Water pepper extract contraindications. An effective remedy for menstruation. Use after childbirth

Water pepper or pepper knotweed, as it is also called, is an annual medicinal plant, which has a powerful hemostatic and bactericidal effect.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of water pepper are due to the components that make up the above-ground part of the plant, which is used to prepare a number of medicines and home remedies.

The plant contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Kaempferol;
  • Flavone glycoside rutin;
  • Glycoside polygoperine;
  • Hyeroside;
  • Isoramnetin;
  • Ramnazin;
  • Rutin;
  • Quercetin;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Titanium;
  • Manganese;
  • Silver;
  • Magnesium;
  • Organic acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oil.

Beneficial features

Flavone glycosides, which are part of water pepper, help normalize the process of blood clotting. In addition, they, together with essential oils and tannins, have a strong bactericidal effect and accelerate contractions of the uterine muscles, which is necessary for many women after childbirth. Tannins also act astringent for inflammation of the mucous membranes and intestinal disorders.

The hemostatic property of water pepper is due to the presence of vitamin K and polygoperine glycoside in its composition.

Organic acids, quercetin, kaempferol, ramnazin and some other substances contained in the medicinal plant reduce permeability and fragility blood vessels and capillaries.

Ascorbic acid and rutin have an effect on nervous system calming effect.

Water pepper extract is also found in anti-hemorrhoid suppositories, as well as in preparations used for diarrhea. Some traditional medicines with this plant they help get rid of hardening and in some cases– tumors.

Indications for use

The use of water pepper is effective for the following pathologies:

  • Hemorrhoidal bleeding (the plant has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Uterine bleeding of various etiologies;
  • Hypotony of the uterus;
  • Uterine atony;

Water pepper tincture is most often used in the postpartum state for recovery, when uterine contractions are required, since the plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects and stimulates the tone of this organ. However, medicines from the plant are often used in the following cases:

  • Headache;
  • Malaria;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Intestinal diseases (including to restore intestinal flora during dysentery);
  • Heavy menstruation (use of water pepper weakens painful sensations and discharge). Can also be used as a prophylactic;
  • Difficulty urinating, sand and stones in bladder and kidneys;
  • Cystitis and cholecystitis (as a diuretic and choleretic agent);
  • Stomatitis, sore throat, gum disease and others inflammatory processes oral cavity(the plant is used in the form of decoctions for rinsing);
  • Wounds (including purulent ones) and skin diseases(eg rashes, some forms of eczema and abscesses). IN similar cases decoctions and tinctures from the plant are used in the form of lotions.

Water pepper is used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic and sedative.

Together with other herbs, the medicinal plant is used to treat rheumatism, chronic colitis, enterocolitis and ulcers of the mucous membranes. It is used in the form of a decoction for washing the vagina during leucorrhoea.

The herb of the plant in the form of an extract is included in home remedies for accelerating hair growth and against hair loss. IN in this case tincture of water pepper is mixed with vitamin E in liquid form and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements.


The use of water pepper is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components that are part of the medicinal plant. It is also prohibited to use it during pregnancy, with nephritis, hypertension, kidney disease, coronary disease heart disease and chronic constipation.

In some cases, tinctures and other medicines from the plant cause short-term headaches and dizziness, and can also lead to the development of side effects as allergic reactions, in particular, urticaria.

Homemade Water Pepper Remedies

For hemorrhoidal cones small size, uterine bleeding after childbirth, as well as bleeding of the bladder and intestines, it is recommended alcohol tincture from water pepper. To prepare it, crushed dry herbs of a medicinal plant should be poured with 70% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The extract must be infused for 2 weeks. After this, a dark brown liquid with a bitter aftertaste is obtained. It is recommended to take this medicine half an hour before meals, 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day.

For washing and sitz baths in the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use the following recipe for a decoction from the aerial part of water pepper. 50 g of dry raw materials are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and boiled for several minutes. The decoction can be used warm.

Also, for hemorrhoidal bleeding, it is recommended to use a decoction of the herb with milk. To prepare it, 400 g of raw material is poured into 20-21 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. The broth is infused for 1 hour and filtered. Separately boil 400 ml of milk with 400 g white bread, also filter. Combine the milk with the decoction in a basin and take medicinal bath about 15 minutes.

For elimination menstrual pain and in case of heavy discharge, 1 tablespoon of water pepper herb should be heated in a glass of water in a water bath. The broth is infused for 45 minutes and filtered. This remedy should be taken 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is usually 3-6 months.

Water pepper (knotweed) – herbaceous plant of the Buckwheat family, which has a pungent, hot, peppery taste. It reaches a height of up to 90 cm, has an erect stem of a reddish color. The leaves are green, oblong shape, alternate, with translucent points of essential oil glands on the upper side.

The flowers are small, red or Pink colour, collected in frequently hanging tassels. The knotweed produces fruits - egg-shaped nuts, convex on one side and flat on the other. It grows mainly in meadows, shrubs, alder forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes, along roads.

The herb of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material.

Dosage forms and composition of water pepper

A lot of medicines are made from the herb, including water pepper tincture, water pepper extract, various herbal teas containing the plant.

