How long does it take for a cat to give birth and what to do in a normal or emergency situation? Complications during childbirth in a cat (pathological birth)

memo for the owner

Childbirth in a cat is a complex and often quite traumatic process. This article is written for beginners, those who, perhaps for the first time, without the help of a veterinarian, are going to deliver a cat. Not knowing elementary rules, it is very easy to lose both the kittens and the giving birth cat itself. Therefore, it is so important to prepare in advance for this exciting process!

You should prepare in advance:

Ancestral place(a box with a heating pad or, better yet, a heating pad at the bottom if it’s cold outside.)

Diapers(disposable paper) and sterile gauze wipes. Syringes - several 1-2 ml and diabetic. - Gamavit (veterinary preparation) - injected into the withers (dose for an average cat - 0.5 ml): - on the day of fertilization - to facilitate childbirth and prevention of postpartum complications - 3 days before birth (that is, on the 62nd day of pregnancy) and during childbirth. To prevent early mortality, Gamavit is administered to newborns on days 1, 3 and 5 or 7 of life at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg.

Oxytocin ampoule(sold in both veterinary and human pharmacies) Oxytocin is available in different dosage. Or 10 units (that is, 1 ml - 10 units), The maximum dose for cats for the entire labor is 3 units!!! Therefore, you can inject just at a dosage of 10 units - 0.3 ml!!!
But they prick him only when open uterus! Otherwise, contractions that arise during closed cervix will cause complete rupture of the uterus!!!
If labor is clearly weak - the cat has no contractions or they are weak, the cat is screaming, the kitten is stuck - inject 0.1 ml of oxytocin into the cat's hind paw. You can only inject with a break of at least 45 minutes. This is a last resort.
It should not be injected if the cat simply takes long (more than 2-3 hours) quiet breaks between kittens, especially if there is a large litter, then often after 5-6 kittens there may be breaks during which the fetus simply moves along the uterine horn closer to the exit, harsh stimulation at this moment can be dangerous because the placenta may pass prematurely and the fetus will “suffocate” without starting to breathe, i.e. While still in the birth canal, the uterus can also be overstrained and labor activity will stop altogether, and there is also a danger of torsion of the horns and rupture of the uterus.
After the end of labor (especially if not all the placenta has come out), you can inject another 0.1-0.2 ml to cleanse and contract the uterus.

-Travmatin(vet.preparation) - complex homeopathic medicine, pain reliever birth process, regulates the strength of contractions and pushing, prevents postpartum complications, in case of damage, ruptures of the external genitalia, promotes them fast healing and prevents the development of the inflammatory process. It is best to solder it (there is no urgent need to make extra holes in a giving birth cat, especially since not all cats tolerate injections calmly). Dose - dilute with boiled or bottled water in a ratio of 1:3 and solder after contractions begin (it is convenient to dilute directly in the syringe and then solder by removing the needle). Drink 0.5 ml of the resulting solution every 20 minutes. If you want to inject, then 1 ml into the withers (minimum dose 0.5 ml, maximum - 4.0 ml). . Inject 1-2 times; in case of difficult labor, it is advisable to repeat the injection after 3-4 hours.

Calcium gluconate solution (10%). It is called if the cat that gave birth is restless and there is a suspicion of eclampsia. There is not a minute to lose, and the veterinarian must somehow get to you. Eclampsia or Milk fever occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body.
Signs of eclampsia in a cat:
The cat breathes “like a dog”, i.e. with her mouth open and her tongue hanging out as if she was hot
The cat behaves restlessly, often climbs in and out of the box so that the kittens cannot really attach themselves
The cat throws some of the kittens out of the box
The cat grabs the kittens (often not at all carefully) and drags them from place to place with increased excitement, refusal to eat, as well as refusal to feed kittens, and in severe cases, a convulsive state (excessive drooling, incoordination of movements, convulsive twitching)
As the condition worsens, the cat falls on its side, convulsions develop, the temperature rises sharply, and the level of calcium in the blood decreases, which leads to the rapid death of the animal). Calcium gluconate must be diluted with saline solution in a ratio of 1:1 (i.e. 2 ml calcium + 2 ml saline solution), since injection without dilution causes a burning sensation in the cat and an increase in temperature (the cat begins to breathe with open mouth). Sometimes a cat’s milk does not arrive immediately, and often the cat does not want to sit with newborns and follows you around. Therefore, in order not to inject, you can drink a whole ampoule of calcium gluconate from a syringe. After about 20 minutes, the cat realizes its maternal responsibilities. You can also inject it intramuscularly in a volume of 2-4 cc.

Mastomethrin-has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevention of postpartum complications, quickly relieves inflammatory process V reproductive organs and mammary gland; to stimulate lactation. Inject intramuscularly, subcutaneously once after birth, in the first 24 hours at a dose of 0.1 ml / 1 kg of weight (minimum dose 0.5 ml, maximum - 4.0 ml).

Vaseline oil
Sometimes it happens that the fetus is too large and has difficulty moving through the birth canal, in this case it can help Vaseline oil(room temperature is inserted into the vagina with a syringe without a needle).

