How to take propolis with milk for treatment. Milk with honey and propolis at night: benefits and harms. Use for pathologies of the male and female genitourinary system

Nature has given us the opportunity to strengthen our body and treat some diseases without the use of drugs. Among the list of natural products that relieve most ailments, one can highlight propolis, which, together with milk, has unique properties that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Benefits and medicinal properties

Propolis tincture with milk is a remedy that, when used correctly, can act as an immunomodulator, as well as relieve many ailments of both children and adults. Propolis itself is a beekeeping product, formed from tree peduncles and specific enzymes that insects have.

Studies of propolis or bonds have shown that it contains the following substances:

  • wax and sugar;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • pollen;
  • alcohols and organic acids;
  • proteins, vitamins and minerals;
  • as well as resins and oils.

It is also useful as a separate product, but it causes quite unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, such as numbness of the tongue, in some cases a burn of the mucous membranes, and also has a bitter taste. But there is no point in swallowing pieces of propolis, since they remain unchanged in the gastrointestinal tract, which means they do not have any effect on the body. However, enzymes contained in saliva can soften the wax, so that beneficial substances will be absorbed into the blood.

Another quite popular and effective option is to dissolve the bond in ethyl alcohol without heat treatment. Such an alcohol extract from the product retains many natural components from the product. In addition, water extract and milk are made from propolis.

In everyday life, propolis is used with cow's or goat's milk as a remedy. This composition is due to the reaction that occurs during the heating of the two components, as a result of which the fat-soluble elements from the mixture, unable to acquire an easily digestible form in alcohol or water, freely pass into whole milk. The product also smoothes out the specific taste of propolis, which makes it more pleasant when consumed.

To objectively assess the beneficial properties of bonds with milk, it is worth considering what the remedy helps with:

  • the composition demonstrates high effectiveness in strengthening the immune system;
  • using the product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and normalizes sleep;
  • the composition is recommended to drink during the complex treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • It is believed that propolis slows down the division of cancer cells;
  • the bond is effective for skin regeneration and wound healing;
  • the product is used in combination in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases;
  • relieves inflammatory processes, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of the throat, as well as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • consumption of propolis replenishes the body's reserves, acting as a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, since it contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, as well as vitamins B, C, E, A and PP;
  • effective against poisoning;
  • Propolis in alcohol, with the addition of milk, treats pulmonary tuberculosis.


Despite the fact that the beekeeping product is unique in its composition, due to which it is used to treat many diseases, it is still a fairly strong allergen. Because of this, milk with uzoy is contraindicated for people who have an individual intolerance to black wax. Signs indicating such a reaction of the body are skin reactions, such as rashes and itching. In addition, your temperature may rise.

As for milk, in this case the restrictions apply to people who are lactose intolerant.

How to cook it correctly?

Propolis can be dissolved in cow's and goat's milk. Today, two main recipes for its preparation are actively used:

  • in the first case, pure propolis is used for the drink;
  • Alcohol tincture is added to the product.

The cooking technology includes several steps.

  • For the drink, use glass or enamel kitchen utensils or any other container. A liter of milk is poured into it, which must be brought to a boil. After that, the propolis must be crushed using a grater and added to the liquid, stirring constantly, until the component is completely dissolved.
  • This will take about 15 minutes; during thermal exposure, all insoluble components will precipitate. Therefore, the finished composition must be filtered through multi-layer gauze or other fabric.
  • After the drink has cooled completely, a film will form on it that needs to be removed. Propolis is stored in the refrigerator in glass; you should avoid using metal containers, since the composition will lose its beneficial properties in it. The shelf life is no more than three days.

From milk and alcohol composition, the drug is prepared according to the following recipe: 20 drops of propolis are added to 250 grams of heated milk. This drink must be consumed immediately.

In some cases, you can reduce the dose of milk to a quarter glass or a tablespoon.

For the treatment of each disease, there are a number of tips regarding the regularity and dose of using propolis with milk. And also the difference in the amount of composition used for treatment concerns age.

To combat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, to treat sore throat, influenza or pneumonia, the drug is used in the following dosages:

  • adults are recommended to take a glass of milk with 40 drops of alcohol tincture at night;
  • children over 12 years old need to add 10 drops of propolis to a glass of milk;
  • for children from 3 to 12 years old, for oral administration, a couple of drops of water infusion of uza are dissolved in half a glass of milk to improve the taste, the drink can be drunk with honey.

The course of treatment for adults and children ranges from seven to ten days, depending on general well-being.

A number of gastrointestinal diseases for which bee glue is used should be listed.

