Important years by date of birth online. How to find out your purpose by date of birth

Mathematicians and astrologers have long held the general opinion that all processes in this world are based on a certain algorithm, and the result of any activity can be calculated using calculations.

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For every person there is a lucky number that influences fate. It is important to calculate it in order to take advantage of its magical power. It’s easy to attract luck if you determine your main number, the calculation of which is based on your date of birth.

    How to find out your number?

    To calculate your lucky number, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, if a person was born on June 16, 1992, the calculation can be carried out using the following formulas:

    • birthday + month + year, and then add the numbers in the resulting number (16 + 6 + 1992 = 2014 ⇒ 2 + 0 +1 + 4 = 7);
    • all digits of the date of birth are added up (1 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 34 ⇒ 3 + 4 = 7).

      As can be seen from the examples, the result in both cases is the same, so everyone can find a lucky number by date of birth by choosing the most convenient calculation method for themselves. It should be noted that numbers that are multiples of this figure are also considered lucky; for seven they will be: 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, etc.

      In life, these numbers carry positive energy for a person. The main number has the greatest power, so it is recommended to take it into account in all processes. If there is an important meeting or deal coming up, then it is better to schedule them on your lucky dates. When the deal breaks down or the result of the negotiations turns out to be negative, do not be upset. This means that the magic of a lucky number protected a person from subsequent problems.

      By using numerology in practice, gamblers manage to win large sums in the lottery. Experienced players often choose tickets containing their lucky numbers, or mark them themselves.

      Interpretation of lucky number by date of birth

      Having calculated the number of luck, you can use its energy for practical purposes. Number meanings:

      • Unit - helps people gain leadership. Subject to this number, it is best to start new things on the first day of the month. The best periods of the year are January and November. Lucky days for single people are: 1st, 11th, 21st and 31st of the month. The constant desire to be first everywhere and in everything has a negative impact on the psyche of a few. They perceive failures too keenly, so for the best result their number can be combined with nine, which guarantees a happy outcome of any business.
      • Two is a sociable number. She doesn't let people be alone. The patronage of a deuce predicts a happy family life, good friends and colleagues. For people of this number, the following dates in the month are lucky: 2, 11, 20, 29. If circumstances force a person to act independently, without involving outsiders, you need to supplement the two with a one, which will bring primacy to the events.
      • Three is a family sign. The power of this number determines a person's luck in love and marriage. It is difficult for threes to start and develop something without the support of family and friends, so in business they need to add ones and sixes to their number, which help to implement their plans. Happy days in the month: 3, 6, 12, 16, 21, 30.
      • Four - reflection and responsibility. People of this number are very reserved and patient. They succeed when things are planned for the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of the month. The number two brings life into their closed world; the 22nd is best suited for marriage for fours, and for large transactions they need to focus on all dates containing the number 4.
      • Five is a badge of honor. Such people always occupy leading positions, but they get these places with great difficulty. Each of their successes is accompanied by incredible efforts, so it is recommended to combine your number with lucky seven and assign important things to the seventh. Lucky days in the month are: 5, 14, 23 and 25.
      • Six is ​​a sad symbol. A person subject to this number needs to seek suitable outside guidance in everything. Sixes' independent decisions often turn out to be unsuccessful. By supplementing their number with seven and four, these people are capable of independent achievements, but it is better to adhere to what is destined by numerology. Sixes always have excellent partners nearby who you can rely on, relieving yourself of the burden of responsibility. Lucky days in the month are: 6, 15, 24.
      • Seven is the number of lucky people. The wards of this number are lucky in everything; they do not need to reinforce it with others. Their best day is always Sunday, so the classic five-day work week is not recommended for them, otherwise it will be difficult to move up the career ladder. Important dates in each month: 7, 16, 25. Sevens should take trips with travel and adventure in July, and this month is also good for any celebrations and events.
      • Eight is the sign of infinity. This person can handle anything, but he often moves along a closed line, which prevents him from completing many things. To break out of the cycle, these people are advised to start important activities and projects on the 17th, 18th and 19th of the month. In this case, the one contributes to a breakthrough, and the nine contributes to a worthy completion. The choice of numbers and different dates should be stopped at your number and 26 (eight when adding).
      • Nine - results and conclusions. Such people need to choose professions related to solving complex problems. They are extremely persistent and purposeful, therefore they are always able to achieve a positive result in any activity. The ratio of nine to five improves the life of such a person, and it is better to avoid fours, because when combined with this number, tediousness and excessive deliberation are manifested. Lucky numbers in any month are: 9, 18, 27, and 14 is the day of the most successful transactions and events.