Sulfocamphocaine- 0.2-0.3 ml at the withers (if necessary, support cardiac activity).

hand disinfectant solution (alcohol; dioxidine solution)

cotton wool, cotton buds

sterile petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly

sharp scissors with rounded ends

threads (cotton or silk) for tying the umbilical cord

small enema (for sucking mucus from the kitten’s nose)

brilliant green or iodine (for cauterization of the umbilical cord)

hair dryer for drying kittens in the cold season

bright light and a bottle of valerian for yourself

The main precursors of childbirth :
The stomach drops (down, as if towards the floor), before this it stuck out from the sides 10-30 hours before birth. Decrease in body temperature to 36.7 C (normal 38.3 C - 38.9 C) 12-24 hours before birth. About 5 days before the expected birth, you should start measuring your temperature expectant mother in labor morning and evening. After the peak of the temperature drop, labor occurs within 24 hours. By birth, the temperature normalizes and rises to 39.5. Lasts up to 2 days. This is normal as long as the cat is not depressed.

Swelling of the mammary glands, enlargement of the nipples, release of colostrum - in 2-4 days.

Some cats, a few days before giving birth, begin to worry, look for a secluded place, follow on your heels and meow and purr invitingly. 6-24 hours before they begin to build a nest, dig with their paws as if for themselves. And some cats only at the moment the first contractions they understand what is happening to them.

There are no more than 3 days left before the birth: the kittens begin to actively move in the stomach, it literally shakes when the cat lies quietly resting.

There are a few hours to two days left before the birth: the birth plug comes off. It is possible to notice how it has moved away in isolated cases; the cat can lick it or bury it in the litter. But, if you see an incomprehensible clot on your panties or on the floor, resembling a teaspoon of white-pink or sour cream greenish color, then you know - it’s her.

Your water may break. This means that the birth process has already begun and there are only a few hours left before active contractions.

The appearance of scarlet blood is possible - if the tail and panties are dirty, then this is normal, if more, then urgently see a doctor.

If a cat seeks cold before giving birth, then immediately consult a doctor. 90% - uterine rupture.

Well, now in more detail about the birth process itself: a cat’s labor consists of three phases:

First phase:
decrease in body temperature to 36.7 C. From this moment on, the cat, which was previously calm, loses its appetite and looks for a nest; it may try to climb into a closet or into bed. She often licks her genitals. She may start vomiting. For many cats, their water begins to break several hours before the first contractions (yellow, pus-like fluid from under the tail.) But it also happens that - almost immediately before giving birth. Calmly transfer the cat to the place prepared for her and stay with her until the cat will get used to it and will not feel at ease in this “maternity hospital”.
At this time, breathing usually quickens, trembling may appear, and the pulse rate increases. The cat rushes about, often changes position, and milk may begin to leak from the nipples. At the same time, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, while the kittens move from the horns of the uterus to the body and cervix. Contractions have begun. Wash what can and should be washed around the nest - including your hands. Take a book (radio, TV, player), sit close to the nest, turn on the bright light and get ready to be close to the woman in labor - most often this is the most important thing, and that’s enough. If you and your cat have a friendly relationship - at least - (not to mention the relationship with you as a mother), the cat feels calm and confident, and this is three-quarters of success. Talk to her as much as possible, gently and slowly, stroke her tummy from the throat and down. This phase can last from 12 to 24 hours. It lasts the longest in primiparous cats. If this phase lasts more than 24-25 hours or contractions are accompanied by severe pain for the cat, be sure to invite a doctor.
It is important to remember that some forms of weak labor activity may be caused overexcitement or psychological stress during childbirth. During childbirth, there should be no strangers in the room where the cat is, as this also negatively affects the progress of labor. The presence of the owner near the cat during childbirth, caring and calm behavior have a beneficial effect on its condition.

During the 2nd phase During labor pains, strong pushing begins, which simultaneously sets in motion the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm.
At the beginning of this phase, you may be able to notice a small amount of fawn or greenish fluid flowing from the vagina. The leakage of amniotic fluid occurs when the amniotic sac (the protective membrane covering the fetus) ruptures as the fetus passes through the birth canal, namely when it enters the vaginal canal. At this time, the cat lies on its stomach or side, less often stands or squats on its hind legs. As soon as you feel that it is already pushing and the birth canal has begun to open, place it under hind legs support - your palm, for example, so that she can rest - lying on her side or on her back, or even squatting - as her instinct tells her. Keep tissues or toilet paper. If the cat craps a little - nothing, this is normal, calmly wipe it off and do not let it out of the nest.
Part of the amniotic sac covering the kitten is shown at the vaginal exit. If the kitten's head is visible in it, that's not bad; most likely, this means that minimal help will be required. But even if there is a tail, don’t be afraid, we have everything at hand. I am sure that in the absence of severe pathology, it is possible to help any cat give birth - without caesarean section. Sometimes the amniotic sac is already ruptured before the kitten comes out.

