What is Protargol for? Protargol release form. Will Protargol nasal drops help with a runny nose?

Protargol is a silver preparation that has antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Protargol are an aqueous solution and powder for preparing a solution.

The active ingredient of the drug is silver proteinate (colloidal silver).

Indications for use

Protargol is intended for the treatment of inflammatory and purulent inflammatory diseases in ENT practice, ophthalmology, urology. In particular, the use of Protargol is indicated for conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, purulent and inflammatory processes occurring in the middle ear, cystitis, urethritis.

In addition, the drug is used to diagnose the patency of the lacrimal ducts.

In neonatology, the solution is used to prevent blepharitis in newborns.

In gynecology, Protargol is prescribed for endometritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, adnexitis, salpingitis, erosive lesions cervix and a number of other diseases of the female genital area.

According to the instructions for Protargol, the effect of the drug is due to its ability to form a protective film on the mucous membranes and skin affected by the disease (this occurs due to the precipitation of proteins with silver). At the same time, patients' blood vessels narrow and sensitivity decreases. skin and mucous membranes and, as a result, inflammatory reactions are suppressed. In addition, silver ions disrupt the vital activity of viruses and bacteria and prevent their reproduction in the body.


The instructions for Protargol indicate that the use of the solution is contraindicated for persons with increased sensitivity to silver proteinate.

In addition, the drug is not prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. If it is necessary to use Protargol during lactation, it is necessary to temporarily abandon breastfeeding.

Directions for use and dosage

For adults and children for the treatment of inflammatory diseases ophthalmological diseases the use of a one or two percent solution is indicated. Protargol should be instilled 2-3 drops into the affected eye 2 to 4 times a day.

For urological infections (for example, when occurring in chronic form gonorrheal urethritis) a two percent solution is used. They wash the patient's inflamed urethra and Bladder.

In ENT practice, Protargol is used for nasal instillation: it is recommended to do this twice a day, 3-5 drops. Gargle with a 1-5% solution and lubricate the mucous membranes.

Before using Protargol, you should thoroughly rinse your nose, for example, with a highly purified sodium chloride solution (saline). This is especially important when we're talking about about the treatment of children.

After rinsing the nasal cavity, the child is placed on his back and injected into each nasal passage. required amount drops Instillations are carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The therapy gives noticeable results after 2-3 days of using Protargol. Full course treatment – ​​2 weeks.

The powder can only be diluted boiled water room temperature.

Side effects

Protargol has high profile safe and well tolerated by both adults and children. IN in some cases A burning sensation, itching of the surface treated with the solution, and mild irritation of the mucous membranes may occur.

There are no reports of cases of overdose of Protargol.

special instructions

When stored in a warm room, silver proteinate decomposes, and the use of the drug becomes impractical. The solution loses its properties when stored in brightly lit or open areas. sun rays places: under the influence of light, silver precipitates and crystallizes, and therefore its further dissolution becomes impossible. A solution containing sediment is unsuitable for use and must be destroyed.

Protargol powder should be protected from moisture, since when wet it loses its properties and becomes unsuitable for use.

When preparing the solution at home, you should keep in mind that you cannot use utensils made of iron and plastic. It is recommended to dissolve the powder in a sterile glass container. Before use, the bottle with Protargol solution should be shaken thoroughly.

Reliable data about pharmacological interaction there is no drug. It is believed that in most cases it can be used in combination with other medications. However, the possibility of using any other drug in combination with Protargol should be discussed with your doctor.

Protargol does not provide negative influence on the speed of motor and mental reactions, visual acuity and the ability to concentrate, therefore it can be used by people engaged in any type of activity.


Sialor, Silver proteinate.

Terms and conditions of storage

Protargol should be stored in a tightly closed dark glass container, protected from light, in a cool place. Shelf life – 3 years. The solution prepared from the powder should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

This is a silver preparation that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent action. The drug Protargol is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory (especially purulent) processes in ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, and urology. The drug Protargol is used in the treatment of inflammatory various diseases(rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) in children. Compared to antibiotics, taking Protargol does not lead to dysbacteriosis. The drug Protargol is available in the form aqueous solution.