  • Uza is recommended for stomach diseases. In this case, drink the drug three times a day an hour or two before meals. A single dose is 1/3 cup.
  • Treatment of erosion is carried out by introducing into the diet one glass of milk with 20 drops of alcohol tincture. The drug is taken before bedtime.
  • To treat gastritis and stomach ulcers, an hour before meals you need to take a glass of milk with 20 drops of uzy and one spoon of sea buckthorn oil. This composition must be drunk three times a day for three weeks.
  • To get rid of colitis, milk with propolis is used according to the following recipe - add 20 drops of alcoholic bee product and one spoon of honey to a glass of milk. You need to drink the product half an hour before meals. Regularity is selected individually; you can take from three to once a day before bed.
  • To cure pancreatitis, propolis is used as follows: 20 drops of aqueous extract are added to a glass of milk. The composition coats the walls of the gland well, resulting in a reduced irritation effect.

Propolis demonstrates good results in the treatment of joints, while simultaneously acting as a prophylactic against possible complications regarding the development of infections and various types of inflammation. In the fight against polyarthritis, you need to take half a glass of milk with the addition of 30 drops of uzy. The drug is drunk three times a day a few hours before meals.

As an external medicinal composition, you can use the film that forms on milk when it is boiled with beeswax. It acts as a compress that is applied to problem joints.

The use of propolis is indicated for diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. Thanks to the natural product, it becomes possible to normalize potency and relieve inflammation in the bladder.

As a medicinal composition, propolis is drunk in courses of 7-10 days with similar breaks. The drink is consumed before meals, adding 30 drops of uzya to the milk.

Despite the ban on the use of bee products for diabetes, propolis is indicated for type II diabetes. It helps strengthen the immune system, normalize body weight, and normalize metabolism. In addition, oza removes “bad” cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels.

To combat psoriasis, wax is consumed orally once a day; the course of treatment can range from 2 to 12 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

For external use, a nourishing emulsion is prepared from oza, olive and sea buckthorn oils, which is used to treat the affected epidermis. The composition moisturizes the skin, relieves itching and flaking, and promotes the healing of plaques.

To treat eczema, before going to bed, take an alcoholic extract of propolis in the amount of 20-25 drops, mixed with half a glass of milk. The course of administration is 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a break from using the medicinal composition. To completely get rid of the disease, it is necessary to use uza for six months.

For preventive purposes, to maintain children's immunity aged 3 to 12 years, one drop of wax is added to a glass of milk per year of life. During an unfavorable epidemiological environment, the dosage is doubled.

Children under three years of age are prohibited from using propolis. In addition, the use of the composition in children is allowed only after consultation with a doctor.

The taste of the drink can be improved by adding a teaspoon of honey to the milk. However, you should carefully monitor the body's reaction after taking propolis; if signs of an allergic reaction appear, you should stop taking it.

The milk drink helps get rid of depression and pain in the spine; propolis is indicated in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombosis. For women, the drug is prescribed during menopause. As practice shows, complex treatment with bonding helps get rid of nicotine and alcohol intoxication in the body, normalizes blood circulation and relieves headaches.

Respiratory diseases often occur during cold periods of the year. It all starts with a sore throat and nasal congestion, then a cough occurs. In order not to deal with long-term treatment of runny nose and colds, it is better to carry out preventive measures. Those who make full use of the gifts of nature and take advantage of the gifts of furry bees never get sick. Fresh and aromatic tincture of propolis with milk will become a faithful assistant in the fight for health.

Milk with propolis tincture: benefits

Propolis is the name given to bee glue, which they use to seal the cracks in the hive. As an independent product, it is completely tasteless, bitter and tart. And if you decide to chew it, you will feel that it burns no worse than hot pepper, and your tongue begins to lose sensation and go numb. But as for its beneficial properties, it is at its best, since it has a lot of advantages.

Our ancient ancestors noticed these features of a natural beekeeping product and decided to combine it with milk, the properties of which make it possible to soften its taste and significantly enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. The mixture turned out to be not only neutral in taste, but even pleasant. Until now, milk with propolis is used to treat sore throats, coughs, sore throats and other diseases.

Due to the fat in the milk, it was possible to extract all its beneficial substances from propolis, so the tincture turned out to be very healing.

Milk with propolis tincture has the following properties:

  • It has become extremely useful thanks to an extensive complex of vitamins and other useful substances. The composition contains: carotene, tocopherol, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids and many others.
  • Milk with propolis- this is a real pantry for immunity. Propolis contains a colossal amount of almost essential amino acids, which, after combining with milk, pass into it.
  • The amount of minerals and trace elements in the tincture is simply off the charts. Here are calcium with potassium, phosphorus with albumin, magnesium with iron and others.
  • The use of this medicinal mixture allows you to stay healthy and withstand viral attacks, inflammatory and infectious diseases. Because it gives a person high resistance, increasing his immunity. If a person gets sick, it has a quick healing effect and relieves symptoms.
  • Small cuts and wounds will heal several times faster if you apply this miracle cure.

