Actovegin and Cavinton, which is better? Cheap and effective analogues of Cavinton - pros and cons, application, price. Which pills will be better?

Vinpocetine is a drug that is effective in improving blood circulation in the brain and increasing the intensity of its metabolism.

Name of the active substance in Latin ( international name- INN) - Vinpocetin. ATC code: N06B X18.
Pharmacological group - nootropics, psychostimulants, drugs to improve cerebral circulation.

Available release forms:

  • tablets containing 5 mg of active ingredient, as well as silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, lactose, talc and corn starch as excipients;
  • solution for intravenous injections in ampoules contains: 5 mg of vinpocetine per 1 ml of solution, Excipients: water for injection, vitamin C, sorbitol, sodium metabisulfite, benzyl alcohol, tartaric acid.

What is it prescribed for, what does it help with?

The mechanism of action of Vinpocetine is to stimulate brain activity. Its active ingredient has healing effect on areas of the brain that need oxygen, improves their condition during hypoxia. After oral administration, the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood and promotes the accumulation of the cyclic AMP substance in the walls of blood vessels. adenosine monophosphate. This helps relax the walls of blood vessels and expand their lumen. Blood supply to the brain improves, the ability of platelets to aggregate decreases (blood thinning occurs) and the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen increases (the surface of red blood cells is curved, and, consequently, its area increases). As a result, the brain begins to receive more oxygen and “food” in the form of glucose.

In what case is such an effect indicated? The medicine is used to treat patients with in different forms cerebral vascular insufficiency(acute, chronic), prescribed during the period of post-stroke rehabilitation, after operations and injuries. Vinpocetine is prescribed for eye diseases caused by vascular spasm or sclerosis. Indications for the use of the drug also include age-related diseases of the hearing organs, including those caused by the onset of menopause.

Since when cervical osteochondrosis constriction of blood vessels is observed and oxygen starvation brain, Vinpocetine can also have a positive effect in the treatment of this type of disorder.

Taking the drug for hypertension slightly lowers blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, it is better not to take it.

There is information about the positive effects of the drug in sports and bodybuilding. Some species even contain it sports nutrition. However, serious research on this topic was not carried out.

Information that this medicine helps children with ODD ( general underdevelopment speeches) are also unreliable. For example, Dr. Komarovsky classifies Vinpocetine as a drug with unproven effectiveness in this area. There is also evidence that the use of Vinpocetine is justified in the treatment of infants for hearing loss or encephalopathy, although in other cases its use is contraindicated under 18 years of age.

Once again, we warn parents: giving a child, especially a newborn or an infant up to one year old, any drug, including Vinpocetine, can only be done on the recommendation of doctors.

Cost: tablets, ampoules

Having asked the question of how much the drug costs in Moscow pharmacies, we can conclude about the relative availability of this medicine: depending on the manufacturer (Vinpocetine is produced in Russia, Hungary, Spain, India, China), the price of tablets, and the solution for injections and droppers in ampoules ranges from 50 to 200 rubles.

Analogs, list

Vinpocetine, drug analogs, synonyms:

  • Vinpocetine-Darnitsa (Ukrainian pharmaceutical company),
  • Vinpocetine forte,
  • Vinpocetine-Acos,
  • Vinpocetine-Akri (manufacturer Akrikhin KhFK OJSC, Russia),
  • Cinnarizine,
  • Fezam,
  • Cavinton,
  • Cavinton forte.

Vinpocetine or Cavinton, which is better?

What is the difference between Cavinton and Vinpocetine? Some patients believe that the same concentration of the active substance means that one is no different from the other, and there is no need to overpay for import. Others claim that taking Vinpocetine gives a lot of side effects. There is an opinion that foreign-made Cavinton is of higher quality and better purified, which means it heals better. Doctors' opinions on this matter also differ. To make an informed choice and understand which is better: Vinpocetine or Cavinton, it is better to try both.

Instructions for use

Will help you decide on the course of treatment experienced doctor and instructions for use. Daily dosage medication is 15-30 mg. Vinpocetine tablets are taken 5-10 mg three times a day after meals. Since they do not have a cumulative effect, they can be taken for a long time - until the doctor cancels the prescription.


Vinpocetine-Acree tablets are taken in a similar dosage. Discontinuation should begin with a gradual dose reduction.

Forte dosage

Due to the fact that the content of the active substance in Vinpocetine Forte is doubled, the number of tablets taken per day should be reduced by half.

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Cavinton tablets are used for the treatment of mental or neurological diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and hearing resulting from poor blood supply brain
Cavinton or Vinpocetine are used to treat problems with blood supply to the brain, which often leads to stroke or brain injuries. Cavinton tablets use the main active ingredient vinpocetine. In fact, these are the same substance, with only one difference: Cavinton is a patented name for a substance widely used in trade.

Cavinton for osteochondrosis

In addition, Cavinton used for osteochondrosis cervical spine spine.

Osteochondrosis occurs when there is a violation metabolic processes in the human body, which leads to poor circulation intervertebral discs. Also possible reasons appearance of this disease are:

  • Neck injury;
  • Incorrect posture;
  • Little mobility;
  • Sitting for a long time.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - Pokrovsk City Hospital. Education: Volgograd State University medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

In addition to various analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, the patient is prescribed Cavinton. His vasodilator effect minimizes a person's risk of stroke due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

pay attention to next video about the possible lack of effectiveness of Cavinton

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

Effect of the drug

The effect of this drug is that it increases the perception of glucose by brain cells, which increases the resistance of brain tissue to a lack of oxygen. In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, dilating them, which prevents the formation of blood clots inside them. That is why Vinpocetine is actively used to treat patients who suffer from neurological diseases or are on the verge of a stroke. In addition, this drug is also prescribed to people who suffer from senile dementia, or with damage to the retina.
Since Vinpocetine helps brain cells recover and blood vessels become toned, it is prescribed to people who have suffered a brain injury to speed up recovery. As you know, the problem of blood circulation in the brain is the most popular problem among the world's population.
Vinpocetine and Cavinton are the most known drugs to combat cerebrovascular diseases. The difference between them is that Cavinton is manufactured by a foreign pharmaceutical company, while Vinpocetine is a domestically produced drug. That is why the price of the second drug is several times less than its Western counterpart. So only the consumer can choose which drug to treat - their effect on the body is the same, in contrast to the cost. Therefore, it is unrealistic to say which is better: Cavinton or Vinpocetine, since it is impossible to notice the difference between the effects of these drugs.
Vinpocetine is often produced by various Russian companies, which assign various prefixes to the name of the drug. You should be extremely careful with such a medicine, since gross violations of the production technologies of various medicinal substances are not uncommon.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, City Polyclinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, Russian State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education medical Academy postgraduate education Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

In addition, an unscrupulous manufacturer may offer the consumer an outright “dummy” instead of medicine. Therefore, it is worth considering what is better - to pay less and, possibly, get a low-quality product of unknown origin, or to pay for an expensive analogue made by a reliable and trusted manufacturer.

There are several similar drugs, which contain the active substance Vinpocetine. Namely:

  • Mexidol;
  • Korsavin;
  • Picamilon;
  • Piracetam.

Anyway, never Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication without proper education and knowledge can be harmful to health.

Picamilon or Vinpocetine?

Picamilon has a similar effect to Vinpocetine, but still has a number of differences. The most basic of them is that Picamilon has a different main active ingredient. Namely, nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance has a psychostimulating effect on humans, speeds up the metabolism of brain cells and its blood circulation. During a course of treatment, patients experience a decrease in headaches, improved memory, and normalization of sleep. It is often prescribed to those who have increased mental and physical exercise, as well as to restore performance in athletes during the recovery period after competitions.
Picamilon and Vinpocetine have the same effect on the blood vessels of the brain and its blood circulation, improve functional state brain. However, Picamilon is used for migraines and drowsiness, and against depression. Its spectrum pharmacological properties much broader than Vinpocetine, which is aimed only at improving blood supply and feeding the brain with glucose.
Vinpocetine has a large number of analogues, which the consumer most often prefers to the original drug. The whole point is that they are similar medicinal substances have a lower cost, and they have fewer contraindications and side effects.

They also have a more extended spectrum of action and other forms of release.

or Vinpocetine?

Mexidol actively used for treatment mental disorders resulting from stroke, epilepsy, alcohol abuse, drugs or excessive use medicines. The active ingredient of Mexidol is ethyl methylhydroxypyridine succinate. Unlike Vinpocetine, Mexidol is its new generation analogue, which increases the body’s resistance to various stressful situations, prevents processes associated with memory impairment, and also has an anticonvulsant effect. Mexidol is available as an injection and should be injected intramuscularly. Like Vinpocetine, Mexidol and Cavinton improve blood circulation in the brain tissue, so these two drugs are often prescribed simultaneously. In this case, they influence each other, improving the effect of the active substances.

In addition, Mexidol has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, which sets it apart from other similar medications.

Cinnarizine or Vinpocetine?

Cinnarizine has a significantly lower price, which, however, does not affect its effectiveness in any way. Cinnarizine and Vinpocetine have the same vasodilation effect. In fact, this is the closest analogue of Vinpocetine; they combine well with each other.

The active substance in this drug is cinnarizine. Cinnarizine can be prescribed in cases where the patient is taking medications that are incompatible with Vinpocetine.

Piracetam or Vinpocetine?

Piracetam also belongs to the group of nootropics. Active substance this drug– piracetam. It is used in cases where the patient requires a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, change the speed of impulses and excitation in the brain, improve blood supply to the brain, but does not have a vasodilating effect.

Most often prescribed together with Vinpocetine, since the interaction of these two drugs gives best results in treating the patient.

Other analogues of Cavinton

Bravinton. In addition to the main functions of improving blood circulation in the brain, Bravinton is good medicine for those who suffer from frequent headaches or dizziness, memory disorders or apraxia. The main active ingredient of this drug is vinpocetine.

Korsavin. The drug is made on the basis of vinpocetine. In addition to increasing blood circulation in the brain, this drug reduces the risk of ischemia and strokes.
. This medicine stimulates regeneration processes, very useful for those who have suffered a head or brain injury. Actovegin also increases the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, which is characteristic of active cellular metabolism. Unlike other analogues, Actovegin can be used externally, and not only intravenously or orally.
Winpoton. It is also a cheap analogue of Cavinton. Pharmacological effect This drug also improves blood circulation in the brain and stimulates its activity. The same analogue is Vinpocetine. Like original drug, similar drugs have the same basic effect. In addition, analogues have additional properties that, to one degree or another, affect the physical and psychological condition patient. Therefore, any drug, especially one that has an effect on the brain and its activity, should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. Only he can prescribe medications based on the patient’s complaints and diagnosis.

Self-medication is prohibited! This can negatively affect your health and lead to unforeseen consequences!

Avinton or Vinpocetine - which is better? This question is often asked by patients when choosing the optimal drug. It is known that drugs are very similar in their pharmacological action, but differ greatly in price. From the position of specialists, each of them has its own approach in cases of different diseases.

Both medications have the same active ingredient - vinpocetine and are classified as drugs that improve blood flow to the brain. They have the following properties:

  1. reduce blood viscosity and increased content platelets in it;
  2. improve brain metabolism and blood circulation;
  3. expands the lumen in the vessels, relaxing their smooth muscles, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  4. enhance metabolism and absorption of glucose;
  5. increase the resistance of brain tissues and cells to hypoxia.

Thanks to one active substance, the mechanism of action of both products is absolutely the same. Vinpocetine has the property of selectively increasing cerebral blood flow. When it enters the body, cerebral vascular resistance decreases.

Which is better Cavinton or Vinpocetine: consider in comparison

Cavinton and vinpocetine - what is the difference? Despite the presence of one active ingredient, the drugs have differences. The main thing is the manufacturer of the medicine and the price. Vinpocetine is produced in Russia and its cost is much cheaper than its foreign analogue - Cavinton, produced in Hungary.

The drugs contain various excipients:

  1. vinpocetine - talc, cellulose, lactose and magnesium stearate;
  2. Cavinton - starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and silicon dioxide.

There are several other small differences in dosage, indications, release form, contraindications and side effects.

Indications for the use of both drugs are insufficient blood flow to the brain in acute or chronic form, cerebral atherosclerosis. Cavinton is often prescribed after an ischemic attack or stroke, Vinpocetine - after a stroke. acute stage or in the final phase of the disease. They are also used in cases of vascular diseases of the retina, glaucoma and macula.

Rifle is indicated for the treatment of tinnitus, hearing loss, Meniere's disease (disease inner ear), Vinpocetine - in menopause, dizziness, age-related or toxic hearing impairment.

General contraindications for medications are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • severe form coronary disease hearts;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, arrhythmia;
  • intolerance or increased sensitivity to vinpocetine;
  • acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke.

Doctors call the side effects of Vinpocetine and Cavinton a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia (increased heart rate). Cavinton is capable of causing:

  • heartburn, nausea;
  • heavy sweating;
  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • allergic skin reaction;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • dry mouth;
  • sleep problems;
  • phlebitis ( chronic illness venous walls).

Please note that Vinpocetine is inexpensive Russian drug, therefore a relatively small number of side effects indicated by pharmacists, which are a consequence of insufficiency scientific research drug.

pharmachologic effect

Both drugs belong to a medicinal group of substances that stimulate brain metabolism and blood circulation. Cavinton also has an antioxidant effect, improves the exchange of various hormones in tissues, and stimulates the ascending branch of the system of interconnected neurons in the brain.

Vinpocetine, like Cavinton, helps improve blood properties by thinning it and preventing platelets from sticking together. The active substance promotes oxygen transport and prevents oxygen starvation of brain cells.

Release forms and dosage

Medicines are available in the form of flat tablets of white or almost white(with a yellowish coating). The difference lies in the content of the active substance in the drug: in Cavinton it is 10 mg, in Vinpocetine it is 5 mg. There is another form of release: ampoules with colorless or slightly colored liquid for injection.

The drugs are taken orally after meals. The maximum daily dose of vinpocetine for a patient is 30 mg, the initial dose per day is 15 mg. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe 5-10 mg 3 times a day. For injection, a single dose of the substance is 20 mg; treatment is usually prescribed in the acute stage of the disease.

The full therapeutic effect is achieved no less than 3 months after taking the medicine, the first positive changes occur approximately a week after the start of treatment.


Medicines containing vinpocetine are safe for the body when correct observance dosage, rules of administration and consideration of contraindications. It is not advisable and dangerous to prescribe the medications described on your own, so use the help of your consulting doctor.


Despite the different costs, both medications have high efficiency, cope well with supplying the brain with oxygen and provide positive effect from application.


The cost of Vinpocetine is much less - tablets from 40 rubles for 30 pcs., solutions for infusions from 60 rubles for 10 ampoules. Cavinton will cost more: from 240 rubles per pack of tablets (50 pcs.), ampoules from 230 rubles per 10 pcs.

Bottom line

Vinpocetine and Cavinton are almost identical drugs, they are indicated in similar cases and contain the same main substance. Cavinton has several more auxiliary components, and its cost is 3 times more. This is explained by the fact that the product is produced by the reputable Hungarian company Gedeon Richter. It has been popular for many years in the market and is considered a reliable pharmaceutical manufacturer.

The low cost of vinpocetine is due to the fact that the product is produced by small Russian enterprises, little known to consumers. Doctors more often prescribe Cavinton to patients, confidence in its quality is higher, and practice shows that treatment is quite easily tolerated by patients.

It is impossible to say for sure which drug is better. The decision remains with the consumer - choose quality foreign analogue or an inexpensive domestic medicine.

Cavinton is used to treat dizziness and the consequences of strokes - the instructions for use of which distinguish two formats of the drug: drip and tablet. The drug is produced with an active composition, which includes a derivative of the alkaloid devincan. Due to this, the medication acts on smooth muscles and affects vascular tone. Familiarize yourself with the rules for dosing and taking the medicine.

Cavinton drug

By pharmacological classification Cavinton is a semi-synthetic derivative of the alkaloid devincan. IN natural state The substance is found in the periwinkle plant, which is part of the Kutrov family. Two forms of release of the antioxidant drug are produced, differing in dosage and method of use. Each of them contains the active substance vinpocetine.

Composition and release form

Cavinton is available in pharmacies in tablets and solution for infusion. The first format contains 5 mg of active vinpocetine, the package includes 50 pieces. Cavinton Forte already has 10 mg of the main substance. Ampoules contain a 0.5% solution with a volume of 2 or 5 ml, 10 pieces per package. Supporting cast drug according to the instructions:

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions, the medicine Cavinton, when entering the body, expands cerebral vessels brain, increases blood supply, increases the supply of brain cells and tissues with oxygen, and utilizes glucose. By inhibiting certain enzymes, the drug helps accumulate phosphates in brain tissue, which reduces platelet aggregation and reduces arterial pressure. The active substance has vasodilating effect, relaxes smooth muscles.

The medicine enhances the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin, reduces pathologically high blood viscosity, and helps increase the plasticity of red blood cells. Pharmacokinetic properties: Vinpocetine is rapidly absorbed proximal parts gastrointestinal tract, reaches its maximum concentration in blood plasma one hour after lane oral administration.

When it passes through the intestinal wall, it is not metabolized by vinpocetine and accumulates in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. 66% of the substance is bound to plasma proteins, bioavailability is 7%, clearance in the blood plasma is higher than in the liver. Vinpocetine is excreted by the kidneys and intestines; it does not accumulate, so dose adjustment is not required in patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use of Cavinton, the medicine has the following readings to destination:

  • neurological, mental disorders;
  • disorders of cerebral blood flow (strokes, post-traumatic atherosclerosis, hypoxia), memory (pills improve blood circulation);
  • hypertension, vascular diseases(injections improve metabolism);
  • circulatory disorders, vascular tone, vasovegetative symptoms menopause;
  • atherosclerotic and angiospastic changes in the retina and choroid eye;
  • degenerative changes macular spot;
  • secondary glaucoma associated with partial thrombosis;
  • decreased hearing, dizziness of toxic or labyrinthine origin;
  • vestibular disorder.

How to take Cavinton

The drug is taken orally as tablets or intravenously as a solution for infusion. The dosage depends on age, severity and type of disease, and is prescribed by a doctor according to the instructions for use. The course lasts about a couple of months for tablets and a couple of weeks for intravenous therapy. The dosage of the product is calculated individually.

Cavinton tablets

According to the instructions, the tablet format of Cavinton is taken orally, 1-2 pieces three times a day. The maintenance dose is considered to be one tablet three times a day. The course of use is long, determined by the doctor. If improvement in blood circulation is observed after about 7-14 days, then the duration of therapy is extended to two months or even more. This is necessary to eliminate symptoms for a long time and avoid relapses of the disease.

Cavinton in ampoules

Cavinton is administered intravenously only by drip, used according to the instructions in neurological practice. The contents of the ampoules eliminate acute focal ischemic disorders cerebral circulation in case of discrepancy between the need of brain tissue for oxygen and its delivery. The condition for using the solution according to the instructions is the absence of hemorrhage (bleeding).

Drip infusion includes 10-20 mg of vinpocetine (1-2 ampoules) per 0.5-1 l isotonic solution sodium chloride. Repeated slow infusions are prescribed to improve metabolism, if necessary, three times a day, then the doctor transfers the patient to oral administration drug. The rate of administration does not exceed 80 drops/minute. It is prohibited to administer Cavinton solution intramuscularly or intravenously without dilution.

Initial daily dose Vinpocetine for adults is 20 mg in 500 ml, can be increased to 1 mg per kg body weight, the course lasts 2-3 days. Average duration Treatment to enhance blood flow is 10-14 days. It is allowed to dilute the medication with a solution for infusion with glucose. Cavinton is administered intravenously for prophylaxis convulsive syndrome in children with cerebral metabolic disorders - 8-10 mg/kg per day in a 5% glucose solution, for a course of 2-3 weeks.

special instructions

Cavinton - special instructions for use include a section of instructions that you should pay close attention to:

  • with prolonged QT interval or taking drugs with the function of lengthening it, it is necessary to periodically conduct an electrocardiogram to monitor the functioning of the heart, which can dilate blood vessels;
  • with increased intracranial pressure, arrhythmias or while taking antiarrhythmic drugs, treatment with the drug begins after analyzing the benefits and risks for the patient;
  • Cavinton contains lactose (140 mg of lactose), several mg of glucose, so patients with lactose intolerance, galactose, or impaired glucose-galactose metabolism should not take the drug;
  • the drug is not used for children;
  • studies on the ability of the drug to influence the speed of psychomotor reactions have not been conducted, but there is a risk of drowsiness and dizziness when using it.

During pregnancy

The active substance vinpocetine penetrates the placental barrier, but has a small concentration in amniotic fluid. The teratogenic effect of the drug has not been identified, but high doses can cause placental bleeding and spontaneous abortion. The active substance also penetrates into breast milk and the child’s body, which is unsafe, therefore the drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Drug interactions

Cavinton - instructions for use include a section on the interaction of the drug with other drugs and alcohol:

  • does not interact with beta-blockers, Clopamide, Glibenclamide, Digoxin, Acenocoumarol, Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • increases blood flow, hypotensive effect alpha-methyldopa, requires blood pressure control;
  • increases the manifestation of toxic effects medicines affecting the central nervous system;
  • Cavinton injections: the solution is incompatible in combination with alcohol.

Side effects

Cavinton is considered safe drug, well tolerated (according to reviews). An overdose is minimally possible; even 360 mg of vinpocetine is tolerated without consequences. Rare ones not excluded side effects:

  • hypotension, tachycardia;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, red blood cell aggregation;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • decreased blood pressure, appetite, anorexia;
  • insomnia, anxiety, agitation, euphoria, depression;
  • headaches, dizziness, stupor, hemiparesis, drowsiness, amnesia, convulsions, tremor;
  • edema optic nerve, inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • vertigo, hyperacusis, tinnitus;
  • ischemia, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, bradycardia, extrasystole, rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia;
  • thrombophlebitis, pressure fluctuations;
  • abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, stomatitis;
  • erythema, itching of the skin, urticaria, rash, dermatitis;
  • asthenia, weakness, feeling of heat, chest discomfort.


The instructions for use of Cavinton contain conditions of contraindications under which the use of the medicine is prohibited:

  • severe cardiac ischemia;
  • complicated heart rhythm disturbances;
  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • low vascular tone;
  • droppers cannot be injected under the skin, injections must not be combined with heparin.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is available with a prescription. Stored in a place protected from light and children at temperatures up to 30 degrees. The shelf life is five years.

Cavinton - analogues of the drug

By active active substance, the pharmacological action is distinguished by the following analogues of Cavinton:

  • tablets Vicebrol, Neurovin, Oxopotin, Vinpocetine, Dendrix, Quanil, Neurodar;
  • ampoules for parenteral use droppers and injections Vinpocetine, Axotiline, Dendrix, Diphosphocin, Kemodin, Lyra, Neurodar;
  • Quanil granules;
  • solution for oral use Kvanil, Lyra.

Cavinton price

You can buy the product via the Internet or regular pharmacy departments. The cost depends on the pricing level of the enterprise, the manufacturer of the medicine, and the form of release. Approximate prices:
