How to improve your mood. How to cheer yourself up? Proven methods that work

Let's banish the negative and turn on the positive! We offer 10 ways to cheer up! Come in and smile!

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Each of us has those days when everything goes wrong, the people around us are annoying, and sometimes we even lash out at our loved ones, and then we feel guilty.

But often, in order to avoid trouble, you just need to change your thoughts and feelings in time.

How to cheer up?

Surely you have asked this question more than once!

It's possible to control your mood!

This can be done at any time: at home, at work, while walking.

As soon as your mood begins to deteriorate, blues, fatigue and depression set in, you can remember these ten simple mood ā€œswitchesā€.

How to cheer up? 10 ways!

    Favorite music.

    Everyone knows what a huge impact music can have on a person.

    Always keep a mobile phone or player with headphones at hand.

    Favorite melodies will help you relax, and you yourself will not notice how your thoughts change their course.

    An important point - the music should not be sad, otherwise it will only get worse.

    It's best to make a playlist with songs that always lift your spirits.

    Let the music be light, bright, life-affirming, let it inspire you.

    How to cheer up? Watch a comedy film.

    Another easy way to please yourself.

    Everyone knows that laughter prolongs life and improves health.

    Therefore, arrange an evening of laughter for yourself or, if possible, watch comedies all day long.

    And to maintain your mood during a busy work week, watch funny videos on the Internet several times a day.

    These could be videos about animals or any other funny collections that will help you take your mind off your problems.

    How to cheer up? Treat yourself to something you've always dreamed of.

    To do this, you donā€™t have to buy a new car or go on a trip around the world.

    Surely you have some long-standing desires that you didnā€™t have enough time to fulfill.

    Take a ride on an attraction, buy yourself a chocolate bar or a whole cake (girls, forget about those unfortunate calories at least for a day :)), feel like a child, donā€™t be shy about pampering yourself.

    How to cheer up? Make someone else happy.

    Forget about yourself, your problems, your bad mood and think about the one you love.

    Figure out how to please this person, how to cheer him up and make your fantasy come true.

    Surprise someone you care about, and their joy and gratitude will lift your spirits too.

    How to cheer up? Go outdoors.

    Itā€™s good if you have the opportunity to go to the forest or to the lake, but if this is not possible, you can simply take a walk in the park, relax in the shade of the trees, enjoy the tranquility and beauty that only nature gives.

    If itā€™s winter outside, and even the view from the window depresses you, you can again call on photographs or videos with beautiful landscapes to help.

    Find something of your own, something for your soul, something that you enjoy looking at.

    Some people love sunrises, some people love mountains or fields, some people love flowering trees. Look for what your soul will respond to.

    How to cheer up? Do what you love.

    If you have a hobby, take it up.

    Creativity always lifts your spirits.

    If you donā€™t consider yourself a creative person, do something you love.

    It could even be cleaning the house if it brings you joy. Or a shopping trip.

    Think about what you would like to do right now.

    How to cheer up? Get some sleep.

    It happens that in order to lift your mood, just getting some sleep is enough.

    Often our irritability is caused by fatigue and overwork, and a few hours of healthy sleep will help you look at your problems from a different perspective.

    Photos of loved ones.

    If you canā€™t communicate with your loved ones, look at their photos.

    Itā€™s good if you have a mobile phone with photos or a digital camera with you.

    Surely there are photographs of your loved ones stored there that will warm you up.

    If you are at home, look at photo albums or pictures on your computer.

    Frozen moments that preserve the atmosphere of joyful events in your life will make you smile and relieve stress.

    How to cheer up? Have a get-together with friends.

    Invite your friends for tea, cook something delicious. By the way, cooking together also lifts your spirits.

    Remember funny incidents from your life and share them with each other.

    How to cheer up? Remember everything that makes you happy.

    The good thing about this method is that it doesnā€™t require anything other than your imagination.

    You can use it at any time - when you are traveling in public transport or standing in a boring queue.

    Take a break from your routine and start remembering everything you love in order.

    Think about your hobbies, your favorite books, animals, musical styles, styles of clothing that you like, focus all your thoughts on what feels good to you. This will help you quickly gain a positive attitude.

Do you want to have a good laugh? Read this article:

Choose methods that are close to you and control your mood at any time, depending on the circumstances.

Use several methods at once if you feel really bad.

One thing may help you today, another may help you tomorrow.

