Methods of cat castration - which one to choose? Disadvantages of chemical castration. Pros and cons of chemical sterilization of cats

Let's take a closer look at chemical sterilization of cats, the pros and cons of this procedure:

No operational risks;

  • The cat will not need to be anesthetized (this will be easier on the body of adult animals);
  • There is no need for postoperative care for the pet, there is no recovery period, the pet immediately returns to the normal rhythm of life;
  • The effect of the drug occurs almost immediately after the injection/tablets.

You will immediately see the result, the cat will calm down, and you will stop hearing the screams that bothered you so much both day and night. This way chemical sterilization cats and cats, doctors have been working for a long time in developed countries. Such drugs are good alternative conventional sterilization.

Disadvantages of chemical sterilization

This type of sterilization is carried out using hormonal tablets/drops/injections that suppress the pet’s sexual activity. Veterinarians do not particularly recommend using them to calm animals. Even if you have done chemical sterilization once, this will negatively affect the cat’s health and may even provoke the appearance of a tumor and an inflammatory process.

But, if you are a patient person and decide not to pay attention to the squeals of the animal, active period their life, “let him be patient, it will pass soon” - you thought. This means that the cat’s body was ready to conceive, and you prevented it. If this happens often, these hormonal imbalances will disrupt the life and health of the pet.

"Important! Before the first heat, it is better not to take hormonal drugs, during this period the body matures, and pills/injections can disrupt this process.”

Distinctive features

It should be remembered that hormonal drugs retain their effect in the animal’s body, even long period time. This includes everything side effects. The pet's behavior, under the influence of hormones, becomes lethargic, and its appetite increases. This effect in the body persists for 3-6 months after using the drugs. Because of this, before sterilizing a cat with such drugs, you should thoroughly examine it and consult a professional veterinarian. Only after all this can you undergo chemical sterilization of cats with drugs.

Possible complications

The following diseases may occur:

  • Pyometers;
  • Endometritis;
  • Ovarian cysts;
  • Malignant tumors.

It is better to protect your pet from such health troubles and have it sterilized.


Chemical sterilization of cats, what is it? Let's figure it out.

Chemical sterilization can be divided into types:

  • Medication;
  • Radiation (chemical) includes:
  • Herbal medicine;
  • Beam method.

Medication – using special drugs. The cat is given pills or injections. Injected by injection special drug, which will block all urges to go on a spree;

Chemical – carried out using irradiation in the ovarian area. But, there is a risk of irradiation of other cells in the body.

"Note! The main stage of chemical sterilization is the introduction of an implant under the pet’s skin.”

The main task of such sterilization is that it reduces sexual activity animal, but reproductive function is not impaired. Some owners want to prefer this type of sterilization, due to the fact that they do not want to injure the animal using this method. surgical intervention.

You can divide drugs into several groups, based on their mechanism of action and effectiveness.

Suprelorin is a hormonal drug. It is injected under the skin using a special syringe. Thanks to it, the pet will be infertile for 1-2 years. After this period, the dose of the drug in cats is gradually reduced, they will go into estrus, and with it the ability to bear children.


Herbal medicine preparations can be considered unsuitable for the use of chemical sterilization. They slightly reduce the animal’s sexual activity and aggressiveness, but do not provide a 100% guarantee against infertility; their effect is very short-lived. Fungicides that are used to stop sexual intercourse when needed also do not last long.

Radiation method of sterilization of cats

It is very rare to find a radiation sterilization technique. Due to the fact that it has a radiation effect on everything internal organs and the body as a whole. It is done in the fields of gynecology and oncology. Extremely rarely, irradiation is performed healthy body animal.

The essence of this action is aimed at irradiating the ovaries, as a result of which the reproductive ability of the pet is suspended. The dosage of radiation that the animal will take is determined by the veterinarian, based on the weight of the animal and its other characteristics.

Whatever method of chemical sterilization you choose, remember that you should consult your doctor before doing so. This way, your animal will be less exposed to danger, and the desired result will be achieved.

"Important! Chemical sterilization does not involve caring for the cat; the animal quickly comes to its senses and its normal image life."

If you are wondering whether to sterilize or not

A disease such as Pyometra is very common; it is characterized by the fact that pus accumulates in the uterus. This occurs due to the fact that hormonal balance is disturbed. Most often, this occurs in cats that are 6 years old and have not had offspring, or have simply been limited in any type of sterilization. It is rare that this disease can be found in young animals, but it does happen.

Pyometra can occur in closed and open forms, but one form can easily change into another. If it is still in an open form, the cervix is ​​also open. Pus flows very freely, especially when the cat lies down or stands up. When closed, the cervix is ​​closed, then pus easily accumulates in the body and horns of the uterus. In a very short period (2-5 days), 1 liter of pus accumulates in the pet’s uterus. This cannot but affect the entire condition of the animal; uterine rupture may even occur. As a result, the death of the animal will occur.

Pyometra, which is located in closed form, subject to immediate surgical removal

Ginger cat Published 04/12/2014 admin 13.03.2019

Castration? Nooo!

Main feature chemical castration cats is the absence of the need for surgical intervention. The effect of the process is to reduce sexual desire and activity of the genital organs. It leads to complete absence in animals, sexual functions aimed at procreation. Most types of this type of castration are reversible.

The medical process of chemical castration must last the entire life of the animal. It consists in the fact that the owner gives the cat special pills that suppress the cat's sexual function. Stopping these medications for a while can lead to a restoration of sexual desire. There are also side effects this tool. From frequent use Baldness or obesity may occur.

In Russia, “Conrasex” or “Sex Barrier” is most often used. In Europe it is popular in last years the drug "Suprelorin", which shows quite good results on animals of all ages. The use of these tablets involves castration of the cat with some breaks. In order not to cause a large burden on the animal’s body, it is necessary to stop taking the tablets for a month every 1.5-2 years.

It's good that now there are many various clinics not only for people, such as Dr. Myshlyaev’s clinic, but also veterinary clinics are available for pets. It's great that you can even call a veterinarian at home.

Orchidectomy (castration) is a standard procedure that suppresses libido and corrects the behavioral manifestations of a cat’s sexual activity. IN veterinary practice distinguish between chemical and surgical methods effects on the testes.

Surgical methods of cat castration

Any of surgical methods castration has its own nuances, ranging from the surgical technique to the influence on the process of regeneration of damaged tissues and the post-castration existence of the animal. All surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia(routes of anesthesia administration: inhalation, intravenous or intramuscular).


  • closed method. The scrotum is dissected to the vaginal membrane (the skin, the muscular-elastic layer, and fascia are cut), it is dissected without opening it to the inguinal ring, and then it is compressed together with the spermatic cord or tied with a ligature. The spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis are cut below the ligature;
  • open method (“classical castration”). The scrotum and vaginal membrane are cut, the transitional ligaments are crossed with scissors, the testes and appendages are cut off by ligating, unscrewing or tearing off the cord.

Percutaneous (bloodless)

The main goal is to block the innervation and blood supply to the testes. The spermatic cords are crushed over their entire diameter with special forceps; within 4-5 months they atrophy and dissolve.

Pros of the radical approach: affordable price operations, short postoperative period, the cat’s sexual functions are not restored.
Cons: likelihood of complications after anesthesia/surgery.

Vasectomy (sterilization)

Simple and effective operation, in which segmental bilateral ligation of the vas deferens is performed, as a result of which the cat becomes sterile.

Pros: preservation of the testes, low trauma (manipulations are performed under local anesthesia).

  • high price;
  • requires careful post-operative care for the animal for 10-12 days;
  • not every veterinarian will undertake the operation due to its complexity;
  • vasectomy does not affect the production and distribution of testosterone (the animal retains normal sexual responses and the ability to mate).

Chemical methods of cat castration

There are several methods of chemical castration.


Involves the effect of radiation on the cat’s reproductive organs (testicles), leading to sharp decline sexual activity. The dose is selected individually, based on the size and age of the animal.

Medical contraception

Drugs based on megestrol acetate (Pillkan, EKS-7.5, EKS-5) are injected into the cat’s body by injection or in the form of tablets, which indirectly affect the regulation of behavioral manifestations and suppress sexual heat.

Temporary chemical castration

A method of suppressing the reproductive function of a cat with the possibility of subsequent restoration. A biologically compatible implant such as Suprelorin is inserted under the skin of the male. It contains Deslorelin, which relieves sexual desire animal. The expected result is achieved 6-7 weeks after the injection. This procedure is in little demand due to the limited availability of drugs and the high cost of chemical castration.

Advantages of the alternative approach: no preparation required, rehabilitation period, use of anesthesia.
Disadvantages: reversibility of castration, danger of radiation exposure, significantly increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes and neoplasms.

Each of the methods of suppressing the sexual function of an animal can be applicable, since their safety and effectiveness prevail over the disadvantages. But still, the most reliable is surgical castration. Removal of the testes not only provides a 100% guarantee, but also significantly prolongs full life beast, preventing such serious pathologies like deep trauma spermatic cords, scrotum, testicular tumors, orchitis. The choice of an acceptable method of castration is always up to the cat owner, but you should first consult with a veterinarian, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a final decision.

Cat owners will certainly never deny their love for their pets. However, there are periods in the life of these “fluffies” when they will seriously get on the nerves of even the most patient, balanced and calm owners.

We are talking, of course, about those few months of the year when the reproductive instinct awakens in representatives of the cat family. All the jokes about “March cats” give little idea of ​​the horror that is happening in reality. Furniture upholstery torn to shreds (the animals have no idea how much money their owners spent on this set), “songs” that keep them awake at night and systematically undermine the psyche, a persistent “amber” from the territory marked by pussy.

Many people from decisive action The only thing holding them back from stopping all these outrages is the thought that they can make money on the instincts of their pets - in the event that the cats have an excellent pedigree, and their offspring will be expensive. At least some compensation for frayed nerves!

However, even this is not an argument for many - their own peace of mind is much more valuable to them. However, they do not always decide to take such a step as castration of a cat, considering similar actions inhumane. They believe that by doing so they deprive the animal of “love” (although this is not true - in reproduction, animals are guided solely by instincts, but not by feelings).

However, this is not the only fear that keeps the owner of pussies from ridding their pets of the opportunity to have offspring. Castration is still an operation, after which it is possible various complications, as after any surgical intervention. Thus, there is a risk that the pet’s metabolism will be seriously disrupted, it will gain a lot of weight, suffer from weakness and drowsiness, and lose a healthy appetite (according to at least, for a while) .

The main thing that worries skeptics is possible consequences exposure of pets to radiation. Large-scale research has not been carried out in this regard, and there is reason to assume that this kind of chemical castration of animals can provoke serious pathologies in their body.

However, in modern veterinary medicine there is an alternative to this method - chemical castration of cats. It is represented by two main directions - radiation and drug intervention.

The first, as you might guess, implies radiation exposure to the reproductive organs pet, leading to their functional inhibition and decreased sexual activity. In males, the testicles are usually irradiated. The undoubted advantage of this technique is the short duration of the procedure itself, and since this is not an operation, there is no rehabilitation period required.

There is also no need to use anesthesia (especially since general anesthesia, which many representatives of the cat family tolerate rather poorly). There will be no need to worry about the fact that the pet, while licking itself postoperative suture, will inadvertently provoke tissue divergence and bleeding. By definition, there can be no scars after chemical castration.

The dose of radiation, according to experts, is selected for each animal individually, based on its age and size. There is no need to worry that radioactive rays will “hit” not only the cat’s genitals, but also all other parts of his body - they will be protected by a special apron.

However, although many scientists claim the relative safety this method castration, after all big number people question such bold statements.

A characteristic feature of medicinal chemical castration, compared to all other types, is its reversibility. In order for a cat to have the opportunity to have offspring again, the owners simply need to stop giving them medications.

It is probably for these reasons that the “radiation” method is not very widespread. Another type of chemical castration is much more in demand - drug effects. In this case medicinal product, which suppresses the development of germ cells, is introduced into the animal’s body in the form of tablets or injections. Cats and male cats will not have any “aggressive” manifestations during the mating season, and their coexistence with their owners will remain quiet and peaceful at any time of the year.

In essence, this method is an ordinary hormonal contraception(well known to many women who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy) . From the point of view of ease of use and considerations of humanity, medical castration of pets is perhaps the most preferable. Not being an operation, it does not require not only a recovery period, but also preparation. Just as in the case of radiation exposure, there will be no stitches on the animal’s body, and it will not need to undergo anesthesia.

However, there are downsides medicinal method enough too. One of the main inconveniences is the need to strictly follow the instructions of the drug used, which will need to be used constantly, strictly on certain days. It is also worth noting that absolutely no one will give any absolute guarantee of the effectiveness of such contraception. And the impact hormonal drugs It is completely unsafe for the body (this, by the way, is true for any female). Their regular use in many cases causes diseases.

Whatever method of castration the owners choose for their pets, they should thoroughly study this question(for example, after consulting a veterinarian) and weigh all the risks and arguments in favor of one or another type. Only after such “theoretical preparation” can you realize your intentions.

The desire of cats to reproduce is quite natural - it is their natural instinct, which can be dealt with and surgically. However, not all owners choose to sterilize their pets, despite the inconvenience experienced by the cat and the owner himself during the period of estrus. We are afraid to give the animal to a veterinarian because they do not know that sterilization of cats without surgery and without incisions has long existed.

Using medications to sterilize cats

Some cat owners, in order to avoid surgical intervention, use injections for cats from walking, tablets and drops of this kind.

These drugs can hormonally temporarily suppress the desire to reproduce and are used for prevention false pregnancy. The most common injection among injections is the drug Covinan. Injections are made by a veterinarian according to a certain scheme and before the cat starts hunting. On average, the effect of the drug lasts for five months. Among drops and tablets, the following are often used: “Contra-sex”, “Sex barrier”, “Gestrenol”, “Cat-bayun” and others. However, it should be noted that medical sterilization of cats hormonal drugs quite often leads to the appearance of cysts and tumors on the mammary gland and reproductive system in cats.

After development in an animal oncological diseases it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention, but in such a situation the life of your beloved pet will be at stake. Injections for cats instead of sterilization can also damage their psyche or lead to other serious pathologies.

Photos of complications after medical sterilization with hormonal drugs:

Professional preparations - an alternative to cat sterilization

In Europe, private clinics have been sterilizing cats using the drug Suprelorin for quite some time now. It is an implant, fully compatible with the animal’s body, which is inserted under the animal’s skin. Owners who have identified their pet using a chip know that such a procedure is painless and safe, and most importantly, it is carried out without incisions on the animal’s body.

The drug Suprelorin does not destroy forever reproductive function in animals, it only blocks it for a certain period. Depending on the dosage, Suprelorin is given to cats for one year (Suprelorin 4.7 mg) or for two years (Suprelorin 9.4 mg). This type of chemical sterilization of cats works as follows: the implant contains a substance that is gradually released. It allows you to suppress an animal’s sexual desire without surgery. This is optimal for this moment a method of sterilizing cats without surgery. The cost of the drug Suprelorin and its installation for cats for a period of 1 year is 6500 rubles, for 2 years - 11000 rubles.

Professional chemical castration

The Vetpost clinic employs professional veterinarians who perform chemical castration of cats in Moscow in accordance with all European standards. Such operations must be performed exclusively in high-quality veterinary clinics, because the:

  • Such institutions have all the certificates for products, including quite rare drug Suprelorin.
  • The cost of veterinarian services for any of the operations is known in advance to pet owners; it is stated in the official price list.
  • Doctors have necessary tools, medications and experience, without which chemical castration of cats is impossible.

With the help of well-performed chemical sterilization, it is possible to painlessly stop a cat's estrus for a long time, depending on the amount active substance inside the implant. If necessary, doctors at the Vetpost clinic remove it from under the skin of a pet, restoring its reproductive functions.