      Patron numbers of the zodiac signs

      Another way to calculate a lucky number relates to astrology. Each zodiac sign is influenced by numbers. Therefore, being born under a certain constellation gives a person a lucky number.

      The zodiac circle divides people into 12 types, but astrologers note only 9 lucky numbers for all signs, so the following table presents the most suitable of them.

      Number Zodiac signsImpact on human life
      1 Aquarius, PiscesThe unit for these signs symbolizes determination, leadership and individuality. This number gives representatives of the zodiac signs unlimited possibilities and very bright desires, which these people are able to bring to life. The units under patronage are independent and decisive. Using the influence of their number, Pisces and Aquarius can manage the most important events in their lives. Choosing a house and apartment with number 1 promises family happiness for these signs
      2 Taurus, Cancer, LibraTwos help Taurus, Libra and Cancer discover hidden talents and abilities for diplomacy. Those born under these constellations are recognized by astrologers as sincere, sympathetic and kind people. People around you often take advantage of this, so you should choose dates for important matters not only with the number two. The unit's leadership and determination contribute to achieving goals. The 12th and 21st days of the month will be the most successful and productive
      3 Gemini, Virgo, CapricornThe strength of this number plays a vital role in the lives of Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo. On the third day of any month, they are accompanied by success and good luck in solving any problems. Keeping three in the number of a house and car brings these representatives of the zodiac circle a calm and happy life. When going on a long trip, they need to choose third seats or carriages, and working on the third floor will be more productive for them
      4 Aries, Cancer, ScorpioSymbolizing fidelity, perseverance, boundless intelligence, observation and independence, the four brings Aries, Scorpios and Cancers a stable position in life. So that confidence in the future is not overshadowed by unexpected troubles, people of these signs need to learn to use their number. They should use the fourth month of the year to change jobs, places of residence or other important changes, and dates containing this figure have a favorable effect on the outcome of any business
      5 Cancer, Scorpio, PiscesFive brings energy and determination into the lives of Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. Overly self-confident Scorpios should avoid this number when sorting out relationships. On the fifth, it is better for them not to contact hostile opponents. But for Cancers and Pisces, who are subject to outside influence, this day is recommended for resolving controversial issues. Number 5, which these signs encounter throughout their lives, brings financial success, so in lottery tickets and matters related to money, they need to pay special attention to this number
      6 Taurus, Libra, Pisces, AquariusThe symbol of six is ​​constantly found in the lives of these representatives of the zodiac circle. Someone always stands in their way and tries to impose their opinion. It is unlikely that you will be able to escape this number, but you can smooth out its impact on life with the help of sevens and ones. If Libra and Pisces get an apartment with number 6, life in it will be successful only with a reasonable partner. But Aquarius and Taurus are not recommended to choose places of residence with this number, otherwise they will face constant conflicts with household members. Representatives of these zodiac signs need to be guided by six in choosing activities that do not depend on them. Only in this case will the number 6 bring good luck
      7 Aries, Virgo, CapricornThe independence and success of the seven brings a touch of eccentricity into the lives of Aries, Capricorns and Virgos. These zodiac signs are considered too serious and gloomy, so they need the number 7 to shake things up. In order not to go deeper into the burden of problems and worries, they need to plan and implement important events on the seventh day of the month. And every Sunday is perfect for them for successful entertainment or trips. If this symbol is present in the work processes of Aries, Virgo and Capricorn, then the career is going very well. The number 7 in the car license plate allows you to avoid unnecessary attention from traffic police officers.
      8 Leo, Sagittarius, CapricornThe energy potential of the number eight has a positive effect on the lives of Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn. This figure endows the representatives of these constellations with determination, activity and some greed. The excessive generosity of Sagittarius under the influence of the number 8 is noticeably regulated in a reasonable direction, and Leos living in the eighth house or apartment with this number smooth out their craving for extravagance. Capricorn should avoid the presence of number eight in house and car numbers, otherwise the excessive practicality of the sign will increase several times. Things organized on the eighth go well for them, and the predominance of the number 8 in the phone number brings them good luck in negotiations
      9 Aries, Leo, Libra, ScorpioFor representatives of these constellations, nine is a symbol of intuition and insight. Under the influence of this number, Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Libra are able to predict the development of any events. Carefully selected lottery tickets on the ninth very often turn out to be winning for these signs. Decisions made on such days are the most successful. The predominance of the number 9 in numbers entails the discovery and realization of hidden possibilities, the development of talents in such people, therefore astrologers recommend that they actively use the number nine in all areas of activity.

When a person is born, certain qualities are already inherent in him. They help him through life, determine his character and behavior pattern. Some people believe that fate is already written at birth. Some people adhere to the theory that we build our own lives. However, the life path is influenced by the name, date of birth, and zodiac sign. The number of fate is of great importance.

