Aura protection. What is energy protection based on? Energy protection "Shield of Perseus"

Not everyone knows how to restore their aura on their own, and many turn to psychics and magicians. In order to restore and strengthen the energy field, there are proven methods, using which everyone will feel a surge of vitality, an expansion of their worldview and their affairs will improve.

What does the aura consist of?

The human aura consists of 7 subtle bodies; they have a direct connection with the chakras, which receive and process the energy of the cosmos. Chakras play a vital role in the human body; they promote energy exchange with the outside world and increase the incoming cosmic energy into the human body. There are 7 types of chakras:

  1. Muladkara- located in the area of ​​the coccyx. Responsible for cell regeneration, immunity and the release of toxic substances from the body.
  2. Swadhisthana- located on the spine, 2 cun down from the navel, in the area where the genitals are located. In China, the sages call tsun the distance equal to the middle phalanx of the middle finger on the right hand. This chakra is responsible for human emotions.
  3. Manipura- located 2 cun above the navel in the solar plexus area and is responsible for self-awareness.
  4. Anahata- is located in the area of ​​the heart and bears full responsibility for its work.
  5. Vishuddha- located on the spine in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Responsible for a person’s self-realization and social communication.
  6. Ajna- located in the very center of the brain. Experts call it the “third eye”; thanks to this chakra, people become clairvoyant.
  7. Sahasrara- this is the main chakra, it is located at the top of the head and is responsible for the channel of communication with the cosmos.

Restoring the aura and chakras is the most important task, because the entire physical condition of a person depends on their normal functioning.

Causes of weakened aura

All feelings, such as anger, hatred, hostility, resentment and similar negative emotions have a negative effect on a person’s aura and do not contribute to its strengthening. They destroy the shell of subtle bodies, and as a result, a person begins to feel a loss of strength, he develops illnesses, and feels discomfort.

The damage or evil eye that “energy vampires” cause also greatly destroys the aura; they literally make holes in a person’s subtle energy field. Any evil energy directed towards a specific person first of all has a destructive effect on his aura, and after that visible consequences appear.

Consequences of weakening the biofield

After energy attacks, a person’s subtle field is weak, and this is expressed in the following:

  • for unknown reasons, the child begins to be teased at school, the teacher scolds him, and on a subconscious level, without realizing it, he tries to defend himself and begins to skip classes;
  • Troubles start at work, bosses exploit you, deny you promotions, scold you;
  • out of the blue, difficulties appear in communicating with people around you in the office, accounting department at the entrance;
  • accidents occur, a person’s will is suppressed, and he disappears as a person;
  • Diseases progress, and recovery is significantly delayed.

This is only a small part of everything that can happen to a person with a weakened aura; it cannot be cured using traditional methods. So, how can you restore the damaged aura and biofield yourself? This can be done through prayer, mantras, meditation and certain healing methods.

Ways to restore the aura

There are a lot of ways to heal the aura, but we will focus on simple, effective and accessible to everyone, with the help of which you can cleanse the energy field and protect yourself from the evil eye.

Earth cleansing

Earth can not only strengthen the aura, but also cleanse the physical body of bad energy. To do this, there must be contact between the ground and the body. This method cannot be used at home. In summer or late spring, you can lie down on the ground and concentrate all your thoughts on getting rid of black, negative energy and all diseases. It is necessary to lie down only in natural clothes; you should not do this in synthetic ones, since contact with the soil at the energy level will not occur. Burying in sand or taking mud baths is a great way to get rid of bad energy. During the cold season, you can do a simple procedure: touch the earth with a giving hand, not a taking one, with thoughts of cleansing from negativity. For a left-handed person this is the right hand, and for a right-handed person it is the left hand.

Cleansing with water

How to restore a human aura yourself using water? Without fail, the source of water must be only natural - the sea, river or lake. While bathing, you need to fully concentrate on getting rid of negativity, and if there is no opportunity to swim, then you can simply draw water from the tap. Next, it must be left in the open air for 24 hours, during which time the water will absorb the energy of the sun, stars and moon. Arriving at the apartment, you need to add it to the bath and bathe with the thought of cleansing from negativity, this will improve the effect.

