Kipferon suppositories instructions for use for women. Antiviral suppositories Kipferon: instructions for use and reviews from doctors. Directions for use and dosage for children

Kipferon candles - drug from the group of immunoglobulants(cytokines), long-term strengthening immune protection in children. It is used for infectious and viral diseases. The balanced composition allows the use of suppositories for adolescents and infants in complex therapy. For what pathologies, at what age is Kipferon recommended, how not to make a mistake with the dosage, what are the contraindications? - we will try to answer these and other questions in our review.

Kipferon eliminates pathogens, eliminates the inflammatory process, and strengthens the immune system.

Composition and mechanism of action

The composition contains two active ingredients: recombinant interferon alpha-2 and complex immunoglobulin. The concentration of the first is 500,000 IU. Its role is to prevent the spread of viruses in the human body. The second component includes human immunoglobulins obtained from the blood of a donor. They are the most important component of immunity. The composition of the drug is supplemented with auxiliary elements. This:

  • paraffin;
  • emulsifier;
  • sodium salts;
  • purified water.

Their main function is to accelerate the resorption of the suppository, evenly distributing the active substances.

The therapeutic effects of the drug are explained by its immunobiological origin. Kipferon has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antichlamydial effect.

The medicine works in all body fluids - articular, intercellular, pleural, blood and lymph.

Manufacturer information

Kipferon produced in the form of candles. Suppositories are small cylinders, one end of which is slightly pointed. There are no inclusions or irregularities on the cut.

The suppositories begin to act immediately after administration.

Kipferon is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Alpharm. One cardboard box contains 2 blister packs, 5 candles each. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The average price of the drug is 600 rubles.

When is Kipferon prescribed?

The form of release of the drug in the form of suppositories allows its use for babies starting from 6 months. Kipferon is prescribed for acute and chronic course diseases. Indications for use:

  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • dysentery;
  • chlamydia;
  • vulvovaginitis;

The medicine will help with herpes.

  • hepatitis.

Experts have different opinions regarding the use of Kipferon for infants - some believe that during the formation of immunity, strengthening protective forces is only beneficial. Others believe that intervention in immune system not always justified.

Dosage and application features

The instructions for use prescribe two methods of administering suppositories - rectal and intravaginal. The first is usually used for children under 12 years of age. The vaginal route of administration is practiced at the onset of menstruation in girls. For one application, use 1 or 2 suppositories, depending on the clinical picture.

For infants (starting from 6 months), Kipferon is prescribed only rectally. Children's dosage is calculated based on the child's weight. With a body weight of up to 10 kg, you can administer no more than 500,000 IU per day, that is, 1 suppository. For older children, the dose will depend on age and type of pathology:

Disease Age group Dosage Note
Chlamydia infection Children (from 6 months to 12 years) One candle a day. The course is one and a half weeks. Possible combination with antibacterial agents.
Viral hepatitis Up to 7 years 500,000 IU per dose. No more than 1 million IU per day. For the first week, candles are placed daily, then twice a week. In case of a protracted process, it is possible to increase the duration of the course to 4 weeks.
From 8 to 11 years The maximum dosage is 1,500,000 per day, which is equal to 3 suppositories.
Over 12 years old Up to 2 million per day or 4 candles.
Frequent respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis. In the first 5 days, 2 suppositories are divided into 2 doses daily, then 2 times a week every 3 days. Use simultaneously with the course is allowed.
Children under 12 years old For one application, the dosage is 50,000 IU/kg of weight, no more than 1 million IU per day. The drug is administered rectally. Used as an independent remedy and in combination with antibacterial therapy.
Over 12 years old The maximum daily dose is 2 million IU or 4 suppositories.

The instructions provide for the use of Kipferon before surgical intervention and in recovery period after operation.

Side effects and contraindications

One of the advantages of the drug is safety. Side effects are uncommon. They are usually associated with overdose. They manifest themselves as swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, and skin rashes. If such symptoms are detected, stop using the suppositories.

An allergic reaction is possible - rash or itching.

There are restrictions on the use of Kipferon. Contraindications:

  • The child is less than 6 months old. Studies of the drug's effects on infants have not been conducted.
  • Breast-feeding. During this period, mother can use Kipferon only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Allergic reaction to the drug.
  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the suppositories.

