Tonsillitis during pregnancy, its consequences and treatment. Pregnancy and chronic tonsillitis: the main risks for the expectant mother and fetus. Treatment and prevention of complications How to treat inflamed tonsils in pregnant women

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is a disease that, when it worsens, can cause harm to both the expectant mother and the health of the unborn child. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process that is localized in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils.

The consequence of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy can be a lack of oxygen, weakening of labor or its premature onset.

Damage to the body occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Tonsils are a collection of lymphoepithelial tissue that protects the body from harmful bacteria and plays an important role in the formation of immunity.

With chronic tonsillitis, the normal process of cleansing the contents of the tonsils is disrupted, which leads to the tissue of the tonsils being irreversibly rebuilt. So the tonsils, instead of being a protective organ, become a constant source of infection.

The cause of the development of chronic tonsillitis can be:

  • incompletely or incorrectly cured sore throat;
  • other diseases of the ENT organs, for example sinusitis;
  • the result of an allergic reaction.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a large number of changes. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the immune system weakens, which often leads to chronic tonsillitis worsening. The expectant mother may experience the following symptoms:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • the appearance of a foreign body sensation in the throat;
  • dry cough;
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue.

Chronic tonsillitis and pregnancy are a bad combination that requires constant self-control from a woman. The expectant mother should not expose herself to the risk of activation of this pathology.

Due to the fact that exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is not always accompanied by an increase in temperature, women are often dismissive of this pathology, and in vain.

Danger during pregnancy

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy does not directly affect the child. But this does not mean that sore throat is completely harmless. Due to the fact that immunity decreases, a woman becomes susceptible to other diseases, including those that can penetrate the placental barrier to the baby.

Aggravated chronic tonsillitis can affect the outcome of pregnancy during the first trimester. During this period, the female body is especially vulnerable, and therefore, without timely help, everything can end in spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). In the later stages of pregnancy, the consequences of tonsillitis can manifest themselves in the form of histosis, which can lead to premature birth.

If the expectant mother was unable to avoid exacerbation of the disease, she is advised not to self-medicate, but to immediately seek medical help.

Treatment during pregnancy

If a woman has previously been diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, then before conceiving a child she should undergo preventive treatment, which will avoid exacerbation of the disease while already pregnant. After such a therapeutic course, it is recommended to plan a child no earlier than 3 months later. Throughout the preparatory period, as during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to maintain and strengthen her immunity.

During pregnancy, the most gentle treatment method is selected for the woman, but any use of medications during pregnancy poses a danger to the child, so it is easier to prevent an exacerbation than to treat it later.

Treatment of the pathological process is carried out using local antiseptic drugs. The patient may be prescribed to gargle with chamomile decoction, Furacilin or Miramistin solution. If the disease is accompanied by fever and sore throat, the woman is prescribed antipyretics. This could be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

If outside of pregnancy a relapse of chronic tonsillitis is recommended to be treated with antibiotics, then during pregnancy their use can be dangerous. Therefore, treatment of the disease with the help of such drugs is prescribed only when the risk of the consequences of the disease significantly exceeds the threat posed by antibiotic treatment. In such a situation, the woman is recommended to be hospitalized. The expectant mother will be constantly under medical supervision, which significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

A patient diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis may be recommended to undergo surgical removal of the tonsils. Such a radical method of treatment is undesirable when carrying a child. Anesthesia used during surgery does not have the best effect on pregnancy, but sometimes this method of solving the problem is the only correct one.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a wonderful, exciting and very bright period, it can often be complicated by various diseases. Moreover, to the diseases that first arise precisely during the period of waiting for a baby (among them, for example, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and others), are also added exacerbations of chronic diseases, which before pregnancy may not have caused inconvenience. One of them is chronic tonsillitis.

What is the danger of tonsillitis during pregnancy?

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the tonsils, which are a kind of obstacle to the penetration of infections into the body. It is no coincidence that European doctors are currently categorically against removing tonsils for children, insisting on conservative treatment of tonsillitis.

The disease is accompanied by a sore and sore throat, cough, and sometimes fever. According to statistics, in twenty percent of the world's inhabitants the disease has entered a chronic stage, which requires special approaches to treatment, especially during pregnancy.

