Successful businesses in the regions. The best small business ideas with quick payback. Business on traffic jams

The most profitable business in Russia is in the area that the entrepreneur has a passion for. In other words, you need to do only what you love. However, this business must still be profitable and generate some income. Therefore, before determining the field of activity where to organize a profitable business, you need to first select the most popular industries.

What kind of business is considered profitable?

In the modern market, the most numerous are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it is in them that any subject can begin to function quickly, independently and without significant investments.

The main criteria for the “level of profitability” of a business are:

  • The speed of return of funds invested in the business. In this case we are talking about the operating cycle. For example, from purchasing a product to receiving money (in fact) from its sale, a minimum period of time should be spent.
  • Demand. A profitable business can only be carried out among an accessible target audience that is potentially interested in certain services.
  • Cost of materials and raw materials. Both profit and profit depend on it.
  • Profitability. This indicator is closely related to the previous two. Thus, profits will increase simultaneously with sales volume.
  • Capital productivity. This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of investments and their proportionality with the profit received.

Opening a profitable business is very easy

When organizing your own business, it is advisable for a novice entrepreneur to be interested in the political and economic situation in the country. This is the only way to determine the most profitable business in Russia today. It is necessary for yourself to identify the main indicators for each desired type of activity and monitor the expected results for them.

As a simple example, the article examines trade in basic necessities. This activity can be classified as a profitable small business. An analysis of its effectiveness was carried out according to the five criteria given above.

  • The speed of cash turnover is quite high. For example, a store purchased bread and milk, which will be sold out over the next few days.
  • The demand for the same bread, matches and soap will always be, regardless of whether there is an economic boom or a crisis or war.
  • Low cost of goods with a huge selection of suppliers, while the markup is set independently by the seller.
  • There is a direct relationship, expressed as follows: big leads to high profits.
  • High business efficiency due to good sales and inelasticity of demand.

The following types of activities can be classified as profitable businesses: beauty and entertainment industry, catering, wholesale trade, repair services, tourism and advertising business, installation and subsequent maintenance of equipment, Internet commerce, logistics, transport and educational services.

Deciding on a specific direction of activity

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, given some instability and the transitional state of the economic situation, it is not enough to identify the most profitable business in Russia, based only on standard economic parameters. We must also remember about bureaucratic and political obstacles, high competition and peculiarities of mentality in some areas, as well as the underdevelopment of certain types of activities. Therefore, every aspiring entrepreneur needs to decide what he is willing to face in order to achieve effective work. There is no need to give up those niches that may at first glance seem unpromising and crowded, but using special tools to organize the most profitable business in Russia.

Main types of successful business

  • Advertising business. Many people trade and understand that advertising is the engine of their activities. Despite the competition, there will always be demand. Advertising agencies make up a fairly large segment of the service industry. At the same time, they continue to actively develop in the future. Therefore, advertising activities can be considered as a profitable business.
  • Trade. Today it is quite difficult to break into the market with daily consumption goods. However, there is an alternative to it - online stores. This is a very profitable business in Moscow, gradually gaining momentum.

Opening a business in Moscow

The capital is a city of enormous opportunity, in which every citizen is trying to take his place. Businessmen are no exception. Let's consider the main types of activities that make up the category of “profitable business” in Moscow.

Providing small loans

In the first place is the implementation of activities in the field of small lending. Today, many offices have opened that issue small amounts of money at high interest rates. Thanks to such a high percentage, businessmen receive income. This type of activity is considered profitable, despite minor investments at the initial stage.

Grocery stores and food outlets

The second place may be taken by the sale of food products. Despite the large number of such retail outlets in the capital, they are often located near residential buildings and therefore are quite in demand. At the starting stage, small financial resources are needed to pay for renting premises, purchasing goods, paying salaries to employees and for expenses associated with obtaining various trade permits.

Placing fast food stalls can be considered as a profitable business when such stalls are located, for example, on the forecourt. This is due to significant costs of renting or purchasing premises, which can be repaid due to the high turnover of the cost of services, due to the large number of arrivals (departures).

Sale of medicines, perfumes and personal care products

This type of business is in third place in terms of benefits. The opening of at least one pharmacy in one of the central districts will provide its organizer with a significant income, which can be comparable to the profit of several similar institutions, but in a residential area.

The profitability of a business selling personal care products and perfumes is associated with the constant need for hygiene products for every person. The return on investment for this type of activity in Moscow is much higher than in other cities. A positive point is the relatively low costs associated with purchasing products and paying for rent.

Public ground transport services

The profitability of this business is guaranteed due to the annual increase in travel tariff rates. At the same time, the costs of paying taxes, paying employee salaries, gasoline and servicing rolling stock often remain at the same level.


