What useful things can be done from rose petals. Roses and cosmetology. Facial lotions

What can you make from rose petals at home if religion, a sense of beauty and an inner toad do not allow you to part with them amicably and designate their next (after your apartment) place of residence as the nearest trash can? This question plagues me at least five times a year)... My inner esthete and outer amateur gardener bursts into tears when he sees the unfortunate lifeless plants sticking forlornly out of the trash can. And every time I think about these unfortunate rose petals - what can I do with them?... I will cover our bed with white rose petals... take a bath with petals and drink a cup of coffee... no! Every time I make a hydrolate from rose petals, i.e. rose water (in our opinion). The result is a 100% natural, organic, herbal toner that takes care of your face no worse than any store-bought toner...

1. So, we take a patient who no longer dead, than he lives, and treacherously fleece him former beauty. At the exit we get a slide of petals. You see in my slide not only pink petals, but also orange peel, I’ll explain how it got there: orange, also known as citrus, also known as vitamin C, is an excellent natural preservative that will help our hydrosol not to go stale. No, this does not mean that without orange the hydrosol will immediately disappear! He will live and feel great, but I’m still playing it safe.

2. Take a pan, a sieve (colander), a lid and a bowl. In my case, this is: a steam-cooking system consisting of a pan, a colander according to the size of the pan and a lid. This is a kit that was sold just like that, if you don’t have such extremely hydrolate beauties, you can easily replace the whole thing with an ordinary pan with a colander.

3. Place a bowl in the center of the colander and pour the petals around it.

4. Pour water into the main pan, about one-third full. It’s better to take pure, bottled or spring water, but for everyone who doesn’t have one, I, from the generosity of my soul, allow them to take regular boiled water and not bother. Actually, that's what I did)))

5. We assemble Shaitan - a machine - a hydrolatonic apparatus, which in my case, when assembled, looks like this:

6.Take the lid and turn it upside down! This is necessary so that the condensation that collects on the lid flows neatly into your bowl, and does not create chaos and wobble along the walls of the pan.

7. Put the shaitan apparatus on the fire, turn on the lowest gas setting (or set it to low on the electric stove) and forget about the witchcraft brew for three hours.

8. After three hours, we remember about the pan, turn off the heat and disassemble the structure. At the end of the day, in a bowl we get the purest rose hydrosol, transparent, like a jellyfish’s tear...

9…pour the precious liquid into a convenient container. I pour it into this bottle from Morningstar Minerals, Skin Energy, Revitalizing Mist, 8 fl oz
His sprayer is just WOW! He is incomparable! I don’t know how they did it, but it sprays liquid beautifully, doesn’t spit, doesn’t clog. It’s worth buying even just for the atomizer))) By the way, this tonic is wonderful in itself, you can read the review here: link to post

10. And what remains at the bottom of the pan can be poured out, but I know that many people use this liquid too. I don’t know if this should be done... It looks like this:

That's all! Nothing complicated) We use the hydrosol as a tonic and are glad that we didn’t throw away the rose petals in vain. By the way, when the brew is boiling, there is simply an intoxicating sweet aroma in the house Garden of Eden) And it lasts quite a long time. The hydrosol does not have such a strong aroma, but you can still smell the rose quite clearly. This is not the first time I have made hydrosol with my own hands, and I can say that the effect of it is impressive: it perfectly soothes the skin, does not irritate, evens out the tone, and has a barely noticeable lifting effect. Doesn't work any miracles on wrinkles. But I still really like the result. If you have a couple of minutes of free time and an armful of roses, I recommend experimenting)

Hello, dear interlocutors! You were recently given roses, but the buds are already falling, but your hand does not rise to throw them in the trash? And rightly so! After all, the petals can still serve you. They are used to prepare fragrant jam, beautiful ice for champagne, bath salts and much more. What can you make from rose petals at home? Let's look at 10 recipes!


It is not surprising that women primarily use the flower for skin and body care. It makes the face silky and rejuvenates.

Pink water.

