Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose - application. Making at home and instructions for using Kalanchoe juice

Burns and gastritis, sores in the mouth and bedsores, runny nose and pimples on the face - this is an incomplete list of what Kalanchoe, or more precisely, its juice, treats. This plant rightfully bears the title of green doctor. But not all its types have healing properties. Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe pinnate are used in medicine.

Pharmacological properties of Kalanchoe juice

Active use Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of dermatological, dental, surgical and other pathologies is explained by its composition. IN fresh leaves and stems contain:

  • flavonoid glycosides, which have a bactericidal and choleretic effect;
  • tannins with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties;
  • organic acids and enzymes that improve local metabolism;
  • vitamins C and P, strengthening blood vessels, normalizing interstitial metabolic processes and enhance immunity;
  • as well as polysaccharides and trace elements.

All this together ensures the sanitation of wounds, suppresses wound infection, accelerates epithelial regeneration, normalizes microcirculation in tissues, and relieves inflammation.

How to treat with Kalanchoe juice

IN pharmacy instructions According to the use of Kalanchoe juice, you can read that it is used externally and locally. The difference is that in the first case, lotions are prepared with the drug for skin, and local applications and irrigations are suitable for mucous membranes.

Wounds, burns and other skin damage

TO trophic ulcers and bedsores, apply gauze pads generously moistened with juice once a day, covering the wound with a bandage. At strong burning sensation use Kalanchoe liniment or add an equal share of 0.5% novocaine solution. Treatment requires medical supervision.

To combat acne infection, cleansed skin is wiped several times a day with alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe.


To strengthen vascular walls and eliminate stagnation for varicose veins, rub the legs with Kalanchoe tincture in the mornings and evenings. You can prepare it yourself: fill a glass bottle halfway with finely chopped green mass, add alcohol or vodka to the top and leave it in the dark for a week. The finished tincture is filtered, squeezing out the raw materials, and stored in the refrigerator.

Gynecological problems

For cervical erosion and endocervicitis, a tampon soaked in ointment or calanoe juice is inserted into the vagina at night (for 8-10 hours). The same preparations are used to lubricate cracked nipples and postpartum wounds of the perineum.

Dental diseases

For periodontal disease, gum inflammation, and stomatitis, applications are performed by applying gauze swabs with juice for 15-20 minutes up to 5 times a day. They reduce swelling and pain after surgical procedures (opening an abscess, tooth extraction), promote rapid regeneration of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and reduce the risk of suppuration.

ENT diseases

For acute otitis media, place a cotton swab soaked in juice, or instill 2-5 drops of warm juice or alcohol tincture.

To eliminate nasal congestion due to sinusitis or severe runny nose, Kalanchoe juice diluted with water is dripped into the nose up to 5 times a day. Dilute the concentrated juice or its alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 5. Strong sneezing effectively clears the sinuses, and then the nasal passages can be moistened cotton swab, soaked in juice.

Pregnant women should not use Kalanchoe juice to treat a runny nose, not only because of possible allergic reactions. Sudden contractions of the abdominal muscles during sneezing are dangerous.

For tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis aqueous solution gargle with juice every hour for the first few days of illness.

Internal use of Kalanchoe juice

For gastritis, colitis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract Prescribe the use of Kalanchoe juice internally. But in each case, the dosage can only be determined by the attending physician. Kalanchoe juice is included in the composition medicinal drinks consisting of lime juice, and other fruits and vegetables

For heartburn low acidity stomach, you can drink a teaspoon of warm juice or eat a fresh leaf of the plant.

To prevent colds and improve immunity, drink Kalanchoe juice in a spoon after breakfast.

Making juice at home

Bushes of medicinal varieties of Kalanchoe do not require care. Therefore, amateur flower growers do not purchase Kalanchoe juice at the pharmacy, but can easily obtain fresh medicine at any time of the year. To do this they cut required amount fleshy leaves and stems, crushed with a meat grinder, garlic press or just a knife, and then squeeze out the green pulp through 3-4 layers of gauze.