And finally, last on the list of profitable types of business is the provision of medical services. Among the advantages of this type of activity are the following: a small staff, a small rented premises and

Owning your own enterprise is not just an opportunity to work exclusively for yourself, it is a chance to realize your personal entrepreneurial potential, gain control over your own time and your financial security. The hardest part is always the planning stage, because it will determine whether you will be able to succeed in your chosen field. Only a few at the start of their business know exactly what they want to do. For everyone else, we offer a list of business areas that will help you decide on the direction. It would also be useful to have an extensive one, in which you can easily choose and buy the option you like.

How to choose your niche correctly

The field of work you choose should not only bring profit, it should allow you to realize yourself, constantly showing your competitors exactly how you differ from them, why the consumer should choose you. Thus, the choice of development direction should be based on the following principles:

  • you should enjoy your chosen activity;
  • the result of your activities must be in demand and useful for the consumer;
  • your work must be profitable, in other words, generate income.

Based on this, it becomes clear that opening your own enterprise is preceded by a certain preparatory stage, which includes:

  • creating a list of your interests and clients for whom they can be targeted;
  • market analysis from the consumer's point of view;
  • assessment of the chosen niche from various positions;
  • searching for funds to start.

Thus, the choice of business should depend not only on your personal preferences, but also on consumer demand, the ability to implement it in the locality in which you are located, as well as on the availability of financial resources for the successful launch of the project.

Which area to choose

If we talk about the classification of activities in general, then the entire business can be divided into 5 large groups:

  • production;
  • commerce;
  • finance;
  • consulting;
  • services.

It goes without saying that the classification does not end there. Each of these categories includes a wide variety of types of entrepreneurship. For the purpose of systematization, government agencies even created a whole list of types of economic activities, which gives each of them a special code, which facilitates the process of accounting for established enterprises.

So, let's look at all areas in sections:

The list of business sectors that we have given can be expanded through a more detailed classification. You can view the full list of activities here.

It goes without saying that the industry you choose should correspond to personal preferences and existing knowledge, but in any case you will have to start with a business plan, for example, you can view and. Moreover, each of them has a number of its own advantages. For example, the service sector is different:

  • small investments;
  • ease of control;
  • the possibility of providing additional services;
  • no need to invest large amounts of money in advertising and promotion, since this area often develops thanks to word of mouth.

The production sector is more complex and costly even at the initial stage. Usually it is associated with the purchase of expensive equipment and the rental of large premises. But those who decide to succeed in this particular direction can enlist the support of the state, since this particular business is now a priority in Russia. In any case, whatever the chosen niche, it must be in demand and also benefit society. Only then will your work be rewarded with good profits.

Answers and examples of which business is the most profitable, and in which area you should look for ideas for launching a startup.

Now, if you asked me where to get a job in order to earn a lot, not have to deal with a tyrant boss, but have the opportunity to do what I love and develop, I would, without hesitation, answer: “Open a profitable business.”

There are many advantages to being your own boss, however, this path is not without problems, one of the main ones is deciding what exactly you will do and.

Conditions for building the most profitable business

Business exists according to certain rules, knowledge of which will quickly lead to good profits.

Conditions for building a profitable business:

  1. Find one with low competition and high profitability.
  2. Write a competent business plan, without which only suicides can venture into the entrepreneurial environment.

    Even smart businessmen who have been in the business sphere for many years do not allow themselves to do this.

    Start doing business with a passive source of income, that is, you make a profit even without your direct participation.

    Well, this is how interest on a bank deposit accumulates: you put one amount into the account, do nothing to make it increase, but at the end you get a profit.

  3. Constantly look for new ways to promote your business.
  4. Reduce costs for maintaining your business project.

    Sometimes you can come across complaints from entrepreneurs that there seems to be income, but nothing remains in the hands of the owner.
    The whole point is that you didn’t take care of optimizing costs.

  5. Form a team of like-minded people, because rarely do any types of business activities enable lone wolves to make big profits.
  6. Motivate yourself every day for success, drive away depressive thoughts and believe that you will soon build a profitable business.

5 examples of the most profitable business

Let's start our conversation about business niches with examples of people who managed to get rich in seemingly not very promising areas.

In general, I think that an article on any topic without examples is a waste of time, otherwise how can you prove to non-believers (and there are plenty of them everywhere) that it is not saints who build profitable businesses.

These people, with their concrete example, will show you which business is the most profitable, because they managed to earn billions from their business:

    Michelle Farrero (net worth $10 billion).

    Do you like Ferrero Rocher sweets? What about chocolate eggs with a Kinder Surprise toy? And what about the delicious Nutella spread on bread?