Kipferon for children similar cases dangerous to use.

Interaction with other drugs

Conducted clinical researches proved the compatibility of Kipferon with others medications. In combination with antibiotics, the effect of the latter is even enhanced. Despite this, consult your doctor regarding the use of suppositories during treatment.


Review from Galina (daughter Anya, 7 years old), Kirov:

“In the evening, the child’s temperature suddenly jumped to 39°C. Anyutka could not sleep for a long time, tossing and turning and crying. The most suitable thing I could find in home medicine cabinet- Kipferon candles. They placed only one, and after about half an hour the temperature dropped to 37.5°C. My daughter slept all night. In the morning I felt better, and we calmly waited for the doctor.”

The drug is prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections.

Review from Veronica (son Artyom, 2 years old), Vorkuta:

“We get sick with Tyoma often. Usually the pediatrician wrote out a bunch of prescriptions, I had to spend considerable sums on medicines and take various tablets and powders. Recently moved to new house, and our attending physician changed. When they came to the appointment with complaints of cough, severe runny nose, we were prescribed Kipferon suppositories. They put it on for 3 days in a row, after which the cough subsided. It’s good that I didn’t have to give.”

Pediatrician, Smolensk:

“I often prescribe Kipferon to young patients with intestinal dysbiosis. Drugs in the form rectal suppositories more effective than other types of drugs. The active substance is absorbed by the body much better, so the result occurs almost immediately after use. For parents whose children cannot tolerate certain oral medications, suppositories are a real godsend.”

Candles help eliminate dysbiosis in babies.


On pharmaceutical market There are drugs similar to Kipferon, but their effect is less pronounced. This is due to the lower content of interferon in the composition. To the most effective analogues relate the following drugs:

  • - combination drug based human interferon with immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Available in the form of gel, ointment, suppositories. The latter are the most common used to treat infants. You can buy Viferon candles for an average of 200 rubles.
  • - a drug containing the same active substance in each candle - 125,000 IU and 250,000 IU. Another active ingredient- taurine (5 mg). The drug can be used to treat a child from the first days of life. average price- 300 rub.
  • -homeopathic medicine, containing antibodies to interferon-gamma, CD4 and histamine. Release form: lozenges. You can buy medicine for an average of 330 rubles.
  • . Due to the active substance azoximer bromide, the drug has an immunomodulatory, detoxifying and antioxidant effect. From 6 months, children are prescribed in the form of injections, drops under the tongue and suppositories, Tablets are recommended for teenagers. The average price of candles is 730 rubles.

Regarding replacement of Kipferon, consult your doctor. The therapeutic effect of any drug is possible only with the correct dosage, taking into account the age of the child and the type of disease.

Kipferon candles - effective and safe remedy for treatment infectious diseases in children, which is available in pharmacies without a prescription. The dosage form of the medicine is convenient to use for young patients from six months of age. Despite this, it is best to consult a pediatrician before using the drug.

Irina Zykova

Intestinal diseases can lead to serious consequences and complications if left untreated. If such diseases occur in children, it is recommended to take immediate action. To do this, you need to use the drug Kipferon, which has a high degree of effectiveness.

In contact with

What kind of drug is this?

Kipferon is anti-inflammatory, antiviral drug , which is part of the group of immunoglobulants. He has complex action: fights intestinal infections, eliminates cracks and wounds in the anus, fights viral and colds. With the help of Kipferon suppositories, you can eliminate a number of diseases and restore the child’s health.

Mechanism of action of the drug:

  • Elimination of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Fighting severe infectious diseases.
  • Recovery healthy microflora in the intestines.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Normalization of work various systems body.
  • Helps relieve cold symptoms.

Composition and release forms

The drug contains these substances:

  • Immunoglobulin complex.
  • Interferon 2-alpha.

The product is made in the form of candles. The cardboard package contains 5.10 candles. Candles have a white or beige tint. Presented in the shape of a cylinder with a sharp end.

Indications for use

Medicine is prescribed in the presence of the following ailments:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pulmonary system.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Severe ARVI.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, there are contraindications. Can not use this medicine in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Increased sensitivity of the body to drug components.

arise side effects very rarely. This happens if patients do not follow the instructions and exceed the dosage. Side effects occur in the form of vomiting, nausea, weakness, rash and itching of the epidermis, drowsiness. These phenomena pass quickly, within a few hours after their appearance.