What is the number of fate

This is a kind of code that determines a person’s character and indicates his characteristics. In numerology, the number of fate can be found out using calculation. The essence of calculation is not to find out the secret, but to understand oneself and find the true path.

A number can tell not only what a person has already been given, but also about possible options for the development of qualities and events. You can learn personal qualities and lifestyle. This is a code that can tell about your purpose, can tell about your abilities and talents.

How to calculate

The destiny number can be determined by date of birth and name. These are the most common methods in numerology.

It is worth learning more about the birthday code. Experts consider this calculation to be the most correct and significant. The determination method is simple: you need to add up all the numbers of the date of birth. However, the result should be no more than 9. Some numerology specialists take into account the destiny number based on the date of birth, 11 and 22, believing that they have a special meaning.

There are also less popular ways to calculate:

  • number is a gift of fate;
  • transition number by birthday;
  • soul number.

Number 1

Destiny number 1 indicates that a person always strives to be first. Unit owners often achieve success, but this also depends on their character. The numerical pattern says that they are ambitious, self-confident, have leadership qualities - this determines their fate. Such leaders should choose their own kind as partners, people with the destiny number 1.

However, there are also disadvantages for people with a rod. They carry over the achievement of goals and satisfaction of needs into their personal lives. Such a partner will have selfish habits, and prudence is not inherent in him. Experts recommend learning to cope with emotions and paying attention to the desires of your partners.

Number 2

Those with destiny number 2 are influenced by the Moon. They are the complete opposite of those born under 1. This has its pros and cons. The main character traits are lightness and balance. Harmony, kindness, and communication should prevail in the life of such a person. They will be especially understood by those who have a similar destiny number, or were born under the numbers 7, 9.

Such a person is looking for a partner with whom he can easily connect spiritually and find perfect harmony. Physical needs come behind the satisfaction of spiritual ones. An ideal friend must have strong spiritual qualities and be in complete relationship.

People with a fine mental organization are characterized by depression, daydreaming, and uncertainty. These are the main disadvantages. It is always worth remembering that it can be corrected, just direct it in the right direction, and find a way to control it. Such a person has a good imagination and a high level of intelligence, but lacks the confidence and determination to bring his plans to life.

Having determined your destiny number, you can understand how to build communication with the opposite sex. In a relationship, an insecure dreamer needs someone who will help direct his forces to implement his plans, who can provide emotional support, and spiritual development is also important. You need to help pour out bad emotions into creativity.

Number 3

For many people, 3 is a lucky number. If you managed to calculate it, it means you were lucky. Those born under it took the best qualities from the owners of 1 and 2. Optimism and the ability to go with the flow are the main qualities that help them go through life. They are also very talented.

These are often people with an unbalanced character. Fluctuations from daydreaming and lightness to depression or inspiration for action are common. They are energetic, active, but they can also be disorganized or unsure of themselves.

In life they love partners with similar energy, but not stronger than them. Despite ambitions, goals, activity, there is time for relationships. The main thing is mutual understanding.

From leadership to dictatorship it is only a step. This is one of the shortcomings of such people. They have well-developed managerial qualities and a desire to do what is beneficial to them. But the inability of a team to manage their emotions leads to a real dictatorship.

Number 4

People with destiny number 4 love order and a calm flow. This makes them measured. A balanced character attracts interlocutors. The desire for order can be hidden even in small things. And this is sometimes off-putting. However, you can always rely on such a friend.

A person with destiny number 4 is always versatile, but his favorite hobby often remains for life. What once came will remain your goal and outlet until the end. This is also a manifestation of stability, a desire for order.

It is very difficult for them to find a lifelong partner. And this is partly due to the pessimistic nature. A negative attitude repels and drives a partner into a similar state, which not everyone is ready for. In the relationship of such a person, there is jealousy against a background of uncertainty. These two qualities destroy not only relationships, but also the path to your life goal. They lack perseverance and self-confidence. Number owners are hardworking, but a negative attitude does not allow them to follow their dreams, because... nothing will come of it anyway.

Number 5

The main traits of people who scored 5 are optimism and activity. They easily take risks and move forward. Independence is a good quality; the desire for it sometimes leads to problems.

A distinctive feature is the desire for money. And it manifests itself in all aspects of life, even sexually. The main goal is to achieve wealth and surround yourself with those who have it. Even spiritual qualities and beauty stand behind the partner’s financial situation.

