Features of soda douching when conceiving a child. Soda solution for douching

When the spouses really want a baby and for a long time They don’t succeed, they both begin to try all the means and methods. Even those that seem to be outdated. One of them, douching with soda for conception.

The method of douching with soda for conception was invented by our grandmothers. After all, before there were very few other options. And now, when it is not possible to get pregnant, a woman can use douching to conceive.

What is douching?

Douching- this is irrigation of the vagina with various useful solutions. Used as solutions herbal infusions, medicinal solutions, soda solution. Vaginal douching is done using a syringe (or bulb) with a plastic or rubber tip of a sufficiently large volume.

Vaginal douching can be used not only to treat a woman’s internal genital organs, but also to conceive a child, and also as a method of contraception. To do this, you need to know which solution to douche with and at what moment.

So, in order to do douching, it is better to do it immediately after sexual intercourse, but in order, on the contrary, to conceive a child, douching half an hour to an hour before sexual intercourse.

Does douching with baking soda help you get pregnant?

How pregnancy is stimulated when douching with soda for conception. The fact is that it has a rather acidic environment. This kills all harmful microorganisms that enter the woman’s internal genital organs from outside. This protective reaction, on the one hand, helps the body cope with harmful microbes, and on the other hand, together with the microbes, it destroys sperm that cannot tolerate this acidic environment. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, a slightly acidic environment must be created in the vagina so that sperm can easily reach the egg. The easiest way to do this is with a soda solution for douching.

How to prepare a baking soda solution for douching

To prepare a soda solution for douching, dissolve one teaspoon of soda (five grams) in one liter of warm boiled water. The temperature of the baking soda solution for douching should be no higher than body temperature - 36-37 degrees. Prepare a soda solution for douching so you can use it immediately.

Do not under any circumstances change the concentration of soda in the douching solution. Not only may pregnancy not be stimulated, but it may also permanently destroy the vaginal microflora.

How to douche with soda correctly

If you have been unable to get pregnant for a long time, I think you have already learned to calculate in your cycle fertile days(days when the possibility of conceiving a baby is highest). About five days before ovulation itself, you can start douching with soda at home.

Let me remind you that the maturation of the egg itself lasts only two days. After this time, conception will no longer occur. The viability of sperm in a woman’s internal organs is five days. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is better to start douching for conception in advance.

About one hour before sexual intercourse, douche with soda for conception. To do this, prepare a fresh solution of baking soda and sterilize the tip of the syringe. Fill a syringe with baking soda solution. Sit comfortably either on the toilet or in the bathtub with your legs spread. Insert the tip into the vagina and press on the syringe so that the solution irrigates the vaginal walls.

Also suggest that your spouse treat the genital organ with chamomile infusion so that he does not experience irritation due to douching for conception.

After sexual intercourse, when douching with soda for conception, it is better not to take a shower or bath.

In what cases is it better to use douching for conception?

Douching with soda for conception is especially good for those couples who have problems conceiving due to the fact that the acidity of the vagina during ovulation remains at the same level, although it should decrease. Due to the fact that the so-called female lubricant kills sperm, due to the fact that the acidity of the sperm is very low (below 7.2), due to the fact that there is very little sperm (not enough to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina).

Contraindications for douching for conception

Not all women can use soda douching to conceive. Before you do douching, be sure to check with your gynecologist whether this procedure is allowed for you. According to doctors, douching with soda is contraindicated for cervical erosion, all possible inflammation female genital organs, with genital infections and with low acidity vagina. And also, if there is a personal intolerance to soda solution.

In general, the opinions of doctors on this issue differ greatly. Some believe that the use of this grandmother’s method is unacceptable and useless for successful conception. Other doctors are sure that everything should be used possible ways for conception, even douching with soda.

Douching with soda for thrush - how to do it?

Douching with soda also helps well as a prevention and treatment of thrush (). Due to the fact that a less acidic environment is created in the vagina, yeast fungus (candida) is not able to exist and multiply in it. To prevent thrush, it is enough to wash with soda. And to treat thrush, it would be better to use douching with a soda solution.

