coffee or do physical exercise.
      You can also determine the low temperature that occurs when you lose strength based on how you feel. In this state one becomes drowsy and the forehead and chest are quite cool. Tingling in the limbs is quite possible. And to determine the elevated temperature, you should close your eyes and listen to yourself - if you feel a burning sensation in your eyelids, then the temperature is elevated. You can try to look sharply in different directions - if this is difficult to do, then your body temperature is higher than normal.
      Remember that an increase in temperature in most cases is accompanied by joint pain, chills and severe thirst. Flushed, red cheeks and a sparkle in the eyes, which is also referred to as “unhealthy,” will give away extra degrees of body.
      A thermometer can be replaced by measuring the number of breaths: in normal health, an adult takes about 20 twenty breaths in one minute, and a child takes about thirty. If the number of breaths is higher than normal, then it seems that the person has a fever.

      When the body turns on a protective reaction to any infection, the temperature rises. They say that the immune system works well if the illness is accompanied by fever. However, the higher its indicators, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with the disease without medication. As a result, the general condition sharply worsens, the fever rises, the body loses fluid, and consciousness becomes foggy. Of course, the immune system itself fights if the temperature on the thermometer stays between 37 and 38 degrees. But its higher rates require the use of antipyretics. What to do if you don’t have a thermometer at hand and you can’t control the complexity of the situation? Then you need to know how you can measure the temperature of a child or yourself without a thermometer.

      Methods for determining body temperature

      There are several ways to determine body temperature without a thermometer, taking into account the symptoms of a sick baby.

      By these signs you can always find out the temperature without using a thermometer. It is not possible to determine its exact value in this way, but it is quite possible to understand that the baby needs to be given an antipyretic or call an ambulance.

      Dry heat danger

      In addition to how to determine whether a baby has a temperature without a thermometer, it is worth finding out what indicates extremely high readings. A temperature of 40.5-41 degrees can be noticed by symptoms such as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and lack of sweating. If you give your baby an antipyretic, but he continues to “burn” and does not sweat, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. At such moments, the clock counts. Immediately wipe the baby with water at room temperature, insert a candle and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

      You can measure your baby’s temperature in different ways, but doing it accurately is simply not possible. Therefore, try to always keep a spare thermometer in the house, and at the first symptoms of the disease it is better to stay at home.

      Body temperature rises in response to infection. This is a kind of protective reaction, the functioning of the immune system. Doctors do not advise shooting down if the thermometer shows less than 38 degrees. You need to give your body the opportunity to fight on its own. But fever is dangerous: the body becomes dehydrated and health worsens. It is no longer possible to do without drugs.

      It happens that loved ones feel bad, but there is not even a thermometer at hand. Something needs to be done, some medicine needs to be given. How to determine which one? Maybe it's not the temperature? A situation that brings us closer to panic and our loved ones closer to fainting. Knowing how to determine the temperature without a thermometer will come in handy.

      • the person feels weak;
      • he is shivering;
      • the face and neck become red or red spots appear on the skin.

      Sometimes there is aching in the bones and inflamed eyes. Sometimes sweating increases.

      All these signs cannot be absolute for determining high body temperature. It's even more difficult with small children. Some of them rush around the house eagerly, as if healthy. And if an adult wants to drink often, then kids have to be forced.

      External heat indicators are individual for each person. Therefore, you should not rely on observation results.

      How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

      There is a measuring device in every home medicine cabinet. Anyone knows how long to hold a thermometer, how to use it, and read the readings (if the thermometer is not electronic). Why check the condition without a thermometer?

      Situations vary. It can become bad in any place where there is no home first aid kit and there is no life-saving thermometer. And you may not have a thermometer at home. Crashed. And we haven’t bought a new one yet.

      We will measure in other ways:

      When a loved one begins to have a fever, convulsions, and delirium appear, we urgently call an ambulance. There is no time for measurements. Most likely, your loved one is suffering from severe fever.