Treatment with milk and propolis

The remedy can cope with many health problems; when used, the diseases simply recede before our eyes. But you need to have knowledge about what diseases it is taken for. What ailments can propolis tincture with milk cure? This list is quite extensive:

Propolis tincture with milk has excellent healing effect, and this is confirmed even by official medicine, not to mention traditional healers and herbalists.

If you take propolis with milk as a preventive measure, you can find a calming effect. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor about intolerance to bee products, as an allergic reaction may occur.

Bee propolis tincture with cough milk

Surely, after such a laudatory ode, many of you wanted to try making this wonderful drink at home. Well, it’s a completely natural desire. Moreover, the products for its preparation will require the simplest and most common ones, so they can be purchased without difficulty. However, it is better to buy milk not in the store, and on the market from trusted sellers who have all the necessary documents for their products. Moreover, the milk must be fat so that it can extract all the beneficial substances from propolis. Bee glue can also be purchased at the market or in specialized stores..

Attention! Unlike honey and its derivatives, propolis does not change its composition after heating and freezing. That is, it can be boiled and also used after defrosting. These manipulations will not affect the healing properties of the product in any way.

Cough tincture recipe

Before use, place the propolis in the refrigerator so that it hardens and can be easily grated. You will need two heaped spoons of bee glue.

  1. Take an enamel or ceramic pan and pour half a liter of milk into it. Do not add soda to it under any circumstances.
  2. Heat until hot, but do not boil, add the prepared propolis and mix well.
  3. Make the fire as low as possible, place a container on it and keep it there for 15 minutes, making sure that the milk does not boil too much. Stir constantly to prevent the drink from sticking to the pan and burning, otherwise it will become unusable.
  4. When the tincture has cooled, on its surface you will see a crust of wax, which is part of propolis. This crust should be removed, and the healing drink itself should be poured into a dark bottle and placed in the refrigerator.

Do not prepare the tincture for future use, since it is more valuable when fresh. After a week of storage, propolis and milk will lose their properties.

Treatment with propolis and milk for a child’s cough

You can use propolis tincture with milk to treat a child’s cough. Cooking is even easier than in the previous recipe. You just need to buy an alcoholic tincture of propolis for your child at the pharmacy. In this case, you should ensure that the percentage is small. It is prohibited to use 30% tincture for a child.

  • After purchasing, you need to put the milk on the fire, one glass is enough, if the child doesn’t really like it boiled, then you can get by with half. After this, add 10 or 15 drops of alcohol tincture. For adults, the dose is different - 20-25 drops.

Before using propolis tincture in a child, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction.

Recommendations for the use of propolis tincture with milk for children and adults

After you learned how to prepare a miraculous mixture, you probably wondered how to use the tincture, what is the dosage for a child and an adult. It should be remembered that uncontrolled use of tincture is fraught with hypervitaminosis, which is as unpleasant as the consequences of a lack of vitamins. Therefore, the dosage is carefully studied and applied in practice unchanged:

  • For a child, the correct dosage of propolis is prepared as follows: for 50-70 grams of milk you need to add 5-6 drops of tincture. This means that for a glass of milk you get about 20 drops no more. Age is also taken into account. This proportion is for a child over 11 years old.
  • This treatment is contraindicated for an infant.
  • If you prepared propolis according to the first recipe, an adult should take one tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • A child should be given an infusion of propolis with milk in the dosage of a teaspoon if he is under 7 years old. If the child is older, you can offer him a dessert spoon of the drink.
  • The infusion should be taken before each meal - 3-4 times a day.

Two recipes for coughs and colds at night

Use of tincture for colds in adults and children:

It is worth remembering that preventing a cold is much more pleasant than treating it. Therefore, if a child periodically takes propolis infusion, of course, if there are no contraindications, he is cheerful and active, and feels good. But there is no need to abuse the drink, as the opposite effect is possible. It’s better to visit a doctor for a consultation, it will be more correct.

Bee glue or bee bond is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It has a powerful antibacterial and antifungal effect and has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. Traditional healers have found many methods for using this apiproduct, one of which is propolis with milk. The benefits of this drink, how to prepare it and use it, we will tell you in this article.

