The most interesting places in the world are famous. The most famous places in Russia that tourists visit

Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from traveling to new cities and areas are simply priceless and often amazingly unforgettable. On the eve of the New Year holidays, we are publishing an inspiring selection of the most unique countries in the world. By the way, have you already decided?


The uniqueness of this country lies in the combination of smoking volcanoes and hot geysers with eternal ice on its territory. When planning a trip, it is important to see the most: Blue and Ice Lagoons and Geysers.

The Blue Lagoon is a natural complex of pools among lava piles. The water in the Lagoon is milky in color, and in addition to it, it contains quartz and blue-green algae.

The ice lagoon is also incredibly beautiful! This is one of the few places in Iceland where you can see iceberg life up close: new icebergs break off from the glacier and fill the lake, drifting along the coast in winter and melting in summer.

They are of different colors: white, green, blue, etc. And you can see the seething geysers of Iceland by going to the Haukadalur Valley. Its symbols are the geysers Strokkur and Geysir, which erupt with different frequency and power.

For example, Strokkur throws out jets of hot water every ten minutes to a height of up to 20 meters, while Geysir is calmer.

2. Tanzania

The most interesting country in Africa in terms of diversity and uniqueness of flora and fauna. What other country is rich in such natural values: 15 national parks, 17 reservations, lakes, mountains, including Kilimanjaro, the giant Ngorongoro crater.

It is here, in the crater of the Ngorongoro Nature Reserve - a huge tropical park, that more than 30 thousand animals live: buffalos, zebras, gazelles, leopards, wildebeest, lions, elephants, hippopotamuses and rhinoceroses.

White and black rhinoceroses are an endangered species in the world.

Tanzania also has the only plant-based national park in tropical Africa, Kitulo. Due to the variety of flowers: more than 350 species of plants, and more than 40 species of orchids, it is rightly called the “Garden of God”.

In addition to orchids, the park contains giant lobelias, kniffophias, proteas and other plants. Kitulo Park is also the only habitat in Tanzania for the rare Kaffir Bustard.

3. IN Japan everything is unique! This is the first country on the planet over which the sun rises. Japan delights the whole world with its centuries-old traditions, which the people carefully honor to this day, and at the same time.

There is amazing nature and an incredible diversity of flora and fauna here, for such a small country. There are about 30 national parks in the small territory of the state, and about 40 protected areas in coastal waters.

The most interesting nature reserve is Nikko, with an area of ​​1400 square meters. km. On its territory there are waterfalls, lakes, thermal springs, as well as historical buildings, including sanctuaries.

And in the Ise-Shima National Park there is the most famous pearl farm - Mikimoto. On the Izu Peninsula, you can admire five lakes surrounded by pine forests and swim in the Hakone hot springs.

Exclusively on the Japanese island of Okunoshima you can enter the rabbit kingdom, where there are a lot of them on the streets. Or watch foxes in the village of Zao, in Miyagi Prefecture. And only in Japan can you stay inexpensively in a capsule hotel.

4. Canada - a country of millions of lakes. There are so many of them that the exact number is unknown, but approximately 4 million are approximately 60% of all lakes in the world.

In some regions, for every 100 sq. km there are more than 30 lakes.

The most famous and interesting to visit: Garibaldi, Moraine, Peyto, Azur, Red Lake, which owes its color to the presence of red algae, spotted Lake Kliluk and many others.

It is important to note the value and peculiarity of the Canadian city of Quebec, which is unique in many ways due to the heritage of the French regarding architecture.

Its forests, national parks and reserves and the unique fiords of the Saguenay River are magnificent. And in Quebec there is a unique ice hotel that is ready to welcome guests in 36 rooms from the beginning of January to the end of April.

Its construction requires 15 tons of snow and 500 tons of ice every year. It's important to say that each of Canada's regions is unique and has something special to showcase.

5. Principality of Monaco , excluding the Vatican, is the smallest country on the planet. The state, with an area of ​​2 km², is located in southern Europe on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Monaco has the highest population density on the planet - about 20 thousand people per 1 km². Besides the fact that this tiny country is beautiful, it is unique in many ways.

