Which fish oil is better to choose for a child - in capsules or liquid version in drops? Kusalochka in chewable capsules

In the modern world, it is virtually impossible to do without immunostimulants, as well as vitamin complexes, and this is especially important for young children. Today, the pharmacological environment represents a wide range of synthetic and natural drugs that are extremely necessary for humans. However, a large number of people still, and quite rightly, trust proven means, among which it is necessary to note fish oil. This is one of the few preparations containing vitamin D, as well as a number of extremely valuable components, especially for a growing child’s body.

Benefits of consuming fish oil

Fish oil is a liquid, oily substance that is extracted from the liver or meat of cod fish. This product is used as a dietary supplement, as it is endowed with a rich and very useful composition. Among the most important ingredients:

  • Vitamin A – has a positive effect on the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. Without it, tissues become dry, lifeless and prone to injury;
  • D – is necessary for the prevention of bone tissue diseases, and in addition helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus in the body;
  • trace elements (iron, selenium, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, magnesium, calcium, etc.);
  • complex of Omega-3 acids - improves the functioning of the immune defense, increases resistance to infectious agents, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system (prevents thrombophlebitis).

It is also possible to obtain all these components through food, but for this a person needs to eat at least 350 grams of the desired types of fish 3 times a week, which is not always possible. In addition, there is a risk that the fish will contain toxic substances due to ocean pollution. The safest and most convenient solution is to use a dietary supplement.

Why children are given fish oil: indications for use

Fish oil is a safe product that is approved for use even at a very young age. Considering the properties of this supplement, it should be used if the following indications exist:

  • disruption of the normal development of the neuropsychic complex;
  • growth disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • memory problems;
  • reduced immunity;
  • presence of allergies;
  • eye diseases;
  • irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • lack of vitamins A, E and D;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • recovery period after long-term illnesses or operations.

In all these conditions, the product can have a positive effect on the body, but it is still better to consult a doctor first to agree on the dose and period of use of the product.

In the first year of life, the use of fish oil should be very careful, since if you overdo it, the baby’s fontanel will close too early. Those children who are bottle-fed need a supplement of the drug, since they do not receive fatty acids from formula.

Instructions: at what age and how to give the drug to children

Fish oil is a pharmacological agent that cannot be taken constantly, and the reason for prescribing the drug may be a doctor’s recommendation. Usually the drug is taken in courses of several weeks so that the amount of vitamin D3 in the child’s body returns to normal. Thus, it should be noted that the administration, including the dosage of the drug, must be agreed upon with the pediatrician, and the treatment process must be carried out under his control.

In capsule form, fish oil can be given to children over three years of age - the number of capsules depends on their volume. This information can be found in the dosage table, which is contained in the instructions for each individual drug. In liquid form, you can start using fish oil from the age of one month, 3 drops of the drug twice a day. Over time, the volume of the product increases, so a one-year-old child should drink 1 teaspoon twice a day, from two years old, two spoons twice a day. From three years old, the volume of fish oil can reach a dessert spoon twice a day, and over 7 years old, you should drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Which fish oil is better to choose: review of drugs

Today you can find large amounts of processed fish oil on pharmacy shelves. Most companies, such as Zolotaya Rybka or Solgar, which are trusted manufacturers, offer an already deodorized product that does not have an unpleasant odor. This is not the only criterion that must be met; it is also important to pay attention to what the drug is made from, what fish it is made from, etc. Therefore, below is a list of the most worthy and proven products sold in various forms.

Kusalochka in chewable capsules

Fish oil “Kusalochka” is a unique product that is very popular among children, since the drug does not have an unpleasant fishy taste. During the production process, the main component is processed at low temperatures, as a result of which all the characteristic taste and aroma characteristics of fish fat completely disappear. The product is enclosed in pleasant-tasting gelatin capsules that you can bite into. The product contains a large number of nutritional components and vitamins for children. In other words, “Kusalochka” is a complex of non-synthesized vitamins necessary for a child, and the taste of the capsules will appeal to every child.

Moller in liquid form

Moller, which produces vitamins and nutritional supplements for children, produces high-quality fish oil obtained from Norwegian cod liver oil. The drug contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, C, E, etc. The product is sold in bottles of 250 and 500 milliliters. At the same time, the product has a pleasant fruity taste, which will especially appeal to children who are difficult to get to drink the product in its original form. The drug is offered for purchase in order to improve the concentration, activity and intellectual development of the baby.