Douching with soda is good in moderation

You should not get carried away with this method, even if you really want to get pregnant. Dangerous also exceed the dosage, frequency and concentration of the soda solution.

Frequent douching with soda greatly changes the acidity of the vagina and, accordingly, its microflora. This in turn leads to a decrease local immunity– harmful microorganisms will be able to penetrate a woman’s internal genital organs faster. And this leads to various inflammations, sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others). If too many harmful bacteria accumulate, this contributes to the development of cancer.

If you decide to use a soda solution, try to include more fermented milk products in your menu - kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Is soda douching effective for conception? On the site for mothers, today we will talk about how baking soda works for conception.

How it works?

Many of us have heard that douching with soda promotes conception. But not everyone knows how it works. Let's try to understand this issue.

Nature is wise and prudent; she has “invented” many ways to protect the female body. Among them is the chemical barrier of the vagina, which is carried out due to the acidic pH, which prevents development pathogenic microorganisms.

But there is also back side medals: some couples have incompatibility in this regard - the seminal fluid is not able to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, which is why the sperm die without reaching their immediate goal. Or normal process lowering the pH to more alkaline level during ovulation it is disrupted.

Therefore, the women thought and thought about how to “extinguish” the acidic environment of the womb, and came up with the idea of ​​​​using alkali, which is a solution of this white powder.

Therefore, douching with soda for conception has gained some popularity. True, the opinions of doctors on this matter differ: some consider it effective this method, while others categorically deny its expediency and consider it harmful.

How to douche with soda for conception

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and still decide to resort to this method, read the site’s tips on how to do it correctly.

A weak soda solution is suitable for douching. For 200ml (glass) hot water It’s enough to take ¼ of a teaspoon of the substance, mix and let it cool to 37°C (body temperature). This amount is enough for you for one time; you should not pour liters of the solution into yourself. Next, draw it into a clean syringe and insert it into the vagina while sitting over a bidet or toilet or lying in the bath. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Soda before conception can be replaced with mineral water with an alkaline reaction or to ready-made solutions of soda buffers purchased at the pharmacy.

Remember that overusing this method can have the opposite effect. Soda douching can be done no more than 1-2 times per cycle, before ovulation.

Therefore, if you decide to experiment, it is better to track the release of the egg using rapid ovulation tests or ultrasound folliculometry.

Douching with soda to conceive a boy

There is an opinion that soda treatments are useful for those couples who want to conceive a boy. As is known, the sex of the unborn child is determined at the moment of fertilization of the egg, when a sperm carrying an X or Y chromosome penetrates into it. It is the “igrek” that provides the male gender.

So, it is believed that the little “livelings” are more tenacious in alkaline environment, while girls prefer a more acidic pH. By the way, to conceive a girl, it is recommended to douche weak solution lemon juice.

Soda for conception: contraindications

This method is quite simple and accessible, which is why many women use it without regard to the possible negative consequences.

We must not forget that the thoughtless use of soda douching can provoke a disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina and the colonization of it with pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and fungi).

Therefore, if you decide to use this method, during this period, consume lactic acid products containing live bacteria (for example, biokefir). You can also topically apply preparations containing lacto- or bifidobacteria (eg Lactobacterin).

Douching with soda for conception: reviews

Here's what our readers write about soda douching for conception:

  • I managed to get pregnant on the fourth cycle of douching. I don’t know whether the soda helped or not, but I saw a clear second line on the test 4 days before my expected period! In the same cycle, I attended physiotherapy. By the way, only one pipe is normal, the second is completely impassable. Everything worked out after a year of effort. Anyutka, 27 years old.
  • Girls, I don’t know what exactly contributed, but after two years of futile attempts to conceive a child, I tried douching with soda, and it worked the first time! She walked around happy and content, but, unfortunately, the baby froze at the 9th week. Therefore, I advise you to be careful with soda procedures. Lilia, 28 years old.
  • I haven't been able to get pregnant for about 1.5 years. my last hope there was soda for conception, because the reviews about this method were good. I did everything according to the instructions, in the first cycle - a flight, in the second - the same thing. It's not working yet. You probably need to change your doctor and get a deeper examination. But I'll try it again with baking soda. Alla, 31 years old.

