Solutions of percentage concentration. Salt bandage for feet. Hypertonic solution

How to apply a saline dressing.

For runny nose and headaches. Make a circular bandage across the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour or two, the runny nose goes away, and by morning the headache will disappear.

A headband is good for high blood pressure, tumors, and dropsy. But in case of atherosclerosis, it is better not to apply a bandage - it dehydrates the head even more. For a circular dressing, it is possible to use only an 8% saline solution.

For the flu. Apply a bandage to the head at the first signs of illness. If the infection has managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, immediately make bandages on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft narrow fabric), on the back from two layers of wet and two layers of dry towels. Leave the bandages on all night.

For liver diseases (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver). The liver bandage (cotton towel folded in four layers) is applied as follows: in height - from the base of the left mammary gland to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the spine in the back. It is well bandaged with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, remove the bandage and place a warm heating pad on the epigastric region for half an hour, in order to use deep heating to enlarge the bile duct for the free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestine. Without heating, this mass (after several dressings) plugs the bile duct and can cause acute bursting pain.

For adenomas, mastopathy and breast cancer. In most cases, a four-layer, dense but non-compressive saline dressing is used on both breasts. Apply overnight and leave for 8-10 hours. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, for cancer 3 weeks. For some people, a chest bandage may weaken heart rhythms; in this case, apply the bandage every other day.

For diseases of the cervix. Soak cotton swabs in a hypertonic solution, squeeze well and loosen the steam before inserting. Carry out the procedure once a day, leaving the tampons on for 15 hours. For cervical tumors, the treatment period is 14 days.

Conditions for using saline solution.

1. Saline solution can only be used in a bandage, but never in a compress, due to the fact that the bandage must be breathable.

2. The salt concentration in the solution should not be more than 10%. A bandage made from a solution of higher concentration leads to pain in the area of ​​application and destruction of capillaries in the tissues. An 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 250 ml of water - is used in dressings for children, a 10% solution for adults - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 200 ml of water. You can use regular water, not necessarily distilled.

3. Before treatment, wash your body with hot water and soap, and at the end of the procedure, wash off the salt from your body with a warm, wet towel.

4. The choice of bandage material is very serious. It must be hygroscopic and clean, without residues of fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. The body skin should also be clean. For the bandage, it is better to use linen or cotton fabric, but not new, but washed many times. The perfect option is gauze.

5. Linen, cotton material, a towel are folded in no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers. Only with an air-permeable dressing does suction of tissue fluid occur.

6. Due to the circulation of solution and air, the dressing results in a cooling sensation. Based on this, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the bandage, you can cool it slightly by shaking it in the air.

7. The dressing should be of medium moisture, not too dry, but not too wet. Keep the bandage on the sore spot for 10-15 hours.

8. Nothing should be placed on top of the bandage. In order to secure the bandage soaked in the solution, you need to bandage it well enough to the body: with a wide bandage on the torso, abdomen, chest, and a narrow bandage on the fingers, hands, feet, face, head. Bandage the shoulder girdle in a figure eight, through the armpits from the back. In case of pulmonary processes (in case of bleeding, never apply it!), the bandage is placed on the back, trying to get to the sore spot as correctly as possible. Bandage the chest properly, but without squeezing your breath.

From the given fragments of the book about salt, it is clear that salt must be used 1) for healing, 2) locally, otherwise the effect will not be the same. Based on this, swimming in the sea (the whole body is covered in salt) dries out the entire skin, which is why the skin becomes rough. But if you hang around for a couple of minutes. (with obligatory washing with drinking water), or sit on the bank with your feet in the water - this will be the best, because... toxins will be drawn out of the feet, which, as we know, accumulate in the feet.

Simple salt compresses.

Simple salt compresses are made from salt water (100 g of rock or sea salt per 1 liter of water) at room temperature or body temperature. Soak a cotton cloth (or a bandage folded in a couple of layers) with this salt water and apply it to the sore spot.

Salt compresses have a healing effect and quickly restore damaged skin after bruises, bruises, ulcers, burns and calluses.

Warm salt compresses.

The solution for salt compress is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is performed as follows: soak a terry towel in a warm saline solution, apply it to the chin, neck, cheeks, elbow or knee.

These compresses are used for deep heating of parts of the body that need relaxation and replenishment with microelements by activating capillary blood supply.

In most cases, they are used for cosmetic purposes.

Warm salt applications allow you to deeply warm the tissues, using salt ions to stimulate the body's energy channels through the bioactive points of the skin.

Steam salt compresses.

To make this compress, use a bag of salt heated to 5070C. If the heat is difficult to bear, then place a terry towel under the bag. On the part of the body that needs to be warmed up well, wax paper (or medical oilcloth or leather) is placed on top of the bag, creating an unusual local sauna for this part of the body.

The compress, depending on the purpose, is kept for 10 minutes. (cosmetic procedure) up to 3040 min. (therapeutic heating of the inflamed area or place where pain is felt).

Salt poultices are used to relieve pain from rheumatism and gout. For chronic diseases, when it is necessary to soften, dissolve and remove all kinds of hardening, the described procedure is carried out twice a day.

This is a type of warming compress, applied either to the source of pain or near it. The bandage is made from sterile linen or cotton fabric, folded many times, or gauze, folded into eight. To sterilize fabric at home, just immerse it in boiling water or iron it with a very hot iron. The finished dressing is dipped in pre-boiled water with salt (10:1), removed, cooled, shaking or squeezing lightly. The application site is first wiped with a wet cloth so that contact with the body is closer, after which a bandage is applied and bandaged.

Such bandages are applied to the forehead and back of the head for a runny nose and headache, to the forehead, back of the head, neck, back for the flu, and to the affected area for burns, bruises, abscesses, rheumatism, radiculitis.

Various woolen items are soaked in a warm or warm salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 200 ml of water): mittens, socks, a scarf, or just a piece of woolen fabric. Such salted woolen items, wet or dried, are used for compresses on sore spots for arthritis, radiculitis or colds (socks).

To carry out the procedure, put on the patient a well-wrung shirt, soaked in water with a strong concentration of salt (57 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Put the patient to bed, wrap him up well. He should lie there and not take off his shirt until it is completely dry.

The procedure should be done at night, before going to bed. In the morning, you need to wipe your body with a dry towel so that the salt falls off, and change into clean underwear.

This procedure, which came into folk medicine, was previously used by healers as a magical ritual to cleanse a person from evil spells, evil spirits, and the evil eye.

In folk healing, this very effective procedure is used to treat various neuroses, neurasthenia, nervous and physical exhaustion, colds and epilepsy.

It cleanses the body well of accumulated dirt in the form of impurities, toxins, and dead cells. The healers thought that diseases and waste from a sick person had passed onto the shirt.

Rubbing with salt (sea) water.

In order to enhance the body's response, this procedure is performed using salt or sea water (0.5 kg of salt per 1 liter of water). For the purpose of wiping, a canvas sheet soaked in salty sea water and carefully wrung out is applied to the body or part of it. Immediately, on top of the sheet, the body is vigorously rubbed with hands until a feeling of warmth is felt. After this, the sheet is removed, doused with water and carefully rubbed with a rough cloth.

For patients who are not very strong (especially children), the procedures are performed by others. If the patient’s condition permits, the entire body is wiped piece by piece with a soaked and well-wrung out towel or mitten, and then rubbed with a dry towel and covered with a sheet and blanket.

To enhance the body's response, at the end of a non-specialized wiping, 12 buckets of water are doused from time to time, the temperature is slightly lower than the one with which the sheet was wetted during wiping. This procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect. It is prescribed from time to time for the purpose of hardening.

Rubbing with salt water helps improve peripheral blood circulation, tissue trophism, and increase metabolism. This procedure is not recommended for patients with increased nervous excitability, heart defects, or after the end of a relatively recent acute illness (for example, pneumonia).

Start the wiping procedure with water at a temperature of 3230C, slowly reducing it to 2018C and below. Duration 35 min..

This rubdown is in most cases used before a course of hydrotherapy, and also as an independent course of treatment for patients with fatigue, neurasthenia, asthenic condition, and low metabolism (obesity).