Used to relieve irritations. Approximately 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for half an hour. After removing the sediment, pour the liquid into a container (ideally darkened) and place it in the refrigerator. The only negative is the short shelf life. Only 3 days. But it is natural and harmless.


The procedure softens the epidermis, rejuvenates, relieves stress, fatigue and simply improves your mood. Fill the bathtub halfway, then add petals from 10 roses. It is acceptable to take dried ones. Fill in completely. Get into the water and enjoy. If you have a very difficult day, you can add essential oil, turn off the lights, light candles, listen to relaxing music and drink cool, freshly squeezed juice.

Sea salt.

Pour the preparation into a small glass jar - regular sea ​​salt. Generously distribute the petals in it, trying to place them evenly throughout the container. Close and shake. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Stir occasionally without opening. Homemade salt ready! For one session you will need 6 tbsp. l. Dissolve them in 1 liter of water, then pour into the rest of the volume.

Rose oil.

The resulting mixture can be used in different ways: instead of a soothing lotion after a shower, to make the skin velvety and smooth, to remove makeup and cleanse the skin, as a massage oil, as a basis for creams, masks, etc.

Is our homemade oil will not consist entirely of roses or essential oils. It's more like a tincture. Pour 2 cups of petals with 1 cup of peach squeeze. It is permissible to replace olive oil, but the effect will be somewhat weaker. Seal the container tightly and put it aside for 3 weeks. Shake occasionally to active substances distributed evenly. Remove any sediment. Store in a cool, dark place.

Cosmetic ice.

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a full handful of raw materials. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the liquid to infuse and thicken. useful substances. Once cooled, pour into molds. If you want to achieve a decorative effect, add petals to each piece. This ice can be used to wipe not only the face, but also the décolleté area. It is advisable to carry out procedures twice a day: morning and evening.

And these are not all the ways! Soon I will talk about how to make lotions, masks and other natural cosmetics from the plant!

For home

Here the flight of fancy is even wider. I won’t bore you with intrigue: let’s get straight to the tricks and recipes.


Instead of the usual chemical air freshener, you can make a natural one with your own hands. One important condition: the buds must have a bright aroma. After preparation, take a beautiful jar and place some of the petals on the bottom. Sprinkle a thin layer of sea salt. Lay the leaves again. Continue until you reach the neck.

It is permissible to compact it slightly: this will release the smell even better. Experiment with colors, but don't use pre-flavored salt. Close the jar tightly. Set aside in a cool, dark place. Shake slightly occasionally. After a week, the flavoring can be used. Just open the lid a little and enjoy the aroma.


I have given several recipes before, so I will not repeat them. Here, too, imagination comes into play: add petals to the base or decorate the soap with them. The buds will give finished product extraordinary aroma and softness. This soap will make your hands velvety and quickly relieve irritation.


Beautiful scented pillows are easy to make yourself. Just fill the bag with leaves. The only difficulty is drying them. Place the collected raw materials on a newspaper away from sun rays and drafts. Wait until it dries. Do you feel how much brighter the smell has become? A sachet can be a great addition to your purse or add a delicate scent to your linen in your closet.

Decorative ice.

How to surprise your guests on New Year's Eve? Serve champagne on ice with buds! It is advisable to take small inflorescences so that the whole one fits into each piece. If there are none, then you will have to use ordinary petals. Tear them coarsely first to make it more beautiful. Now simply place the blanks in the molds and fill with water. On the holiday, all you have to do is fill the champagne bucket with ice. This option is also great for romantic evenings.


IN culinary purposes use tea rose. From its delicate petals you can prepare aromatic delicious jam. Under no circumstances take plants that have been treated with chemicals! Only homemade flowers are suitable for cooking.

You will need 200 g of fresh leaves. Pour boiling water over the workpiece and immediately lower it into cold water. Repeat the process 3 times. The buds should become soft and limp. Now prepare the main mixture: combine 350 ml of water and rose. Place on medium heat. Keep the temperature just below boiling. You will notice that the color has changed. Wait, it’s too early to panic!