Such people do not have a sense of proportion, and sometimes even prudence. Passion and desire for profit come first. This is the main drawback. It is possible that sometimes you can find a common language with such a materialist and establish pleasant communication. If material values ​​suddenly appear across it, you can immediately understand which way the scales will tip.

Number 6

People with destiny number 6 have good character traits. There are many people who want to use them. They are reliable and balanced. They are easily attracted, have similar personalities, communicate, but kindness and sincerity often let them down. If someone takes advantage of this, rancor will work. Resentment does not leave the flexible and kind owners of the destiny number 6 for a long time.

Such people are not only physically attractive, they are mentally attractive. Characterized by a strong sense of affection, self-sacrifice, and devotion. The character is dominated by romance and the desire for everything beautiful and ideal.

Loyalty, boundless love and sincerity can be replaced by a thirst for revenge, hatred, and going to extremes. And the reason for this is betrayal. For such people to show only all their best qualities, they need to be appreciated and loved. When taken to extremes, you can only get negative emotions.

Number 7

The numerological forecast says that those born under code 7 have high intelligence and creative inclinations. In life they are kind, humane, optimistic. However, they can achieve everything with the help of bad deeds, since the desire for the best is present in the character.

They never sit still. Movement, travel, change of environment are common occurrences. They are easy to communicate, mostly due to their fine mental organization and good intelligence. The desire for change is both a blessing and a disaster. There will never be a dull moment in a relationship with such a person. However, “change” may mean a change in sexual partner.

To maintain a harmonious relationship, it is important to support your desire for change, be able to curb excessive activity and help you settle down.

Number 8

Destiny number 8 by date of birth speaks of a wayward nature. In such people one notices a sense of purpose, which is sometimes intertwined with cruelty and the ability to go over their heads. Getting along with the owner of such a destiny number is quite difficult. Not only because of callousness, they are overly changeable. Your mood can change more than three times throughout the day.

What helps you achieve success is your intelligence and the desire to work exactly as much as necessary to get the best result. Another notable trait is vindictiveness.

Despite the manifestation of cruelty or vindictiveness, they know how to love. Devotion is manifested due to an understanding of one’s difficult character and behavior. The disadvantage that stands in the way of harmonious relationships is the inability to show feelings and give freedom to emotions.

Number 9

People with birth number 9 are romantic. At the same time, the character combines intelligence, the desire to go forward and be the first. It is difficult to communicate with them. Owners of 9 allow a person to approach them only after a long test of time.

Perseverance, good core, perseverance and leadership qualities coexist with romance. At the same time, it is difficult to express your desires. This may also apply to sex life. Liberation and expression of their preferences are unworthy behavior for them, something alien. One of the disadvantages is the desire to dominate. This property “helps” to make ill-wishers.

For a good relationship, the person next to you must have authority, similar qualities, strength, and a good core. Numerology experts recommend gaining tolerance and learning to master your emotions.

Number 11

Experts identified the numbers 11 and 22 for a reason. It was possible to add and count the numbers. However, 11 has special qualities and endows a person with mystical abilities. Hypnosis, occultism and even mysticism can manifest themselves quite often. People are drawn to such people and follow them.

Those who have calculated the destiny number 11 are characterized by independence and an endless flow of energy, they help to achieve high goals and move forward. However, such an outcome is only possible if action is taken quickly. Any uncertainty in plans dooms the whole thing to failure. The character contains two contradictory qualities - the desire for freedom of speech and respect for the feelings of others. Because of this, such people feel very bad.

Inconsistency is the main thorn in the number 11 and is of great importance. There is a desire to conquer the world, but there is uncertainty. There is persistence and willfulness, but there is also sensitivity. Finding a special approach to such interlocutors and partners is quite difficult. The war of diverse character traits often leads to suicide and problems in perceiving the world.

Number 22

Those who managed to find out that the destiny number 22 were somewhat unlucky. They are weak in spirit. Extremely emotional, receptive. A subtle mental organization causes many problems. Very high intelligence can save you in some situations. However, in most cases, uncertainty and weakness do not allow you to properly demonstrate your mental abilities and direct them in the right direction. This means that a person who will become protection, support, motivation and perpetual motion is suitable for a harmonious relationship.

You should not ignore the significance of the destiny number based on your date of birth. All life consists of numbers and numbers. Calculating the number of fate helps to find out the characteristics of your character, even predict relationships with others, and draw the necessary conclusions.

The ancient and wise science of numerology can in many ways help a person reveal the secrets of fate and show which path to follow in order to achieve happiness.

Everything in our multifaceted and complex earthly life is encrypted and coded, everything is subject to the magic of numbers. And the fate of each person has its own numerical codes, which are predetermined even before our birth. This is exactly what numerology helps you find out!

