What are the best vitamin supplements? Modern dietary supplements and vitamin complexes - what is important to know about them

Nowadays dietary supplements are being advertised more and more, while vitamins are fading into the background. IN modern society The priority issue is to improve the quality of life and improve human health. The use of dietary supplements and vitamins provides significant assistance in solving this issue.

Biologically active additives(dietary supplements) are complexes of biologically active substances intended to be added to food or consumed as an independent product. Vitamins and dietary supplements are aimed at replenishing the deficiency of micro- and macronutrients in the human body, which contributes to prevention, treatment, and detoxification.

Dietary supplements, like specialized vitamins, are the most effective way to compensate for the lack of nutrients in food that occurs due to poor nutrition.

For example, during the cold season, our body does not receive enough of everything, so the use of dietary supplements is necessary to maintain health. It is also recommended to take supplements during spring and autumn vitamin deficiency. Most dietary supplements belong to the class of natural food components.

The role of dietary supplements in medicine Even in ancient times, people used some types of plants and animals in medicinal purposes . For tens of centuries nutritional supplements were the only remedy , but with the development of chemical synthesized pharmacology based on natural plants

faded into the background, but not for long. At the end of the twentieth century, scientists began research and development of dietary supplements, and this returned the demand for dietary supplements.

With the development of micronutrientology, it has become possible to find a suitable supplement to solve a problem in almost any branch of medicine. Some doctors and scientists believe that dietary supplements are an effective way to prevent diseases, and often a cure. Dietary supplements are produced in the form of tablets, pills, chewing gum

, solutions, balms, extracts, concentrates, creams. They contain vitamins, minerals, metabolites, herbal extracts and amino acids derived from plant and animal components.

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What types of dietary supplements are there?

There are three main types, divided by purpose and composition. Nutraceuticals are necessary and food such as vitamins. They do not accumulate in the body, so their presence in the diet is necessary. This type of additive corrects chemical composition food and is a transition option between food and medicine. They help prevent diseases and improve the health of the body.

Parapharmaceuticals - support physiological activity individual organs and systems in general. Parapharmaceuticals are components of plants, seafood, and animals that have medicinal properties.

Eubiotics are biological supplements, consisting of microorganisms and their metabolites: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and other bacteria synthesized in the human intestine. Eubiotics have become widespread in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

, solutions, balms, extracts, concentrates, creams. They contain vitamins, minerals, metabolites, herbal extracts and amino acids derived from plant and animal components.

Where are dietary supplements used?

Dietary supplements and vitamins have become widespread in such areas of medicine as dietetics, dermatology and cosmetology, trichology, gastroenterology, cardiology, and neurology.

In these industries, dietary supplements are used as prophylactic agents. They provide support healing effect in combination with medications.

Nowadays, scientists and doctors are working on the development of natural medicines. For a long time, what was considered a dietary supplement has been used as a full-fledged treatment. For example, “Karsil” is a drug for improving and treating the liver. It is made from milk thistle.

Taking dietary supplements in traditional medicine pursues such goals as:

  • replenishment of the deficiency of biologically active substances supplied with food;
  • reducing calorie intake to regulate body weight;
  • prevention of violations metabolic processes in organism;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora.
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • treatment of insomnia and neuroses;
  • increasing the body's resistance to adverse effects environment;
  • restoration of organ cells, their cleansing and stabilization of functioning;
  • improved vision;
  • non-hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • strengthening the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Let's look at a list of supplements that have proven themselves to be effective both in clinical studies and in practical application by consumers:

  1. Complexes of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Fish fat.
  3. Cough and sore throat tablets (contain mint, eucalyptus, etc.).
  4. Chlorophyllipt (available in the form of tablets, alcohol and oil solutions).
  5. Propolis.
  6. Herbal and flower infusions (for the prevention chronic exacerbations, cleansing and treatment of all organs).
  7. Essential oils (for internal and external use).
  8. Valerian infusion.
  9. Urological drugs: Urolesan, Canephron (they are the most effective for their intended purpose, without having more effective synthetic analogues).
  10. Stevia is a natural sweetener substitute (does not cause an insulin response).
  11. L-carnitine - promotes weight loss, normalizes lipid metabolism.
  12. Hematogen.
  13. Plant extracts for various purposes.
  14. Gelatin and agar-agar.