Choose, try, come up with your own ways, and very soon you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and negative emotions will simply disappear!

And to get you in the mood, I suggest you watch a positive video!


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Emotional mood is an integral part of the life of any person. But there are often days when nothing makes you happy and you are overcome by negative thoughts. Prolonged depressed mood can lead to the development of depression. Therefore, every person should have an idea of ā€‹ā€‹how to cheer up and get rid of negativity.

Causes of bad mood

There are many reasons that can ruin your mood. Moreover, each individual is affected differently by the same events. However, among the most common are the following:

  • Opinion of those close to you. The emotional background of each person is directly dependent on those people who are nearby. And this is no coincidence, because it is very important for each of us what our family and friends think, and if this opinion differs from what we expect to hear, then the mood will be ruined.
  • A calm and peaceful environment is very important for a person. Any conflict can lead to a worsening emotional state.
  • The mood may deteriorate due to the expectation of trouble. The person is worried and in a state of tension that he cannot cope with. Such manifestations are fraught with deterioration of the emotional background.
  • Financial problems are also often the cause of mental depression.
  • If our desires diverge from our capabilities, disappointment and decline in emotional state arise.
  • Poor sleep can also cause a negative attitude. If such a problem is not uncommon in a personā€™s life, then depression is not far away.
  • Monotonous work or the need to do something you donā€™t like usually leads to negative emotions and a feeling of hopelessness.

Having an idea of ā€‹ā€‹what resulted in a negative emotional state, you can figure out how to quickly lift your mood when it is at zero.

Express methods to correct the situation

Are you interested in learning how to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes? Use proven methods that will take a little time.

  • Watch a good comedy movie or show.
  • Listen to your favorite fun music.
  • Read jokes.
  • Take a contrast shower and wash your hair.
  • Get busy doing good deeds.
  • Just take a walk in the fresh air. Communication with nature works wonders.

The most effective ways to lift your mood

According to psychologists, the mood of each person is determined by the characteristics of thinking. You need to look at the world around you with optimism, and simply ignore all negative aspects. Only a person himself is capable of creating conditions for himself in which he will feel happy.

Let's learn how to cheer ourselves up if everything is bad. Among the most effective methods, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. Conversation. If you are overcome by negative emotions, then you do not need to stay at home alone with bad thoughts, this will only worsen the situation. You need to talk it out, talk to someone close to you. This method will definitely help.
  2. Tears help someone get rid of sadness and negativity. You just need to cry.
  3. Every person has a creative element. You need to find what you do best. Draw a picture, write a poem, cook a culinary masterpiece - such activities will help you redirect your attention and bring real pleasure.
  4. Changes. You can relieve the melancholy in your soul by making changes in your appearance. Perhaps you should change your hairstyle, shade your hair a little, experiment with clothes. By the way, this advice is good not only for women, but also for men.
  5. To cheer yourself up, you can go to the gym or swimming pool. Physical activity ā€œunloadsā€ the brain well.
  6. Relaxing treatments will also help keep you in good shape. Yoga classes are suitable, giving peace and confidence.
  7. Ten minutes of meditation can restore peace of mind.
  8. Cleaning up your home is a good way to put your thoughts in order and get rid of a bad emotional state. Try to throw out the trash from the house, rearrange the furniture, put things in order.
  9. Music and dancing will help lift everyone's spirits. You need to choose a cheerful melody and dance.
  10. Delicious sweets will very quickly lift your spirits. Such treats promote the production of endorphins - happiness hormones. It is useful to eat bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Having pampered yourself with these products, you wonā€™t even notice how your energy will begin to surge.
  11. Smile. Psychologists recommend using the ā€œtight smileā€ method if you are in a bad emotional mood. You need to stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. Let it be unnatural at first, but then the corresponding signals will begin to arrive in the brain, and the mood will become noticeably better.
  12. Do good deeds and charity. By helping others, you will be able to set priorities, take your mind off gloomy thoughts, and feel like a useful and significant person.
  13. Playing with pets can't help but fill you with positivity. Pet the cat that lives at home, play with the dog, and you will quietly cheer yourself up. If you donā€™t have pets, you can go to the forest or park and watch animals and birds in their natural environment. We bet you'll make a lot of discoveries!
  14. Contrast shower is a method that works flawlessly. Hot and cold water is a kind of beneficial stress for the body. After the procedure, you will immediately feel invigorated and full of energy.
  15. Expose your face to the sun's rays whenever possible - even in autumn or winter. The fact is that a lack of ultraviolet radiation can have a depressing effect on the human psyche. When warm days arrive, be sure to get out into nature.