If they do not go away for quite a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Directions for use and dosage for children

This drug can even be used in the treatment of infants. The candle is very carefully inserted into the child's anal hole. It gradually dissolves, providing healing effect. The dosage is as follows:

  • Children 0-5 years old: one suppository once a day, regardless of the disease.
  • Children 6-12 years old: one suppository twice a day: morning and evening, regardless of illness.
  • Children 13 years of age and older can use three suppositories per day, one suppository per dose, regardless of the disease and degree of illness.
  • The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. He may adjust the dosage after diagnosing the disease.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to clean the anus and wash the baby.
  • When the suppository is inserted, the child should lie on his side for at least 15 minutes.

special instructions

Interaction with other medications is negative. There is a high risk of complications, so other medications should not be used while using suppositories.

In any case, this issue is important; it is discussed with a specialist.

Candles are used only for their intended use. They are inserted into the anus; it is prohibited to use suppositories in any other way.

The medicine may cause some discomfort to the child after insertion into the anus, so he should lie on his side for 15 minutes. During this time, the candle will dissolve a little and the discomfort will disappear. Candles should not be used more than three times a day. It is better to store the drug in a dark place that is inaccessible to children.

Analogues are cheaper

Due to the relative high cost of the drug, patients often look for cheaper analogues. They really do exist. Most famous inexpensive analogues are:

  • Viferon.
  • Giaferon.
  • Anaferon.
  • Tsitovir.
  • Genferon.

These medications are used twice a day. The dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor. Possible contraindications; consultation with a doctor is required.

Review by Komarovsky

The doctor says that this drug is indeed very effective.

It can destroy viruses and bacteria in the child’s body extremely quickly, while eliminating the symptoms of illnesses.

Thanks to the immunostimulating effect, recovery occurs naturally. There is no stress for the body.

But parents must understand. that the dosage is determined by the doctor or stated in the instructions. You cannot prescribe it yourself. To avoid causing harm children's body, you need to follow the instructions, do not exceed the dosage.

Only when correct use candles, the baby will recover quickly. The body’s protective properties will be restored, which will prevent reappearance diseases. The medicine is excellent because it fights various diseases and their pathogens.

Kipferon is a drug with immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antichlamydial and antibacterial effect.

The complex immunoglobulin preparation contains specific antibodies that act against rotaviruses, herpesviruses, staphylococci, chlamydia, enterobacteria and some others pathogens. This substance produces an immunomodulatory effect.

On this page you will find all the information about Kipferon: full instructions on application to this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Kipferon suppositories. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Immunomodulator. Combination of immunoglobulin with interferon.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much do Kipferon candles cost? The average price in pharmacies is 600 rubles.

Release form and composition

Kipferon candles look like light yellow or cream cylinders with a cone-shaped tip. They have a specific smell. In a longitudinal section, you can see rod-shaped or funnel-shaped voids. Some difference in color is also acceptable, manifested by the heterogeneity of the structure in the form of marble inclusions.

  • One Kipferon suppository contains: complex dry immunoglobulin preparation (including immunoglobulins M, A and G) - 60 mg, recombinant human interferon alpha-2 - 500,000 IU.

Excipients in the composition of the candle: paraffin, fat, emulsifier T-2.

Pharmacological effect

Kipferon has pronounced antibacterial, antichlamidial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral properties.

The immunobiological drug, combines the anti-chlamedial effects of specific antibodies contained in the CIP with immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects recombinant interferon alpha-2. The use of Kipferon stimulates the mechanisms of general and local immunity, directly affecting pathogens. Specific antibodies of plasma proteins, which are part of the drug, exhibit high activity against herpeviruses, rotaviruses, chlamydia, enterobacteria, staphylococci and other pathogens at the cellular level.

The drug has an active stimulating effect on the antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antiviral immune systems.

Indications for use

Experts prescribe kipferon suppositories as one of the means for complex therapy for hepatitis types A, B and C, after operations to restore immunity and prevent possible complications.