From the moment when at the exit birth canal The kitten's head appears; a quarter of an hour usually passes before it appears completely.
If pushing continues for 30 minutes without results, call your veterinarian. If there is further delay, call a doctor immediately.
The kitten's muzzle and front paws should constantly move outward with each push, but in no case should there be reverse movements. With classic presentation, the kitten is positioned with its head and front paws towards the exit. But in almost half of the cases, kittens walk with their hind legs, which is also considered normal and usually does not complicate the course of labor. As soon as the kitten is born, it is necessary to immediately release it from the amniotic sac. Usually this is done by the mother cat herself, but some inexperienced or nervous cats may not do this. In this case, you must help the kitten, otherwise he may suffocate.
The umbilical cord does not come off during childbirth. Placenta ( children's place) permeated big amount blood vessels, and if you injure the umbilical cord, the kitten will be covered in blood. If the mother cat does not release the kitten from the amniotic sac within 1 - 2 minutes after the birth of the kitten, then do it yourself. After this, take the kitten in your hands, wrapping it, for example, soft cloth or a towel. The kitten's head should be supported so that it does not hang freely, but has support. Bend the kitten's body into an arc so that the chest reaches the knees. The nose should be pointed down towards the floor. Straighten your body. Bend again as you did the first time. After several such manipulations, the kitten’s water usually breaks through the nose and mouth and is thus released Airways You can remove amniotic fluid from the kitten's nose and mouth using a small syringe (without a needle) or a small rubber bulb. After the airways are cleared, rub the kitten's body, muzzle, and chest with a harsh towel. If even after rubbing the kitten does not breathe and does not make a voice, give him artificial respiration"mouth to mouth." Repeat this procedure until the kitten begins to breathe, which can be seen by the movement of the chest. Rough toweling and flexion-extension procedures are also recommended if the kitten was born lethargic or if the mother cat does not lick it after birth. Usually the cat -the mother bites the umbilical cord when the kitten has already been licked and cleared of the fetal membrane. If the cat has not chewed the umbilical cord 15 minutes after the kitten is born, cut it yourself. To do this, tie the umbilical cord with a clean thread at a distance of 2 - 4 cm from the abdomen. After this, you can cut the umbilical cord from the side of the kitten's belly. If the kitten has swallowed too much water, then after resuscitation put the kitten on a warm heating pad (the hand feels warm, about 40 degrees). If the kitten was born weak, then again put it on a warm heating pad. Usually the afterbirth comes out with the kitten or a little later. Make sure that the number of afterbirths is equal to the number of kittens born. A placenta that has not passed away can become a cause of inflammation of the uterus or a source of any infection. Typically (though not necessarily), the cat eats the afterbirth after each kitten. You can let her eat 1 - 2 placenta, but no more, as otherwise it will cause vomiting and diarrhea. If everything goes as usual, without delays in contractions and in the advancement of the fetus for more than 5 minutes, just help her with your hands: stroke, a little rest your hand on the sternum and ribs to help push and expel the fetus.

If there are no contractions, but the water has broken. If a tail has appeared (and even more so, a paw) and the kitten does not go further. If you notice that some periods of labor are prolonged or the cat looks exhausted, immediately call a doctor.
If the kitten has already appeared at the exit of the vagina, but does not move further, then you must help the cat. Wash your hands thoroughly, lubricate forefinger Vaseline. Now insert a finger (or two fingers) into the cat's vagina and grab the kitten with them. Try to determine where his head, front legs and hind legs are. You must drag the kitten very carefully, by the front paws, synchronously with each attempt. It is best and most convenient to take the kitten under the shoulders from below, so as not to put too much pressure on the head. Do not rupture the amniotic sac containing the kitten. If the kitten's head is too large to fit through the vulva, the "outlet" can be carefully widened slightly with your fingers, making circular movements in the vagina around the kitten's head. The fullest, most maximum dose oxytocin - ampoule for big cat. But this is already dangerous, so only for the most serious indications!
During childbirth, if the cat is obviously tired, the pregnancy is multiple, or labor is long, it makes sense to administer 0.5-1.5 ml subcutaneously. gamavita. This vitamin preparation— will restore the cat’s strength, stimulate labor, and have a positive effect on the condition of newborns.

However, we are giving birth. The kitten came out halfway, we pulled him up a little (a little!!!), he came out in full, behind him, on the umbilical cord, we gently pulled out the placenta. Your first and very necessary move is to carefully tear the film with your finger where it covers the kitten’s mouth so that he can open it in the air. Second, we cut the umbilical cord with scissors (preferably sterile) at a distance of about two centimeters from the tummy. If the mother actively licks the newborn, wait a few seconds to see if he mumbles. If she is carried away by eating the placenta or is generally convinced that this is all “none of her business,” then you need to free the kitten from the film and start petting it. He beeped - order. No - turn your head down and slap your lungs and body in general a little. If he doesn’t puff or squeak, then we blow into his mouth so that his lungs expand, and we exhale for him, gently squeezing them. He meowed - great - give it for licking or wipe it with a clean napkin yourself - in front of a very stupid mother. You should definitely let her eat the placenta!

As soon as the first one rushes to the nipples, you can continue.

Third stage of labor includes a period of time calm state uterus after the birth of each kitten and the time during which the placenta is released. During this phase, the cat lies quietly and licks the kittens, some cats get up to drink water. This quiet period from the birth of one kitten to the next can last from 10 - 15 minutes to several hours, but usually it does not last longer than 2 hours. There is more between the first and second horns of the uterus than between kittens from the same horn. There is no need to rush her too much here. Just make sure that she doesn’t lay down on one kitten when she gives birth to the next ones, especially if she has long hair. It’s better to let them yell on the sidelines, within the nest, nothing will happen to them. The number of kittens in one litter is usually from 2 to 6. The average duration of labor is from 2 to 6 hours. Sometimes normal birth last more than 6 hours, very rarely up to 24 or even 36 hours.
It doesn’t cost anything to determine by touch that the kittens in a cat have “run out” - the cat becomes completely soft after the last kitten - in half an hour maximum. Otherwise, the uterus is tense. However, if you injected a lot of oxytocin, this will happen later.
When everyone has been born, we carefully lay a new blanket with a rag away from the nest, transfer all the kittens onto it and, without allowing the mother to see the children, quickly change the bedding in the nest. If you are not afraid, you can put the kittens on the third cloth and watch how she drags them all back to the nest. This very delicate activity requires excellent dexterity and coordination, especially with a high box.
If you are still not sure that the cat will not give birth in your absence, at least do not turn off the light! In the dark, she can really mess things up...
After giving birth, a cat has bloody discharge. Don't be scared the first day - it's not as scary as it seems. If the discharge continues more than a week or have a greenish tint - it is better to show a doctor.

