Blood from female organs. Nongenital causes of bleeding (extragenital). When to see a doctor

The question is why after sex there's blood coming out, interests every woman who has encountered an alarming symptom. The situation can happen once or be repeated constantly. The reasons are varied. From trivial, easily removable problems to serious ones that require qualified treatment. Bleeding occurs from the vagina, its vestibule, cervix, and uterine cavity.

The hymen is torn during the first sexual intercourse. The girl feels discomfort, experiences pain, blood after sex. A normal, explainable phenomenon. The situation may repeat itself several more times. Up to one month. Over time, the elasticity of the genital organ increases, the muscles of the uterus relax, and the genital organ is less injured. The blood disappears on its own. A few drops are released. If blood appears in increased quantities after sex, you need to consult a specialist.

The presence of blood after sexual intercourse may indicate the onset of menstruation. The situation is familiar to women with irregular menstrual cycles. Sexual activity It tones the uterus, changes hormonal levels, and menstruation begins. Also, if it appeared immediately after the end of menstruation, this is also an understandable phenomenon. Remnants of the epidermis are released.

This also happens in women during menopause. Sex provokes hormonal surge, the body reacts this way.

Banal reasons for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse

A common cause of minor bleeding is the use of sex toys. This includes a discrepancy between the sizes of the girl’s genital organ and the dildo. Also poor-quality manufacturing of intimate devices. Before starting use, you should run your hand over the surface to identify roughness, irregularities, bumps, and other flaws. A manufacturing defect can cause blood to appear. The same situation occurs with the natural discrepancy between the partners’ genital organs.

The cause of blood after sexual intercourse is often an insufficient amount of natural lubrication. This situation occurs if:

The problem is easily solved. You can use a special intimate lubricant. Spend more time on foreplay.

One more trivial reason the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse is excessive activity partner, hard sex. The girl develops minor injuries, ruptures that begin to bleed. You should slow down the pace a little, contain the heat of passion. Injuries to the cervix provoke the formation of erosion. They don't require special treatment, go away on their own within 10 days if re-injury is excluded.

Blood after sex under the influence of contraception

Hormonal medications often cause unplanned bleeding. The presence of blood is possible on any day of the cycle in the first 3 months after starting to use birth control pills. The same situation may arise in the future. But it already indicates malfunction female body, violation hormonal levels. The question arises about replacing contraception.

Blood after sex can also occur when using a condom. If the girl’s vagina is not moisturized enough or there is allergic reaction on the condom material.

The reason for the appearance of blood is the presence intrauterine device. The first 3 months after its installation are considered normal occurrence. Taking into account that droplets of blood do not turn into significant bleeding. The emergence of a similar situation in the future already indicates alarming symptoms due to the presence of an IUD:

  • inflammatory process;
  • spiral displacement;
  • an attempt by the girl’s body to reject a foreign object.

The spiral will most likely have to be removed. Consider a different method of contraception.

Sexually transmitted diseases as a cause of bleeding

Many PPP diseases are asymptomatic at first. But girls carry out their own pathological transformations in their bodies. If blood appears after sex without pain or other alarming symptoms Chlamydia is most likely present. If you suspect venereal diseases it is necessary to undergo examination. Final diagnosis the doctor will determine. And will also appoint qualified treatment. Both partners must undergo therapy. During this time, abstain from sexual intercourse.

The reason for the appearance of blood is pregnancy

If a woman knows she is pregnant, blood after intercourse can greatly frighten her. Active actions partner can provoke a miscarriage early stages. When bleeding occurs, the chances of saving the child decrease every minute. You need to call an ambulance.

If a girl does not know about her pregnancy, she will perceive the bleeding as the beginning of her period. In most cases, the uterus cleanses itself. Sometimes the help of a gynecologist is required when particles of the embryo remain inside the uterus.

Sudden bleeding may indicate. In this case, after the appearance of blood, the girl’s health rapidly deteriorates. If help is not provided, she may lose an ovary or die.

Gynecological diseases

If blood appears after sex not for the first time, you should think about the presence of gynecological diseases. A common cause is benign, malignant neoplasms in the cervix.


A benign tumor appears various reasons. The main one is infection. At small sizes the cyst is treated therapeutically and removed liquid nitrogen. If the situation is complex, it is used to eliminate the cause of the pathology. surgical method. Cyst for a long time can exist without any special symptoms. If blood appeared after sex not for the first time - Great chance her presence.