Dietary supplements for weight loss can be considered a separate group. They are appetite suppressants, diuretics, caffeine-containing, satiety-enhancing, alimentary fiber, and some of them can replace meals. Dietary supplements have found widespread use.

The question arises whether there is a difference dietary supplements from vitamins. Official medicine casts doubt on the benefits of dietary supplements, therefore there is no information about them on the mechanisms of absorption and distribution in the body, and routes of elimination.

It is impossible to say exactly what dosage of a particular substance a dietary supplement has. Such products do not undergo clinical studies or relevant multi-stage tests.

Here are the main differences between vitamins and supplements:

  • Vitamins are medicines, which means there is a sufficient amount of information about the drug.
  • The dosage of vitamins is adjusted in such a way that it allows you to provide therapeutic effect. Dietary supplements may not be effective for humans.
  • Vitamins are tested and participate in research. Dietary supplements do not require this during the production process.

Difference from drugs

In the process of studying the properties of drugs and dietary supplements, the following differences can be identified:

  1. Medicines have a direct effect on the diseased organ, dietary supplements have a mediocre effect. They act on the synthesis of organ secretions (enzyme or hormone), which can reduce inflammatory changes.
  2. The drugs are definitely known chemical form, except excipients indicated on the package, there are no other components. Additives except active substance contain a number of minor components that do not have a negative effect, but also do not affect the disease.
  3. In medicines, the dose of the active substance is known exactly, but in supplements it is not.
  4. Dietary supplements, unlike drugs, do not work clinical researches and tests.

The benefits and harms of dietary supplements

The benefits and harms of dietary supplements are based on their differences from vitamins and medicines. Among useful properties the following can be distinguished:

  • Vitamins in the pharmacy have synthetic origin, and the degree of their absorption in the body is small, while the components from natural sources closer to the body.
  • In addition to the fact that dietary supplements provide soft action on the function of a specific organ, it additionally supplies the body with vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber.
  • Active supplements are not capable of causing harm to the body. The content of active substances is small, and an overdose cannot occur.
  • You should not expect instant action from such remedies. Harm occurs if a person requires treatment for an infection, and he begins to take dietary supplements with an antibacterial effect.

How to use dietary supplements is described in the instructions for the product. This may be by including the supplement directly in food or taken before or after food.

The instructions for many of these products indicate that an additional note is required. large quantity liquids.

The opinion of official medicine

Dietary supplements: what do doctors say about this? Their opinion is quite ambiguous. Medicine in post-Soviet countries is quite skeptical; most doctors do not recommend such supplements.

At the same time, you can meet specialists who create entire treatment and rehabilitation programs using dietary supplements.

Today, many are beginning to come to the conclusion that if the patient’s health condition does not require emergency correction, then exposure with the help of dietary supplements is acceptable.

Each of us wants to be healthy, and therefore makes every effort to achieve this. Some people do exercises in the morning, others devote most of their time to compiling healthy diet, and someone actively combines both. However, there are things in the world without which human body can't get by - these are useful minerals and vitamins. They come to us with food and are absorbed, giving the body the necessary vital energy, a boost of energy and Have a good mood. Due to environmental damage and constant stress in our lives, we need such energy more and more, and there are less and less vitamins in food. That is why humanity has invented their synthetic substitutes - vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Today we will try to figure out what the difference is between them.