Soda – good way reduce the acidity of the vagina, which prevents the fusion of sperm and egg. If you have problems with this, consult a doctor you trust, perhaps this method will help you. And soda will also help you!

Douching is a procedure that involves cleansing the body. It can be carried out various injuries, drugs. But women often use soda for this. The procedure is prescribed for those girls who have some problems with vaginal microflora. Douching with a soda solution can be an excellent prevention of infections and diseases of the female reproductive system. Douching with soda to conceive a child has been used for a very long time and during this time it has managed to prove its effectiveness.

To determine the effect of using a soda solution on the ability to conceive a child, you first need to find out the processes that can be positive influence soda at conception. It's about about maintaining normal pH balance in a girl’s vagina.

Not all women know that Dederlein's sticks are located on the mucous membranes of the vagina. In other words, they can be called lactobacilli. They secrete lactic acid throughout their lives. Thanks to this, normal microflora is created. Due to the positive microflora, all harmful microbes and bacteria in the vagina die. This allows you to create reliable protection fallopian tubes and the uterus itself from the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

However, the acid secreted by the rods has one disadvantage. When acidity increases, sperm are not able to pass even into the cervical canal; they cease their vital activity in the vagina.

So to successfully conceive a child, it is necessary to maintain a normal pH in the vagina. It should be slightly acidic. This can be achieved precisely thanks to the soda solution. With its help, acidity is reduced to the required level. In other words, it is able to normalize the acid-base balance of a woman’s vagina, which opens the way for sperm to the uterus, increasing the chance of rapid fertilization of a healthy egg.

Contraindications and precautions

The opinion of doctors about douching with soda for conception comes down to the fact that not all women can use such a procedure. There are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account to avoid the development of complications.

When acidity in the vagina decreases, this opens the way to pathogenic microflora and inhibits lactobacilli. As a result, douching with a soda solution can lead to disruption of the microflora, which will lead to thrush.

And although an alkaline environment is destructive for the yeast fungi that cause candidiasis, when restoring the disturbed microflora, it can be occupied not always by the useful Dederlein bacilli, but by some kind of fungus.

To maintain the vaginal microflora, you need to use a soda solution in combination with live dairy products or preparations with live lacto-, bifido- or yoghurt cultures. As soon as ovulation occurs, then similar drugs should be used topically, and for intimate hygiene use products with lactic acid.

After soda douching The development of irritation cannot be ruled out. It can affect not only a woman, but also a man after sexual intercourse. This reaction is caused by mechanical microdamage from incompletely dissolved soda particles or an allergy to this product. Then you will need to abandon douching. Instead of soda, you can use special lubricants for pregnancy planning. Their action boils down to preventing sperm from dying on the way to their goal. But such drugs are not sold in all countries.

There is an opinion that after douching the risk of miscarriage increases. This is explained by the fact that far from the healthiest and strongest sperm reaches the egg to fertilize it.

Douching with soda for cervical erosion is prohibited. You should also not use soda if:

  • various injuries to her neck;
  • inflammation in the vagina and cervical canal;
  • microflora disorders.

Before making a solution for douching with soda, you must obtain a doctor's approval.

How to properly douche with soda for conception

If you decide to douche with soda for conception, then first of all you need to know some rules.

Count the most favorable days for conception. To increase the chances of successful and early conception, it is worth correctly determining the period of ovulation. At the same time, you need to understand that ovulation itself and the ovulation period are far from the same thing. Ovulation itself lasts no more than 24-28 hours. Once this time expires, the egg loses its ability to fertilize. The ovulation period is a more flexible concept. It includes not only the days of ovulation, but also a couple of days before it begins and a couple of days after it ends.