The beekeeping product is characterized by a high concentration of minerals, vitamins and other useful components. In folk medicine, propolis is used as an antibiotic. At the same time, the apiproduct does not suppress beneficial microflora, and therefore there is no risk of dysbacteriosis.

Milk contains many vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, it has a mild soothing and enveloping effect, and reduces the acidity of gastric juice. In a duet, these two ingredients harmoniously complement each other, and the therapeutic effect is accordingly enhanced.

Milk and propolis have the following medicinal properties:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • antifungal.

Bee ointment has a bitter taste and a specific smell, so not everyone can consume this beekeeping product in its pure form. And in a duet, milk with propolis acquires a completely acceptable taste and aroma.

How to properly prepare propolis milk?

There are 2 methods of making medicine; in the first case, pure unprocessed raw materials are used, and in the second, a ready-made alcoholic extract of bee glue is used.

Milk tincture with raw propolis

The recipe for preparing a universal medicine is quite simple, you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g of apiproduct.

Before preparing the miraculous drink, you should grind the bee glue. The easiest way to do this is to first keep it in the freezer. When the bee product hardens, you can chop it up with a knife or use a regular grater. It is important to choose the right container for preparing the decoction; metal utensils will not work - some of the useful components of the bee bond will be lost. The best option is an enamel, glass or ceramic container.

To cook, pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. After the liquid boils, you need to reduce the heat and, stirring, add the crushed api product.

The readiness of the drug is determined by the complete dissolution of the solid component. After which the milk drink is filtered. As it cools, a film of wax and undissolved particles will form on the surface; it should be carefully removed.

The resulting medicine must be stored in a cool place in a closed glass container. The shelf life does not exceed 3 days, after which a fresh portion is produced.

Based on alcohol tincture

As mentioned earlier, an alcohol tincture of propolis is used to create the drink. Required:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 1 tsp. tinctures.

The milk must be heated, then pour in the tincture, stir and drink. Some people prefer to dilute the ouse extract not into a glass of liquid, but into a smaller volume. For children and women during pregnancy, an aqueous infusion of bee glue is used.

Indications for treatment of diseases

Treatment with propolis with milk is effective for influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and the medicinal drink can also be used at fever. In addition, you can quickly cure a cough with propolis, with the exception of an allergic cough, in which case a special approach to therapy is required.

The medicinal drug helps to cure skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema). During treatment, the natural remedy is applied externally and also taken orally. With combined treatment, the therapeutic effect increases. The use of propolis tincture and milk is recommended for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, and pancreatitis.

Propolis tincture with milk helps to cope with chronic fatigue, drowsiness, and nervousness. The medicine replenishes vital energy reserves and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Milk and propolis tincture are an effective drug in the treatment of female diseases. The drink normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates all inflammatory and erosive processes, and helps cope with infertility.

Cow's milk with propolis tincture can eliminate joint pain. The components included in the mixture accelerate the regeneration of cartilage and connective tissue, prevent the development of bacterial infections, and relieve inflammation. Next, we will consider how to correctly use the healing tandem depending on the diagnosis and age of the patient.

Using the product for children

It is not recommended to give children from 1 to 3 years of age a folk remedy; there is a high probability of provoking an allergic reaction. Starting from 3 years, the dosage is calculated based on age, so a 4-year-old child will need 4 drops of the drug, that is, 1 drop for each year of life.

It is advisable to use apiproduct in milk for children during seasonal colds. This drink perfectly strengthens the defenses of a growing body and reduces the likelihood of colds.

However, this is not only a means of prevention; in case of an already developed disease, tincture of propolis in milk will come in handy more than ever. It is recommended to use bee product with milk for inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract, flu, sore throat and other colds.

The warm medicinal drink is given to children before bedtime for 10 days; the taste of the drink can be softened with honey. This therapy will help cope with cough, runny nose, pain and sore throat.
It will be useful for a child to drink propolis with milk during sudden developmental leaps, adolescence, or some kind of emotional upheaval. Milk tincture has a calming effect, normalizes sleep patterns, and gives the child strength and self-confidence.

When using a milk decoction in children, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract is observed, pain, bloating, and constipation go away.

Directions for use for adults

How to drink propolis tincture with milk for adults depends on the disease:

Colds, flu, ARVI

Doctors recommend taking 0.5 cups of bee glue in milk three times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days. When using an alcohol extract, add 20 drops of propolis tincture to 1/2 cup of milk.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The bee product effectively relieves pain and relieves symptoms of the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • ulcer;
  • pancreatitis.

The medicinal drink stimulates the healing of ulcers and erosions on the gastric mucosa, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and liver, and corrects cellular metabolism.

To eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to take 1/3 glass of milk mixed with bee's knot 3 times a day 1 hour before eating. If it is not possible to take the medicine during the day, then be sure to drink a glass of warm milk with propolis at night.

The benefits of a single dose before bed are also high. During therapy, the symptoms of the disease will be eliminated, the healing process of erosions will be accelerated, heartburn and heaviness in the abdomen will disappear. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which you should give the body a rest for a week, then repeat the therapy.

When using an alcohol extract, at the beginning of therapy, add 10 drops of propolis to 0.5 glasses of milk. With normal tolerability of the components, the dose is gradually increased to 20 drops.

The course of therapy is also 14 days followed by a week break. While taking the medication, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition, avoid unhealthy, fatty, spicy foods, and alcohol.

It is important to undergo an examination and consult a specialist before starting to take a folk remedy. There is a possibility that complex treatment with medications will be required.

Joint diseases

The use of propolis in milk is appropriate for a variety of joint problems, such as arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout. The milk drink stimulates capillary blood circulation, thereby providing increased nutrition to joint and cartilage tissue. The bee product prevents the occurrence of concomitant infections and inflammations, eliminates pain, and stimulates the process of tissue repair.

The treatment method consists of drinking warm milk (125 ml) mixed with 30 drops of bee glue tincture three times a day. You can take 0.5 cups of propolis milk 3 times a day. Take 2 hours before eating.

Externally, it is recommended to use a film of wax and solid particles of bee bond, which is formed as a result of preparing the medicine. The wax mass is heated in a water bath, then poured onto cellophane. When the mass has cooled to 40 degrees, it is applied to the sore spot.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system need to be treated comprehensively. Combine traditional treatment and traditional medicine methods, attend physiotherapy, and do therapeutic exercises.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Milk or tea with propolis have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in combating diseases of the urinary system and ailments of the genital organs. Moreover, this applies to both male and female diseases. The miraculous drink suppresses the process of inflammation, inhibits pathogenic bacteria, and accelerates tissue regeneration.

It is recommended to take it for cystitis, cervical erosion, polyps, prostatitis. At the end of the course of treatment, almost all patients experience a significant increase in sexual activity, excellent mood and state of health.

To combat diseases, take 30 drops of alcoholic infusion of Usa with hot milk at night. Treatment regimen: 10 days of admission, 10 days of rest, then repeat the course.

Skin ailments

Bee glue has long been used to treat eczema, ulcers and other serious problems. The bee knot effectively relieves inflammation, relieves pain, fights bacteria, and accelerates the healing process.

For people with skin problems, it is simply necessary to prepare propolis in milk. This remedy not only alleviates symptoms - eliminates pain and itching, but also prevents the development of serious complications.

Every day the patient should drink 0.5 cups of bee glue in milk 3 times a day 1–2 hours before meals. Depending on the disease, the duration of the therapeutic course varies from 3 months to a year.

At the same time, you need to use the bee product externally, the composition of the ointment:

  • 50 ml milk;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. alcohol infusion of the apiproduct.

All components are thoroughly mixed and then applied to the skin 3-5 times a day. This ointment softens growths and crusts, stimulates cell regeneration, and has an antipruritic effect.

Contraindications and possible harm

Propolis is a waste product of bees; it contains plant and animal components that can provoke allergies. Therefore, before taking a medicine based on a bee product, it is important to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

For these purposes, I glue a small particle of the substance to the skin of the wrist using a patch. The body's reaction is assessed after 24 hours; the absence of redness, itching and rash indicates normal tolerability of the component.

Medicines based on bee glue are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Older children and pregnant women should use an aqueous extract of a bee product during therapy. In addition, it is important to follow the recommended course of treatment, otherwise addiction to the medicine may occur and at the same time the body’s natural defenses will weaken.

Now you know how to properly make and use a beekeeping product with milk. This is a wonderful affordable remedy in the fight against various diseases. It inhibits pathogenic microorganisms, corrects the functioning of internal systems, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and significantly increases a person’s natural defenses.

Propolis with milk is a new discovery of a long-forgotten old folk remedy. Imagine - this remedy cures almost all diseases! You say this can’t happen? Your right! But those who tried to be treated with propolis milk were convinced in practice of its effectiveness. Believe it or not, this recipe for health is not only accessible to everyone, but simply immutable.