Add 1.5 cups of sugar and mix well. Complete the composition with 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice. It is needed not only for taste, but also to maintain brightness and attractive looking. Keep the mixture on low heat for another 5 minutes. Mix another half cup of sugar with 1 tsp. pectin (or agar-agar), add to the jam. Keep on very low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Ready! All that remains is to pour into jars and put in the refrigerator.

A little trick: if you need to keep the petals bright and fresh (for example, for crafts), then you can preserve them in wax. Simply melt the base and, holding the leaves with tweezers, lower them into the hot mixture. Lift, let excess drip off, give the required form and leave to dry. You can do the same with whole buds.

It turns out that a bouquet is not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift! I will share new ones with you soon in simple ways give roses a second life.

What do you do with fading flowers? Tell us about your family secrets!

What could be better than a cup of aromatic tea if you need to cope with depression, confusion, confusion? Probably only tea made from rose petals is a surprisingly gentle and romantic drink, which, moreover, has a number of beneficial properties.

Tea with pink petals- This is a very beautiful drink. But this is not its main value.

Benefits of rose petals

Tea made from rose petals is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy. Even in ancient times, doctors knew that such tea refreshes, restores the ability to think, and puts the heart in order.

This is interesting! For quite a long time, rose petal tea was considered an “aristocratic” medicine, inaccessible to ordinary people.

This drink has an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral effect on the body. It is useful to drink for colds, flu or other diseases respiratory system. For coughs, it is used as an expectorant. And if you add honey to tea, you get a cure for stomatitis and various inflammatory processes.

Rose tea will be very useful for problems with gastrointestinal tract– an infusion of petals has the ability to soothe the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the bright delicate aroma of tea lifts your mood and helps get rid of depressive state or blues.
As in other cases, medicinal properties pink petals are determined by their composition:

  • essential oils;
  • several sugars;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids (including citric and malic);
  • vitamins from group B, K, E, PP, C;
  • tannin, flavonoids.

Tea made from rose petals helps get rid of toxins, normalizes intestinal microflora, and copes with insomnia. In the form of lotions, it helps fight conjunctivitis.

What kind of rose can you brew?

Chinese rose is well suited for brewing tea. A drink made from it helps cleanse the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. He also copes well with hangover syndrome, and it will also be useful for men because it increases potency. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gall bladder, normalizes arterial pressure. Another beneficial property of Chinese rose tea - conclusion excess liquid from the body, which helps get rid of edema.

Conventionally, red hibiscus tea can also be called tea made from rose petals, because the Sudanese rose, also known as hibiscus, is used to prepare it. Sudanese rose tea has a rich history - it was served to the table by the ancient pharaohs. Like other rose teas, hibiscus tea has many health benefits.

Collection and storage of petals

To get a truly useful and delicious tea, it is better to collect the petals yourself. Roses growing on their own are ideal for this. summer cottage, since in this case you can be 100% sure that no harmful chemicals were used in their cultivation.

You need to collect the petals in the morning, before the dew disappears. It is advisable to do this after rain, which will wash away dust and insects from them. Only fully bloomed flowers are suitable for harvesting, but wilted petals should be avoided.

Before this, the flowers are sorted out - withered petals, stamens, debris, and sepals are removed. Then the raw materials are transferred to a sieve and shaken to remove the crumbled pollen.

It is not necessary to wash the collected petals, this can damage them, and there is a risk of washing out some of them useful elements. But if desired, such a procedure can be carried out. It is better to rinse the petals using a sieve or colander, and then place them on a paper towel. After this, they can be immediately used for brewing or laid out to dry.

Like others medicinal herbs, the petals should be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated room, spread out in a not very thick layer. From time to time, the raw materials should be stirred and turned over to avoid rotting and mold.

If you dry the petals in an electric dryer, they will be slightly different from those that dried naturally– will decrease in size, but will retain color. Because of this, dried raw materials can fall through the holes in the pallets, so it is better to line them with gauze or paper.

This is interesting! To give flower petals a pleasant berry or fruit aroma, you can dry strawberries or wild strawberries next to the petals. In this case, the flowers will absorb the smell of the berries.