But this method is good only if healing solution needed urgently. To get more strong remedy, cut greens are wrapped in paper and placed in a dark, cool place. After 3-6 days, the calanoe is washed and the juice is prepared.

To avoid losing a drop, the gauze is pre-moistened with warm water.

Store homemade juice in a dark glass bottle at temperatures up to 10°C for no longer than a week. You can extend the period by adding 20 parts of juice to 1 part of alcohol.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice in any form may be pregnancy and hypersensitivity to this plant.

Kalanchoe in the treatment of stomach ulcers - video

A runny nose is a rather troublesome symptom that accompanies almost any cold. This applies to both adults and children. Despite the fact that this ailment goes away in 1 week, it is still necessary to influence it with the help of medications. This is the only way to avoid complications. One of effective ways cure an illness - Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose. What this plant is and how to use it should be considered in more detail.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Kalanchoe – treatment plant, thanks to which you can get rid of many diseases. Even if it grows on a windowsill, it is already beneficial. Kalanchoe has antimicrobial effect, thereby destroying pathogenic microorganisms.

This plant is widely used for colds, diseases viral in nature. Kalanchoe juice helps eliminate runny nose. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • relieves inflammatory processes in the body;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • heals quickly various damages, wounds, abrasions;
  • cleanses the blood, removing harmful substances from the body;
  • quickly stops bleeding in case of damage.

Also use of Kalanchoe promotes a surge of energy and restores strength. A plant grown at home has a beneficial effect on all family members. Therefore, those who have the opportunity to grow Kalanchoe at home should definitely get one. After all, it is unpretentious, as a result of which it does not require excessive care.

How to treat the disease with this medicine? In order to cure a runny nose, a ready-made drug can be bought at a pharmacy. It is sold without a prescription. This is enough affordable drug at a low price. In addition to the usual option, there is one pharmacy option medicinal plant: Kalanchoe alcoholic juice. This release form is exclusively for local and external use. It is a solution with a specific aroma yellowish tint. It is most often used to heal various wounds.

Pharmaceutical Kalanchoe juice is used for a runny nose as nasal drops. This is a very concentrated product, so it should be diluted before use. The dosage depends on the age of the child. If an adult decides to be treated in this way, then the dosage of the drug must be selected depending on the severity and duration of the disease.

Important to remember! Before use pharmacy medicine You need to consult a specialist! He will prescribe the correct treatment regimen in each individual case.

The instructions for use of this medicine are quite simple. In order for an adult to get rid of a runny nose as quickly as possible, it is necessary to drip the nose with Kalanchoe juice, 3 drops into each nostril 3 times a day. After the procedure, after some time, the person experiences frequent sneezing, which leads to the removal of accumulated mucus in the nasal canal. This contributes complete cleansing nose, so in short time removes congestion. This effect is especially useful for young children who have not yet learned to blow their nose on their own.

Treatment of runny nose in children with the juice of this plant is quite dynamic. You should apply nasal drips 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. It should be remembered that this is a concentrated drug, so before use it is necessary to dilute it with purified water or milk in a 1:1 ratio. In the same way, even a baby can drip Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe juice is not contraindicated for children under one year of age. After all, this medicine does not have side effects, except for individual intolerance to the components of the plant.

Important to remember! You can use homemade Kalanchoe juice! This applies to those people who have the plant growing at home.

