Treatment of genital herpes and the correct approach to choosing remedies. What are the symptoms and how to treat herpes on the genitals? How to cure genital herpes in women

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, but unlike other infections in this group, herpes can be considered conditionally the safest. Complications of this disease will not result in death. During its vital activity in the human body, no serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs occur. And only in exceptional cases can herpes cause infertility. But even in the absence of serious complications, the disease can cause the patient a lot of problems and inconveniences. Therefore, every person needs to know as much information as possible about this disease, its occurrence, prevention and effective treatment.

The family of herpes viruses includes more than two hundred different types. Genital herpes is caused by pathogens of the first and second types of HSV. Between themselves, these two types differ in the structure of the viral particle shell, which has a spherical shape and consists of lipo- and glycoproteins - proteins. The role of glycoproteins is to help the virion (viral particle) detect the cell and attach to it.

The virion measures only 200 nanometers, but despite this it is quite stable. It thrives at temperatures up to + 50 °C, where its life activity continues for more than 20 hours. Above this temperature, the virus dies within half an hour. The virion is well preserved even at sub-zero temperatures. Quite resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. These features of the virus contribute to its rapid spread among people.

Routes of infection and further life of the virus

Genital herpes and each of its types has its own symptoms and locations. This will depend on where in the body the virions arrive. For a better understanding, let's look at this process in more detail.

Most often, infection with genital herpes occurs in two ways:

  1. The most common route of infection is sexual contact. In this case, the virus can enter the partner’s genitals even from the lips of the carrier (during oral sexual contact).
  2. In second place is the household route of infection. This is confirmed by cases when a patient who has not had sexual intercourse in his life seeks help. Infection can occur by touching your hands to your lips and then directly to your genitals. The route of infection through clothing or household items should not be ruled out. As mentioned earlier, the virus is quite resistant to temperature changes and can maintain its vital activity outside the human body for a long time.

It does not matter which of these routes the virus entered the genitals. In any case, it penetrates the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary canals. There, virions find cells and penetrate them, reaching the nuclei and introducing personal genetic code into the code of the cell itself. This provokes the following reaction. Viral proteins are synthesized in the damaged cell, and from them new virions are formed, which further spread throughout the host’s body. And only when they multiply en masse do the first symptoms of the disease begin to appear.

Important: Genital herpes is easily transmitted through household objects, so if there is a carrier in the family, children are also at risk.

Virions that reach the processes of nerve cells tend to penetrate their nucleus. These cells are located in the basal ganglia region of the spine, closer to the tailbone. At this time, the body begins to develop immunity against the virus. During this process, particles free from virions die, and the affected ones begin to be replaced by young and healthy ones. Genital herpes seems to have been defeated, but nerve cells affected by the virus continue to retain its gene. There they remain until the person’s immune system weakens. As soon as this happens, young virions begin to spread throughout the body, moving towards external tissues.

Symptoms of genital herpes depending on the stage of the disease

Each individual stage of genital herpes has its own symptoms. To better understand the symptoms, we need to familiarize ourselves with each stage separately.

In the initial stage, rashes characteristic of the virus are not yet observed, but at the sites of their future manifestation, a feeling of burning, pain and itching begins to be felt. Minor swelling may also appear in combination with the following symptoms:

  • minor pain in the perineum (in men it is localized in the scrotum);
  • heaviness and pain in the upper thighs;
  • numbness is felt in the pelvic area, which intensifies after prolonged sitting and sleep;
  • in some cases the temperature may rise.

Important: Fever is often accompanied by general malaise. With this symptom, it is very important not to confuse the manifestations of herpes with other diseases.

The above period can last from 2 weeks to 5 months. Next, the second stage of the disease begins, which is characterized by rashes on the skin.

At the sites of future rashes, pockets of redness of the skin appear, then this area becomes covered with numerous small blisters with clear liquid. If the first stage can be ignored, then the second cannot be skipped. The resulting blisters are uncomfortable and very painful.

Locations of rashes with genital herpes:

  • pubis;
  • anus and buttock area;
  • external genital area;
  • Cervix;
  • inner thighs;
  • urethra.

Rashes in the area of ​​the buttocks and anus often occur as a result of anal sex, during which infection occurred.

The third stage is characterized by rupture of the vesicles and the formation of ulcers in their place. All this happens simultaneously and lasts about a day. Then the surface of the ulcers begins to become covered with a crust, under which the damaged tissues regenerate. There are no visible consequences of the disease.

The third stage is considered an exacerbation of the disease, which is also accompanied by many mental disorders - stress, isolation, insomnia, depression, as well as fear associated with sexual intercourse. Patients with little sexual experience or mental disorders are at risk of developing suicidal thoughts.

Genital herpes comes in several forms. Not every one of them will exhibit the symptoms described above. Sometimes the signs are completely absent, and sometimes the symptoms are very vague. Let's take a closer look at these forms of genital herpes.

Forms of genital herpes

Experts distinguish two forms of herpes – primary and recurrent. The first form appears in the coming weeks after infection (in rare cases, several months later). Manifestations of the second are repeated every time the protective functions of the body decrease.

Genital herpes is also divided into atypical microsymptomatic, macrosymptomatic and asymptomatic forms.

  1. Microsymptomatic (or subclinical). The symptoms are mild and are often not a reason to seek help. Most often it is a slight itching and a couple of blisters that appear.
  2. Macrosymptomatic form. With this form, not all of the described symptoms appear. Sometimes it is itching and pain, but there are no blisters themselves, and sometimes there are just blisters without any other manifestations.
  3. The very name “asymptomatic form” speaks about this type of disease. With this form, no external manifestations are observed. Even relapses are asymptomatic. The carrier, unaware of his problem, does not protect himself and infects his sex partners.

The intensity of symptoms varies slightly between women and men. In the weaker sex they appear faster and with greater brightness.

Who is at risk first?

There is no data on who is more susceptible to contracting this disease. But having studied all cases of infection, we can identify a certain group of people in whom the disease occurs most often. This group includes:

  • Among homosexuals, 50% are infected with genital herpes;
  • people with other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • representatives of the weaker sex are more at risk;
  • More often, antibodies to the virus are found in people of the Negroid race.

Important: The risk of contracting genital herpes increases significantly if a person regularly changes sexual partners.

Experts have also noted that with age, the risk of infection with genital herpes increases rapidly. Among carriers of this disease, the largest percentage occurs at the age of 35–40 years.

Effect of the virus during pregnancy

Since genital herpes is a fairly common disease, many women are interested in the question of how the infection affects pregnancy, the possible risks of infection of the fetus and its impact on the health of the child?

Everything will depend on the type of disease. The greatest danger lies in primary infection. If the virus enters the mother’s body for the first time in early pregnancy, it will most likely provoke the development of defects in the child. During this period, the formation of all vital organs and tissues of the embryo occurs, and virions are able to penetrate the placenta and infect nerve tissue. Under such influence, the threat of miscarriage, fetal deformities, its death, as well as the risk of premature birth increases.