Feed kittens only with warm milk. Otherwise, digestion does not work. ( ATTENTION! This refers to cat milk replacer)

Good luck, easy birth for your cat and healthy kittens!!!

It is very important for the owner to notice the signs of childbirth in a timely manner for the owner, because this is what makes it possible to accurately determine the duration of the birth process and, if necessary, provide assistance to the pet. If you miss the start of lambing, it may be difficult to determine whether intervention is necessary. If the animal’s condition is good and the process is going correctly, then intervention is not required. When the birth of kittens is delayed, veterinarian necessary. After examining the four-legged woman in labor, he will determine the need for one or another assistance.

Complications during childbirth are more often observed in purebred animals and too young females, whose body has not yet fully formed. Outdoor cats, which have the opportunity to constantly be in the fresh air and spend time actively, rarely encounter problems during pregnancy and lambing due to the fact that their bodies are strong and well-trained. He can easily bear the load and easily prepares himself for the birth of kittens without any intervention. However, signs of impending birth in a cat that lives at home should alert their owners. If there is a week left before the birth of the offspring, a female who gives birth not for the first time may have completely absent signs.

Signs of imminent labor

Vivid signs of imminent labor in a cat appear both 1-2 hours before the immediate onset of labor and the day before it. It all depends on individual characteristics body. In primiparous animals, the precursors are noted earlier, since the body needs more time for the restructuring process. Signs of imminent labor in a cat are as follows::

  1. lack of appetite- the cat drinks a lot and small quantity uses liquid food, such as milk and broth. This is the first sign of the body preparing for childbirth;
  2. lethargy – the pet spends almost all its time in the birth box. She doesn’t even go out for a walk if she has the opportunity;
  3. active movement of the abdomen, especially while the cat is sleeping– kittens move energetically until the very beginning of contractions, taking a position in which birth will be as easy as possible. The movement may begin 2 days before birth if the kittens are large and there are many of them;
  4. active pouring of the genital area– the cat has vaginal discharge, which she constantly licks off, maintaining cleanliness, which is important to prevent infection of kittens. This sign close births in cats are somewhat blurred in hairless breeds;
  5. plug release– if the owner notices it, it looks like sour cream of a white-pinkish color. After the plug has come out, labor will begin within 1-2 hours;
  6. decline rectal temperature up to 37 degrees, which helps prevent bleeding after childbirth and during childbirth;
  7. the arrival of colostrum - the cat’s nipples sharply swell and fill with colostrum. If you click on them, a white drop will appear;
  8. hunching, in which the cat screams or tries to hide - it appears 4-6 hours before lambing due to false contractions. Such contractions are the most obvious signs of impending labor in cats. They do not cause the uterus to dilate, but they finally prepare the kittens for birth, and also vascular system in the uterus, which must contract in a timely manner so that after the appearance of kittens it does not begin uterine bleeding. It is easy to determine from false contractions that the period of real contractions is approaching, which does not last so long;
  9. breaking of water - in most cases this is the main sign of close real contractions. A cat's water breaks 1-2 hours before she begins to give birth, but in some females, the water may break immediately at the birth of the first kitten.

From the moment the main signs of the approaching birth appear, the pet should be constantly in sight. In this case, it will not be difficult for the owner to understand that the cat has gone into labor. He will be able to make sure that the cat does not huddle in a place unsuitable for birth, in which both she and the kittens, due to the impossibility of controlling the process by the owner, may be in danger.

The birth process and its signs

Childbirth in a cat takes place in 3 stages. This process is complex and quite lengthy, which is why the owner should not plan any additional activities on the day of lambing. Also, the owner must know all the stages of childbirth and imagine how they proceed. The lambing process is divided into the following periods:

  • breaking of water;
  • release of kittens;
  • separation of membranes.

Within 1-2 days after the birth of the offspring, the pet will shed suckers, which is the norm. During this period, you should not let the cat go for a walk. You should not try to remove suckers from an animal by force, since the whole process must be mandatory pass naturally if there are no complications requiring medical intervention.

The first kitten is born much longer than the others, since it is he who must fully open the cat’s birth canal and prepare it for the passage of the rest of the offspring. Signs of labor in a pregnant cat may subside slightly after the birth of the first child.

Determining that a cat is giving birth is not difficult. The appearance of the first real contractions, not training ones, leads to the fact that the cat lies on its side and begins to gradually arch its back, at the same time straining its stomach, which can be felt well if you place your palm on it. As the contractions intensify, the cat will begin to arch more and cry out frequently. Contractions begin to be visible by eye, without placing a hand on the stomach. After visible contractions have begun, the first kitten is born within a period of 5 to 60 minutes, depending on how quickly the uterus opens.

The kitten comes out quickly, pushing. After this, the mother should immediately lick it. If the cat refuses to do this, the owner will need to intervene, as the baby urgently needs to clear the mucus from the mouth and nose.

The remaining kittens appear either immediately one after another, or after a break of up to 2 hours. Between the birth of offspring, the cat may get up to drink, but despite this, the owner must continue to closely monitor the pet. A cat should not go outside between births.

In order to understand whether labor has ended or not, you need to carefully feel the cat’s belly. Childbirth with multiple births can take several hours. If there are still kittens left in the uterus, they can be easily felt. Also, such an examination can help speed up the birth of babies, as it activates the process of contractions and pushing. Do sudden movements at the same time it is impossible.