To calculate your personal number, called the number of Destiny, or Path, you only need a little attention - numerology is within the power of everyone. The calculation is simple, it is done quickly based on the date of birth, and everyone can do it themselves. Having learned the number of Destiny, you can understand which trajectory to move in life, which path will lead to success, which character traits are the strongest and will help in life.

Path Number

Numerology will help you calculate this magical number based on a person’s full date of birth. All that needs to be done is to write down on a piece of paper the day, month and full year of birth, and add up all these numbers.

Then add all the digits of the resulting number and do this until you get a simple single-digit number, from one to nine. This is the number of the Path! Numerology will tell you what the resulting magic number means.

1. This is activity and energy. Strength and good spirits, activity and courage, activity and determination are the main trump cards of a person whose number is one. These are pioneers, undoubted leaders and leaders, winners in life.

If you get a one, know: you are contraindicated to lead a passive life; you need to fill it with active activity, achieve and fight. A person with this number will achieve enormous success in areas where teamwork and leadership, active action, and rapid growth are needed.

2. Versatility. You are talented in everything, and most importantly, you know how to fully concentrate on one chosen type of activity. Always finish what you start, believe in your goals and dreams, and you will always achieve your goal. Having chosen a path and activity to your liking, be it creativity or science, do not be scattered on other things, and then you will achieve a lot.

3. This is an undoubted artistic gift that is given from above. Such a person has every chance of becoming a great actor, composer or artist, whose paintings will be admired by entire generations. Believe in yourself, spare no time and effort in education and practice, be persistent and do not give up in the face of difficulties. Connect with people who believe in you and inspire you to do great things.

4. Organization and hard work. Numerology gives advice - use these qualities, they were given to you for a reason! Even if someone considers you scrupulous or even pedantic, you will achieve great results in any activity if you show innate punctuality, accuracy and diligence.

5. The number of those who are born with an amazing gift of speaking. You are able to convince people of anything, win them over and achieve absolutely anything in this way. Use your gift for good, not harm. Develop these talents and choose activities that involve active interaction with people - you will achieve great success there.

6. Amazing ability for sympathy, compassion and empathy. You were born to help people, support them and even save them. You will not only achieve great success in a field where you need to help people (medicine, pedagogy, psychology or volunteering), but you will also be able to realize yourself and feel happiness from every day you live.

7. This is intuition and an innate ability to analyze, understand relationships, and subtly sense the nature of everything on the planet. You can become a brilliant researcher, scientist, or devote yourself to any science. People with a “seven” invent new medicines, make great discoveries and in many ways change the world for the better. Take advantage of this and choose the right path!

8. Number of activity and motivation. Everything is under your control! With just the power of thought, you can change your destiny, convince yourself or those around you to act, without fear or doubt. Success awaits you in any business, especially as a leader, coach or motivator, director and manager.

9. This is a symbol of non-standard thinking. You have an original view of the world and things, you know how to act unexpectedly and creatively. This is what will make it possible to achieve success in creativity and science, in business and sports. Appreciate this peculiarity of yours and do not pay attention to those who reproach you for your dissent. You are a special person, and this is your dignity.

By name

What awaits me in fate? What to choose and in what area to expect success? Where does happiness await me, and where is danger? Numerology will help you find the answer to these questions if you calculate your Destiny Number.

Numerology will allow everyone to calculate their Destiny number. This method is similar to the previous one, but will give a more complete picture and help you navigate your life. If the Path number is calculated by date of birth, then the Destiny number is calculated by the person’s full name.

The secret is that his future path depends not only on the time of a person’s birth. The name does not just randomly come to our parents' minds, it is mysteriously predetermined. And he also has a mystical code that determines fate.

The Destiny Number of a person is the sum of the numerical values ​​of all letters in the first name, last name and patronymic. Each letter of our alphabet has its own number from one to nine. All you have to do is fold them.

  • The letters “a, i, s, ъ” are 1;
  • “b, j, t, s” – 2;
  • “v, k, y, b” – 3;
  • “g, l, f, e” –4;
  • “d, m, x, y” – 5;
  • “e, n, c, i” – 6;
  • “e, o, h” – 7;
  • “f, p, w” – 8;
  • “z, r, sch” – 9.

Now write down the full name, patronymic and last name (or the person you want to know about) and write the corresponding number above each letter. Add everything up and write down the number. Next, add up all the numbers in this number. Do this operation until the number is simple, from one to nine. Here it is - your Destiny number, which is given by numerology!


What this secret code means, you will find out below.

1 is leadership. You are a natural leader and born to achieve great success wherever you choose. Lead people, develop self-confidence and leadership skills. Cultivate the best traits in your character, because many will follow your example. You can't be alone.

