Wen on the chest in women treatment. Breast lipoma: a dangerous disease or a minor defect? What is breast lipoma

A fatty tumor (lipoma) is a benign tumor that can occur anywhere in the body where there is a fat layer. It can even be located among the soft tissues of internal organs, but is more often localized under the skin on the torso or arms. It appears in the chest area on the right or left, in the armpit area, on the rib, or in the mammary gland. Most often, the disease affects women of Balzac's age, but it can also appear in a girl, a man, even a child.

What does the tumor look like?

In both women, men, and children, a small wen on the chest looks like a soft nodule, movable when palpated. Inside, it has a nodular, segmented structure, surrounded by a shell - a capsule. Typically, such a tumor grows in size slowly, but sometimes reaches impressive sizes. This interferes with wearing clothes, especially in the armpit area. A lipoma on the mammary gland in a woman can lead to a cosmetic defect when one breast appears larger than the other.
Typically, a lipoma consists entirely of fat, but there are other types of formation:

  • Fibrolipoma or lipofibroma includes elements of connective tissue.
  • Angiolipoma has a network of blood vessels.
  • Myxolipoma involves the inclusion of mucous tissue.
  • Myolipoma is characterized by inclusions of smooth muscle fibers.

Wen can be single or multiple, in the latter case the diagnosis is lipomatosis. Such a tumor causes pain if it grows strongly and causes displacement of soft tissues and compression of nerve endings.

Why does it occur?

Modern medicine cannot yet name the reasons for the appearance of a wen in each individual case with absolute certainty. But the basic prerequisites for the occurrence of a tumor have been clarified.

What are the possible reasons for the growth of such a benign tumor:

  • blockage of the sebaceous gland;
  • hormonal imbalances, treatment with hormonal drugs, taking contraceptives;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • physical inactivity;
  • slagging of the body;
  • unhealthy diet with a predominance of fats and fast carbohydrates;
  • addiction to tobacco and alcohol;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions and high background radiation;
  • women have uncomfortable, tight bras.

In a man and a child, such a formation may appear as a result of trauma to the sternum. In the fair sex, traumatic causes of tumors are less common. Here, risk factors are often multiple pregnancies followed by stretch marks on the mammary gland.

Doctors believe that the most likely causes of lipomas are hidden in metabolic disorders in the body. Therefore, during the examination, attention is paid to blood biochemistry indicators. Often breast lipoma appears in people with hidden diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance.

Can it turn into cancer?

Usually a lipoma is an absolutely harmless formation, but it requires constant monitoring. It is important to diagnose inflammation, rapid growth or the onset of mutation in time. In such cases, a lipoma can have serious consequences: displacement or compression of tissue, or even degeneration into liposarcoma.

If you find a round or oval-shaped subcutaneous lump on your chest, mammary gland or armpit, you should consult a dermatologist or mammologist. The doctor will conduct a visual and tactile examination, and also refer you for hardware examination. It could be:

  • Breast ultrasound or mammography.
  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  • X-ray diagnostics based on long-wave radiation. If the lipoma is located in the area of ​​the sternum or armpit, artificial contrast gas will be needed.
  • In difficult cases, computed tomography is prescribed.

Based on the data from these studies, treatment is selected. But when doubts arise about the benign quality of the wen, especially if it is not located very conveniently for ultrasound (for example, in the axillary region) or appears in a child, they resort to puncture aspiration biopsy with further cytological examination of the taken contents.

How to get rid of education?

If a lipoma on the chest of a man or woman increases in size, hurts, or there is discharge from the mammary gland, the formation must be removed. Treatment of a lump on the chest in a child is more difficult, because many surgeons undertake to operate on children with such a diagnosis only after five years. However, the pediatrician will prescribe appropriate therapy, especially if the child’s education grows and interferes. For example, it is located closer to the armpit area and is irritated due to friction with clothing.

What treatment is possible:

  • A puncture-aspiration technique, when the contents of the lipoma are pulled out through a hollow needle. Liposuction of the formation is similar to this method. The negative point here may be that the capsule will remain inside the body, and a relapse of the disease is possible.
  • Drug treatment, in which a certain drug is injected into the affected area, dissolving the tumor from the inside over several months.
  • Radio wave treatment, in which the seal is exposed to high-frequency waves, which leads to the breakdown of fat cells.
  • A laser method in which the tumor is eliminated using a laser beam, which guarantees minimal damage and quick recovery.

Benign tumors can also be removed through surgery. A small lipoma in an accessible place is eliminated by a clinic doctor under local anesthesia. Surgical treatment of large formations or tumors in complex anatomical areas of the body (for example, in the armpit) is carried out in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. Endoscopy is considered the least traumatic option for surgical intervention, when manipulations are performed using a microendoscope through a tiny incision. After surgery, it is recommended to regularly treat the suture, take immunostimulants, follow a daily routine and eat right.