Finnish fish oil Omega-3

Finnish fish oil is a complex of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential vitamins, including components of groups A, E, D, etc. This complex is suitable for use by both adults and children. It should be noted that for children the described drug is simply necessary, since it helps strengthen the immune system, improves metabolic processes, adds strength, and also helps to concentrate on solving complex problems. The product is sold in different forms and has the form of a capsule or liquid preparation that must be taken in its pure form.

Children's fish oil Biocontour

This drug is a high-quality product of domestic production, produced in accordance with all quality standards. You can start using Biocontour from the age of three, which will have a tremendously beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous and immune system. The described product is sold in capsule and liquid form, in small bottles of 50-200 milliliters. The fat is deodorized, so it does not have the characteristic sharp fishy smell and taste. In this regard, no problems or taste dislikes can arise with the food additive.

Harm and side effects from using drugs

Fish oil is a natural product and is a fairly common allergen. In addition to a possible allergic reaction, there is a possibility that the child will develop loose stools (to avoid this, the supplement is consumed with food).

When using the drug, there cannot be an overdose of fat itself, but an excess of the vitamins included in its composition may well occur. A sign of this is disruption of the digestive process, nausea, and abdominal pain. Also, such an excess can result in an exacerbation of chronic diseases - cholecystitis and pancreatitis. All these negative effects go away on their own after eliminating fat.

What are the contraindications

The first contraindication is the presence of an allergy to seafood. In this case, neither the fish itself nor fish oil should be consumed. In addition, there are other restrictions:

  1. increased content of vitamins in the body (for example, due to taking vitamin complexes);
  2. hyperthyroidism (impaired normal functioning of the thyroid gland) - taking fish oil can worsen the condition;
  3. active form of tuberculosis;
  4. liver diseases;
  5. renal failure;
  6. ulcerative lesions in the stomach or duodenum.

Where and how to properly store fish oil

To preserve its properties, the liquid product must be packaged in dark glass vials (fatty acids are broken down when exposed to light). The product quickly deteriorates in warm conditions, so the best place to store it is in the refrigerator. When the bottle is in use, it is important to ensure that the cap is tightly closed, otherwise the fat may spoil. Of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date, and it is better to purchase the freshest product, since even the normal shelf life according to the data on the packaging may not correspond to reality due to violation of storage rules. As for the encapsulated supplement, it will be enough to place it in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky

The video offered for viewing discusses the use of fish oil for children and pregnant women. The doctor explains in detail the specific effects of this drug on the body, describing its potential and purpose of use. After watching the video, you can get answers to most of your questions regarding fish oil as the main source of vitamin D.

An effective, popular, inexpensive means of maintaining the health of babies is fish oil. Omega 3 supplies the body with substances, polyunsaturated acids, which are not produced, but are important for the normal, full functioning of the child.

Useful qualities

Sometimes, along with nutrition, the child does not receive enough necessary substances for proper development. Then the question arises of which drugs to use as a dietary supplement. Among the natural and safe dietary supplements, fish oil meets all requirements for the quantity and quality of useful ingredients.

This unique combination of essential substances is not found anywhere else.

You can replace the intake of fish oil if you give your child 300 g of sea fish twice a week, feed him walnuts, and high-quality vegetable oil. This is possible for older children; this method is not suitable for newborns.

The table clearly shows all the beneficial components contained in fish oil, their effect on the development of infants, as well as what the deficiency will lead to.

NameBody reaction
upon assimilationin case of shortage
Vitamin AStrengthens cell membranes, which is especially important for babies with allergic reactions.Visual acuity decreases, dry mucous membranes appear. Nails peel, hair breaks.
Vitamin DHelps absorb calcium and phosphorus, strengthens bones, and promotes normal skeletal formation.Rickets develops.
Vitamin ENeeded for normal muscle function. Reduces the risk of oncological degeneration of tissues, reduces the manifestation of allergies.Blood clotting is impaired.
IodineTakes part in all metabolic processes.Young children may have mental retardation. At school age, iodine deficiency leads to decreased intelligence, severe drowsiness, and lethargy.
PhosphorusStimulates the growth of bone tissue and teeth. Needed for normal functioning of the kidneys and nervous system.Anxiety, weakness, decreased cognitive activity.
Omega 3 fatty polyunsaturated acidsThey take part in the formation of brain cells, the development and functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and internal systems. Helps strengthen the immune system.There is growth retardation, decreased mental and physical development, decreased performance, and fatigue.
Docosahexaenoic acidTakes part in strengthening the central nervous system, retina, and normalizes blood supply to the brain.Provokes neurotic disorders, absent-mindedness.
Eicosapentaenoic acidMaintains a normal level of digestive juice in the stomach, stabilizes the secretion of bile, strengthens the immune system.Attention is impaired, absent-mindedness, nervousness, and anxiety develop.