Important: The best option to exclude the impact of infection on the child is to undergo examinations for HSV at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, as well as undergo them regularly during pregnancy.

If an atypical form of the disease was discovered in a pregnant woman, I have been carefully monitoring her for the last month and a half using HSV examinations (tests are taken at least 2 times). In this case, natural delivery is excluded. This is necessary in order to prevent infection of the fetus as it passes through the birth canal. The woman in labor is offered a caesarean section.

Impact of the virus on a newborn

The likelihood of a baby becoming infected greatly increases when a woman is infected with genital herpes during the last trimester. Infection of the fetus itself often occurs in the prenatal period, when rupture of the membranes has already occurred, as well as during the birth itself when the child passes through the infected birth canal. Further, the infection spreads throughout the baby’s body through contact or hematogenous routes. Primarily affected:

  • the eyes of a newborn (the retina and blood vessels become inflamed, clouding of the lens occurs);
  • oral mucosa;
  • skin (redness, hemorrhages, appearance of vesicles);
  • Airways.

The localized form of infection provokes the appearance and development of:

  • keratoconjunctivitis is an ophthalmological disease of inflammatory nature;
  • Chorioretinal dystrophy - a disease of the retina;
  • meningoencephalitis is a process that affects the child’s brain.

Experts have noticed that infected children often suffer from neurological disorders.

Genital herpes can cause and develop a generalized infection in the body of a newborn, which manifests itself 7–14 days after birth. In this case, local symptoms are accompanied by fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, bleeding, shock, respiratory distress, and jaundice.

Vascular insufficiency and acute blood loss can cause death.

Possible complications of genital herpes without appropriate treatment

The first symptoms of the disease pass, and the resulting ulcers have healed. During this period, some patients think about the retreat of the disease and ignore the prescribed treatment. In fact, this calm threatens the following health complications:

  1. If the infectious process reaches the pelvic plexus area, the patient cannot avoid the development of neuralgia - peripheral nerves are affected, and this is accompanied by severe pain in the pelvis.
  2. Under the influence of mechanical irritations, the mucous membrane of the genital organs regularly dries out, cracks and erosions form on it. Such symptoms greatly complicate sexual life and suppress libido and sexual potency. Often, a patient with such symptoms develops neurasthenia - a mental illness.
  3. Untreated genital herpes often recurs. These outbreaks provoke a strong decrease in general and local immunity, and this is reflected in the development of nonspecific diseases in the sexual sphere.
  4. As mentioned earlier, the disease greatly complicates the course of pregnancy. Every third pregnancy when infected in the early stages ends in miscarriage. Among all diseases that threaten the development of the fetus, herpes ranks second.

When the virus penetrates sperm, they become infected. This can cause spermatogenesis disorders. For many couples this ends in infertility.

How is genital herpes diagnosed?

The symptoms of genital herpes are often similar to those of other viral diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out in the form of a virological method - the pathogen is isolated using cell culture or using a chicken embryo. Results are available after 2 days.

It is also recommended to undergo and be tested for the presence of immunoenzyme particles - pathogen antigens. Using the cytomorphological method, the extent to which the infection has affected healthy cells is assessed. Mutation of healthy cells can manifest itself in large sizes and the presence of several nuclei.

Important: For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended that all tests be taken several times. It is better if there is an interval of 2–4 days between these studies.

Of all the tests, the most informative are considered to be: urine tests, PCR, as well as taking scrapings from the vagina, genitourinary canals, and cervix.

How to treat genital herpes in women

At the first symptoms of the disease, the patient begins to look for the most effective treatment for genital herpes, but not everything is so simple. The thing is that this disease cannot be completely cured. Once virions enter the body, they remain there forever. Taking medications only helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, as well as prolong the frequency of remissions.

Features of drug treatment

All therapy consists of the use of tablets, vaginal suppositories, and ointments for external use.

The most effective drugs in the fight against genital herpes include:

  • Famciclovir (among analogues is Valtrex).
  • “Acyclovir” (among analogues are “Acivir”, “Virolex”, “Ciclovax”, “Lizavir”, “Acyclovir-BSM”).
  • "Penciclovir"

These antiviral drugs can be taken in 2 ways. The first is episodic use, when one course lasts about 10 days. The second is preventive, using medications for one or two months.

Experts more often recommend the use of the drug "Acyclovir", as well as its analogues. Reception occurs in capsules or tablets. The therapeutic dose for adults can be found in the attached instructions. The effect of the drug is as follows: if the disease is at an early stage, taking Acyclovir will help avoid rashes. If blisters have already formed, the drug will help accelerate their healing and reduce the severity of symptoms. The drug is also recommended to be taken in case of frequent relapses as a prophylactic agent.

Among the methods of treating genital herpes there is also complex therapy. It includes the use of ointments: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Oxolinic ointment, Virolex, as well as the use of immunomodulators: Lykopid, Amiksin, Interferon, Polyoxidonium. For skin lesions, it is recommended to use Fukortsin.

The action of all these drugs is aimed at supporting the immune system. By stimulating its specific and nonspecific factors, further spread of viruses is blocked, and the purity of relapses is reduced.

Treatment regimens for genital herpes

To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, all medications are taken according to a certain schedule. The doctor determines which one to prescribe depending on the general condition of the patient, the duration of symptoms and the type of disease itself.

Primary infection with genital herpes is treated according to the following scheme.

For the treatment of recurrent genital herpes, the following regimen is used.

Treatment regimen for genital herpes in women

Drug nameDose usedDuration of admission
"Acyclovir" - 200 mg.You need to drink 1 gram per day.5–7 days
immunoglobulin against herpes1 appointment for 72 hours2 weeks
Vitamins B1, B61 dose per day, 1 ml.2 weeks
"Taquitin"1 ml 1 time for 3 days.14 days
"Phenazepam"2 times a day, 1 tablet.a week
Eleutherococcus tincture3 times a day, 3 ml.3 weeks
Calcium chlorideYou need to take 20 ml per day.3 weeks

Antiviral therapy during pregnancy is carried out in rare cases and as an exception. Such an exception may be a severe form of the disease, which is accompanied by other diseases that pose a threat to the patient’s life. In this case, the use of human immunoglobulin is prescribed. The drug is administered intravenously according to the following scheme. First trimester - 25 ml 3 times a day (administered every other day). In the last trimester of pregnancy - the same dose, but 2 weeks before the expected birth. Viferon can be prescribed as a complex therapy.

Treatment of genital herpes with folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are also many recipes for the treatment of genital herpes. The use of many recipes is recommended by doctors themselves. Here are some of them.