Doctors prohibit piercing and squeezing lipomas at home. The capsule will definitely remain inside, which means a relapse of the disease will occur. In addition, you risk introducing an infection and causing the tumor to mutate into a malignant one. It is also impossible to treat the disease with aggressive methods - alcohol lotions, Darsonval apparatus, iodine.

Will traditional methods help?

Treatment of a wen on the chest with folk remedies is possible only after examining the formation and confirming its benign nature. This is especially true for formations on the mammary gland or those that appear in a child.

What can I use?

Means How to cook

How to carry out treatment

Onion Bake the onion in the oven and mix with grated laundry soap A lotion with the resulting composition is applied to the affected area twice a day.
Kalanchoe Squeeze the juice and wet a cotton pad or simply cut the leaf. Apply a compress to the problem area and secure overnight.
Beet Grate the fresh root vegetable. Apply grated beets to the tumor overnight, securing with polyethylene and adhesive tape.
Golden mustache Remove membranes from leaves. The pulp is applied to the affected area, fixed with plastic film, cloth and adhesive tape. Change three times a day.

If removal of the wen is not possible (for some diseases of the internal organs, in a nursing mother or a small child), the operation can be postponed. It is required to visit a doctor (dermatologist or mammologist) every six months to monitor the condition of the tumor.

If the wen does not interfere, does not increase in size, is invisible (hides somewhere in the armpit area), it does not need to be removed.

Breast lipoma is a benign formation, consisting primarily of fat cells, which may contain fibrous tissue, a vascular component, and muscle fibers. A tumor that grows painlessly. The seal is eliminated in two cases: with a pronounced external defect of the breast and compression of the surrounding tissues.

Lipoma in the breast is an independent disease, but in rare cases it is part of a multiple lesion - lipomatosis. The disease is characterized by a dense elastic consistency, mobility, clear demarcation, and non-invasive growth.

Fats that reach large sizes, cause tissue deformation or interfere with the function of the mammary gland are removed surgically.

Education grows slowly and painlessly. Discomfort occurs only when surrounding tissues, blood vessels or nerve bundles are compressed. Lumps in the mammary gland are rare; most often the problem is localized in areas with a low percentage of fat.

  • nodular, delimited by a dense connective tissue capsule;
  • diffuse - cluster-shaped accumulations of lipocytes without clear boundaries.

Causes of appearance and code according to ICD 10

The reason for the formation of such neoplasia in the breast is difficult to identify. It is known that compactions account for up to 10% of all detected benign tumors. Risk group: women over 45 years of age in menopause.

Theories for the development of foci of adipose tissue in the mammary gland:

  1. Genetic predisposition caused by a defect in the HMG I-C gene and other chromosomal aberrations. Systemic lipomatosis is diagnosed.
  2. Menopausal metabolic syndrome is a change in natural metabolism with age-related involution of all ovarian functions. As a result, the structure of the breast changes: glandular tissue is gradually replaced by fatty and connective tissue (involutive processes).
  3. Pregnancy and changes in the functioning of the endocrine system associated with the woman’s position.
  4. Impaired metabolism of low-density lipoproteins, prone to encapsulation. Risk factors: passive lifestyle, unhealthy diet, excess consumption of animal fats, various enzymopathies.
  5. High percentage of body fat. All lipocytes are considered hormone active, producing adiponectin, resistin, and leptin. When leptin levels increase, the thyroid and adrenal glands begin to malfunction. Disruption of metabolic processes provokes the development of systemic lipomatosis.
  6. Injuries, thermal effects, and incorrectly performed plastic surgeries are among the exogenous factors in the formation of wen.

Often the two factors combine. According to the international classification of diseases ICD 10, information about lumps in the breast can be found in two sections: lipomatosis (E 88.2) or benign breast formations (D 24).

Is a lipoma in the breast dangerous?

Wen localized in the mammary gland is a cosmetic defect. The formation is located under the skin and, as it grows, significantly deforms the breast. A risk factor for large neoplasia is compression of blood vessels or nerve trunks. Lack of tissue nutrition leads to necrosis.

Could it be cancer?

The lump is considered a benign formation, but we must not forget about the risk of cell mutation into cancer.

Liposarcoma and other types of fatty tissue cancer may be no different from a lipoma in the breast.

Any neoplasia after removal is subject to histological examination to exclude oncopathology at the cellular and tissue levels.

A lipoma located in the mammary gland is dangerous if it is constantly traumatized. The risk of malignancy increases or the lump degenerates into oleogranuloma - focal necrosis of adipose tissue with the development of an inflammatory process. Macroscopically, it is similar to a malignant neoplasm and has no clear boundaries. The final diagnosis is made by a pathologist. Differential diagnosis must be carried out with lymphadenitis, hygroma, epidermal cyst, soft fibroma, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.

Treatment methods for wen in the breast

To make a conclusion and determine treatment tactics, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures in the mammary gland. They begin with palpation: the lipoma is felt as a dense, movable seal. The color and condition of the skin are not changed, which distinguishes a lump from oncology.