Activities during cat birth

It is necessary to know exactly the signs of labor in order to provide the cat with all the necessary care. necessary help during this process. The owner needs to know exactly what he should do to make the birth of the babies as easy as possible. The owner is required to::

  • calm your pet throughout the entire process, and in case of complications - until the veterinarian arrives;
  • even if during the lambing process the animal becomes ill and the wait for the veterinarian becomes real torture, the owner must remain completely calm, since the pet accurately senses the person’s condition, and his panic, if transmitted to her, will only aggravate the situation;
  • isolation of the room where lambing takes place from other domestic animals, strangers and children;
  • ventilation of the room without creating a draft - a cat during the birth process needs constant access fresh air, but at the same time it is unacceptable for the wind to blow on it from open window. To do this, you need to choose a place for the birth box, checking it in advance to ensure it is not accessible to drafts;
  • security warm milk and water during lambing - 90% of pets experience this during childbirth extreme thirst, which they cannot satisfy when they reach the drinking bowl. The owner should regularly offer the animal heated milk or water at room temperature every 10-15 minutes. Proper care of a cat during childbirth speeds up its recovery process;
  • calling a veterinarian - if complications arise or there are fears that something will go wrong, a specialist is called at the first signs of labor. Also, the accompaniment of a veterinarian is necessary if the owner is not confident in his abilities and is afraid that he will not be able to help the pet.

It is impossible to ignore the first signs of labor in a cat, despite the strong opinion that the cat will give birth without problems and there is no need to bother with receiving kittens and caring for the four-legged mother.

Your cat is pregnant, about to give birth, and you don’t know what to do? Most cats are quite capable of giving birth without outside help, so your role is to observe and not interfere with the birth process unless there are any problems. However, you need to know what to prepare and do if complications arise.

What needs to be prepared for a cat giving birth?

Keep your cat indoors during the last weeks of pregnancy to prevent her from giving birth to kittens outside.

The following equipment must be prepared:

  • Special box for kittens. You can make it yourself from an ordinary strong cardboard box or purchase it at a pet store.
  • Sterile surgical gloves.
  • A pipette or syringe to remove fluid from the mouth and nose.
  • Sterile thread.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Scissors.
  • Clean towels.
  • The veterinarian's phone number is easily accessible.
  • Phone number of a veterinarian who can urgently come to your home.
  • Cat milk replacer.

All this is necessary, since problems may arise during childbirth. Here big problems that may occur during childbirth:

  • Difficulty in childbirth that will require an immediate caesarean section.
  • Death of mother.
  • Death of kittens.

That is why it is necessary to have the veterinarian’s phone number at hand, so that if any problems arise, you can immediately call a specialist and prevent a tragic outcome.

The mother may reject the kittens, meaning they will have to be hand-reared for the first few weeks, so have a cat milk replacer at the ready. This is responsible and hard work, since feeding should be around the clock.

How to prepare for childbirth?

During the last weeks of pregnancy, place the cat in a warm, quiet environment free of drafts, children and other pets. Reward her for staying and sleeping in the prepared box. Place food, water and a litter tray in the same area.

The kitten box should be lined with old newspapers or a blanket.

How do I know if my cat is going into labor?

  • In the last weeks of pregnancy, the cat's mammary glands enlarge.
  • About two days before giving birth, your cat begins to produce milk.
  • The cat can begin “nesting” - setting up a place for birth.
  • The temperature drops to about 37 degrees.
  • In the last two days of pregnancy, the cat loses its appetite.
  • Changes in behavior occur. During last week Before giving birth, a cat can either become a recluse and look for a secluded place where she can hide from everyone, or she can become more affectionate, especially if she has a very close connection with one of their owners.
  • Anxiety.
  • Frequent licking of the genitals.

What happens during childbirth?

A cat's uterus has two horns that meet in the central cavity of the uterus (like a Y). The cervix is ​​at the end of the cavity and is closed during pregnancy. Developing kittens are located in the uterine horns and are attached to the mother with the help of an umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which connects mother and kittens. The role of the placenta is to transport nutrition from mother to kittens and waste in the opposite direction.

The birth process includes three stages.

First stage.

Childbirth begins with contractions of the uterus. At this stage, the cervix begins to open. Vaginal discharge may occur. This discharge is a mucus plug that was in the cervix during pregnancy and separated the uterus from the vagina. At the first stage, labor pains arise and become more frequent.

Second stage of labor.

Contractions become stronger and more frequent, and the cervix opens completely. The cat is ready to give birth. The kitten moves through the birth canal. Pressure on the cervix causes the mother to push the kitten out. You may even see the cat straining to push it out. A kitten is often born in amniotic sac, or the bubble ruptures while the kitten is moving through the birth canal. Typically, the mother cleans the baby's bladder and licks it clean. The cat bursts the bubble and licks the membrane from the face and body, which stimulates the kitten's breathing. The second stage usually takes from 5 minutes to an hour. If the kitten is not born an hour after the start of the second stage, call your veterinarian.

Third stage of labor.

Immediately after the kitten is born, the placenta is usually delivered. As soon as the mother cat has licked the kitten and it begins to breathe normally, she chews the umbilical cord and often eats the placenta.

Important: if a kitten is born, be sure to pay attention to whether the placenta has been delivered. It’s better to take a piece of paper and a pen and write down how many placentas came out so you don’t forget it out of excitement. This is extremely important, as placenta remaining in the birth canal can lead to a life-threatening infection.

Resumption of labor.

Once the kitten is cleaned, the cat begins to push it towards the nipple. Then uterine contractions resume and the next kitten is born. As a rule, this occurs 10-60 minutes after the appearance of the previous kitten.

In general, the process of giving birth to one litter of kittens can take up to 6 hours.

Interrupted birth.

It should be noted that there may be a significant gap between the appearance of kittens. This phenomenon is known as interrupted labor. The cat stops pushing, shows attention to the kittens, cleans and cares for them, she can eat if she is given food. After a period of rest (interrupted labor can last 24-36 hours), labor resumes and the remaining kittens are born. It is worth contacting your veterinarian if the kittens have not been born within 4 hours and you suspect that the cat may have had an interrupted labor.

When should you call the vet?

There are many possible problems, which can occur during a cat's birth, so you need to be vigilant and call your veterinarian in case of the following symptoms:

  • Pregnancy lasts longer than 70 days.
  • The first stage lasts more than 24 hours.
  • Strong contractions last more than 20 minutes without the appearance of a kitten.
  • Contractions last more than 10 minutes if the fetus or fluid-filled bladder is visible in the hearth tract.
  • Fever.
  • Sudden discharge of bright red blood from the vagina lasting more than 10 minutes.
  • Thick, black with unpleasant smell vaginal discharge.

What kind of participation in childbirth is required on your part?

Most cats are quite capable of giving birth unassisted, so your role is to observe and not intervene unless problems arise. Too much involvement will only cause your cat unnecessary stress. Let her give birth to the kittens herself and take care of them in peace.

What not to do?

  • Do not use human antiseptics on your cat as they can be poisonous to cats and cause burns. If you need to use antiseptic– use what your veterinarian recommends.
  • Do not pick up or hold newborn kittens for a long time in the first two days - only in case of emergency and for minimal care - let a close bond be formed between the cat and the kittens. Cats are known to kill and eat their babies if they are threatened by other animals or there is too much human interference.
  • Reminder: A cat can become pregnant again as early as two weeks after giving birth, but most often comes into heat after 8-10 weeks, so keep an eye on your cat and keep her away from cats and outside during this time.

Kittens should live with their mother until 8-10 weeks. During this time, it is worth finding new owners for them in advance. Before sending to new house kittens need to get rid of worms.

When does a cat's contractions begin, how long do they last and what is their role? What are training contractions and how to distinguish them from real ones? Let's take a closer look.

Many, especially inexperienced owners, are very worried about upcoming birth pets. There are plenty of theoretical materials, but what to do if something doesn’t go “according to the textbook”?

Note! Contractions are spasms of the uterine walls that cause the kittens to roll over or move toward the birth canal.

First, let’s figure out how long it takes for a cat to give birth. The first birth is considered to be more difficult, but in practice this is not the case. The statistics are skewed because owners who have problems with their pets' first births choose to castrate them... meaning second births simply don't happen. Note that it is far not all complications during childbirth are genetic or hereditary. That is, the first time a cat can give birth absolutely normally, but the second or third time the owner will have to face complications.

A hereditary complication is considered milk fever or postpartum. Observations have shown that if eclampsia occurs after the first birth, it, with high probability, will repeat in subsequent births.

Note! Normally, a cat's pregnancy lasts 64 days, but the period varies from 63 to 71 days. The difference in timing may be explained by the size of the cat, the number of kittens in the litter, the external environment and other factors..

The duration of labor in a cat depends on the potential of the body. If the expectant mother received adequate care and enhanced nutrition throughout the entire pregnancy, she has no hereditary pathologies, and the embryos developed without defects; in total, the duration of labor will be from 10 to 20 hours.

Many owners are faced with so-called preparatory contractions. The cat begins to behave restlessly, nests, meows loudly and with all its appearance shows that labor will soon begin. Most often this happens 5-7 days before the expected due date, so owners panic, call the veterinarian or take the cat to the clinic.

Note! Training contractions in primiparous cats are more noticeable, since the expectant mother behaves very restlessly. If your pet is pregnant for the second time, she may not show concern during false contractions.

As soon as the false contractions have stopped, the expectant mother turns her attention to the owner, carefully watches him, listens to soothing speeches, and the owner himself is not aware that the cat is not in danger.

Read also: Why does a cat have a dry nose after giving birth: the reasons are natural and require attention

False contractions- This is training the body. When the uterus is slightly toned, the kittens turn their heads towards the birth canal and descend towards the cervix. Note that training contractions can be quite strong, especially at latest dates gestation. The cat itself may not understand that uterine contractions are training and begin to prepare for childbirth.

If you notice excessive anxiety in your pet, despite early date, be prepared for the birth of kittens. Quite rarely, premature birth occurs in cats, and the birth of a baby too early is accompanied by very serious difficulties.

If your cat begins having premature contractions that cause obvious discomfort and pain, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Because the clinical picture will develop very quickly, it is advisable to consult a doctor by phone. At the first stage premature birth contractions can be stopped with medication, which will allow to the expectant mother carry kittens and give birth to stronger ones.

Contractions - stages of labor

Cat genera are usually divided into three stages: contractions, pushing, expulsion. In this case, the process of contractions is also divided into several substages:

  • First, weak contractions.
  • Contractions with an average interval are an active opening of the cervix.
  • Final contractions turning into pushing.

Even experienced owners It's hard to understand what a cat has. The interval between contractions can last up to 30–40 minutes, while painful sensations are insignificant and the cat manages to hide them. Selection amniotic fluid from the birth canal also pass unnoticed, the cat actively licks the genital area. By licking, she keeps the coat dry and stimulates the birth process.

After your cat's first contractions begin, it may take 10–12 hours before the first kitten is born. At rapid labor The cat goes from the contraction stage to the pushing stage in less than 1-2 hours. If contractions last more than 12 hours, labor is considered protracted and difficult.

Note! About 12 hours after the start of contractions, kittens begin to suffer from hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. If your cat does not start pushing, be sure to consult a doctor. IN in rare cases, protracted labor are hereditary factor and do not pose a threat to the lives of kittens.

After short contractions with a long interval, contractions begin average duration. At this time, the uterus actively contracts, pushing the kittens towards the birth canal. Pressure is constantly built up in the uterine cavity, which forces the cervix to expand. The process of cervical dilatation is accompanied by severe pain, so the cat can behave very restlessly, scream loudly, and breathe with its mouth open.

Read also: Toxicosis in cats - symptoms and causes of a delicate condition

During contractions moderate severity Hormones enter the cat’s bloodstream, stimulating the functioning of all body systems. Breathing with your mouth open indicates oxygen starvation. Try to ensure maximum comfort for the cat and ventilate the room before giving birth. However, during the birth of kittens, there should be no drafts in the room, since newborn babies become hypothermic very quickly.

The interval between contractions of average duration is gradually reduced. The final contractions occur with an interval of 30–40 seconds, contraction of the peritoneum is visible visually. The cat stops meowing, lies down on its side and prepares to push.


Pushing is, like contractions, contractile movements of the uterus that push kittens along the birth canal. Attempts differ in intensity and have a slightly different function. Contractions push the kittens out gradually, one might say by pressing. Pushing is a longer spasm that literally pushes the kitten through the birth canal.

The first kitten takes the longest to be born because its head expands the birth canal. Nature provides for the largest and strongest kitten to be born first. Even if the attempts drag on, potentially strong body the baby can tolerate pressure and hypoxia without irreversible consequences. By the same logic, the smallest and weakest kitten is born last, since its expulsion will be the fastest and easiest.

Note! Normally, for the birth of the first kitten, the cat needs to make 3-4 attempts. After 1–2 attempts, the amniotic sac emerges from the birth canal.

At the first attempts you need to show Special attention, since pushing is very similar to the urge to defecate. In the midst of the birth process, the cat can get up and go to the litter box. Defecation will actually occur, and feces Most likely they will be liquid. The problem is that by straining the peritoneum to defecate, the cat can involuntarily push out the amniotic sac.

A woman in labor should absolutely not walk in this state, as she could damage the head of her first-born. Carefully pick her up and carry her to the nest. Immediately lay the cat on its side and stroke its belly to stimulate the next push.

After the first kitten is born, the remaining babies will appear at intervals of 10–20 minutes. If pushing and contractions last more than an hour, and the next baby is not born, you should urgently call a doctor. Delaying the situation will lead to weakening of the woman in labor and stopping the birth process.

Only in very rare cases does the labor process resume without intervention, and the stopping interval can last up to 36 hours. In most cases, stopping childbirth is fraught with the death of kittens, inflammation of the uterus and a serious deterioration in the cat’s health.

Childbirth is an important and responsible time. Many cat lovers subconsciously fear them, as they believe that the birth process will certainly be accompanied by some kind of pathology. Fortunately, the practice of veterinarians indicates the opposite: almost 100% of births in cats are completed safely, and no assistance is required for the animals. You just need to notice your cat’s contractions in time and prepare to receive kittens.

The labor pains themselves can tell a lot to the attentive and an experienced breeder or a veterinarian. By the way, how long do cats last? The first contractions can be noticed a day before the kittens are born. In animals, the process can take even longer.

This is the name for involuntary contractions of the uterus (i.e., the cat cannot consciously control them), which contribute to the removal of kittens from the uterine cavity and the passage of cubs through the birth canal.

Always remember one thing important nuance– the presence of contractions does not always indicate the onset of labor.

Interestingly, the question of what exactly stimulates the immediate onset of labor is still being actively discussed. Researchers note that physiological (normal) labor is stimulated not only by the mother's body, but also by her babies still in the uterine cavity. When a cat’s body is already “mentally ready” for childbirth, its placenta, as well as the kittens’ pituitary glands, begin to secrete a complex mixture of hormones, thanks to which contractions begin.

The complete readiness of the cervix is ​​of great importance(more precisely, the degree of its discovery). Throughout pregnancy, the lumen of this organ is tightly closed due to contraction muscle tissue. The first labor contractions are accompanied by a gradual opening of the cervix and the removal of remnants from its lumen. The latter is responsible for the complete tightness and sterility of the uterine cavity during pregnancy.

At the same time, the pressure inside the uterus itself gently but constantly continues to increase. This stimulates the movement of the fetuses, which will also subsequently help the cat give birth normally. As a result of this process, the rigidity of the uterine muscles increases. This is also extremely important, since otherwise the animal may develop dystonia or complete atony of the uterine muscles, which will certainly lead to the impossibility of the natural birth of cubs.

All of the above processes lead to the fact that amniotic sacs, each of which contains one kitten, begin to gradually be squeezed out towards the exit of the uterus, moving along the birth canal. If everything goes well, and in the second stage of labor the first of the amniotic sacs is clearly visible in the birth canal, it is considered that the cervix has opened to the proper extent and the birth process is proceeding normally.

Contractions in primiparous cats can begin about a day before the start of the second stage of labor (“true”).

The beginning of the second stage is indicated by contractions not only of the uterus itself, but also of the walls abdominal cavity, helping to push born kittens through the lumen of the birth canal.