  • Infusion for douching and washing from a herbal collection. To begin, you need to mix the following ingredients in equal quantities: meadow clover flowers, birch leaves, calendula, motherwort and dandelion root. We measure 10 grams from the mixed collection. and fill with water in a volume of 350 ml. This mixture is boiled for 5 minutes over low heat. The resulting infusion is filtered and used as douching or washing. The procedure is carried out in the evening for 2 weeks.
  • The next infusion from the series can relieve itching during the initial stages of infection. To prepare the infusion you will need 10 grams. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs. This mixture is infused for half an hour and filtered. Can be used in two ways. The first is to soak gauze in the resulting infusion and apply it to the affected areas for 10–15 minutes. Second, this infusion should be drunk in 2 doses during the day.
  • Chamomile's ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect will help relieve pain and get rid of itching. It is used in the form of douching and washing. To prepare the infusion, take 5 grams. dry herbs and pour boiling water in a volume of 200 ml. All this is infused for about an hour. Can be used 2 times a day.

The use of folk remedies is possible only after approval by their attending physician.

Measures to prevent genital herpes

Prevention measures are conventionally divided into two areas. The first is to exclude the possibility of infection. The second is to reduce the purity of relapses and their strength.

The following measures will help reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes:

  1. Streamline your sex life (it is advisable not to change sexual partners).
  2. If you are unsure about your new partner, always use condoms (in this case, you can use the drug Miramistin).
  3. Don't ignore hygiene rules.
  4. If a sexual partner already has an infectious disease, it is better to refrain from having sex during the period of its relapse (it does not matter where the herpes rash is localized, on the genitals or lips).

If you already have a disease, preventive measures include the following rules:

  1. Suppressive therapy should be administered between relapses.
  2. Mandatory immune support. Good nutrition, the use of vitamins and a healthy lifestyle should become constant companions.
  3. Pay special attention to somatic diseases. Sore throat, flu and other diseases must be cured effectively and quickly so as not to give them the opportunity to reduce the body's protective functions.
  4. It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol and tobacco (or reduce the dose consumed).

Modern medicine has enough means to reduce the symptoms of genital herpes. Even if it was not possible to avoid infection, you can always find effective treatment against symptoms and relapses. But even an asymptomatic disease is a problem for general health, so it is better to streamline your lifestyle and then be calm for yourself and your loved ones.

Almost all of us have heard about such a common problem as herpes. It is generally accepted that it looks like itchy blisters on the lips. But many people do not know about genital herpes, which causes no less trouble.

We will talk about the main signs of the disease, what needs to be done and what the consequences may be.

This is a viral disease caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2, less commonly type 1, and is transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Its characteristic symptom is the presence of rashes and blisters in the genital area.

In everyday life, its other name is very often found, like vesicular lichen.

It is one of the most common diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Approximately 10-30% of men and women worldwide are infected with HSV type 2, which is mainly responsible for the development of the disease.

About 90% of the population are carriers of HSV type 1, which is mainly responsible for rashes on the lips (labial), and very rarely spreads to the groin area.

About 16 percent of people between the ages of 14 and 49 have genital herpes. However, up to 90 percent of people who get sick do not know they have the virus. This is because many people have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed by them or are mistaken for another condition. Or no symptoms are noticeable at all. But sooner or later they will still have an outbreak.

Women are more likely to get the herpes virus than men, but the risk of transmission from man to woman is 5 times higher than vice versa. Once it reaches you, it remains in the human body for life, periodically making itself felt.

Genital herpes is a very unpleasant phenomenon, accompanied by a rash and itching in the genital area. By the way, a rash on the genitals is not necessarily him. You can find a complete overview of other reasons here.

Its causative agent is HSV, usually type II. It refers to infections transmitted through sexual contact. Type I, which usually causes rashes on the lips, can also lead to genital symptoms, but after oral sex.

How does infection occur?

We're dealing with two sneaky enemies here: HSV-1 (which usually causes common herpes) and HSV-2 (which usually causes genital herpes).

Viruses enter your body through mucous membranes. Your mucous membranes are thin layers of tissue that line the openings of your body. Mucous membranes are found in the nose, mouth and genitals.

Once the virus gets inside your body, it invades your cells and then stays there. It lies at rest (sleeping) in a bundle of nerves at the base of the spine. It reproduces or adapts to different environments very easily, making it difficult to treat.

Methods of infection vary depending on the type of pathogen:

— Type 1 virus is transmitted by droplets and contact. Infection most often occurs in childhood through close contact with sick parents, brothers and sisters, and friends.

— type 2 pathogen is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Infection occurs during puberty or later when the virus enters through cracks and abrasions in the mucous membranes of the genital organs. In addition, oral infection is possible when lips come into contact with virus bubbles on the genitals. Or vice versa - by contact of these organs with bubbles on the lips.

The fluid in the blisters is highly contagious. This probability is especially high when the bubbles open and the liquid in them gets out.

But even if the blisters have healed, infection can occur through contact, for example, with saliva, semen, vaginal secretions or prostate secretions, since viruses may still remain there.

Before the first symptoms appeared, the virus could have been in the human body for quite a long time. This is because primary infection with HSV type 1 or 2 often goes unnoticed.

When it enters the body through the mucous membrane of the mouth or genitals, it enters the blood and lymph and, along with them, is carried to organs and tissues.

The nerves in the groin area, upper thigh and buttocks are very connected; therefore, a person can get a herpes outbreak in any of these areas. Primary areas of occurrence include the vagina or vulva, penis, scrotum or testicles, buttocks, anus or thighs.

Genital herpes, whether HSV-1 or HSV-2, does not cause symptoms in the mouth or face.

HSV-1 or HSV-2 can be found in the body fluids of infected people, including:

  • saliva
  • sperm
  • vaginal discharge.

During the first week of infection, the immune system tries to eliminate the enemy by forming antibodies against it, which inactivate viral particles in the blood. But nevertheless, part of its DNA is hidden in the nuclei of sensitive nerve cells located in the dorsal horns of the spinal cord.

This is the reason that the immune system does not recognize the DNA of the virus and cannot thus attack it. Therefore, its DNA remains throughout its life in the nerve roots of the spinal cord and cannot be completely cured.

Once the immune system weakens, DNA begins to reactivate itself. Numerous new viruses arise in infected cells. All this leads further to the development of characteristic symptoms of the disease.

Main features.

The disease can occur without any clinical manifestations. Or they are so mildly expressed that the disease goes unnoticed.

But for most people, when the immune system is weakened, symptoms appear that can affect the genitals, anal area, the entire perineum and neighboring tissues, particularly the buttocks and inner thighs. Sometimes the process reaches all the way to the toes.

Typical symptoms of genital herpes:

  • -small, painful blisters with clear liquid containing many pathogens,
  • -swelling and inflammation of the tissues where the blisters are located,
  • - itching and burning in areas of the rash,
  • - sometimes there is swelling and inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.

In addition to the main symptoms, there may also be the following signs:

  • - increased body temperature,
  • - pain when urinating,
  • - vulva and vagina (vulvovaginitis),
  • - general weakness and headache,
  • -back pain and muscle pain.

Gradually, the blisters burst and their contents flow out, and in their place ulcers and skin erosions form, which become crusty. The blisters will heal within approximately 2-3 weeks.

People who are currently in the active phase of the disease have an increased risk of contracting other infectious diseases that are transmitted through sex.