Below are some of the unique things about Monaco. The Oceanographic Museum is a place that houses one of the richest collections of exhibits dedicated to the life of the sea and its inhabitants. And since the museum is united with the oceanographic institute, it is also the world’s largest scientific institution. Monaco also hosts one of the most prestigious Formula 1 World Championship races. The race takes place through the city streets, which at this time are equipped with stands and fences.

The main station of the city is located underground, or more precisely, in the rock. It is impossible not to mention the luxurious Princess Grace rose garden, built in honor of Grace Kelly, and the beautiful alley of lawns - Allee de Boulingren, which is located opposite the Monte Carlo casino.

6. is the only country that is a continent and occupies several islands. And not only this is why it is special: there are deserts, lush meadows, and huge beaches with white sand and clear water.

Despite the fact that the country is rapidly developing and megacities are expanding, its unique nature is preserved.

Only in Australia can you find kangaroos, certain species of spiders and snakes, and visit a huge marine park on the Barrier Reef. It is very interesting to watch in the spring how the Great Barrier Reef turns into an active whirlpool for a few days, and after high tide, it begins to erupt.

A special miracle in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef - a coral complex more than three thousand kilometers long. Nothing compares to its coral gardens, which shimmer with pink, purple, green, yellow and blue.

It's worth seeing! Tropical fish swim here, there are mysterious caves, and a unique flora. By the way, Australia is considered the only country that, being in the eastern hemisphere, is considered an absolutely Western state.

7. Peculiarity Netherlands - these are gorgeous, large-scale, multi-colored fields of tulips. Moreover, despite the fact that they are the main ones, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and other flowers grow separately in the fields.

To admire the flower paradise to your fullest, it is worth setting aside a day or two to look at the flowers in Leiden, and also travel through the fields: from Leiden to Haarlem there are many of them. And, of course, you need to visit Keukenhof Park, located on 32 hectares of land, which is famous not only in the Netherlands for its flowers and large tulip fields.

Its gardens and four pavilions display unique collections of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, orchids, roses, carnations, irises, lilies and other flowers. The compositions of the park change annually, they have a certain theme and are dedicated to a certain country. Nowhere else in the world can you find so many flowers in one place.

8 . India is unique for its contrasts in many ways, so after visiting it, hardly anyone can remain indifferent. It is associated with a unique culture, bright clothes, beautiful dances, and the smell of herbs and spices.

This is a country where wealth and poverty, chaos and calm, reality and legends are combined. Its climatic conditions are in complete contrast: the South of the country is rich in luxurious tropical forests, the West is deserted, and the North has glaciers.

Architecturally, there are many historically valuable sights that speak to the rich history and diversity of the country: for example, many Hindu and Buddhist temples were carved into the rocks.

There are also many attractions in India that are considered UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Ajanta cave temples, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.

9. Indonesia is the largest island state in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much smaller.

The large islands are characterized by a combination of mountainous terrain and plains covered with dense tropical rainforests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the very shore and end in peaks.

One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano in Indonesia is Krakatoa, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

10. Uniqueness Bolivia in the fact that it can be called the most mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “America’s Tibet.”

Unfortunately, the country lost access to the Pacific Ocean as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest de facto capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population is indigenous; Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is more than 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity, when visiting Bolivia, to meet representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Moscow is multifaceted and grandiose; every time it turns to the traveler with thousands of different sides. Here, the multi-colored domes of Orthodox churches coexist with monumental high-rise buildings in the “Stalinist Empire” style. Rich estates of the aristocratic families of the Russian Empire stand next to fashionable restaurants and clubs, the spiers of glass high-rise business districts sparkle against the backdrop of picturesque Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Moscow has a huge number of cultural sites - more than 400 museums, about a thousand monuments, 130 theaters and dozens of concert halls. Most of the events in the country's social life, from premieres to international exhibitions, take place in the capital. You need to come to Moscow for a long time to feel the spirit and energy of this dynamic city.