How does Protargol work?

On the surface of the skin or mucous membranes damaged as a result of disease and inflammation, the drug Protargol forms a protective film (due to the precipitation of proteins with silver). Protargol reduces the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, constricts blood vessels, which leads to the suppression of inflammatory reactions. Silver ions suppress the proliferation of various viruses and bacteria.

What does Protargol consist of?

The drug Protargol consists of proteins that contain silver ions (7-9%).

When should Protargol be used?

The main indications for the use of the drug Protargol are as follows:
  • Rhinitis (runny nose)
  • Prevention of blepharitis in newborns
  • Urethritis, cystitis

Important! For the treatment of adenoids, otitis and runny nose, instead of Protargol, doctors recommend using Loromax drops

Loromaxnew development domestic scientists, which captivated ENT doctors around the world. In terms of effectiveness, the drug is superior to all available analogues, including imported production. Contains in high concentration Altai propolis and thuja oil, due to which it helps to restore normal work nose in just 1 course of use. Important property Loromax is that the drops protect the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa from polyps, which can lead to meningitis, serious violations in the brain and even death of a person. Drops are released according to state program improvement of the population.

Dosage and method of use of the drug Protargol

The drug Protargol is available in the form of an aqueous solution for local application. Protargol in the form of an aqueous solution
  • For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases: adults and children instill a 1-2% solution of the drug Protargol into the eyes, 2-3 drops 2-4 times a day.
  • For the treatment of urological infections: a 2% solution of the drug Protargol is used to rinse the bladder and urethra.
  • For the treatment of ENT diseases (rhinitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, otitis): adults and children should instill 3-5 drops into the nose 2 times a day.
Recommendations for the use of the drug Protargol in the form of an aqueous solution: Before instilling the drug Protargol, you must thoroughly rinse your nose (especially for children). After rinsing the nose, the child should be placed on his back and the appropriate number of drops should be dripped into each nasal passage. Administration of Protargol should be carried out in the morning and evening. The effect of the drug Protargol appears within a few days (2-3 days). The duration of treatment with Protargol is 2 weeks.

Side effects when using the drug Protargol

The most common side effects when using the drug Protargol include: irritation of the mucous membrane, burning sensation, itchy skin, dry mouth, red eyes, numbness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness. Rarely: urticaria, anaphylactic shock, angioedema, atopic dermatitis. When you have the above unwanted effects When using the drug Protargol, you must consult a doctor (you may be prescribed another drug).

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When should you not use Protargol?

The use of the drug Protargol is strictly contraindicated if a person has hypersensitivity to the drug or its components.

Use of the drug Protargol during pregnancy and lactation

Protargol should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use the drug Protargol during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Protargol

Before using the drug Protargol, you should consult a doctor. Only freshly prepared Protargol should be used. The drug Protargol does not affect the ability to drive a car or control various mechanisms. The drug Protargol should be stored in dark glass containers.

Overdose of the drug Protargol

As a rule, when using the drug Protargol, there are no signs and symptoms of a drug overdose.

Interaction of the drug Protargol with other drugs

Before using Protargol, be sure to tell your doctor about the use of other medicines. In most cases, Protargol can be used in combination with other drugs (there is no data on the interaction of Protargol with other drugs).

Expert opinion of the Polismed Medical College

We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them

How to store protargol?

Good afternoon, I bought Protargol nasal drops at the pharmacy. It is in a dark bottle. How should it be stored correctly? Is refrigeration necessary, or is it enough to keep it at room temperature? Response from the Medical College Protargol prepared in a pharmacy is best stored in the refrigerator, but make sure that the storage temperature does not fall below 10 degrees. Best on special door shelves. If there is no refrigerator, then in dark places protected from light. He has limited period storage – 1 month. If Protargol is in powder form, then it must be stored in a dry place where moisture does not penetrate.

How to give protargol to a child?