Ultrasound or mammography. Methods help determine the size, shape and exact location of the wen. It does not disappear on its own and cannot be treated with medication. Removal of the tumor is recommended. After the intervention, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent inflammatory processes.

In the hospital

If a puncture biopsy does not reveal any signs of cancer in the lipoma, there is no pain or discomfort, constant monitoring is recommended. It is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist twice a year.

If there is rapid growth of a wen in the mammary gland, or the presence of a cosmetic defect, the problem must be eliminated after diagnosis.

Therapy methods:

  • complete elimination of the tumor with the capsule using the traditional method (using a scalpel), laser or radiolifting;
  • removal of contents is suitable for cluster lipomas. The capsule remains inside, increasing the likelihood of relapse. Scars do not remain;
  • sectoral breast resection is performed in extreme cases with diffuse lipomatosis and suspected malignancy of a wen in the mammary gland.

Complications after surgery are minimal. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment are less effective.

At home, cutting or piercing a neoplastic formation in the mammary gland is dangerous!

There is a risk of developing an inflammatory process and the addition of a bacterial infection. The body's reaction is unpredictable.

At home, you can get rid of wen using Kalanchoe or aloe. The leaf is cut lengthwise and the pulp is applied to the projection area of ​​the nodule. After two weeks of daily treatment, the lump resolves on its own.

Prognosis and prevention

When lipoma is excised, the prognosis is favorable. Enucleation of the tumor with complete removal of the capsule prevents the occurrence of recurrent nodes, excluding tissue malignancy. It is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist and mammologist, take tests to determine cholesterol and lipoprotein levels, and monitor hormone levels. Such methods are a means of preventing the appearance of breast lipomas in the future.

The breast is a rather vulnerable part of the body, where unwanted changes most often occur, especially in premenopause. Therefore, every woman must constantly monitor the condition of her mammary glands in order to take adequate measures in time to avoid the development of a negative scenario. One of the common problems is lipoma - a benign formation that can be confused with a cancerous tumor.

What is pathology

The term “lipoma” is derived from the Latin word “lipos” - fat. In other words, it is a wen, that is, a formation consisting primarily of adipose tissue cells, often surrounded by a dense connective tissue capsule.

It is necessary to distinguish between lipoma and fatty involution, in which functional cells are replaced by fatty ones. Fatty involution, unlike lipoma, is an age-related degradation of breast tissue, is not a pathology and does not threaten a woman’s health.

Mostly, women over 45 years of age and those who have this pathology are hereditary are susceptible to lipoma. In the second case, lipomas form, as a rule, not only in the mammary gland, but also in other parts of the body - on the neck, torso, limbs, internal organs, etc.

Lipomas can also form in men, but they are usually not located deep in the chest, but in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, protruding above the surface of the skin.

In men, lipomas are easily diagnosed upon examination.

Classification of fat formations

A lipoma can consist of fat cells or include other tissues - initially or as it develops. Depending on this, experts distinguish the following types of formations:

  • myxolipomas, in which mucus cells are present;
  • angiolipomas riddled with small blood vessels;
  • myolipomas, in which muscle fibers are found;
  • fibrolipomas with the presence of fibrous (connective) tissue.

Breast lipoma can be either single or multiple. In this case, experts talk about multiple lipomatosis, when fat formations are found throughout the body.

In approximately 20% of cases, diffuse forms of lipoma are also found that do not have a clear border with the surrounding tissues.

Causes of the disease

Scheme of lipoma formation: adipose tissue is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue

Medical sources provide a number of reasons for the development of lipoma, including:

  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • excessive body weight and sedentary lifestyle;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • breast injuries;
  • breast stretch marks that develop as a result of pregnancy and lactation;
  • uncontrolled use of steroid contraceptives;
  • congestion in the chest due to a poorly chosen bra.

Moreover, most mammologists are inclined to believe that the main factors in the formation of lipomas in the mammary gland are blockage of the sebaceous duct, which primarily leads to the development of atheroma - sebaceous gland cysts, and hereditary predisposition. In their opinion, the presence of excess body weight in no way affects the formation of lipoma. There are cases where, even with significant weight loss, lipomas continued to grow, sometimes reaching the size of a chicken egg.

Symptoms and signs

If the lipoma is located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, it protrudes noticeably above the level of the skin. In this case, it is very easy to detect. To the touch it is inactive, painless and has a dough-like consistency. In most cases, the lipoma does not exceed 2 cm in diameter, but sometimes it can reach larger sizes - up to 10 cm. A superficial lipoma can pose a cosmetic problem and in this case needs to be removed.

When a lipoma is located deep in the mammary gland, it can only be detected with the help of special diagnostic equipment, since most often the fatty formation does not manifest itself in any way. In some forms of lipoma, due to the deposition of calcium salts in fibrous tissue, discomfort and pain in the chest may occur.

Large fatty formations can cause pain when pressed on them due to compression of surrounding tissues, and also noticeably deform the mammary gland.