Hot rubbing with salt water.

In order to nourish the body with heat or, on the contrary, remove excess heat from it, hot rubbing of the body or its parts is used in hydrotherapy.

The procedure is performed as follows: lower your feet into a basin or bath with hot water; Place a towel soaked in hot water on your back, chest, arms, face, neck.

For enhanced therapeutic results, warm salt (or sea) water is used. Such rubdowns give you a feeling of warmth if you need it, but suddenly the heat is through the roof and it is released outside.

Forget about air conditioners and fans: hot salt rubdown is an indispensable remedy for the summer heat, stuffiness, and lethargy.

Polishing the body with sea water.

In order to carry out the procedure of massage-rubbing the body with sea water (called body polishing in yoga), take warm sea water and, having soaked your palm in it, polish the entire body with the palm of your hand, rubbing the water over the body until it completely evaporates.

At the end of this procedure, the state of fatigue and relaxation quickly passes, and the skin becomes satin.

If you decide to harden your body, give it additional warmth and energy, cleanse the body, improve blood circulation, use one of the following procedures for rubbing.

Warm rubdown with salt water.

Prepare a water-alcohol solution: 500 ml water, 250 ml alcohol or vodka, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 20 drops of iodine. Mix everything thoroughly. Store the solution in a cool place.

In the morning, after finishing your shower, wipe your entire body from head to toe with a hard washcloth soaked in this solution. In the area of ​​the heart, without pressing, make 40 circular movements clockwise.

Get dressed without rinsing or drying yourself. In the evening before going to bed, be sure to take a shower, otherwise the warmth coming from the body will not allow you to fall asleep. Rubbing should be done from autumn to May, in other words, throughout the cold season.

To strengthen weakened children who often catch colds, a water-alcohol salt wash is recommended.

Water-alcohol salt wash.

Its composition is as follows: 500 ml of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka or alcohol, 1 teaspoon (with top) of sea salt, 35 drops of iodine. Mix everything. Every day (in the morning) wipe the child with a napkin soaked in this solution. In the evening, be sure to wash off any remaining salt from your skin in the bath or shower.

Salt baths for hands and feet.

To carry out local salt baths, proceed as follows: hands or feet are immersed in a basin of salt water and rubbed there. The procedure is performed at a water temperature of 1015C (cold baths), 1624C (cool) or 3646C (insulated and warm).

Cold and cool salt baths for hands and feet are used for fatigue, bruises, excessive sweating of the hands and feet, as well as for the prevention of colds as hardening procedures. Once completed, vigorous rubbing was demonstrated.

Insulated baths for hands and feet (300600 g of salt per 10 liters of water) relieve pain in muscles and joints, improve the condition of the skin and nails, help treat skin diseases, and eliminate fungus.

Insulated and warm foot baths are used for colds (to increase sweating, you can add mustard powder to the saline solution or alternate warm and cold baths). You need insulated foot baths with sea water; after bathing, the swelling of the legs goes away, the light blue and purple spots that appear on the legs due to poor blood circulation or remain after a healed wound disappear.

The duration of cold therapeutic baths is 36 minutes, warm 1030 minutes; course 1530 procedures.

Salt eye baths.

A cold or warm salt eye bath has a beneficial effect on sore eyes and strengthens the visual apparatus. To carry out this procedure, you need to immerse your face in cold salt water and open your eyes for 15 seconds, and then raise your head and after 1530 seconds immerse yourself in the water again. Repeat 37 times. If the bath is warm, then at the end of it you need to immerse your face in cold water.

It is good to mix a decoction of various plants into a hot salty eye bath. When using an eye bath, it is good to use sea water; the water is boiled for 2 minutes, then cooled. Sea water baths taken every night before bed reduce irritation of the eyelids and various inflammatory processes in the eyes. The water temperature for the eye bath is 2038C. be guided, but do not forget that the eyes are of the nature of fire, water is harmful to them, and do not overdo it with water procedures for the eyes.

Epsom salt bath.

The bath is prepared as follows: 11.5 kg of plain unpleasant salt is dissolved in a full bath of hot water. It must be taken before bedtime for 1020 minutes. at least once a week. Do not use soap under any circumstances during the procedure. The hotter the bath, the more effective it is.

Attention! People with weakened hearts should take warm baths with caution. For those who cannot withstand high water temperatures, they are prohibited.

During diseases, acidic waste accumulates in the tissues of the body. Epsom salt baths help neutralize them. They are especially effective for rheumatism, radiculitis, catarrh, other catarrhal diseases, and colds.

In July 1995, I had a malignant tumor removed on my right cheekbone near my eye.

At the beginning of 1998, the cancer reappeared in the same place and within a few months grew to an eye-threatening size. The dermatologist said that a complex operation needs to be performed in the hospital. As an alternative, he proposed irradiation. Previously, like the first time, he gave me a biopsy under local anesthesia, and after 3 weeks I was given 15 radiation treatments, due to which the cancer mostly resolved. I will not talk about my upcoming torment and the severe side effects that I experienced for many months after the end of the radiation. At the beginning of 2002, the cancer reappeared and again in the same place. The dermatologist gave me (for the 3rd time) a biopsy, for which he deeply cut out a large piece of my cheek (at the end of which he barely stopped the blood, which, as they say, was gushing like a fountain), and after 2 weeks he said, as before: non-metastatic cancer.

He proposed two methods of treatment for me: In the hospital, they will cut out the tumor for me, not immediately, but in parts. The tumor will be removed immediately - this is almost the entire cheek - and after that they will take a piece of skin from the neck and apply a patch with it. And this is under the very right eye! Yes, despite the fact that a month ago the ophthalmologist mutilated my left eye while removing a very minor cataract, explaining: The sooner the better. It is also necessary to take into account that this year I will turn fifteen to one hundred. In a word, it is not difficult to imagine my condition. But there was nothing to do, and I began to mentally prepare for the operation.

And this needs to happen! Just now I picked up the issue of the Healthy Lifestyle newsletter with an article by Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva From white death to white salvation.

With a sinking heart, I began to apply a gauze bandage soaked in an 8% solution of pure table salt to the cancer area at night, carefully following all the instructions.

The first 2 weeks were spent healing the deep wound made as a result of the biopsy. And in addition, 3 weeks - for this long-standing, long-term cancer to completely fall through the ground. All that remains is the scar from the biopsy. Almost a year has passed since then and so far everything is excellent. If the sore appears again, I will resort to the already tested saline dressing. Besides, I’m scared to imagine what would happen to me, and how I would look if I

In this article we will talk about the treatment of diseases with a saline solution prepared from ordinary table salt, which is found in every kitchen.

Salt is used in both official and traditional medicine to treat many diseases. More precisely, low concentration salt aqueous solutions are used. In medical practice, not only sodium chloride (table salt), but also sodium sulfate (Epsom salt) and sea salt are used.

I suggest you find out when you can resort to saline solutions to provide both first aid and effective treatment of chronic diseases.

On our website we talked about ordinary salt in the article “There is no life without salt.” It talked about how much the life of not only humans, but our entire planet as a whole, depends on salt. Today's article is about treatment with saline solution.

The precise concentration and correct application of the saline solution makes it not only easy to prepare, but also virtually safe. Of course, there are contraindications to the use of saline solution. Let's talk about this in order.

Properties of table salt

  1. Absorbent (cleans by absorbing water and pathogenic substances)
  2. Antiseptic (disinfects and disinfects)
  3. Promotes tissue regeneration (restoration)
  4. Retains water in the body and at the same time absorbs fluid from the tissue when applied externally, which means it relieves swelling
  5. Preservative

Saline solution. Effect when used externally

Saline solution is usually used as rinses, rinses, inhalations, baths, saline dressings, lotions and compresses.

The saline solution acts on the body like the lymphatic system, which cleanses the body. If the lymphatic system cannot cope with this, then the saline solution serves as a good helper.

The sodium chloride solution first promotes the outflow of fluid from the subcutaneous tissues, thereby relieving swelling of the skin. Then, reaching deeper layers, along with tissue fluid, it “pulls out” pus and other pathological inclusions (bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and dead cells), thereby disinfecting and regenerating tissues, eliminating inflammation.