    And all this is produced by the same person, whose business began with the sale of chocolate butter for breakfast.

    Ralph Lorrain (net worth $5 billion).

    Everyone who is familiar with at least the basics of fashion knows him.

    And the son of poor, unfortunate Russian immigrants began building his fashion business empire by sticking a horse emblem on an ordinary shirt and declaring that goods with such a logo cost 50 bucks apiece.

    Ty Warner (net worth about $5 billion).

    Well, who can be surprised with plush toys today?
    But in 1986, when Warner began producing his cute Bunny bears, he managed to make billions from their sales.

    Now he has significantly expanded his business horizons, building an expensive hotel and being involved in real estate.

    Jeff Bizos (net worth $4.5 billion).

    Here is an example of a profitable business built on the Internet.

    This entrepreneur is the owner of the resource, where you can buy and sell anything.

    A project was launched with the goal of selling books via the Internet.

    Mario Moretti Polygatto (net worth $3 billion).

    Another revolutionary in the fashion industry, the founder of the shoe brand Geox.

    Shoes and other footwear with “breathable” soles are still very popular among residents of different countries and bring big profits to their “father,” although the company was founded back in 1994.

What is the most profitable business in the trade sector?

Since ancient times, trading has been a way to become a rich and respected person.

Centuries have passed and nothing has changed; it is still possible to build a profitable business in the field of trade.

The most profitable way to do business is by selling:


    People ate, are eating and will continue to eat.

    Even despite the high level of competition in this sector, you can build a profitable business if you offer customers something special that cannot be found from your competitors: a range of products, a bonus system, low prices, etc.

    It is more difficult in this area, because ready-to-wear stores top the anti-rating of business projects that most often fail.

    But you can find a way out of any situation.

    Give people what they need, for example, high-quality clothing at an affordable price; there is an acute shortage of such goods on the market today.

    To do this, you just need to find a good supplier, and high profits will not be long in coming.

    Household goods.

    Here we roughly include trade in household chemicals, building materials, furniture, sanitary ware, dishes, home textiles, in general, everything that brightens up and simplifies the life of a modern person.

What is the most profitable business in the service sector?

Another trouble-free business niche, albeit also with a high level of competition, is serving people.

If you are looking for a business that can be made profitable in a short time, then you should think about opening:

    Restaurant, cafe, snack bar or any other catering establishment.

    Here you should bet on the originality of the business project; there are more banal cafes in any city than toads in the swamp.

    A beauty salon or a regular hairdresser.

    A particularly profitable business is hairdressing salons with a narrow range of services (hair work, manicure-pedicure), located in residential areas.

    Anything repair company.

    Shoes, houses, appliances, cars, clothes, etc.

    People have always tried to repair an old thing so as not to buy a new one, and in times of crisis such a niche for business is especially relevant and profitable.

Why should you think about doing business in the service sector?

The arguments are presented in the following video:

Which business is the most profitable: the Internet sphere

Many people involved in business, including myself, believe that the most profitable field for activity is the Internet.

It is on the Internet that you can build a successful business with minimal capital investment.

On the World Wide Web you can build the following profitable business:

  1. Create, making money on affiliate programs and contextual advertising.
  2. Open an online store.

    The same trade, only the costs of opening and maintaining a virtual store are reduced significantly.

  3. Sell ​​information by opening an online news resource or service for providing online consultations.
  4. Do you know how to work with special programs and be creative?

    Then this business is for you.

  5. Selling your knowledge and skills: writing texts, processing photographs, etc.

I think now you understand which business is the most profitable and in which area you should look for interesting ideas for launching a startup.

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Today, the unstable financial situation in the country is leading to job cuts. Some people find jobs in new companies after being fired, while others are looking for ways to organize their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with small investments.

What business is in demand now?

Supply is formed by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most popular business, you need to determine what products and services the population of your city needs. It is believed that in any region, the greatest demand is for organizations engaged in repairs, replacement of plumbing fixtures, and sales of household chemicals and products. An analysis of the market for services and goods will help you find out more precisely which business is relevant now.

Demand for services

According to statistics, employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. Demand for the services of plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In Moscow and other large cities, companies providing commercial transportation come first in terms of the number of requests. Organizations from the beauty and health sector are only 1% behind in the top. By finding out which services are in greatest demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now?

Aspiring entrepreneurs like to wonder what people are in demand right now. Current products remain the same. Example of high-margin products: flowers, drinks, jewelry, handmade products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic drinks are considered popular products.

What kind of business is in demand now in a small town?