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What to see and where to go in Moscow?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The most recognizable and visited places in the Russian capital. The red towers of the Kremlin, crowned with stars, are an established brand, a symbol of Moscow. Since the 12th century, the Kremlin served as a defensive structure; over the centuries it was repeatedly burned and rebuilt. Red Square has more than once become the site of important state events. It hosted public meetings, fairs, parades, and various cultural events.

The cathedral was founded by order of Ivan the Terrible as gratitude to the Lord for his help in the capture of Kazan. The building originally had golden domes and red and white walls. After a fire in the 18th century, as a result of restoration, the temple was decorated in bright colors and now it towers over Red Square like a multi-colored gingerbread. The name was given in honor of the holy fool Vasily the Blessed, who collected part of the money for the construction of the temple and gave it to Ivan the Terrible.

The business district of the capital, consisting of modern skyscrapers of futuristic design. The project is unique both for Russia and for the whole of Eastern Europe. The tallest tower of the Federation complex reaches a height of 235 meters; other buildings also have their own names. Moscow City was nicknamed “Moscow Manhattan”; the quarter was conceived as a Russian analogue of the London and New York business districts.

Moscow Cathedral, where the Patriarch holds services. The temple was built in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 according to the design of Konstantin Ton; the work lasted more than forty years. During the Soviet era, the building was blown up, and in its place appeared the Palace of Soviets, and later the Moscow swimming pool. The cathedral was rebuilt in 1994-1997. and now has maximum external resemblance to the original.

The oldest convent in the capital. According to legend, it stands on the spot where, during the rule of the Golden Horde, girls were selected to be sent into slavery. The monastery was founded in 1524 by Vasily III. Subsequently, many royal persons, as well as girls from princely and boyar families, received tonsure at the monastery. Many came here not of their own free will. Architecturally, the monastery is a real fortress with powerful walls.

A 16th-century temple on the banks of the Moscow River on the territory of a park complex in Kolomenskoye. Presumably, the Italian architect Petrok Maly took part in the construction of the building. The church is one of the first examples of stone tented churches on the territory of Rus'. The structure was built in the form of an equal-ended cross with a 62-meter bell tower. The architecture of the temple is considered unique.

The main Catholic cathedral of Moscow, built in the neo-Gothic style at the expense of the Polish community. The main buildings were erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of F. O. Bogdanovich-Dvorzhetsky. The cathedral is a typical example of the architecture of Catholic churches - pointed arches, soaring figured towers, colored stained glass windows. The temple regularly hosts organ music concerts and other cultural events.

The palace and park ensemble, covering an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, is located in the south of the capital. All buildings were created in the 18th century in the “pseudogothic” or “Russian Gothic” architectural style. Previously, the ensemble served as a royal residence. Nowadays, the park houses exhibitions, museums, concert halls, and greenhouses. Thanks to the beautiful landscape, the Tsaritsino ensemble has become a popular place for wedding photo shoots.

Wooden palace in Kolomenskoye Park, which belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It opened to visitors in 2010. The building was founded in the 17th century, its appearance was designed to emphasize the power of the Russian state and the greatness of the Tsar. The interior decoration was distinguished by pomp and luxury. Under Catherine II, the palace was dismantled, but detailed drawings of it were first made. Based on these drawings, the complex was completely restored later.

A landmark of the New Age in the spirit of Russian architecture of the 17th century, the stylized residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The ensemble was built according to ancient sketches and drawings. The Kremlin appeared in 2007 near the Partizanskaya metro station. There are handicraft shops, museums, taverns, and a church on the territory. The Kremlin was created according to the project of A.F. Ushakov as an attraction to attract tourists.

An 18th-century mansion that belonged to the count family of Sheremetyev. The magnificent estate, surrounded by a landscaped park, was used for lavish receptions, balls, celebrations and theatrical performances. The museum on site exhibits one of the world's largest collections of ceramics. Exhibitions, concerts, and celebrations in old Russian traditions are constantly held in Kuskovo.