How to make Kalanchoe juice correctly yourself? There are several options for preparing medicine from this plant for the common cold:

  1. You will need a medium sized Kalanchoe leaf. It should be chopped very finely or passed through a meat grinder. Then put the resulting pulp in a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice thoroughly. The resulting liquid needs to be dripped into the nose.
  2. For children under 1 year or people with hypersensitivity nasal mucosa, the squeezed juice should be diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio
  3. Pack fresh leaves of the plant in parchment and place in the refrigerator for 1 week. After time, grind them using a meat grinder or blender and squeeze out the juice. The method is quite troublesome, but thanks to such actions, Kalanchoe will increase its medicinal properties several times.
  4. Add 1 tsp to 1 glass of plant juice. medical alcohol. Advantage this method preparing a medicine is the ability to store it long time– up to 1 year.
  5. Cut several leaves of caranchoe into small pieces, place in a glass container and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 3 hours. After time, strain the broth and use as nasal drops. This option ideal for small children.

Important to remember! The degree of its effectiveness depends on the correct preparation of the medicine!

Features of treating children with the drug

There are a number of rules that should be followed for maximum efficiency. this tool for children. It is also important to know them in order not to harm the child. These are:

  • use this medicine for complete absence nasal breathing, as Kalanchoe relieves swelling in the nasal sinuses;
  • exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to this plant;
  • treatment with this method should be carried out for no more than 5 days, if after a while the runny nose does not go away, then you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe another type of treatment;
  • if a child has an atypical reaction to a medicine, then such treatment must be stopped;
  • Kalanchoe does not bring any benefit for a runny nose caused by allergies;
  • If immediately after using the juice the child sneezes too often, then next time you should dilute it, which will make the medicine less concentrated.

Important to remember! When sneezing after using Kalanchoe drops, the child should not choke! IN otherwise this treatment should be stopped.

Possible consequences of using Kalanchoe juice

Despite the fact that this plant has many beneficial properties, use it in medicinal purposes should be done with caution. Indeed, in some situations, Kalanchoe can cause complications. Excessive use of drops can lead to the following consequences:

  • allergic reactions;
  • burn of the nasal mucosa;
  • pain after the procedure.

Therefore, before using Kalanchoe juice, you need to consult a specialist. It will help you choose the safest and most effective dosage and the concentration of the medicine, and the doctor will also explain how to drip the juice correctly. This is especially important when treating runny nose in children.

You should also refrain from of this medicine women during pregnancy. After all, sneezing after using the juice causes contraction of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

Registration number LS-000244

Tradename drug:

Dosage form:

alcohol solution for local and external use

Fresh Kalanchoe shoots - sufficient quantity to obtain juice 760 ml
Ethyl alcohol 95% - up to 1000 ml

Liquid from light yellow to Brown with a specific smell.
The presence of fine suspension is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Tissue regeneration stimulator plant origin.

pharmachologic effect
It has a local anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect on regeneration processes, helps cleanse wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissue.

Indications for use
Trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, burns, bedsores, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, various inflammatory diseases oral cavity and periodontal ( aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses
Externally. The wound or ulcer is irrigated with the drug (1-3 ml) and a gauze bandage (4-5 layers) moistened generously with the drug is applied. The dressing is changed daily at first, then every other day. Once a day, additionally moisten the lower layers of the dressing with the drug (removing the upper layers). Average duration treatment 15-20 days.
For cracked nipples, after each feeding, apply a few drops of the drug to the nipples with a pipette. The duration of treatment is 4-5 days. In dentistry, the drug is used topically in the form of applications daily on the oral mucosa 3-4 times a day; The duration of the application is 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Side effect
Allergic reactions. IN in rare cases- burning sensation in the wound.

special instructions
If a burning sensation appears in the wound, add 2 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine per 100 ml of the drug.
Before use, the drug should be kept at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
IN dental practice Before use, the drug is heated in a water bath to a temperature of +37 °C.

Release form
Alcohol solution for local and external use; 20 ml in neutral glass bottles. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack.

Storage conditions
In a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature of +18 to +20 °C.

Best before date
2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.

Address: 142279, Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Obolensk village, State Research Center for PM

The Kalanchoe flower for the common cold has been used for a long time and has rare healing properties. In the age of modern technology, medicine is thriving with new ways to combat various diseases.