2 – peacemaker. This person is born to make the world a better place, to give people hope, to console. Do not get involved with violence and rude forms of behavior, try to always keep love and light in your soul and give it to people. Kindness is your strongest weapon!

3 – creative personality and optimism. Develop in the field of arts, you exist to create! You should not associate yourself with areas where any kind of violence is envisaged. Art, science, creating something new - these are the areas where you will find yourself and be a happy, harmonious person.

4 – if this is your number, you are a builder in the broadest sense of the word. You can not only build a strong house and your life, but also organize entire crowds of people, create large-scale and reliable projects. Resilience, confidence and consistency are your strengths, develop them and use them.

5 – the mission of such a person is progress and freedom. This is a revolutionary and reformer who can definitely change the fate of an entire people! Get an education, believe in your high goal, and you will be able to do a lot in your life.

6 – you are a humanist and educator. People with a “six” are ideal teachers, as well as doctors, psychologists and just good friends. You know how to keep secrets and will always find the right word to console a person. Your whole destiny will be happy if your life passes under the banner of kindness, compassion and honesty.

7 is a symbol of enlighteners. These are brilliant teachers and spiritual mentors, good psychologists and psychoanalysts. You were created with a great purpose - to enlighten, give knowledge and change the destinies of people for the better!

Move in this direction, choose a profession that will give you the opportunity to help people, and you will be happy. You need to grow spiritually, study and travel a lot, get to know everything around you. You can’t focus on one narrow area, you should be a versatile person.

8 – success is always with such people. You can become a rich and influential person, achieve a lot, because dynamics, optimism and activity are your everything. Study life - its interrelations, natural laws, subtle threads of destinies. The more subtly and deeply you learn to understand yourself and the entire world order, the happier and more harmonious you will live.

9 is a magical number inherent in real messengers from above. Such people come into the world with a high mission - to defend goodness and justice on Earth.

Any trials and difficulties are given to you to gain strength and experience, perceive them that way. Wisdom and knowledge are your strength. Work on yourself, engage in spiritual practices and always learn new things, no matter what business you choose for yourself.

Get to know yourself and the world around you, and you can control your destiny! Author: Vasilina Serova

This article will provide an opportunity to touch the secrets of the ancient science of numerology.

  • A huge amount of information is contained in a person’s date of birth or the date of an event.
  • With this accessible information, by studying simple calculations, you can become a true expert on human character.
  • Thanks to this knowledge, an interesting and completely unexpected landscape of the universe opens up. Everything previously incomprehensible becomes easily explained

The meaning of the date of birth in numerology. The number of fate by date of birth in numerology

The meaning of date of birth in numerology

The date of birth shapes the destiny, interpersonal relationships, abilities, and energy of any person. The meaning of numbers for any date makes it possible to create a new destiny using the magic of numbers.

This magic number is the sum of the constituent digits of the date of birth.


Fateful number person:

Three + Four = Seven

What information does the number convey about the character of its owner:

  1. - aggression, unreasonable ambitions, leadership qualities, great determination, moderate ambition. A person with a 1 in his name knows how to achieve goals
  2. - restraint, flexibility, harmony in all aspects of life
  3. - optimism, great talent, increased intuition, slight imbalance
  4. - practicality, reliability, hard work, lack of risk-taking qualities
  5. - activity in achieving goals, adventurism, optimism, independence, unpredictability, resourcefulness, ingenuity
  6. - truthfulness, friendliness, stability, reliability
  7. - mystery, talent, intelligence. The desire for loneliness. They are often hermits
  8. - purposefulness, tough character, achieve a high financial position. Stable, reliable
  9. - successful, strong, achieve a worthy position and status, enormous wealth

Video: Numerology of birth - how does the date of birth affect fate?

How to determine character by date of birth in numerology?

  • To determine character by date of birth, add the date and month
  • This is the number of your basic character
  • Decoding the essence of character by numbers is described above

Numerology of first and last names

When analyzing the last name and first name, you should consider for what purposes the forecast is needed:

  • If it’s for business, we take for analysis the form of address in which you are addressed, that is, your full first and patronymic name, or last name, or maybe just your first name
  • For family relationships - we choose the way your loved ones address you, it can be a pet name, a nickname or just a name
  • The same goes for other relationships that interest you.

By giving a name, parents endow the child with certain abilities and strength corresponding to this name.
The patronymic and surname are a family inheritance.

This type of calculation allows you to determine the energy of the first and last name. Are they helping you or creating difficulties?

This will allow you to learn more about yourself and look at yourself from the outside.

