Methods for cauterizing erosive spots of the cervix. Cauterizing erosion with radio waves - what you need to know

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is by far the safest and most effective method removal of pathological areas of soft tissue without destroying their structure. Timely detection and elimination benign neoplasms and precancerous diseases localized in the cervix, vagina and vulva are among secondary prevention formations in female body malignant oncological processes. At the same time, radiosurgical treatment is the most safe method fight against various pathologies cervix.

General ideas about radio wave techniques

IN gynecological practice there are several instrumental methods removal of pathologically changed areas of the cervix - diathermocoagulation, electrocoagulation, laser excision, cryotherapy and others. IN last years The most popular methods were those based on the use of low-frequency electric current and laser radiation. However, numerous studies have proven the existence of a significant risk of scar deformities of the soft tissues of the cervix after such an intervention. Pathological discharge from the genital tract and the development of complications are due to the fact that during the procedure, significant overheating of the surrounding tissue occurs. In this case, the severity of the injuries they received can be compared with a burn. II-III degrees.

Today, more and more gynecologists prefer to treat cervical erosion with radio waves. Excision of pathologically altered areas of the epithelium, carried out by this method, completely eliminates the destruction of the soft tissue structure in this area. The complete safety of the procedure is guaranteed by the fact that the generated radio signals cause local dehydration of cellular elements in the pathological focus without affecting the surrounding tissue.

Advantages of radiosurgical treatment technique

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is carried out through the use of several types of devices, the most famous of which is the Surgitron apparatus (radio knife). Excision carried out with its help differs significantly from mechanical, electrocoagulation or laser effects on the affected areas of the epithelial layer, and is characterized by the following features:

1. When the radiosurgical method is used, the incision or coagulation (depending on the shape of the generated waves) of the epithelium occurs due to instant heating of the cells from the inside. The thermal effect in this case occurs as a result of the resistance of cellular elements to wave action.

2. The main advantage that radio wave surgery is characterized by is the lack of contact between cellular structures and the electrodes of the device. This makes it possible to eliminate the occurrence of burns to the tissues surrounding the pathological area, since throughout the entire procedure the active electrode emitting a radio signal remains constantly cold.

3. By clinical characteristics a radio wave wound is no different from a cut made with a sharp scalpel. At the same time, the traumatic effect of a radio knife on soft fabrics minimized since there is no contact between them and the electrode.

4. Excision of pathological areas of the epithelial layer of the cervix by radio waves is characterized by minimal blood loss in comparison with others therapeutic methods. also in postoperative period do not arise pathological discharge from the genital tract.

5. Removal of deformed areas of the epithelium using a radioknife causes the least pathological changes at the edges of the surgical wound. This allows you to reduce the healing period by 1.5-2 times. Cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves differs from electrosurgical and laser method treatment that postoperative complications V in this case occur extremely rarely. Scars in the epithelial layer of the cervix after radio wave therapy practically absent. Thereby this method treatments can be used in nulliparous women.

Features of prescribing radiosurgical treatment

Thanks to the availability large number advantages, in comparison with other surgical interventions, the radio wave method guarantees more effective treatment various diseases cervix, vagina and vulva.

Indications for radiosurgical treatment

Today, this method of performing operations in gynecological practice has become universal and is used in the following clinical cases:

Erosion of the epithelial layer, both true and ectopic;
. ectropion;
. formation of scar deformities on the cervix after complicated childbirth;
. confirmed endometriosis or leukoplakia;
. cervical neoplasia;
. removal of benign neoplasms (papillomas, condylomas) of the vagina, vulva, perineal area;
. polyps cervical canal and vaginal cysts;
. removal of nevi localized in the genital area;
. need to take a sample biological material for later histological examination;
. dissection of synechiae (fusion of the labia).

Since instant coagulation of the wound surface is observed during the use of a radioknife, removal of the deformed area of ​​the epithelial layer occurs 1.5 times faster (compared to other surgical techniques). The patient also experiences a significant reduction in recovery period after this treatment procedure.