The drug is also used for the following conditions:

  • herpetic stomatitis;
  • chlamydial infections, which infect children from their mother during childbirth;
  • and other entities viral etiology on the skin;
  • immunocorrective therapy for babies on IV;
  • for allergic dermatoses accompanied by intestinal dysfunction;
  • intestinal infection (, dysentery, infection);
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract due to regular illnesses a cold or after treatment with antibiotics;
  • frequent diseases of the respiratory system (, etc.) and oral mucosa;
  • nonspecific inflammatory diseases in children and adults;
  • to prepare the body for surgery.


Individual sensitivity to the drug or any of its components, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Kipferon suppositories contain active substances immunoglobulin complex drug(KIP) 0.2 g and interferon alpha-2b human, recombinant 500,000 IU, used vaginally or rectally.

For acute respiratory diseases, inflammatory diseases oropharynx of bacterial and viral etiology, with viral (rotavirus) and bacterial (salmonella, dysentery, colo-infection) intestinal infections in children, intestinal bacteriosis of various origins, suppositories are prescribed depending on the age of the patient:

  • in the first year, 1 suppository per day rectally. (in 1 dose);
  • from 1 to 3 years - 1 suppository twice a day;
  • after 3 years - 1 suppository three times a day for 5-7 days.

In patients with tonsillitis with a pronounced purulent process, the course of treatment should be extended to 7-8 days.

Suppositories are used without specific therapy or simultaneously with it.

When treating urogenital chlamydia in women, suppositories are administered deeply intraginally (before contact with rear arch vagina and cervix) 1-2 suppositories, depending on the severity of the disease, twice a day. The course of treatment averages 10 days; in the presence of cervical erosion, the use of the drug is continued until its epithelization. According to indications, the course of treatment can be repeated. Treatment should begin in the first days after the end of menstruation. Before insertion, it is recommended to remove mucus from the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix.

Side effects

No negative manifestations of the use of suppositories were identified.


The use of the drug "Kipferon" in quantities exceeding the doses prescribed in the instructions has not been recorded.

special instructions

During treatment with intravaginal suppositories, it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse.

At intestinal bleeding or inflamed hemorrhoids The use of suppositories rectally is not recommended.

Before starting drug therapy, you should definitely undergo a detailed examination and not self-medicate. For example, discharge from the genital tract may indicate sexually transmitted infections, in which use this drug inappropriate.

Drug interactions

Kipferon can be used simultaneously with antibacterial drugs and eubiotics.

There is no information on interactions with other drugs.

There are still endless debates about the use of immunomodulatory and antiviral medications. The doctors were divided into two groups. Some argue that such remedies help a person quickly cope with the infection and get better. Other doctors report that the use of immunomodulators causes the body to relax and completely disables its own resistance. We won’t find out which option is more correct. This article will introduce you to an immunomodulatory drug called Kipferon. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and relative substitutes will be described below.

Characteristics of the drug

The medicine with the trade name “Kipferon” (analogs will be presented later) is available in the form of suppositories. A special feature of the medicine is that it can be administered vaginally or rectally. The drug has a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. The medication contains substances such as recombinant paraffin, emulsifier and fat. In addition, there are immunoglobulins. One package contains 10 suppositories.

"Kipferon" (candles): analogues

For children, the described medicine is often replaced with the medications “Genferon light”, “Genferon”, “Viferon”. All these drugs are available in the form of suppositories. They are introduced into the body of babies exclusively rectally. It is worth noting that the analogues of the drug “Kipferon” do not have such a pronounced effect. They contain less interferon. However, these formulations are more affordable in their price range.

You can also consider analogues of Kipferon for children in the form of powders, suspensions and tablets. Their trade names will be as follows: “Anaferon”, “Ergoferon”, “Immunal”, “Bronchomunal”, “Ingaron”, “Derinat”, “Irs-19” and many others. The use of such medications should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, because they all have different way administration and distinctive dosage.

What else can replace the medicine?

What other analogues does the drug “Kipferon” have? Substitutes for the described medication are medications with an immunomodulatory effect. These include Isoprinosine, Oscillococcinum, Lykopid, Polyoxidonium, Trekrezan and others. Most often these formulations are used for adult patients. Many of the listed drugs are prohibited for the treatment of young children.