Diagnosis of pathology

Since the diagnosis of lipoma in some cases can be difficult due to its difficult differentiation from fibroadenomatous formation, fatty lobule or fatty involution, a comprehensive examination is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

To diagnose lipoma the following is used:

  • mammography;
  • aspiration biopsy.

On a mammogram, a nodular lipoma appears as a homogeneous clearing with small inclusions of foci of calcification. Ultrasound shows a homogeneous, and in the presence of fibrous tissue, heterogeneous, formation with clear contours, a biopsy demonstrates the presence of adipose tissue cells.

It should be noted that in some cases, lipoma is quite difficult to determine against the background of general fatty transformation (fatty involution) of breast tissue.

Treatment methods

Conservative therapy

Unfortunately, there is no hope that the lipoma will resolve on its own. Conservative treatment in this case can only consist of monitoring the tumor. Mammologists justify this wait-and-see tactic in the following cases and only after a detailed diagnosis:

  • small size of the wen;
  • absence of abnormal cells in the tumor structure;
  • slow growth of education or complete absence of growth;
  • absence of pain and cosmetic problems.

During the observation period, a woman should undergo a quarterly ultrasound examination, have a mammogram every six months and donate blood for the breast tumor marker CA-15-3.

As for traditional medicine, experts categorically warn against these treatment methods!

A 52-year-old patient, who was diagnosed with a lipoma at a regional specialized oncology clinic, was admitted to the breast cancer department of the capital's oncology clinic. The woman hurried to the “traditional healer”, who recommended that she warm the tumor with bags filled with salt. When the victim of this “healer” discovered a scattering of enlarged lymph nodes on her neck, it was already too late to do anything - she was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. And if she had consulted a doctor in time, this disaster could have been avoided...

Surgical removal of the tumor

Lipoma can only be cured radically, that is, by removal. There are minimally invasive (gentle) methods:

  • puncture (pumping out) of the contents of the wen, but in this case a shell capsule remains, which can be filled with fat again;
  • laser or radio wave removal of the tumor, but, unfortunately, this requires complex, expensive equipment, which is not available in all medical institutions;
  • The traditional surgical removal of lipoma is lipectomy.

If the fatty formation is shallow, treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. After the operation there will be a small cosmetic scar. The patient’s rehabilitation occurs quickly - within one to two weeks.

With a radical treatment method, the lipoma is removed along with the capsule, which almost completely reduces the possibility of relapse. In some cases, antibiotic therapy is performed to avoid wound infection. This operation does not have any negative consequences.

In the absence of therapy, lipoma tends to grow and deform the mammary gland; in rare cases, it degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

How to get rid of lipoma - video by Elena Malysheva

Is it possible to prevent the disease?

Prevention should consist of regular self-examination of the mammary glands in the first week after the end of menstruation. Both breasts must be carefully palpated while lying on your back, then examined in the mirror for asymmetry and the presence of protruding formations. Those women who have a hereditary predisposition to the formation of wen should be especially careful.

Patients over 40–45 years old need to undergo ultrasound and mammography every 2 years, and after 50 years - every year.

The most undesirable complication of a lipoma is liposarcoma - a malignant degeneration of fat formation; fortunately, this happens in isolated cases. However, if seals of any nature are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor - early diagnosis contributes to a successful outcome of many diseases.

Breast self-examination - video

Breast lipoma is not a dangerous disease, but nevertheless it requires serious attention on the part of the woman, since it may not be the most pleasant surprises. Carefully monitor the condition of your breasts and, at the first doubt, contact a mammologist - this will help you maintain health and beauty for many years.

Any woman who discovers a moving “lump” in her chest experiences fear and confusion. Such education is a serious reason to consult a doctor. After examination, the doctor may diagnose breast lipoma. What is pathology? How dangerous is she? And how to deal with it?

Description of the pathology

Breast lipoma is a benign formation that is formed from adipose tissue. In the area of ​​the mammary glands there is a large amount of fatty tissue, against which a favorable environment can be created for the appearance of lipomas. The pathology is more popularly known as wen. Sometimes it is called a fatty tumor. And in medicine it is called “lipoblastoma”.

The tumor has clearly formed boundaries. The connective tissue capsule has contents whose consistency resembles elastic dough. This pathology causes inconvenience to a woman solely as a cosmetic defect.

Lipoma is painless, inactive and does not have a tendency to grow and develop.

Lipoblastoma can appear not only in the fairer sex, but also in men. This is due to the fact that in the latter the mammary gland consists of fatty and fibrous tissue, which can serve as a source for the development of compaction. There are even cases where men were diagnosed with malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands.

At-risk groups

Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in women aged 30–55 years. Doctors say that patients who are most susceptible to the formation of lipomas have:

  • overweight;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic diseases;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • tendency to alcoholism;
  • liver diseases;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.

The tendency to form wen can be inherited.

Classification of pathology

Doctors differentiate lipomas according to various criteria. Therefore, there are several classifications.