Application area

Breasts are allowed to consume fish oil from a certain time. A doctor can determine the need and time.

The indications are:

  • prevention of rickets;
  • poor memory;
  • attention deficit syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • lack of growth;
  • hemophilia;
  • eye diseases;
  • poor muscle mass gain;
  • frequent colds;
  • decreased vision;
  • poor immunity;
  • aggression and irritability of the child;
  • poor condition of the scalp;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • obesity;
  • treatment of skin damage;
  • dry skin;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Fish oil is essential for a newborn who is bottle-fed. After all, he does not receive useful substances, for example, fatty acids in milk formulas.

However, mothers should carefully study the labels on the jar of the mixture; the fact is that the manufacturer may include Omega 3 fatty acids in the composition, then additional intake of fish oil will not be required. Be vigilant to avoid overdose!


Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky speaks positively about the use of fish oil. However, it reminds us of the importance of following the dosage. Follow exactly the amount of the drug, dosage regimen, and duration of preventive treatment prescribed by your pediatrician.

According to the doctor, taking fish oil was relevant in the middle of the last century. For rickets, this was an ideal remedy, because there was not much variety in baby food. Currently, you eat a fairly varied diet, spend a lot of time in the sun and fresh air, and there will be no need to supplement with fish oil.

However, it is not useful for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • stomach diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • excess vitamins A, D;
  • liver diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies to fish and seafood;
  • low blood pressure;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • poor blood clotting.

In infants, fish oil can cause allergies, because the digestive system has not yet begun to produce the necessary enzymes for digestion. Up to a year, the product is prescribed in the form of drops, but even such a minimal amount can cause digestive upset, for example. To avoid this, the supplement must be added to your usual food, which is already well absorbed.

You should start with a very small amount and carefully observe the baby’s body reaction. If everything is in order, I gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to the daily norm prescribed by the doctor.


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A very important condition for children is compliance with the correct dosage. An excess of fish oil is unlikely, since a very small amount is consumed. The danger may be an overdose of vitamins contained in the supplement. With hypervitaminosis, abdominal pain and liver dysfunction are observed.

An overabundance of fish oil poses a great danger for infants under six months. Increased intake of vitamin D stimulates increased bone growth. This provokes the overgrowth of the fontanel on the head ahead of schedule, which can cause many painful conditions, for example, increased blood pressure.

For the little ones

Every mother wonders whether it is possible to give fish oil to her baby. This is decided by the pediatrician on an individual basis. It is necessary to take into account the development of the baby, the rate of overgrowth of the fontanel, the type of feeding, even the number of sunny days. Usually, a baby is prescribed the drug no earlier than one month from birth.

The standard dose is 5 drops in the morning and evening. At 6 months, the baby drinks a teaspoon a day. The dosage remains the same per year, only the number of doses increases. The drug is given during meals and can be mixed into salads and other dishes. No need to heat, should be added to already cooked products. From the age of seven you can switch to capsules that must be swallowed. The duration of treatment should not be more than three months.

Before you buy fish oil for infants, you need to understand what it is like. It is produced in liquid form, in the form of gummies and capsules. It is convenient to use liquid forms of Omega 3 for infants.

What is she like? This is a rather thick liquid of light yellow color with a specific fishy odor. Previously it was made from the liver of cod fish. But a large amount of toxins accumulate in this organ, so now children get a better quality product from the carcass using a cold press.