Creating a positive emotional mood is work that will definitely pay off in good health, vigor and mental balance. There are many ways to improve your mood. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the world around you will become brighter and kinder.

It happens that things donā€™t go well in the morning, or for some reason the mood suddenly deteriorates. And there is still a lot of time until evening. You donā€™t want to waste the rest of the day, so itā€™s better to try to rectify the situation. If you canā€™t beat the case itself, you need to work with your mood. After all, the essence is not in the reasons themselves, but in human perception. if everything is bad or seems so?

Let's understand the problem

First, you should stop the moment and comprehend the cause of apathy. Maybe you really feel bad, but itā€™s another thing when you want to draw attention to yourself so that someone will take pity and console you. In any case, you need to make yourself understand that life is already fleeting. Instead of despondency, it is better to devote time to something that is at least pleasant. And how many useful things you can do if you stop whining. However, if you still decide to yearn, then you should at least do it with taste. For example, itā€™s good to feel sad while listening to music, especially your favorite one. What if inspiration comes and despondency is replaced by the muse of creativity?

Choosing the right direction

Secondly, you need to wean yourself from a bad mood. Yes it is possible. This is exactly what everyone does. Just every time you are overcome by despondency, force yourself to do something that will drive bad thoughts away. If every time you are in a bad mood, you take a book and read, then either sadness will come less and less often, or you will become a very well-read person. When you feel angry, you can fight your resentment with physical exercise. It's nice to imagine how toned your body will become. In any case, there is a benefit - that's a fact.


How to cheer yourself up at home when you are alone or have an argument with a loved one? You need to understand that time will pass and everything will definitely get better. When you feel lonely, you can call your friends or parents. Mental communication provides indispensable support in difficult moments. You can invite guests and spend a pleasant evening together. Or go visit someone close to you. It is useful for you, it is pleasant for them. Specific options depend on the situation. However, proven ways to raise them still exist. Let's look at them now.

Turn up the music louder by choosing songs you like

You can do a lot of useful things while listening to your favorite song. Take time for yourself, take care of your appearance. You can apply a mask to your face, close your eyes and turn on pleasant music, and at the end of the procedure, drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. By the way, these drinks have a tonic effect, which helps improve your mood.

Draw without thinking

Just take a piece of paper, a pencil and move your hand. It relaxes and helps calm the nervous system. And if you use multi-colored pencils or pens, color therapy will also come into play. Forget about problems, immerse yourself in the process like a child. Remember your childhood and enjoy the moment.


Dancing is a win-win option to lift your spirits at home or outside.

Give your body free rein to move without thinking about how it looks from the outside - just dance. A charge of positive energy will certainly displace bad moods and gloomy thoughts. A good solution is to go dancing with friends. It could be a disco or a salsa night. Skills and abilities don't matter. Your goal is to get a positive charge from the process.


When it seems that everything is bad, the first thing that will start to irritate you is scattered things at home or documents on your desktop. Turn on the music, be determined and get to cleaning. At the same time, get rid of unnecessary things, clear space for new things and positive energy in the house. How to cheer yourself up at work? The music probably wonā€™t be entirely appropriate, but it wonā€™t hurt to sort through the pile of papers and empty the drawers of documents. As a result, observing the order, you will feel that your mood has really improved, your soul has become much lighter.



A personā€™s mood is also related to the time of year and weather conditions. How to cheer yourself up in the fall, when itā€™s raining outside and the leaves are sadly falling from the trees? Put on rubber boots, take an umbrella, a thermos of tea and go for a walk. Notice how beautiful the nature is at this time of year, how rich the colors are, and how fresh, humid, and spicy the air is. Take a deep breath, focus on your feelings, forget about the unpleasant day or incident. Now it is important to teach yourself to enjoy the moment, the nature around, the sounds of rain. Look how beautiful life is, there is no place for a bad mood in it.

Solarium and healthy products

Often in the autumn-winter period people suffer from chronic apathy or even a depressive state. This is due to the fact that there are much fewer sunny days. How to cheer yourself up if you're depressed? You can go to the solarium - this will give you a dose of ultraviolet radiation, which will be enough to lift your spirits. You need to walk in the fresh air more often, or even better, jog.