Erosion on the cervix

Often appears in young girls. It reveals itself by insignificant specific discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. During sex, the erosive area can become injured and blood appears. With erosion there is never bleeding. A few drops after intercourse with further violation menstrual cycle. They are treated with medication and cauterization. The procedure is virtually painless and lasts about 5 minutes.

Cervical cancer

A benign tumor, which eventually turns into a malignant one, first develops without special symptoms. Even the doctor on examination without special research unable to detect pathology. If blood appears after sex, others painful symptoms are absent, you need to visit a doctor for a serious examination. With cervical cancer, blood after sexual intercourse is one of the symptoms of the disease, which, unfortunately, women and girls pay little attention to. Especially if all this does not lead to bleeding.

Inflamed e tion

In the presence of inflammatory processes the lower abdomen and lower back hurt in the uterus, the temperature rises, there are specific secretions. Initially, they are simply abundant with a transparent consistency. Appear at certain times bloody issues. And this time sometimes coincides with intimacy. After it, the woman notices specific discharge. Other symptoms of the disease develop later.

There are also situations when blood appears after sex by accident, just by coincidence. A woman's body may contain any gynecological disease: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial polyps, which develop without any special symptoms.

Thus, blood may appear after sex for obvious reasons - tearing of the hymen, active sex, use of sex toys, it is necessary to carry out a washing procedure, use hydrogen peroxide if the wound is visible. It won't hurt to visit a gynecologist. Consultation qualified specialist will not be superfluous. You also need to pay attention to your own hygiene. Its absence causes growth pathogenic bacteria, which provoke disruption of the vaginal microflora, reduce immunity, and provoke diseases. After sex, bleeding may occur. You should pay attention to your partner. Perhaps the blood in the vagina is from his genitals. In this case, he will have to be examined.

In a healthy woman, menstruation occurs regularly, is not accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. Irregular, heavy, spontaneous bleeding indicates developed dysfunction. For what reasons does it occur, and what symptoms can it be accompanied by?

Types of dysfunction

Sexual bleeding (uterine, vaginal) accompanies many gynecological disorders, pathology of pregnancy, labor, early postpartum period. IN in rare cases blood loss from the genital tract is a consequence of injury or pathology in the hematopoietic system.

There are many reasons for this condition. They vary in intensity and can lead to different consequences.

Vaginal bleeding is directly related to infection or mechanical injury, and uterine - with diseases, hormonal dysfunction, ovulation.

Beginning in adolescence with menstruation, regular loss of blood from the vagina begins to accompany each healthy woman, and this is the norm. On average, physiological blood loss ranges from 40 to 80 ml.

Abnormal conditions and reasons why there is bleeding from the vagina:

  • Dysfunctional disorder – abnormal bleeding against the background of hormonal disorders.
  • An organic disorder is pathological bleeding that develops with pathology of the genital organs.
  • An iatrogenic disorder in which bleeding is a consequence of taking contraceptives, antithrombic drugs, or installing an IUD.
  • Uterine bleeding during pregnancy labor activity, in the postpartum period.
  • Juvenile bleeding.
  • Dysfunction in postmenopause.

The nature of vaginal bleeding can be cyclical (menorrhagia) or acyclic (metrorrhagia).

Cyclic ones last more than 6–7 days, with a profuse character, with a volume of about 100 ml. Acyclic dysfunction is not tied to the menstrual cycle and occurs at an unspecified time.


The cause of menorrhagia can be endometritis, fibroids, endometriosis. With the development of these pathologies, the uterine wall loses its normal contractility, and this intensifies and prolongs vaginal bleeding.


In the acute stage of infection, a woman develops a fever along with merorrhagia, and the lower third of the abdomen is painful. On examination, the body of the uterus is enlarged and painful. Disease in chronic form passes without signs of fever, pronounced pain syndrome not visible. The development of endometritis is provoked by the post-abortion or postpartum period.


With neoplasms, in addition to menorrhagic dysfunction, the woman is bothered by pain, discomfort of urination and defecation. During the examination, the doctor discovers an increase in the size of the uterus. The uterus has an uneven, bumpy surface, compacted, palpation does not cause pain. With pathology, alternation of menorrhagia with metrorrhagia is possible.