Fresh petals can also be stored for some time, for example, if it was not possible to collect the required amount for brewing tea at one time. To do this, they are placed in a bag, tied tightly and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, their shelf life is approximately 1-2 days.

Brewing methods

Rose petals can be brewed as a separate drink or used to flavor tea leaves. Most often, pu-erh undergoes this procedure, although rose can be mixed with any type of tea.
To flavor your favorite tea with rose, you need to mix dry tea leaves with dried rose petals and leave in a closed container for several days. During this time, the tea leaves will be saturated with a delicate aroma and you will get a delicious and delicate tea.

The simplest version of rose petal infusion:

  • pour 2 tbsp into a mug. petals. You can use both fresh and dried;
  • pour in warm water(not boiling water!). The water temperature should be between 70-80 degrees;
  • leave the tea under the saucer for 5 minutes;
  • enjoy a fragrant drink.

You don’t need to add any sugar or honey to this drink, as it tastes quite sweet on its own. It has a fairly distinct freshness with a sweet aftertaste and fruity notes.

Important! Petals from purchased rose bouquets cannot be used to make tea - such flowers are grown using aggressive chemicals that prolong flowering and kill pests. They will not add any benefits to the tea.

Tea for ulcers or gastritis

At various diseases The gastrointestinal tract can be brewed tea from rose petals as follows:

  • mix 10 g each of chamomile, calendula, tea rose petals, horsetail and cudweed;
  • add 20 g of leaves of wormwood paniculata, St. John's wort, plantain, dill seeds, agrimony grass, rose hips;
  • and then another 70 g of yarrow.

The resulting collection will serve as a reserve for for a long time. To brew, take about 6 g of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, after which it is sent to water bath for half an hour. Before drinking, the tea should be strained and then drunk 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

For burns and wounds

An infusion of rose petals in the collection can be used in the form of lotions to treat wounds and burns. To prepare the collection you need to mix:

  • rose petals, horsetail, verbena leaves, oak bark (10 g each);
  • sage leaves, chamomile flowers (5 g each).

The collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for no longer than half an hour. Moisten the cloth with the strained infusion and apply it to the affected areas.

Rose honey for tea

This honey will give the tea a delicate aroma and help cope with sore throat or vitamin deficiency. To prepare, you will need 200 g of rose petals (tea rose or rose hips) and liquid honey.

Important! There is no need to rinse the petals to prevent water from getting into the honey.

Some of the petals are placed in a bowl and poured with honey, after which, using a wooden spoon, they begin to crush and rub them until they decrease in size. After this, another portion of petals is added. This continues until all the petals are mixed with honey.

Then the mixture is transferred to a previously prepared (washed and sterilized) jar. It must be completely dry! Another spoonful of honey is added on top to cover the protruding petals. This honey should be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey can be added to any tea - place a spoonful of petals in a mug, pour tea over it, stir and let it brew for a couple of minutes. If the petals interfere, you can strain the drink.


There are not many contraindications for rose petal tea. Since rose is considered a potential allergen, tea with its petals is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 3 years of age. And, of course, you should not use it if you are individually intolerant to the drink.

Rose tea is not only a romantic and aromatic drink, but also a source Have a good mood. And besides, it is very good for health. Having prepared rose petals in the summer, you can pamper yourself all winter with a tonic and refreshing drink that will protect against colds and vitamin deficiency.

Medicine has long known about beneficial properties rose petals, which allowed them to find wide application. Exist various tinctures based on roses, oils and various cosmetical tools, which include petals. And all thanks to the amount of vitamins that are found in rose petals and, of course, minerals. Therefore, the effect of them on the face. However, few people know how to use rose petals at home.