Beginning entrepreneurs bypass small settlements. In their opinion, business there brings in very little income. This is partly true, because salaries there are lower than in big cities. The costs of renting and purchasing premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in a small town is a general hairdressing salon. In addition to hairdressers, there should be manicure-pedicurists, cosmetologists and massage therapists. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the financial situation of the country, because... people tend to restore old things because they are afraid of spending a lot of money.

In-demand business

Commercial activities are always aimed at satisfying people's needs or stimulating demand. Any promising business is built on this. You can create demand for products artificially by advertising products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business decisions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activities should generate maximum income with minimal cash investments and exploitation of various resources. These features characterize a highly profitable business. During a crisis, you should not open enterprises engaged in the production of any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks will be high, and you will see real profits only after a few years. The service sector is considered successful.

Super profitable business

All aspiring entrepreneurs dream of receiving fabulous money, but few manage to realize this in practice. Some franchises allow you to build a highly profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save and get a lot of money is to create a completely new and in-demand business for the region. Options for directions: from restoration or car rental to your own consignment store.

The most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can quickly return all the invested funds - in less than 2 months. A similar situation is observed with healthy food restaurants. People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The fastest-paying business is able to return all invested funds within a month. Before starting your own business, study current business ideas, sorting them by profitability indicators for your region - this way you can weed out proposals that will lead to bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable business on the Internet

A distinctive feature of activities on the World Wide Web is the lack of connection to your place of residence. You can look for clients both in your city and outside it, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in the real market. A budding entrepreneur does not even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launching an online store;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

You can create a current business providing services on the Internet if you are a specialist in any field. You need to create a portfolio or launch a business card website where your skills will be described in detail. You can launch an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. Products will be sold with a slight markup.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. In practice, a profitable business with minimal investment can be organized if you offer products of your own production, engage in intellectual work, or act as an intermediary, organizing purchase and sale transactions. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to earning money with small investments. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested people from the population. If the idea of ​​creating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can take up farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from an environmental point of view is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

Commercial activity must be profitable. The proceeds must cover the costs of further development of the organization, wages of employees and the entrepreneur’s own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is considered unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to loss of finance over time. By studying the rating of small businesses by profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. The TOP 5 best entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors. The economic state of the country and changes in legislation have virtually no effect on the popularity of auditing. This list also includes consulting services.
  2. Clinics of narrow specialization. Various types of cosmetology and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, so this field of activity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services. Needed by both small companies and large enterprises. The only disadvantage of this industry today is high competition.
  4. Law offices. A highly profitable business with well-qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit. This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products produced by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Economic performance indicators determine whether a company will survive or not. They need to be taken into account when choosing the direction of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table showing business profitability by industry.

TOP 7 profitable business ideas

Business ideas that make a profit, or ideas that no one believed in? Brave Russian entrepreneurs have mastered unoccupied niches (joint purchasing, ice cream parlors, quests) and were right on target!


According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the share of small businesses in the country’s GDP should increase to 30% by 2020. SMEs in total will account for at least half of the gross domestic product. Such forecasts are not unfounded: every year more and more successful business ideas for small businesses appear, which are implemented by entrepreneurs not only in various Russian regions. The most original and profitable ideas of entrepreneurs will be discussed in this article!

Not by bread alone...

  • Idea: sturgeon farm
  • Entrepreneur: Victor Kozemsky
  • Region: Belgorod region
  • Description: In 2014, in the Gayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region, the construction of a farm for growing sturgeon fish in recirculating water supply (RAS) systems began. The enterprise was named “Belosetr” and, according to the creator, was designed to produce up to 0.5 tons of caviar annually, starting in 2017.

Previously, Kozemsky was engaged in fish farming in Donetsk, after which he decided to launch a unique project for Russia - a fully automated sturgeon farm. Kozemsky and his colleagues have been developing equipment for keeping and feeding sturgeon for over 10 years, using their own developments.

At the moment, the plant has more than 7 tons of brood fish stock at its disposal. The company also has a workshop for growing fry, that is, the implementation of the second stage of a large-scale project has now begun. At the end of 2015, the company sold:

  • 0.2 t black caviar;
  • 1.5 tons of fish.

Let us recall that the average cost of 1 kg of black caviar on the Russian wholesale market reaches 28 - 30 thousand rubles. Now the farm plans to produce 2 tons of sturgeon and sterlet caviar by 2018.

Interesting: According to the Ministry of Agriculture, exports of Russian black caviar tripled last year and reached 4.71 tons during the first and third quarters of 2015. The reason for this is the active development of sturgeon production and a favorable market situation in the context of a falling ruble exchange rate.