With endometriosis, menorrhagia is accompanied by pain (algomenorrhea), which progresses over time. During the examination, the doctor notes an enlarged uterus. The smoothness of the surface is preserved in case of endometriosis.

Regardless of the pathology, menorrhagia is profuse bleeding with clots. A woman complains of weakness sharp deterioration general condition, dizziness, fainting.

Prolonged blood loss leads to severe iron deficiency anemia.


If a woman does not have her period, but is bleeding, then this is metrorrhagia. This condition develops against the background of physical and psychological fatigue, work in hazardous industries, illnesses inflammatory in nature, neoplasms and endocrine disorders.

Metrorrhagia occurs at any time, and if a woman bleeds spontaneously, “out of the blue,” she goes acute stage process. Chronic metrorrhagia is defined by prolonged intermenstrual bleeding with disrupted cyclicity.

Anovulatory metrorrhagia

Girls are susceptible to this type of dysfunction. adolescence and women in menopause.

With anovulatory metrorrhagia of ovulation and formation corpus luteum does not occur, menstruation is delayed, and bleeding continues for more than 7 days.

Postmenopausal metrorrhagia

Dysfunction develops against the background of fading ovarian function. Menstruation is irregular at first, but eventually stops completely. With the onset of postmenopause, metrorrhagia is a symptom of the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

If a woman has not had her period for more than a year, the onset of metrorrhagia is an undesirable and dangerous symptom. You should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

When to see a doctor?

There are several additional signs and conditions by which one can suspect the onset of dysfunction:

  1. IN menstrual blood clots appeared.
  2. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and bleeding.
  3. A woman complains of causeless fatigue and weakness, hypotension.
  4. Pain increases from period to period.
  5. Menstruation is accompanied by fever.

If your period lasts more than a week, the cycle is shortened to 21 days, there is more discharge than usual or bleeding between periods, a woman cannot postpone it. You should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Vaginal discharge is most often not a cause for concern in women. Their character can be more than different, so you shouldn’t immediately run to the doctor with suspicions. IN in this case it is necessary to get ahead of the nature of their presence and determine why there is a dysfunction of the genital organs and blood flows into different time cycle. But despite this, even the most the slightest discharge from the uterus cause fear in women, so they turn to a doctor for help.

It is worth noting that at home it is quite difficult to independently distinguish pathology from a normal phenomenon and understand why such problems are observed. This is especially true when an admixture is observed, or heavy bleeding. In such cases, you need to immediately go to the hospital to determine the real reason. Indeed, sometimes even mucus can indicate the presence of a rather serious disease. Then you must first of all pay attention to the smell of the leucorrhoea and its color.

Normal uterine discharge has no characteristic odor, and its color can range from red-bloody to yellowish and transparent - just mucus.

What types of uterine discharge occur at different times of the cycle?

As already mentioned above, a characteristic fluid is released from a woman’s vagina throughout the entire cycle. And only by its character can one determine the presence possible deviations, diseases and problems. This is especially true when blood is observed before menstruation or. If this is observed, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and find out exactly why the bleeding is occurring.

Normal leucorrhoea does not contain any odor, there is no admixture of blood, and the woman does not experience discomfort.. In particular we're talking about about the genitals or possible uterine pain. Normal mucus on underwear should not cause irritation, even if it is curd or foamy discharge. If you experience discomfort or pain, it is best to seek help from a doctor. It may not necessarily be a sign of any disease. These may be minor inflammations, which often occur due to hypothermia or infectious diseases. In any case, it is necessary to determine the cause and exclude it.

Blood comes before and after menstruation

Quite often, many women complain of bleeding from the uterus at different times of the cycle. This phenomenon indicates that it stands out blood mucus. In this case, you should not panic right away, because there are many reasons for this. In most cases, such phenomena can begin three or four days before the onset of menstruation. After this, menstruation should begin. Women who wear IUDs also bleed. In this case, this is a completely normal situation and there is no need to panic.

The problem of bleeding after installation of an intrauterine device:

If blood comes from the vagina with a brownish color or even black, then this is the consequence of oxidation of the coil itself. It is also worth noting that this characteristic feature destruction in the vagina. If you experience bloody discharge when taking hormonal contraceptives, then this may be the reason the right choice, and should be replaced with something more suitable remedy just for you. As for spotting leucorrhoea from the vagina, it should also not have any odor.