The first signs may appear within two days after infection, or after 30 days or even later.

Symptoms for men include blisters on the penis, scrotum, or buttocks (near or around the anus).

Symptoms for women include blisters around or near the vagina, anus and buttocks.

Common symptoms for men and women include the following:

  • rashes and blisters may appear in the mouth and on the lips, face, and anywhere else that has come into contact with infected areas
  • the infected area often begins to itch or tingle before blistering.
  • blisters can turn into ulcers.
  • After a week, the ulcers usually become covered with a thin crust.
  • your lymph nodes may become enlarged, especially in the groin area.
  • you experience headaches, body aches and fever.

The severity of the disease can vary from mild to extremely severe.

In these photos you can see the symptoms of genital herpes.

The first symptoms are often so mild that you can mistake them for insect bites, abrasions, normal itching, a pimple, an ingrown hair, razor irritation, etc. For example, a tiny crack may first appear around the anus, which can easily be mistaken for hemorrhoids.

After 2-7 days from the moment of infection, itchy irritation occurs on a small area of ​​the skin of the external genitalia or near them. Over the next 12 hours, small reddish spots appear on this limited area, which quickly turn into small blisters. The latter soon open, forming many painful ulcers that can become covered with scabs.

With further development of the disease, the inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged. Your lymph nodes may become inflamed and slightly swollen. Lymph glands always suffer from infection and inflammation in the body.

The general condition of the patient, who experiences flu-like symptoms, also suffers. Manifestations of the first attack of infection (primary herpes) can last up to three weeks.

How to determine?

Very often, the disease does not reveal itself for a very long time, since it occurs without noticeable symptoms or is so mild that patients simply do not notice it.

If the disease still makes itself felt, the doctor can confirm its presence using the following sequence of actions:

1.Patient survey: the doctor finds out:

  • when complaints arose
  • How long has a person been sick?
  • Have there been similar manifestations before and how many times,
  • whether there were sexual contacts during this period,
  • Have you made any attempts at self-treatment?
  • what other diseases are there?
  • does the person take any medications?
  • does he have any allergic reactions?

Depending on the frequency of relapses, the doctor determines the forms of the disease:

  • mild - exacerbations 3 times a year or less,
  • average - exacerbations 4-6 times a year,
  • severe - exacerbations occur every month.

2. Examination of the patient: the disease manifests itself with typical changes in the form of itchy watery blisters in intimate places, swelling and inflammatory changes. Be sure to conduct an examination of the vagina and cervix in women, and a digital examination of the prostate in men.

Depending on the results of the examination, the following stages can also be distinguished in the development of genital herpes:

  • Stage 1 - observed only on the genitals,
  • Stage 2 - the vagina, cervix, urethra are affected,
  • Stage 3 - spreads to the uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, bladder.

It should be noted that the further up the body the disease spreads, the more severe its consequences can be. The process that affects the internal organs can cause infertility, cervical cancer and severe immunodeficiency.

3. Laboratory diagnostic methods:

  • general blood test: in the mild stage of the disease no changes are visible; sometimes there may be an increase in the number of leukocytes, band neutrophils and ESR as a sign of an inflammatory process. In severe cases, along with an increase in ESR, the number of leukocytes may be reduced, which indicates an immunodeficiency state.
  • general urinalysis: in mild cases, no changes are detected; if the urethra is damaged, the urine may be cloudy with the presence of leukocytes.
  • biochemical blood test: no changes are usually visible either; C-reactive protein may be elevated as a sign of inflammation.
  • growing HSV in tissue culture from material obtained by scraping from the lesion site, vagina, cervix, urethral smear, followed by electron microscopy.
  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - detects virus antibodies (IgM and IgG) in blood serum even in asymptomatic cases of the disease. IgM increases in the first week of the disease and indicates an active process. Then their level decreases and is replaced by IgG, which is present in the blood throughout life.
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - determines whether HSV DNA is in the blood and is considered the most accurate method.

How to treat?

As we already said, genital herpes is incurable, and HSV remains in a person's body for life. Antiviral drugs used in medicine inhibit its reproduction, but do not destroy it. But at the same time, they alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the frequency of relapses.

The most widely used in this case are drugs from the group of acyclic nucleosides:

  • Acyclovir is used in several forms: tablets are prescribed in a dosage of 0.2 g (1 tablet) 5 times a day, except at night, for prophylactic purposes, 1 tablet 4 times a day. Creams are applied 5 times a day by applying to the affected surface. The standard course of treatment for tablets is on average 5 days, for ointments - 5-10 days.
  • Valacyclovir - prescribed 1 g 2 times a day for 3-5 days, in more severe cases the course of treatment is increased to 5-10 days.
  • Famciclovir - for primary infection is prescribed at a dosage of 250 mg 3 times a day for 5 days. For relapses - 125 mg 3 times a day for 5 days or 1000 mg in two doses for one day. They can also prescribe 500 mg once, and then 250 mg three times every 12 hours.
  • Also quite effective is the drug Tromantadine, which comes in the form of an ointment and is applied to the affected area 3-5 times a day for 5 days.

During the initial attack of a herpes infection, antiviral drugs such as acyclovir or famciclovir help reduce the duration of skin manifestations. These remedies, however, will not be able to limit the duration of relapse if treatment is started after the appearance of rashes and skin sores.

We must not forget about drugs from the group of interferons, which have an immunomodulatory effect and, due to this, have antiviral activity. The most famous drug from this group is Viferon, which can be prescribed rectally in the form of suppositories at a dosage of 1,000,000 IU (1 suppository) 2 times a day for 10 days. It can also be in the form of an ointment, which is applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

There are combination drugs based on acyclovir and interferon. They are highly effective and reduce treatment time, achieving the desired result already on the 5th day from the start of treatment. The most famous of them is Herpferon, which is applied as an ointment to the affected area 4-5 times a day for 5-10 days.

It should be noted that all of these drugs are most effective within the first 48 hours from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear. You can combine the simultaneous use of antiviral drugs and interferon.

And remember, give up sex during the treatment period!

Of the additional methods, ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVR) helps to significantly improve the healing process and achieve stable remission.

In case of severe illness with severe pain when urinating in women, in order to alleviate suffering, it is recommended to take a warm bath.

Antibiotics are powerless in the treatment of genital herpes - they fight bacteria, not viruses.

A patient with genital herpes is a source of infection for life, so during sexual intercourse he must use condoms, especially if the partner has not yet encountered the infection.

As we have already said, the herpes virus will remain in your body forever. But mostly it will be in an inactive state. Our task is not to provoke him into outbreaks of the disease.

Why might the disease return again?

Reactivation of the virus can occur for various reasons, for example:

  • skin diseases,
  • burns,
  • inflammatory process, dental treatment,
  • psycho-emotional stress,
  • hormonal disorders (pregnancy, menstrual cycle),
  • elevated temperature,
  • ARVI and a number of bacterial infections,
  • oncological process,
  • physical stress,
  • immunodeficiency conditions, such as HIV and AIDS.