The days of the ovulation period and ovulation itself increase the chances of conception. So, 3 days before ovulation you can start douching. And 3 days after ovulation, stop the procedure.

Manipulate with soda solution once a day and no more. To do this, the girl must sit on the toilet. You can also lie down in the bathroom and spread your legs, like in a gynecologist's chair. For douching, you can use the entire amount of the solution you prepared.

Carry out the manipulation 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse occurs. Immediately after douching, you will be away from sexual intercourse. Before sex, you need your partner to wipe the penis with chamomile infusion or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This manipulation is very important for a man, since there is a risk of developing an allergy to soda or to compounds that form in a woman’s vagina under the influence of an alkaline environment.

After the first sexual contact You cannot shower for an hour. To get the maximum effect, some ladies try not to wash even before sexual intercourse, so that sperm do not come out of the vagina. In addition, women choose night or evening to make love, but not morning. This is due to the fact that after sex they do not need to get out of bed, so they increase their chances of fertilization.

How to prepare a soda solution

There are no complicated recipes or rules to obtain a soda solution for douching. Take 5 g food water and 1 liter of purified boiled water. Her temperature indicators must correspond to human body temperature. combine the components and mix.

Before the manipulation itself, sterilize the tip of the enema, and only then you can start douching. Disinfection will prevent the development of infection, which will only complicate the situation.

For whom douching guarantees results?

So, you have done your first douching and are waiting for it to start working? And will there be any effect at all? Of course, this cannot be called a 100% method of pregnancy. You can get a guaranteed result only with specific medical indicators. The effectiveness of soda douching will depend on the cause of infertility. This procedure is most effective:

  1. When the acidity level inside the vagina during ovulation does not decrease to the required levels.
  2. When a woman's cervical fluid does not destroy sperm.
  3. When the pH level of semen reaches below 7.2.
  4. If the amount of semen released is not enough to neutralize the slightly acidic microflora of the vagina.

To get a guaranteed effect from the procedure used, you must follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Consult with a gynecologist. This will avoid contraindications.
  2. Do not take strong drinks, even in small dosages. Moreover, this rule applies even to a partner.
  3. Do not visit the bathhouse, steam room, saunas, or take a hot bath.
  4. Carry out thorough disinfection of the syringe using alcohol solution or antiseptic. Moreover, processing should be carried out both from the inside and from the outside.
  5. Consume after manipulation dairy products, which contain lacto- and bifidobacteria. They allow you to maintain normal microflora vagina. After ovulation, you need to use local supportive agents, which were developed using lactic acid.

Douching with soda during pregnancy

It turns out that you can use douching with a soda solution during pregnancy. This excellent remedy to alleviate the symptoms of thrush. Soda solution speeds up the healing process. This product is widely used in medicine, since it has virtually no contraindications and side effects. You can use a soda solution to treat candidiasis during pregnancy at any stage of the disease.

The action of the solution is aimed at changing the pH in the vagina. This reduces the development of unfavorable microflora, since dangerous microorganisms develop in an environment where increased acidity mucous organisms.

The same recipe is used to prepare the solution. After preparation, the woman should take a lying position and raise her pelvis slightly. Introduce the solution using a syringe. You can’t get up right away, as the liquid should be in the vagina for 30 seconds. After the manipulation, the woman should lie down and rest for 10 minutes.

This manipulation must be carried out very carefully and responsibly during pregnancy. Otherwise, you can harm not only your body, but also the health of your baby.

The main advantage of this method is that it not only effectively treats thrush during pregnancy, but is also completely safe. This is a great alternative medications, which are not approved for use while pregnant. With the help of soda, it is possible to relieve unpleasant symptoms - itching and burning. Before visiting a gynecologist, douching with soda is strictly prohibited. The fact is that the acid-base balance changes, due to which the doctor will not be able to see full picture health status.