Propolis + milk = health

Propolis is a product produced by bees during the processing of sticky substances collected from various plants. It is a dense plasticine-like mass with a specific color (dark green, gray or brown) and odor. The taste of this product is bitter and pungent. It dissolves poorly in water, but easily in alcohol. People knew about the healing properties of propolis back in ancient times. Its Greek name suggests that it was known in Ancient Greece. Translated: “pro” - in front, “polis” - city, means “in front of the city”. Attentive Hellenes noticed that bees carefully cover all the cracks in their home with propolis, and in winter, the entrance. This is not surprising, by doing so they are protecting their “city”.

After all, this substance has powerful anti-putrefactive, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is not without reason that the priests of Ancient Egypt actively used propolis in the mummification of dead pharaohs and in medicine. It is still used to treat various ailments today. To do this, use this substance in its natural form, tablets, water infusion, alcohol tincture, ointment, oil extract, paste. Let's consider the use of propolis in another form, namely with milk.

Is it worth telling you about the benefits of milk and its unique composition? Let's face it, if you are a mammal, then milk is the product that your body will accept naturally and in accordance with the laws of Nature. It is interesting that propolis itself, a poorly soluble product, literally dissolves in milk when heated and begins to act in tandem, reaching every cell of the body.

Composition and beneficial properties of propolis with milk

Taking propolis internally provides the body with strong immunity. The combination of milk with this bee product significantly reduces its inherent bitterness and burning sensation, which does not at all reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of this remedy. Interestingly, this composition has a higher concentration of useful minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Milk with propolis contains many essential and beneficial amino acids for the body. This composition is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chromium, iron, zinc. Propolis with milk contains a plentiful amount of vitamins: A, C, E and P and group B. Thanks to the wide range of beneficial substances included in the mixture, it has a number of medicinal properties, namely:

  • wound healing;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating.

Propolis with milk has established itself as a wonderful anti-cold remedy and a remedy that can defeat various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. This healthy drink provides especially indispensable help in cases of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Propolis with milk helps to cope with pneumonia, bronchitis, and sore throat. This is a natural antibiotic. And thanks to pinocembrin, which is part of it, it protects the body from pathogenic fungi. This remedy improves well-being, saturates the body with strength and energy, and calms the nervous system.

The combination of propolis with milk has a therapeutic effect in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. This drink successfully normalizes cholesterol, relieves inflammation in the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and intestines. This milk mixture works great for various skin problems, including eczema.

Propolis with milk is used to treat female diseases and to normalize the menstrual cycle. It effectively copes with fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, and mastitis. It is used for infertility.

The methods of using the mixture for the treatment and prevention of various diseases are different. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for a healing drink.

Colds, ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

  • For colds, coughs, sore throat and fever, this medicine is prepared. Boil 300 milliliters of milk, add one tablespoon of peeled and crushed propolis to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, stirring it constantly. After this, the brew is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool. Elements of hardened wax are removed from the surface of the drink. If you are sick, take a teaspoon every hour. In order to prevent colds and diseases of the ENT organs, drink the drink one teaspoon 15 minutes before meals for 7 days.
  • For ARVI and flu, cough and elevated body temperature, it is useful to drink a glass of hot milk with propolis tincture at night. To do this, pour in 45 drops of the alcohol preparation and stir.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, gallbladder, pancreas, nephritis, cystitis

  • For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, milk (600 ml) is also taken. Boil it with 3 tablespoons of crushed pure “black wax”. (Before this, the propolis is placed in the freezer to harden.) Filter and take 40 ml every two hours for 4 days. Then they take a break of 3 days and repeat the course. Subsequent courses of treatment alternate with three-month breaks.
  • You can prepare a healing drink using a regular (pharmacy) alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 40 drops per glass of hot milk, stir and drink for inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs immediately before bed for 5 days.
  • For gastritis, it is recommended to prepare and take such a healing composition. For 100 milliliters of propolis tincture, take 10 milliliters of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain through a fine sieve. Cool. Take the drug with milk, 30 drops 40–60 minutes before meals, three times a day for two weeks. After a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated. The product is stored in a cool place.
  • For kidney or bladder disease, use a mixture of milk, propolis and honey. Add 30 drops of propolis tincture or a tablespoon of crushed product to 200 milliliters of milk. Add one tablespoon of honey to the hot mixture. Drink immediately before bed and wrap yourself well in a blanket.
  • This recipe is used to treat stomach ulcers. For 200 ml of hot milk, take 60 drops of propolis alcohol tincture (30%). The resulting composition is divided into three portions. Take the medicine three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.
  • Treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers is more effective if honey is added to propolis with milk. For a glass of hot milk, take 50 drops of tincture and add a teaspoon of honey. Take the drink three to four times a day before meals for 21 days.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis help get rid of pancreatitis. ½ teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (10%) is diluted in 100 ml of milk. Drink the product on an empty stomach in the morning and immediately before bed. Soon, thanks to the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the gland, the integrity of the organ will be restored. It is useful to add honey to this composition.
  • Traditional medicine successfully treats gastroduodenitis with propolis and milk. The following healing mixture is prepared: 10 g of walnut kernels crushed in a mortar and 220 ml of milk, brought to a boil. Add one teaspoon of honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture to the composition. Mix everything and take the product in three doses during the day before meals. By the evening, the pain will significantly decrease, the nausea will go away and the belching will stop.

Prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system in men

  • For the treatment of prostatitis, such a mixture is prepared. 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture are poured into 50 ml of warm milk. Stir and drink this dose three times a day. For diseases of the genitourinary system in men, along with propolis milk, it is recommended to take 5 g of propolis purified from various impurities daily orally twice a day before meals. To obtain the greatest therapeutic effect, it should be placed under the tongue and left until completely absorbed.
  • Chronic prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the male genitourinary system can be cured as follows. 30 grams of fresh propolis are dissolved in one liter of hot milk. Take the drug three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Menstrual irregularities, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages

  • 15 drops of propolis tincture per 100 milliliters of milk at night gives an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for severe menstrual pain and pain due to adnexitis.
  • Traditional medicine suggests treating uterine fibroids as follows. Three times a day, an hour before meals, take a mixture: 50 milliliters of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcoholic propolis. Treatment is carried out in courses: drink the drug for 25 days, then take a 10-day break and repeat. Thanks to the antitumor properties of propolis, fibroids gradually decrease and disappear.
  • Myoma is also treated with aqueous infusion of propolis. A thick extract (30%) is prepared. For a month, it is taken before meals, dissolved in warm milk. Additionally, when taking the medicine at night, tampons soaked in the extract are inserted into the vagina.

Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system

  • To combat high blood sugar, take 30% propolis tincture with milk. Directions for use and dosage: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture is diluted in milk. Take 4 times a day before meals for at least 40–45 days. (Prepare a tincture: 12 g of bee product is poured into 100 ml of alcohol, infused for 18–21 days ).
  • This remedy from the arsenal of folk recipes normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. 20 drops of tincture are diluted in a small amount of milk. Take the medicine 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: at least 3.5 months.
  • For diffuse or nodular goiter or impaired thyroid function, it is recommended to take 20% propolis tincture with milk three times a day, 40 drops. The course of treatment with monthly breaks is 1 year.

Skin diseases, burns, wounds

  • For the treatment of festering wounds, burns, boils, eczema and acne, folk medicine offers a remedy for external and internal use - propolis milk. It is prepared like this: take 50 grams of propolis (crushed) for 0.5 liters of hot milk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5–7 minutes. Strain and pour into a sterilized glass jar. Remove the wax layer from the cooled surface of the milk. The finished product is used for compresses, lotions and washing wounds. It is taken orally twice a day, two tablespoons.

Low immunity

  • To increase the body's protective functions and improve resistance to infections, traditional medicine also advises drinking propolis with milk and honey. For this you will need no more than 4 g of bee glue, 100–150 ml of hot milk and a teaspoon. Course: 1 month. It is useful to carry out such health-improving and preventive courses before the onset of cold weather and the flu season.

The nuances of treating children with propolis with milk

Children can also be treated with propolis and milk. However, up to 6 years, the product should be prepared with a significantly reduced proportion of components. Add only 4 drops of propolis alcohol tincture to half a glass of milk.

After 6 years, the dosage of the bee product is gradually increased. Warm milk with propolis quickly relieves cold symptoms in children and increases the body's defenses. The drug is given before bedtime. The only thing you should do before using propolis is to make sure that your child is not allergic to bee products.

Contraindications and possible harm

Natural propolis cannot harm health. The only contraindication to the use of bee glue is individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, you need to do an allergy test. A small propolis cake is applied to the hand and secured with a plaster for 8 or more hours. The presence of an allergy will “give itself away” by redness of the skin or itching.

It must be remembered that in people with allergies to bee products, after taking propolis in its pure form or in combination with milk, the body may become covered in a rash and begin to itch very much. Symptoms such as headache, swelling, dizziness, and weakness are often observed.

They have long proven their miraculous healing power and, along with modern pharmaceutical developments, help humanity get rid of a number of diseases. One of the means of apitherapy, which has enjoyed undeniable fame for centuries, is the use of propolis. They have learned to use it in liquid and solid forms, and for better absorption it is prepared with milk. What ailments can be gotten rid of in this way, how this is useful, how many drops of propolis to add to milk and in what dosages to take the prepared drug - more on this later in the article.