But sometimes you can cope with the disease using traditional medicine. A runny nose always comes at the wrong time, disrupting the usual rhythm of life and ruining plans.

On this moment there are about two hundred varieties of this medicinal plant, ten of them are the most common in home floriculture. Most pronounced medicinal properties have only two types:

Cirrus - the medicinal properties of which are slightly higher than those of the second variety of the plant - Degremon.

Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose: application

It has long been used to relieve the symptoms of illness. kalanchoe flower from a runny nose. The process of restoring the body requires the utmost seriousness.

A prolonged disease can lead to inflammatory processes on the delicate surface of the nasal sinuses, provoke sinusitis, bronchial irritation,

There are several forms of using the plant for the prevention and treatment of the common cold:

Plant juice can be used in its original form, or in proportional combination with an extract from aloe or bulb. Recommended dosage: three to four drops in each nostril, repeat three times a day until complete recovery.
It is successfully practiced to lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton pad soaked in a prepared mixture of plant juices about four times a day. Decoction For decoction, the largest and most voluminous leaves of an adult plant are used, pour 100 ml clean water, bring to a boil and leave to infuse for 1 hour.
The decoction is effective for getting rid of nasal diseases if you use it a couple of times a day, two drops in each nostril. Tincture One of the most effective ways eliminate health problems. For preparation, several large leaves of the plant are required, which are crushed to a paste.

The resulting mass is poured with 200 ml of pure alcohol. Infuse in a dark place for about ten days. After this period, it is used to rinse the nasal sinuses from mucus. Pre-dilute with boiled water.

Kalanchoe in the nose: how to use the medicine?

Simplicity unconventional methods treatment is accessible to any generation. There are enough manufacturing options medicinal solution. For an effective effect, a fresh, just prepared composition is ideal.

First you need to select healthy leaves and rinse them thoroughly. Drying is not necessary.

It is preferable to squeeze out the juice through gauze into a stainless steel bowl. It is recommended to chop the leaves before squeezing;

For ease of use use a regular pipette, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The principle of operation is similar to the usual drops.

Source: website

Before using drops home production, you need to heat the plant juice, then let it cool;

Kalanchoe juice is often used for disease prevention respiratory tract. For these purposes, you can preserve several large leaves for later use as needed. This will ensure the best preservation of the healing properties of the plant;

The most successful flower is the one which has not been watered for a week. To ensure a quality healing process, an old flower with fleshy leaves and a thick layer of leaf peel is used.

Despite its unsightly appearance, this particular stem will benefit the body and speed up the process of treating a runny nose, promoting recovery.

Treatment of runny nose Kalanchoe in a child

Use in any form to get rid of has important features. Any solution should have a concentration 50 percent lower than for an adult, since when undiluted Kalanchoe juice is instilled into a child’s nose, the baby’s sensitive mucous membrane can be burned.

This effect can be achieved by diluting with boiled water, a couple of drops vegetable oil or milk. How should you drip Kalanchoe into a child’s nose? Dosage for children – one drop in each nostril a couple of times a day.

For preventive measures acute conditions It is recommended to wipe the child’s nasal mucosa with juice several times a day.

Using medicinal products For children, the following precautions should be taken into account:

Possible manifestations allergic reaction:

To check the body's response, it is enough to first apply one drop of juice to the mucous membrane, after a while you can evaluate the result.

If burning, irritation, redness or blistering occurs, you should discontinue this treatment and choose an alternative option.

Possible burns to delicate mucous membranes high concentration composition. Therefore it follows since it has more soft action, as opposed to drops or alcohol tincture. It is strictly forbidden to use the solution in pure, undiluted form for children.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe for a runny nose

The ground part of the flower has unique properties, which can alleviate the condition of a person of any age with a runny nose. The main focus is on fighting with destructive pathogenic microflora , as it has a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory nature. The composition is rich in vitamin compounds and microelements.