Salt solution. How to cook


  1. Table salt (sodium chloride)
  2. Water (boiled or distilled)

Typically, a saline solution in a concentration of 8 to 10 percent is used for treatment. It has been proven that:

  • at higher concentrations, such a solution can damage small capillaries
  • at a lower concentration it is simply not effective

Cooking method:

10% saline solution – 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

9% saline solution (hypertonic) – 90 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

8% saline solution – 80 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

  • To better dissolve the salt, you need to boil it (this way we ensure that the solution is sterile)
  • Cool to a comfortable (not scalding) temperature
  • Pass the solution through a paper filter

For your information:

  • The prepared solution must be used within 24 hours.
  • To prevent the brine solution from evaporating, and therefore maintaining its concentration, it must be stored in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Do not prepare or heat the saline solution in a microwave oven.
  • For inhalation, irrigation and intravenous administration, use only a sterile pharmaceutical solution. This is usually a hypertonic 9% sodium chloride solution.

Saline dressings. Treatment

To apply a salt dressing, take:

  • hot or warm 8-10% saline solution
  • clean, hygroscopic and breathable fabric (cotton, linen or gauze), folded several times
    • If the bandage is applied to a wound, boil, or abscess, then the fabric must be sterilized by boiling or ironed with a steam iron.

Applying a saline dressing:

  1. Immerse the tissue in a hot saline solution,
  2. Squeeze until no water drips out and let cool.
  3. Wipe the skin with a damp cloth for a tight fit.
  4. Apply a bandage to clean and damp skin
  5. Bandage her
  6. Keep the bandage usually until it dries, wetting it again if necessary, but no longer than 10-15 hours
  7. After removing the bandage, the body is wiped with a damp cloth moistened with clean water.

Salt dressings are used for the following diseases:

  1. runny nose and headaches due to colds, sinusitis, sore throat, flu - a bandage is applied to the forehead and back of the head, nose and cheeks. At the same time, rinse your throat with saline solution and rinse your nose with it.
  2. headaches due to meningitis, arachnoiditis, cerebral edema, migraine attacks, high blood pressure - bandage on the head, forehead
  3. A salt bandage or lotion is applied locally to the site of pain and inflammation for the following diseases:
    • abscesses, other skin infectious diseases,
    • skin damage, deep wounds, burns, hematomas, bruises
    • rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, gout, varicose veins - instead of saline bandages on the limbs, you can wear socks or mittens soaked in saline solution
    • diseases of internal organs:
      • liver, intestines, food poisoning
      • mastopathy, breast cancer, prostate adenoma
      • thyroid gland (goiter)

When applying the bandage, drafts should be avoided.

Note! A salt dressing is not a compress. Its action is related to the breathability and hygroscopicity of the fabric. Therefore, there is no need to cover the bandage with film.

There is no need to expect an instant recovery from a one-time application of a salt dressing. This is a gradual process. The therapeutic result can be achieved through several procedures.

Drink saline solution if you have:

  • Fever
  • Cold
  • Diarrhea
  • Hypotension

Contraindications for treatment with saline solution

Treatment with saline solution is strictly contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Sclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure

You also need to know that saline solutions do not help in the following cases:

  • Angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart valve defects
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • Constipation and volvulus
  • Hernias
  • Scars, adhesions
  • Kidney and gallstones

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that official medicine has not conducted any research on the effect of salt dressings. All that remains is the experience of traditional medicine. Therefore, when using saline solution treatment recipes, you need to know exactly your disease. Pbefore deciding whether to be treated with one method or another, getconsultation with your attending physician. And remember the words of Paracelsus: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine! Poison or medicine - depends on the dose"

To confirm the effectiveness of saline treatment, I suggest you read a quote from the article “From White Death to White Salvation,” published in the newspaper “Healthy Lifestyle” in 2002. To read this article, follow the link.

Be healthy!

© M. Antonova

For treatment, salt is often used in dissolved form. The methods have a number of nuances that you definitely need to know about. For example, how do you make a 10 percent saline solution if you don’t have chemical measuring spoons or beakers at home? How much salt and water should I take? Let's look at simple options for preparing medicinal solutions.

Before preparing a 10% saline solution, you need to carefully study the recipe. What substance does it mention? If it is table salt, then the packages that indicate:

  • kitchen salt;
  • sodium chloride;
  • table salt;
  • rock salt.

The word “salt” is used in everyday life, although this term refers to many complex substances formed by metal ions or atoms and acidic residues. In addition to sodium chloride, Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate - is used for medicinal purposes. Substances are extracted during the development of deposits in the earth's crust.

The word “salt” is used in everyday life, although this term refers to many complex substances formed by metal ions or atoms and acidic residues. In addition to sodium chloride, Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate - is used for medicinal purposes. Substances are extracted during the development of deposits in the earth's crust.

If you evaporate sea water, you get sea salt, which contains sodium, magnesium, iodine, chloride, sulfate ions and other components. The properties of such a mixture differ somewhat from the individual substances. Typically, a 1–10% saline solution of sodium chloride is prepared to treat wounds, sore throats, and teeth. The chemical formula of a compound that has amazing properties is NaCl.

How to make a 10 percent saline solution at home so that the medicine does good and not harm the body? Salt should also be as pure as possible, but salt purchased at the Kamennaya store is often contaminated with impurities. There is a purer finely ground product.

Some recipes recommend using snow or rain water, but this is a bad idea from the point of view of modern ecology. The purity of the liquid that flows in drinking water supply systems also raises many complaints. It, like snow and rain, can be contaminated with chlorine, iron, phenol, petroleum products, and nitrates. Let us clarify that distilled or demineralized water is used as a solvent in medicine. At home, you can use filtered or boiled water to prepare the solution.

If you put plastic molds with water in the freezer, the clean water will freeze first, and impurities will accumulate at the bottom. Without waiting for complete freezing, you need to collect the ice from the surface and melt it. The result will be very clean and healthy water.

Everything you need should be collected in advance, before making a 10% saline solution. You will need water, a beaker, a bag of salt, scales, a glass and a spoon (table, dessert or tea) for the work. The photo below will help you determine the mass of salt contained in a dessert spoon and a teaspoon.

Then you need to decide on the units of measurement for the liquid. It is believed that the mass of 100 ml of pure fresh water is equal to 100 g (fresh water density is 1 g/ml). Liquids can be measured with a beaker; if you don’t have one, then an ordinary glass of those called “faceted” will do. Filled to the top, it contains 200 ml of water (or g). If you pour to the very top, you get 250 ml (250 g).

200 g – 20 g = 180 g (water).

Then you need to decide on the units of measurement for the liquid. It is believed that the mass of 100 ml of pure fresh water is equal to 100 g (fresh water density is 1 g/ml). Liquids can be measured with a beaker; if you don’t have one, then an ordinary glass of those called “faceted” will do. Filled to the top, it contains 200 ml of water (or g). If you pour to the very top, you get 250 ml (250 g).

The concentration of substances is usually expressed in several ways. The most commonly used quantity in medicine and everyday life is the weight percentage. It shows how many grams of a substance are contained in 100 g of solution. For example, if a recipe states that a 10% saline solution is used, then every 100 g of such a preparation contains 10 g of the dissolved substance.

Let's say you need to prepare 200 g of a 10% salt solution. Let's carry out simple calculations that don't take much time:

100 g of solution contains 10 g of substance; 200 g of solution contains x g of substance.
x = 200 g x 10 g: 100 g = 20 g (salt).
200 g – 20 g = 180 g (water).
180 g x 1 g/ml = 180 ml (water).

If you have scales and a beaker in your house, then it is better to measure the mass of salt and the volume of water with their help. You can also take a full teaspoon and pour a glass of water up to the mark, but such measurements are prone to inaccuracies.

How to make a 10% saline solution to make 100 g of the drug? You should weigh out 10 g of solid sodium chloride, pour 90 ml of water into a glass and pour salt into the water, stirring with a spoon until dissolved. Mix salt with warm or cold water, and then heat the dishes with the ingredients. For better cleansing, the finished solution is passed through a ball of cotton wool (filtered).