Based on the number of entities, they are distinguished:

  1. Single lipoma. The tumor is detected exclusively in the mammary gland. Such formations are not found in other areas of the body.
  2. Multiple tumors. In this case, lipomatosis is diagnosed. Formations are formed not only in the mammary gland, but also in some other organs. This pathology has an unpleasant feature. After removing one lipoma, other formations begin to increase in size. Lipomatosis is most often genetic in nature.

Analyzing the structure and shape of the neoplasm, pathology is divided into:

  1. Nodal. Lipoma is a round tumor in the form of a capsule. It has clear boundaries.
  2. Diffuse. The formation of this type is dictated by the growth of adipose tissue through the walls of the capsule. Diffuse lipoma is a shapeless tumor.

Classifying formations by composition, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Fibrolipomas. The formations contain mainly connective tissue. But there are inclusions of fat.
  2. Angiolipomas. These tumors cross small blood vessels. These lipomas require high skill from the surgeon, since severe bleeding often occurs during surgery.
  3. Lipofibromas. These tumors consist mainly of fat cells. In addition to them, a small amount of fibrous tissue (connective) is observed.
  4. Myxolipomas. Such formations are characterized by a combination of fatty tissues and mucus.
  5. Myolipomas. The formation of these lipomas is based on adipose tissue and muscle fibers.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The main reason leading to the formation of a lipoma is a sudden blockage of the duct, which is designed to remove the secretion produced by the sweat gland. A cavity is formed in this place. Gradually, modified fat cells begin to fill it.

The initial stage of lipoma is considered to be atheroma. If such a formation is not removed in a timely manner, it transforms into lipoblastoma.

Provoking factors

To trigger the development of lipoma, certain conditions must be created.

Doctors identify the following factors leading to the formation of pathology:

  • physical inactivity (low mobility), which disrupts lymph flow in the body;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • poor nutrition, enriched in fats and carbohydrates (they provide the ideal environment for the rapid growth of adipose tissue filling the lipoma);
  • blows to the chest, injuries;
  • addiction to alcohol, smoking;
  • X-ray irradiation;
  • multiple pregnancies leaving stretch marks on the breasts;
  • wearing underwear of inappropriate sizes (tops, bras, bodysuits);
  • living in contaminated areas;
  • surgical interventions;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • constant stress.

Characteristic symptoms of a benign breast tumor

Lipoma has a number of specific symptoms:

Diagnosis of the disease: ultrasound, mammography and other research methods

In order to promptly detect a formation in the mammary gland, doctors recommend regularly palpating the breasts and visually inspecting them. Every woman can easily cope with this procedure.

If there are suspicious lumps and formations, you should contact a mammologist or gynecologist.

Initially, examination and palpation (feeling problem areas) of the breast is carried out. Then the specialist will recommend that the woman undergo a series of examinations:

Differential diagnosis

Before choosing a tactic to combat a tumor, you need to make sure that the formation is benign. For this purpose, the doctor will definitely recommend a biopsy to the woman. The collected tissues will be sent for cytological examination. If this is not done, the patient’s health and life are at serious risk.

Lipoma is not a dangerous pathology. But if there are cancer cells in the tumor, then during surgery they can easily penetrate the lymph, blood and spread throughout the body.

Treatment of pathology

The only effective method to get rid of lipoma is surgery. Medicines and folk recipes are not able to ensure tumor resorption. They are used as excellent support for the body in the postoperative period.

However, not all lipomas are amenable to surgery. Some women can live with a tumor for a long time without experiencing any discomfort. Of course, provided that the patient is regularly observed by the doctor and follows all his recommendations.

Indications for surgery

The decision about the need for surgery can be made based on the following factors:

  • individual wishes of the patient;
  • sudden growth of lipoma (increase in size);
  • the appearance of pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the tumor;
  • the presence of cancer cells in the tumor (lipoma degeneration);
  • deformation of the mammary gland caused by the large size of the formation;
  • breast asymmetry, which is noticeable visually;
  • necrosis of neighboring areas.

Surgical methods

There are several ways to get rid of lipomas.

The only method of getting rid of lipoma is surgery

Only a surgeon, having carefully analyzed all diagnostic results, is able to select the most effective method of intervention.

Medicinal resorption

The procedure involves introducing a special medication into the tumor cavity using a needle. The medicine has a resolving effect, due to which the lipoma is “burned” from the inside. The entire process is controlled using ultrasound.

This method is used for small lipomas, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm.

Several such injections will be required. Therefore, the main disadvantage of drug resorption is the duration of treatment. Therapy can take several months.

Radio wave removal

With the help of high frequency waves, which are directed by the doctor to the problem area, the formation is burned out. After the procedure, only the capsule (shell) remains of the tumor. It resolves on its own after a few days.

Advantages of this method:

  • bloodless intervention;
  • the woman is not hospitalized;
  • the operation does not leave scars, swelling, scars;
  • the patient recovers quickly.