Purification by fire

Fire can absorb any negative energy. It is necessary to spend only 1-2 hours by the fire and the negative energy will be “removed by hand”, only during this period you should come into contact with the fire element and ask for the removal of bad energy. When weather conditions outside do not allow you to make a fire, you can cleanse the aura using ordinary candles indoors. To do this, you will need to take 12 candles and make an impromptu circle out of them, then lie down in it and remain in this position until the flame of the candles goes out. In the interval, while the fire is burning, you need to ask it with all your thoughts to take away all the negative energy.

Air purification

Air is a very strong element and it can rid a person of any negativity and improve his condition. When outdoors, when a light wind blows, you need to purify yourself in the smoke, as our ancestors often practiced. Juniper branches are perfect for this; their smoke helps restore the aura, as well as herbs such as wormwood, St. John's wort, sage and, of course, pine needles. Essential aromas perfectly condense the energy of the aura.

The grass and branches must be fairly dry so that they produce high-intensity smoke. In the event that there is nowhere to get the material at hand, incense is well suited for cleansing the aura. You will need to set fire to the incense grains, sit down and read a prayer in its smoke for 30 minutes; it’s good if there is a recording of the bell ringing; listening to it in the incense smoke has a beneficial effect on the aura.

Salt cleansing

Salt eliminates large accumulations of negative energy, it was used by our ancestors; many ancient scriptures can be found about this substance. Washing with a saline solution is the simplest way to cleanse the aura, accessible to everyone. To do this, you need to take a glass of salt and add a little water to it. You need to wash yourself starting from the head, where the main Sahasrara chakra, which receives cosmic energy, is located. This allows her to strengthen her work. Gradually you need to wash your entire body and finish the procedure by washing your feet.

Cleansing the Aura with Reiki

This method helps to align the structure and tighten the aura, but the session must be performed by an experienced healer. He stands to the left of the patient, facing him, and places his left hand on his heart, and with his right hand he draws an ellipse around it, starting from the outside of the head, gradually moving to the feet.

After this, the healer draws the same figure, only starting from the legs and ending with the head. Such an ellipse is drawn continuously 3 times. The hand does not touch the patient, but is 20 centimeters away from him. Reika helps heal holes in the patient’s aura and the healer, conducting a session, wishes love, kindness and healing. Even seriously ill patients can be healed using the Reiki method.

Methods and methods for cleansing and enhancing the aura may be different, but all of them are designed to bring good to a person who has suffered from the influence of negative energy. They can be carried out independently and the main thing is to find harmony with your subtle bodies and promptly cleanse the aura, contribute to its strengthening, because health cannot be restored.

There are many techniques, but not all of them strengthen your biofield or restore it by closing holes in the aura. In this material we have selected the most effective methods.

In the article:

How to strengthen your biofield and aura

Topics about how to strengthen your biofield and how to strengthen your aura are closely interrelated. To understand this, you need to understand the definitions. What is a biofield? Biofield- a thin, energetic layer that surrounds every living being. If you do not go into details, you can notice with the naked eye a great similarity between the biofield and the aura. Moreover, the effects on the aura and the effects on the biofield are similar. By the nature and the effect it has on a person.

So how to strengthen the human biofield? - Through the aura, naturally. There are several effective techniques, which we will list. First, and the simplest is breathing. Breathing is an important component of any meditation. It affects not only the body, but also the emotional state. When stressed, they advise you to go out and breathe - and for good reason. But in order to strengthen the aura, you need to breathe in a certain way.

Take a deep breath through your left nostril. Suck in air until you feel full. Now you need to close both nostrils with your fingers and wait for 16 seconds. Feel the air with every part of your lungs and body. Now - exhale. But through the right nostril. Exhale completely until you feel that your lungs are empty. Repeat the procedure for several minutes. Simple and effective, the main thing is to maintain a clear rhythm.

Second practice directly refers to yoga. It will take time to complete it. It is intended for those moments when you can concentrate on strengthening. Take a comfortable position - no matter what. The main thing here is purely your convenience. You can breathe as described above. This will make the whole operation easier. Then close your eyes and imagine a meter above your head a point consisting of a scorching white flame. Mentally clasp the point with your hands and stroke it.

The light should change from white to golden. It no longer burns, its light is pleasing to the eye. Let the fire stretch out like a stream and begin to slowly flow into your biofield. After a few minutes, you will feel warmth surrounding your head and chest. When all the fire flows into the biofield, sit there for a few more minutes. Let the process calm down. This method can not only strengthen, but also close holes in the aura.

A common problem with the aura is its excessive compression, or, conversely, stretching. Both of these conditions are harmful to humans. In the first case, you will feel too constrained. Any decision will be made hard, with a lot of thoughts and doubts. In the second - absent-mindedness, a desire to escape from the real world. Any problem encountered will seem like an insurmountable obstacle. In order to cope with this problem, there is the following technique.

Find a comfortable position. To prepare, you can do the first two exercises - this will make the task much easier. Close your eyes, concentrate. Try to imagine your aura, let it surround you. Here you need to give in to your inner feelings. Let your subconscious tell you - what is your aura? Stretched? Compressed? What feelings appear in your chest when you try to imagine it? Trembling and emptiness, or tightness, like a belt? Sensations will tell you exactly what problems are going on with your aura.

Now let’s learn more about what to do if the aura is compressed. Inhale deeply. Let the compression belt stretch to its limit, running like a hot strip across your chest. Continue to breathe, pulling it tighter and tighter each time. And when you feel that it will burst soon, hold your breath. Draw a mental line, as if cutting a belt. If you do everything correctly, the pressing sensation will disappear.

What to do if the aura is stretched? The relaxed position is occupied, you clearly imagine it. Now mentally squeeze the aura with your hands. But not roughly, but gently, as if stroking. Walk over it with your palms, like clay on a potter's wheel. Let this shapeless lump return to its original state. Continue to do this for several minutes until your aura takes the form of a neat cocoon around your body.

A method to restore a person’s aura and close holes

Just as in the last section, answering the question of how to restore a person’s aura, we will also answer the question of how to restore a person’s biofield. You need to approach this task comprehensively, because at such moments everything needs to be patched up. holes in the aura person. Energy will flow through them. Dissolving in the atmosphere, it will deprive you of a piece of happiness. You need to stop the loss as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences can be the most dire. Moreover, diseases, both physical and psychological, penetrate precisely through such holes. Weaknesses in your defense.

Firstly, it’s worth figuring out why this happens? Holes in the aura are caused by strong negative emotions, as well. Fear, hatred, grief - all this can damage the energy shell. At such moments, a person seems to be emotionally shaken. Severe stress arises, which can turn life into sheer suffering. How to deal with these troubles?

This technique can be performed either with your hands or. The second option is more effective, but only if the crystal is selected correctly. How exactly to choose it is a broad question, so we won’t consider it here.

Choose an empty seat. Stand up, close your eyes and even out your breathing. Listen to yourself, disconnect from the rest of the world. Shake your hands several times until a feeling of uniform warmth settles in them. Now start moving your palms next to your body, from top to bottom. Start the movement from the top of your head and end at the level of your feet. Listen carefully to what your hands feel. Soon you will come across holes - gaps where your palms will feel cold. After each such pass, shake your hands or the crystal. After a few minutes of such exercises, the feeling of failure will disappear - the aura is restored.

Protecting the biofield from negative influences

After restoration and strengthening, you need to make sure that these problems no longer occur. At least for a while. And here the question arises - how to protect your biofield? Emotional garbage will gradually destroy him. And then they appear new holes, violations and much more. So the biofield needs to be protected and preserved. After all, by protecting him, you are protecting yourself. Help ensure that life will never throw you off track again.

The answer is quite simple - along with the biofield, you need to know how to protect your aura. One is impossible without the other. If you don’t take care of the foundation, the building will collapse, and if you don’t strengthen the walls, the house will fall apart. By supporting one, you also monitor the other. Such operations work comprehensively, in close connection - spiritual symbiosis, so to speak.

How to protect your aura and your biofield? You can use amulets and amulets. They are quite versatile, but you need to carefully ensure that they do not deteriorate. The basis for any such artifact must be a mirror surface. Thus, they seem to reflect any negativity that flies in your direction. The main thing is not to forget to feed it with the right mantras and thought forms. Do them at least two or three times a day. Thus, they will always be on guard, saving the biofield from foreign influences.

The second option is mental. It requires a lot of experience and at least initial inclinations. At the very beginning of the day, you should take a few seconds to reflect. Visualize your aura, let it cover you with a cocoon, protecting you from the outside world. Now slowly but surely begin to create a ball around the aura and biofield. Imagine it in every detail. Feel its weight, density. Weigh it in your hands. It must become as real as possible. Lie down for a few minutes and let this image settle in your head. Everything is ready, you are protected. But throughout the day, do not forget to restore the ball. Remember the morning image where the ball is safe and sound.

A person’s aura protects against the influence of negative emotions of the surrounding world. Biofield - vital currents emitted by a person. Often these two concepts are combined into one. The difference between them is subtle. A meeting with an energy vampire can significantly undermine the state of the biofield and pollute the aura. As a result, problems and constant stress pile up. People with weak energy cocoons are more likely to get sick and become depressed. They are afraid to contact psychics - there is a risk of running into scammers. How to restore the aura and biofield yourself? Esotericists know a number of ways to strengthen.

Consequences of weakening the biofield

  1. The child is teased at school and kindergarten. Teachers are scolded more often than other children. He does not want to study and skips classes, saving energy from negative impacts.
  2. At work, a person is prejudiced by colleagues and superiors. He is provoked into scandals, is not given leave, and is exploited in every possible way.
  3. Difficulties arise in relationships with other people. Problems arise in your personal life. “Holes” in the biofield have a particularly noticeable effect on the relationship between spouses. A husband and wife have a common field, and both will suffer if one of them weakens their energy protection. After all, he will restore the loss at the expense of his other half, even if involuntarily.
  4. Accidents occur more frequently than in a person with a strong aura.
  5. Becomes a tasty victim for energy vampires.
  6. Diseases accumulate, and recovery is delayed for a long time.

Cleansing the aura and restoring vitality

  1. Meditative practices will help restore integrity.
  • Sit in a comfortable position and relax your muscles. Close your eyes and even out your breathing.
  • Imagine a colored energy cocoon around your body. The biofield will be pale and cloudy. The aura of an ordinary person extends almost a meter around the figure, but due to depression and contacts with vampires it becomes thinner.
  • Visualize a ray of sunlight descending from the sky and entering the parietal region of the head. This is where the crown chakra is located.
  • Fill your biofield with energy. The aura begins to pulsate and increase in size with each breath. The heavenly stream passes through the entire body in a spiral.
  • Talk to your subconscious and forgive yourself. Give him the command to renew the body's energy.

2.Cleansing the aura is achieved through prayer. If you do not adhere to a specific religion, then try to address the Universe and the Higher Powers in your own words. The main thing is that the appeal is from the heart.

3.Watch more thrillers and horror films. The biofield will prepare to meet danger and will be strengthened to withstand real negative flows. If you were unable to avoid meeting an unpleasant person, try the following action to restore your aura. Raise your arms with your palms facing up and take a slow, deep breath and then exhale. Imagine how the energy of Nature permeates you through and through. Feel yourself an integral part of the Universe.

4. The spiritual body is directly interconnected with the physical. Normalize your diet, give up fast food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, getting energy directly from the Earth.

5.Perform simple Tibetan gymnastics “Six Rituals” every morning, combining energetic and material warm-up. You should start with three repetitions, increasing by one every week up to 21.

6. Chinese taijiquan gymnastics is suitable for renewing the aura. The smooth movements of the exercises are suitable even for older people.

7. Praise yourself in front of the mirror. Think about the advantages and forgive the shortcomings. You shouldn’t exaggerate your advantages too much: maintain moderation in everything and the biofield will be stronger.

8.Cleansing the aura and restoring vitality will not take much time if a person was initially tuned to a positive perception of the world around him. Greet the Sun every morning with a smile, even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds.

Man is accustomed to taking care of food, appearance and housing. However, the energy cocoon, which is a natural barrier against negative biocurrents, also needs care and nourishment. By devoting an hour every day to healing and restorative procedures, you will make your aura stronger and more reliable. Over time, it will become noticeable that the person’s character has become more confident. Such people achieve success much more often than those who do not care about the health of the energy body.

A person chooses how to restore the aura and biofield independently based on his preferences. The main thing is that these exercises are aimed at replenishing energy reserves.

Energy protection is a very important element of a person’s energetic and psychological invulnerability, as well as a comfortable state and well-being. How to learn to set up energy protection?

Types of Energy Protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection that a person creates himself, with his own will and thoughts, giving it a certain program of work.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Powers, namely the Patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create independently.

What is energy protection based on?

Any energy protection is based on energy management.

To successfully install energy protection, you need to master a simple visualization method¹.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and imagines the desired image and puts energy into it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the presence of protection, after which the thought materializes.

Energy protection “Rotation of the aura”

Aura rotation² is a very effective way to deal with people who like to absorb other people's energy.

When you feel an outside influence, you need to imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, dense to the touch. After this, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. You should mentally rotate the aura until the danger of psychological attack passes.

Your spinning aura will throw anyone's energy tendrils away, they will have nothing to cling to, and thus you will conserve your energy.

Energy protection “Whip Strike”

The “Whip Strike” defense option is a very quick, burning look into the eyes of an energy vampire, coupled with the release of a compressed clot of energy through one’s eyes.

After this type of protection, the energy vampire has a feeling of “sand in his eyes”, and he is simply forced to stop “sucking” energy in order to bring himself to a normal state. He may even experience temporary partial visual impairment.

Energy protection "Crystal Dome"

This is a powerful and effective short-term energy protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, you can safely use it.

A blue ball is formed in the area of ​​the solar plexus, which, with a sharp exhalation, enlarges and “squeezes” out all the negativity, forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”. Simultaneously with the expansion of the ball, your arms need to be sharply spread to the sides.

This method not only creates energetic protection, but also performs a cleansing function. The crystal dome can be installed quickly, but it does not last long.

Energy protection "Egg"

To successfully use this energy protection technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance.

First you need to master “gaze touching”, i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the sensation from them. Having mastered “touching with your gaze” and without looking at the object, “touch” it, without closing your eyes. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”. You need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and on the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. the result is a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the layers of the biofield wrap around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary).

It is advisable to use colors such as gold, blue, and orange. It is very important to clearly spatially sense all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

Information-biofield energy protection

First, the protective shell is visualized, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball.
Then the ball is densely filled with silver-violet bioenergy. Along the outer surface of the ball there are ribbons running in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written “You don’t need me (don’t need me).”

Energy protection “Mirror Wall”

Very good energy protection! You need to imagine yourself surrounded on all sides and from above by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. On the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And no matter from which side they try to attack you, the aggressors will always receive retaliatory blows reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

When using the mirror wall, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are defending yourself. Your calmness and friendliness will force him to deliver more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with increasing force.

This technique is the simplest to perform and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to visualize this barrier when you are moving.

Energy protection "Shield of Perseus"

One of the most powerful energy protection techniques. It allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, returning it to the enemy, without covering your entire body. A round mirror shield is visualized on the left (right) hand, with which energy attacks are reflected, placing it in the path of the release.

This is a very fast method of energy protection and does not require special costs, but it has low strength. Correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection.

Energy protection "Cross"

You need to surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to your body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you to a distance of 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined energy protection:

First, perform a “cross” defense, moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After this, make protection using a “shell” or “rotation of the biofield”.

How to work with energy protection?

Remember that each person has their own version of protection. Not all of the above methods are suitable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, this will protect you from troubles, negative energy and ensure your safety. In order to always preserve it, it is enough just to know about it, to feel it. Just say to yourself: “I am in a protective barrier! Try to get to me."

This statement should cut off all attempts to psychically influence you, since you will be 100% confident in your defense.

I wish you good luck in applying the protection. And at the same time I wish you never to be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esotericism and parapsychology is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

The aura is very vulnerable to any external influences, because even with the help of words alone you can jinx a person and cause serious harm.

Today we will talk about how to protect yourself from the negative energy of people and circumstances using special techniques and more. You will learn how to make your biofield invulnerable to various kinds of negative influences and create special energy shields.

What is an energy attack?

Before you put up energy protection for your biofield, you need to understand what an energy attack itself is. Who is attacking our biofield, how and, most importantly, for what purpose? Let's find out!

Who and how can attack our biofield?

As we have already said, the aura is the most vulnerable place of a person, therefore any external negativity directed at it can cause damage to the biofield. There are three types of external negative influence: an attack by dark entities from the subtle world, a magical attack and everyday negativity.

Attack of dark entities

Dark entities from the subtle world attach themselves to a person when he falls under the power of bad habits: alcohol or drug addiction, gambling addiction.

Many of you have probably seen how bad habits and addictions can change a person’s behavior, when a respectable citizen, under their influence, becomes aggressive, angry, loses control over himself and commits actions that he would never do if he were in a sober mind and memory.

Magic attack

Magical attacks are carried out intentionally by people with magical abilities. The most common types of magical attacks are damage, love spell, and lapel. The magician, most often at the request of the person who came to him for help, makes holes in the biofield of his client’s ill-wisher and through them exerts a magical influence that destroys the life and health of this enemy - this is how damage is caused.

The mechanism of love spells and lapels is similar, only through breakdowns in the aura it is not troubles and misfortunes that are sent, but a special magical program is “implanted”, forcing a person to commit actions that are contrary to his will and desires, for example, returning to an unloved person, leaving a truly loved one, imposing feelings on someone for whom there were none.

Household negative

This type of energy attack includes negativity sent by ordinary people: ill-wishers, envious people, enemies and energy vampires who can commit such attacks even unconsciously.

The so-called “evil eye” also belongs to everyday negativity, when a person begins a streak of failures or health problems in life after communicating with an unpleasant person.

The purpose of any energy attack is to harm a person by taking away his vital energy. This leads to various kinds of problems in the field of health, personal life, career, and in some especially severe cases, even death. This is why it is so important to know how to protect your energy from other people and entities.

How to recognize an energy attack

The energy attack of dark entities and magical effects are usually not immediately determined. People become alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts more than once, just as victims of damage or love spells may not realize for months or years that something wrong is happening to their lives.

The easiest way to identify a household energy attack. You've probably heard more than once, and perhaps even felt, when for no apparent reason your face begins to “burn.” It is believed that this is a sign that at this moment some unflattering things are being said about you behind your back, or that your life or behavior is being discussed.

In fact, this is one of the signs of an energy attack, because those people who discuss you in your absence are most likely jealous of you or for some reason do not like you.

Also, signs of an energy attack occurring at the moment include: a sudden deterioration in health, headache or slight dizziness, depression, a sharp change in mood from good to bad, a desire to cry for no reason.

When such signs appear at the moment of communication with a specific person, it is always a sign that this particular person is currently attacking you. Not many people can feel the damage, since we often perceive a series of failures as a natural course of events - we have all heard more than once that life is like a zebra and consists of white and black stripes.

Love spells and lapels are even more difficult to recognize, since the magical program implanted in a person forces him to perceive suddenly appearing feelings as his own. Protection from similar magical attacks that have already occurred needs to be discussed separately, and in most cases their consequences are removed not by protection, but by a complete pure aura.

Now we will consider the question of how to protect your biofield from everyday attacks and prevent the possibility of magical influence on you before it has yet occurred.

Protecting the aura from negative influences

There are three ways to protect your biofield from an energy attack: with the help of special protective items (talismans and amulets), mental projection and repelling an attack directly during it. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Material protective items

You can protect your biofield with a bag made of natural red cotton fabric measuring approximately 4 by 7 centimeters. You must sew it yourself, pour a little ordinary salt inside, tie the neck with red woolen thread and carry such a talisman in one of the pockets of your clothes. You can also sew the pouch inside the garment in the chest area or opposite the heart.

Mirrors have always been a good protection against various types of influences. You can put a small mirror in the pocket of your everyday clothes so that its mirror side is directed at people - this will allow you to reflect energy attacks immediately at the moment of their application. Another amulet, known since ancient times, is a pin, which is attached to the inside of clothing with the head down.

The following stones do an excellent job of protecting the aura from negative influences: carnelian, jadeite, chrysoprase, tiger's eye and hawk's eye.

They can be worn in a ring, bracelet, earrings, pendant or simply in a clothing pocket.

If you have nothing against aromatic oils, you can buy or make your own aroma pendant. Every day you need to instill two drops of one of the following protective oils: sage, juniper, frankincense, rosemary. Oils cannot be mixed, so you will have to choose only one of them.

Mental projections

The best healing energy is a person’s own aura energy. Methods of protection and influence on ill-wishers include those that use your personal internal reserves. These are the so-called “magic shields”, which are created by the effort of your thoughts.

It is not recommended to use them constantly, since they block not only negative external energy, but also positive energy, so you will not be able to “gain” energy from the outside world, spending your own to create a shield. It is better to use them in extreme cases - when you feel or know for sure that someone’s negativity is directed at you.


You need to imagine that around your body, along its entire circumference, there is an energy ball that has two or three protective circuits. The first has a dense golden color, the second is purple, the third (for maximum protection) is blue. The diameter of this ball is approximately a meter.

Every day you must check that the boundaries of your protective ball are in place, update them, mentally strengthen them. When you feel that someone’s negative energy is trying to “get close” to you, you just have to imagine how it dissolves, reaching the contours of this ball and burning in a golden, violet or blue flame.

You can also imagine an energy rain that pours on you over the aura and washes away from the surface of the protective ball all the negative influences that have “stuck” on it. You can even do this for prevention a couple of times a day - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed, as if you were taking a kind of energy shower.

Mirror wall

This is a very powerful protective mental projection that not only prevents negative energy from harming you, but also returns it to the person who sent it. You need to imagine that your body is surrounded on all sides by a thick brick wall, and the outer side of this wall is completely covered with mirrors directed to the outside world.

No matter from which side the energy attack occurs, the enemy’s attack will always run into these mirrors, which will reflect the light coming at them and send a reverse amplified negative to the one who sends it. The most important thing is not to let your enemy know that you are defending yourself - just communicate with him in a friendly manner, mentally keeping in your head a picture of your mirror defense.


This technique is suitable for those who have been working in the field of bioenergy for a long time and know how to “touch with their gaze” objects located at a distance. You can learn this technique if you train 5-6 times a day for 1-2 minutes.

Try to touch any object in front of you with your hands, remember this feeling, and then repeat your touch, but not on the physical level, but mentally, imagining what this object feels like.

When you can easily visualize the sensation of any object without looking at it, you can begin to create a “protective egg”. You need to imagine that in the navel area, approximately two fingers below it and at arm's length from the contours of your body in front, behind, right and left there is one warm golden pea (there are 4 of them in total). If you draw lines through them, you will get a cross lying on a horizontal plane.