You can prepare 50 g of a 10% solution from 45 ml of water and 5 g of salt. Hypertonic saline solution is made from 1 liter of water and 100 g of sodium chloride (4 tablespoons “without top”).

In medicine, a 0.9% solution of salts is prepared using fresh distilled water, which is called “physiological”. This liquid is isotonic with respect to the internal environment of the human body (has the same concentration). It is used during various medical procedures, in particular as a blood substitute, to eliminate the effects of dehydration and intoxication.

A hypertonic solution contains more salt; when it comes into contact with an isotonic or hypotonic liquid, it attracts water until the concentrations equalize. This osmotic effect is used in folk recipes to cleanse wounds of pus. Salt has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties; its hypertonic solutions are used in alternative medicine:

  • for diseases of internal organs - in the form of a salt bandage on the source of pain;
  • as lotions, compresses and applications for skin and other infections;
  • as salt baths for fatigue and pain in the hands and feet;
  • to cleanse purulent wounds.

Treatment with hypertonic 10% saline will take time and may take several days or weeks. The minimum number of procedures is 4–7. For sore throat, use a 3-5% hypertonic solution for gargling in the morning and evening. The nasal cavity is washed with an isotonic solution. To prepare it, you need to add 1.2 g of sodium chloride and 2.5 g of baking soda to 237 ml of boiled water.

» Treatment at home

How to make a bandage

  1. 1.
  2. 2. . Do this before bed.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.

Where to put the bandage

Salt, as mentioned above, draws out all the bad things from the wound and disinfects it. Salt is an excellent sorbent. You can Google it and see how many grateful people write about saline solution. Cheap and cheerful.

This method of treating almost all diseases, including cancer, is so simple that it is hard to believe. Cure cancer in 3 weeks with salt dressings? Sounds like fantasy. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of saline solution for the treatment of many serious diseases has been proven in practice.

The method of treatment with salt dressings (10 percent salt solution) was published in the journal Healthy Lifestyle back in 2002. But pharmaceutical companies are interested in discrediting such a simple and affordable treatment that can replace their expensive drugs.

Nobody will finance the research of such a method of treatment, which is unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies, therefore the saline solution has no chance of being recognized by official medicine. But, thanks to the simplicity and safety of using a 10% saline solution, everyone can try this treatment method for themselves. You just need to know how to prepare a saline solution and for what diseases to use it (in the form of saline dressings or for rinsing). It is also important to know for which diseases saline solution is useless, so as not to waste time and use another method of treatment.

What can be treated with saline solution?

Saline treatment - history.

The practice of using salt dressings became known thanks to the nurse Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva, who worked in field hospitals with the surgeon I. I. Shcheglov during the Second World War. Shcheglov used salt dressings to treat seriously wounded soldiers. Bandages (wipes soaked in saline solution) were applied to dirty, inflamed wounds. After 3-4 days of treatment with salt dressings, the wounds cleared, became pink, the inflammatory processes passed and the elevated temperature dropped. Then a cast was applied and after another 3-4 days the wounded were sent to the rear. Anna said that they had almost no mortality among the wounded.

After the end of the Second World War, the nurse returned to this practice only 10 years later and tried to use it to treat her own teeth. Caries complicated by granuloma resolved after 2 weeks of treatment. Then she began to use saline solution to treat various diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the body (cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic carditis, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection, etc.).

These were isolated cases, but each time Anna received positive results.

Later, while working in a clinic, Anna observed many cases where a bandage with saline solution gave a better effect than all medications. Hematomas, bursitis, chronic appendicitis, and whooping cough were cured using salt dressings.

At the clinic, the surgeon suggested she try a saline solution to treat tumors. Anna’s first patient was a woman with a cancerous mole on her face, who noticed this mole six months ago. Over the course of six months, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, and a gray-brown liquid began to ooze out of it. Anna began making salt stickers for the patient. After the first procedure, the tumor turned pale and decreased. After the second, she became even more pale and shrank, and the discharge stopped. And after the fourth, the mole acquired its original appearance. In five procedures, the treatment was completed without surgery.

Then there was a young girl with a mammary adenoma who had to undergo surgery. Anna advised the girl to apply salt bandages on her chest for several weeks while awaiting surgery. No surgery needed!

Anna recalls many cases of miraculous healing thanks to saline dressings. Among them, a man was cured of prostate adenoma in 9 procedures and a woman was cured of leukemia in 3 weeks.

So, here is an incomplete list of diseases for which dressings with saline solution can help (if there is no expected effect from treatment with saline solution, it is recommended to consult a doctor):

It should be borne in mind that no official studies have been conducted on the therapeutic effects of saline solution for the above diseases. And, most likely, it will not be carried out in the near future. Therefore, treat this information as a guess. If you decide to use a saline solution to treat a serious illness, do not neglect examinations during and after treatment, so that, in case of failure, you can use other methods.

Remember that only you are responsible for your own health!

Very often, doctors advise their patients to use saline solutions. At the same time, people are wondering how to make a 10% saline solution in order to accurately observe all the necessary proportions and use it for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It turns out that you can make a cold or hot 10% saline solution even without using a scale, but in this case its concentration can only be approximate, which is sometimes simply unacceptable.

To make a 10% saline solution, it is better to stock up on kitchen scales in advance. They make it very easy to measure the required amount of components.

Weigh 10 grams of salt on the scale. Pour 90 milliliters of water into a measuring cup. You don't need a measuring cup to make a 10% saline solution. The density of water is 1 gram per milliliter, so its volume is equal to its weight. This means that 90 milliliters of water equals 90 grams.

It’s easy to measure the required amount of liquid on a scale. To do this, you need to weigh the empty glass and then pour the required amount of water into it.

You can make a 10% saline solution without a scale. To do this, you need to dissolve 3.5 tablespoons of table salt in 1 liter of water. Salt dissolves perfectly in water, so it is not necessary to heat the solution. This can only be done if the treatment involves using a warm salt compress.

Making a 10% saline solution is very simple if you use a special measuring cup rather than scales and cutlery for this purpose. These are sold in hardware stores. Such cups have the shape of a funnel or cylinder. There are many measuring marks on the sides so that the housewife can easily weigh out the required amount of water, salt, sugar and various bulk substances.

You can make a 10% saline solution using not ordinary table salt, but sea salt.

  • For medicinal purposes, you can make a 10% saline solution. using different types of salt. But at the same time, you need to remember that fine Extra brand salt contains a larger amount of sodium chloride, so for 1 liter of water you will need 3 level tablespoons of this product.
  • To make a 10% saline solution perfectly pure, you can pass it through a filter. It is convenient to filter it through cotton wool or gauze folded in several layers.
  • There is no need to boil the prepared solution, since in this case some of the water will evaporate and the salt concentration will increase.

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During the Great Patriotic War, I worked as a senior operating nurse in field hospitals with surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used a hypertonic solution of table salt in the treatment of the wounded. He placed a loose, large napkin generously moistened with saline solution on the large surface of the contaminated wound.

After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, the temperature, if high, dropped almost to normal levels, after which a plaster bandage was applied. After another 3-4 days, the wounded were sent to the rear. The hypertonic solution worked great - we had almost no mortality.

About 10 years after the war, I used Shcheglov’s method to treat my own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Success came within two weeks. After that, I began to study the effect of saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic carditis, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection, and so on. In principle, these were isolated cases, but each time I received positive results quite quickly.

Later, I worked in a clinic and could tell you about a number of rather difficult cases in which a saline dressing turned out to be more effective than all other medications. We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, and chronic appendicitis. The fact is that the saline solution has absorbent properties and draws liquid with pathogenic flora from the tissue. Once, during a business trip to the region, I stayed in an apartment. The housewife's children suffered from whooping cough. They coughed continuously and painfully. I put salt bandages on their backs overnight. After an hour and a half, the cough stopped and did not appear until the morning.

After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

At the clinic in question, the surgeon suggested that I try a saline solution in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with a cancerous mole on her face. She noticed this mole six months ago. During this time, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, and gray-brown liquid was released from it. I started making salt stickers for her. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and shrank.