Radio wave removal is contraindicated for individuals who have metal elements in their bodies (prostheses, staples, pacemaker).

puncture removal

A needle is inserted into the wen, through which the entire contents are drawn out using electric suction. The event is practically painless. After the procedure, there are no stitches or scars left on the body.

But puncture removal has a significant drawback. The lipoma capsule remains in the mammary gland. Therefore, a woman is not protected from the risk of re-development of such a formation.

Laser removal

This method is considered virtually painless. Laser tumor removal leaves no scars on the skin. This is an ideal option for women who would not like to resort to surgery at all.

The event is carried out under anesthesia. The lipoma is completely destroyed during the operation. The big advantage of this method is the minimal number of relapses.

The disadvantage of laser removal is the inability to send the contents of the lipoma for detailed histology.

Endoscopic removal

During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision into the tissue above the tumor. The lipoma is removed through the resulting hole.

The operation involves complete excision of both the contents of the lipoma and the capsule. Therefore, the risks of relapse of pathology are minimized.

But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid scars after surgery.

Surgical excision of a breast tumor

This method is attempted only in extreme cases.

The operation is prescribed for women who:

  • severely deformed or enlarged breasts;
  • lipoma compresses important organs;
  • the tumor causes severe pain.

Excision is performed under local or general anesthesia. During the procedure, the tumor along with the capsule is carefully removed. If necessary, the mammary gland is given a normal aesthetic appearance. Cosmetic stitches are applied.

Open surgery leaves scars on a woman's chest.

Rehabilitation period

The measures prescribed by the doctor in the postoperative period completely depend on the type of surgery performed and the patient’s condition.

With surgical excision, the patient may be hospitalized for several days. At this time, in a hospital setting, the woman is treated daily with wound dressings. It is most often prescribed after the stitches are removed.

If the wen was large, then the woman may develop a cavity in its place containing blood and fluid. To avoid this, drainage is installed to ensure timely drainage of such components.


After lipoma removal, a woman needs to take care of her health and properly adjust her lifestyle.

  1. Ultraviolet radiation must be avoided for 2 weeks. You should not sunbathe under the sun or in a solarium.
  2. It is advisable to refrain from swimming in open water for 14 days after surgery. Infection can easily enter through a wound.
  3. A woman should avoid heavy physical activity.
  4. A proper balanced diet is recommended, which will provide the body with all useful components and increase immunity.
  5. The patient must be completely protected from stress, severe shocks and experiences.

Conservative therapy

During rehabilitation, a woman is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antibiotics. They are designed to protect the body from infection and eliminate inflammatory processes caused by surgery. Penicillin drugs, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinolones are prescribed. In this case, broad-spectrum drugs are chosen: Ampicillin, Doxycycline, Ofloxacin.
  2. Immunomodulators. The drugs are designed to enhance the functioning of the immune system. The most effective medications are: Cycloferon, Immunal, Trimunal.
  3. Vitamin complexes. During rehabilitation, a woman’s body especially needs complete enrichment with all minerals and vitamins. For such purposes, the doctor will recommend special complexes: Vitrum, Duovit.
  4. Homeopathic medicines. The necessary medications are selected for a woman depending on her condition. Thus, for bleeding disorders and in order to accelerate wound healing, the following drugs can be included in treatment: Ledum, Vomica, Arnica, Naya, Agaricus. To reduce swelling they recommend: Aurum metallicum, Apis, Barita carbonica. In case of purulent complications, the following will come to the rescue: Gepar sulfur, Sulfur iodine.

Medications - photo gallery

Ofloxacin is necessary to eliminate inflammatory processes caused by surgery
Cycloferon improves immunity Barita carbonica reduces swelling
Vitrum enriches the body with minerals and vitamins Ledum accelerates wound healing Sulfur iodine is prescribed in case of purulent complications

Folk remedies

During rehabilitation, folk remedies will be an excellent help. But they can only be used after consultation with your doctor.

One should not place high hopes on traditional treatment. This is only an addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment prognosis

In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, because lipoma is not a severe pathology. It causes virtually no complications.

But sometimes relapses occur. Most often, the recurrence of lipomas is caused by incomplete removal of the wen (remnants of the capsule, some fat cells). In this case, formations can appear both in the old place and in completely new areas.

Possible complications

There is a widespread belief among women that lipoma can be cured on their own by turning to competent healers.

Unfortunately, people who refuse surgical intervention and prefer traditional treatment often face dire consequences of their choice:

Possible consequences of the operation

Any surgical intervention can lead to unpleasant complications.

Removing a lipoma can provoke:

  • formation of hematomas;
  • wound infection;
  • swelling;
  • colloid scarring (the edges of the wound do not heal properly).

Prevention of pathology

There are simply no special measures to protect a woman from the formation of lipomas. After all, such formations are formed from adipose tissue. And it is definitely present in the body.

The pathological process is triggered by a combination of negative factors, such as disrupted hormonal levels, poor ecology, lifestyle and many other factors.