Please tell me what rules must be followed for nasal instillation of Protargol for a child? Response from the Medical College Before instilling Protargol into a child’s nose, it is necessary to clear the nasal cavity of mucus and crusts, it is best to do this cotton swab soaked in water with a little salt. Then the child should be laid on his back, his head slightly tilted back and 1-3 drops of Protargol solution should be dropped into each nasal passage with a pipette, trying not to pour it deep, but so that it remains on the nasal mucosa. It is recommended to use the drug for 5 days, 2 times a day, but not more than 2 weeks.

Can protargol be used by pregnant women?

Hello, I have had a runny nose for more than 2 weeks, I took some drops vasoconstrictor drops, but the runny nose did not go away. Is it possible to use Protargol in the nose during 12 weeks of pregnancy? Response from the Medical College During pregnancy, the use of protargol for any purpose is not recommended. The instructions on this matter contain clear contraindications. Protargol should also not be used by mothers whose children are breastfed. There are now enough big choice medications that can be used during pregnancy, so it is best to consult your doctor.

What is better to use for a runny nose: protargol or sialor?

Good afternoon, I fell ill with an acute respiratory infection, at first my throat hurt, then a runny nose began, there was a lot of discharge and my nose couldn’t breathe at all. What is the best treatment for me: protargol or Sialor? Response from the Medical College When using any of these medications, it is important to understand how they work. Sialor causes constriction of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, which reduces swelling and makes it much easier to breathe through the nose. Protargol has antimicrobial effect, reduces the process of inflammation and has an astringent effect. It is important to remember that both drugs cannot be used long time due to the side effects indicated in the instructions. It is possible to use them together. In the morning Protargol, and at night Sialor. Thus, Protargol will provide therapeutic effect, and Sialor will reduce discomfort during sleep.

Is it possible to use Protargol for infants?

I ask the Medical College to answer the question: is it possible infant should I use Protargol to treat a runny nose? Thank you Response from the Medical College Protargol can be used in infants, but a number of pediatricians do not advise doing so due to the toxicity of the drug. Some recommend not putting drops in your nose, but only gently lubricating the mucous membrane. The effect of treatment is reduced, but also reduced bad influence medicines. Long-term use Protargol is contraindicated for infants. Exists a large number of medications that can be used more safely in children.

Doesn't allow him to breathe properly, but vasodilator drops Do not use without a doctor's prescription. But they don't help for long. In such cases, pediatricians prescribe Protargol. It is well known that drops used for a child must be effective and safe. Does Protargol meet all these requirements?

Composition of the drug

"Protargol" is an aqueous solution of colloidal silver. His active substance- silver proteinate. The composition of "Protargol" for children includes:

  • water;
  • silver - 7-8% in terms of metal.

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the drops provide assistance during the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes in many branches of medicine (ophthalmology, urology and otorhinolaryngology).

Properties of the drug

According to reviews, "Protargol" for children has an effect that is based on the disinfecting properties of silver. The ions of this metal prevent the proliferation and development of bacteria and viruses, which allows the remedy to be used for colds, as well as for complications of the disease. Thanks to the destruction of pathogens, an anti-inflammatory effect appears, and the protein composition of the drug reduces nasal discharge.

Silver ions inhibit the proliferation of many types of bacteria and viruses, and also prevent their penetration into the nasal mucosa, creating a protective film on its surface. Thanks to the main component, vasoconstriction occurs and tissue healing accelerates.

When is the drug prescribed?

According to reviews, "Protargol" for children is suitable only for external use, indoor application can lead to serious consequences. It is prescribed as a local antiseptic for mucous membranes. The main use of the drug is the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and sinuses, as well as the prevention of colds in the autumn-winter period.

Indications for use:

  1. Rhinitis of various origins.
  2. Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis).
  3. Adenoids.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Cystitis and urethritis.

Drops "Protargol" have found their use as a preventive and remedy, which is used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

Instructions for use of the drug

During therapy, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is prescribed.

How to administer Protargol to a child? The product is used 2 times a day, before the procedure the nose is cleaned. Permissible dosage limited to 3-5 drops. It is most convenient to instill the drug while lying on your back or tilting your head back.