  1. Before you buy, you need to read the instructions about the method of manufacturing the product. The quality is indicated by fat prepared from ocean fish carcasses. But shark fish is considered a less safe supplier of oil.
  2. Norwegian fat is an environmentally friendly product. No pollutants were found in the seas of this state where fishing is carried out. Among Russian manufacturers, Murmansk companies have good products.
  3. The production of oil from fish is not strictly regulated because it is not a drug. That is why you need to buy a drug labeled “medical”. Otherwise, you can purchase a product for veterinary or household use.
  4. Fish and fish oils are commercially available. They differ in composition. Fish contains more vitamins, fish contains mainly Omega-3 fatty acids. The pediatrician should tell you which one is needed for an infant.
  5. When buying a drug, you need to look for one without flavorings. Often liquid fat is additionally deodorized to remove unpleasant taste and smell. But synthetic fragrances can cause allergies in young children. Or opt for all-natural aromatic ingredients, such as essential oils.
  6. Also, the bottle should be made of thick dark glass, since fatty acids can oxidize under the influence of the sun. A responsible manufacturer pours fat to the brim, under the cork. After all, under the influence of oxygen, Omega-3 also oxidizes. For the same reason, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator, so the drug will retain its beneficial qualities longer.
  7. Do not take large bottles; most likely, by the end of use, the product will no longer be fresh and will lose its nutritional value. It is better to buy Omega 3 in a small container, no more than 100 ml.
  8. Please note that Omega 3 is in the form of triglycerides, not esters, so that the supplement is better absorbed by the child’s body and brings more benefits.

Popular drugs

There are many drugs on the market. Series in liquid form are offered especially for young children. For example, Moller Kalanmaksaoljy is children's fish oil. Made in Finland, approved for use from six months because it contains flavoring.

According to reviews from parents, the drugs from Carlson Labs and Norsk BarneTran (manufactured in Norway) are considered the best. This is fish oil in liquid form. The first contains lemon or orange natural flavoring, the second contains herbal extracts.

Allergies are possible in infants; you should consult your doctor about the need to use these particular medications.

In Russia it is produced in liquid form “BIOKontur”. It is suitable for babies from one month old, as it does not contain synthetic additives. “Magic Fish” is also produced in our country and has no flavorings. There is a convenient dropper on the lid.

It is advisable to find words on the label that the drug is recommended for babies up to one year old. Most manufacturers produce the drug in the form of capsules and gelatin candies, which are designed for older children.


A small child needs a balanced diet. Breastfeeding provides the baby with everything necessary, and with artificial feeding, taking additional medications for growth and development will be very useful.

The third generation of fish oil is being produced. It is adapted for feeding babies and has a pleasant taste and aroma. Children enjoy using this nutritional supplement, which helps them grow healthy and smart.

Fish oil for children in capsules has no negative properties when compared with its natural counterpart. By adding flavorings, the bitter taste disappears and the unpleasant odor is neutralized, so the child uses the product with great pleasure.

Prescribing fish oil to children helps strengthen bone tissue, prevent rickets (softening of bone tissue due to lack of calcium), and increases resistance to infections.

The valuable properties of the substance are due to the content of vitamin D, unsaturated omega-3 acids, and prostaglandins. Due to weak immunity in childhood, colds often occur. Scientific studies have shown that consuming cod liver reduces the likelihood of complications. It is from these fish that pharmaceutical fish oil capsules are made.

Scientists have proven that a lack of omega-3 acids in boys leads to anxiety, aggressiveness, sleep disturbances, problems with learning, and impulsivity. Fat improves the concentration of serotonin, a mediator of joy in adolescents.

Using the product helps fight depression in teenagers. Puberty is characterized by hormonal imbalance, the appearance of juvenile acne, and mental imbalance.

Effective fight against obesity in children is impossible without this remedy. The content of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) activates lipogenesis (destruction of fat cells).

Children with anemic syndrome and hemophilia are prescribed the drug for a long time. A similar dosage is recommended for pregnant women to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

When choosing a therapeutic concentration, the vitamin D content in special supplements should be taken into account. An overdose of the drug is dangerous to health, as it increases the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.

What is the benefit:

  • Used to prevent rickets;
  • Helps reduce obesity in schoolchildren;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Restores vision;
  • Helps fight stress and increased aggressiveness.

Literary sources describe many other positive properties of the product, but they have not been proven by scientific research.

How to choose

There are 3 types of fish oil:

  1. White;
  2. Yellow;
  3. Brown.

Brown fat has technical uses. It is used in the space industry to fuel rockets. Medicinal types – medical, veterinary. They are transparent with a slight yellowish tint.

The mass intake of fish oil by children in kindergartens and schools was organized in the post-war years, but in 1970 it was banned due to environmental pollution. In 1997, the ban was lifted and now fish oil for children and adults is again widely advertised as a very useful dietary supplement and as a medicine. The problem of harmful impurities (mercury, dioxide, etc.) getting into fish oil remains on the conscience of fish oil manufacturers; it is they who must monitor the safety of their products.