They sell dried water pepper herb, from which you can make your own tincture or extract. The plant is included in suppositories against hemorrhoids.

The composition of the mountaineer contains a lot useful substances, including macro- and microelements: silver, titanium, magnesium, manganese, as well as vitamins E, D, C, K, and essential oil, glycoside, tannins.

pharmachologic effect

The herb has unique healing and hemostatic properties. IN folk medicine Water pepper tincture is used for uterine bleeding and for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

During menstruation, knotweed is also effective as a means of reducing blood loss, slowing down the drop in hemoglobin levels, relieving cramps and painful sensations. It is often used when postpartum hemorrhage. It is important that when stopping bleeding, the medicine does not cause an increase in blood pressure, so it can be used without fear even by hypertensive patients.

The first pharmacological studies of the herb were carried out in 1912, and it was then that it was discovered that drugs based on this herb have pronounced hemostatic properties, which were more effective than drugs based on goldenseal, a popular plant at that time.

Water pepper strengthens blood vessels and significantly reduces their permeability, accelerating blood clotting.

Polygonum extract can increase contraction of the uterine muscles. Thanks to the components included in the plant, it also has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

The herb is effective for varicose veins veins, various skin diseases, dysentery, stones and sand in the bladder and kidneys, duodenal and stomach ulcers. Used as a mouth rinse for sore throat and sore throat.

Externally, the herb is used to treat eczema, skin wounds and burns, and nodular goiter.

Polygonum has also been recognized as having antitumor properties.

Instructions for water pepper

In the form of a tincture or extract, the drug is used in obstetric and gynecological practice for:

  • Subinvolution of the uterus;
  • Uterine postpartum hemorrhage.

Highlander is effective for long and heavy periods, as well as for bleeding from small vessels and capillaries of the intestines, stomach, with mild hemorrhoidal bleeding.

According to the instructions, it is advisable to use water pepper not as an independent remedy, but as part of complex treatment for internal and uterine bleeding.

As part of complex preparations, Water Pepper herb is prescribed to patients with chronic colitis accompanied by erosive and ulcerative lesions mucous membrane, with hemorrhoids.

Method of using water pepper and dosage

Polygonum extract is prescribed 30-40 drops three to four times a day. It is used as a hemostatic agent.

Take 1/3 cup of water pepper tincture three to four times a day before meals. It is strictly forbidden to take the medicine yourself. You should first consult a doctor who will determine exact dosage medications and duration of therapy.

Side effects of water pepper

The instructions for the tincture contain some warnings for its use. Yes, such side effects, How headache, nausea, dizziness.

It is possible to develop allergic reactions - skin rashes, itching, swelling. If these reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking the medication. If swelling appears in the throat area and is constantly increasing, you should immediately seek medical help.


The alcohol tincture of the plant should not be taken by persons with hypersensitivity to alcohol.

Storage conditions

Store dry raw materials, as well as tincture and extract, in a dark place inaccessible to children for no longer than three years.

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Water pepper is a medicinal plant from which it is produced healing tincture. Its main task is the treatment of hemorrhoids. The extract is included in complex therapy and is rarely used as a stand-alone medicine.

Also, tincture of water pepper is prescribed for women with heavy menstrual bleeding and in postpartum period to improve uterine contraction. It is very important to use the product correctly and carefully follow the recommended dosage.

Features of the drug

Water pepper has been used in folk medicine for centuries. The plant grows in ditches and near bodies of water. Its components have a bright pungent taste, which is reflected in the name of the medicinal herb under discussion. They also call it peppermint. Medicinal properties plants are unique. They were even recognized traditional medicine. Tincture of water pepper is actively prescribed by doctors to combat a variety of ailments.

You can purchase the tincture in almost every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The low cost makes it accessible to most buyers.


Initially, the tincture is used only for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Peppermint extract helps get rid of hemorrhoids, reduce pain and improve the patient's condition. Gradually other abilities opened up healing herb. It turned out that another important quality of the plant is its ability to quickly stop bleeding. Both small and abundant, representing serious danger for human life.

For women, tincture of water pepper is often prescribed for algodismenorrhea (painful heavy menstruation). With such a problem in critical days the woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen and back. The pain can be sharp and cramping.

The cause of menstrual pain is not always inflammatory processes or any serious illnesses. Sometimes they arise as a result of the special location of the uterus and under the influence of other safe factors. In this case, it is difficult for a woman to choose a safe drug, so doctors recommend dealing with the problem using natural natural remedies. In addition to pain, the tincture under discussion helps to cope with heavy discharge during menstruation.

Besides, liquid extract water pepper take:

  • for malaria;
  • for the treatment of certain skin diseases;
  • with uterine bleeding of various nature;
  • for uterine contraction (more intense) immediately after childbirth (including after cesarean section), as well as after abortion;
  • with impaired urination;
  • to combat tumors, stomach cancer and peptic ulcers;
  • with uterine fibroids.

Peppermint infusion is an effective means of preventing vascular diseases. A decoction of the plant is used for the same purpose. After all, she herself medicinal herb It has not only hemostatic, but also analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Women use water pepper tincture for cosmetic procedures. By diluting the product with water or a special oil, you can obtain a solution that can be used for eyebrows and hair as a strengthener and growth enhancer.


Anyone who plans to take water pepper tincture orally should familiarize themselves with the contraindications of such a drug. There weren't many of them. The list included the following:

  1. 1. The patient's age is under 12 years.
  2. 2. Any kidney disease.
  3. 3. The presence of allergies or hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

It is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers to drink the extract. While waiting for the baby, the use of the medicine is allowed only if the expected benefit from it is several times greater than the risk negative influence for the fruit.

Instructions for use

Always included with a bottle of tincture detailed instructions on application to the drug. First of all, when choosing the dosage and duration of therapy, it is necessary to take into account individual recommendations doctor

The method of taking the drug also depends on the problem the patient has. There is no universal dosage regimen that is suitable for all ailments at once. Externally the extract is taken in in rare cases. More often - inside. The average dose is 30 to 40 drops. You need to drink this amount of medicine 3 or 4 times a day. The doctor determines these parameters depending on the diagnosis.

The dosage must be strictly observed. We must not forget that water pepper is toxic substance, consumption too large quantity which can lead to dangerous consequences.

After childbirth

In the very first days after natural birth, abortion or caesarean section It is recommended to take the discussed tincture to reduce the amount of discharge and more intense uterine contractions. The product does not affect the quality and production breast milk during lactation.

Under such conditions, 40 drops of the medicine are usually prescribed 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. On average, the drug is taken for 1.5 months until the discharge completely stops.

Pepper knotweed (Persicaria hydropipe) - poisonous plant buckwheat family. Due to its widespread distribution, water pepper is often considered a weed. This plant is still in ancient Rome and Greece it was widely used in medicine and alchemy, it was considered magical. Only the above-ground part of the pepper is used to make medicines.

Homemade water pepper tincture: instructions for use

In pharmacies, water pepper is found in the form of a special solution (extract). It is used for appropriate indications approximately 4 times a day in doses of 10-40 drops. At home, prepare a 10 percent tea or herbal decoction and use it for bleeding (hemorrhoidal or uterine). They also use the ground aerial part of the plant in powder form: take it on the tip of a spoon and wash it down with warm water. boiled water. This method is effective when urolithiasis, intestinal bleeding and dropsy. When treating hemorrhoids, a decoction of water pepper is prepared in large quantities and used for sitz baths.

Tincture of water pepper: instructions for use for gastrointestinal diseases

Many years of experience in using this drug have proven that it helps well in the treatment of gastritis. homemade tincture water pepper. Reviews of it as a panacea for any gastrointestinal diseases confirm this truth. A tincture for treatment is prepared in the following way: 15 g of powder is poured into one glass of vodka and left for about 14 days in any dark place. Drink this home remedy should be dosed.

Tincture of water pepper: instructions for use for diseases of the circulatory system

Preparations and decoctions based on this plant have an excellent hemostatic effect. The volatile essential oil contained in the plant slightly lowers blood pressure. Preparations based on water pepper are also used as a diuretic. The roots are used for low acidity stomach and for the treatment of impotence. In case it is enough heavy bleeding It is advised to take just such a drug as tincture of water pepper. The instructions inform the buyer about the side effects of the product and contraindications. However, in most cases it is water decoctions and alcohol infusions of water pepper herb have excellent hemostatic properties.

Tincture water pepper: instructions for use for other diseases

The green leaves of the plant are used for headaches. To do this, they should be slightly kneaded and applied to the back of the head. For rectal prolapse, baths are necessary. To do this, an unlimited amount of water pepper herb is boiled in water and infused until the decoction has cooled. Warm baths with this remedy will inevitably bring relief. Tincture of water pepper is also used for rashes, bruises, malaria, scrofula, difficulty urinating, and tumors. It has analgesic and astringent action, used instead of mustard plasters, as well as internally for cancer and stomach ulcers. Tea based on it relieves headaches.

Alcohol tincture of water pepper is one of those medicines, which must be in every family's first aid kit. Its effectiveness was also appreciated by women suffering from heavy and painful menstruation, and those who suffered from painful hemorrhoids, and those who once faced internal bleeding. In all these cases, the tincture will help. Instructions for use, however, indicate only the recognized official medicine hemostatic effect, forgetting about painkillers and antispasmodic effect.

This medicine is usually prescribed for heavy menstrual periods. Blood loss is reduced and the drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood slows down. Pain and spasms are reduced. It is often used for postpartum hemorrhage. The important thing is that there is no increase in blood pressure, which is why hypertensive patients can also take this drug.


At heavy bleeding The first thing they recommend taking is water pepper tincture, but the instructions warn of contraindications. It is not recommended to take this medicine for pregnant women (to prevent exposure of the fetus to alcohol and the active components of this drug), children (due to high concentration in alcohol medicine) and people with hypersensitivity to any components of the herb and to the action ethyl alcohol.

Water pepper tincture: reviews

In addition to its main purpose (stopping bleeding), knotweed tincture has many other properties and is widely used in folk medicine. Yes, noted positive impact in the treatment of impotence, it is used as a diuretic. It is very effective to use this medicine for low stomach acidity.