Although therapy radio wave method practically does not cause the development of complications in the patient; there are certain situations in which such intervention is prohibited:

Availability acute period development of the inflammatory process in the reproductive system;
. identification of acutely contagious infections in the patient that are transmitted through unprotected sexual contacts;
. pathological discharge from the genital tract, changes in the clinical smear (3-4 degree of purity);
. presence of acute infectious diseases affecting other organs and systems in the patient’s body, for example, influenza;
. an unreasonable increase in a woman’s body temperature;
. bloody issues from the genital tract varying degrees intensity of unspecified origin;
. menstrual bleeding;
. the patient has any pathologies internal organs and systems that are in the stage of decompensation;
. suspicion of a woman developing malignant oncological processes in the reproductive system;
. period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition to categorical contraindications to radio wave surgery, there are clinical situations in which this method of treatment in women is used with extreme caution:

A) the patient has a pacemaker - radiosurgical therapy in this case is carried out only after preliminary approval of its admissibility with the cardiac surgeon;

B) presence of any devices connected to the patient, e.g. hearing aid- during surgery similar medical supplies must be disabled to prevent negative impact there are radio waves on them;

C) the patient’s use of certain medications (anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - the risk of bleeding during surgery in this case increases significantly;

D) elderly age patients, the woman has a history of diabetes mellitus- in this case, the recovery period is extended several times;

E) radiosurgery is carried out no earlier than 3 months after any medical manipulation on the cervix.

In these situations, the gynecologist exercises extreme caution during surgical intervention and exercises enhanced control over the patient’s postoperative wound healing processes.

Technology of radiosurgical treatment

To prevent Negative consequences during the rehabilitation period after radio wave operation, some preparation of the patient is required.

Necessary diagnostic measures

Treatment of benign diseases of the cervix using the radio wave method is carried out only after a detailed examination of the patient:

1. Examination of the external genitalia.
2. Visual examination of the cervix in speculums.
3. Bimanual (two-handed) examination of the internal buttock organs.
4. Clinical study blood and urine.
5. Specific blood tests (detection of antibodies to treponemal and cardiolipin antigens, AIDS, hepatitis A and C).
6. Colposcopic examination of the cervix - overview and extended.
7. Cytological examination strokes.
8. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

In some cases, the gynecologist may prescribe additional laboratory examination to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. If similar infections The patient is diagnosed radio wave treatment benign pathologies cervical surgery is performed only after implementation specific therapy highly infectious pathologies.

Methodology for radio wave treatment of erosion

Based on many years practical experience gynecologists have established that radiosurgical therapy must be carried out, taking into account the phase menstrual cycle. To prevent the patient from developing a complication such as endometriosis, surgical intervention on the cervix should be performed on the 5-10th day.

The volume and type of medical intervention is determined individually, depending on the severity level pathological changes epithelial layer, as well as the localization of areas of deformation. During surgical removal cervical erosion, the gynecologist adheres to the following algorithm of actions:

1. Local anesthesia the surgical site with solutions of novocaine or lidocaine. For this purpose, you can use the Austrian gel-like drug Katijel, which 5-10 minutes before surgical procedure is administered to the patient endocervically or endovaginally.

2. Turn on the device that generates radio waves and warm it up for 15-20 seconds.

Erosion on the surface of the cervix is ​​the most widespread disease of the main organ reproductive system women. This pathology is dangerous because it occurs in the body without manifestation. any symptoms. And it can only be discovered when scheduled inspection at the gynecologist. Removal similar wound surface of the cervical epithelium Maybe different ways, but the most effective is cauterization.

Cauterization of erosion has certain consequences

Method of removing pathology. How to remove erosion using radio waves. Consequences of treating erosion on the cervix using the radio wave method

Erosion of the cervix, the consequences, after cauterization of which they reveal themselves, can frighten any woman. During this period there are copious discharge, but you shouldn’t be afraid of them, this is a sign of tissue healing.

How is erosion treated?