Each letter of the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to a number from one to nine. There is no zero in numerology.
To do this, write down your first and last name on a sheet
Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number:
A-1, B-2, V-6, G-3, D-4, E-5, Zh-2, Z-7, I-7, J-1, K-2, L-2
M-4, N-5, O-7, P-8, R-2, L-2, M-4, N-4, O-7, P-8, R-2, S-3, T- 4, U-6, F-8, X-5, Ts-3, Ch-7, Sh-2, Shch-9, Y-1, L-1, E-6, Yu-7, Ya-2

The number of the name characterizes developed abilities, while the number of the date of birth analyzes the natural data of a person.

  • Determine the number for each letter of the name Add it up
  • We bring the amount to a single value
  • We interpret it in accordance with the meaning of the numbers according to the above decoding.

Numerology of marriage by date of birth

A successful or unsuccessful marriage, based on the date of birth of the partners, is determined by the date of birth of each spouse.

  • Add each date separately

For example, a wife was born on 15. Her number is 6=1+5.

  • My husband's birth date is 3, his number will be 3
  • Adding two numbers
  • Number of defects will 9

Let's look at the table and analyze:

Number of defects Interpretation
1 Neither of the two seeks to give in to each other. The marriage won't last long
2 Everyday problems can destroy a marriage if you don't make a concerted effort to resolve them.
3 Very harmonious couple. A love that is rare
4 Passive friendly couple. It can last a long time until one of the two wants sex on the side. If you want to save your marriage, pay more attention to sexual relationships
5 One of the partners is very easy in relationships. Even after becoming a family man, he doesn’t try to stop having affairs on the side. If you want to save your marriage, stop
6 Long family life guaranteed
7 Prosperous union, but too much worry about your well-being
8 A strong couple who will successfully overcome all difficulties. But we should trust each other more. Mistrust leads to internal insecurity
9 Perhaps this is not the case when it’s time to rush to register the relationship. Take a closer look at each other

Numerology of love by date of birth

The number by which you can determine the compatibility of a love relationship is calculated by adding the numbers of the month and year of birth to a single indicator.

  • Dates of birth are taken from both partners
  • Folds separately
  • And then the resulting numbers are added up again. Exactly the same as in the previous example

We apply the values ​​for predicting love relationships:

Love number Characteristics of relationships
1 Two purposeful people who put their goals above love. Either combine your efforts in one direction, or you will have to part ways.
2 Dependence of partners on outside opinions. Learn to make decisions together without other people interfering in your relationship.
3 Superficial relationships. If you do not make an effort towards mutual understanding and sincerity, a not very long relationship is possible.
4 Perfect couple
5 The birth of children will add stability to relationships. You can achieve a lot together if you support each other.
6 Don't be afraid to confess your love, restrain your jealousy. And only then will you become a harmonious couple
7 Relationships that will help you gain a lot of experience. They will not be easy, but very necessary in order to be a happy and harmonious couple in the future. The main problems will be related to financial difficulties. Learn to overcome them together. And there will not be a happier couple in the whole universe
8 You are completely different. If you want to maintain the union, you need to develop spiritually, turning a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings
9 Mutual understanding, development and support of each other are the key to good relationships. If you depend on the opinions of other people, love will not stand the test

Numerology of events by date of birth

The most significant events in life can be calculated by adding the numbers that make up that year to the year of your birth. With the resulting year, we do the same calculation.

For example, year of birth 1981





  • Significant years for a person born in 1981 would be 2000, 2002, 2006, 2014
  • It is during these years that important events will occur in a person’s life, on which his fate depends.
  • These can be both good and bad events

Video: Numerology. The magic of numbers. Destiny number, secrets of numbers in life

Numerology of wedding date by date of birth

Numerology of the wedding date You can determine the appropriate date for the wedding celebration by adding up the birth dates of the bride and groom, taking into account the year and month.

If the sum turns out to be more than 12, we reduce it to a single digit number.

For example, if 14, then 1+4=5.

This means May is the best time to register a marriage.

To clarify the date, we also add up all the birth numbers of the bride and groom. And we divide it in half. If the date is even, then the wedding should be held in the second half of the month; if it is not even, then in the first.

We choose a specific wedding date by mutual agreement.