Preparation of the solution

You can use soda solution not only for douching. During pregnancy, doctors prescribe washing to treat candidiasis. Of course, this procedure is not so effective, but with its help you can get rid of itching, redness, and most importantly - from cheesy discharge And unpleasant odor. To prepare the solution and perform the manipulation, you can use the following tips:

  1. Take 20 g of soda, 10 g of iodine tincture and 1 liter of water. Combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly until the soda is completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a basin and sit in it for 15 minutes.
  2. The solution should not be poured out, but simply poured into another container. Since the procedure is repeated every day, you can save a little. Just before using the solution, add again all the same components, except water. The duration of the manipulation will be 25 minutes.
  3. Perform the procedure 5-6 times a day to get a guaranteed effect.

Douching to treat thrush during pregnancy should not be done more than once a day. IN otherwise the pH value will drop by many units. This can seriously harm your health.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications to the use of this method:

  1. Availability of such infectious pathologies, like, endometritis, salpingitis.
  2. Cervical erosion.
  3. Having allergies. Unfortunately, this can only be checked after the first douching. If you feel itching, burning, or discomfort, then soda douching is not suitable for you.

Douching for unwanted pregnancy

If we look at the statistics, about 15% of women experience an unwanted pregnancy. When did it take place unprotected sex, then the woman begins to think about whether she is ready to be a mother, and whether she is confident in her sexual partner. There is no need to panic here. To prevent unplanned pregnancy, you can wash yourself with a warm soda solution after sexual intercourse. It is also effective to use douching with the addition of 2 drops of lemon. Maximum caution must be exercised during the manipulation. If douching is done incorrectly, you can damage the vaginal mucosa and disrupt its microflora.

Doctors' opinion

According to reviews from experts, they have different opinions about the effectiveness of soda solution for douching. They believe that this method for conceiving a child will have bad influence not only on female body, but also for men. Other doctors, on the contrary, advise their patients this method when there are no other reasons for the absence of pregnancy.

The reason is that a woman’s body is able to fight off pathogenic microorganisms. Just internal organs, or rather, the microflora itself sorts out and eliminates infections. This is due to the presence of an acidic environment in the vagina, which acts as a kind of barrier. In an acidic environment, all microbes die.

Some doctors point out that the vaginal microflora has a detrimental effect not only on harmful bacteria, but also on a man’s sperm. This can be explained by the fact that the seminal fluid is in a highly alkaline environment, and the normal pH balance of sperm will be 7.2-8. And, although there is such disagreement regarding the effectiveness of saline solution, doctors start from the reason that does not give married couple become parents.

Patient reviews

Olga, 30 years old:“My husband and I have been trying to conceive a child for 7 years, but all our results have not been successful. I've tried a lot folk recipes, but the effect was zero. When I realized that I couldn’t delay this matter, I went through full examination at the gynecologist. The doctor told me that I cannot become a mother yet, since I have an impaired acid-base balance in the vagina. She prescribed me some medications and also advised me to do soda douching. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in the success of the business I had started. I carried out the procedure every day for the period specified by the doctor. And after 3 months the desired pregnancy came.”

Maria, 35 years old:“Not long ago I had to experience such unpleasant illness like a thrush. Because of this, I hesitated for a long time to get pregnant, since there was a risk of transmitting the infection to the baby. The doctor immediately dispelled all my fears and advised me to use soda douching. I began to do it regularly and after a month there was no trace of the pathology left. Now my husband and I will work on getting pregnant.”

Polina, 28 years old:“And, although my husband and I have been unable to conceive a child for only 3 years, we decided to worry about this in advance. Experiment with folk remedies and no other nonsense. We immediately went for a consultation with a gynecologist. After passing all the tests, it became known that pregnancy did not occur due to low level Seminal fluid pH. The doctor assured me that first I could try douching with a soda solution. It's safe and effective method, which will allow you to become happy parents in a short period of time. Which is exactly what happened, because a year later there was one more person in our family.”

