How can you tell if your nose is broken? What parts of the nose can break? How do you know if your nose is broken? Traditional treatment method

You can get injured literally at every step. Both adults and children are at risk. And it doesn’t matter whether you are involved in a dangerous sport or just going to the kitchen to drink water - one awkward movement can lead to a bruise, sprain or fracture. Therefore, you need to know how to act with the victim in different situations. The algorithm for providing first aid directly depends on the type of injury. But an inexperienced person is not always able to correctly recognize the type of damage.

How can you distinguish a fracture from a bruise? This is one of the most difficult questions for those learning first aid. Let's try to find the answer.

What is a bruise?

Bruise - internal damage tissues or organs, which is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. This type of injury can be the result of a fracture, dislocation or sprain.

A bruise appears as a result of a fall or suffering soft fabrics and organs located in the injured area. At the site of the impact, a hematoma is formed - an accumulation of liquid or coagulated blood. If the leg or leg was strong, the tissue around the bruise swells, impairing the mobility of the limb.

What is a fracture?

Fracture is a complete or partial disruption of the integrity of bone or cartilage. Accompanied by injury to surrounding tissues: muscles, skin, blood vessels, nerve endings. Fractures can appear for two reasons:

  • due to the influence of external forces on the bone that can disrupt the strength of the skeleton;
  • with minor injury, if a person suffers from a disease that changes the structure bone tissue.

The fracture can be open or closed. With the first type of injury, the skin is injured and severe bleeding occurs. The damaged bone is visible on the surface. For type 2 trauma skin covering remains intact, there is no external bleeding. A hematoma may appear.

And closed fractures are very similar. At first glance, both injuries do not appear to have any distinctive features except for the bruise. Therefore, people have a question: “How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise?”

Learning to distinguish a fracture from a bruise

Understanding how to distinguish a fracture from a bruise is not as difficult as it might seem. Main signs:

  1. If a person has a fracture, the pain makes itself felt for several hours. May get worse over time. When a bruise occurs, the pain gradually subsides.
  2. In case of a fracture, the swelling of the damaged area increases for 2-3 days. With a bruise, it appears immediately after the blow.
  3. If the integrity of the bone in a limb is damaged, it is impossible to perform physical activity due to severe pain. For example, if your hand is injured, you cannot clench your fist. If your leg is injured, you cannot straighten it completely.
  4. When a fracture occurs with a displaced bone, the limb may be deformed. Its length may also change compared to a healthy one.

To understand what type of injury a person has, you need to press on the damaged area in the longitudinal direction. If an arm or leg is injured, ask the patient to carefully place weight on it. If there is a fracture, it will appear sharp pain in a damaged area.

If you cannot independently determine what type of injury the victim has, you should not try to provide first aid. It is better to wait for the doctor to arrive.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised finger?

It is not so easy to understand from external signs what type of injury the victim has. Both with a closed fracture and with a bruise, the same symptoms appear:

  • swelling appears on the affected area;
  • the skin turns blue;
  • the injured area hurts.

You can distinguish a fracture of the little finger from a bruise by the following signs:

  • the length of the damaged phalanx has changed;
  • a constant sharp pain is felt in the finger;
  • When palpated, bone deformation can be detected.

In case of a bruise, pain in the finger will occur during motor activity. It will go away in a couple of days. If the patient has a fracture, the pain will only increase over time. The swelling will also become stronger.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise yourself? Important here practical experience. There is always a chance that a person without medical education will make a mistake. Therefore, you should not treat yourself.

It would be a good idea to visit the hospital and undergo an X-ray examination to get an accurate diagnosis.

Fracture or - how to understand?

You can distinguish a fracture of the little toe from a bruise by the same signs as the type of damage to the phalanx of the hand. Appears constant pain, which becomes unbearable within a few days. The swelling gradually increases. The finger becomes shorter. When palpated, a protrusion of the bone can be detected. If the fracture is displaced, severe deformation of the finger will be noticeable.

If a toe is bruised, it will be difficult for the victim to place weight on the injured limb. As in the case of a bruised phalanx on the arm, acute pain will appear during physical activity, which will quickly pass if treated correctly.

We figured out how to distinguish a fracture from a bruised toe or hand. Now let's find out how to properly provide first aid.

Actions for a bruised limb

Provide first medical care you can by following the algorithm below:

  • apply to the injury site cold compress or ice wrapped in cloth;
  • if there is damage to the skin, treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a bandage;
  • For severe pain, take anesthetics.

Treat bruises with special anti-inflammatory ointments. They relieve swelling, promote hematoma resorption and relieve pain. The recovery period after a bruise lasts 7-14 days.

If the hematoma formed after the blow does not go away long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor. IN in rare cases to cope with the disease, it is required surgical intervention.

How to help with a broken finger?

First aid for a fracture has great importance For further treatment. It is important not to make the situation worse. First of all, you need to immobilize your finger. To do this, a tire is made from scrap materials. A pen, an ice cream stick, or a twig will do. The splint is applied with inside fingers and secure sterile bandage or any other fabric.

If you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. If there is bleeding, apply a gauze bandage or cotton swab. Then the injured finger is fixed. To remove pain symptom use "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Nurofen".

If you have a fracture, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is impossible to cope with such trauma on your own.

You learned how to distinguish a fracture from a bruise. We became familiar with first aid techniques for injuring a finger or toe. By following the instructions, you can easily help the victim. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you should not touch the injured limb. Incorrectly provided first aid will only worsen the patient’s condition.

At least once in his life, everyone, having received a severe bruise through negligence, wondered whether he had a fracture. It is worth immediately noting that if you suspect a fracture, you should not self-medicate. After all, inappropriate treatment or incorrect recovery processes can negatively affect the healing of the injury, and then the further functioning of the damaged area of ​​the body. Later in the article we will look at the provisions on how to understand that a finger on your hand is broken.

It is noteworthy that fractures of the fingers are perhaps the most common injuries to the extremities, since the hands are a person’s main tool with which he can perform labor activities.

Classification and signs of fractures

Fingers are used to perform certain manipulations, usually in most cases associated with fine motor skills. Depending on the degree of injury, fractures are divided into:

  • Traumatic – injuries due to negligence or other factors. The worst degree and its tissues. With this type of fracture, the deformity can be seen without x-rays.
  • Pathological - bone deformation under the influence of any disease (most often congenital disease). This type includes deformation of bone tissue, in which its integrity and structure are disrupted.

When a fracture occurs, the following symptoms may occur:

  • The main sign of a fracture is sharp pain. This symptom can be confused with a bruise, but in our case the pain will not subside even several hours after the injury. Painful sensations can increase every hour, even when the hand is inactive.
  • Swelling or even bruising appears. Swelling can occur instantly or appear after a short amount of time. Most often, bruises accompany bruises, unless it is a fracture of the hip or shoulder.
  • The patient cannot freely move the damaged part of the body. But if the shoulder or rib is damaged, the patient can still make any movements.
  • Deformation at the site of injury is one of the main signs of a fracture. In case of shrapnel damage, if you palpate the affected area, you can hear a characteristic crunch.
  • The integrity of the skin may be compromised. In this case, bleeding occurs immediately and is observed.
  • When certain areas of the bone are palpated, pain increases or appears. It is worth noting that this method of checking the integrity of the bone can only be carried out by a specialist.

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Types of fractures of the upper limb

Types of hand fractures are divided into Various types depending on their characteristics, including:

  1. Comminuted fracture – characterized by the presence of bone fragments in the soft tissues. This type of damage is mandatory involves surgical intervention in which these particles will be removed and the bone structure will be restored.
  2. Longitudinal damage - the fracture line is parallel to the axis of the injured bone.
  3. Helical damage - particles of damaged bone rotate and turn the other side in relation to their natural correct position.
  4. Transverse injury – characterized by a perpendicular position from the bone line.
  5. Oblique injury – the fracture is expressed at an oblique angle from the bone line.

In addition, bone tissue injuries can be closed or open.

  • Open ones are characterized by damage to soft tissues with the appearance of blood. It is noteworthy that this type fracture poses a threat of infectious contamination of the affected area.
  • differs from other types in that with it the bone is not completely deformed, without damaging the skin in the affected area.

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How to distinguish a broken finger from a bruise

The patient often mistakes an ordinary bruise for closed fracture. Therefore at this moment it becomes topical issue, how to determine a broken finger. So, to begin with, it is worth noting that a bruise is characterized by minor damage to soft tissue without violating the integrity.

The signs of a bruise are:

  1. Painful sensations are pronounced only in the first minutes after injury. Then the pain gradually subsides.
  2. Swelling increases over time, but if you place the limb on an improvised hill, the swelling becomes less pronounced.
  3. Due to swelling and pain the patient cannot move the limb. For example, the victim cannot move the phalanx of the finger (if the finger or some area of ​​the hand was bruised).

It is worth noting that only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the extent of damage. Diagnosis of the injury will be carried out using special devices, including x-rays and tomography.

How to determine a fracture of the hand or bruise

Many people wonder how to identify a broken arm. First, you need to assess the situation in which the damage could have occurred. These include:

  • blows with the hand or on the limb itself;
  • sudden movement or being pinched by something;
  • careless fall on a limb.

A fracture of the hand, like other types of injuries, is characterized by sharp pain that occurs instantly. But such a sign is not yet an indicator for self-diagnosis damage. If the injury is closed, then you can visually assess it and see a clear deformation. Uncertainty arises when the damage is closed. In this case, the following symptoms will be observed:

  1. Instant swelling and bruising (possibly with bruising).
  2. The patient cannot move the limb freely without characteristic pain.
  3. When palpating the damaged area, a crunching sound may be heard (if the bone has broken into fragments).
  4. U skinny people bone fragments can be detected with short palpation.

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Signs of damage may vary depending on the area in which it occurs.

First aid to the victim

The first thing that urgently needs to be done is not to check the mobility of the finger. It is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the injured limb. A tire can be used for this purpose. Before the ambulance arrives or the patient is transported to medical checkup The tire can be made from improvised materials. The main requirement is complete immobility at the fracture site.

After medical procedures: diagnosis using X-rays and administration of anesthesia (in some cases), a plaster cast is applied to fix the damaged area. Plaster is usually applied for a period of two weeks. Further, the duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage. For example, in the case of a broken finger, after a cast, the patient can walk with a special fixing bandage or plate, which creates additional fixation for the damaged limb.

Rehabilitation after injury

After an injury, a rehabilitation period begins, which can be prolonged due to the extent of the damage. In order to avoid deformation of bone tissue, a series of physical exercise, which will help to fully restore the limb after bone destruction. It is worth noting that some exercises require special elements that will help develop the limb:

  • placing your palms on a smooth surface, lift your fingers off it one by one;
  • the patient crumples or rolls out a piece of plasticine or other elastic material;
  • the patient tries to draw the letter “O” in the air, while fixing his elbow on the surface of the table;
  • the patient can pour the cereal from one glass to another, trying not to spill the contents;
  • perform alternate bending of the phalanges of the fingers.

Prevention of fractures

If damage does occur, then the main role in recovery will be played by proper nutrition. After all, so that the wound heals and the bone comes into its own normal condition, the body needs vitamins, including: mineral elements, calcium, protein. It is worth paying attention to products that contain magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and folic acid.

Products containing zinc will help the body more actively absorb the most important component - calcium. To quickly forget about the injury, you need to include bananas, almonds, green vegetables and fruits, beans, beets, sunflower seeds, chicken, and dairy products in your diet.

In order not to remember the fracture and recover faster from it, it is worth making every effort to recover and rehabilitate. During the period when recovery processes are most active, you should refrain from drinking alcohol or low alcohol drinks, limit consumption of coffee or drinks with caffeine. You should also temporarily exclude tea and chocolate from your diet.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate and not to try to independently determine a fracture or even a bruise. If a person suspects a fracture, then it is worth going to the nearest traumatology center, where they will provide qualified assistance. With proper treatment the healing process it will go faster, A unpleasant consequences they will not remind you of themselves even during the rehabilitation period.


It is important to remember that quality care can only be provided in a hospital. Therefore, there is no need to delay going to the doctor. You can go to the hospital at your place of residence or to another trauma department in the city. And after an injury, you don’t need to immediately start physical activity. During the recovery period, it is necessary to protect the injured limb from unnecessary stress.

With winter comes ice. And sometimes with it comes falls and injuries. And it doesn’t seem like he hit it hard, but the bruised area soon begins to hurt. How to distinguish a bruise and sprain from a fracture and dislocation? And how can you help?

Veronica K., Petrozavodsk

Word to the surgeon

Boris Kolodkin, Moscow

– Dear Veronica, no matter what the injury, the main thing is to immobilize the injured part of the body in time. And then, depending on the severity of the injury, the surgeon will use X-rays to determine the method of treatment: massage, plaster cast or surgery (if, for example, a muscle or ligament is torn).

Sprains and bruises are less painful than fractures - with them the function of muscles, tendons, etc. is partially impaired. Within a few days, their functionality is restored. But bruises can be accompanied by more severe injuries: dislocations, fractures, damage to internal organs.


Pain, swelling or swelling, painful to the touch, increases over several hours or days; hematoma, bruise; dysfunction of movement. At the time of injury, the pain may be intense, but after a few hours it decreases.

When the skin and subcutaneous tissue are bruised, the bruise becomes visible almost immediately. With a deeper injury, the hematoma will appear externally in the form of a bruise only after 2–3 days.

As the hematoma and swelling of the injured limb increase, it becomes difficult for the person to move the damaged part of the body and walk.

Sprained ligaments and muscles

Sensations similar to the condition after a bruise, but only pain in the joint area. Swelling and hematoma occur, but the disruption of joint movement is more pronounced than with a bruise


Sprains or tears of ligaments and muscles occur when movements in a joint exceed its physiological capabilities. In this case, the joint can still make some movements, but the muscles block it. There is a threat of rupture of both muscle and tendon. Movements in a direction unusual for the joint are also dangerous. The most traumatic are the ligaments of the joints, especially the ankle (when the foot is twisted).


1 Apply pressure bandage and a cold object to the damaged area.

2 To speed up recovery, use various topical medications that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects: diclofenac gel, indovazin, fastum gel. Apply all medications to the site of injury 2-3 times a day for 10 days.


Self-medication is only possible if you are sure that the victim does not have a fracture or dislocation.

Attention: ointments can only be applied to intact skin (do not apply to an open wound). These drugs are contraindicated in case of intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.




severe pain, swelling, hematoma, limitation of joint function

ligament rupture knee joint often accompanied by hemorrhage into the joint cavity - the joint area increases in size and becomes hot to the touch

the same + muscle function is completely lost

if the biceps brachii is torn, the victim cannot bend his arm; if one of the thigh muscles is torn, he cannot straighten his leg at the knee

the same + inability to bend and straighten a limb, the ability to move with the help of another person is preserved


The rupture can occur as an independent injury or adjacent to a dislocation or fracture. For example, the cause of muscle rupture can be their rapid and strong contraction, or a strong blow to the contracted muscle.

Fracture, dislocation

The same + impaired limb function:

fracture of a finger - severe swelling, pain when moving it

broken leg - loss of support, pain when trying to take a full step

dislocation of the shoulder or fracture of the collarbone - the arm “hangs like a whip” and minor movements remain in elbow joint, attempt to move the hand in shoulder joint causes sharp pain

Attention: at the slightest suspicion of a fracture, dislocation or rupture, you must immediately seek medical help: an ambulance, emergency room, hospital. Independent action is possible only in extreme cases and should be done carefully.


A fracture is an abnormal curvature or shortening of a limb, pain at the site of a possible fracture, which intensifies when trying to move the injured limb and when applying pressure.


1 If the bone has torn the skin (open fracture), you need to remove the adhered foreign bodies, treat the skin around the protruding bone with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide (3%). It foams well, so it washes away dirt from the wound and stops bleeding well. You can also use an alcohol solution or furatsilin. Then be sure to apply a sterile dressing without setting the bone.

2 If there is an open fracture, stop arterial bleeding(a tourniquet is applied above the open fracture).

3 Prevent traumatic shock: numb the pain as much as possible using available means, put something cold on the wound area.

4 Apply a sterile bandage to the wound and immobilize the damaged limb using available means: boards, sticks, branches. If your arm is broken, you can tie the bottom of your shirt to the collar. The main goal is to ensure the immobility of bones at the site of a fracture or dislocation. At the same time, pain noticeably decreases and
traumatic shock is prevented. Immobility at the fracture site is ensured by the application of special splints or improvised means - strong, but fairly light objects that support and fix the injured limb in a position of minimal pain. When holding the limb in an abducted position, rollers should be used. As a last resort, a broken arm can be bandaged to the body, and a leg can be bandaged to the other leg.


Fractures and dislocations are not always easy to distinguish, so first aid should be provided as for fractures.

Broken phalanges, or broken fingers, are one of the most frequent injuries with whom the emergency room doctors work. But before you go to the hospital, it's worth determining whether your finger is really broken. A sprained or torn ligament will also be quite painful, but such injuries do not necessarily require a trip to the emergency room. On the other hand, a broken bone can lead to internal bleeding or other injury that requires immediate medical attention.


Part 1

Identifying Signs of a Finger Fracture

    Pay attention to pain and sensitivity. The first sign of a broken finger is pain. The intensity of the pain depends on the severity of the fracture. Be careful with your finger after injury and first pay attention to the degree of pain.

    • It can be difficult to determine if a finger is broken at first because acute pain And hypersensitivity displacement and stretching are also accompanied.
    • Look for other symptoms or seek medical help if you are unsure about the severity of your injury.
  1. Note swelling and bruising. A broken finger is accompanied by severe pain, followed by swelling or bruising. This is a natural reaction of the body to the damage received. After a fracture, an inflammatory process is activated in the body, which leads to swelling as a result of the release of fluid into the surrounding tissues.

    Take a closer look at the deformation of the finger and the inability to move it. In this case, the phalanx of the finger cracks or breaks in one or several places. The bone deformity may show up as unusual bulges in the finger or a crooked finger.

    • If the finger is unusually curved, this is a sign of a fracture.
    • Usually a broken finger cannot be moved because the connection between the phalanges is broken.
    • A fracture may cause so much swelling and bruising that you have difficulty moving your finger.
  2. Know when to seek medical help. If you suspect you have a broken finger, go to your nearest emergency room or emergency room. A bone fracture is a serious injury, the severity of which cannot always be assessed only by external symptoms. Some fractures require special measures to ensure the bone heals properly. If you suspect that you have a fracture, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

    Part 2

    Diagnosis of a finger fracture
    1. Get an external inspection. If you suspect you have a broken finger, seek medical attention. During an external examination, the doctor will evaluate the injury and determine the severity of the fracture.

      • The doctor will ask you to make a fist and assess your range of motion. He will also look for external signs such as swelling, bruising, and bone deformity.
      • The doctor may also gently feel the finger to check for possible signs poor circulation and nerve damage.
    2. Learn about visual methods. If your doctor cannot determine from a physical examination whether your finger is broken, he may prescribe some kind of visual method. This could be an x-ray CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

      Find out if you need to consult a surgeon. This consultation may be necessary if the fracture is severe (for example, in the case of an open fracture). Some fractures are unstable and require surgery to fix the bone (for example, with pins or screws) in order for the bone to heal properly.

      • Any fracture that severely limits the mobility or deformities of the arm may require surgery to move the bone back into place and restore range of motion.
      • You may be surprised at how difficult it is to perform many daily activities with limited finger dexterity. Many professionals (chiropractors, surgeons, artists, mechanics, etc.) require normal mobility of all fingers in their daily work. This is why it is so important to properly treat finger fractures.

      Part 3

      Treatment of a broken finger
      1. Apply ice, apply a tight bandage, and elevate the injured area. Reduce swelling and pain with ice, compression bandages, and finger elevation. The sooner you apply these first aid techniques after an injury, the better. Don't forget to also immobilize the injured finger.

        • Apply ice to your finger. Wrap a thin towel around a bag of frozen vegetables or ice and apply it gently to your finger to reduce swelling and pain. Apply an ice pack immediately after an injury for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.
        • Squeeze the damaged area. Gently but tightly wrap your finger with a soft elastic bandage to reduce swelling and stabilize the fracture site. When you first visit your doctor, ask if a bandage is recommended to reduce swelling and secure the injured finger.
        • Raise your hand. If possible, try to keep the injured finger above the level of your heart. For example, you can sit on the sofa with your feet and place your hand with the injured finger on the back of the sofa.
        • Also try not to use the injured finger for everyday activities until you have clarified this issue with your doctor.
      2. Ask your doctor if you need a splint. Splints are sometimes placed on broken fingers to immobilize them and prevent further damage. Until your doctor gives you the appropriate material, you can make a homemade splint from a Popsicle stick and a loose bandage.

        Ask your doctor if surgery is required. Surgery may be necessary to properly heal and fuse the bone if conventional fixation and treatment methods are ineffective. As a rule, operations are used for more complex fractures, for which finger fixation alone is not enough.

        • Operations are required for complex, open and unstable fractures, mobile bone fragments or danger to the joint, that is, in cases where it is necessary to return the bones to their place so that they grow together correctly.
      3. Take painkillers. Your doctor may recommend that you take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain caused by the fracture. These drugs reduce Negative influence prolonged inflammation, reduce pain and pressure on the nerves and surrounding tissues. However, they do not interfere with the healing process.

        Continue to see your doctor or appropriate specialists. Once a diagnosis has been made and treatment has been determined, your doctor may schedule a follow-up visit in a few weeks. After 1-2 weeks, the doctor may do another one X-ray to determine how your treatment is progressing. Visit your doctor so he can monitor your treatment progress.

        • If you have any questions during treatment, contact your doctor.
      4. Be prepared for possible complications. Typically, with proper treatment, finger fractures heal very well within 4-6 weeks. And although the risk of complications from a broken finger is minimal, it is still better to be aware of their danger:

How can you tell if your nose is broken or not?

Signs of a Broken Nose

Nasal fracture: signs and forms

A nasal fracture can be open or closed. After an injury, it is quite difficult to recognize the shape of the fracture. This can only be done by a qualified doctor.

Main symptoms of a broken nose:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Changing the shape of the nose
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pain at the site of injury
  • The appearance of a hematoma around the eyes or in the nose area

If the fracture is open, then the skin is damaged and fragments appear in the wound. With a closed fracture, the integrity of the skin is not compromised. You should know that the greatest blood loss occurs with an open fracture, and there is also a high probability of infection getting inside.

When a fracture occurs, the septum is usually displaced, and a change in the shape of the nose can also occur due to swelling of the soft tissues.

If the nose is broken, the blood flows in a stream, and it can be very difficult to stop the bleeding.

How to tell if your nose is not broken

It should be remembered that nose bleed does not always indicate a fracture. In case of injury, it is important to be able to distinguish a bruised nose from a fracture. First, you should carefully feel all parts of your nose.

If you get a bruise when you touch your nose, the pain is not strong. Breathing is slightly difficult, but not critical. Swelling appears along the edges of the nose.

Bleeding can be stopped using cold compresses and vasoconstrictor drops. A nasal bruise usually goes away within 1-2 weeks and is not accompanied by complications. The signs of a bruise and a fracture are similar, but the symptoms of a fracture appear more clearly.

What to do if your nose is broken

First aid for a broken nose and methods for correcting the defect

In case of injury, the victim should receive immediate medical attention. It must be seated in such a way that blood does not enter the respiratory tract. The head and body should be tilted forward.

To begin, apply ice or another cold object to the area of ​​injury. You can dampen the cloth in cold water, take a bubble and fill it with ice water. The cold will stop bleeding and swelling.

If a cold compress does not stop the bleeding, then you need to make gauze swabs and insert them into both nostrils. Next call the brigade medical specialists and take him to the hospital. If damage to the base of the skull is suspected, the victim should not be turned over.

It is strictly prohibited to straighten or feel the nose on your own.

Incorrect actions can lead to greater deformation and increased swelling. It is important to consult a doctor promptly. If you consult a doctor early, bone fragments can be set manually. To eliminate the defect, fracture reposition, rhinoplasty or a more complex surgical operation - rhinoseptoplasty - is performed.

Complications of a nasal fracture

When the nasal bones are fractured, the following complications may occur:

The most common complication of a nasal fracture is a deviated septum. In this case, the air in the nasal cavity moves incorrectly, which contributes to the development of chronic runny nose, inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses.

A deviated septum can only be corrected surgically.

When infection occurs through an open fracture, the patient’s condition worsens and wound healing occurs very slowly. In more serious cases a fracture of the nose can be combined with a fracture of the skull bones, affecting the membranes of the brain. If infection enters the cranial cavity, meningitis develops.

Useful video - Rhinoseptoplasty: nose correction after injury.

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  • Anya - Wow, judging by history. – 03/09/2018
  • Agata - My mother was still in my childhood. – 03/08/2018
  • Alice - I used to treat myself with rinses. Now. – 03/08/2018
  • Ekaterina - In all the articles they write that. – 03/08/2018
  • Ella - Vasoconstrictor medications to treat a runny nose. – 03/08/2018
  • Daniel - There doesn’t seem to be anything dangerous. – 03/07/2018

The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

How can you tell if your nose is broken?

How can you tell if your nose is broken?

A broken nose can often be determined purely visually; it is slanted to the side or slightly pressed inward. In general, not your native form.

With a broken nose, bruises (fingals) often spread to both eyes. The area of ​​the nose and eyes swell noticeably, with a pronounced swelling. The nose is very painful to touch.

If you suspect a broken nose, it is better to consult a doctor. If you just let a broken nose heal, then later you will get crooked nose, and besides, because of this curvature, problems may arise with correct breathing. In general, it is better to go to the emergency room, they will provide qualified first aid, and then visit a surgeon and ENT specialist.

If a fracture occurs, blood begins to flow from the nose. At the same time, you feel that something is wrong with your nose. For example, the nose may move a little to the side. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor so that your nose can be straightened and the bleeding stopped. Otherwise, you can get an infection and then there will be even more problems.

Our surgeon simply asks what the nose was like before. Crooked or not. If it was straight and after an injury it moved to the side, then it is clear that there is a fracture.

If the nose is broken, the surgeon tries to straighten it, the curvature will lead to breathing problems, and it may happen that one nostril will be constantly blocked.

The nose is the most protruding part of the face and that is why it is often injured, including fractures.

The nasal septum consists of cartilage and only the posterior section consists of bones, which is why fractures almost always occur when there is a blow to it.

The first sign of a fracture is heavy bleeding and you can feel it when you touch your nose. severe pain, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Another symptom that indicates a possible fracture is swelling of the nose and the appearance of bruises under the eyes, the so-called glasses.

If you suspect a fracture, you should definitely see a doctor; if you don’t do this, there is a possibility that your nose will not close properly, which will cause you to have breathing problems.

Firstly, a broken nose is ALWAYS accompanied by bleeding, sometimes even profuse! (but bleeding does not always mean that the nose is broken)

Feel your nose. If you feel acute pain, this is another sign that the nasal bone is broken.

When a nasal bone is fractured, it usually occurs severe swelling in the area of ​​impact. Over time, bruises under the eyes may appear, the so-called glasses syndrome))

Well, here are the main points. Take care of yourself!)

Probably, to understand this, you first need to remember what happened to you.

If you were hit hard, it will be noticeable right away.

And if you really want to know for sure whether your nose is broken, get an x-ray at the emergency room.

The x-ray will clearly show whether the bone is broken or not.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is its shape: if it’s bent, it’s most likely snapped. Well, the only reliable way to check is x-rays. So, if after the blow there was blood, when palpating you feel a sharp pain and the nose is crooked, then this is a fracture.

Run your finger across your nose and you will feel a lump or bump with your finger if the nose is broken.

It heals quickly, since there are no bones in the nose, only cartilage. If the nose is not straightened in time in the hospital, the cartilage will heal unevenly and the nose will remain crooked. Then you will have to break it again.

Usually the nose breaks from straight strong blow, but maybe from the side.

If heavy bleeding begins immediately after the blow, it is likely that the nose is broken, although not necessarily.

In a displaced fracture, this is noticeable visually.

A sign of a broken nose is severe pain when touched.

There will definitely be swelling of the nose and swelling under the eyes. Bruises under the eyes are often possible.

You definitely need to take an x-ray and contact an ENT specialist.

Usually a broken nose means a very bad nosebleed. Feel your nose, you will feel pain at the fracture site and you can feel the crack with your fingers. You can also just look in the mirror and see that your nose has become a different shape.

How to tell if your nose is broken

The nose is the most prominent part of the face, which is why damage to its anatomical structures occurs in 30% of cases of all injuries to the facial skull. Continuous nosebleeds, bruises on the face, difficulty breathing again and cutting pains- the main signs of a nasal fracture. Most often, facial injuries occur in men aged 16 to 45 years. The causes of damage to the nasal structures can be very diverse: from domestic and work injuries to a banal fight.

It is quite easy to diagnose pathology by local manifestations - hematomas, tissue swelling, deformation of the nasal septum, etc. However, not every injury leads to serious damage to the bone and cartilage structures in the organ. Sometimes the degree of tissue damage can only be determined by endoscopic examination and rhinoscopy, which is performed by a traumatologist or otolaryngologist.

Anatomy of the nose

The visible part of the nose consists of the dorsum (septum), root, wings and apex. The basis of the organ is made up of bone and cartilaginous structures, which give it a strictly defined shape. In case of facial injuries, it is the nasal septum that most often suffers. Her rear end consists of bone, and the anterior one - of cartilaginous tissue.

A nasal fracture is a mechanical damage to the cartilaginous, bone and muscle structures of the outer part of the organ. Among all injuries to the facial skull, injuries to the nasal septum are the most common. The main causes of pathology include:

  • street fights;
  • playing sports;
  • work injuries;
  • falling from height;
  • car accidents;
  • war injuries.

A broken nose is a good reason to seek help from a traumatologist. An injury almost never goes unnoticed, since damage to the nasal anatomical structures leads to disruption of the olfactory and respiratory functions.

Deformations of the septum become obvious only after the swelling subsides.

It is strictly forbidden to set bones yourself. Inept manipulation can cause even greater damage to soft and bone structures and, as a result, severe nosebleeds.

Classification of fractures

Before identifying a nasal fracture, you need to find out what types of facial injuries there are. Depending on the type of damage, the most appropriate treatment tactics will be used. In traumatology, there is the following classification of nasal bone fractures:

  1. without displacement - one of the mildest types of damage, in which minor cracks and curvatures are found in the bones;
  2. with displacement - a serious injury characterized by displacement of bone and cartilaginous structures relative to their original location;
  3. closed - pathologies in which there is no violation of the integrity of the external tissues;
  4. open - an open wound surface forms at the site of injury, from which fragments of bone tissue are visible.

Violation anatomical structure nasal septum can lead to complications - asthmatic attacks and inflammation of peripheral nerves.

Open fractures are considered the most dangerous. Wounds provide a suitable environment for development bacterial infection. Therefore, children and adults who suffer an open nasal fracture are advised to immediately seek qualified medical help.

Symptomatic picture

How do you know if your nose is broken? Almost every person who does not have a medical education can determine the presence of fractures in the nasal bones. But even if the diagnosis is obvious, it is still worth seeking help from a specialist. Through instrumental examination, the degree of tissue damage, the characteristics of pathological processes and, accordingly, a suitable treatment strategy are determined.

Pain syndrome

When intranasal anatomical structures are damaged, a person feels a sharp, ongoing pain. Cartilaginous and bone formations covered with muscles that contain pain receptors. Mechanical injuries stimulate the activity of receptors, causing a person to feel severe pain.

If the fracture is closed, palpation of the nose leads to increased discomfort. If you do not use painkillers, this can subsequently lead to migraines and painful shock.

When the osteochondral septum is displaced, breathing is impaired. Any attempts to inhale air through the nose lead to an increase in pain and deterioration in well-being.


Continuous nosebleeds (epistaxis) are the main symptoms of a nasal fracture. Damage to anatomical structures inevitably leads to rupture of capillaries inside the organ and, as a result, bleeding. Posterior epistaxis, in which blood can ascend through the nasolacrimal duct, requires special attention. Signs of severe nosebleeds include:

  • continuous bleeding from the nasal passages;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes (associated with blood flowing into the orbit);
  • vomiting and nausea (occurs due to the penetration of a large amount of blood into the stomach).

A critical decrease in blood circulating in the body can cause fatal outcome. If the fracture is closed, it is recommended to apply an ice bag or a cold compress to the nose before the ambulance team arrives. This will reduce the diameter of the vessels and, accordingly, the intensity of bleeding.

Nasal breathing disorder

Obvious signs of a broken nose are impaired nasal breathing and dizziness. Deformation of the osteochondral septum leads to blockage respiratory tract and violation normal breathing. Obstruction of the internal nasal openings can also be caused by the accumulation of blood in the nasal cavity.

In case of injury, it is highly recommended not to place the patient on his back. Penetration of blood into the paranasal sinuses can cause severe inflammation and the development of sinusitis. Moreover, clotted blood is a suitable substrate for the development of opportunistic microorganisms in the nasopharynx - pyogenic bacteria, yeast-like fungi, etc.

Changing the shape of the nose

By the deformation of the nasal septum, you can immediately understand that the nose is broken. However, immediately after injury, the soft tissues on the face swell, as a result of which the degree of curvature of the osteochondral structures is almost impossible to determine. A change in the shape of the nose is indicated by secondary signs of pathology - difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, etc.

Untimely realignment of the nasal bones causes permanent disruption of the shape of the external part of the organ.

For relatively minor injuries to intranasal structures, patients are in no hurry to visit clinics and emergency rooms. But immediately after the swelling on the face subsides, it may become clear that the nasal septum is displaced relative to its normal position by 0.5 cm or more. External cosmetic defects force patients to seek qualified help. But after the bone and cartilaginous structures have fused, the defect can only be eliminated through surgery - rhinoplasty.

Spectacles syndrome (raccoon eyes)

How can you find out whether there is a fracture in the nasal bones or not? Glasses syndrome is a clear sign of a violation of the integrity of intranasal anatomical structures. Internal nosebleeds often lead to blood entering the subcutaneous tissue eyelids, causing large blue circles to form under the eyes.

Essentially, glasses syndrome is pathological condition, which is characterized by diffuse saturation of tissue elements with blood. Bruising in the eye area often occurs not only when the integrity of the nasal bones is damaged, but also when the bridge of the nose or brow ridges are injured. With adequate and timely treatment Over time, hematomas completely resolve, and the skin around the eyes acquires a natural color.

Additional signs

Additional symptoms of a nasal fracture are determined by the degree of damage to the tissue and bone structures in the organ. In the absence of open fractures, the presence of pathology may be indicated by:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine attacks;
  • blurred vision;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • asthmatic attacks;
  • mucous nasal discharge.

A closed nasal fracture without displacement of the bones can be mistaken for a severe bruise of the organ. It is important to understand that treatment methods for pathology depend on the severity of damage to bone, cartilage and muscle tissue. If you let everything take its course, you may encounter serious complications, in particular subperiosteal abscess (subperiosteal abscess), subcutaneous emphysema (accumulation of air in tissue structures).

How to determine that there is no fracture?

Many people who have suffered a facial injury wonder: how can you tell if there is no fracture? It should be understood that epistaxis does not always indicate the presence of fractures in the bones. When you receive a severe injury, it is important to distinguish a fracture from a severe bruise. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Gently feel the protruding part of the nose. In case of bruises, palpation of the organ does not cause severe pain. If there are no obvious deformations in the septum, most likely, the bone and cartilage structures remain intact;
  2. Assess the degree of breathing difficulty. In the absence of a fracture nasal breathing it becomes difficult, but only slightly. This may be due to swelling of the mucous membrane and bleeding. As a rule, swelling subsides within 3-4 days after using anti-inflammatory drugs, due to which nasal breathing normalizes;
  3. Assess the speed of bleeding control. If there is no fracture, the bleeding will stop almost immediately after applying a cold compress. In addition, with bruises, glasses syndrome is quite rare, since there are no deformations in the septum that could provoke the penetration of blood into the subcutaneous layers around the eyes.

It is quite difficult to independently distinguish a closed fracture without displacement from a bruise. Therefore, if you suffer a severe injury, it is recommended to seek help. specialized assistance to a medical facility.


A fracture of the nasal bones is a serious injury, which is characterized by a violation of the anatomical structures of the external part of the organ. The cause of the pathology can be a domestic fight, sports training (kickboxing, martial arts, boxing), car injuries, falling from a height, blows to the face with heavy objects, etc. Like most mechanical injuries, fractures can be open or closed.

Open fractures can be diagnosed by the presence of wound surfaces on the face. A closed fracture can be determined by the accompanying symptoms: impaired nasal breathing, severe pain in the nose, bruising under the eyes, deformation of the nasal septum, severe nosebleeds, etc. Some forms of nasal fracture are difficult to distinguish from bruises. Therefore, if you receive an injury, it is advisable to undergo instrumental examination at the clinic and receive recommendations for the treatment of pathology.

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Repositioning of the nasal bones

Treatment of a broken nose

Causes of a deviated nasal septum

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How to tell if your nose is broken

The human nose is formed from cartilage and bone tissue.

The dorsum of the nose consists of the nasal bones and frontal processes upper jaw, and the wings and tip of the nose are made of the cartilaginous part. Nasal septum V anterior section It is represented by a cartilaginous skeleton, and in the back - by a bone skeleton.

The nose is more likely to be injured than other parts of the face (40% of all facial injuries).

Nasal injuries, of course, include a broken nose.

The purpose of this article is to answer the question: how to determine if your nose is broken?

Let's take a closer look at this topic to get the most useful information about everything related to nasal fractures.

How to tell if your nose is broken

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed procedure for dealing with this situation.

1. It is necessary to remember that a broken nose is usually accompanied by heavy bleeding.

However, we must not forget that nosebleeds do not always indicate a broken nose.

2. Gently feel all parts of the nose. When a bright pain syndrome there is almost no doubt that the nasal skeleton is broken.

In this case, you need to immediately seek help from doctors.

3. How can you tell if your nose is broken without an X-ray machine?

Quite often, with fractures of the nasal bones, noticeable swelling appears in the area of ​​impact.

After some time, bruises around the eyes may appear, the so-called “glasses” symptom.

4. The nose can noticeably change its shape after a fracture.

It may become retracted or displaced.

Breathing through the nose during such periods of time becomes difficult and sometimes simply impossible.

5. At the first suspicion of a fracture of the nasal bones, the injured person should be immediately admitted to a medical facility.

During the medical examination, the nature and characteristics of the injury are revealed.

6. A visual examination allows the doctor to determine the nature of changes in the shape of the nose and noticeable swelling in the affected area.

When palpated, crepitus of the fragments (crackling, crunching) and palpable pain signals are determined.

7. In the absence visible signs displacement of the nasal bones, the victim is sent for x-rays of the nasal skeleton to make a more accurate diagnosis.

After this, a decision is made on setting (repositioning) the bones in their place and on the further course of treatment.

1. Never try to straighten your nose yourself.

2. For nasal injuries, before a medical examination, it is necessary to apply cold (a cold metal object or ice) to the inflamed area.

We hope that you now know how to check if your nose is broken?

The presence of such inflammatory disease, like syphilis, is most often diagnosed in pregnant women by obstetricians-gynecologists antenatal clinics. For the last ones.

For continuous monitoring of blood glucose (sugar) levels, with diabetes mellitus of the second type, it is necessary to monitor the quality and calorie content of food.

Men's intimate plastic surgery is a complex of operations designed to eliminate deficiencies in the intimate area.

Nail fungus (nail mycosis, onychomycosis) – infectious lesion fingernails or toenails.

Nose fracture, what to do? How to identify a nasal fracture

A nasal fracture is an injury to its bone or cartilage. A broken nose is usually the result of some kind of accident or targeted blow. And this is natural, since our respiratory organ is the most protruding, and therefore the most traumatic part of the face.

Nasal fractures are quite often accompanied by damage to the neck and head, so turning to qualified specialist mandatory in such situations.

Causes of nasal fractures

From medical practice It is known that more than 40% of facial injuries are accompanied by a nasal fracture. It can be easily earned by falling or hitting solid object, having taken part in a fight or been in a car accident.

Athletes involved in boxing or wrestling, as well as hockey players, football players, basketball players, etc. quite often have symptoms of a nasal fracture, since this damage is almost inevitable in these sports.

Despite the fact that a broken nose is a common type of fracture and usually resolves without any particular complications, this injury should not be taken lightly, as in some cases the victim may need surgery, for example, to restore the septum or return the nose to its original shape.

What determines the severity and shape of a nasal fracture?

Most often, the result of facial trauma is a fracture of the nose with its displacement to the side. By the way, practicing doctors note that a shift to the right is the most common. This is explained by the fact that in a fight the blow is usually delivered right hand V left side faces, which leads to the described results.

If the blow was directed from top to bottom, then the nose in this case is protected by the frontal bone. This means that the damage will only affect the lower, most fragile part of the nose. In such cases, by the way, a transverse fracture of the nasal bones can occur, and sometimes the frontal processes of the upper jaw are also affected.

In many ways, the nature of the injury depends not only on the direction of the blow, but also on anatomical features organ. A larger and more protruding nose is easier to break than a less developed and flattened one, since the bone of the latter is much thicker.

Types of nasal injuries

In medicine it is customary to distinguish:

  • fractures that have a closed or open form without displacement or deformation of the nose from the outside;
  • fractures that have a closed or open form with displacement and deformation;
  • fractures and curvature of the nasal septum.

An open fracture differs from a closed one by the presence of a wound through which the damaged bone or its fragments are visible. It is clear that such injury is fraught heavy blood loss and the development of infections.

Quite often, especially in children, separation of the nasal bones along the so-called bone sutures occurs due to their instability compared to the bone. If the injury was particularly severe, the bones may be completely flattened and sink.

As you can see, in some cases it is difficult to confuse a broken nose with something else. It is very important not to try to correct it in any way before contacting a traumatologist!

Features of treatment of a nasal fracture in a child

Children have more elastic fibers in their bone tissue. This leads to the fact that they are more likely to have fractures with retraction of the bridge of the nose bone or one-sided ones. But still, a broken nose in a child requires putting the bone back in place in order to restore nasal breathing. The main thing is, do not try to do this yourself or with the hands of dubious “specialists”! You could cause irreparable harm.

In a child, the described injury is always accompanied by swelling, which does not allow doctors to immediately begin the necessary procedures to straighten the bone. Therefore, an x-ray is first taken and only after determining the type of fracture is a prescription prescribed. conservative treatment which will help relieve swelling.

In addition, nasal fractures are often accompanied by a concussion in children, and this also requires a pause of several days before surgery to reposition the nasal bones. But it should be remembered that after 10 days it will be impossible, since a bone callus will begin to form at the site of the fracture.

Some practicing surgeons also believe that if the curvature of a child’s nose does not interfere with breathing, then surgery to correct it should be done after bone growth has stopped (for girls at 18 years old, and for boys at 20 years old). Otherwise, there is a risk of injuring the growth zones during surgery, which can subsequently lead to noticeable asymmetry.

Nasal fracture: signs

A person who has received the injury described will often immediately begin to exhibit certain symptoms that make it possible to identify it.

  1. Most often, the victim is in a state of shock, which is expressed in varying degrees, up to loss of consciousness.
  2. The injury is accompanied by spotting or intense bleeding. Quite often it is difficult to stop him.
  3. When feeling the nose, the patient feels severe pain, and sometimes crepitus (crunching) of bone fragments.
  4. Mucus is discharged from the nose.
  5. Bruises appear under the eyes, around the nose and on the cheekbones, and often the hemorrhages also spread to the conjunctiva of the eye.
  6. In some cases, the integrity of the skin may be compromised, the nose may be deformed, and a hematoma of the nasal septum may form (an accumulation of blood under the mucous membrane that interferes with breathing and is removed surgically).

By the way, signs indicating a fracture of the nose may also be symptoms of damage to the base of the skull, which requires an immediate x-ray of its bones and tomography of the spine in the cervical region.

Some people mistake bruises to the eye or nose for the described fracture because external manifestations These injuries are somewhat similar. This means that all of the listed signs should be taken into account so as not to be mistaken in determining the type of injury.

Signs of severe injury

More serious symptoms, such as severe fracture of the cribriform plate and rupture of the dura meninges, there may be a leakage of clear liquid from the nose (so-called liquorrhea) when the head is tilted forward.

In addition, they indicate the existing severe injuries head and broken nose are signs that cannot be ignored:

  • abnormal pupil size, lack of reaction to light;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness, even briefly;
  • blurred vision;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • problems with memory, thinking, speech, understanding what is said, as well as loss of even a small degree of writing or reading skills;
  • so-called “double vision”;
  • problems stopping nosebleeds.

All of the above symptoms may indicate a life-threatening condition for the victim. If you have at least a few of them, you should urgently seek medical help!

Nasal fracture: what to do?

First aid for a broken nose is to reduce pain and reduce swelling. Therefore, cold applied to a fracture is the first point of aid for a nasal injury.

Symptoms of a nasal fracture are most often accompanied by bleeding. It can be quite strong and long-lasting. But even if the blood flows slightly, you need to try to stop it.

In winter it is always easier to do this: you just need to put snow or ice on the bridge of your nose. But if the injury occurred in the summer, don’t get lost:

1) do not lie down, but sit up straight;

2) lean forward slightly;

3) pinch your nose with your fingers;

4) try to press only the nostrils, without touching the upper part, where the broken bone is;

5) if possible, apply, for example, a handkerchief soaked in cold water to the bridge of the nose;

6) hold it like this for 10 minutes. and, if the blood continues to flow, repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Remember that in some cases it is not possible to stop the bleeding on your own, so hurry to take the victim to medical institution. Another tip: don't blow your nose if you have a broken nose. This can lead to the development of subcutaneous emphysema (air entering through the torn mucous membranes under the skin).

How is a nasal fracture diagnosed?

The doctor will conduct a mandatory detailed interview of the patient delivered to the medical facility to find out exactly how the injury was sustained, and then examine the nose and feel it to determine all the signs of a fracture. This is a painful but necessary procedure. In this case, by the way, you can even feel a crunching sound in the event of a cartilage fracture.

For inspection internal cavity The doctor performs a rhinoscopy of the nose. Before it, as a rule, anesthesia is given.

What treatment is given for a broken nose?

Treatment of nasal fractures depends primarily on the location and severity of the injury. It is very important that therapy begins as early as possible, so the most important thing in providing assistance for a broken nose is to ensure prompt access to specialists.

In the presence of heavy bleeding The doctor will first of all stop it by placing tampons soaked in special solutions into the patient’s nose. If there is contamination wound surface, then it will need to be cleaned and processed.

If the injury that caused the fracture occurred no more than 10 days ago, the doctor can do a closed reduction of the fracture, that is, he will try to put the bones in place manually. For this purpose it is used local anesthesia, as well as special tools.

How is fracture reduction performed?

Treatment of fractures using reduction begins with irrigation of the nasal mucosa with an anesthetic drug, and then the doctor makes an external subcutaneous injection.

Sometimes it only takes a few finger movements to achieve reduction. If the fracture turns out to be more complex, the traumatologist uses a tool called an elevator. With its help, they lift the sunken part of the bone, after introducing it into the nasal passage.

After this, thick swabs soaked in antibiotics are inserted into the patient’s area to apply tight pressure. Tampons cannot be removed for several days (about three to four). Sometimes a special pressure bandage is used.

IN severe cases a victim who has suffered a fractured nose is treated with surgery (rhinoplasty). True, it can be prescribed only 10 days after the swelling has gone down and it becomes clear how to restore the shape of this part of the face. Surgery is vital in cases where blood clots form that block the nasal passages.

What to do if the nose could not be restored in the first weeks?

Sometimes a fracture of the nose without displacement is assessed by the victim too superficially, so he is in no hurry to contact a traumatologist, and especially to an ENT specialist, wasting time and realizing only when it has already been lost.

If for some reason the patient does not have time to seek help on time (in the first three weeks), then the next time he will be able to do this only after six months. Unfortunately, in such cases, restoration of the nasal bones has to be done using more complex operation, which is similar in technique to rhinoplasty.

In this case, the surgeon makes a break in the bones (the so-called osteotomy), and then manually puts them in the correct position. This operation is carried out under general anesthesia and can last up to 3 hours.

After this, the patient is given a plaster bandage on his nose, which is removed after about a week. But for complete bone healing it will take more long term– at least six weeks.

Consequences of a broken nose

And although a nasal fracture most often passes without a trace, healing in 2-3 weeks, nevertheless, depending on the state of health or anatomical characteristics of the victim, he may experience some complications after the injury.

In addition to changing the shape of the nose in the form of a hump, the patient may experience damage nearby organs, for example, the eye. Thus, hemorrhage in the anterior ocular chamber (hyphema), displacement eyeball, as well as compression of the muscles that move the eyes, can lead to decreased and even loss of vision.

In addition, some patients experience a persistent decrease in their sense of smell after injury, and the resulting deviated nasal septum can lead not only to snoring during sleep, but also to various chronic diseases in the form of rhinitis or sinusitis.

Wounds caused by an open fracture can quickly become infected, which also leads to unwanted complications.

Information for a patient who has suffered a fracture

For a month after signs of a nasal fracture were discovered, the patient should exercise caution. He is recommended to reduce physical activity to a minimum and avoid visiting bathhouses and saunas. People with vision problems are not allowed to wear glasses for three weeks after the injury.

In some cases, the doctor recommends the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose for a week after the fracture, and also prescribes taking the drug "Sinupret" according to individual scheme in order to stop traumatic changes in the mucous membrane.