Video: Happy wedding. Numerology of marriage

Tarot Numerology by date of birth

A very difficult but worthy fortune-telling in numerology by date of birth and Tarot cards
  • A way to predict by date of birth can be done using the meaning of Tarot cards
  • You can get practical advice by analyzing the age of a person of the corresponding year, with reference to the meaning of the cards
    To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth so that the sum does not exceed 22
  • For example, if you get 23, then add 2+3=5

We analyze the resulting figure, comparing it with the corresponding card of the Tarot deck of the major arcana

  1. High Priestess
  2. Empress
  3. Emperor
  4. High priest
  5. Lovers
  6. Chariot
  7. Justice
  8. Hermit
  9. Wheel of Fortune
  10. Hanged
  11. Death
  12. Moderation
  13. Devil
  14. Tower
  15. Star
  16. Sun
  • This method allows you to identify the energy potential of the person interested. Tell his future and past
  • By plunging into the arcana of the Tarot, the entire life path and purpose of any person is fully revealed. You can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Uncover deep potentials
  • This is a more complex and in-depth forecasting process. In addition to knowledge of numerology, you need to know the meaning of the arcana of the deck. Feel the energy of the cards. Without meditation practices and yoga skills, you can receive distorted information
  • You need to be very careful not to harm a person. An untrained predictor may incorrectly interpret the information received. The result is a direction along the wrong path, a distortion of a person’s fate
    Tarot fortune telling is a deep knowledge that not everyone has access to.

Are numbers really that important in our lives?
  • Easy fortune telling by numbers will not do any harm. Even if you don’t like the result, don’t be discouraged - it’s just fortune telling
  • A person builds his own destiny. For fun, counting numbers, laughing and forgetting is one thing
  • But to calculate using numerology, delve into all the calculations, analyze all the pros and cons, make an important decision - that’s another thing.
  • Everything in life is relative. How you react to numerology, this will be the result

Video: Fatal numbers. Numerology

Each of us, living in a social environment, obeys or at least takes into account the laws of the state and society, external conditions and circumstances, the influence of fatal forces or, as they say, Fate. But, at the same time, the individual has his own will, freedom of choice and freedom of spirit. Sometimes Fate dominates a person so strongly that no effort of will can overcome its influence. In other periods of life, on the contrary, the action of external forces becomes weaker, and then a person can take the initiative into his own hands - the “green light” is turned on for will and freedom of choice.

The most difficult thing is that a person does not know in advance when it is better not to resist external influences and not to go against Fate, and when the favorable time comes and one can actively achieve goals on one’s own.

Graph of Fate and Will- this is a technique based on the unique Pythagorean system that allows you to calculate, based on the date of birth, the periods of influence of Fate on a person and periods favorable for the manifestation of Will. For Calculation of the Fate Chart The numbers that make up the day and month of birth are multiplied by the person's year of birth. If the result is a six-digit number, then a “0” is placed before its first digit. Each digit of the received code shows the strength of the influence of Fate in each 12-year period of time from the moment of birth.

For building a Fate Graph 7 points are laid along the X-axis, corresponding to 12-year periods of life from 0 to 72 years (after this age, the cycle of the Graph of Fate and Will begins again). For example, for a person born in 1980, these will be: 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052. And along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of the number obtained by multiplying the day and month by the year of birth (above the point of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second point is the second digit of the number, etc.) .

The Will Graph is calculated and constructed according to the same principle as the Fate Graph, only in the date of birth all “0s” are replaced by “1s”.

Do not confuse the Graph of Fate and Will with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of the Graph of Fate and Will

ATTENTION! The graphs are plotted for the life period from 0 to 72 years, which doesn't mean the end of life. After this age, the cycle and schedules are repeated from the beginning. To build a Graph of Fate and Will, enter your date of birth and click “Build a graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Graph of Fate and Will.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the Graph of Fate and Will

The line of Fate is higher than the line of Will. This indicates a period when external circumstances are strongest and the lessons of fate become harsher. At such a time, everything in your life will be as prescribed by fate, so you should not show much initiative and perform strong-willed actions. Don’t try to “break into a closed door,” but rather “go with the flow.”

The line of Fate is below the line of Will. During this period, active actions are necessary; you must not put off your own projects until tomorrow, but strive forward and make great efforts to achieve your goals. Freedom of choice comes to the fore, and the influence of external circumstances becomes insignificant. During this period, you should not rely on fate; you must build your own life. You can safely take the initiative into your own hands, now everything will depend only on you.

Points of intersection of the lines of Fate and Will. These are very important and rather unfavorable periods for any innovations. During such periods of time, you should not take any responsible or drastic steps - move to a new apartment, change jobs, arrange a wedding, etc.

The lines of Fate and Will go together - the “Path of the Monk”. In this case, the person completely submits to the Higher powers. However, this does not mean that a person cannot do anything - he intuitively understands that he should not go against fate. One should not think that such a person is primitive; on the contrary, it is he who can implement truly grandiose plans. A typical example of this is the life of M.V. Lomonosov (date of birth - November 19, 1711).