The causative agent of the disease can lie dormant in the human body for months and years without making itself felt. As long as it is at rest, infecting another person is impossible.

Genital herpes and pregnancy.

In rare cases, the disease can be transmitted by contact from mother to child during childbirth in the presence of blistering rashes on the genitals.

Also, a child can become infected during the mother’s pregnancy if her first infection occurred during this period.

It is necessary to understand that classic intrauterine infection of the child is caused by primary infection of the mother during pregnancy, which happens quite rarely. And if this happens, the child’s illness may not manifest itself in any way. If a woman has already suffered from this disease before pregnancy, then the infection, in most cases, does not pose a danger to the intrauterine development of the child. It is dangerous only at the time of birth, if the woman in labor is in the active phase of the disease.

The herpes virus can be very dangerous for newborns, so in most cases, when the mother’s disease worsens, a caesarean section is resorted to. If it so happens that the birth took place naturally, then the mother and child are treated with antiviral drugs.

During pregnancy, the virus can cause intrauterine growth retardation, miscarriage and premature birth. Very rare, but still leads to abnormalities in the development of the child.

Common symptoms for a baby born with herpes (acquired through vaginal contact) may include sores on the face, body and genitals. Recurrent attacks or primary herpes in early pregnancy do not pose a high risk of complications for the child. But in the later stages of pregnancy it is very dangerous for the child, since there is a high risk of infection during childbirth.

Children born with genital herpes can develop very serious complications:

  • blindness
  • brain damage
  • death.

Moreover, if infection occurs, the mortality rate among newborns is about 50%. Some surviving children may have ocular and neurological manifestations.

Herpes of the lips (labial), as a rule, does not pose a danger to the fetus and newborn child.

What absolutely needs to be done?

It is very important that you tell your doctor that you have a rash on your genitals. Especially if you are pregnant. Doctors will then take every precaution to prevent infection from being passed on to your baby during delivery. Activation of the pathogen and the appearance of ulcers at the end of pregnancy can cause serious harm to the baby. Therefore, delivery in such cases is carried out by caesarean section.

Antiviral medications can help speed up the healing process of ulcers and reduce pain. Medicines may be taken at the first sign of infection (tingling, itching, and other symptoms) to reduce these symptoms.

Use mild products in the shower or bath. Keep the infected area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton clothing to avoid further injury to the sores.

You should practice safe sex and use condoms every time you have sex.

What complications can you expect?

Despite its apparent harmlessness, genital herpes can cause a number of serious complications:

1.Local complications:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix,
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the urethra,
  • formation of cracks and erosions followed by scarring,
  • addition of a bacterial infection.

2.General complications:

  • decreased immunity - you will get sick more often,
  • damage to the nervous system, from neuralgia to inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) and soft meninges (meningitis). Newborn children are very susceptible to this when infected from their mother.
  • damage to internal organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines).

What's the prognosis?

A third of patients forget about these problems soon after the first attack; another third occasionally experience mild exacerbations; for the rest, relapses occur at least once a year, although they are milder than the first attack and usually resolve within a week.

There is no reliable treatment for genital herpes yet, but you can live with this disease. The virus remains dormant in your body until something causes it to flare up. Outbreaks can occur when you are under stress, another illness, or fatigue.

What should you do to avoid the recurrence of genital herpes?

“Triggers” (determining exactly what leads to an outbreak of a disease) are very individual. But over time, many people learn to recognize and sometimes avoid the factors that seem to revive the virus in their own bodies.

Illness, poor nutrition, emotional or physical stress, friction in the genital area, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light (common for oral herpes, such as a trip to the beach or ski weekend), surgical trauma, and steroid medications (such as asthma treatment) can cause flare-ups. diseases.

The frequency of outbreaks can often be controlled through effective stress management and getting adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise.

For people with frequent outbreaks, suppressive (daily) therapy with either antiviral drug can reduce the number of outbreaks by 80%.

If relapses occur more than five times a year, it is advisable to carry out suppressive therapy, which involves prescribing antiviral drugs for a period of at least six months. In particularly severe cases, suppressive therapy can continue for years.

If you have type 2 HSV in your body, then by following a number of simple rules, you can prevent a relapse:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • full sleep,
  • healthy lifestyle,
  • avoid stressful situations,
  • washing hands after going outside and when touching contaminated areas,

What does genital herpes look like and how to treat?

The causative agent of herpes infection of the reproductive system is considered to be Herpes simplex - the herpes simplex virus. It was previously believed that genital herpes was transmitted only through sexual contact, but this is not the case.


Primary infection with Herpes simplex usually occurs in childhood by airborne droplets (among children aged 6-7 years, the incidence rate of herpes simplex is about 50%). The reason for this is poor hygiene, high population density and low living standards.

Secondary infection is usually observed after sexual intercourse. The highest likelihood of the disease occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years. This is usually associated with promiscuous sexual contacts, unprotected sex, and frequent changes of partners.

The immune system responds to HSV infection by producing antibodies, and under conditions of normal immune reactions, a person does not experience clinical manifestations of the disease.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors that reduce immune reactivity, HSV is activated, manifesting itself as rashes on the mucous membranes and skin and neuralgic pain. Relapses of herpes often occur due to a lack of vitamins, chronic stress, overheating, hypothermia, colds, and climate change.

Factors that increase the risk of disease include the following internal causes:

  • Availability ;
  • decreased body immunity;
  • use of intrauterine devices, surgical termination of pregnancy.

The gender factor also matters. It has been noticed that people get sick more often.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

Typically, herpes is transmitted sexually, infection occurs through the mucous membranes of the genital organs, urethra, rectum or skin damage during genital, anal-genital and oral-genital contact.

Virus transmission is also possible:

  1. By airborne droplets.
  2. With autoinoculation - self-infection. In this case, the patient independently transfers the infection to uninfected areas of the body from infected areas.
  3. Vertically - to the child from the mother (transplacentally, during childbirth during the passage of the birth canal, ascending - the infection is transmitted from the genitals of the expectant mother to the uterine cavity through the cervical canal).
  4. By household means - rarely observed (through hygiene items).

Forms of the disease

According to the course, primary genital herpes (first disease) and recurrent (subsequent episodes) are distinguished.

Recurrent herpes can have the form of asymptomatic viral carriage, as well as typical and atypical forms.

Primary genital herpes

Early signs of primary genital herpes include redness, swelling, burning, pain in the area of ​​the HSV entry gate.

Local manifestations are often accompanied by malaise, fever, muscle pain and headache.

After a few days, rashes appear - small blisters with transparent contents. If the blisters rupture, this is accompanied by the formation of erosive and ulcerative painful elements. When they are localized on the genitals, pain is observed when urinating. The rash heals within 3 weeks.

In women, the disease usually affects the genitals, anus and perineum, inner thighs, and urethra.

Most often they are located on the foreskin and head of the penis, less often they are localized in the urethra; prostatitis or herpetic urethritis may develop.