Composition and release forms

The main component of fish oil is not ω3, but ω9 - oleic acid (almost like in olive oil), its content can reach up to 70%, in second place in concentration in fish oil is palmitic acid up to 25%, and only in third place is palmitic acid. ω3: docosohexaenoic acid up to 15%, eicosapentaenoic acid up to 10%, docosopentaenoic acid up to 5%, ω6 content in fish oil (linoleic and arachidonic) can be up to 5% In addition to fatty acids, fish oil contains vitamins A, D, E - an overdose of which can be dangerous for humans, especially for children.

Fish oil in liquid form does not have a very pleasant taste and has a limited shelf life. Free fatty acids come into contact with atmospheric oxygen, and the product turns from healthy to harmful. Therefore, after opening the bottle, liquid fish oil can only be stored in the refrigerator and for no longer than 3 months.

To eliminate the unpleasant fishy aftertaste, more precise dosage and increase shelf life, fish oil today is produced in gelatin capsules and chewable tablets, but such fish oil is allowed for children from 3 years old; until this time, most children are not able to swallow a capsule and do not know how to swallow it well. chew.

Fish oil for children

For children under 3 years of age, the most convenient form of taking fish oil is in liquid form, dosing in teaspoons. To eliminate the unpleasant taste, fruity flavorings are added to fish oil. The packaging must contain the composition of the drug indicating the amount of each component.

There are options for fish oil from the liver of marine fish and from the fat around the muscle tissue

  • Fish oil obtained from the liver contains many vitamins A, D, E and relatively little ω3. It is dangerous due to the greater likelihood of harmful impurities, since all harmful substances accumulate in the liver. It is not prescribed for a course of more than 1 month due to the danger of an overdose of these vitamins.
  • Fish oil obtained from perimuscular tissue contains large amounts of ω3 and vitamin E and can be taken long-term as a dietary supplement.

But these are not strict rules; sometimes fish oil is artificially enriched with additional vitamins or ω3.

Hence, Before purchasing fish oil for children, carefully read the information on the package.

You might be interested in the following

  • What is it made from: oil from the liver of sea fish (salmon, cod, shark, etc.), from the oil of sea fish (natural fish oil from Norwegian salmon), there is another option - plant-based, which means that the main part the drug is vegetable oil, for example, and vitamins and ω3 are added to it.
  • The amount of vitamins A, D, E in it.
  • The amount in it is not just ω3, but, first of all, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid.
  • Date of production, shelf life, quality of packaging (if fish oil is liquid, dark glass bottles are best).
  • The appearance of the fish oil itself, taste, smell, etc.

Your child’s pediatrician should tell you what kind of fish oil your child needs.

Composition of various fish oil preparations, in comparison with the daily requirement of children of different ages.

ω3, mg DHA Vit A, mcg Vit D, mcg Vit E, mg Vit C, mg
Day consumption 1-3 g 1000 500 10 5 40
3-7 years 2000 500 10 7 45
7-12 years 2300-2500 700 10 10 50
>12 years 2700-3000 1000 10 12 50
Kusalochka, 1 caps Moscow region 150 200 2,6 2,8
VIAVIT ω3, 1 caps Switzerland 77 400 1,3 5 30 mg
NFO, liquid, 5 ml Norway 1540 460 5
NFO ω3 forte, 1 caps 620 205 1,46
NFO ω3 with Vit D, 1 chew. tab 600 60 2,5 0,6
Moller, liquid, 5 ml Finland 1200 600 250 10 10
Moller ω3, 1 chewable tab, 200 62,5 5
Multitabs mini, ω3, 1 caps Denmark 382 300
Unique, ω3, 1 caps Norway 125 42,3 350 3 227
Omega 3, EPA, 1 cap USA 1600 180
Vitrum cardio ω3, 1 caps USA 200 2

In addition to fish oil, there are vitamin preparations with ω3 in their composition, in addition to ω3 and vitamins A, D and E, they include vitamin C and group B. When they are given to children, they are considered vitamins for memory and mind, when given to adults - vitamins for heart. But the source of omega ω3 in them is still fish oil. These are Pikovit ω3 for children, Viavit ω3, Vitrum cardio ω3, etc.

The most complex composition of them is Pikovit ω3 (Slovenia), in addition to ω3, vitamins A, D, E, there is vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B12, pantothenic and folic acid.


Fish oil for children, like other medications, should be prescribed by a doctor. He selects the drug itself, its dose and duration of treatment. Particular caution should be exercised when taking fish oils containing vitamins A and D; they can easily be overdosed on, and an overdose can be dangerous to the health and even life of your child.

I hope the article helped you decide whether or not to buy fish oil for children. Stay healthy!