How to prepare Kalanchoe tincture

Existing pharmacy form release of the product is no different from natural composition, prepared at home. It is recommended to use for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract in people of any age, as well as young children from two years of age. The use of a pharmaceutical drug causes active sneezing, which helps clear the sinuses of accumulated mucus that interferes with full breathing.

Vodka tincture

To prepare Kalanchoe tincture with vodka, you need to cut off the leaves or green stems, wash them, dry them and chop them finely. Measure 2 tablespoons from the chopped leaves and place them at the bottom of a jar or bottle, preferably if the container is made of dark glass. Pour the resulting slurry with a glass of vodka (200 ml). Leave for 10 days at room temperature. After this time, the tincture should be filtered and stored in a dark place.

Alcohol tincture

To make a tincture with alcohol, the leaves should be cut off in advance and placed in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for a day. Then the leaves must be finely chopped and the juice squeezed out. Leave to infuse in the jar for two to three days, and then add 20% alcohol in the proportion - one part of alcohol should account for 20 parts of squeezed juice. The tincture must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the product quickly loses its medicinal properties and deteriorates.

The alcohol solution does a good job of softening painful crusts in the nasal cavity that form during the disease. .

Washing alcohol solution Kalanchoe, is used as a preparatory step, which involves cleansing the nasal cavity for further treatment(use of drops, lubricating the nasal cavity with medications).

The tincture takes a leading position among unconventional means traditional medicine for the opportunity to painlessly prepare the nose for medical procedures.

Kalanchoe nasal drops from the pharmacy

Due to the lack of time or opportunity to prepare a homemade composition from healing flower, it is recommended to use pharmacy drops. No significant differences were found between self-prepared and purchased medicines. The dosage is identical.

Kalanchoe juice in a pharmacy: price and release form

It is not always possible to prepare a healing solution into the nose yourself, so in such a situation you can buy Kalanchoe juice at the pharmacy in the form of a 20 ml bottle.

The price will be approximately 65-90 rubles per bottle. The medicine is in great demand, therefore it is available in many pharmacies and is sold without a prescription.

Pharmacy juice is available in a classic form for external and internal use alcohol based. Qualitative differences from homemade tincture not found.

People say about Kalanchoe that this flower is a pharmacy on the windowsill. The sprout has elongated leaves, along the edges of which there are many baby shoots, thanks to which it reproduces.

Unpretentious care allows you to have this medicinal flower in every house. Keeping a green doctor friend does not require financial costs and does not take much time to care for.

This tropical plant has long ceased to be exotic; today Kalanchoe can be found in different parts of the planet, where it feels good, if not in natural conditions, then at home for sure.

But, do not forget that this is not just a flower that decorates the interior, but also medicinal plant, the juice of which is used in medicine and cosmetology, as in pure form, and as part of medicinal products.

Kalanchoe juice is a universal medicine; it is not difficult to prepare it yourself; it is enough to take into account some features. And how many exist folk recipes that include this element - you can choose the most suitable one.

About the medicinal properties of the flower

The composition of the shoots and leaves of the plant is unique, it consists of large quantity active substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • vegetable, including fatty acids;
  • enzymes;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • vitamins of groups P and C;
  • high molecular weight carbohydrates;
  • tannins.

Thanks to these components, the plant juice has a lot of beneficial properties that make it universal medicine from nature:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • healing;
  • cardiotonic.

Local application of products with plant juice allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the affected area. They are also recommended to be taken to strengthen vascular walls, remove toxic substances from the body, cleanse the blood.

A solution with Kalanchoe juice can be drunk to achieve an immunostimulating effect, increase protective forces body. This makes the medicine effective for the prevention of seasonal colds.

In addition, succulent juice is used to prepare cosmetics, improving the condition of hair and nails.

But for Kalanchoe juice to be more effective pharmaceutical drugs, you need to prepare it correctly, maintaining maximum benefits.