Vitamins are found in vegetables, fruits and other food products, but this is the term today used to call a vitamin complex (VC), which is produced synthetically and is absorbed in the body to a lesser extent. Our body is designed in such a way that it absorbs vitamins only in combination with food: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. That is why VK is recommended to be taken with meals, at which time they act as biological catalysts. Since they relate to medicines, then they must undergo thorough clinical trials first on animals, then on human volunteers. In this case, everything is studied - their absorption, elimination routes, metabolism. Huge amounts of money are spent on such research.

dietary supplements(dietary supplements) are a broader concept; they include both vitamin and mineral complexes, and meal replacements (for example, protein shakes, protein isolates), instant teas and liquid concentrates (for example, aloe juice). Today in Russia compositions of several medicinal herbs which are used to prevent diseases various organs and systems. It is worth noting that the products of competent companies actually preserve biological activity, since gentle technologies are used when processing raw materials.


Based on the above, we can conclude that vitamins (VK) are medications, but dietary supplements are not. When buying vitamins, we can assume how our body will behave when consuming them; when buying dietary supplements, we cannot know this for sure, since we do not know the ways of its distribution in the body, the mechanism of action, side effects, routes of elimination. Medicines are sold in pharmacies, dietary supplements are most often distributed by network companies.

The main difference between vitamins is that they contain a fixed amount of the active substance in a dose that is optimal for most patients. Dietary supplements are not medicines, and therefore it is not possible to find out their exact formula and amount of active substance. Their manufacturers have only proven that they are harmless to the body. Unlike medications that contain the active substance in therapeutic doses (that is, in doses that cause the required pharmacotherapeutic effect in most patients), dietary supplements contain the active substance in subtherapeutic doses that do not cause this effect. All over the world, dietary supplements cost much less than drugs, because much more is spent on testing them. less funds.

Conclusions website

  1. Vitamins are classified as medications, dietary supplements are not.
  2. Vitamins undergo appropriate clinical trials; dietary supplements do not.
  3. Vitamin complexes include vitamins in therapeutic doses, dietary supplements - in subtherapeutic doses.
  4. In Russia today, dietary supplements are several times more expensive than vitamins, although in all respects the situation looks exactly the opposite.

Dietary supplements and natural vitamins from the Health Hypermarket will help you feel more active and younger, avoid many diseases and improve your quality of life.

Why do we need dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients, that is, substances that are not produced in the body and which must constantly be supplied in small doses from the outside (primarily with food). Almost no one can do without them biochemical reaction in our body, and their lack entails the appearance unpleasant symptoms and even some diseases.

Different micronutrients are consumed by the body with at different speeds, but most of them are used quite quickly. If a particular vitamin stops entering the body, after just 2-4 weeks a person will develop signs of its deficiency.

It is no secret that modern food products are oversaturated with preservatives, refined fats, and carbohydrates. Accordingly, many of us are chronically deficient in valuable vitamins and minerals in our diets. It's hard to believe, but more than 93% of people, including children, live in conditions constant shortage a number of vitamins and mineral components.

Another important point. In the cold season, during stress, overwork, playing sports, poor environmental conditions, during respiratory and other diseases, the need for vitamins increases. Do we take this fact into account? No - we continue to live and eat the same way as usual, which further aggravates our condition and undermines our health.

Starting to take vitamins for health is effective method replenish micronutrient deficiencies and protect yourself from many problems now and in the future.

Now about dietary supplements - why are they needed? Special food additives contain both vitamin and mineral components and biologically rare active substances that can improve human health. By taking dietary supplements, you can achieve many positive results. naturally without overloading the body with “chemicals”. Using these remedies, you can get rid of a number of diseases, prevent their occurrence, achieve a rejuvenating effect, increase your mental productivity, improve your mood, and so on. Widest spectrum high-quality dietary supplements gives you the broadest opportunities in managing your well-being and health.

Who needs vitamins and dietary supplements?

Considering the above, it can be argued that vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements are necessary for everyone, and they are especially needed in cases where a person has any diseases or is at risk of developing them. And even if you are completely healthy today, it is also advisable for you to take these health remedies.

How to use vitamins and dietary supplements

Dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals can be taken without medical supervision, since they active ingredients are harmless and are contained in drugs in safe and effective concentrations.