Dark chocolate is considered a proven remedy for depression. However, citrus fruits also have the same property. If you drink a glass of fresh orange juice at least every other day, it will not only lift your mood, but also strengthen your immune system. Bananas increase the content. It is enough to eat one a day - in addition to vitamins, this will provide the body with a good mood.

Winter fun

In winter, you can perfectly lift your spirits by ice skating or skiing, depending on your capabilities. Or maybe a sled? Remember how fun it was to slide down an ice slide as a child. Why not use the same methods in adulthood? Go to the skating rink yourself, with your children, friends, and family. This is a great reason to have a great time and forget about the severity of pressing problems. Frosty blush and positivity are guaranteed to you.

Sweet drinks

There is a category of people who ā€œget off on the wrong foot.ā€ And this happens almost every day. The cause of a bad mood or even feeling unwell in the morning is a lack of glucose. The first thing you should do is go to the kitchen. A great way to cheer yourself up in the morning is to drink a cup of aromatic, freshly brewed sweet coffee. A glass of fruit juice also helps. The body is immediately filled with a charge of vivacity, and a nutritious breakfast will provide energy for the whole day. It's great to start your morning with your favorite product.

Physical exercise

Exercise is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. The easiest way to do this is at home. But even at work, if you wish, you can perform several simple exercises. The body's blood circulation will improve, and an influx of strength will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this useful activity. According to statistics, people who go to the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the happiness hormone during muscle work.


How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad? Face the truth. There are situations when the cause of a bad mood is melancholy. Then you should figure it out - do you miss a person, an event, a bygone time? In the first option, you can call or meet a person. If it so happens that the one you miss has died, then remember the most beautiful moments that connected you. People who left our world would only be glad that you are happy and everything is fine with you. Mentally send a ray of light and love to the person, you will immediately feel better. If you are in a quarrel, determine what is more important for you - to prove that you are right or to be with the person next to you. Depending on this, act. There may not be another chance to take the first step.

Sometimes the question of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad interests a person who is accompanied by a streak of failures. In this case, you should put everything in order. First you need to find out the reasons for the failures that occurred. These are personal mistakes or inability to navigate the current circumstances. Take responsibility, give yourself the mindset that you are the only person influencing the situation. Then you will feel an influx of new strength, and you will certainly be able to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. And, by the way, it is better to remove this word from the lexicon forever. Tell yourself differently - there are no problems, there are tasks.


A good way to lift your loved oneā€™s bad mood is to allow yourself to eat something delicious. Make yourself comfortable and give the process some time. It is better at this moment to isolate yourself from anything that can distract you. Just enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream or dessert, or maybe a meat dish. There are no comrades in taste and color. There will be no trace left of your bad mood. And after a portion of delicious food, the best thing to do is go for a walk. Fresh air and rhythmic breathing will organize your thoughts, and your view of the state of affairs can change dramatically.

Relax and improve your mood

If apathy has completely developed and you have no strength to do anything at all, then you need to give yourself some rest. At the same time, you can distract yourself with:

  • reading your favorite book, or one that you never had time for;
  • watching a movie, series, TV show;
  • a computer game, but itā€™s important not to get carried away and stay up until the morning;
  • writing your own essay, poetry, prose (for many, apathy leads to enlightenment in creativity and identification of talents);
  • drawing, especially with paints;
  • handicrafts (often the resulting works have unsurpassed beauty and uniqueness, and all because the soul was experiencing deep feelings at that moment).

How to cheer yourself up? Photos of funny moments will help you in this matter. Looking through them, a person will begin to dream about good things, and maybe he will finally be ready to take a vacation and go on a trip. New experiences are the best way to cope with despondency. Sometimes simply viewing beautiful photographs or paintings greatly lifts your mood, saturating


There are countless ways to rid yourself of a bad mood. Ten volumes would not be enough to list them all. Some really work and change perceptions for the better, others are less effective, but better than nothing. In any case, the main and most correct way is the personā€™s reluctance to be in a bad mood. If life's course is set on luck, no matter what happens, it will be perceived as experience. No one is immune from mistakes. But some learn from them and become stronger, others lose strength in the struggle for what is right.

Bad moods need to be crossed off your list if you are determined to be successful. Now only joy will fill every day you live. Be happy!

If you're feeling on the verge of depression, you urgently need to take control of the situation to lift your spirits. Here are a few ways that can help you with this.