If we talk about products for women, we can highlight the medicine “Tantum Rose”. This drug is administered vaginal method and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The release form of the medicine is powder for preparing a suspension and solution.

Candles "Kipferon": price

An analogue of a medicine often has a lower cost. Original drug will cost you about 700 rubles. Not every person will afford to buy such a medicine. If we talk about analogues of the product for children, then their cost will be approximately the following: “Viferon” - 200 rubles, “Genferon” - 250, “Derinat” - 400, “Bronchomunal” - 500. When purchasing other substitutes, be prepared to pay for “ Isoprinosine" - 600 rubles, "Polyoxidonium" - 800, "Lykopid" - 200 and so on. More accurate prices should be obtained directly from your pharmacy network.

How to use candles

The medicine “Kipferon”, its analogues and other substitutes have a distinctive scheme of use. Therefore, before use, be sure to study the instructions and, if necessary, contact a specialist. Pay attention to the dosage of the medication. Original medicine may be inserted into the vagina or rectum. Before doing this, be sure to wash your hands. The dosage is 1-2 suppositories twice a day. If treatment is carried out on a child, then one suppository should be administered per day.

Indications for prescribing the drug

The medicine "Kipferon" and analogues of this medicine are prescribed for viral diseases. If we are talking about bacterial pathology, then all the drugs described must be supplemented with other medications. The original remedy is used for intestinal infections, diseases respiratory tract. For women it is prescribed for pathologies of the genitourinary tract. Herpes various localizations, hepatitis and other diseases are indications for the use of Kipferon suppositories.

Limitations in use

You already know that the medicine “Kipferon” (suppositories) is used for children. Price, analogues of the drug are presented to your attention. What can be said about contraindications? The composition can be used in children from birth. In this case, the appointment must be given by a specialist. Independent use is not allowed. The medicine does not cause adverse reactions. However, it cannot be used when hypersensitivity to the components. The same restriction is imposed on other drugs or analogues.

Reviews about the medicine: consumer opinions

We already know what analogues the drug “Kipferon” has. The price for children is quite high original product. Users report this. Parents say that their children get sick very often during the first years of life. Often in a year a child can suffer up to 10 viral infections. It is quite expensive to purchase the described drug each time for treatment. At the same time, doctors are not limited to prescribing immunomodulators. Doctors often also recommend anti-inflammatory, antipyretic compounds and other medications.

Despite the high price, there are positive opinions about the drug "Kipferon". Consumers report that recovery is much faster with this medicine. Complications almost never occur. Users say that the sooner correction is started, the more effective the result will be.

In the treatment of intestinal infections, the described medicine is very effective. It acts directly at the injection site. If the pathology is accompanied by diarrhea, then you need to insert a suppository immediately after defecation. It is also used in gynecology positive reviews. Women say that the suppositories are small and easy to insert. They dissolve quickly. However, during the therapy period it is worth using hygienic ones, since the melted substance can leak out and stain your underwear. During treatment genitourinary infections It is worth administering the product before bedtime. Or, after using the suppositories, lie down for 15 minutes.

Medical point of view regarding the use of the described drug

Doctors say that the medicine "Kipferon" is safe and effective. It causes the production of interferons, stimulating the work of innate and acquired immunity. The composition can be used even by small children. However, pediatricians often recommend dividing the candle in half in the first month of life. This is because this medicine contains a high dose of the active substance.

Doctors also say that the described composition cannot be used uncontrolled and independently. Despite all the safety, the medicine is a medicine. In some cases it may be used incorrectly. Then not only will you not receive positive effect, but you can also worsen your condition. In this case, you will need a more expensive and complex treatment, which requires considerable strength.


You learned everything about medicine"Kipferon". It is available in the form of suppositories. It is worth noting that the medication should always be stored in the refrigerator. The same condition must be met for its analogs that have an identical shape. Tablets and drops for nasal use can also be stored at room temperature. Be sure to take this information into account. Failure to comply with storage conditions and periods often results in the medication being useless. I wish you health and good health!

Kipferon has pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and antichlamydial activity, and exhibits immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Complex composition and the method of use of the drug determine a number of therapeutic effects: local and general resistance of the body increases, the pathogen is eliminated and defense mechanisms are activated at the sites of penetration of pathogens, manifestations of viral and microbial intoxication are reduced, and in case of erosion of the cervix, stimulation of reparative processes in its tissues is ensured. Kipferon® prevents the deepening of the disturbed balance of autoflora (dysbiosis) and excessive growth opportunistic microorganisms in diseases.