Useful properties of the “wonderful” mixture

Bees use it for sealing, the purpose of which is to protect against the entry of various microbes, bacteria, viruses and moisture.

Propolis contains beneficial terpenes, trace elements, glycosides and flavonoids. Consequently, this entire complex has a beneficial effect on the human body. But in order to protect the stomach mucous membranes from irritating processes, healers have long advised taking bee glue on some kind of fatty base.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, propolis was valued much more than honey and. This was explained by its healing properties. The famous Persian scientist, doctor and philosopher Avicenna in his book “The Canon of Medical Science” called the substance “black wax” and mentioned its ability to “pull out the broken ends of arrows from wounds,” “cleanse bleeding scars,” “thin and soften.”

Once upon a time, vegetable oil was used for this, but today milk is considered a more pleasant option. In some formulations, the healing tandem is diluted with honey, as a result of which the medicine does not lose its positive characteristics at all.

Scientists talk about a wide range of benefits of this mixture, and it has no age restrictions. Drinking is effective for both medicinal and preventive purposes.
Many mothers specially stock up on the product during the mid-season period, as it helps strengthen the immune system and protects the family from the flu and viral respiratory infections. Treatment with propolis with milk is especially indicated for children of preschool and school age, who are exposed to pathogenic microbes at the beginning of the school year.

Did you know? There are no antibiotics that bacteria cannot adapt to. At the same time, there are no bacteria that could adapt to propolis. Scientists have tested this fact in numerous experiments, but, as it turned out, the bee product destroys even resistant staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and diphtheria bacilli. Moreover, it is less toxic and does not provoke dysbacteriosis.

What does it help with?

  • for colds, viral infections and coughs;
  • from pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and otitis media;
  • from periodontal disease;
  • in complex treatment even for tuberculosis;
  • from tonsillitis;
  • for pancreatitis and gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • with microtraumas of the mucous membranes and damage to the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • for menstrual irregularities;
  • with nervous breakdowns;
  • for diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • for the general strengthening of the body's defenses.

Recipes for use

Such apitherapy is completely harmless and very accessible. Let's look at specific examples of how to prepare and in what dosages to drink propolis with milk, and in all cases this is done at night.

Important! To choose high-quality propolis for treatment, focus on its consistency. The best fresh product sticks to your hands. Over time, it hardens due to the evaporation and crystallization of beneficial phytoncides.

If it hurts otitis, including chronic or purulent forms, prepare a drink of 20 drops purchased at the pharmacy and half a glass of warm. The drug is taken before bedtime. Also, in parallel, after cleaning the discharge from the ear canal, disinfect it with a cotton swab moistened with propolis or drip 2 drops of tincture into the ear three times a day.

Drinking, inhalation and rubbing the tonsils with propolis tincture is recommended for tonsillitis and pharyngitis. In such cases, traditional healers advise wiping the plaque in the throat for 2 weeks in the morning and evening, and then drinking a liquid from 100 g of hot milk and 30 drops of propolis. At the end of the day, it is advisable to do inhalation, the solution for which is prepared at a rate of 1:20.

Important! To prepare propolis tincture at home, grind 5 g of the product, add 50 g of 75% alcohol to it, seal tightly and leave to infuse for a week in a dark kitchen cabinet. Shake the container periodically. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

From bronchitis and cough Propolis with milk is prepared according to the following recipe: propolis tincture (10 drops) is dissolved in 1 glass of warmed milk. Take the drug 3 times for 5 days.
It is recommended to drink a similar drink with one teaspoon before bedtime when nervous disorders and stress, as well as from insomnia.

For prevention and treatment gastrointestinal diseases(ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis) it is recommended to drink a mixture of 20 drops of propolis tincture and 0.5 glasses of milk 2 times daily. For complete recovery you will need to take several courses, lasting 14 days.

Colds, especially in small children, are treated with 2 drops of propolis tincture dissolved in 1/3 glass of hot milk: you need to drink it before bed for 5 days.

To strengthen the body and from a preventive point of view, it is enough to drink a classic drink (20 drops/200 g) once a month before going to bed. And during the period of increasing risk of contracting an infectious or cold disease, the number of medication doses is increased to 5-10 per month, repeated every six months.

Important! You cannot prepare the medicine in advance. Treatment is carried out only with freshly prepared medicine.

Pregnant women do not want alcohol in their bodies, so they will have to give up alcohol, but apitherapy can be done by adding 50 g of bee glue to boiling milk. Do not remove the saucepan from the heat until the product has completely dissolved, and do not forget to stir it. Then strain the liquid and pour into a glass container.