It is worth noting that for almost all women everything happens differently and the menstrual cycle is proof of this. All existing deviations and possible circumstances should be discussed with a gynecologist, especially if you use appropriate contraceptives. In this case, it is necessary to regularly see a doctor.

If mucus and blood appear from time to time, then this is quite normal, but if this happens all the time and causes some discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor and find out why significant deviations have arisen. This is especially true for the intrauterine device, because most often women have problems because of it.

Other possible causes of vaginal discharge in women

Don’t immediately despair if in the middle of your cycle you see mucus and blood on your underwear. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, but to be completely sure of this, it is better to consult a doctor and determine why this is happening.

For example, after this gynecological procedure, like hysteroscopy, the appearance of bloody discharge within a few days is considered normal:

  1. With careful gynecological examination vagina, you can find small polyps, warts, ulcers or varicose veins uterus. These are all relevant reasons for bleeding outside of menstruation.
  2. Infected genitals also quite often cause bloody mucus or even heavy bleeding.
  3. Dry or too tender vaginal walls are often a significant reason for bleeding. This is especially observed after sex in women during menopause.
  4. The cervix may bleed if there are corresponding diseases. Blood can also appear if it is disturbed during deep sexual intercourse.
  5. The presence of bloody discharge is a sign malignant tumor cervix or characteristic polyps. This is especially true for women over 45 years of age.
  6. Departments of the uterus can be observed due to significant diseases of the uterus, the presence of fibroids, cancer or abortion.
  7. The wrong choice of contraceptives also plays a fairly important role, since it controls the production of certain hormones. Why exactly such phenomena are accompanied by blood, a gynecologist will be able to explain to you after an examination.
  8. Vaginal bleeding often occurs when there is an infection or ovarian cyst. The reason for this may be reduced function thyroid gland, as well as disorders of the secretion glands. On this moment Scientists have not yet determined why exactly blood is a consequence of such abnormalities.
  9. Vaginal bleeding often occurs during menopause, and this is not always the case. natural sign violations. Rather, this is a normal phenomenon, which is quite typical for women at this age.

Cervical erosion is often accompanied by mucus and blood:

Blood from the vagina. If these words mean menstruation, then it doesn’t matter. They should be regular and occur without causing much discomfort. But, if you have excessive bleeding from the vagina, then you should still consult a doctor for help. There are quite a few reasons that cause this phenomenon. Let's take a closer look at them.

Causes of vaginal bleeding

Of the many provocateurs, the most common reasons are given below. So:

1. Damage to the labia, most often occurring during violent sexual intercourse. Small ulcers, polyps, and warts may appear, noticeable upon careful examination.

2. Inflammatory processes and various infections can

Cause bleeding from the vagina. Dryness of the vaginal walls can also provoke this symptom. This happens for a reason sharp decrease estrogens, which are responsible for lubrication. Usually this phenomenon observed after menopause.

3. Infections in the cervix. Can penetrate upon injection intrauterine contraceptive device or when injured by deep sexual intercourse.

7. The reasons may not be related to gynecology. For example, certain medications or various body dysfunctions, such as clotting disorders or blood thinning, can cause vaginal bleeding.

8. Uterine cancer. The risk of this disease occurring is greatest during menopause. Cancerous tumors They are benign, a kind of small polyps that can cause vaginal bleeding.

9. Alcohol. Its consumption significantly contributes to the production of excessive amounts of estrogens, which cause bleeding.

8. Birth control pills. Especially often this by-effect observed in the first 3 months of taking oral contraceptives.

What to do if there is bleeding from the vagina?

If you observe such a symptom, it is advisable to immediately contact a highly qualified specialist who will conduct an examination, refer you to undergo certain tests and diagnose the provoking cause. Afterwards you will be prescribed a specific course of treatment. Its duration depends on what caused the discharge. Everything can be done with banal healing ointments, but it can turn into long and painful therapy. At the appointment, try to provide as much information as possible to the attending physician. After all, additional facts will simplify the work of identifying accurate diagnosis. Do not delay with consultation on this intimate occasion. Our health is at very high risk of all kinds of diseases. Let's take care of our body, because no one will protect it better than ourselves.