Procurement of raw materials

IN folk medicine The juice of this succulent is used fresh and canned. There are many types of succulents, but medical purposes Kalanchoe Dergemona and Kalanchoe pinnate are commonly used. Typically, decorative flower varieties medicinal properties deprived.

It’s not difficult to get it from a flower, but you should take care of the preparatory aspects:

  1. It is recommended not to water or fertilize the soil 1-2 weeks before cutting the leaves - this will allow the plant to accumulate healing substances.
  2. Also, you should not change the location of the Kalanchoe and the conditions of its maintenance, especially with regard to lighting and temperature conditions.
  3. To extract homemade juice, it is better to cut off the lower, fleshy leaves, having previously cleaned them of dust and dirt, but without wetting them with water.
  4. The cut leaves should be placed in the refrigerator or cellar, wrapped in foil or dark paper. A 10-day exposure will allow the plant to produce biological activators that increase healing properties juice
  5. After this, the leaves need to be crushed - in a meat grinder or blender, and then squeezed through a multi-layer gauze pad. It is not recommended to use metal utensils when preparing the product.
  6. The finished Kalanchoe juice is placed in the refrigerator until sediment appears. Top part drained and used for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of this product last only a few days, even when stored in the cold. But you can increase its shelf life by preserving it with alcohol. To do this, one part of alcohol of 40% strength is mixed with 20 parts of fresh juice.

The tincture is stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container, for a month, maintaining its medicinal properties.

How is succulent juice used?

This natural remedy has found application in the most different areas medicine, people have been using it for a long time and it still has not lost its relevance.

In gynecology

It is recommended to lubricate tissue damage in the perineum, eroded areas of the cervix, ruptures that have arisen during the process using a product - juice or an ointment prepared on its basis. labor activity, inflammation of the cervical canal.

When cracking nipples in nursing mothers, doctors advise applying a few drops to the damaged area healing juice. At regular use In just 5-7 days, the cracks will be completely eliminated.

To treat a perineal rupture, it is recommended to use succulent juice as follows:

  • Apply a layer of ointment around the damage, you can use synthomycin or furacilin;
  • Soak 4-5 layers of gauze napkin medicinal juice and apply it to the wound for 5-7 minutes.

The duration of treatment is 5 days, but such therapy should be carried out only after consulting a specialist.

Treatment of wounds and burns

Succulent juice has bactericidal and wound-healing effects, therefore, it is often used for treatment damaged skin. The most effective way to apply the composition is as follows:

  1. The area around the wound must be treated with furatsilin or an alcohol-containing liquid.
  2. The juice of the plant should be drawn into a syringe with a small-diameter needle and irrigated with it on the affected area.
  3. Then, over the wound or ulcer, you should apply a compress - a gauze cloth moistened with juice, cut exactly to the size of the damage.

If the wound has festered, you can add an antibiotic to the juice, increasing antibacterial property natural remedy. Your doctor will tell you how to do this correctly.

When when applying medicinal composition In case of burns and other skin injuries, pain and burning occurs; it is advisable to dilute the herbal medicine with novocaine, a 0.5-1% solution in a 1:1 ratio.

The bandage does not change during the day; it is enough to moisten it a couple of times with a medicinal liquid. When treating wounds in diabetics, it is recommended to add healing composition insulin. The course of therapy lasts on average 4-5 weeks.

Therapy of purulent infections

For the treatment of boils, felons, spills purulent inflammation, abscesses, use succulent juice in its pure form, and also use it to prepare creams, ointments, solutions for lotions and compresses. It is recommended to add St. John's wort oil extract to the medicine as an additional component.