Another important circumstance must be taken into account. If contractions of the uterine wall (i.e. contractions themselves) are an involuntary phenomenon, then muscle contractions abdominal wall a cat can control quite consciously. This is precisely what the birth rate is connected with: in primiparous pets who do not yet have childbirth experience, it is much lower. Older animals give birth much faster, since they already know when labor began and how hard they need to strain their muscles. For the same reason, primiparous pets may experience pathologies of the birth process much more often.

When do they start?

Note that harbingers of contractions may appear about a week before the “true” birth, but they are still not direct attempts. Rather, it is a “rehearsal” for the body, and also a time when the organs reproductive system begin preparations for the birth process. During this same period, the body’s mitochondria accumulate energy, which will be required during intense contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. This phenomenon is also called "false contractions". Distinctive feature the latter is early appearance– at this time there are still a few days left immediately before the due date (up to a week and a half). They start quickly and end just as quickly. Note that at this time the cat does not experience any pain or other discomfort. This explains the relatively calm behavior of the animal.

Contractions begin during the first, preparatory stage of the birth process.

These are training attempts with which the animal’s body “tests” itself, checking the readiness of systems and organs for the birth of offspring. As in the case of false attempts, their training variety is characterized by fast, sudden appearance, but such contractions still last longer. The cat becomes restless, can run around the house and meow heart-rendingly, looking for a place that is most suitable for the birth of kittens. All this happens periodically, the rest of the time the pet’s behavior is no different from normal.

How to tell if your cat is having contractions indicating... imminent birth? The immediate onset of labor is indicated by a combination of other signs: first, the remnants of the mucus plug leave, and soon after this, the discharge of fetal fluid may begin. Considering that the mucus plug may well come off three or five days before the actual start of labor, a really reliable sign is strong and prolonged contractions, accompanied by the release of large volumes of amniotic fluid.

Possible pathologies

The most typical pathology of the birth process, which is directly related to contractions, is dystonia or atony of the uterus. These disorders do not allow the organ to contract normally, as a result of which the normal birth process is seriously disrupted.

  • Such disorders are most common in older cats, as well as animals suffering from obesity.
  • Primiparous cats may well experience atony.
  • This pathology will almost certainly develop in cases of large fetuses or congenital deformities of kittens: in such situations, the animal’s body will spend all its energy reserves and nutrients long before the newborn kittens can be pushed through the birth canal.
  • Owners of purebred dogs most often encounter this violation. Persian cats, as well as crossbred animals “based on” the Persians. We also note that uterine dystonia/atony most often develops during the birth of the first or last kitten.

Below we list the main signs, when they appear, it is necessary contact your veterinarian immediately. Your delay may well lead to the death of both the cat herself and all her kittens. So, these are the symptoms:

  • The cat has been having intense, strong contractions for an hour or more, but not a single kitten has been born.
  • The interval between contractions is more than half an hour, and they themselves are very sluggish.
  • During pushing, the amniotic sac burst, but the kitten itself remains in the lumen of the birth canal for more than 10 minutes. Simply put, in cases where the baby being born is simply stuck.
  • Each contraction is accompanied by a flow of blood from the lumen of the external genitalia.
  • The cat is apathetic and hardly reacts to irritating factors external environment, already born kittens are very weak.
  • A cat's body temperature that rises to 40° Celsius or drops below 36° Celsius does not indicate anything good. Note, however, that a few hours before giving birth, the body temperature of a pregnant cat always drops to approximately 37.3° Celsius, and this is not considered a pathology.

  • When labor seems to have stopped, but at the same time the cat’s stomach tenses from time to time, and the animal itself is either completely apathetic (she may not react at all to what is happening), or is worried, meows anxiously and pays almost no attention to the already born cubs. All of these signs may indicate the presence of “extra” kittens in the uterus. If the cat is not helped within an hour, the cubs will almost certainly die.
  • The normal interval between the birth of kittens is from 15 minutes to an hour. No more than 20 minutes should pass from the rupture of the amniotic sac to the appearance of the first kitten. If this time increases significantly, it would not hurt to call a veterinarian. This is especially true in cases where the cat is excited, meows strongly and protractedly, and exhibits other signs that may indicate a strong pain reaction.

Obstetric care options for weak or absent labor contractions

In many cases of excessively weak or completely absent uterine contractions, what occurs is caused by a lack of calcium and/or oxytocin in the body of the giving birth animal. To relieve the lack of such important substances, experts use synthetic oxytocin, as well as intravenous injections calcium borogluconate. However, there is always a certain probability severe consequences such stimulation of labor, up to rupture of the walls of the uterus.

If the problems are so severe that by medication it is not possible to solve them, the specialist may decide on the need for a caesarean section. Note that the prerequisites for fulfilling abdominal surgery must be truly objective.

The veterinarian must take into account the combination of the following circumstances:

  • Duration of labor.
  • The current state of the cat's body.
  • results ultrasound examination abdominal cavity.
  • Presence/absence of large fruit.
  • Dryness of the birth canal.
  • Lack of pronounced reaction to administration.

In most cases C-section does not pose a problem, especially if the cat is young and healthy enough. A veterinarian performs an operation under general anesthesia. However, certain difficulties are possible in these cases, especially when the reason is the impossibility natural birth served some serious pathologies development of placental membranes or intrauterine death of fetuses, accompanied by their decomposition in the organ cavity.

In such situations, the specialist must quickly decide whether it is advisable to leave the organ or whether it is necessary to undergo surgical resection (that is, removal). Of course, in the latter case The animal will no longer be able to give birth, but its life will be saved.