Soda is effective remedy to reduce vaginal acidity. It is the increased acidity that prevents the reunification of the sperm and egg. And although the soda solution is considered effective and safe, it should be used only after a thorough examination, the results of which will reveal the reason why pregnancy does not occur.

Regular baking soda present in the kitchen of every housewife, we use it mainly in cooking. The properties of soda are also used in medical field, in particular in gynecology. Douching with soda is given positive results in the treatment of thrush, and in some cases they are used as a means of increasing the chances of conception. Of course, manipulation with soda cannot be called the main method of treatment; they should be combined with medications, which will be prescribed by the doctor during an individual consultation on a particular problem.

Due to its local antiseptic effect, soda can be used for washing mucous membranes in case of diseases of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, vaginitis and suppuration on the skin. For washing, use a 0.5–2% solution of baking soda.

Douching with soda for thrush.
Douching must be understood as a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation or procedure for washing (irrigating) the vagina (vulva) using solutions medicines. In gynecology, douching is used as part of general treatment inflammation processes in the uterus, its appendages and vulva, for hygienic purposes, in the form of a means to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy(the procedure washes sperm out of the vagina, and soda creates conditions harmful to sperm), and in some cases, with an acidic vaginal environment, to increase the chances of conception.

Often, such douching is used when complex treatment thrush (urogenital candidiasis) – inflammatory disease, which develops against the background of the activity of fungi of the genus Candida and occurs as a result of a decrease in protective forces body, hormonal imbalance etc. IN in this case manipulation with soda solution helps cleanse the vulva of bacteria and fungi, get rid of unpleasant discharge, eliminate itching and burning in the vagina. The effectiveness of douching for thrush is due to destructive effect soda solution against microfibers of yeast fungi, as a result of which the cells themselves die.

One hundred percent elimination of thrush is achieved only in complex application douching and antifungal drugs. The douching procedure should be carried out twice a day (morning and evening), after which the external genitalia should be lubricated with Nystatin (or Levorin) ointment, and used at night vaginal suppositories Nystatin or Levorin. At the same time, Flucostat should be taken, but this is after consultation with a doctor, where it will be determined exact dosage and the number of medications taken.

Douching with soda, how to do it.
Solution for vaginal douching It is prepared in this way: dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a faceted glass of warm water. For douching you will need an ordinary rubber bulb or syringe, which must be disinfected beforehand (and after the procedure) with a weak solution of manganese, and the tip wiped with alcohol or vodka. Pour the resulting solution into a bulb. Douching for thrush can be done over the toilet, but it is better to lie in the bathroom, slightly raising the pelvic area, and inject the entire solution.

In order to increase the chances of conception, douching should be carried out on the days of ovulation, from approximately the eleventh to the eighteenth day of the menstrual cycle every day. Douching should be done once a day, twenty to twenty-five minutes before sexual intercourse, after which you should refrain from showering for an hour.

Douching with soda for conception.
It happens that absolutely healthy woman can't get pregnant for a long time. This is often caused by the acidic environment of the vagina, which has a destructive effect on active sperm. To normalize the acid-base balance of the vaginal microflora, douching with soda is used, which reduces acidity. I repeat, douching only helps if the woman has no prerequisites or tendency to develop an imbalance of microflora or inflammation of the pelvic organs, and also if both partners do not have any diseases or pathologies, which is revealed after a full medical examination.

When performing douching, it is important to adhere to the specified number of procedures. Passion for such douching can provoke allergies and, as a result, dryness of the vaginal mucosa. In more serious cases a violation may occur acid-base balance with the subsequent development of alkalosis (abdominal pain, headaches, vomiting, convulsions, nausea, and less commonly, increased blood pressure).

Is it possible to use a soda solution for thrush during pregnancy?
While carrying a child, it is possible to treat thrush with a soda solution, but again, in the form of an addition to the main one. medical treatment. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the solution with iodine and use it in the form of sitz baths. Dissolve baking soda (a tablespoon) and a teaspoon of iodine in a liter of warm boiled water. Pour the prepared solution into a basin and sit for twenty minutes. The manipulation can be done once a day, the course of treatment includes three procedures.

In any case, if discomfort of unclear nature in the vagina, strange and unusual discharge If you have an unpleasant odor, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately consult a doctor, who, after determining the cause, will prescribe optimal treatment. In the absence of contraindications, a specialist may recommend soda douching as a additional means, alleviating the patient's condition.

Contraindications to douching with soda.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Recent birth (if less than a month has passed).
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Before visiting a gynecologist, otherwise it will blur the whole picture and complicate the diagnosis.
  • Recent abortion.
  • Menstruation.
  • Gynecological diseases in acute form(adnexitis, endometritis, etc.).
  • Reduced acidity of the vaginal microflora.
  • Fungal diseases.
During the douching period, it is important for women to:
  • exclude alcohol, coffee and caffeine-containing products, energy drinks;
  • stop taking antidepressants and tranquilizers (for those who take them);
  • exclude fried, spicy, salty and fatty foods from the diet;
  • refrain from visiting baths and saunas;
  • postpone going to the solarium;
  • exclude hot showers and baths;
  • avoid swimming in open waters;
  • maintain sexual and physical rest;
  • Avoid wearing synthetic and tight underwear.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, the woman begins to look for various methods solutions to this problem. Not only ethnoscience, but experts agree on one thing: the procedure of douching with soda, which can be done independently at home, is beneficial.

Why do douching with soda before conception?

Nature has taken care of almost everything - there is a highly acidic environment in the internal female genital organs. Everyone known perishes in it pathogens, and in alkaline they feel excellent. This environment is ideal for male sperm, because in acidic conditions their rapid death occurs. If the microflora is unfavorable, this can be easily corrected by douching with soda for conception.

Many women do not know how to properly douche with soda to conceive. Another nuance is when to carry out this procedure. The acidity in the vagina decreases before ovulation, so favorable period for conception. Otherwise, its decrease is short-lived, and recovery takes less time. It will also not be possible to get pregnant if the seminal fluid has an insufficient pH level or its quantity is too small to neutralize the acid. In such cases, the gynecologist prescribes douching. baking soda for conception.

The water and soda from which the solution for the procedure is made has a pronounced alkaline reaction, so you should first consult a specialist. A test strip test will help you accurately determine the level of vaginal acidity. The doctor’s opinion on how to do douching with soda for conception correctly, so as not to harm your health, will be the only correct one.

How to do douching

You need to know how to douche with soda and follow the recipe for the solution for the procedure:

  • take a simple one boiled water(1 l) at room temperature and baking soda (5 g);
  • the components are mixed until the soda is completely dissolved;
  • the entire volume obtained is intended for one use;
  • Before the procedure is carried out, the tip of the syringe (bulb) is sterilized.

The douching method should be used according to the following scheme:

  1. First it is calculated menstrual cycle to determine fertile days during which the chances of conception increase.
  2. The period of ovulation is established, because this is the case when it is necessary to begin douching with soda.
  3. Doctors give important advice– this method will be most effective if used a couple of days before ovulation and after its completion.
  4. The procedure cannot be carried out more often than once a day, otherwise the pH value will drop too much and there is a risk of harm to health.
  5. Douching with baking soda for conception is performed while lying in the bathtub or sitting on the toilet.
  6. The procedure and washing should be carried out approximately half an hour before intimacy.
  7. If it is difficult to do this on your own, a sexual partner can help.
  8. You cannot have sexual intercourse immediately after douching.
  9. So that a man does not have allergic reaction contact with soda, it is recommended to rinse reproductive organ a solution of chamomile or potassium permanganate.
  10. Do not take after intimacy water treatments, otherwise the chances that a child will soon appear in the family are reduced.