Tonsillitis not only causes discomfort for the expectant mother, but can also cause various complications - for example, intrauterine infection of the fetus, since microbes from the tonsils enter the blood. The immunity of women suffering from tonsillitis is weakened, so the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases.

Treatment options

The best way to minimize the risks associated with chronic tonsillitis is, undoubtedly, planning a pregnancy and getting rid of the disease before conception. However, it is possible to treat exacerbations during the period of waiting for a child, under the guidance of both an experienced otolaryngologist and a gynecologist. The following therapeutic measures may be prescribed:

Washing tonsils in the ENT doctor's office. During this procedure, the doctor uses a special syringe to inject an antiseptic solution into the lacunae, as a result of which the contents are washed out of the tonsils;

Gargling with infusions of medicinal herbs. It should be remembered that some herbs that are traditionally used for rinsing are contraindicated for pregnant women, primarily we are talking about sage, aloe, barberry;

Lubricating the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (for example, Lugol);

Use of local sprays (Ingalipt, Bioparox, Chlorophyllipt and others).

During pregnancy, the following methods of treating exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis are contraindicated:

- use of antihistamines;
- antibiotic therapy (doctors talk about relative contraindications, that is, if the harm from the antibiotic is less than from streptococcus, which appears with tonsillitis, such drugs are prescribed with caution).

How does chronic tonsillitis manifest itself and what causes it in pregnant women? The most common causes of its occurrence include:

  • previously suffered acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), which, due to lack of treatment or improper treatment, became latent and became chronic;
  • impaired nasal breathing due to adenoids, polyps, sinusitis or a deviated nasal septum;
  • reduced immunity;
  • vitamin deficiencies, insufficient intake of essential microelements from food (which often happens during late pregnancy);
  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of sources of infection in the oral, nasopharyngeal cavity or sinuses (caries, periodontal disease, sinusitis, gingivitis, acute respiratory infections or CVVI).

The causative agents of inflammation of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils are most often certain strains of streptococci and staphylococci. In addition to them, damage to the palatine tonsils and lymphopharyngeal ring is caused by viruses, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and some fungi.


The first signs of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis are increased pain in the larynx and discomfort when swallowing. And:

  • increase in size of tonsils;
  • the throat begins to “react” even to inhaling cold air and drinking cold water;
  • hyperemia and swelling of the palatine arches;
  • usually it does not manifest itself in an acute form, and the presence of a focus of infection is indicated by an elevated temperature (37-37.5 ° C) and general weakness that does not go away for a long time;
  • all this time, the pregnant woman’s body is exposed to intoxication by waste products of purulent bacteria;
  • in the early stages of pregnancy it is difficult to determine the signs of chronic tonsillitis, since in the first trimester a woman’s well-being, as a rule, worsens due to toxicosis and hormonal changes;
  • if a sore throat begins with severe sore throat and enlarged cervical lymph nodes, then this is a manifestation of chronic tonsillitis (especially if you have recently had a sore throat);
  • muscle aches, weakness, lack of appetite;
  • sometimes there may be pain in large joints;
  • unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth;
  • the presence of plaque, ulcers or plugs on the tonsils.

Diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy

Only an ENT doctor can diagnose chronic tonsillitis. To recognize the disease and determine the cause of its occurrence, they are prescribed a laboratory examination. An accurate diagnosis is made only based on the results of pharyngoscopy and after tests have been taken:

  • smear on the flora from the mucous membrane of the tonsils;
  • biochemical analysis of saliva;
  • general blood test for leukocytes;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for an immunogram (determining the state of cellular and humoral immunity);
  • rheumatic test;
  • blood test to determine the level of antistreptolysin-O, C-reactive protein.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe an ECG and ultrasound examination of the kidneys.


Why is chronic tonsillitis dangerous for pregnant women?

  • may provoke the development of late toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia, preeclampsia);
  • provoke a miscarriage in the first trimester or premature birth in the last trimester;
  • the infection can spread to other organs, causing kidney diseases, glomerulonephritis and myocarditis;
  • chronic tonsillitis can lead to rheumatism of the joints and heart failure in the expectant mother;
  • in the later stages, the infection can penetrate the placenta and cause disease in the fetus (in rare cases);
  • inflamed tonsils lose their ability to resist infections and reduce immunity, which is why the expectant mother may be prone to various diseases;
  • Tonsillitis causes fetal hypoxia.

To avoid such consequences, contact an ENT specialist at the first symptoms.


If tonsillitis is not complicated by an abscess of surrounding tissues and general sepsis, then a two-week course of treatment is prescribed. Do not be afraid of taking antibiotics - the doctor will select ones that will not affect the development of the fetus and will be effective against the infection that causes chronic tonsillitis.

What can you do

What to do if your throat hurts? When the first symptoms appear, you must contact an ENT specialist to make a diagnosis. Chronic tonsillitis should be treated at any stage of pregnancy, since the disease negatively affects both the health of the mother and the intrauterine development of the child.

It will be necessary to follow all the doctor’s instructions, get more rest and eat rationally. At home, you can gargle with antiseptic solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, and take prescribed antibiotics.

What does a doctor do

The doctor analyzes the examination results and prescribes the necessary treatment. It can be conservative or surgical (if it cannot be cured with medication).

The course of therapy includes a whole range of activities:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • washing the tonsils with an antiseptic solution;
  • lubricating the tonsils with honey preparations;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures that are allowed for pregnant women (ultrasound, magnetic therapy, ultraviolet radiation of the nose and pharynx);
  • use of immunostimulating drugs;
  • inhalation therapy using various medicinal plants.

The period of complete recovery after a course of treatment may take a year or two. Treatment must be repeated twice a year.

Removal of tonsils is contraindicated only in the last trimester. Modern methods of tonsillectomy make it possible to remove lymphoid tissue in a gentle way, without damaging surrounding tissues. Therefore, the recovery period after surgery is short, with minimal risks of complications.


How to prevent the development of chronic tonsillitis in pregnant women?

  • first of all, you need to protect yourself from hypothermia;
  • ensure that the diet contains enough vitamins and minerals, the need for which is increased during pregnancy;
  • avoid stress, as it negatively affects the immune status;
  • gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory properties during the cold season;
  • avoid crowded places during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as there is a high probability of becoming infected with chronic tonsillitis due to a weakened immune system;
  • walk more in the fresh air, take sunbathing.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting period in the life of every woman. But there is rarely a pregnant woman who has spent all 9 months without one or another health problem. From banal ARVI to exacerbation of existing diseases, no one is immune. In this article we will talk about tonsillitis during pregnancy. Often women are diagnosed with this diagnosis even before pregnancy; it can periodically remind itself of itself with frequent sore throats or sore throats, but while expecting a baby, it is necessary to treat it more carefully and in no case self-medicate.

What is tonsillitis and how does it manifest?

Let's start with the fact that tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, most often the palatine tonsils, of a bacterial (usually streptococcal) or viral nature. Tonsils are organs of the lymphatic system and serve as “guardians” on the path of all infectious agents entering our body.

Routes of infection:

1. Airborne.

2. Autoinfection – if the body has carious teeth, periodontal disease, sinusitis and other diseases, inflammation of the tonsils can be triggered.

Types of tonsillitis

Acute (angina) is an infectious disease, the causative agents of which are often streptococci or staphylococci, less often viruses (herpes, Coxsackie), as well as fungi of the genus Candida in “conspiracy” with bacterial flora.

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is a consequence of untreated acute tonsillitis before pregnancy; it can occur after a sore throat or other diseases that cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria). Symptoms

Acute tonsillitis

1. Sore throat, acute, occurs when swallowing food and saliva.

2. Increase in temperature.

3. Enlarged tonsils.

4. The presence of caseous plugs in the lacunae of the tonsils.

5. Symptoms of intoxication (malaise, weakness).

Chronic tonsillitis

1. Sore throat.

2. Pain when swallowing.

3. Dry, annoying cough.

4. Bad breath.

5. Frequent low-grade fever (37–37.5).

6. Decreased appetite.

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy, consequences

Any inflammation in the body puts a strain on our immune system, which in turn weakens the body's defenses and reduces immunity. Also, the presence in the body of a constant source of infection can provoke intrauterine infection of the fetus, since bacteria can freely spread throughout the mother’s body through the bloodstream.

Chronic tonsillitis, if untreated, can provoke premature birth or lead to the development of late gestosis, which is a serious complication of pregnancy.

And of course, doctors are afraid of complications after a sore throat, since group A β-hemolytic streptococcus can cause serious problems with joints (rheumatism), heart (periarteritis nodosa), kidney disease (nephritis) and other diseases. A peritonsillar abscess may occur as a local complication of tonsillitis. The ideal option would be to visit an ENT doctor at the pregnancy planning stage and decide what is best for you to do about your problem: either undergo preventive treatment or have your tonsils surgically removed.

Not every sore throat is a sore throat, so if symptoms of discomfort appear, you should consult a therapist or ENT specialist, or consult a general practitioner, who combines several specialists.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis

Noteworthy are hypertrophied (enlarged) tonsils, redness, swelling of tissues and mucous membranes, and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. You may also be prescribed a clinical blood test, where the body’s inflammatory reaction will be visible - an increase in leukocytes, the appearance of their immature forms (a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left) and a significant increase in ESR.

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy

So, how and with what to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy? If the disease worsens, you are advised to go to bed, that is, you need to take sick leave if you are still working. It is very important to control the intake of a sufficient amount of liquid: juices, fruit drinks, tea, rosehip decoction, milk. You should drink 1.5–2 liters of liquid - this will help reduce intoxication in the body. It is recommended to eat food pureed and warm, in order to injure the sore throat as little as possible. We exclude: hot, cold, salty and spicy dishes, smoked foods, crackers and dry cookies.

⁣Drug treatment for exacerbation, as a rule, requires the prescription of antibiotics. Typically, pregnant women are prescribed antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group: and its analogues. Dosages, frequency of administration and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor, based on complaints, examination and duration of pregnancy. In addition, a group of macrolides, josamycin, is used (under the trade name Solutab), which is also approved for use by pregnant women. Nowadays, a so-called local antibiotic in the form of a spray is often prescribed: it can be used by pregnant women.

There is no need to be afraid of prescribing antibiotics during pregnancy, there are situations when this is necessary, at the moment there are several groups of antibiotics approved for use by pregnant women; naturally, only a doctor can prescribe and stop antibiotics.

Local antiseptic drugs also have a quick effect in the form of sanitation of inflammation and pain relief. There are ready-made solutions for this: (there are bottles in the form of a spray), (it has a bitter taste, so not everyone likes it). It is recommended to gargle with furacillin or chamomile - the main thing here is to do it often: in the first days - every hour, then the effect will be noticeable.

To eliminate pain, you can use a spray: it has an analgesic effect, has an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. In between rinses, you can dissolve antiseptics in the form of tablets: or.

If your body temperature rises above 38°, you can use or.

A local antiseptic drug has proven itself, but this spray is iodine-based and should be used with caution if you have problems with the thyroid gland, and allergies to it are common, which must be taken into account when choosing this drug for the treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy.

Washing the tonsils

In the office of an ENT doctor, the doctor can rinse the lacunae of the tonsils with an antiseptic solution, due to which mechanical cleaning of purulent plugs occurs, which helps alleviate the condition and reduce inflammation. Sometimes rinsing is done using a tonsil vacuum device, but during pregnancy it cannot always be used: in the first and third trimester there are contraindications.

Tonsil removal

If treatment is ineffective: frequent exacerbations, severe course, constant accumulation of pus in the tonsils - there are indications for tonsil removal. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour. It is now possible to remove tonsils with a laser - this is a quick and less traumatic alternative to a surgeon’s scalpel.

Often patients delay surgery until the last minute, naively believing that by removing the tonsils, they will remain defenseless against disease, but with chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils cease to perform their function and only serve as a source of chronic infection in the body.

Traditional medicine for tonsillitis

Our love for traditional medicine cannot be underestimated. Of course, as an adjuvant it has shown itself to be quite good, but it also has some disadvantages: often medicinal herbs are a pronounced allergen, and the medicinal properties of herbs are inferior in effectiveness to chemicals, so it is possible to waste time during treatment with them and worsen the condition.

If you have tonsillitis during pregnancy, you should think twice before using herbs, as not all of them are safe for your condition, for example, raspberries are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they cause uterine hypertonicity.

On forums about tonsillitis during pregnancy, mothers say that they use decoctions of chamomile, sage, and eucalyptus, and they are used both for rinsing and for inhalation. But it’s also better not to overdo it with chamomile, as in case of an overdose it can cause hypertension and provoke premature birth. For inhalation, special nebulizer devices are used. In case of complicated pregnancy (threat of miscarriage, gestosis, heart disease in the mother), such treatment is contraindicated. It is important to remember that propolis tincture can be used internally only in the early stages of pregnancy (contrary to the advice of experienced ones), and even then only in a very diluted form and after consultation with a specialist.

As you understand, tonsillitis is a serious disease, fraught with various complications, so you should take it seriously and treat it in conjunction with a doctor you trust. Do not panic if you get tonsillitis during pregnancy and need drug treatment - the harm from the medication is negligible compared to the constant intoxication of the body and the risk of infection of the fetus, especially with tonsillitis in early pregnancy. Be healthy!

I am 34 years old, we are planning a 2nd pregnancy. During the examination, the ENT specialist said that I had “bad tonsils, chronic tonsillitis” and gave me a referral for tests: rheumatic complex, OAC, OAM, cardiogram, NG smear. At the same time, she said that, most likely, it will be necessary to remove the tonsils so that there are no complications during pregnancy or an “irreversible process” after pregnancy - rheumatism, etc. (I don’t have any special problems with my throat - it often hurts and itches - autumn-winter, without fever, I manage with gargling, or it goes away on its own).
The results of the OBC are all normal, the cardiogram is also normal, the results of the OAM and smears are not ready yet.
I am concerned about the result of the test for rheumatic complex:
c-reactive protein (res. - 3.9; normal - up to 10 mg/l); rheumatoid factor (res. - positive 8.0 U/ml, normal - negative (up to 8.0 U/ml)); Antistreptolysin-O (res. - 169, norm - up to 150 U/ml) Thymol test (res. - 1.5, norm - up to 5 units)
According to the cardiologist, there are no problems with the heart (he looked at the cardiogram and rheumatic complex).
1. Do I need additional consultation with a rheumatologist before pregnancy?
2. Is such a deviation from the norm according to this analysis very large and dangerous?
3. Is it possible for me to get pregnant and give birth without having my tonsils removed (I didn’t have tonsillitis at a conscious age, my throat was sore and sore even before my first child)?
4. Can my situation with the tonsils and the presence of such results from this analysis during pregnancy or after childbirth negatively affect me or the child?
5. Is additional examination necessary before pregnancy in my situation?
P.S. There is a feeling that they just want to “intimidate” me into undergoing surgery (I already had a similar experience), but at the same time, I don’t want to risk the health of the unborn child and my own.

Answered by Berezovskaya E.P.

Looking ahead (or I don’t know where), I’ll say right away that during pregnancy rheumatoid arthritis does not progress, but, on the contrary, regresses and calms down. That is, pregnancy has a unique therapeutic effect on RA. This topic was discussed in one of the questions here: Rheumatoid Arthritis. When can you get pregnant?

Of course, the doctor is intimidating you in full, but completely unreasonably.

A few words from my personal history: I have suffered from chronic tonsillitis since childhood. Several times in a row I was sent for surgery to remove my tonsils, only to be sent home again because the surgery was contraindicated due to inflammation. My sister suffered from the same thing, so she got caught up in the wave of total tonsil removal among the younger generation. Yes, there was such a fashion for removing tonsils, even without any indication. After this, she began to have serious heart problems (endocarditis), her throat became more inflamed, and the infections lasted longer. Constantly says that it was a serious mistake to remove the tonsils, and I completely agree with this. With my loose and large tonsils (Horror! They will choke you one day! Your heart will fail because of them!) I endured two pregnancies and gave birth to healthy children. Heart ugh, ugh, ugh... Arthritis? So I try to go to the gym regularly or periodically (depending on the availability of free time), but every day I walk for at least 30 minutes. So far, no arthritis... A healthy lifestyle is the prevention of many diseases.

Have you ever wondered why we need tonsils and why they become inflamed? What is the oropharynx? This is the cavity where air and food enter. This is, in fact, the only large gate in the human body through which a mass of everything foreign (air and food) constantly enters. Therefore, nature made sure that a person did not die at the very first breath and at the first sip of water or food. It has created a lymphatic ring around this portal of entry, and the tonsils play a very important role in the function of this ring. The folding of their surface is like a certain filter brush that traps pathogenic particles and, in addition, reduces the lumen of the entrance to the nasopharynx. These organs are structurally a collection of lymphoid tissue covered with a mucous membrane.

The air entering the nose is cleared only of large particles, thanks to the villi of the nose and the folding of the nasal mucosa. After this, the air enters the nasopharynx, then into the larynx, connected to the trachea. The bronchi are covered with a dense network of lymphatic tissue with many lymph nodes. Together with the mucus produced by the inner lining of the bronchi, lymphocytes and other cells of the immune system purify the air of pathogenic agents and foreign particles. Therefore, when the respiratory tract is inflamed, a large amount of mucus is often produced - the person coughs and produces sputum.

The intestines contain 60% of human lymphoid tissue! Firstly, lymphocytes and other protective substances and structures are necessary for the same neutralization of food. Secondly, toxins are formed due to the active activity of hundreds of billions of intestinal bacteria. To prevent these bacteria from leaving the intestine and harming neighboring organs, a dense network of lymphoid tissue with many nodes around the intestinal loops is involved in protective mechanisms.

Thus, in the human body there are three large accumulations of lymphoid tissue: the lymphoid ring of the nasopharynx, the bronchial region and the intestinal region. If the tonsils are unreasonably removed, the first gate of defense is broken. It is also important to remember that if the intestines work poorly (which is 90% associated with an incorrect, unbalanced diet, abuse of antibiotics and other drugs, smoking and lack of exercise), the largest organ of immune defense in the human body - this very intestine - fails. Therefore, all organs and organ systems begin to suffer: the first to be nearby are the urinary system, reproductive system, liver, and then other organs.

I have given such an extensive introduction to human anatomy and the role of some of its parts in protecting against everything foreign so that you understand that frequent inflammatory diseases in different parts of the body, including the throat, are a natural result of the presence of other breakdowns, possibly at the level the same intestine. Pay close attention to your diet, start doing physical exercise if you are not doing it. If you have constipation, eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in fiber.

Returning to your situation. For your age, you are a completely healthy woman. You shouldn't expect perfection. Also, again taking into account your age, there is not much time left to plan a pregnancy, because for most women after 37 years, a new wave of death of the remaining eggs begins - the woman’s body is preparing for menopause, although in the soul there may be a condition for as long as 25 years.

Now the answers:

1. Do I need additional consultation with a rheumatologist before pregnancy? — If there are no complaints, except for the occasional sore throat (I’m 48, but I’ve had a periodic sore throat all my life), and if you’re planning a pregnancy, you don’t need to consult a rheumatologist. Rheumatoid arthritis requires treatment if clinical signs of arthritis are present. In all other cases, a good prevention of arthritis (any) is physical activity.

2. Is such a deviation from the norm according to this analysis very large and dangerous? – We do not make diagnoses based on test results alone, especially since such deviations may be characteristic of an infectious process suffered in the recent past.

3. Can I get pregnant and give birth without having my tonsils removed? – It is possible and necessary, because you are not at the right age to waste time.

4. Can my situation with the tonsils and the presence of such results from this analysis during pregnancy or after childbirth negatively affect me or the child? — Chronic tonsillitis does not affect pregnancy and the child. On the contrary, during pregnancy, inflammation of the tonsils is often suppressed, especially from the second trimester.

5. Is additional examination necessary before pregnancy in my situation? — If everything is normal in your gynecological department, then, in principle, no additional examination is needed. There are articles in the library and an entire book “Preparing for Pregnancy” on the topic of pregnancy planning. Start taking folic acid now - it's important.

And a successful journey into the world of motherhood for the second time!

All answers

A woman's immune system is weakened during pregnancy. Therefore, tonsillitis during pregnancy, like other ENT diseases, can overshadow the happy expectation of a child. It is important to recognize the manifestations of pathology in time and take measures to cure it.


This inflammatory disease of the tonsils is caused by streptococcus. Pathology can be either acute or chronic.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

sore throat that increases with swallowing; redness and enlargement of the tonsils, sometimes accompanied by the appearance of purulent plugs and plaque; soreness; sensation of a foreign body, a lump in the tonsil area; enlargement and tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes, determined by palpation (normally they have a diameter of up to 1 cm and are painless); increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.0-37.5 °C); asthenic syndrome - lethargy, weakness, weakness, malaise.

If a sore throat is not treated in time, it becomes chronic. In this case, the clinical picture may be erased, the symptoms are not so pronounced, the course of the disease is long with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Chronic tonsillitis and pregnancy are a dangerous combination. The pathology is dangerous due to serious complications, including the loss of the child. Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy can occur with hypothermia (both general and local), prolonged and frequent exposure to stress factors, and overwork.


The occurrence of pathology can occur for several reasons:

frequent colds; hypothermia; untreated acute form of the disease; chronic sources of infection in the body - carious teeth, chronic diseases of other ENT organs; weak immune system.

Why is tonsillitis dangerous?

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is dangerous due to the development of complications. Normally, the tonsils serve as a kind of barrier that restrains pathogenic bacteria and prevents their further penetration into the body and blood.

Inflamed tonsils can be compared to a dirty water filter - instead of being cleaned of unnecessary impurities, it itself becomes a source of infection. When pathogenic bacteria enter the bloodstream, they can cause complications in other organs and systems, as well as infection of the fetus.

Tonsillitis is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, when the development of organs and systems in the child occurs. During this period, a woman should be as attentive to her health as possible.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy is dangerous due to the development of such serious consequences as:

miscarriage; premature birth; fetal infection; weakness of labor (in these cases it is necessary to resort to caesarean section); development of nephropathy, myocarditis, rheumatism, heart defects in women.

Which doctor should I contact for tonsillitis during pregnancy?

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy is carried out by an otolaryngologist or therapist. If complications develop, you may need to consult a rheumatologist, nephrologist, or other specialized specialists.


How to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy? Firstly, using methods that are safe for mother and fetus. Secondly, in the shortest possible period of time.

Drug treatment

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is possible with the help of drugs such as Tantum Verde spray or sublingual tablets Lizobakt, Doctor MOM lozenges, Strepsils. They have no toxic effects and are safe for women and fetuses. If you have normal iodine tolerance, you can lubricate your tonsils with Lugol's solution.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment include magnetic therapy, ultrasound, and EF on the tonsil area.

You can gargle with mineral water, solutions of furatsilin, baking soda, sea salt, and potassium permanganate. Rinsing is harmless and has a local anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In addition, pathogenic bacteria are mechanically washed away from the tonsils.

Such procedures for chronic tonsillitis should be carried out as often as possible. It is better to alternate different rinsing solutions. In this case, microbial resistance will not develop. Solutions prepared from decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants (Chlorophyllipt, Rotacan) are well suited for rinsing.

Miramistin is an antiseptic with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. It can be used both for rinsing and for irrigating the tonsils and oral cavity. Aerosols Kameton, Ingalipt, Hexoral are also used topically.

In extreme cases, antibiotics are used. During pregnancy, the use of penicillin drugs is permitted. Amoxicillin and Flemoxin are usually prescribed. They do not have a harmful effect on the embryo and have a wide range of effects.

Folk remedies

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy using traditional methods should be agreed with a doctor.

The most common means:

propolis, honey in the absence of allergies; gargling with herbal decoctions - horsetail, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, mint, sage; lubricating the tonsils with horsetail juice; use of juice of medicinal plants - aloe, kalanchoe; steam inhalations with soda, mineral water, herbal decoctions.

You can simply chew propolis or gargle with a solution (1 tsp of propolis tincture for 1 glass of water). Honey has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be added to tea or simply dissolved in your mouth.

The simplest steam inhalation is to inhale the steam of boiled potatoes over a saucepan. Such procedures can be carried out with a solution of baking soda or salt. You can add a small amount of “Star” balm to the water, containing extracts of herbs and essential oils.

But prolonged exposure to steam is undesirable during pregnancy. Therefore, inhalation using a nebulizer with mineral water or saline solution is best. Read more about inhalations during pregnancy →


In order not to be caught by the disease during pregnancy, a woman should take care of sanitizing foci of infection in the oral cavity even before conception. If you are pregnant, you should avoid hypothermia, crowded places, and contact with sick people.

If it was not possible to prevent the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy, then it should be treated as early as possible. The main thing is not to start the process and not allow complications to arise. Treatment should be carried out taking into account the doctor's recommendations. Unauthorized use of medications can negatively affect the health of both the woman herself and the unborn child.