The methods of using natural medicine are different, but the following treatment is considered the most effective:

  1. The wound or opened lesion is covered with a compress with St. John's wort oil.
  2. The procedure should be done until the inflammation decreases and the wound begins to heal.
  3. Then you should replace the compresses with bandages with Kalanchoe ointment - it is prepared from 20 g of succulent juice, 0.125 g of furazolidone and novocaine and 50 g of anhydrous lanolin; All ingredients are mixed and a composition similar to heavy cream is obtained.

St. John's wort oil has a powerful bactericidal effect, and Kalanchoe ointment has a healing effect. With this double action The disease can be cured 2 times faster.

Treatment of bedsores

In this case, the previous technique is used, as with trophic skin defects and infectious suppurations. The affected tissues are treated with a solution of Kalanchoe juice, and then a compress is applied for the whole day, which, after drying, is re-moistened medicine. In the first days it should be replaced daily, and after 3-day therapy - once every 3 days. During breaks, you can apply a layer of a product with a softening effect to the affected area - ointment with Vaseline, zinc, etc.

Treatment of eyes with Kalanchoe juice
  • burns and injuries to the organ of vision;
  • keratitis;
  • damage to the cornea;
  • retinal dystrophy.

Drops from Kalanchoe can be instilled into the conjunctival cavity, pure or diluted: take one part of juice for one part isotonic solution or 0.5% solution of novocaine. But, before use, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.

Succulent juice for flu, colds and nasopharyngeal diseases

This folk natural remedy is actively used to treat such ailments, including in children:

  • For a sore throat

Succulent juice is diluted with boiled and cooled to warm state water in a 1:1 ratio. You should gargle with the solution every four hours, and if possible, more often.

  • For tonsillitis

Use Kalanchoe to treat inflammation palatine tonsils is possible only with an uncomplicated form of the disease. Therapy consists of regular rinsing of the tonsils various solutions: furatsilin, iodine, tincture of Kalanchoe. For the procedure, a special syringe for intralarynx infusion is used, the event is carried out every other day.

  • For inflammation of the maxillary sinus

To treat the disease, in for preventive purposes, as well as for other inflammatory ailments of the nasopharynx, take succulent juice and dilute it in water 1:5. It is recommended to instill such nasal drops with Kalanchoe 2 drops into each nasal passage, 2-5 times a day.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, after 1-2 minutes you will feel the urge to sneeze. This is how purification occurs maxillary sinuses and after 3-4 days the symptoms of inflammation disappear.

You can rinse with this solution oral cavity and throat to get rid of inflammatory process, accompanying tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore throat.

  • For rhinitis

A remedy with succulent juice helps get rid of swelling of the mucous membrane, inflammation, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. When you have a runny nose, herbalists advise drinking an infusion with lemon balm or St. John's wort, adding 1 teaspoon each of Kalanchoe juice and honey.

This is for children herbal remedy should be used with caution. On the first day, it is enough to drop 1 drop of the composition into each nasal passage and observe for signs of an allergic reaction. Continue treatment and increase the dose only if there are no negative effects– hyperemia, swelling, etc.

Therapy of ear diseases with succulent juice

In order for the composition with the plant to help with ear inflammation, it is important to know how to drip Kalanchoe juice into the ear canals. At purulent otitis It is recommended to instill the product into both ears during the day and close cotton swab. At night, you can insert a gauze or cotton swab soaked in alcohol infusion of the succulent into the ear canal.

You can prepare a mixture of aloe and Kalanchoe juices - this product is different increased efficiency for ear diseases. It is recommended to instill it warm, place a cotton wool roll and wrap your head with a scarf to enhance the effect of the medicine.

To be cured, you need 3-4 procedures a day, which are carried out until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Kalanchoe for tuberculosis

Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured using plant juice, but by including it in the main therapy, its effectiveness can be significantly increased. The remedy is taken orally - a spoonful of alcohol tincture in a quarter glass of water, 4 times a day before meals. Maximum duration course – 12 weeks.

Taking the tincture is combined with anti-tuberculosis drugs and other folk remedies, appointed by a phthisiatrician.