Forget about routine

You should definitely add variety to your routine. Go to a nice restaurant on a random day, take a different route to work, or wear an outfit you wouldn't normally wear. Get rid of negative habits and acquire only positive ones.

Just go outside and take a walk

It seems obvious, but you should still take your dog, best friend or partner and go for a brisk walk. This type of training will lift your spirits and give you a fresh perspective on the issues that have been bothering you. Do you think walking is boring? Try to walk in a direction where you can do something useful or treat yourself when you get to your chosen point. Go to the mall and browse the sales. You can even go get some ice cream. If you make walking fun and enjoyable, it will soon become your new good habit.

Take yourself on an outdoor adventure

Exercising and spending time outdoors helps boost everyone's mood. Replace your usual walk around the area with a bike ride, hike, or even kayaking. These aren't the easiest activities, but they're also a lot of fun so you won't feel like you're working out.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Not only will a healthy diet benefit your body in the long run, but it will also make you feel happier very quickly. In the study, adults who started eating more vegetables and fruits felt significantly more satisfied with their lives, which can be compared to the transition from unemployment to a long-awaited job.


If you drum, you can relax your whole body. The study found that retirees felt significantly less depressed six weeks after taking a drumming class.

Take a rest

Stop watching TV late and go to bed early. If you increase the amount of sleep you get, you can reduce your stress levels and have more energy when you wake up.

Force yourself to smile

The very fact that you smile makes you feel happier, even if you didn't want to smile in the first place. If smiling for no reason seems like a dubious pleasure to you, you should find a reason to smile on your own.

Thank someone

Acknowledge what someone has done for you and send them a thank you note or a small bouquet of flowers. A smile will appear both on his face and on yours.

Play with the dog

Levels of the mood-lifting hormones oxytocin and serotonin were higher in non-pet owners when they played with a dog for just a couple of minutes. If you also don't have a dog, ask a neighbor to play with your dog or volunteer at your local animal shelter.

Compliment a stranger

Did you like the stranger's hair color? Want to know where the stranger bought this amazing hat? Tell them you like something you see and you will definitely cheer them up. And if you start seeing good things in others, you will definitely start seeing good things in yourself.

Make an appointment with a friend

Maintaining a large social network can have an incredibly positive impact on your well-being. The study found that people who had more than six friends whom they met on a regular basis were happier than those who had fewer such friends.

Snack on carbs

Yes, you read that right: carbohydrate-rich foods increase the flow of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain, which increases serotonin levels. You can enhance the effect by choosing slow-processing carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, instead of white flour baked goods, which wear off after just one hour.

Plan your vacation

If you are buried under everyday problems, then your mood will definitely not be good, which will cause you to look at everything in a negative light. Buying yourself a ticket to somewhere will give you something to look forward to and will also give you a break from your daily routine that will allow you to have a more positive outlook on life.

Buy something stupid

After all, laughter is the best medicine. Buy something that makes you laugh, such as a funny picture, book, magazine, or CD of your favorite comedian. You can even buy a ticket to a comedy show.

Stay in the sun

Especially in winter, when you spend significantly less time outside, it is very important to be in the sun at least a couple of times a week. Sunlight increases serotonin levels, and physical activity stimulates the release of mood-enhancing hormones and chemicals, so give your body your daily dose of sun.

Use a massage chair

Researchers report that massage can stimulate the production of the mood-enhancing hormone serotonin and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Even just 10 minutes of relaxation can work wonders.

Take a deep breath

Most people with mild depression take shallow breaths because their stomach and chest are so tense. Stretch your chest and take a few deep breaths.

Wear your favorite color

Do you like red? Or do you prefer blue? Wear clothes and accessories in your favorite color that complements your eyes and you will notice that you will feel more confident and smile more often.

Have a cup of coffee

Regular small amounts of caffeine can help reduce your risk of depression. Therefore, you should drink a cup of coffee or tea every morning to get these effects.

Solve the problem

You can boost your self-confidence by solving a particularly difficult crossword or other puzzle. By using your brain power to the fullest and doing something challenging, you can become more confident in your daily life.

Hang a happy photo on the wall

Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy, such as skating or skiing, swimming, playing a musical instrument, or simply spending time with family or friends, and place the photo in a visible place to remind yourself of that you are living a great life and have a lot to be happy about.

Change your sleeping location

Sleeping in a different bedroom can help you combat insomnia, which is a common symptom of depression. Other ways to combat insomnia include avoiding caffeine after 3 p.m., relaxing for an hour before bed, and waking up at the same time every day.