Recurrent herpes

Relapses occur in 50-70% of patients. The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Lightweight(no more than 3 exacerbations per year).
  2. Medium-heavy(4-6 exacerbations are observed per year).
  3. Heavy(monthly exacerbations of genital herpes).

The course can be monotonous, subsiding and arrhythmic.

The development of relapses occurs under the influence of various factors: unprotected sexual intercourse, hypothermia, overwork, stressful situations, the occurrence of other pathologies (ARVI, influenza).

Symptomatically, relapses are milder than the primary disease, but can have significantly more serious consequences.

The rash is accompanied by high pain, making it difficult for a person to move, go to the toilet and disrupt his sleep. Changes in the patient’s psychological state are quite common: irritability, fear of rashes, suicidal thoughts, fear for loved ones, etc.

Atypical forms

Atypical forms are mild and characterized by chronic inflammation of the internal and external genital organs (colpitis, vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis, urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, etc.).

Atypical forms make up about 65% of clinical cases.

Genital herpes in its atypical form is characterized by swelling, pinpoint blisters, areas of erythema, persistent itching and burning, and profuse leucorrhoea that cannot be treated. With a prolonged course, pain and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes are noted.

Based on localization, there are 3 stages of herpetic eruptions:

  • Stage I rash- damage to the external organs of the reproductive system.
  • Stage II of the disease- damage to the vagina, urethra, cervix.
  • Stage III of herpes- damage to the uterus, appendages, prostate, bladder.

The higher Herpes simplex travels along the genitourinary tract, the worse the prognosis. Bringing the disease to an advanced form can lead to immunodeficiency; in women, the risk of cervical cancer and infertility increases. HSV is especially dangerous for people who have weakened immune systems (infected with HIV), as well as those who have undergone organ transplants.


To choose the right treatment tactics, you must first determine the type of virus.

Diagnostic methods are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Isolation, identification of a virus or detection of an antigen (in a PCR reaction, immunofluorescence, etc.).
  2. Detection of antibodies (IgG, IgM) in the blood.


Treatment is carried out locally using injections and tablets.


It should be noted that it is impossible to completely get rid of genital herpes; its cells remain in the body. The virus will manifest itself when the immune system weakens after illness. So the main task of doctors is to transfer Herpes simplex into an inactive form, so that the disease remains dormant inside a person.

People with reduced immunity may suffer from relapses even every month; people with good protective functions of the body rarely experience relapses. Therefore, for every carrier of the virus, health care is a priority.

The human body produces its own immunomodulator - interferon, and based on this substance, many medications have been developed against viral infections. When treating genital herpes, one of the main measures is the use of immunostimulants, since their effect is manifested by the destruction of the cell membrane.

The following interferon-based agents are used:

  1. . For genital herpes, it is used in the form of an ointment; the product is applied to the affected areas. The main component of the drug is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. The drug also contains vitamin E (the substance improves wound healing), lanolin and petroleum jelly.
  2. Interferon Beta– fibroblast human interferon. The drug is used in the form of injections.

This is an expensive remedy, after the use of which recovery occurs in 70% of patients. After proper treatment, relapses are extremely rare. The duration of the course of therapy can be up to 6 months.

Drugs based on human interferon should be used with caution. There is an opinion that additional interferon enters the body with them, thereby reducing the production of this substance by the affected cells. You should not introduce new interferon with medications, but activate its production by the body.

In case of frequent relapses, Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin complexes should be taken. Resort and sanatorium treatment at sea is recommended. Sea water is great for treating rashes.

Antiviral drugs

The acute stage of the disease requires taking tablet medications. Antiviral drugs damage HSV cells, blocking their reproduction and preventing the virus from growing.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • . The drug is based on penciclovir. The product is used in case of frequent relapses of genital herpes. It helps cope with neuralgia caused by the virus.
  • Acyclovir. Used for the treatment and prevention of primary and recurrent herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes and skin caused by types 1 and 2 of the Herpes virus. The effectiveness of the product is due to its effect on the DNA of the Herpes cell.
  • Denavir. Cream with the active ingredient penciclovir.
  • Valtrex is an ester of acyclovir. After use, the drug breaks down into acyclovir and valine.
  • Sold in tablet form. Should be taken during an exacerbation. The product does not improve the condition of the immune system, but only destroys HSV cells.
  • Groprinosin. The active component of the product is inosine pranobex. The drug destroys HSV DNA and increases the body's resistance.

Sold in tablet form. The duration of therapy is from 1 to 3 months.

The first choice of the attending physician is most often Acyclovir and analogues. This is a fairly effective remedy, the effect of which is to destroy the membrane of the virus and create obstacles to its reproduction.

Therapy should begin on the first day of the rash or even before it appears. This will reduce the risk of the rash spreading.


Experts prescribe a set of therapeutic measures, including tablets, solutions and ointments. Douching products have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

For herpes, the following drugs are used for douching and compresses:

  1. . Antiseptic, effective against gram-negative and positive viruses and bacteria. It has a hydrophobic effect, increasing permeability and destroying pathogenic cells.
  2. Hexicon solution. It is an antiseptic that is safe for healthy cells. Effective even when wounds are suppurated. It has an antifungal effect and destroys the “tentacles” of herpes.
  3. Septomirin. An antiseptic that is active against STIs. It is sold in the form of a liquid, which must be used to wash the affected areas.

To eliminate pain, rashes and itching, local medications in the form of ointments and gels are used.

Folk remedies

Along with traditional medicine medications, the use of folk remedies is allowed.

You can use the following folk recipes:

  • . Birch buds of young trees should be collected and poured with fresh milk. Next you need to cook the mixture for 7 minutes. Cool, moisten the cloth with the prepared decoction and apply lotions 5 or 6 times a day.
  • Aloe juice. Cut a leaf from a plant older than 3 years and wash it. Remove the shells and chop the pulp. Soak gauze in aloe juice and apply to the vesicles.
  • Viburnum decoction. Grind the viburnum berries in a mortar and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 3 hours. Take instead of tea 3 times a day. The drink contains many vitamins that strengthen the immune system.
  • Echinacea tincture. A very cheap remedy to boost immunity. After detecting the first symptoms of the disease, drink 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile oil. You need to soak cotton wool in oil and rub the product into the rash.
  • Horseradish and pepper. Take a 1 liter jar and fill it halfway with a mixture of chopped horseradish root and hot pepper. Fill with vodka until the container is full. Infuse the product for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and take 20 milliliters morning and evening.
  • Glycyrrhizin gel. A medicine made from the root of licorice. Apply by applying to painful areas.
  • Apples and onions. Peel two small onions and grate them. Next, squeeze out the juice. The apple (green) does not need to be peeled. Grind in a meat grinder, mix with the resulting onion juice and add 2 tablespoons of honey (linden or buckwheat is allowed). Take 30 g of medication orally every time after meals.
  • Herbal baths. For genital herpes, it is recommended to wash the genitals with solutions based on decoctions of lemon balm, chamomile, celandine and thyme.
  • Honey and celandine. Grind fresh celandine herb in a meat grinder until you obtain a paste. Then add honey and lubricate the rashes with the prepared product.
  • Arnica. You need to make a tincture from the flowers of this plant, then apply the lotions to the ulcers and vesicles. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 20 grams of flowers into 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes.
  • Essential oil compresses. To prepare the solution, you need to add 2 drops of cedar, lavender and geranium oils to 0.2 liters of boiled water. Next, soak the fabric with the resulting solution, and then apply it to the rash.
  • Rapana bath. Fill the bath with 20 liters of water and dissolve 1 kilogram of salt. Sit in the bath for 10 minutes without washing off the salt. Rub ice over areas.