Doctors carefully analyzed the reasons leading to the formation of lipoma. This allowed them to identify several rules that reduce the risk of tumor development:

  1. It is necessary to eat properly and nutritiously.
  2. The skin should be protected from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  3. Any skin pathologies or allergic diseases should be treated in a timely manner.
  4. A woman needs to be regularly examined by a gynecologist and a mammologist.
  5. It is recommended to avoid harmful effects of chemicals on the body.
  6. It is important to maintain body hygiene. The skin must be thoroughly cleaned.
  7. A woman is advised to give up nicotine and alcohol abuse.

Getting rid of lipoma - video

Despite the fact that lipoma is not considered a dangerous pathology, it needs careful attention. Such a tumor can present a woman with unpleasant surprises. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health and regularly feel your breasts. And if you have any suspicions, contact your doctor immediately.

Lipoma is a common benign tumor of the mammary gland, which very rarely develops into cancer. Despite this fact, treatment must be carried out, since in some cases there is a risk of a threat to the woman’s life. If we consider the pathology from the aesthetic side, it can be noted that such tumors that form close to the surface of the skin significantly spoil the appearance of the breast.

What is breast lipoma

Lipoma (or wen) is a benign tumor that develops from mature adipose tissue cells (adiposocytes).

There are 2 theories of lipoma formation:

  1. Wen grows as an independent tumor from adiposocytes.
  2. The tumor is formed as a result of a violation of the outflow of sebaceous gland secretions and the accumulation of adipose tissue cells in the breast itself.

The first version of the origin of lipomas is the most recognized in the scientific world, as it is confirmed by many studies.

The secretion of the sebaceous glands (sebum) is a multicomponent substance, including cholesterol, acids, hormones, proteins, etc. The function of the secretion is to increase the elasticity of the skin, protect it from drying out, reduce friction of surfaces that come into contact, etc.

Lipomas in the breast can form not only in women, but also in men. In representatives of the stronger sex, wen is usually localized not deep in the chest, but closer to the surface of the skin. The incidence of the disease in them is several times lower than in women.

Classification of neoplasm

There are several types of formations that form in the mammary glands:

  • Fibrolipomas. This tumor consists predominantly of connective tissue, with virtually no fatty tissue.
  • Angiolipomas. These are formations containing a huge number of small blood vessels.
  • Lipofibromas. With this type of lipoma, adipose tissue significantly predominates over connective tissue.
  • Mycolipomas. They occur when a large amount of mucus forms in the fatty tissue of the mammary glands.
  • Mylolipomas. This neoplasm includes a large number of muscle fibers.

In addition, tumors are distinguished:

  • single, when there is only one lipoma in the mammary gland;
  • multiple, when several wen are found in the chest.

Causes and factors for the development of pathology

The reasons why breast lipoma forms are still a mystery. Scientists put forward different hypotheses for the appearance of this disease, but exact data have not been obtained. However, the main factors that increase the risk of its occurrence are known:

  • excess weight;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • impaired lymph flow due to physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle);
  • high-calorie diet with a predominance of animal fats and carbohydrate foods in the diet;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • bad habits;
  • chest injuries;
  • incorrectly selected underwear;
  • long exposure to the sun;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable regions with high radiation levels.

Symptoms of having a lipoma in the breast

If the tumor is located close to the surface, it can be seen with the naked eye. In this case, it looks like a tubercle protruding on top of the skin, a dense structure. A lipoma of this location does not cause pain to the patient, but causes discomfort when wearing underwear. Such a wen is a cosmetic defect that needs to be removed.

If a woman leads a healthy lifestyle, the likelihood of a tumor degenerating into a malignant formation is minimized. However, if her breasts are constantly exposed to adverse effects, for example, ultraviolet irradiation, compression by undersized underwear, the lipoma is likely to sooner or later transform into cancer. Thus, removing the wen is a mandatory preventive measure.

In the vast majority of cases, patients diagnose their neoplasm themselves by palpation and identify pathology based on the following signs:

  • the presence of a tubercle or multiple formations under the skin;
  • no pain when pressing on these tubercles;
  • change in the shape of the breast (if the lipoma is large).

Tumor diagnosis

Only a mammologist or gynecologist can diagnose breast lipoma. First, the specialist conducts an external examination of the breast, then performs palpation (palpation) - first superficial and then deep. To confirm his guesses regarding a certain disease and exclude other pathologies (the tumor is easily confused with other formations), he may prescribe additional diagnostic tests:

  1. Mammography, which allows you to see the structure and size of the tumor.
  2. Ultrasound, based on the results of which one can draw conclusions about the outlines of the tumor, its borders, and determine the presence of other formations in the mammary gland.
  3. MRI to see the location of blood vessels near and within the lipoma.
  4. Computed tomography (CT) to differentiate adipose tissue from other types and determine the exact location of the tumor.
  5. A biopsy, which involves removing a small piece of fatty tissue from the breast to test for the presence or absence of cancer cells.
  6. Blood test (general and biochemical) to assess your overall health.
  7. Hormonal studies.