The drugs are available in various forms: tablets, capsules, drops, powders, gels, etc. Manufacturers have adapted the dosage forms as much as possible to ensure comfortable administration and have ensured that the patient can use the drugs with a convenient frequency.

The instructions included with each product describe all the details of its use, dosage regimen (if necessary), indications and contraindications, and features.

What are vitamins and dietary supplements made from?

We do not sell in our store synthetic vitamins. All of them are obtained from natural substrates (oils, plant materials), purified, hypoallergenic and effective. Mineral supplements are also extracted from natural sources such as sea salt.

In the production of dietary supplements, the main components of which are medicinal plants, the most complex technologies are used that do not allow the healing components to lose their properties. The drugs are deprived harmful additives, preservatives, dyes and other ballast substances.

Products are prepared according to to the highest standards quality. The products of each company that we represent have all Required documents, confirming their compliance with international hygienic requirements.

Dietary supplements and vitamins: price and sale

To buy vitamins and dietary supplements at the Health Hypermarket, use the shopping cart or call us by phone. Choose any payment method convenient for you. Delivery is possible at any locality Russia and the CIS. It is carried out in the shortest possible time. The price of dietary supplements and vitamins is indicated in the catalog next to each item.

Consultations on the choice of dietary supplements and natural vitamins

It would seem that everything is simple: you need to buy a dietary supplement or a vitamin and just start taking it. However, it is important to comply with one condition: before making a purchase, you need to make sure that you have made the right choice.

Our specialists will help you choose a drug based on your well-being, health status and body needs. They work for us experienced specialists who know about health products everything and will be happy to share this information with you. For advice, call us by phone.

The best dietary supplements and vitamins for health are waiting for you in our Hypermarket.

Vitamins are pharmaceutical products of synthetic or natural composition, intended to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients. They are recommended for use when the body, for one reason or another, cannot receive sufficient amounts of antioxidants, organic acids and mineral elements. Dietary supplements – additional sources natural vitamins and microelements, plant and animal nutrients. They are intended to improve your diet.

Vitamin preparations are divided into the following categories according to their composition:

  • multivitamins (including several substances);
  • monovitamins (based on one vitamin);
  • vitamin and mineral preparations;
  • mineral preparations (containing only minerals);
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acids (omega group).

Additives are divided into the following categories:

  • nutraceuticals (for general strengthening organism);
  • probiotics (to normalize intestinal microflora);
  • parapharmaceuticals (to improve the condition of chronic diseases).

Both vitamins and dietary supplements are sold in pharmacies in different dosage forms: tablets, capsules, powders, and for children in the form of syrup and chewable lozenges. Both drugs are sold over-the-counter.

Differences between dietary supplements and vitamins

Vitamin preparations:

  • are implemented as preventive complexes, and single-component medications for the treatment of pathologies associated with deficiency of a specific substance;
  • have active ingredients in strict dosage;
  • contain both synthetic and natural components;
  • have a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • clinically tested first on animals, then on volunteer patients;
  • are licensed and have a quality certificate;
  • divided into categories according to purpose (for pregnant women, children, strengthening bones, improving hair condition, etc.);
  • have detailed instructions that clearly indicate pharmachologic effect, methods of application, dosage, course of administration and other important data;
  • They are freely available in pharmacies and online stores.

Dietary supplements differ from vitamin preparations in that they:

  • do not apply to medications;
  • do not have a clear component composition justified by pharmaceutical action;
  • contain many substances of various origins;
  • do not pass clinical tests;
  • do not have a clear dosage, but are characterized by a long course of administration;
  • are not intended for medicinal purposes, but to enrich the diet;
  • have only a certificate confirming that the composition does not contain harmful and toxic substances;
  • Dont Have detailed instructions, therefore it is impossible to understand what pharmaceutical effect the components have, how they affect the body;
  • are sold primarily via the Internet and network offices, and are rarely found in pharmacies.