During the period of remission, you can take tincture of Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra and Eleutherococcus. These tinctures increase the body's defenses.

Treatment of herpes in pregnant women

All women during pregnancy are tested for TORCH infections, which include herpes. If the antibody level is high, the pregnant woman is prescribed immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.

The most dangerous is infection of the child through the birth canal, in which case the risk of pathology transitioning to the acute phase increases.

If a pregnant woman has a high concentration of antibodies, she is prescribed the following drugs:

  1. . The active substance is human interferon. Sold in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment.
  2. Zovirax. A product with an active ingredient - acyclovir. Inhibits the DNA of the virus and prevents their reproduction.
  3. Oxolinic ointment. This is an antiviral ointment that deactivates the acids that keep herpes alive.

The doctor prescribes medications depending on the gestational age. The most dangerous disease is considered to be acute in the first trimester. In this case, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

Sometimes the fetus is diagnosed with developmental defects after the expectant mother becomes ill. In the third trimester, the disease is less dangerous for the child, since by this time its organs are already formed. In such a case, the pregnant woman is prescribed local medications and means to strengthen the immune system.


  • Use barrier contraceptives. In most cases, condoms protect the partner from infection, but the herpes virus can also be transmitted through mucous membranes and damaged areas of the skin.
  • It is necessary to be vigilant and remember that the manifestation of asymptomatic genital herpes is often chronic pain in the perineum and pelvis.
  • The body’s natural defenses – the immune system – are the best way to restrain the development of the virus. With immunosuppression, herpes penetrates the paravertebral ganglia of the nervous system, which causes subsequent relapses of the disease. Good immunity prevents the spread of infections in the patient’s body, so that the first infection ends in the person being cured.

You need to take good care of your health and contact a specialist if suspicious symptoms appear. Somatic pathology requires careful treatment; a healthy lifestyle and hardening will help protect against the disease.

Genital herpes is a viral disease caused by the herpes virus type 2. The disease is one of the most common on the planet. Almost every person on the planet is a carrier of the herpes simplex virus. Manifestations in men and women are almost the same. The disease causes a lot of inconvenience; the main symptom of the disease is blistering rashes. If the human body is weakened or there are other internal pathologies, it can lead to serious complications.

Therefore, you need, firstly, to protect your health and prevent the occurrence of disease. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is the main cause of the disease. Secondly, when herpes occurs on the genitals, treatment in women and treatment in couples is complex and mainly symptomatic.

In this article you will learn:

Principles of therapy

The herpes virus has several and very characteristic symptoms in the intimate area of ​​women - rash, itching and burning. Therefore, even if redness and discomfort appear, you need to contact a gynecologist who will carry out diagnosis and treatment.

The doctor will conduct an examination, conduct the necessary examinations and tests to determine the type of pathogen. During the initial penetration of the virus, symptoms are usually mild, and it is possible that no symptoms will occur.

One of the main symptoms is the appearance of redness, in the area of ​​which, over time, blisters appear on the labia majora and minora in women, on the cervix, in the thighs, and anus.

The presence of symptoms in a normal immune system is approximately 7-10 days. Therapy for genital herpes is mainly aimed at the disappearance of symptoms, since it is impossible to destroy the herpes virus in the body. It is always present in the body in a latent form and recurs when the immune defense is weakened. For this reason, herpes is considered a sluggish disease.

A comprehensive treatment regimen should include the following methods of getting rid of infection:

  • Antiviral treatment;
  • Immunostimulating therapy;
  • Symptomatic therapy against fever, itching and pain;
  • Vaccination to prevent relapse;
  • Physiotherapeutic methods are sometimes used.

During treatment, you must refrain from sexual intercourse, since the use of neither general nor local remedies does not prevent infection of the partner. In addition, it is possible that a secondary infection may occur in the wounds that have formed at the site of the blisters.

In addition to the need to use drug therapy, you must follow some recommendations, which speeds up the healing process:

  1. Linen should be made of natural, preferably cotton, fabric. Not too tight so as not to irritate the skin;
  2. Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene; it is better to choose soap products without any additional components;
  3. Do not rub the skin with a towel, gently blot it or dry it with a hairdryer;
  4. To relieve itching, you can blot the skin and mucous membranes with warm water;
  5. Do not touch the rash, much less scratch it. This will lead to the spread of infection and the addition of secondary microflora, which leads to complications.

If you adhere to the treatment prescribed by your doctor and take care of yourself, you can easily get rid of the symptoms of the virus.

Drug treatment

You need to know how to treat genital herpes in women effectively and quickly. The doctor must determine the cause and diagnose genital herpes, prescribe the necessary medications in the required dosages and explain to the patient how many times a day and how they can be taken. The entire course includes: antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Valacyclavir, Panavir), antihistamines (Loratadine, Suprastin), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, No-shpa, Paracetamol) and immunomodulatory drugs (Interferon, Aminosine).

The main antiviral agent is Acyclovir (200 mg - single dose, daily dose - about 1 gram). It reduces the activity of the virus, in the first phase of the disease it can completely prevent the development of symptoms, and if blisters have already formed, it will contribute to their rapid healing. If the disease is severe, antiviral chemotherapy (Valtrex, Penciclovir) is prescribed.

Among the symptomatic medications, antihistamines are used, which reduce itching, burning, and pain in the areas of skin rash. They can be used topically, lubricating the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

They also use tablets that act on the entire body, reducing the release of biologically active substances that cause similar signs and symptoms.

If the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, above 38.5 degrees, antipyretics are used (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

To enhance the body’s own fight against the pathogen, additional substances are needed that increase the level of immune defense (Interferon), as well as agents that will stimulate the production of its own immunoglobulins. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Analgin, Aspirin, No-spa) will both help relieve fever and reduce pain. They will relieve pain in the body and muscles that a woman feels when symptoms develop. As well as local manifestations at the site of inflammation.

Folk remedies

Sometimes a woman, after infection, does not see a doctor for various reasons: shame, fear, etc. Most often in such cases, women resort to use. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the disease and the form of genital herpes.