Treatment approaches

Wen lesions are treated with both conservative and surgical methods, depending on the severity of the disease. As for folk remedies, most doctors note their low effectiveness.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy for lipoma includes several methods:

  • Injections. If the tumor is small (up to 3 cm in diameter), this treatment is very effective. The drug is injected using a thin needle directly into the formation, and it gradually resolves. The course of treatment is long and ranges from 2 months or more.
  • Radio waves. Radio waves simply burn out the lipoma. The doctor directs the rays directly to the tumor area, and it is destroyed within a few days. But this method is contraindicated if the patient has any prostheses inside her body.
  • Laser. One of the best and most painless ways to remove a wen. Before laser irradiation, the woman is given anesthesia, and during the process the tumor is completely destroyed.
  • Puncture. When using this method, the contents of the lipoma capsule are pumped out with a needle, but the tumor shell itself is not removed, so there remains a high risk of relapse.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, conservative therapy is not indicated for breast lipoma, and only surgical treatment remains.

Surgery is necessary if:

  • rapid growth of the tumor is observed;
  • the wen compresses the glandular tissues, because it has an impressive size;
  • the tumor is very noticeable in appearance and significantly worsens the appearance of the breast;
  • The woman is constantly bothered by pain.

Surgical removal of a lipoma does not require hospitalization. The operation takes only one and a half to two hours, after which the woman goes home with the necessary treatment prescribed.

The endoscopic method is one of the most common surgical methods for lipoma removal. A special device makes punctures in the skin and tissue of the breast, and with the help of devices inserted into these holes, under video control, the tumor is removed. This is a minimally invasive type of surgical intervention, and, unlike the classical method of removing a tumor, it is more gentle. After healing, a small scar remains at the site of the operation.

The lipectomy method is also widely used, in which, in addition to the formation itself, excess fatty tissue in the mammary gland is removed. This operation is usually performed when the disease is advanced and the lipoma reaches a large size. After this type of intervention, the patient needs to restore the shape of the breast, i.e., mammoplasty.

Rehabilitation after removal of a benign tumor

Rehabilitation includes:

  • use of homeopathic remedies (EDAS drops, etc.);
  • taking immunomodulators (Agarik-Life, etc.);
  • taking vitamin complexes (Duovit, Alphabet, etc.);
  • antibiotic therapy to prevent bacterial infection (Metronidazole, Erythromycin, etc.);
  • treating the wound with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution, etc.).

An integrated approach to rehabilitation allows you to achieve full recovery in the shortest possible time and reduce the occurrence of relapses to a minimum.


Non-traditional methods are ineffective in treating lipoma. It is unlikely that taking herbal decoctions and compresses will contribute to the resorption of the neoplasm. However, these drugs can have a beneficial effect on the body and strengthen the immune system during the main therapy.

The most common folk methods for treating wen include remedies prepared according to the following recipes:

  • 500 grams of fresh burdock root are crushed and poured into 0.7 liters of vodka. Leave for 1 month, then filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. Treatment time is 1–2 months. The course is repeated once every six months.
  • Viburnum berries (1 kg) are ground into a pulp, honey and cognac are added (proportion 2:2:1). The resulting mixture is placed in a glass container and tightly closed. Infusion time is 1 month. Then filter everything to remove the viburnum seeds, and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Treat until the mixture runs out. It is recommended to repeat once every six months.
  • Salt, honey and sour cream are combined in equal parts. After a shower, apply the resulting mixture to your chest, leave for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat compresses every other day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Folk remedies in the photo

Compresses with salt and honey relieve pain in the mammary gland due to lipoma Burdock root decoction is an effective treatment for breast lipoma
Viburnum berries are an excellent immunomodulatory agent

Prognosis for treatment of breast wen and possible complications

The prognosis for treatment in the vast majority of cases (more than 95%) is favorable. If, along with conservative therapy, the patient regularly undergoes preventive examinations, which make sure that the wen is not growing, the tumor does not pose a threat to life.

When lipomas are removed using modern methods, in particular laser, no health problems arise. Another question is if the disease is advanced and classical surgery is required.

After surgery, the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation therapy for 1–2 months. If treatment after surgery is prescribed in full, and the woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the risk of re-formation of the formation or any complications is reduced to zero.


Preventive measures to prevent breast lipoma are simple and include:

  • undergoing an ultrasound scan once a year;
  • undergoing mammography once a year (after 45 years);
  • testing for tumor markers to exclude tumor degeneration into cancer at least once a year;
  • following a low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet;
  • excess weight control;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • adequate sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • eliminating bad habits.

How to get rid of lipoma - video by Elena Malysheva

Breast lipoma is a harmless formation that forms in the cavities of this organ from fat cells. However, if such a pathology is diagnosed, removal of the tumor is mandatory, since when exposed to unfavorable factors, the risk of its degeneration into cancer increases several times. It is important to regularly palpate your breasts yourself and, if you find formations similar to a wen, consult a doctor.