How to use rose petals

  • Tea with rose petals. To prepare this aromatic drink, you just need to pour boiling water over rose petals and leave for a couple of minutes. If desired, you can mix it with tea and add sugar or honey. The drink will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy. It will lift your spirits, help cope with insomnia and headaches, and also have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.
  • Rose petal liqueur. Few people know how to use rose petals for liqueur. It is great for baking and also goes perfectly with tea. For preparation you need: vodka - 0.5 liters, rose petals - 0.5 kilograms, water - 0.4 liters and sugar - 1 kilogram. Wash the petals well and mix with vodka, set aside for 3 days. Then separate the petals by straining and mix with the previously prepared syrup. To prepare syrup, you need to dissolve sugar in water. For beautiful color You can add food coloring if you wish.
  • How to use dry rose petals for lotion. This recipe is simple, just pour boiling water over a few petals and set aside for half an hour. Within 3 days you can wipe your face with this lotion. This will significantly tighten pores and soothe irritated areas of the face. There is also another lotion recipe: mix 2 cups of rose petals with a glass of vinegar in a container. Leave the closed container for 20 days. After straining, mix in a one to one ratio with water. This lotion can be used for any skin type. As a result, the skin is toned and cleansed well. And especially for sensitive skin For your face, prepare a lotion from dry rose petals with the addition of plantain, sage and aloe. It is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of each and pour boiling water over it all. Leave in a closed container for several hours. After straining, add a pinch of lotion citric acid. Use daily 2 times a day.
  • Rose petal oil. Use any glass container filled to the top with rose petals. Next, pour olive oil over everything and set aside. As soon as the color of the petals turns white, the oil is ready for use. following procedure. Squeeze out the petals and refill the container with fresh petals. Then add the same oil. Repeat the procedure about 7 times. This oil has a wound-healing effect and helps improve sleep, and also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pink water. Here is one of good recipes how to use dry rose petals. To prepare rose water you need 5 tablespoons of petals and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Mix everything in a glass container and close tightly. The cooled water needs to be filtered. Rose water will bring a lot of benefits to your face if you apply it regularly. You can also freeze rose water and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning after washing your face.
  • Bath with rose petals. You need to put a glass of petals in the bottle and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 30 minutes and then pour into the bath. This bath has calming effect. Another option for using rose petals for a bath is to prepare bath salts. To do this, just combine sea salt and petals. As soon as you want to get rid of fatigue, take a bath with this mixture.
  • Rose petal jam. This flower has also not bypassed cooking. Exist various recipes to make this delicious jam.

There are many options for using rose petals and everyone chooses the ones they like best. But it won’t hurt to know exactly how to dry and properly store rose petals. To dry it is necessary to tear off the buds and lay them out on paper, covering them with gauze on top. Rose petals should be dried at room temperature, and stir them regularly. After two weeks they will be dry and the petals can be separated. If you don't plan to use everything at once, then you need to store them away from sunlight and drafts. Rose petals should be stored for no more than a year, after which they lose their benefits.

But for all these options, only homemade roses, your own or those of your friends, are suitable, since purchased ones are subject to chemical treatment.

Rose is the queen of flowers. Admiring her regal appearance and while enjoying the bright aroma, we don’t think about how beneficial it can be for humans. What are rose petals used for? Their use began in ancient times; for the needs of traditional medicine, cooking and cosmetology, they became a real first-class find. Nowadays, the benefits from them have not only not decreased, but have also increased significantly.

Collection of raw materials

How to use rose petals? They can be used both fresh and dry. The color and variety of the plant do not play a special role, however certain recommendations There are still some places for collecting buds. Thus, it is customary to stock up supplies in the morning or immediately after rain. The collected raw materials can be used immediately without any exposure pre-treatment. If there is no need for this, the petals are dried in a room with an excellent ventilation system.

About the benefits of roses

What chemical composition do rose petals have? Their use in medicinal purposes due to the presence of such useful components, like carotene, vitamins B and K, ascorbic acid, resin, mucus and sugar. In addition, they contain essential oils. Thanks to such an amazing and harmonious composition, flowers are able to minimize inflammatory processes, kill bacteria, have a calming effect on the body, reduce pain and spasms.