Instructions for the use of "Protargol" for children in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis include 1-2 drops of the drug in each nasal passage 3 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days. For therapy, children are prescribed a drug with minimum content silver ions (1%).

For otitis, use 3-5 drops of solution in each external ear canal three times a day. The duration of treatment is 7 days.

In maternity hospitals, Protargol drops are used as a means of prevention against staphylococcus in newborns. In other situations, the use of Protargol for children under one year of age is a controversial issue, because WHO suggests using it starting from the age of 5.

Some pediatricians do not take such recommendations into account and prescribe medicine for children under this age. Therefore, parents should be especially careful, strictly follow the instructions for use and at the slightest adverse reactions child's body Stop using the drops immediately.

It is best not to use the drug on your own.

Can the drug be used for a newborn?

There is no clause in the instructions for the medicine that it can also be used to treat infants. The age at which the drug can be safely used is 3 years.

Is it possible to drop Protargol into the nose of children under one year old? Some doctors prescribe the drug to infants. In this case, parents receive clear instructions regarding the duration of therapy and the required dose. Protargol should not be used for more than 7 days. Some pediatricians recommend that when treating with the drug, do not instill it into the nose, but only treat the mucous membranes of the child’s nose. This therapy is effective and will not harm the baby’s body.

According to the instructions for use, "Protargol" for children is used to prevent blepharitis in newborns, which occurs under the strict supervision of a doctor. After all, using the product for more than 7 days is not recommended, this can lead to negative consequences. Among other things, it must be taken into account that the drug is used for therapy bacterial infection, not viral.


According to reviews, "Protargol" for children should not be prescribed to pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. A completely negative effect on the fetus has not been proven, but to avoid possible negative effects, it is best not to use it.

The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components.

Adverse reactions

According to reviews, "Protargol" for children can cause the following side effects:

  • burning and itching;
  • redness of the eyes and watery eyes;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • dry mouth.

For children, the drug is used only in a concentration of 1%. Parents need to be aware of the high toxicity of the product, which occurs when it is used incorrectly. Silver is a metal that has a permissible concentration level. In large doses it causes a health hazard. When silver accumulates in the body, it is excreted very slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drug in strict accordance with the instructions.

Entering the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract, the components of the product settle in the spleen, kidneys, brain and other organs. At excess accumulation silver in the body, a disease called argyrosis begins to develop.

It is best to dispose of the product after the course of therapy.

Analogues of the drug

Sometimes a pediatrician prescribes Protargol for a long time, but due to its side effects there is a need to look for analogues of the drug. Is it possible to find a product that matches the composition?

The closest analogue of "Protargol" for children is "Kolargoll". It contains the same active substance- silver proteinate. However, its concentration is higher, so the effectiveness of the product is more pronounced.

Currently, you can buy drops in pharmacies that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Their prices vary. Which remedy to choose depends on the patient’s health condition and individual characteristics his body.

Analogs of "Protargol" for children include "Argovit", "Vitargol", "Kolargoll".

Select a drug from existing analogues Only a doctor will help, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Protargol is a colloidal silver solution that relieves inflammation, destroys infection, and also has an excellent astringent effect. This remedy is widely used in urology, ophthalmology, and otolaryngology. Protargol is very often used for children. Protargol nasal drops are used to treat rhinitis, pharyngitis, and otitis.

Protargol: composition

The composition of the drops is unique, since, being antibacterial agent, protargol does not provoke the development of dysbiosis. The drug contains the following components:

  • water,
  • silver (7.8% in terms of metals).

How the drug works

Once on the affected area of ​​the mucosa, protargol covers it with a thin film of proteins and silver. The components of the drops reduce the lumen of the capillaries, slow down nervous reactions, stopping the inflammatory process. Silver molecules destroy the infection and prevent it from spreading.

The medicine is effective in treating purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, recurrent protracted pharyngitis.

Indications for use

  1. Rhinitis of various etiologies.
  2. Conjunctivitis.
  3. Enlarged adenoids.
  4. Pharyngitis.
  5. Inflammatory processes of the middle ear.
  6. Cystitis, urethritis.
  7. For the treatment of ophthalmic diseases: instill 2-3 drops into each eye 2-4 times a day.
  8. For the treatment of ENT diseases: 3-5 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.

Protargol: instructions for use

To maximize the effect of the drops, you must thoroughly rinse your nasal passages before the procedure. saline solution to clean them of mucus and dried crusts.

Please note that the drug may stain clothes, instill it very carefully. In addition, after the procedure, nasal discharge is colored Brown color and begin to flow out profusely. Be prepared to wipe your baby's nose frequently.

Side effects

Sometimes the following side effects may occur after using the drug:

  • burning and itching
  • dizziness,
  • dry nose,
  • allergic reactions,
  • headache,
  • drowsiness.

Protargol for children is used only in a 1% solution.

Parents need to remember the high toxicity of the drug if used incorrectly. Silver - heavy metal, which has a permissible concentration level. In high doses, protargol is dangerous to health and life, since silver accumulates in the body and is excreted very slowly. Protargol for children should be used with great caution and under medical supervision.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the components of the drops are easily absorbed into the general bloodstream. Silver can settle in various organs: spleen, kidneys, spinal cord, mucous membranes.

If silver accumulates in human body in excess, dangerous specific disease called argyrosis.


Protargol is contraindicated for people with silver intolerance, pregnant and lactating women. If taking the drug is mandatory during breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Can the drug be used to treat newborns?

In newborns, the drug is most often used to prevent blepharitis. Please note that you cannot use the drug at your own discretion; it must be prescribed by a doctor after assessing the child’s health condition.

If you use the drops longer due date, they will begin to provide negative impact on the body. In addition, one must take into account the fact that the drug does not act on viral infection, but only kills bacteria.


Sometimes the doctor prescribes protargol for several courses with breaks. But after prolonged use the drops cause side effects, and then there is a need to look for analogues.

Does protargol have analogues? Yes, the drug has analogues that also contain silver, only in different concentrations.

  • vitargol,
  • collargol,
  • argovite,
  • sialor (protargol).

Sialor (protargol) is one of the forms of release of the drug. Sialor (protargol) can be found in pharmacies in the following forms:

  • tablet for solution (2%),
  • ready-made drops (2%).

Protargol is most similar in composition to collargol. Both drugs are colloidal silver. These medications are not as toxic as drugs based on ionic silver. The main difference between collargol and protargol is that collargol contains colloidal silver particles, while protargol contains partially oxidized silver.


Protargol cannot be bought in every pharmacy, since the drops are made to order from a dry concentrate in the production department. The price of the medicine is quite affordable and is about 40-90 rubles.

The only negative is the limited shelf life: after 2 weeks the drops can no longer be used. But this is rather an advantage rather than a disadvantage of the drug.

In this medical article you can read: medicine Protargol. The instructions for use will explain in what cases you can take nasal drops, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Protargol, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of runny nose, adenoids and other inflammatory diseases in adults, children (including infants and newborns) in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Protargol, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Colloidal solution of silver, which has a super-effective antiseptic effect and astringent properties, is Protargol. The instructions for use indicate that nasal drops 1% and 2% relieve inflammation well.

Release form and composition

Protargol is produced in the form of tablets for the preparation of a 2% solution.

They also produce a ready-made 1%, 2% Protargol aqueous solution, which is contained in glass bottles with a pipette.

pharmachologic effect

Basic active ingredient The drug Protargol - silver proteinate has a pronounced astringent, protective and antiseptic therapeutic effect.

It leads to the death of most pathogenic (disease-causing) and opportunistic microorganisms, including staphylococci, moraxella and streptococci, which are the most common causative agents of infectious-inflammatory pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

After local use of the drug, its active component is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation from the nasal mucosa.

Indications for use

What does Protargol help with? According to the instructions, the drug is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory processes:

  • Urology: urethritis, cystitis.
  • Otolaryngology: acute and chronic nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx), sinusitis, pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, purulent inflammatory processes middle ear.
  • Gynecology: cervical erosion, endometritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, adnexitis, salpingitis.
  • Ophthalmology: inflammatory pathologies eye, including blepharitis in newborns, conjunctivitis.

In addition, the use of the drug is indicated for diagnosing the patency of the lacrimal ducts.

Instructions for use

Protargol is available in the form of an aqueous solution for topical use. For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases: adults and children instill a 1-2% solution into the eyes, 2-3 drops 2-4 times a day.

For the treatment of urological infections: a 2% solution of Protargol is used to rinse the bladder and urethra.

For the treatment of ENT diseases (rhinitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, otitis): adults and children should instill 3-5 drops into the nose 2 times a day.

Protargol in the form of an aqueous solution: before instilling the medicine, rinse the nose thoroughly (especially for children). After rinsing the nose, the child should be placed on his back and the appropriate number of drops should be dripped into each nasal passage.

The medication should be administered in the morning and evening. The effect of the drug Protargol appears within a few days (2-3 days). The duration of treatment with Protargol is 2 weeks.


The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to silver, as well as its individual fractions. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women and during breastfeeding. In case of urgent need to use Protargol, breastfeeding interrupted.

Side effects

During use, the drug can provoke the development of irritation, dryness, burning sensation, numbness of the skin, itching, redness of the eyes, headache, state of drowsiness. Possible development allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria, dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, swelling.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Protargol should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use the product during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended.

There is evidence that WHO does not consider appropriate purpose use this medicine in children under 5 years of age. However, there are many positive reviews for children about the use of this remedy, and pediatricians sometimes prescribe nasal drops for children under 5 years of age. In this case, the instructions must be strictly followed.

Protargol for children

Also, parents are often attracted by the low price of the product. However, you need to ask your doctor individually about how and how many days Protargol can be given to your child.

Protargol for newborns

There is a practice when Protargol for newborns is used directly in maternity hospitals: a 1% solution is instilled into the child’s eyes immediately after he is born. However, the product can only be used for newborns under strict medical supervision.

special instructions

Before using the kit for preparing Protargol solution, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug. There are several special instructions, which you should pay attention to include:

If signs of irritation of the nasal mucosa appear after instillation of the solution in the form of severe burning or itching, the nasal passages should be rinsed with a sufficient amount of water for 15 minutes and contact medical specialist.

The active components of the drug do not have a direct effect on functional state brain.

Before instilling the resulting solution into the nasal passage, it is advisable to conduct a drug tolerance test. To do this, apply a few drops of the solution to the skin of the elbow. The appearance of burning and redness in the area where the solution is applied indicates increased sensitivity to the components of the drug and is a contraindication to its further use.

The use of the drug is possible for children under 1 year of age.

Drug interactions

Before using the drug, you should inform your doctor about the use of other drugs. In most cases, the medication can be taken simultaneously with other drugs.

Analogues of the drug Protargol

Analogues are determined by structure:

  • Ichthyol ointment.
  • Plivasept.
  • Katedzhel S.
  • Vinilin (Shostakovsky Balm).
  • Betadine.
  • Benzamycin.
  • Etonium.
  • Amukin.
  • Tsindol.
  • Dermatol.
  • Menthol alcohol solution.
  • Boric acid.
  • Hypozol N.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Betadine.
  • Ichthyol.
  • Hydroperite.
  • Basic bismuth nitrate.
  • Polyvinox.
  • Iodoxide.
  • Birch tar.
  • Salicylic ointment.
  • Amident.
  • Vacation conditions and price

    The average cost of Protargol (Sialor solution 10 ml 2%) in Moscow is 227 rubles. In the pharmacy chain, a kit for preparing Protargol solution is available without a prescription. If you have any doubts regarding the indications for use of the drug, you should consult a medical specialist for advice.

    It is required to store at a temperature of 2-8 C in a place protected from light. Keep away from children. Shelf life – 30 days.