After the second, she turned even more pale and seemed to shrink. The discharge has stopped. And after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its original appearance. With the fifth sticker, the treatment ended without surgery.

Then there was a young girl with a mammary adenoma. She had to undergo surgery. I advised the patient to apply salt dressings to her chest for several weeks before the operation. Imagine, no surgery was required. Six months later, she developed an adenoma on her second breast. Again, she was cured with hypertensive patches without surgery. I met her nine years after treatment. She felt well and did not even remember her illness.
I could continue the stories of miraculous cures using bandages with a hypertonic solution. I could tell you about a teacher at one of the Kursk institutes who, after nine saline pads, got rid of prostate adenoma. A woman who suffered from leukemia regained her health after wearing salt bandages on her blouse and trousers at night for three weeks.

RESULTS: 1) First. Table salt in aqueous solution no more than 10 percent - active sorbent. It pulls out all the “rubbish” from the diseased organ. But the therapeutic effect will only be if the bandage is breathable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality
material used for dressing.
2) Second. The salt dressing acts locally - only on the diseased organ or area of ​​the body. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from the deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it all pathogenic principles: microbes, viruses and organic substances. Thus, during the action of the dressing, fluid is renewed in the tissues of the sick body, cleansed from the pathogenic factor and, as a rule, elimination of the pathological process. 3) Third. Bandage with hypertonic sodium chloride solution acts gradually. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.4) Fourth. Using a solution of table salt requires some caution. For example, I would not recommend using a bandage with a solution concentration exceeding 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8 percent solution is better. (Any pharmacist will help you prepare the solution). I may be asked: where are doctors looking, if a bandage with a hypertonic solution is so effective, why is this method of treatment not widely used? I think doctors are in thrall to drug treatment. Pharmaceutical companies offer more and more new and more expensive drugs. Unfortunately, medicine is also a business.

The trouble with hypertonic solution is that it is too simple and cheap. Meanwhile, life convinces me that such bandages are an excellent remedy in the fight against many ailments. For example, for a runny nose and headaches, I put a circular bandage on the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose goes away, and by morning the headache disappears. For any colds, I apply bandages at the first sign. But if I still missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate into the pharynx and bronchi, then I do it at the same time
a full bandage on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft thin linen) and on the back (from 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towel) usually for the whole night. Cure is achieved after 4-5 procedures. At the same time, I continue to work.

A few years ago, a relative approached me. Her daughter suffered from acute attacks of cholecystitis. For a week, I applied a cotton towel bandage to her sore liver. I folded it in 4 layers, soaked it in a saline solution and left it overnight.
The bandage on the liver is applied within the boundaries: from the base of the left mammary gland to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, and in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the spine in the back. Bandage tightly with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and a hot heating pad is applied to the same area for half an hour. This is done in order to expand the bile ducts as a result of deep heating for the free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestines. A heating pad is required in this case. As for the girl, many years have passed since that treatment, and she does not complain about her liver.
I don’t want to give addresses, first names, last names. Believe it or not, a 4-layer saline bandage made of a cotton towel, applied to both breasts for 8-9 hours at night, helped a woman get rid of breast cancer in two weeks. A friend of mine used salt tampons placed directly on the cervix for 15 hours to cope with cervical cancer. After 2 weeks of treatment, the tumor thinned 2-3 times, became softer,
its growth stopped. This is how she has remained to this day. A few words about the technology of salt dressings. Saline solution can only be used as a bandage, but never as a compress.

The salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10 percent, but should not fall below 8.
A dressing with a solution of higher concentration can lead to the destruction of capillaries in the tissues in the area of ​​application.
The choice of material for the bandage is very important. It must be hygroscopic. That is, we get wet easily and without any residues of fat, ointments, alcohol, or iodine. They are also unacceptable on the skin on which the bandage is applied. It is best to use linen and cotton fabric (towel), which has been used many times and washed more than once. Ultimately, you can use gauze. The latter adds up to 8
layers. Any other of the specified materials - in 4 layers.
When applying a bandage, the solution should be quite hot.

So, I quoted a newspaper article found on the Internet...

Now the results:

How to prepare an 8-10 percent salt solution

  1. Take 1 liter of boiled, snow or rain water or distilled warm water.
    2. Put 90 g of table salt in 1 liter of water (that is, 3 level tablespoons). Stir thoroughly. The result was a 9 percent saline solution.
  2. To get a 10 percent solution, you need, as you understand, 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water, 8% - 80 grams of salt.

How to make a bandage

  1. 1. Take 8 layers of cotton gauze (sold at the pharmacy), pour out part of the solution and hold 8 layers of gauze in it for 1 minute. Squeeze slightly so that it does not leak. Do not squeeze dry, but lightly.
  2. 2. Place 8 layers of gauze on the sore spot. Be sure to put a piece of pure lamb wool (wool is breathable). Do this before bed.
  3. 3. Important - no cellophane (like in a compress)
  4. 4. Bandage everything with cotton - paper cloth or a bandage, without using plastic pads. Keep it until the morning. In the morning, remove everything. And the next night, repeat everything. (At night, it’s easier to keep the bandage on, because you’re sleeping =) and the bandage won’t fall off)

Where to put the bandage

  1. A bandage with saline solution is applied to the projection of the organ

The bandage is soaked in a warm solution

Due to the circulation of solution and air, the dressing causes a cooling sensation. Therefore, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the bandage, you can cool it slightly by shaking it in the air.

Salt, as mentioned above, draws out all the bad things from the wound and disinfects it. Salt is an excellent sorbent. You can Google it and see how many grateful people write about saline solution. Cheap and cheerful!!!

As far as my memory serves, a similar saline solution, called hypertonic solution, is sold in pharmacies.

If you are going to prepare a similar solution at home, then you can do this too.

You will need: salt (NaCl) and water. We need to prepare a 10% solution, so we need to dissolve 10 grams (that’s about two level teaspoons) in 1 liter of water.

You don't need particularly high precision. Prepare a saturated salt solution. To do this, add salt to a certain amount of water and stir, then add more and stir until the salt stops dissolving. At room temperature you will get approximately 25-26% salt solution. Drain the solution from the undissolved salt and dilute it with twice the volume of water (i.e. the volume needs to be increased 3 times). You will get (9.5-10.5)% solution, which is quite acceptable for practical purposes.

Using a 10 percent saline solution, bandages are made to treat various diseases. But it is a 10% solution that is used, and 8% for children.

A 10 percent solution is prepared as follows: dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in 250 milliliters of water.

An 8% saline solution is prepared by diluting 2 teaspoons of salt in 200 milliliters of water.

You need a 9% salt solution for treatment, not exactly 10%. (salt concentration as in a human tear)

Dressings and rinses require a salt concentration of 8 to 10 percent. A more concentrated solution will damage the capillaries, while a less concentrated solution will be ineffective.

You need to dissolve 3 level tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water.

Salt must be free of impurities and iodine.

The saline solution should be stored in an airtight container for no more than 24 hours.

Salt can be dissolved in both hot and cold water. The treatment solution should be hot, but not scalding.

But you should not cook or even heat the solution in the microwave, because the structure of the water changes there.

I read that a 9% saline solution (hypertonic solution) treats many diseases, including cancer. In any case, you can definitely try to treat inflammatory diseases. This is probably the cheapest treatment method. The main thing is to use clean boiled tap water or (better) distilled water. Store the prepared solution for no more than 24 hours in a sealed container.

If you need less solution, you can take 9 grams of salt per 100 ml of water. 9 grams is 1 heaped teaspoon.

If you want to prepare a ten percent saline solution, then you simply need to proceed from the following proportion: nine grams of salt per volume of water equal to one hundred milliliters. You can measure nine grams of salt with a teaspoon, scooping it up with a heap. Next, mix with water and everything is ready.

The concentration of the solution is determined by the ratio of salt and water. That is, to get a 10% solution, you need to take one small heaped teaspoon (that’s 10 grams) and a hundred-gram shot glass (that’s a shot glass, 50 grams in a glass), mix it in one container, and get the desired solution.