Red flowers

Much attention should be paid to the color of the plant. First, let's talk about why red rose petals are needed. Their use is recommended for a number of sufficient serious illnesses. Among them:

White flowers

What are white rose petals used for? They can be used both internally and externally. So, with their help, regeneration is accelerated skin, wounds, bruises and burns heal faster. In addition, by eating the petals, you can get rid of worms and normalize digestive processes (excellent remedy in the fight against stool retention).

Rose jam

How are rose petals used in cooking? The use of these amazing flowers at home has found expression in delicious and healthy jam. To prepare it, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Flower petals with a total weight of about 1 kilogram.
  • Drinking water - 400 milliliters.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram.
  • Citric acid - teaspoon.

The first step is to get the juice. To do this, the petals are washed, slightly dried, sprinkled with a glass granulated sugar and add vinegar to the resulting mixture. In a couple of hours the necessary reaction will begin.

The second stage is obtaining syrup. To do this, add the remaining sugar to the water boiling over low heat, simultaneously remembering to stir the liquid until the sand is completely dissolved. Then the petals along with the juice are added to the finished syrup. All together should also be boiled for several minutes (until a thick, homogeneous consistency is obtained).

Eating this jam will allow you to recharge yourself with the necessary energy. vital energy, slow down the aging process, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, boost immunity and prevent internal bleeding.

Rose cocktail

Where else can rose petals be used? The use of these royal flowers at home is possible even in the production of strong drinks. The following alcoholic cocktail recipe will be especially good in the warm season. Prepare:

  • natural rose wine - 1 bottle;
  • carbonated drink "Sprite" - 1.5 liters;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • raspberries (or other sweet berries) - a handful;
  • pink petals ( different colors) - a large handful.

The buds are disassembled, washed and added to a container of wine, which will need to be put in the refrigerator. There the drink is infused for about 50-60 minutes, then vodka and berries are added to it. Before serving, pour Sprite into the cocktail and, if desired, garnish it with mint or ice. It is very refreshing and has a very pleasant taste.

Rose tea and balm for bronchitis

What else are good about tea rose petals? Their use in eastern countries is associated with invigorating and healthy rose tea. To do this, just brew a handful of dry or fresh petals with boiling water and let them brew. Regular use tea like this helps a lot colds, normalizes work nervous system, helps prevent sclerosis and improves memory.

By analogy with rose tea, in folk medicine cook and healing infusions based on this royal flower. So, for bronchitis as additional means For treatment and boosting immunity, it is recommended to prepare a balm from the following components:

  • pumpkin - 500 grams;
  • dry plantain leaves - several pieces;
  • rose petals - 100 grams;
  • natural honey - 100 grams;
  • Cahors - 1 liter.

All components are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. The resulting tincture languishes in the refrigerator for a day, and then, after filtering, is consumed according to the scheme 5 times a day, one tablespoon (the balm should be warmed to room temperature).

Folk cosmetology

What other areas are rose petals used for? The use of bright buds at home is possible for the needs home cosmetology. So, based on them you can do:

  • Aromatic bath. Just scatter the petals in large quantities into the water, light scented candles to set the mood, put on some nice, slow music - just twenty minutes and you will perfectly restore your nervous system.
  • Body mask. Excellent for improving skin tone and fighting stretch marks, they can become ideal solution for the care of the mammary glands. To prepare, you need to mix the crushed petals and heavy cream. The resulting composition is applied to the problem area and fixed with polyethylene for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cream for dry skin. The optimal solution for skin prone to increased dryness, could be the next recipe. Pass through a meat grinder or grind 5 rose buds using a blender, add melted margarine (50 g) to them and beeswax(10 g). If necessary, add to the formed mass liquid vitamins, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Universal mask. Includes just two ingredients, crushed petals and olive oil. The mixture is infused for an hour and applied to the face for 20-30 minutes.

Petals for decoration

How to use petals wild rose? The use of dried buds is quite appropriate in the decoration of residential premises. The petals retain their scent and color perfectly; they can be placed inside glass glasses, creating original compositions from other dried flowers, berries and dry branches. In addition, the petals can be sewn into decorative pillows and used to scent the air.