Indications for use of the drug Kipferon

Urogenital chlamydia in women, incl. against the background of vaginal dysbiosis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis of the cervix, cervical erosion (in combination with conventional antibiotic therapy.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Kipferon

Hypersensitivity to the components contained in the suppository.

Use of the drug Kipferon

Rectally, intravaginally (before contact with the posterior vaginal vault and cervix). 1-2 supp. (depending on the severity of the disease), 2 times a day. The course of treatment is on average 10 days; in the presence of cervical erosion, use is continued until its epithelization. According to indications, the course of treatment can be repeated. Treatment should begin in the first days after the end of menstruation. Before insertion, it is recommended to remove mucus from the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix.
Prescription regimens for the drug Kipferon®, suppositories
Chlamydial infections
Children - 1 supp. 1 time per day, for 10 days. In girls with erased clinical forms chlamydial vulvovaginitis and without clinical manifestations inflammatory process uterus and its appendages, chlamydial infection urinary tract, respiratory chlamydia treatment is carried out only against the background of vaginal and oral administration eubiotics; in other cases, treatment of chlamydia in children with Kipferon® is combined with the prescription of antibiotics and eubiotics.
For adults - in daily dose 1-2 million IU (2-4 supp.) in 2 doses, course of treatment - 10-14 days; Additionally, antibiotic therapy is carried out and eubiotics are prescribed vaginally and orally. If after treatment they persist Clinical signs chlamydia or chlamydia infection, a repeat course of therapy with Kipferon® is carried out.
For viral hepatitis B, C and A in children
Rectally. For children under 7 years of age, Kipferon® is prescribed in a single dose of 50,000 IU/kg body weight in 2 doses, but not more than 1 million IU/day (2 sup.); 8-11 years - 1.5 million IU/day (3 sup.); over 12 years old - 2 million IU/day (4 supp.). Duration of treatment for acute course viral hepatitis is 14 days. For the first 7 days, the drug is used daily, then 2 times a week. At protracted current disease, the course duration reaches 3-4 weeks.
For frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, recurrent bronchitis (including obstructive syndrome), pneumonia in children
Rectally. In a daily dose of 1 million IU (2 supp.) in 2 divided doses daily for the first 5 days, then 2 times a week for 3 weeks. Can be used as monotherapy or in complex treatment, against the background of basic antibacterial therapy.
For genital herpes
Adults: 1-2 million IU (2-4 supp.) for 10-14 days; a repeat course of treatment is possible; for children - a daily dose of 500,000 IU (1 supp.) in 1 dose, course of treatment - 10 days.
Antibiotic therapy for genital herpes is carried out only in the presence of concomitant bacterial infection. In women and teenage girls, treatment with the drug is recommended to begin in the first days after the end of menstruation. Before vaginal insertion It is advisable to remove mucus with a tampon from the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix.
For intestinal infections in children
Rectally (after a cleansing enema or defecation). Children under 12 years old - in an average single dose of 50,000 IU/kg body weight, but not more than 1 million IU/day (2 supp.), over 12 years old - no more than 2 million IU (4 supp.). It is most advisable to use the drug in the first 3 days of the disease, i.e. V acute period. The course of treatment for moderate viral diarrhea is 3-5 days; severe form - 7 days.
Kipferon® may be the only etiopathogenetic treatment (without antibacterial drugs) against the background of generally accepted basic therapy(oral rehydration, dosed therapeutic nutrition, if necessary - infusion therapy). At severe forms It is advisable to include antibiotics in the complex of therapy.
In preparation for planned gynecological and other operations for the purpose of prevention infectious complications
Rectally. Kipferon® is used in a daily dose of 1 million IU (2 supp.), in 2 doses, 3-5 days before and during surgery, as well as in postoperative period. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. The interval between doses is 12 hours.

Side effects of the drug Kipferon

The drug is considered low-allergenic, but the contents of the suppositories large quantity squirrel can cause allergic reaction in children.

Interactions of the drug Kipferon

No data.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Kipferon:

  • Saint Petersburg