Erosion is a violation of the integrity of the outer epithelium of the cervix, which must be removed as quickly as possible. After all, doctors believe that such a pathology is a precancerous condition of the cervix and threatens infertility. For each case of erosion, the doctor selects his own treatment method to satisfy all the patient’s needs and avoid complications. Erosion is not a provoking factor for the appearance of neoplasms of the reproductive system, but it accelerates their growth. That is why it is necessary to get rid of erosion as soon as possible.

Specialists use several types of erosion control:

  1. Chemical coagulation. Impact on wound surface turns out chemicals, which kill pathogenic microorganisms and promote fast healing erosion. This method is good for small areas of erosion.
  2. Radio wave method for eliminating pathology. This method is the most popular among women who want to maintain reproductive function. The effect occurs using special radio waves, and no scar tissue forms on the surface of the cervix.
  3. Electrocoagulation. This method is outdated and is only used for women who do not plan to have any more children. Cauterization of the pathological area is performed electric shock, and a burn forms on the surface. This method contributes to the appearance of a large amount of scar tissue, which will further complicate childbirth and conception.
  4. Cryodestruction. The pathological epithelium is affected liquid nitrogen, the water in the cells freezes and ruptures them. This method is as safe for nulliparous women as the radio wave method, and the tissues heal quickly after cauterization and the patient can become pregnant within two months after the procedure.

Sometimes, when a woman has slight erosion, it is possible to get by with the use of specialized drug therapy. As such therapy, it is common to use: antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and hormonal contraceptives.

Electrocoagulation of erosion is an outdated and rather dangerous method

Cauterization of erosion on the cervix with radio waves

The most modern method, which allows women to fully preserve reproductive function, is cauterization with radio waves. Cauterization with radio waves is performed using an ultra-precise device - a surgitron.

Performing this operation with the help of surgitron allows you to get rid of erosion in the most gentle way. Due to the fact that cauterization is performed with extreme precision, and the entire process is completely controlled by a specialist, no burns or subsequently scar tissue are formed on the surface of the cervical epithelium.

Cauterization with radio waves has a number of advantages compared to other methods:

  • Tissue destruction is completely excluded, since cauterization is performed in a non-contact manner.
  • The healing rate is very high if the patient does not have any pathological processes that impede tissue healing. This happens because cauterization is performed without tissue trauma.
  • The fragmentation of erosion cells provokes their onset, which causes a small incision to form. Due to this, cauterization in this way does not cause the formation of scar tissue.
  • The patient does not need to suture the impact surface.
  • The risks of purulent infiltration and proliferation of pathological tissues are excluded.

Among the contraindications to such treatment is the presence of a pacemaker in a woman.

Radio waves treat erosion in a non-contact way

Consequences of cauterization by radio waves

The method of cauterization using a radio wave device, Surgitron, is the most gentle among all methods of eliminating pathology. Therefore, when performing such a procedure, complications in patients are extremely rare. Within a week, the patient should experience a heavy white discharge, which some women consider pathological process. But you shouldn’t be afraid of them, this process is natural and is a sign of healing of the wound surface.

Sometimes the patient may experience mild pain in the area of ​​the pelvic organs, but these symptoms quickly pass without causing long-term inconvenience to the woman. The full recovery period after the wave destruction procedure lasts no more than six weeks.

But if the patient experiences prolonged and excessively heavy discharge, then the woman needs to pay attention to the smell and its color:

  • Yellow or greenish discharge. Their appearance indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The patient needs to seek help from specialists to eliminate it.
  • Bloody or brown discharge. These discharges indicate the presence of damage micro blood vessels, which will pass during the recovery period.
  • Blood and black clots. Bleeding or the appearance of black discharge indicates the presence of degeneration of erosion tissues into malignant ones. The cervix did not respond to treatment and the operation was unsuccessful.

In any of these cases, the patient needs to seek help from specialists to eliminate the inflammatory process and avoid complications.

All inflammatory processes that appear during the recovery period are a consequence of infection pathogenic microorganisms through the vagina. To avoid such complications, a woman needs to be tested for vaginal flora and eliminate possible ways infection.

Radio wave treatment of the cervix, principle of operation.
This technique based on unique property radio wave energy absorb water and transfer the cell to a vapor state. Thanks to this, it is possible to “evaporate” the pathological focus without affecting healthy tissue.

Why is radio wave treatment of the cervix the “gold standard” in this field?
The appearance of the Surgitron device became revolutionary event in gynecology. Thanks to the possibility of radio wave treatment of the cervix, the main problems in the treatment of benign diseases of this organ have been solved, namely:
1) the possibility of use in young nulliparous women (radio wave treatment of the cervix does not cause scar tissue changes, and therefore does not in any way affect the onset of pregnancy or its gestation);
2) absence of complications (due to the properties of the radio wave, an excellent hemostatic effect is achieved, which makes the manipulation almost bloodless);
3) painlessness of the procedure (no hospitalization is required, it is enough local anesthesia lidocaine spray).

In what cases is radio wave treatment of the cervix possible?

The use of radio wave treatment of the cervix is ​​possible for almost all benign diseases this body, namely:
1) in case of ectopia, erosion, simple leukoplakia of the cervix, coagulation of the pathological focus is carried out;
2) for cervical cysts, it is possible to open them and coagulate the bed;
3) for cervical dysplasia 1-2, conization of the cervix is ​​performed;
4) if necessary, a cervical biopsy can be performed.

Features of radio wave treatment of cervical erosion?

The need for radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is determined only by a doctor. Let us repeat once again that this manipulation is suitable for patients planning pregnancy, since there is no damage to neighboring tissues and it does not lead to scarring. It is better to carry out the procedure in phase 1 of the menstrual cycle, i.e. within 10 days after the end of menstruation. The manipulation is carried out during a regular appointment with a gynecologist and does not affect your ability to work in any way; after it you can immediately return to your daily activities.

Radio wave is carried out after treating the organ with lidocaine spray, which makes the procedure absolutely painless. The only thing that the patient may experience during the manipulation is small pulling sensations lower abdomen, as during menstruation. After radio wave treatment of cervical erosion, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity, visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, or taking a bath for 7-10 days.
During this time, copious mucous-watery discharge from the genital tract may occur.

Radio wave therapy is one of the new treatment methods serious illnesses. One of them is cervical erosion. It is becoming more common in women young and over time can lead to infertility and even cancer. Since cauterization is effective and painless method treatment, it is increasingly gaining popularity and arousing interest.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves: what is the peculiarity of the treatment method

One of the most common and dangerous gynecological diseases- cervical erosion. In this case, the epithelium of the organ forms various damages: wounds, ulcers, cavities and other defects. The reasons can be very different. But the main pathogens are venereal diseases and other inflammatory processes.

If erosion is treated at an advanced stage, more serious inflammatory processes may begin. Early reaction to cervical erosion and incorrect treatment can cause infertility and even cancer.

Cauterizing erosion with radio waves is one of the most the latest ways treatment of the cervix. Its essence consists of a targeted effect on the affected areas of the epithelium with high-frequency energy. During the procedure, the specialist directs a beam of radio waves to the erosion. Damaged tissue exposed to very high temperatures. It is due to this that diseased cells begin to evaporate.

The main advantage of this treatment is painlessness. It is achieved due to the fact that cauterization does not affect healthy neighboring cells. Accordingly, negative consequences after surgery are minimized.

The main advantages of cauterization of cervical erosion:

  • No pain. Only slight tingling sensations are possible;
  • For those who are afraid of blood, this is an ideal treatment. It does not cause bleeding;
  • After the procedure there are no scars left;
  • Complete elimination of burns;
  • Rapid wound healing after surgery;
  • Healthy cervical tissue is not affected;
  • Cauterization sterilizes, which eliminates infection during surgery;
  • The radio wave operation lasts only 10-15 minutes;
  • The procedure is suitable for women of any age, whether they have given birth or not;
  • Minimizes the occurrence of new erosion.

All these advantages make treatment with radio waves an increasingly popular and sought-after procedure.

Discharge after cauterization of erosion with radio waves - normal and pathological

Cervical erosion is observed in half of the fair sex of the entire planet. Treatment must be approached seriously and responsibly. After radio wave therapy there will definitely be discharge indicating positive reaction organism or pathology.

For normal period after surgery the following are typical:

  • Transparency of vaginal discharge;
  • Minor blood impurities;
  • A small amount of discharge.

If after cauterization the discharge is of this nature, then the procedure is considered successful. Sometimes there may be a slight burning sensation. But this is also the norm and indicates complete healing soon.

IN large quantities blood can be released only within 24 hours after surgery. This applies to those patients who have a fairly large affected area. The attending physician will definitely warn you about all the consequences. But if blood comes out abundantly on the second day, then you should inform a specialist about it.

In what cases is discharge after surgery considered a pathology:

  • Copious discharge and blood;
  • Thick;
  • Discharge mixed with brown and green shades;
  • Having an unpleasant odor;
  • Blood in the discharge for more than a day.

If you have any of these signs, you should also immediately report them to your gynecologist. In this case, the specialist will prescribe either drug treatment, or a coagulation procedure.

Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion

Many people are interested in the question of when menstruation will begin after radio wave surgery. Here great importance plays the day of the cauterization procedure. The point is that the most optimal time– this is 5-7 days from the beginning of the cycle. At that time heavy bleeding stop, but the tissues have not yet lost their increased ability to regenerate.

When cauterization of erosion occurs, microsores form on the walls. They should not bother the woman in any way. Within 7-10 days, the scars heal and turn into a dry crust - a scab. The crust begins to come off and it is possible that blood will appear in small quantities.

When the scab comes off, blood may appear. This period may take several days. If the discharge becomes abundant, then this will be considered the first menstruation.

Cauterization of cervical erosion should not disrupt the menstrual cycle. " Women's days"may start a little later. This is a common occurrence after radio wave cauterization surgery. Most likely, stress may be the cause. The second period should come exactly on time. If a malfunction occurs or bleeding begins but does not stop, this is a signal of the appearance of a pathology.

How erosion heals after cauterization with radio waves: possible consequences of the operation

So that cauterization of erosion does not turn into unpleasant consequences, you need to follow a number of rules.

Firstly, you need to take the procedure itself seriously. You should absolutely not start the procedure if:

  • There is an oncological disease;
  • Pregnancy at any stage;
  • There is a contraceptive device;
  • If the patient has poor blood clotting;
  • Infection;
  • Inflammation of the genital organs;
  • At high temperature body procedure is also contraindicated.

In the absence of such diseases and health problems, the period after surgery passes quickly and painlessly. During healing there may be transparent discharge with a slight admixture of blood. Every 2 weeks during the first months you should be examined by a doctor.

The wound heals quickly and properly if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. The first month after the operation you cannot be sexually active.
  2. You should not exercise or lift weights for the first few weeks.
  3. For a month you need to completely avoid baths, swimming pools and swimming in ponds. This can cause blood to appear in the discharge and lead to infection. It is recommended to take a short shower.
  4. Tampons cannot be used.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene: wash yourself as often as possible, use panty liners, gel for intimate hygiene. Any wound heals faster this way. You also need to carefully monitor your health. Hypothermia can lead to complications. Cauterizing the erosion may not help in this case.

Of all the known hardware methods of treatment in gynecology, cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves is considered the most progressive.

The term cauterization is not entirely suitable for the radio wave treatment method - when it acts on tissue, cells under a beam of directed waves evaporate, forming a cut and “sealing” the vessels. Treatment of erosion with this method allows you to achieve full recovery cover epithelium. Treatment allows patients to restore a normal rhythm of life in the shortest possible time.