Take a 100 ml glass of salt, pour boiling water into it, then add a teaspoon of salt and stir, adding salt until it stops being placed, as soon as the salt stops stirring, then let it settle, then drain the liquid into a separate container. Take a liter jar, pour water into it to the top, scoop out water from it with a 100 ml glass so that 900 ml remains and pour in the liquid with dissolved salt that was poured before into a separate container, after completing the algorithm you will have a liter of 10% salt solution prepared at home.

This solution is very easy to prepare. Take one heaped teaspoon of salt. It will contain ten grams of salt. Pour salt into one hundred milliliters of water, and we will get just a ten percent salt solution.

If you need more solution, then dissolve two teaspoons in two hundred milliliters of water.

But keep in mind that the solution can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator.

Well, it's not difficult.

A level teaspoon of salt is 7 grams, a heaped teaspoon is 10 grams.

One heaped tablespoon of salt per 90 milliliters of water will give us the desired 10% aqueous salt solution.

For processing, one glass per day is usually enough. It turns out that for an almost full glass of water, pour 2 heaped teaspoons of salt.

Sun - the solution is ready. In a day you will need to make a new one.

During the Great Patriotic War, I worked as a senior operating nurse in field hospitals with surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used a hypertonic solution of table salt in the treatment of the wounded. He applied a loose large napkin, abundantly moistened with saline solution, to the extensive surface of the contaminated wound.

This is 225 ml of water and approximately 2.5 grams of salt. Make sure the salt does not contain iodine, preservatives, flavorings or other unnecessary additives.

  • ½ teaspoon is quite a bit, right? For adults, you can add a little more salt, but only a little more. You should get the same concentration of salt as a human tear, which is 0.9% salt.

Bring water to a boil for 15 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid from the start. Set a timer and do other things. If you need to prepare anything else (such as an inhaler), you can do it during this time.

The most common uses of saline solution are to clear sinuses, relieve a sore throat, or rinse contact lenses. Just make sure the solution you make is safe to use for the purpose.

  • If you use a gargle, wait until it cools down to avoid burning your throat: it should be very warm, but not scalding hot. The same applies to rinsing the sinuses or skin; you don't want to make the problem worse!

Pour the remaining saline solution into a sterile jug, bottle or glass. This is in case you have something left. Make sure that the container into which you are pouring the solution is sterile so that the solution does not lose its properties. This can be achieved by boiling the vessel into which you are going to pour the solution.

Source .

Preparation of solutions. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The concentration of a solution is expressed in different ways:

in weight percent, i.e. by the number of grams of substance contained in 100 g of solution;

in volume percentage, i.e. by the number of volume units (ml) of the substance in 100 ml of solution;

molarity, i.e. the number of gram-moles of a substance contained in 1 liter of solution (molar solutions);

normality, i.e. the number of gram equivalents of the dissolved substance in 1 liter of solution.

Solutions of percentage concentration. Percentage solutions are prepared as approximate solutions, while a sample of the substance is weighed on a technochemical balance, and volumes are measured using measuring cylinders.

To prepare percentage solutions, several methods are used.

Example. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of 15% sodium chloride solution. How much salt do you need to take for this? The calculation is carried out according to the proportion:

Therefore, for this you need to take 1000-150 = 850 g of water.

In cases where it is necessary to prepare 1 liter of 15% sodium chloride solution, the required amount of salt is calculated in a different way. Using the reference book, find the density of this solution and, multiplying it by the given volume, obtain the mass of the required amount of solution: 1000-1.184 = 1184 g.

Then it follows:

Therefore, the required amount of sodium chloride is different for preparing 1 kg and 1 liter of solution. In cases where solutions are prepared from reagents containing water of crystallization, it should be taken into account when calculating the required amount of reagent.

Example. It is necessary to prepare 1000 ml of a 5% solution of Na2CO3 with a density of 1.050 from a salt containing water of crystallization (Na2CO3-10H2O)

The molecular weight (weight) of Na2CO3 is 106 g, the molecular weight (weight) of Na2CO3-10H2O is 286 g, from here the required amount of Na2CO3-10H2O is calculated to prepare a 5% solution:

Solutions are prepared using the dilution method as follows.

Example. It is necessary to prepare 1 liter of 10% HCl solution from an acid solution with a relative density of 1.185 (37.3%). The relative density of a 10% solution is 1.047 (according to the reference table), therefore, the mass (weight) of 1 liter of such a solution is 1000X1.047 = 1047 g. This amount of solution should contain pure hydrogen chloride

To determine how much 37.3% acid needs to be taken, we make up the proportion:

When preparing solutions by diluting or mixing two solutions, the diagonal scheme method or the “rule of the cross” is used to simplify calculations. At the intersection of two lines, the given concentration is written, and at both ends on the left - the concentration of the initial solutions; for the solvent it is equal to zero.


A long time ago, back in 2002, I came across one recipe - a friend shared it. I successfully copied it and just as safely lost it over time (I wrote everything in notebooks).

I remembered well that it was based on a 10% saline solution, that it was against tumors, that the wounded were treated during the war...

And TODAY I FOUND... I have already had serious health problems in my life.

Now I'm collecting it all...

How to apply a saline dressing.

For runny nose and headaches. Make a circular bandage across the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour or two, the runny nose goes away, and by the morning the headache will disappear.
Headband good with high blood pressure, tumors, dropsy. But in case of atherosclerosis, it is better not to apply a bandage - it dehydrates the head even more. For a circular dressing, only 8% saline solution can be used.
For the flu. Apply a bandage to your head at the first sign of illness. If the infection has managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, make bandages on the head and neck at the same time (from 3-4 layers of soft thin fabric), on the back from two layers of a wet and two layers of a dry towel. Leave the dressings on all night.
For liver diseases (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver). The liver bandage (cotton towel folded in four layers) is applied as follows: in height - from the base of the left mammary gland to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the spine in the back. Bandage tightly with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, remove the bandage and place a hot heating pad on the epigastric region for half an hour in order to, through deep heating, expand the bile duct for free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestine. Without heating, this mass (after several dressings) clogs the bile duct and can cause acute bursting pain.
For adenomas, mastopathy and breast cancer. Typically, a four-layer, dense but non-compressive saline dressing is used on both breasts. Apply overnight and leave for 8-10 hours. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, for cancer 3 weeks. In some people, a bandage on the chest can weaken the rhythms of cardiac activity; in this case, apply the bandage every other day.
For diseases of the cervix. Soak cotton swabs in a hypertonic solution, squeeze well and loosen slightly before inserting. Carry out the procedure once a day, leaving the tampons on for 15 hours. For cervical tumors, the treatment period is two weeks.

Conditions for using saline solution.
1. Saline solution can only be used in a bandage, but never in a compress, because the bandage must be breathable.
2. The salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%. A bandage made from a solution of higher concentration causes pain in the area of ​​application and destruction of capillaries in the tissues. An 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 250 ml of water - is used in dressings for children, 10% for adults - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 200 ml of water. You can take ordinary water, not necessarily distilled.
3. Before treatment, wash your body with warm water and soap, and after the procedure, wash off the salt from your body with a warm, damp towel.
4. The choice of bandage material is very important. It must be hygroscopic and clean, without residues of fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. The skin of the body should also be clean. For the bandage, it is better to use linen or cotton fabric, but not new, but washed many times. The ideal option is gauze.
5. Linen, cotton material, a towel are folded in no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers. Only with an air-permeable bandage is tissue fluid suctioned out.
6. Due to the circulation of solution and air, the dressing causes a cooling sensation. Therefore, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the bandage, you can cool it slightly by shaking it in the air.
7. The dressing should be of medium moisture, not too dry, but not too wet. Keep the bandage on the sore spot for 10-15 hours.
8. Nothing should be placed on top of the bandage. To secure the bandage soaked in the solution, you need to bandage it tightly enough to the body: with a wide bandage on the torso, stomach, chest, and a narrow bandage on the fingers, hands, feet, face, head. Bandage the shoulder girdle in a figure eight, through the armpits from the back. In case of pulmonary processes (in case of bleeding, do not apply under any circumstances!) the bandage is placed on the back, trying to get to the sore spot as accurately as possible. The chest should be bandaged tightly, but without squeezing the breath.

From the given fragments of the book about salt, it is clear that salt must be used 1) for healing, 2) locally, otherwise the effect will not be the same. Therefore, swimming in the sea (the whole body is covered in salt) dries out the entire skin, which is why the skin becomes rough. But if you splash around for a few minutes (with obligatory washing with fresh water), or sit on the bank, dipping your feet in the water, it will be just right, because... Toxins will be drawn out of the feet, which, as is known, accumulate in the feet.

Simple salt compresses.

Simple salt compresses are made from salt water (100 g of rock or sea salt per 1 liter of water) at room temperature or body temperature. Soak a cotton cloth (or a bandage folded in several layers) with this salty water and apply it to the sore spot.
Salt compresses have a healing effect and quickly restore damaged skin after bruises, bruises, ulcers, burns and calluses.

Hot salt compresses.

The solution for such a salt compress is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is carried out as follows: moisten a terry towel in a hot saline solution, apply it to the chin, neck, cheeks, elbow or knee.

These compresses are used for deep heating of parts of the body that need relaxation and replenishment with microelements by activating capillary blood supply.

They are usually used for cosmetic purposes.

Hot salt applications allow you to deeply warm the tissues and, with the help of salt ions, stimulate the body's energy channels through the bioactive points of the skin.

Steam salt compresses.

To prepare this compress, use a bag of salt heated to 50-70°C. If the heat is difficult to bear, then place a terry towel under the bag. On the part of the body that needs to be warmed up well, wax paper (or medical oilcloth, or leather) is placed on top of the bag, making a kind of local sauna for this part of the body.
The compress, depending on the purpose, is kept from 10 minutes (cosmetic procedure) to 30-40 minutes (therapeutic heating of the inflamed area or place where pain is felt).

Salt poultices are used to relieve pain for rheumatism, gout. For chronic diseases, when it is necessary to cause softening, resorption and removal of all kinds of hardening, the described procedure is carried out twice a day.

Saline dressing.

This is a type of warming compress, applied either to the source of pain or near it. The bandage is made from sterile linen or cotton fabric, folded several times, or gauze, folded eight times. To sterilize fabric at home, simply immerse it in boiling water or iron it with a very hot iron. The finished dressing is dipped in pre-boiled water with salt (10:1), removed, cooled, shaking or squeezing lightly. The application site is first wiped with a damp cloth so that contact with the body is closer, then a bandage is applied and bandaged.

These bandages are applied to the forehead and back of the head. for a runny nose and headache, on the forehead, back of the head, neck, back with the flu, on the affected area for burns, bruises, abscesses, rheumatism, radiculitis.

“Pickled” mittens.

Various woolen items are soaked in a warm or hot salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 200 ml of water): mittens, socks, a scarf or just a piece of woolen fabric. Such salty woolen things in the wet or dried, used for compresses on sore spots for arthritis, radiculitis or colds (socks).

Salt shirt.

To carry out the procedure, put on the patient a well-wrung shirt, soaked in water with a strong concentration of salt (5-7 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Put the patient to bed, wrap him up well. He should lie there like this and not take off his shirt until it is completely dry.

The procedure should be done at night, before bedtime. In the morning, you need to wipe your body with a dry towel so that the salt falls off, and change into clean underwear.

This procedure, which came into folk medicine, was previously used by healers as a magical ritual to cleanse a person from evil spells, evil spirits, and the evil eye.

In folk medicine, this very effective procedure is used for the treatment of various neuroses, neurasthenia, nervous and physical exhaustion, colds and even epilepsy.

It cleanses the body well of accumulated “dirt” in the form of waste, toxins, and dead cells. Healers believed that diseases and waste from a sick person were transferred to the shirt.

Rubbing with salt (sea) water.

To enhance the body's response, this procedure is carried out using salt or sea water (0.5 kg of salt per 1 liter of water). To carry out wiping, a canvas sheet moistened with salty sea water and thoroughly wrung out is applied to the body or part of it. Immediately, on top of the sheet, the body is vigorously rubbed with hands until a feeling of warmth is felt. Then the sheet is removed, doused with water and thoroughly rubbed with a coarse cloth.

For weak patients (especially children), procedures are performed by others. If the patient’s condition allows, the entire body is wiped in parts with a dampened and well-wrung out towel or mitten, and then rubbed with a dry towel and covered with a sheet and blanket.

To enhance the body's response, after general wiping, they sometimes pour 1-2 buckets of water over them, the temperature is slightly lower than that with which the sheet was wetted during wiping. This procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect. It is sometimes prescribed for the purpose of hardening.

Rubbing with salt water helps improve peripheral blood circulation, tissue trophism, and increase metabolism. This procedure is not recommended for patients with increased nervous excitability, heart defects, or after recent acute illnesses (for example, pneumonia).

Start the wiping procedure with water at a temperature of 32-30°C, gradually reducing it to 20-18°C and below. Duration - 3-5 minutes.

This rubdown is usually used before a course of hydrotherapy, and also as an independent course of treatment for patients with overwork, neurasthenia, asthenic condition, decreased metabolism (obesity).

Hot rubbing with salt water.

To nourish the body with heat or, conversely, remove excess heat from it, hot rubbing of the body or its parts is used in hydrotherapy.

The procedure is performed as follows: lower your feet into a basin or bath with warm water; Apply a towel soaked in hot water to the body - on the back, chest, arms, face, neck.

For an enhanced therapeutic effect, use hot salt (or sea) water. Such rubdowns provide a feeling of warmth if you need it, and if the heat is through the roof, it is vented outside.

Forget about air conditioners and fans: hot salt rubdown is an indispensable remedy for the summer heat, stuffiness, and lethargy.

“Polishing” the body with sea water.

To carry out the procedure of massage-rubbing the body with sea water (called “polishing” the body in yoga), take warm sea water and, having soaked your palm in it, perform “polishing” of the entire body with the palm of your hand, rubbing the water over the body until it evaporates completely.

After this procedure, the state of fatigue and relaxation quickly passes, the skin becomes satin.

If you decide harden your body, give it additional warmth and energy, cleanse the body, improve blood circulation, Use one of the following procedures for rubbing.

Hot rubbing with salt water.

Prepare a water-alcohol solution: 500 ml water, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 20 drops of iodine. Mix everything thoroughly. Store the solution in a cool place.

In the morning after a shower, wipe your entire body from head to toe with a hard washcloth soaked in this solution. In the area of ​​the heart, without pressing, make 40 circular movements clockwise.

Get dressed without rinsing or drying yourself. In the evening before going to bed, be sure to take a shower, otherwise the heat coming from the body will not allow you to sleep. Rubbing should be done from autumn to May, that is, throughout the cold season.

Salt baths for hands and feet.

To carry out local salt baths, proceed as follows: hands or feet are immersed in a basin of salt water and rubbed there. The procedure is carried out at a water temperature of 10-15°C (cold baths), 16-24°C (cool) or 36-46°C (warm and hot).

Cold and cool salt baths for hands and feet are applied for fatigue, bruises, excessive sweating of the hands and feet, as well as for the prevention of colds as hardening procedures. After them, vigorous rubbing is indicated.

Warm baths for hands and feet (300-600 g of salt per 10 liters of water) relieve pain in muscles and joints, improve the condition of the skin and nails, contribute to the treatment of skin diseases, eliminate fungus.

Warm and hot foot baths are used for colds (to increase sweating, you can add mustard powder to the saline solution or alternate hot and cold baths). Warm foot baths with sea water are useful - after them, swelling of the legs disappears, blue and purple spots that appear on the legs due to poor blood circulation or remaining after a healed wound disappear.

The duration of cold therapeutic baths is 3-6 minutes, warm ones - 10-30 minutes; course - 15-30 procedures.

Salt eye baths.

Salt eye bath, cold or warm, has a beneficial effect on sore eyes, strengthens the visual apparatus. To carry out this procedure, you need to immerse your face in cold salt water and open your eyes for 15 seconds, then raise your head and immerse it in the water again after 15-30 seconds. Repeat 3-7 times. If the bath is warm, then after it you need to immerse your face in cold water.

It is good to mix a decoction of various plants into a warm salty eye bath. When using an eye bath, it is good to use sea water - the water is boiled for 2 minutes, then cooled. Sea water baths, performed every night before bedtime, reduce irritation of the eyelids and various inflammatory processes of the eyes. The water temperature for the eye bath is 20-38°C. However, you should remember that “the eyes are of the nature of fire, water is harmful to them,” and do not overdo it with water treatments for the eyes.

Epsom salt bath.

The bath is prepared as follows: 1-1.5 kg of ordinary bitter salt is dissolved in a full bath of hot water. It should be taken before bed for 10-20 minutes at least once a week. Never use soap during the procedure. The hotter the bath, the more effective it is.

Attention! People with weakened hearts should take hot baths with caution. They are contraindicated for those who cannot withstand high water temperatures.

During illness, waste acidic in nature accumulate in body tissues. Epsom salt baths help neutralize them. They are especially effective when rheumatism, radiculitis, catarrh, other catarrhal diseases, colds.

Acetic salt solution.

For 5 parts vinegar take 1 part table salt. The composition is used as a rub for headaches, bruises, insect bites.

An aqueous solution of salt is used for compresses, baths, and washing liquids. In medical practice, the following degrees of salinity of solutions are used.
Saline solution - 0.9-1% salt.
Hypertonic solution - 1.8-2% salt.
Sea solution - 3.5% salt.
A saturated solution is so much salt that it no longer dissolves.

Salt in the form of water slurry.

Add water drop by drop to the crushed salt until an aqueous slurry of salt is obtained.

This mixture is used for processing wounds in the oral cavity, cleaning teeth and gums, cosmetic facial cleansing, that is, in all those cases when, when using salt externally, it is necessary to achieve a high concentration of salt at the site of application.

Salt in the form of an oil paste.

Various fatty oils (olive, sunflower, soybean, fish oil) and aromatic oils (fir, mustard, eucalyptus, sage, violet oil) are added to the salt.

Such mixtures are used for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment of pulmonary diseases (inhalation), for the treatment of external skin diseases and defects, and also as a “paste” for cleaning teeth.

Salt mixed with fat.

Salt is mixed with melted animal fat. The recipe is: 100 g fat + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped table salt.

Such mixtures are used for lubricating arthritic joints and eczema wounds.

Sand and salt mixture.

Mix table salt with sand in a 1:1 ratio and heat.

This mixture is used for deep heating to activate blood flow and relieve pain. This mixture has a reflexotherapeutic and nourishing effect (with micro and macroelements, salt ions) on the inflamed area.

A mixture of salt and flour.

Mix simple table salt with flour in a 1:1 ratio, add a little water, knead a very stiff dough.

This salt-flour mixture is used as an application to a sore spot. (gouty joint, sprained ligaments, etc.), quickly relieves acute pain.

Cold salt compress.

To prepare this type of compress, salt is placed in a calico or cotton bag or simply wrapped in canvas and placed in the freezer for a few minutes.

This compress is used to relieve localized pain, caused by vasodilation (for example, headache, bruise), and simply hypertrophied dilated or injured tissue (for example, varicose veins, bruise).

Snow-salt mixture.

Snow (if possible clean) is collected in a bowl, mixed with 1-2 handfuls of table salt, a small amount of it in the form of a cake is applied to the sore spot. Cover the top with multilayer gauze or a towel. After 5 minutes, the application is removed.

Snow-salt application provides more intense cooling than ice and can be successfully used as pain reliever, for example, for sciatica, radiculitis.

Compress of salt and mustard.

To prepare this compress, finely ground salt is mixed with mustard powder in equal proportions and applied to a bandage folded in several layers or a simple cloth.

Used as a compress for pain of various localizations (arthritis, radiculitis) or for applications on the feet in the treatment of colds.

A dry bath made from a mixture of salt, ash and bran.

To prepare such a bath, mix salt, ash (preferably birch) and wheat (rye) bran.

The salt is preheated to 60°C, mixed with ash and bran, poured into a basin, and a leg or arm is buried in it so that the joint affected by the tumor is completely covered with this warm mixture. The procedure is carried out until the salt cools completely.

This dry bath is used for strong heating and steaming. for rheumatism with hard tumors in the joints of the arms and legs. Thanks to such baths, the joint is well steamed, the tumor softens and gradually resolves.

Salty socks.

To carry out this therapeutic procedure, take thin cotton socks, turn them inside out and crush them in salt dust. The socks “salted” in this way are turned out and put on the feet. This procedure is very effective if you have just had a cold. To warm up, apply heating pads to your feet and go to bed, well wrapped.

Salt dust from “salt socks” creates a healing microclimate for the feet and long-term stimulation of their reflex zones. In addition, such hot applications on the feet Provide stronger immunity and improve overall well-being. The effect of salt applications can be enhanced by pouring a little mustard powder and garlic into the “salted” socks ( crushed garlic) or dry garlic powder, as well as red pepper.

Vegetable salt compresses.

Such compresses are prepared from vegetable cakes (cabbage, beets, carrots) and table salt.

It has been noticed that when an animal sweats, it loses salt, but it crystallizes under its fur and draws out lymph waste through the skin in a calm state. Borrowing a similar mechanism for drawing out salts, traditional healers invented vegetable salt compresses that help fight pain and stiffness in the joints.

The effect of such compresses is twofold: on the one hand, salt draws inorganic salts and waste from diseased cells, dehydrates pathogenic microorganisms, and on the other hand, the juices of vegetable cakes feed the body cells with organic substances. This compress is placed on the sore joint every day for 5 hours. Usually, several courses of treatment are carried out for 7-10 days with a week break. During exacerbations and for prevention, additional courses of treatment can be carried out. Longer lasting compress promotes the resorption of hematomas, the removal of toxins from the connective tissue both in the joint and in other places, pain signaling the blockage of capillaries.

Pasta with honey and salt.

Salt powder is mixed with honey in equal proportions and ground well.

This paste is used to whiten teeth and treat periodontal disease. Take the paste with your index finger and rub your teeth easily, without pressure, while also grabbing your gums. It is recommended to carry out such preventive teeth cleaning 1-2 times a week.

Internal use.

The medicine is never used in its pure form, but is only diluted with hot water (three parts boiling water for one part of the medicine). Usual intake: 2 tablespoons of medicine mixed with 6 tablespoons of boiling water, on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals in the morning. Women and weakened sick men can take 1 tablespoon with 8-10 tablespoons of hot water. If vomiting or nausea occurs, drink 2 cups of warm water before vomiting and then take the medicine on an empty stomach. The medicine helps well with hypothermia and in the initial stages of a cold.

External use.

For external use, the medicine is used undiluted.

For cuts wrap the wound with a piece of cloth soaked in the solution. The bandage is not removed until the wound has healed, and the bandage is lightly moistened on the outside 3-4 times a day.

For insect bites apply compresses to the affected area for 10-15 minutes 4-5 times a day.

For dizziness Rub the top of the head with the medicine for half an hour before bed.

With a rush of blood to the head rub the upper part of the head for 15 minutes. before bedtime for 3-4 days. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 2 tablespoons of the medicine mixed with 6-8 tablespoons of hot water. Do not use for hypertension.

For headaches rub the upper part of the head for 15 minutes. If the pain does not go away, take 1 tablespoon of medicine per 6-8 tablespoons of hot water. Do not use for hypertension.

For ear pain Before going to bed, instill the medicine (5-6 drops) into the ears and leave it overnight. Usually three procedures are enough.

When treating flux a cotton wool moistened with medicine is placed between the gumboil and the teeth and left overnight. This needs to be done 3-4 evenings in a row.

For rheumatism rub the sore spot 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. If the pain constantly returns, take, in addition, 2 tablespoons of medicine with 5 tablespoons of hot water in the morning for 12-14 days on an empty stomach.

For skin cancer It is necessary to moisten the affected area 3-4 times daily, then place a thin linen cloth moistened with medicine on it, moisten it with medicine as it dries. Before going to bed, rub your head with the medicine and put on a cap or light scarf. In the morning, take the medicine orally - 2 tablespoons with 5-6 tablespoons of hot water.