If you begin to mentally rotate this cross, you can turn it first into a hoop, and then into an egg, which will surround your entire body and will not allow any negative energy influences to penetrate inside.

You should clearly imagine how the walls of the egg are formed from several layers of blue, orange and golden energy. Every day, feel the walls of the egg, “wrap” new bioenergy layers around it, and then your protection will become stronger every time.


This technique is not so much protective as it is therapeutic. It helps your body to be fueled with positive energy, and in the event of your illness, it will not only contribute to a speedy recovery, but will also protect your loved ones from the energy of illness.

You need to imagine a bright golden pyramid, the base of which will be at your feet, and the corners will be directed to the four cardinal directions. It is better to use a compass, since high accuracy is important in this exercise. This design accumulates positive energy within itself and forces your internal energy to circulate properly.

You can change the size of the pyramid as you wish: place only yourself in it or enlarge it so that it covers your entire apartment or house. When you are sick, do not stretch the pyramid further than your own body so that your household does not become infected from you.


This method of protecting the biofield is recommended to be used only in special cases - when you know for sure that someone is causing you energetic harm. In a standing position, with the help of meditation, you need to enter an altered state of consciousness, when your head is completely free of thoughts, and then raise your hands up and imagine that positive energy is pouring through them from top to bottom from space, and energy is coming from bottom to top from the earth.

When two energy flows meet in your body at the level of the navel, they wrap themselves in a vortex, which gradually swirls around your body clockwise and soon turns into a luminous cocoon, which with its power throws away all negativity from you.


To create a protective cocoon, you need to imagine how a luminous point first emerges from your crown, which slowly rotates around your head clockwise, leaving behind a light luminous trail.

You must mentally direct this point so that it rotates not only around you, but at the same time diagonally, gradually covering your entire body, thereby creating an energy web.

Continue strengthening your cocoon by going over the same places several times. The denser it is, the more reliably it will protect you from negative influences. You can create a similar cocoon every time before going to bed, imagining how it surrounds not only you, but also your bed, since magical effects are most often produced on a person at night, when he is most vulnerable.

When you awaken, you emerge from your nighttime cocoon and re-weave your daytime cocoon. Very soon you will learn to do these actions automatically, and they will not require much time from you.

Daily repulses of energy attacks

You need to use the above mental techniques as necessary, but in everyday life you can use simpler techniques - a magical shield and repelling an attack right at the moment.

Magic is created mentally. You can give it absolutely any shape, size and color, the main thing is that it surrounds your entire body and does not allow any negative energy to penetrate it. The simplest form is a round white shield.

You need to imagine it in all details and remember it several times during the day, think about your protection. Don’t forget to visualize your shield so that it blocks negative energy and lets positive energy in - then you will simultaneously be protected from everything bad and be able to recharge with good energy from the Universe.

And one more simple method that can be used directly at the moment of communication with unpleasant people. You just need to take a “closed” pose: cross your arms and cross your legs. You can also close your hands into a “lock”. Your interlocutor will not understand that you are defending yourself, since such postures are quite natural.

Prevention of negative energy effects

Bioenergetics experts say that there are also simple daily rituals that strengthen a person’s aura. By themselves, they will not protect you from negativity, but they will make your energy shell stronger and it will be more difficult for foreign negative energy to penetrate your body.

Strengthen the biofield:

  • Daily walks in nature;
  • Words of gratitude to the Universe for what you have;
  • Light breakfasts and morning exercises;
  • Walking barefoot on grass with dew;
  • Steaming in a sauna, especially with birch brooms;
  • Drinking holy water;
  • Baths with herbs and sea salt;
  • Caring for flowers and trees;
  • Believers can light candles in church for the health of themselves and their families, and also read the Lord’s Prayer every morning after waking up.

Now that you know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of people and entities, you can be calm about your life and well-being. If you feel that you do not have enough strength to create protection, or for some reason the above methods did not work for you, try turning to bioenergetics specialists for help. They will perform a ritual of cleansing your aura and put energy protection on you themselves.