Discharge with blood from the vagina in a woman may be normal or indicate serious illnesses urogenital, endocrine system. A visit to a gynecologist who will prescribe additional examination. If blood from the vagina appears during pregnancy, after using the toilet, or constantly flows for a long time without menstruation, there is cause for concern.

If a woman experiences spotting and knows for sure that it is not her period, it is necessary to determine the cause. There are many factors that can cause this phenomenon. Sometimes blood is released for completely normal, explainable reasons:

  1. If blood clots appear 3-4 days before menstruation, for some this is normal - this is how the body lets you know that menstruation is approaching. At the same time, there is little discharge, they do not have a sharp unpleasant odor.
  2. After failure to take hormonal contraceptives. Similar drugs are accepted according to a clear pattern. For a failure to occur, it is enough to skip a few steps. Of course, you should not ignore this phenomenon, but panic will be unnecessary. You just need to contact your gynecologist, who will tell you what to do to restore a normal cycle.
  3. If blood comes out only once during sex and it is associated with individual preferences, sexual games, this is a sign of trauma to the vagina. It may be an ordinary scratch of the mucous membrane, or it may be a serious injury to the cervix. In any case, you need to consult a gynecologist to make sure in good condition internal organs.
  4. Wearing a vaginal IUD can also cause mucus and blood to come out of the vagina. Most often this is a sign that it needs to be replaced.

In most cases, when blood clots and streaks appear for these reasons, serious problems There is no health problem, but a consultation with a gynecologist is required. It will confirm the suspected cause and help eliminate it.

Causes of bleeding requiring urgent intervention

There are also other reasons why blood clots may appear. vaginal discharge. The main ones are:

  1. Infection. Infection genitourinary system accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, provoking severe painful sensations. At the same time, it is observed dark blood, often brown in color. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse, urination, and becomes more common over time.
  2. When carrying a child. Bleeding in a pregnant woman always requires urgent medical care. Often the lower abdomen hurts and the blood flows intensely, accompanied by cramping tension of the uterus. Such bleeding after childbirth is normal and should gradually decrease. If this does not happen, the blood continues to flow intensely for a long time, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Climax. In women after 50 years common reason bleeding from the vagina - hormonal changes in the body, indicating the cessation reproductive function. Blood may be released during sex or after sex, physical activity, appear for no apparent reason.
  4. Uterine fibroids, endometritis, endometriosis, and other diseases caused by the inflammatory process of the uterus. Each of them has its own symptoms and requires urgent treatment, often surgical.
  5. Cancer. Defeat cancer the uterus, its cervix, vagina are accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood from the vagina is especially intense after sex.

Sometimes scarlet blood can continue to be released abundantly after menstruation - a few days later, during ovulation. This indicates that there is no connection between diseases of the genitourinary system and the phase of the menstrual cycle. Some women make the mistake of delaying seeing a doctor, believing that the cause of this phenomenon is a continuation or early start menstruation.

What is dangerous and who to contact

Why shouldn’t you delay seeing a doctor? Because bleeding from the vagina is normal in two cases: during the first sexual intercourse with rupture of the hymen, during menstruation. If even a drop of blood appears under other circumstances, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis are especially dangerous. For example, if the growth of fibroid nodes is not stopped in time, the following may occur:

  • anemia;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs not related to the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system itself;
  • pathological pregnancy.

Also, in all cases there is a risk of developing infertility - this complication is especially frightening in at a young age. It may occur due to a small problem that was not corrected in a timely manner. For example, when wearing a spiral, bleeding is initially insignificant. If you neglect them for a long time, infection and the onset of inflammatory processes may occur. IN severe cases may be needed complete removal uterus.

If bloody discharge or isolated bleeding is detected in the urine, you should contact a gynecologist. This doctor will conduct an examination and ask the patient about other symptoms. In this case, all the details are important: is there a smell of blood, how often does it flow, where the pain is felt. If there is a suspicion of damage to the urinary system, you may need to consult a urologist or nephrologist.

Advice! If bleeding occurs while carrying a child, it is better to contact a specialist who will manage the entire pregnancy.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of bleeding from the vagina. Considering that they can be varied, you should contact specialists. If serious pathologies are absent, the doctor will tell you how to prevent repeated bleeding; if a disease is detected, he will prescribe treatment, possibly surgical.