But there are some methods that will not harm, but will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease:

This is only an additional therapy; you cannot neglect medications for herpes, which will help get rid of the infection in just a few days.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

Almost all people on the planet are carriers of the virus, so for what reason does the disease manifest itself in only some?
This is due to several factors that provoke the onset of symptoms of the disease:

  • Weakened immune system. This can be caused by an unbalanced diet, stress, and overwork. Also, drinking alcohol, using certain medications, in women this can be caused by hormonal changes. In addition, chronic diseases and immunodeficiencies predispose to disease manifestation;
  • Often the disease can worsen due to uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives. In addition, intrauterine device placement or abortion can be provoking factors for frequent relapses;
  • Due to promiscuity, the virus can spread very quickly, different types of it combine, which strengthens its resistance to treatment;
  • Close household contacts. Even in the same family, someone can be a carrier of the infection, and someone can be a healthy person. Using the same towels and dishes increases the risk of infection with HS.

The photo shows the mucous membrane and skin affected by genital herpes. In order not to experience such symptoms on yourself, you need to follow the recommendations and monitor your lifestyle.

What are the dangerous consequences and complications?

The disease cannot be ignored unless the symptoms cause severe discomfort.
Any exacerbation of herpes indicates some changes in the body, so it is important to pay attention to this and prevent a subsequent relapse of the disease. The most serious complications arise when the disease spreads to the closest organs - the vagina, cervix and appendages, urethral mucosa, anus, bladder.

Due to the lack of treatment, cystitis, vaginitis, colpitis, fissures of the anus and rectal mucosa, endocervicitis and other diseases may occur.

It is necessary to treat with the prescription of Acyclovir drugs to prevent the intrauterine spread of infection, but it is better to use immunostimulating therapy during pregnancy. It is also possible for the baby to become infected when passing through the birth canal.

Genital herpes is a very unpleasant disease caused by type 2 entering the body.

The disease cannot be treated; therapy is aimed only at relieving symptoms and prolonging remission. The pathology is characterized by frequent outbreaks of relapses.

More about the disease

Herpes simplex virus type 2 from an infected person during sexual intercourse. The partner may not have pronounced symptoms of the disease, but he will be a carrier of the virus. There is a vertical way of infecting a child from the mother during labor. Household infection is not excluded, but is extremely rare in clinical medicine, since the pathogen does not live long outside the human body.

Symptoms appear after the initial infection and each time there is a relapse. The disease manifests itself in the form of multiple rashes that look white and filled with liquid contents. The rash occurs on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, goes through several stages of development - its filling, spontaneous bursting, appearance, crusting. Accompanied by itching and burning, pain on contact. General symptoms may be present - lethargy, headaches. The duration of the rash from the initial stage until the crusts disappear is from 7 to 10 days. Infectious diseases, hypothermia, suppression of the immune system, and alcohol consumption can trigger a relapse.

Diagnosis of the disease: PCR analysis, examination of a vaginal smear, .

Treatment methods for genital herpes

To quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and suppress the activity of pathogenic viruses, driving herpes into a state of long-term remission, it is necessary, which includes the following aspects:

  • taking antiviral medications (in tablets, injections);
  • usage ;
  • use of local spectrum medications (gels, creams).

Therapy includes the mandatory use of immunomodulators, which restore the body’s protective functions and prevent relapse.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Effective remedies for genital herpes that have an anti-inflammatory effect and are aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora:

  1. Acyclovir. Release form: tablets and powder for injection. Injections with Acyclovir are recommended for frequent relapses with a severe symptomatic picture. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. If necessary, repeat, a break of 2-4 weeks is needed. Dosage: 200 mg tablets up to 5 times a day. Injections: 250 mg of the drug, diluted in 10 ml of water, three times a day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.
  2. Valaciclovir. Release form: tablets and solution for injection. The dosage of tablets is 500 mg twice a day. Injections are given 1-2 times a day, a single dose of the drug is 40 mg. Duration of therapy is 2-5 days.
  3. (other name ). Release form: tablets, the dose at one time is 250 mg, three times a day. Duration of therapy is 3-7 days.

How do anti-inflammatory drugs work for herpes virus type 2: the active components of the drug are introduced into the DNA of the virus, stopping its growth and reproduction. and give a short-term effect; relapses are possible if preventive measures are not followed. The advantages of these drugs are the absence of side symptoms.

– a potent antiviral agent with a long-lasting effect, but with a toxic effect on the body.

Local spectrum drugs

Ointments, gels and creams, which contain components of the antiviral spectrum of action, are aimed at suppressing the signs of the disease and preventing further progression of herpes. The rash blisters are filled with liquid contents that contain the virus. Violation of the integrity of the rash will lead to herpes affecting a larger area of ​​the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Local spectrum drugs effective in the treatment of genital herpes:

  1. Viru-Merz Serol.
  2. Riodoxol ointment.
  3. Zovirax.

The method of application and the number of applications for all drugs is identical. Before use, it is necessary to perform genital hygiene and dry with a towel. Wash your hands, squeeze a small amount of cream or ointment onto a cotton swab and lubricate the damaged area of ​​the mucous membrane and skin. The product is applied only to the source of inflammation; there is no need to smear the surrounding skin. Number of applications 4-6 times a day.

The choice of drug must be agreed with.


Decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal herbs have an antiviral spectrum of action and are used to quickly heal the mucous membrane and reduce rashes. Best recipes:

  1. A herbal decoction for treating the genitals: mix dried and crushed birch leaves, plantain, and calendula in equal parts. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use twice a day to wash.
  2. Mix 50 grams of celandine, 50 grams of honey, apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab to the rash. Use each day before bed. Store the product in a cool place.
  3. Herbal decoction for internal use. Dried and crushed lemon balm, chamomile, motherwort, raspberry (leaves), thyme in equal proportions, mix. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

It is impossible to cure a disease using traditional medicine alone. Complex therapy with antiviral medications is required.


Medicines to restore the immune system and prevent relapse of genital herpes are taken during the period of remission. What remedies are recommended by doctors:

  1. Imunofan: intramuscular injection, dosage 1 ml, administered every other day. The course consists of 5 injections.
  2. Panavir: administered intravenously. Dosage 3 ml. The course of treatment is once every three days, a total of 5 injections.
  3. : 1-3 tablets daily for 21 days.
  4. Ridostin: administered intramuscularly 1 time every 3 days. The course consists of 3 injections.

If necessary, repeat the course of treatment, take a break of 1 month.

Emergency supplies

If unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place, it is recommended to use products that have an antiseptic effect and prevent the virus from entering the blood if the partner may have genital herpes:

  1. . Used to treat the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Wash the groin area with soap and water and dry. Soak a tampon in the medicine, insert it into the vagina, or treat the mucous membranes. Carry out the procedure 2-4 times during the day after unprotected sex.
  2. Betadine. Release form: ointment, solution, vaginal suppositories. Treat the genitals with the solution (moisten a cotton sponge), or apply ointment to the mucous membranes. Apply 1-3 times a day. Course – 1-2 days after sexual intercourse.

Laboratory tests for the presence of herpes virus type 2 can be taken no earlier than 2 weeks to a month after the suspected infection.