Small wholesale: making money on savings

  • Idea: online store in Cash & Carry format
  • Entrepreneur: Elena Drovovozova
  • Region: Moscow
  • Description: in 2014, Elena Drovovozova, a former lawyer at the multi-format trading company X5 Retail Group, founded an online cosmetics store in a format similar to Cash & Carry. The store was named and offers customers cosmetics at retail and wholesale at a discounted price. The idea of ​​crowdshopping was taken as the basis for creating the store. In order to save on the purchase of goods and delivery, people join groups and make joint purchases.

At this stage, the store’s assortment includes more than 20 thousand products. According to Alexa Rank, the store ranks 260,378, it is viewed daily by more than 9 thousand people, and the average cost of the resource is estimated at just over 9.6 thousand US dollars. The success of the store is due to the growing popularity of joint purchases (they account for almost 40% of turnover). Most profitable startups are in one way or another connected with crowdshopping (Rentoid, Uber, etc.), but in Russia the niche has not yet been occupied, and therefore everyone has a chance for success!

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DIY: Basic Cooking

  • Idea: food constructors
  • Entrepreneur: Olga Zinovieva
  • Region: Moscow and Moscow region
  • Description: In 2014, a former McKinsey consultant created a home delivery service for groceries. Its peculiarity is that the products are intended for the preparation of specific dishes: washed, peeled, cut. The kits come with colorful step-by-step recipes that allow you to prepare delicious dishes in 5 to 30 minutes.

Grocery packages are delivered twice a week when you subscribe on the website. The menu for each client is compiled individually based on a preliminary survey. In just one month of work, 120 thousand residents of the capital became participants in the project, which brought the company more than 1.2 million rubles. (according to RBC).

The idea to create a food constructor came to Olga while studying at Harvard Business School. She immediately attracted the attention of the head of the Boston venture capital fund, Lawrence Lepard. The fund invested 200 thousand US dollars in the project in exchange for a 10% share in the business.

In 2016, the Elementaree project managed to attract more than 500 thousand US dollars from an international investor, whose name was not disclosed. The funds received will be spent on platform development (automation of business processes, scaling). The creators plan to create a full-fledged alternative to offline supermarkets within 3 to 5 years.

How to wash money: making money from laundries

  • Idea: self-service laundry network
  • Entrepreneurs: Pavel Glushenkov, Oleg Maslennikov
  • Region: Krasnodar region
  • Description: In 2011, former law enforcement officer Oleg Maslennikov, inspired by self-service laundries popular in the United States, opened the first laundromat in Krasnodar. At first, the entrepreneur encountered problems, for example, choosing the wrong equipment (washing machines with a load capacity of 6.5 kg did not meet the needs of customers). But he successfully chose a location in a new shopping center, which allowed him to save on advertising.

In 2014, having 2 laundries in Krasnodar and 1 in Omsk, the entrepreneur decided to develop the business. At this stage, he was joined by Pavel Glushenkov, who had previously developed his own network of laundries, the first of which was created as a franchise. Currently, the network has 15 points in the regions, including Moscow. 8 of them are located in the premises of the Magnit chain stores, popular in the Southern Federal District.

According to RBC, the maximum income from one point can reach 350 thousand rubles, and the net profit (minus the cost of rent, household chemicals, taxes, the cost of utilities) is about 120 - 150 thousand rubles. According to entrepreneurs, opening a self-service laundry will require 2 million rubles, and the payback period reaches 3 years.

Games that people play: quests in reality as a source of income

  • Idea: quests in reality
  • Entrepreneur: Sergey Kuznetsov, Bogdan Kravtsov, Timur Kadyrov
  • Regions: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod
  • Description: in 2013, the first quest room appeared in Moscow - a room for completing errand games with a planned plot. Bogdan Kravtsov, who previously worked as an IT specialist at Yandex and Artemy Lebedev Studio, was inspired to create the quest by his favorite PC game “Skray,” as well as successful examples in Europe and the West.

In partnership with friends who owned a company producing board games and souvenirs, Kravtsov began developing scenarios for the first two games: “Psychiatric Hospital” and “Soviet Apartment.” The entrepreneurs managed to create scenarios in just a couple of evenings, and the amount of investment to open the first quest room, according to Forbes, amounted to 500 thousand rubles.

At this stage, each quest room of the Claustrophobia network brings in approximately 1.1 million rubles. monthly. The first franchises were sold in 2014. Their cost was 150 thousand rubles, while the royalty rate ranged from 10% for the regions to 15% in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In a difficult economic situation, profitable business ideas should be aimed at people who do not have the opportunity or means to travel abroad. After all, they will look for entertainment in their city. And in these conditions, quests are the optimal solution!