Radio wave method in gynecology

How possible way impact on human tissue in order to remove pathological formations The radio wave method was experimentally confirmed by W.L. Maness and F.W. Roeber (they determined the wavelength that is optimal for making a cut on living tissue). The creator of the Surgitron device, with the help of which operations using radio wave influence on the body are performed, is the American dentist and part-time radio engineer Irving Ellman thirty years ago (in 1976).

The history of radio wave treatment in Russia begins in 1995. It has found its application in almost all areas of surgery (plastic and cosmetology, general, gynecology, dental and maxillofacial, ophthalmology and otolaryngology). Doctors work on equipment of both foreign and domestic production.

The effect of the method is not based on mechanical action on tissue human body, but on the molecular changes that occur in the cell under the influence of narrowly directed waves high frequency– tissue resistance to radio waves causes instant heating and evaporation of water molecules in the cell.

The working tool in the device is an ultra-thin tungsten electrode, which does not heat up when exposed to tissue, and there is no charring effect or burn marks on the working surface. The inventor of the device and the specialists working with it believe that the radio wave that is generated active electrode and is directed to a passive electrode (antenna), passes through cell membranes, and not through intercellular spaces.

The layers of cells move apart under the influence of steam from the boiling intercellular fluid, forming a cut. The electrode used in this method remains cold, complications such as tissue burns do not occur (which is typical for laser vaporization and electric cauterization method).

The feature that sets this method apart is the complete sterility of the electrode and the sterilization of the edges of the incision that occurs when exposed to radio waves (the radiation completely kills microorganisms that are in the area of ​​the beam), which guarantees successful healing of the incision without scar formation. Radio waves in the incision area “seal” the vessels, stopping possible bleeding and associated infection and suppuration.

After cauterizing the erosion with radio waves, the patient feels almost no pain - no severe spasm muscles and the effect on receptors, as with current cauterization, the pain during restoration of the epithelium is often stronger than with cauterization.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves is currently considered the “gold” standard in gynecology, which can be used for nulliparous women:

  • preserving natural shape cervix;
  • does not cause pain;
  • those with the shortest rehabilitation period;
  • giving 100% restoration of the erosion site;
  • does not form scars.

The Surgitron device (and its analogues) is mobile, easy to use, and its cost is lower than similar laser equipment.

In gynecology, the method is used to treat:

  • endocervicosis (disturbances in the formation of cervical tissue);
  • cervical erosions, complicated inflammatory diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections;
  • ectopia and congenital ectopia;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • polyps and condylomas on the genitals;
  • Bartholin gland cysts;
  • cauterization of blood vessels.

The method can be used to take tissue samples for research.

Radio wave treatment

As with other methods of hardware treatment, treatment with the radio wave method is carried out in three stages:

  • preliminary drug therapy with condition monitoring;
  • hardware treatment;
  • rehabilitation.

Application decision hardware treatment accepted after conservative method did not bring results or the doctor considers cauterization most suitable for this patient. Removal of cervical erosion using radio waves is agreed upon with the patient, and the advantages of this method of treatment are explained to her, especially if the patient is a nulliparous woman.

The cost of the intervention is quite high, so not all patients will consent to the procedure.

Preparation for cauterization

The patient is required to have a colposcopy and a sample is taken for a biopsy. At the same time, the doctor prescribes:

  • examination of a vaginal smear to determine microflora;
  • general clinical and biochemical analysis blood;
  • blood test for syphilis and sexually transmitted infections, HIV and HPV;
  • blood test for hepatitis;
  • determination of cancer markers.

Further treatment depends on the results obtained. If sexually transmitted infections are detected, a course of treatment is carried out. If pathogenic microflora is detected, therapy aimed at normalization is prescribed.

In parallel with treatment gynecological disorders and infections is prescribed restorative treatment to increase immunity and adjust the patient’s lifestyle. Not recommended:

  • visiting open reservoirs and swimming pools;
  • staying in steam rooms and saunas;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • casual sex.

Women need to reduce physical and emotional stress, eliminate nervous and mental overload. If vital signs are taken medications– they need to be agreed upon with the attending physician.


As with most cauterization methods, radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is carried out in the first ten days after the end of menstruation - from the fourth to the ninth day of the new physiological menstrual cycle. Surgical interventions during this period pass from best result– the surgical area heals faster, and there is virtually no chance of bleeding.

Since the procedure is low-traumatic, it is performed without anesthesia. Pain relief is carried out only if the woman is very sensitive to pain and is done exclusively in paid clinics.

The woman does not need to go to the clinic for the operation - the entire procedure lasts 15 minutes and is not difficult for the woman. There is only one radio wave treatment procedure; repeated courses of cauterization are usually not required. Using the electrode of the Sugitron device, the doctor treats the erosion zone, as if “cutting out” it.

A thin film appears at the site of the treated mucosa, rather than a crust that forms after other types of erosion treatment. The absence of a crust reduces the period of mucosal restoration and healing, determining the shortest rehabilitation period in the treatment of erosions.

  • bleeding from the vagina or menstruation;
  • exacerbation chronic inflammation internal and external genitalia;
  • the presence of ARVI, influenza, sinusitis, urinary tract infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • CNS disorders and mental illnesses;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders of blood clotting properties;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • neoplasms of the vagina or cervix.

If the patient has intrauterine device, the procedure can be carried out only after its removal. Treatment is carried out if a woman has a history of:

  • C-section;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • interventions performed on the thyroid gland;
  • lactation.

The method does not affect the quality and quantity of milk produced, so it is not recommended to interrupt feeding during treatment.


After cauterization with radio waves, the doctor sends the patient home, having previously instructed how to behave during the healing period. The recovery period after treatment is generally 30-40 days, versus 60-90 with diathermocoagulation, which is much easier for a woman to tolerate.

Radio wave therapy requires the same restrictions after treatment of the cervix as other methods of cauterization. This is a ban on:

  • traditional sex before the first menstruation appears after the procedure;
  • carrying out unscheduled examinations and gynecological manipulations affecting the vagina;
  • swimming in hot bath, open reservoirs, swimming pools;
  • going to baths, steam rooms;
  • medications that thin the blood (aspirin and other similar drugs);
  • heavy physical work or intense sports activities;
  • strong nervous tension and overwork.

Many women experience intense discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion; this is normal and is associated with the healing process.

During this period, the patient cannot use tampons; only pads are acceptable, which need to be changed as they become dirty, but at least once every 2.5-3 hours. The discharge should gradually become more and more scanty and disappear within 10-14 days.

Just as before treatment, a woman is advised to give up alcohol and cigarettes during the rehabilitation period. It's connected with sharp decline immunity after alcohol enters the body, which is undesirable during the period when the body needs strength to heal a postoperative wound.

Meals during the recovery period should be fractional, portions should be small, it is best to exclude fried, smoked, salty foods, spicy and fatty foods, and fatty meats from the menu. Digestive foods cause blood flow to the pelvis and prolong the healing process.

These restrictions must be adhered to for one month after cauterization with radio waves. After menstruation ends after cauterization of cervical erosion, the patient is examined by her attending physician. After the mucous membrane has been restored, prohibitions on behavior are lifted, and the woman can lead ordinary life and plan for pregnancy.

If erosion was caused by characteristics of intimate life ( frequent changes partners, using sex toys) – it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle, otherwise erosion will reoccur.

Complications after cauterization

  • an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius;
  • abundant yellow discharge with smell;
  • bleeding of varying strength;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness and poor general health.

These symptoms are caused mechanical injury or infection on an open wound surface, and require immediate medical attention and additional treatment.

The radio wave method of treating erosion allows the patient to avoid long and painful treatment, requiring long-term rehabilitation and a ban on intimate life, which is difficult for some couples to tolerate.

The method makes it possible to treat women of all ages, maximally preserving their ability to become pregnant, bear a child, and then give birth normally. We should not forget that an important factor on which the success of treatment depends is the professionalism and experience of the attending physician, whom the patient trusts with her health.