Be your own biggest cheerleader

When something goes wrong, donā€™t mentally beat yourself up for failure. Remind yourself that you are doing your best, and you can achieve better results if you find the appropriate way.


Give flowers to a sick person. A colorful, beautiful and fragrant bouquet will not only lift mood, but will also help fight depression if the patient is susceptible to it. In addition, contemplation of flowers relaxes and calms a person.

Bring your favorite book or movie. It's better if it's a comedy. Laughter accelerates the production of joy hormones - endorphins, which act both as an analgesic and as an immunomodulatory medicine. If you are a child, then let him always have his favorite toy next to him.

Give a massage or hug the patient. Gentle stroking will bring pleasure to a sick person, and his mood will improve thanks to the same endorphins. In addition, it has long been proven that patients who are touched affectionately recover much faster.

Bring joy with aromatherapy. Drop aromatic oil onto one of the patient's active points, for example, on the wrist. To improve mood, jasmine, eucalyptus, grapefruit are recommended. Or make him some mint tea. It is also a very good mood lifter.

Turn on quiet, beautiful music. Such sessions will set the patient up for recovery, strengthen the psyche and have a beneficial effect on his emotional sphere. In this case, the music of Mozart is especially favorable. Just don't make the sessions too long.

Treat the patient to something very tasty. Before doing this, of course, consult your doctor about contraindications in your diet. Foods such as chocolate, cocoa, oysters, bananas, pineapple, walnuts, hazelnuts and strawberries always lift very well. mood and give fresh strength to the body.

Make the bed with fresh or new linen, ventilate the room. The pleasure of immersing yourself in a fresh, cool bed will improve both the well-being of the sick person and his mood.

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  • how to lift your mood

There are times in every person's life when they feel sad, depressed and lonely. And not all people can cope with their problems on their own. In order to help them in this matter, you need to know a few simple secrets that will help raise your loved one person.


True, if you want to boost your immunity, you need to monitor more than just your diet. A healthy lifestyle in general is the key to good immunity. Hardening perfectly strengthens the body's defenses (this can be a douche, a contrast shower, swimming or visiting a bathhouse). After any of these procedures, you need to rub your body with a rough towel.

Donā€™t forget about physical exercise (for example, gymnastics, running, fitness, shaping, long walks, exercise equipment, aerobics and much more). However, donā€™t get carried away, because excessive exercise will not help improve immunity.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Learn to relax and relieve stress. Take time to calm down, close your eyes, take a deep breath and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. This simple procedure (especially with a certain soundtrack) will help relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the day.

The state of sadness, anger or depression has one feature: it is addictive. If you feel that your mood is starting to deteriorate, take immediate action. Moreover, there are plenty of ways to do this.


Often, to improve your mood, it is enough to talk with someone close, openly talk about your problems, and listen to advice. This effective method helps to get rid of negative emotions. If your mood does not rise to the desired level, then your soul will definitely feel lighter.

A great way to cheer up is laughter. Watch a funny comedy, comedians' performances, or go for a walk with good friends. If possible, go to an amusement park with the whole group. An atmosphere of joy is guaranteed to you. In addition, fresh air will saturate your blood with oxygen, you will feel a surge of strength and, perhaps, life will become more fun.

If you are sad alone at home, turn on your favorite music and dance. A cat or dog can keep you company; in extreme cases, hug a plush toy. You can take a can of nail polish or a hairdryer and imagine yourself as a show business star, as many did in childhood. Such tomfoolery will provide you with positive emotions.

There are times when the mood deteriorates because life is filled with gray everyday life. I want change, new emotions and impressions. Start with yourself. Get a new hairstyle, change your clothing style, and finally rearrange the furniture in your house. After which you can invite your friends and have a small party.

An aroma bath will help relieve tension and get rid of stress. Add a few drops of orange, grapefruit, lavender or jasmine oil to warm, foamy water and soak for a few minutes. Banish all the bad thoughts that come into your head. Swimming is a great way to relieve problems. If you can't get to the beach, go to the pool.

Many people, during periods of melancholy and sadness, begin to eat more. Replace unhealthy sandwiches, cakes and pastries with fresh fruit. For example, bananas contain protein that increases serotonin levels, which is responsible for mood. Citrus fruits, dark chocolate, almonds, walnuts and natural yogurt are also suitable for these purposes.