Why take dietary supplements and vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are substances that are not synthesized in the body and are constantly replenished through food intake. These substances provide normal course of all processes in the body, and their deficiency becomes the cause of pathologies of varying severity.

The body uses different substances at different rates. But the consumption of many vitamins is rapid. If there is a lack of any vitamin, symptoms of hypovitaminosis appear after 2 to 3 weeks.

Today, food can hardly be called rich in vitamins and microelements. Store-bought products are stuffed with dyes, preservatives, transgenic fats, synthetic sugars, but they contain few nutrients. That's why to modern man can't do without pharmacy vitamins and minerals.

It is especially important to take vitamin and mineral preparations during the cold season of the year, during heavy physical and mental work, constant stress, unfavorable environmental living conditions.

Why take dietary supplements? Like vitamin preparations, they contain useful compounds that strengthen the body. Most supplements contain only natural ingredients, so when taken, the body is not loaded with synthetic substances.

Dietary supplements provide a variety of positive impact on the body. There are drugs for general strengthening of the body, and there are for solving specific problems. With the help of dietary supplements you can get rid of some diseases, improve performance, restore mental and emotional condition, normalize the structure of hair and nail plates, return the skin to an attractive appearance.

Why are dietary supplements better than vitamin supplements?

The main difference between dietary supplements and vitamins is the speed of impact on the body. Vitamin products give faster and pronounced effect, but have contraindications and side effects. Substances contained in some vitamins can accumulate in human tissues, leave the body for a long time, and with prolonged accumulation have a toxic effect.

The advantage of dietary supplements is that they are absolutely natural means, therefore have no contraindications, do not give adverse reactions. If a synthetic medicine can negatively affect organs and systems, then natural supplement can be taken without fear. Therefore, the popularity of dietary supplements is growing, and today pharmacists in the production of drugs focus on the naturalness of the ingredients.

Rules for the use of vitamins and dietary supplements

Upon admission pharmaceuticals It must be taken into account that certain substances do not combine with each other. You should buy drugs in which the components are selected taking into account compatibility.

Vitamin preparations according to standard scheme taken once a day during or after meals, washed down with water. Do not chew the tablets, as saliva can destroy useful material. The course lasts from a month to two, repeated every six months. The doctor can adjust the course if necessary.

When taking dietary supplements, you need to take into account the compatibility of substances with food. Thus, certain foods can impair the absorption of supplement components. For example, you cannot combine the use of dietary supplements and coffee. According to the standard regimen, supplements are taken 1 – 2 times a day. Taken either 10 minutes before meals or 15 minutes after meals. The drug is taken with a sufficient amount of water. When taking dietary supplements, you should carefully read the instructions, since each product has its own dosage and usage patterns.

The best vitamins and dietary supplements

Below is a list of the most popular and proven food additives.

  1. . Source fatty acids omega groups.
  2. Propolis.
  3. Hematogen.
  4. Stevia. Natural sweetener for diabetics.
  5. Agar-agar.
  6. Ginkgo biloba.
  7. L-carnitine. To improve lipid metabolism and lose weight.
  8. Plant extracts and essential oils.
  9. Valerian.
  10. Herbal teas. For the prevention of certain diseases, to prevent exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  11. Chlorophyllipt. Antibiotic and antiviral agent, based on eucalyptus extract.
  12. Urolesan and analogs. Herbal urological and hepatological remedies.
  13. Green protection. General strengthening drug.
  14. Turboslim. A remedy for improving metabolism and losing weight.
  15. Blueberry based products. To maintain visual acuity.
  16. Yohimbe. A product for men that supports the functioning of the reproductive system.
  17. Vitatonus. A general strengthening drug based on a natural sulfur compound.
  18. Hepalarm. To speed up metabolism and improve liver function.

Vitamin and mineral complexes are divided into categories according to their composition and effect on the body. Below is a list of categories that list the names of the most popular and effective drugs, affecting different organs and systems.

  1. General strengthening complexes for the whole family: , Multi-tabs, Vitam, Sanovit, Ortomol, .
  2. To maintain beauty: