How to get pregnant the first time with a boy or a girl? How to get pregnant the first time: traditional methods. How to get pregnant the first time, folk methods, real methods

While for some - horrible dream, for others it is a long-awaited miracle.

Many young parents, when trying to have a child, are faced with the fact that not everything works out the first time. Sometimes it is not possible to have a child for months, which negatively affects the relationship of lovers.

We will figure out how to conceive a child correctly the first time, and also discuss the factors that influence this process.

Myth or reality?

We will start by discussing the possibility of the first attempt.

Many girls, not to mention guys, are firmly convinced that all the time before and after menstruation predisposes to menstruation, but this is not at all the case.

Let's delve a little deeper into the theory to understand why it is quite difficult to get pregnant the first time.

The fact is that there are 2 main factors which determine whether you get pregnant or not:

  • sperm viability;
  • ovulation period.
Ovulation- this is the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, where it will be available to sperm. The ovulation process occurs once a month, sometimes more often. It would seem that only once a month you can get pregnant with the maximum probability, how does it happen that unprotected in many cases leads to fertilization?

It's all about sperm vitality- this is the second factor on which successful fertilization also depends. Sperm remain viable for about a week, after which they are killed by the acidic environment of the vagina. Accordingly, if 6 days before ovulation, sperm enter the fallopian tube, then, when the egg is released, they will still be alive and will be able to carry out fertilization. Also high probability Fertilization continues for about 2 days after ovulation.

However, we cannot put an end to this, since our body often lacks specifics, as is the case with pregnancy. For many girls, the egg can be renewed up to 2 times per menstrual cycle Therefore, 2 times during the ovulation process it will exit into the fallopian tube.

Why can't you get pregnant the first time if you choose the right time?

This is because even the most accurate calculations will not be able to give you 100% results, since there is great amount factors that, although slightly, influence the process of fertilization, however, in each special case shape their outcome.
It turns out that if you managed to get pregnant the first time, then you were lucky, everything coincided as it should. If it didn’t work out the first time, well, you should choose the best one. the right time and try again.

Continuing the topic of how to get pregnant quickly the first time, let's talk about some tips that will have a beneficial effect on side factors and increase the chance of fertilization.

Let's forget about bad habits

Anything would be an excellent way to get rid of everyday problems. It doesn’t matter at all whether you go to the village for a few days, or to, the main thing is that you feel freedom from the pressing problems that daily torment your nervous system.

Think about whether you will have time after the baby is born. After all, this is not only a problem, but also a responsibility. It is extremely important for future parents to take a short break from the routine to enjoy the slow pace of life, enjoy the serenity, and see something new.

It may seem that this is by no means the most important factor that influences, but think about the fact that in our lives many actions are influenced precisely, and it will be better if you get a supply of positive impressions from before conceiving a child.

What a man should know

The stronger sex should also thoroughly approach the pregnancy process and follow a small set of rules that will help increase the chance of successful fertilization.

  1. At least a month before the expected conception, you need to stop drinking alcohol and give up.
  2. Reduce to a minimum, as it reduces sperm motility.
  3. Refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse and steam room. We need to ensure that the genitals do not become overcooled or overheated.
  4. We remove tight jeans and adjacent underwear so as not to put pressure on the groin area.
  5. A few days and better a week, refrain from It is worth understanding that the examination is carried out as expectant mother, and the future dad, because if a man is infertile, then there is no point in stimulation.

    Drug treatment is carried out with the appointment of an exact list medicines and the corresponding instructions for use. At the same time, tests and various examinations are systematically carried out.

    We will not describe the list of medications, since taking them without precise instructions can lead to serious consequences.

    The success of stimulation depends not only on the doctor and, but also on the age, health status of the future parents and the cause of infertility.

    Oral contraceptives

    Oral contraceptives are used not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to create optimal conditions. The fact is that while taking these drugs, ovulation does not occur, the egg remains in the ovaries, and the organ itself is at rest.

    Once you stop taking birth control (the end of a full or partial course), your chance of getting pregnant increases to almost 100%.

    Important! After stopping the use, about 1-3 months should pass, depending on the duration of taking contraceptives.

    This happens because during the reception process oral contraceptives the release of hormones is inhibited, and the receptors become more sensitive to these same hormones. After discontinuation of use, a natural release of hormones begins, to which receptors react more strongly, which helps stimulate ovulation.
    However, it is worth remembering that taking birth control will not help in every case, since this drug does not treat infertility, but only enhances ovulation during the withdrawal period. Consider the fact that the effect lasts for a short period of time, after which everything returns to normal.


    An alternative to drug stimulation is stimulation folk remedies. For this purpose it is used. To obtain an infusion, take 1 tbsp per 300 ml of water. l. sage, brew and take 3 times a day. Reception is carried out in the first 2 weeks after menstruation.

    Can be taken (a resin-like substance, also called “mountain oil”) paired with and quince juice in a ratio of 1 to 20.

    Now you know what to do in order to get pregnant. We strongly do not recommend using medications if you are unable to get pregnant in a short time. Give your body a little time and you will easily get the expected effect. Try to distract yourself from life’s problems more often, lead and follow a number of rules described in this article.

Often in our time, young women complain that they live sexually with a regular partner and do not use protection, but cannot get pregnant. And they both seem to be healthy, nothing bothers them, and their periods are on schedule. What is the matter and how to make sure that pregnancy occurs on the first try? What should be taken into account and how to act?

How to conceive a child the first time

Competent conception is, first of all, conscious and healthy. You need to prepare for it in advance. You need to be examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist and pass all the tests prescribed by him. Let the first ones be screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

Nowadays there are quite a few of them. And when nothing bothers a person, this does not mean that there is no hidden infections. Viruses are transmitted sexually, for example, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus. Both partners must be tested for the presence of these infections. And if it happens that they are found even in just one person, then it will be necessary to complete the prescribed course of treatment (and this may take more than one month), take the test again and make sure that the therapy completed is effective.

It is extremely important that the bodies of both partners are healthy and strong at the time of conception, and this means that it is necessary to get rid of bad habits. Yes, it’s hard, it requires enormous effort, but just birth healthy baby and there is that most important motive for the sake of which it is necessary to improve the body and soul. Since cleansing from nicotine and alcohol does not occur in one week, it is advisable to quit smoking at least 3 months before the planned conception. Practice shows that smoking and alcohol, a long history of these bad habits are precisely the factors that make female eggs and sperm are inactive and unable to conceive.

Next comes the most difficult, so to speak, technical moment. It's about about calculating the date of ovulation in a woman. If her cycle is stable, the task becomes easier. With a 28-day cycle, you need to subtract 14 days from its total duration. It turns out that 14 days from the beginning of the first day of menstruation is the date of ovulation, that is, the day most favorable for conception, for which it should be planned. But if one cycle lasts, for example, 27 days, and the next 30, then calculate important date it will be a little more difficult. Subtract 14 from 27 days - you get 13. Then from 30, again, calculate 14 - it turns out that between 13 and 16 days ovulation occurs in the female body. Then during these days you need to have sex with your partner. And to avoid mistakes, it is recommended to purchase special tests to determine the day of ovulation. By the way, many women important period in their body they feel increased libido.

Another important point- psychological. Experts say that for successful conception the mutual desire of the partners is necessary. And if, for example, a woman really wants to become a mother, but her husband does not, or only deliberately pretends that he wants to, then this aspect can play the role of a brake in achieving the goal.

Doctors state that the main thing in this matter is not even the position of a man in relation to his partner, but the correct penetration of his genital organ. The woman must be aroused, which provides good lubrication, and the penis must be in a state of stable erection. This way, the chance of conceiving on the first try will increase several times.

It is recommended to practice the so-called missionary position, when the partners’ genitals are in an ideal combination: the partner lies on her back, her legs are bent at the knees and pulled up to the stomach or placed on the man’s shoulders. The position when the man is behind also helps on the first attempt to achieve the desired goal - in this case, the uterus is located lower than the vagina, and the male reproductive cells move towards the female ones, more quickly achieving fusion.

How to quickly conceive a child the first time

In order not to be disappointed and not to run to the pharmacy every month for tests, it is recommended that a woman immediately after sexual intercourse place a pillow under her pelvis and lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. Thus, sperm will not leave the vagina, male reproductive cells will be able to safely reach the ovaries. You can also just lift your legs up immediately after sex. Some women read prayers in their minds, asking for help from the Mother of God in the good work of procreation.

To ensure that your first attempt to get pregnant is immediately successful, you should listen to one more recommendation. Its essence is to practice sexual abstinence for 3-4 days before ovulation. This gives more strength to male sperm, makes orgasm stronger and increases the chances of conceiving a child.

Especially for -Diana Rudenko

When planning a pregnancy, every couple should be aware that the chances of conceiving the first time are very low. According to statistics, Pregnancy occurs the first time in only 10%. Such a small percentage of the probability is explained by the fact that it is necessary to precisely meet the viability periods of both the egg and the sperm. Within 24 hours, the egg can be fertilized; it is very rare that this ability persists for up to 48 hours. Sperm remain viable for a maximum of 6 days.

Many people, wanting to have a child, mistakenly believe that they just need to stop using contraception and they can get pregnant within as soon as possible. This is a false opinion, since many nuances should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Probability quick conception occurs under the following factors:

  1. Menstrual cycle average duration is 28 days, but not every day of them is suitable for conception. Only three days out of the entire cycle are fertile.
    There are very few women who have an accurate menstrual cycle. Its course is influenced stressful situations, nervous tension, hormonal imbalances.
  2. The activity of sperm in the female uterus is on average three days; it is extremely rare that they remain viable for up to six days. Therefore, sexual intercourse should occur exactly a day or a day or two before.
  3. It is very difficult to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. But even with correct calculations, the probability of pregnancy is 25%. Important factors are the health and age of each partner, previous abortions or other surgical interventions into the female reproductive system.
  4. Regular sexual intercourse on fertile days means a 10% chance of conception the first time and a 30% chance of egg fertilization throughout the year.

Fertilization of the egg can occur the first time, but one should not exclude the risk that the zygote will not attach to the uterine epithelium and will leave the body with the onset of menstruation.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what are the chances? According to gynecologists, every sixth couple who adheres to a healthy lifestyle succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

If conception does not occur the first time, then statistics determine the exact period in which pregnancy will occur - six months of active sexual activity without any contraception. At the same time, one should not exclude the possibility of the egg not being fertilized when it meets a sperm; this happens in almost 25%.

Therefore, if you make accurate calculations, then only 6% of cases will be marked by a successful pregnancy. Healthy couples who are planning a baby while having sex three times a week already in less than six months they become happy parents(according to statistics this is 60%). It also all depends on the age at which you decided to have a baby, because ovulatory cycles become irregular every year.

How can you get pregnant quickly the first time? If patience is not an issue, then the woman should calculate the days of ovulation. Between the ages of 20 and 25, a girl can get pregnant the fastest. In a young body, ready to bear a child, there is regular ovulation. Further disruptions may occur with age.

  1. With a regular menstrual cycle, approximately Ovulation occurs on day 12.
  2. Fertile days are determined using . In this case, the indicators should be 37.4 in the absence of colds.
  3. You can also use special tests to determine the day of ovulation.
  4. On the day of ovulation, you need to have sex, then the chances of a quick pregnancy will increase.

Don't forget that on cycle accuracy and fertile days stress affects, anxiety and overwork, as well as hormonal disorders. Therefore, the day of ovulation may fall much earlier or shift a few days later due date. It is even possible that during menstruation there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg. IN in this case it all depends on the individual female body.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time? When planning a pregnancy, you should take into account that some points may interfere with conception.

Factors that prevent pregnancy the first time:

  1. Taking antibiotics. They can affect the liver and thereby prevent rapid conception.
  2. Use during sexual intercourse additional funds, For example, intimate lubricant. The environment that is formed during the use of lubricant can destroy sperm or make them less active.
  3. Having sex on unfavorable days. It is impossible to get pregnant on any day of the cycle.
  4. The woman has a history of abortions. These interventions affect women's health and future pregnancy.
  5. Diagnosis in a woman various physiological abnormalities – cervical flexion or obstruction fallopian tubes. In this case, under no circumstances will pregnancy occur the first time.
  6. If a woman has tumor-like formations on the reproductive organs.
  7. Not healthy image life of partners.

A number of reasons that prevent the rapid onset of pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of treatment.

Examination by a doctor as an important part of pregnancy planning

It is very important to check for the presence of pathologies when planning a pregnancy. One of the main ones is ultrasonography, which determines the shape and position of the uterus, patency fallopian tubes(painful procedure), as well as the period of ovulation. At the same time, not only the woman should be examined. For men Semen samples should be taken for sperm activity. If both partners are healthy, then the percentage of conception on the day of ovulation is high.

How to get pregnant the first time: sex positions

There is an opinion that the onset of pregnancy depends on the position. fast deadlines. This theory is considered largely false, since pregnancy can only depend on the day on which sexual intercourse took place.

If a woman is diagnosed with a tilted uterus, then the position can help for deeper penetration of seminal fluid. In this case, in order to get pregnant faster, it is recommended to regularly have sex in a position where the woman is on all fours and the man is behind. Then the deepest penetration occurs. After ejaculation, the woman should lie down for several minutes with her legs raised up, it is best to use the “birch tree” position.

  • In order for successful conception to occur and the fetus to develop further without pathologies, doctors recommend that partners do not drink alcohol and stop smoking six months before the planned pregnancy.
  • For men it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate fried and spicy food, which has a bad effect on sperm production and activity.
  • Women Instead of coffee and tea, you should drink decoctions based on medicinal herbs. The main collection should include chamomile, sage, mint, and wintergreen.
  • One of the main herbs that promotes quick pregnancy is considered (used even in the treatment of infertility).

How to conceive a child the first time: video

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn about conceiving a child.

Conceiving a child quickly is a labor-intensive process that requires preparation on the part of both parents. Therefore, only with correct calculations of fertile days and other related factors can you get pregnant the first time. How are you doing with trying to get pregnant? Share your experience!

It would seem, what a stupid question is how to conceive a child? But this is a very serious question that requires the right approach. Many couples suffer and try for a very long time, sometimes even despair before they see the coveted two lines on the test. Let's take a closer look at how to conceive a child correctly and quickly enough.

Before proceeding with direct conception, you must completely abandon any methods of contraception (especially hormonal ones), at least a couple of months before the expected conception.

We probably won’t tell you anything supernatural or new, and that before conceiving a child you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits. One of the important aspects for the desired conception will be physical health couples, you will have to start running and jumping more, or at least take daily walks in the fresh air.

To the question of how to conceive a child, one can give the following answer: resort to IVF, this procedure is very common all over the world and almost always ends in the desired pregnancy. Also, one should not ignore folk recipes, which are most often based on the use of various herbal infusions, which are enriched with vitamins.

How to conceive a child correctly?

Yes, children are our future, real flowers of life for every married couple. Children are a continuation of your family, and what person does not dream of healthy and strong offspring. Unfortunately the condition environment on modern stage a person’s life leaves much to be desired, especially if you are a resident of a metropolis and here the issue of childbirth should be dealt with a little from a pragmatic point of view, and think through all the nuances to the smallest detail. First you need to properly prepare for conception:

  • It is natural to seek help from specialists. It is recommended that future parents go through it together necessary research and get tested at the time of pregnancy planning;
  • correctly calculate ovulation (a specialist can also help you with this);
  • give up any bad habits (at least three months before the planned conception);
  • completely abandon, or in some cases minimize, the use of medications as much as possible;
  • together with your spouse, switch to proper nutrition;
  • start taking vitamins for pregnant women.

Don’t despair if, even if you follow all the rules, you still can’t get pregnant. Remember that everything has its time, which means your body is not yet fully prepared, just be patient a little and you will become the mother of the most beautiful baby.

How to conceive a child correctly?

In the meantime, while you are waiting for a miracle, take care of yourself and your emotional state, and you need to get in the right mood for pregnancy. Remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head, and even more so negative emotions and stressful situations.

At the moment of planning pregnancy, you should be in a state of complete harmony with yourself and the world around you, try doing yoga and doing breathing exercises, or at least do what brings you maximum pleasure and warm emotions.

When is the best time to conceive a child?

The most favorable days The days of ovulation are considered for conception; ovulation, unfortunately, does not last that long, 1-2 days. Ovulation is the period when the egg leaves the follicle, this happens in the middle of the cycle. But this does not mean that you have a chance to get pregnant only two days a month, no, this is not true.

When is the best time to conceive a child?

It should be remembered that a sperm cell lives on average about five days. To determine ovulation, you need to keep a calendar in which you should mark your menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle.

The first day of your menstruation is the first day of your cycle, so after watching your cycle for a couple of months you will have an idea of ​​how many days your cycle is, then you simply divide this number by 2 and count half (for example, if your cycle is is 28 days, then on day 14 you ovulate). But medicine has moved on and now on the shelves of pharmacies you can find an ovulation test that will determine the very recommended day with 99 percent accuracy.

How to conceive a child the first time?

The main thing is to have a great desire. We described tips for conceiving a little higher, but if you still want everything to work out the first time, you will have to try hard. There are positions in which the likelihood of conception is highest, in addition, in such a situation, a lot depends on your partner.

How to conceive a child the first time?

A man needs to have his sperm tested and find out how high the probability of rapid conception is; what is very important here is the speed of the sperm and their vitality. A couple of months before the expected conception, go to an appointment with a specialist and start taking folic acid and special vitamin preparations. Another piece of advice that experts give is to lose weight, so you will lighten the load on your body and double your chances of conceiving quickly.

In what position to conceive a baby

The positions used during lovemaking are very important during conception. Let us note that sometimes women who really want a baby lie with their legs upside down for an hour after the process to help the sperm, and no matter how funny it may sound, it really works. When conceiving, positions with the deepest possible penetration should be used, and those positions in which the seed will enter the uterus as much as possible and will not leak out. These poses include:

  • missionary (this is a classic position);
  • doggy style (man from behind, woman on knees or elbows);
  • general's (when the woman's legs are thrown over the man's shoulders);
  • spoons (both partners lie on their sides).

There are not many poses, but with the help of them you can diversify your life and conceive a child with pleasure. These are the positions in which sperm are released as deeply as possible, and also in these positions the uterus is stimulated, which also contributes to rapid conception.

Children conceived during Lent

Children conceived during Lent is actually a pressing question to which we will now try to give a clear answer. The clergy and scientific literature, as well as some doctors.

Children conceived during Lent

The most basic myth about children conceived during Lent is that they are born with abnormalities, most often associated with the head. But then, think about it Orthodox posts last more than six months, it follows that more than half of our country are people with disabilities, in our opinion this is complete unfounded nonsense.

Moreover, not a single sociological or medical research will never confirm this, but only refutes it for now. As for the opinion of the church on this matter, the observance of fasts, especially during Great Lent, is a holy matter, but for which people and any family the couple is walking voluntarily with full awareness.

And the church has always taken the side of preserving the family, and even more so of its continuation. Under no circumstances will any church advise you to get rid of a child conceived during Lent or say that he was born in sin. It is worth thinking about the fact that children are given to us by God and only he knows when this happiness should have happened in your family.

Conceiving on the first try is a success that happens in 1 out of 4-5 couples; others have to repeat attempts. But there are cases when pregnancy cannot be postponed, since the chances of having sex again are minimal. It is important to know how to get pregnant quickly, the first time, when joint child The preservation of the family depends. In these cases, any methods are used - physiological, folk, astrological and magical. Not all are effective, but it is advisable to know firsthand and be able to use them.

Let's consider the physiological prerequisites for conception

The concept of “getting pregnant quickly” is quite relative. Not every couple achieves the desired result in the first six months after the wedding. In young girls, the egg is more viable, but the hormonal background is not always favorable for conception. Women over 30 are often fine with these components. After 40, reproductive functions fade away, men know this, so couples rush to have children while they can. But young women are often interested in what to do to get pregnant the first time.

Each girl or mature lady has her own circumstances:

  • a long break between the first and second marriage in the absence intimate relationships;
  • minimal repeat chances for entry into sexual intercourse;
  • couples work separately on shifts or on long business trips in different geographical locations;
  • guest marriage (spouses visit each other while living in different countries or remote regions);
  • difficulties in persuading your lover to marry or at least spending one night with him for the sake of a child from your beloved;
  • successful man can marry only a woman who is able to give him a son, etc.
Each option - serious reason to know how to get pregnant right away. Sometimes couples want to give birth after long period protection hormonal agents. Women's reproductive system while “resting.” It takes some time for the ovaries to produce full-fledged material again on the prescribed days (ovulation).

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time and the role of a man in achieving the result?

If you are less likely to get pregnant the first time, married couple can contact family planning specialists. It is impossible not to take into account that the reality of getting pregnant is only during ovulation and with active sperm.
Advice: It is useful for a man to have his sperm examined if the couple does not become pregnant. It is important to give up bad habits while preparing to eat protein and fortified foods.

If you manage to do this in the first 2-3 months, the result will be achieved, even if there was a minimal chance of getting pregnant after the first time.

Some statistics:

  • a woman’s reproductive cycle is 28-30 days, of which only 2-3 days are allocated for ovulation, after which the egg is destroyed;
  • seminal fluid that has entered the internal female organs, remains viable for 2-5 days;
  • the seed remaining in the vagina dies much faster than the seed that penetrates the fallopian tubes - up to 2-3 hours;
  • at healthy couples the chances of getting pregnant in 6 months are up to 60-70%, in the first year - up to 30-40%, if it doesn’t work out;
  • get pregnant on the first try (with all favorable factors) - no more than 10-15%.
Calculating the options, it turns out that conception is possible these days - the middle of the cycle from the beginning of menstruation. If sexual intercourse took place before ovulation, surviving sperm may reach their goal. Accordingly, if you fail to get pregnant the first time before the days of ovulation, the chances double the next time you try, but after ovulation the probability is up to 10%. This is possible with delayed (late) ovulation and very active “zhizhikami”.
Attention: Older men retain reproductive abilities, unlike women. But lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and unhealthy diet reduce the quality of sperm and genetic material.

Hypothetically, it can also be assumed that cellular level“mistakes” are possible. When a sperm meets an egg, the membrane must be permeable. Possibly weakened long journey the seed cannot penetrate. This is why you can’t get pregnant the first time if there are no other reasons.

Some couples contact laboratories for artificial insemination and resort to surrogacy services. You have to borrow donor sperm if the man's seed is not viable, and there is no point in postponing the birth of a child.

For men, this is a difficult step purely psychologically. If there are problems with this, it is better to make such a proposition on behalf of a specialist, and not say it “head-on” to your wife or relatives. Initially, both partners will have to undergo a course of treatment.

Hormonal levels and the likelihood of pregnancy the first time

Oral contraceptives control the ratio female hormones so that there are no natural prerequisites for conception. Upon completion of the appointment birth control pills the likelihood of pregnancy the first time increases, but the body needs a period to recover.

If fulfilling marital duties happens from time to time, then it is better to prepare a “surprise” in advance, canceling all methods of contraception at least a month in advance. This is the period necessary for recovery.

Psychological restructuring about the importance of conception and birth of a baby is also important. The subconscious mind continues to carry out the “command” to cancel fertilization for some time. Sometimes women ask questions on forums like “after my first child I can’t get pregnant, what’s wrong?” Most likely, the body has not yet “tuned” to the birth of a second child.

A woman’s age directly affects her hormonal levels:

  • after discontinuation of oral contraceptives up to 23 years of age reproductive function recovers in 1-2 months;
  • after 30 years, hormonal levels can return to normal within 4-8 months;
  • in women over 35 years of age, conception occurs after 1-2 years;
  • over 40 years old required hormonal correction, which is prescribed by the doctor;
  • in premenopausal age, after long-term contraception, it is almost impossible to restore hormonal levels and ovarian function;
  • At an older age, pregnancy sometimes occurs if a woman was considered infertile and did not use contraception.
Correction hormonal levels used for different purposes, but if you didn’t get pregnant the first time, these points should be discussed with your doctor.

Ways to increase your chances if you don't get pregnant the first time

  1. Folk remedies. Rarely used in countries with developed and advanced medicine, their effectiveness has been proven by statistics of “unexplained” or “pseudo-scientific” methods of treating infertility. Among many peoples, the most popular was the use of herbs, fruits and roots. Sections of the Bible mention that barren women of the Mediterranean sought to buy mandrake roots at any price. Their use before performing marital duty led to conception. In our latitudes, other plants are used to stimulate ovulation and normalize hormonal levels. This is wintergreen, sage, hog queen and Rhodiola, tinctures of which are taken in a course according to the scheme.
  2. Before sexual intercourse " knowledgeable people“It is recommended to improve the environment in the vagina with a soda solution. This reduces the “acidification” of the bacterial environment and shifts the balance to the alkaline side. Performance statistics soda douching for conception is absent, but it helps to get rid of fungal diseases and viruses that indirectly prevent this. Sometimes this advice is given to the question “what should I do to get pregnant the first time?”
  3. The lunar calendar is the oldest way to calculate ovulation days. But the connection to lunar phases It makes sense that the first day of your period (where the name comes from) coincides with the new moon. This was probably the case during ancient civilizations; then the relationship between man and nature was disrupted. But when calculating the days of conception according to lunar calendar remains the middle between the first days bloody discharge- previous and subsequent.
  4. The influence of planets is also used for successful conception. Adherents of some cults do not recommend entering into marital relations during the day and on the nights of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In the Islamic tradition, Friday night is considered blessed, regardless of ovulation. Astrologers consider the most “fertile” signs to be Libra, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus. And the influence of the Sun, Mars and Saturn are considered unfavorable for fertilization.
  5. Physiological features Some peoples led to the extinction of entire civilizations, while others reached billions in number. It is not known for sure whether they know how to stimulate the birth rate, but each people had their own methods of abortion. In some places fruit and cereal crops, from which the birth rate increases. It has been observed that one can become pregnant after the first time during the legume harvest, after eating bamboo and fern shoots. Today it is impossible to say for sure what these varieties were; there are poisonous seeds, cereals and legumes.
  6. Delaying the moment for conception may be associated with female or male pathologies. For example, there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, bending of the uterus, chronic inflammatory and tumor processes. In men, low sperm motility or the environment inside the female body is detrimental to them. Position during intercourse also matters. Some women were advised to roll over onto their stomachs after ejaculation; others were able to get pregnant only on their backs, while raising their hips high (the “birch tree” position). A banal change of positions during sex, as well as not rushing to wash yourself after intercourse, is how to get pregnant for sure.
It’s also worth getting thoroughly examined if you didn’t get pregnant the first time. There are specialists who deal with this issue closely, they have everything calculated possible options. Don't shy away from uncomfortable questions and offers to undergo ovulation testing. Important psychological attitude, not only physiology.