An architectural monument of the 17th century in the Tagansky district of the capital. Since 1991 it has served as a patriarchal courtyard. The Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church is also located here. The history of the place began in the 13th century. At first there was a monastery here, and then the residence of senior clergy. The Krutitsky courtyard is a place where you can imagine what Moscow looked like in past centuries.

The country's main opera stage and one of the best theaters in the world. The theater was built in 1825, but in 1853 the building burned down. Three years later, the Bolshoi was rebuilt. Large-scale reconstructions were carried out in 1886-1893, in 1958 and in 2005-2011. The monumental theater building is decorated with massive columns; the interior decoration is striking in luxury. The crystal chandelier in the main auditorium deserves special attention.

An art museum with a rich collection, founded by the Tretyakov merchant family. In 1861, in his will, Pavel Tretyakov transferred the family gallery to the city and determined sums of money for its maintenance. In 1893, the museum officially opened to the public. The Tretyakov Gallery is the largest (more than 180 thousand exhibits) collection of Russian paintings, engravings, and icon paintings.

It is located on Red Square and is one of the main capital museums. Collections covering all eras in Russian history from ancient times to the 20th century are exhibited in countless halls. There are also extensive exhibitions on the history of other states. The museum was founded by decree of Alexander II in 1872. In 1990, the building was included in the UNESCO heritage list along with Red Square.

The circus was built in 1880 with the money of the merchant Danilov. From the very opening, the administration tried to invite only the best groups and attract more visitors to the performances. In 1996, in honor of the 75th artist Yu. Nikulin, the circus was given the name “Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.” The auditorium can accommodate 2,000 people, and modern equipment is used during performances.

The museum gallery was opened in 1913; the collection was based on exhibits from the collection of the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Moscow University. Later, original samples of the culture of Ancient Egypt were acquired. During the 20th century, the museum developed and expanded, and now it contains about 700 exhibits. The halls constantly host various exhibitions of world-famous authors.

Cold War Museum, located 65 meters underground. The bunker was built in the middle of the 20th century; it was conceived as a completely autonomous shelter in case of a sudden nuclear strike. A supply of water and food was stored here for a long time. The entrance to the museum is a one and a half ton door, behind which a long staircase begins. Visitors can explore the bunker's interiors on a guided tour and watch a film about the Cold War.

A park complex with memorials dedicated to the Victory in the Second World War of 1941-1945. Before construction began in 1987, the hill on Poklonnaya Hill was partially demolished. The park officially opened in 1995. The central monument is an obelisk topped with a statue of the goddess Nike, 141.8 meters in height. In 2009-2010 The Eternal Flame burned here, moved during the reconstruction period from the Alexander Garden.

Vorobyovy Gory is considered the main observation deck in Moscow, offering views of the Moskva River valley, Luzhniki, Stalinist skyscrapers and Moscow City skyscrapers. The Moscow State University building is located nearby. The Sparrow Hills park area is a great place for walking, cycling, rollerblading, and jogging. Moscow bikers have been gathering near the observation deck for many years.

A large park area in the North-East of the capital with numerous exhibition pavilions, well-groomed alleys, fountains, cafes, and concert venues. VDNKh is one of the most popular places for city residents to relax on weekends. Here you can visit an aquarium, a historical pavilion, innovative exhibitions, farmers' markets, a theater and even a “port” with a swimming pool and beach. There are many cyclists, roller skaters and other athletes at VDNKh.

The television tower is another important symbol of the capital. The tower provides television broadcast throughout Russia; television studios and offices of the main channels are located here. The height of the building reaches 540 meters. The Ostankino Tower was built in the period 1963-1967; at that time it was considered the tallest building in Europe. For visitors there are special excursions to the tower with a visit to the observation deck.

Arched gate on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, erected in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The structure was built according to the design of the architect Bove in 1829-1834, later in 1936 the arch was dismantled. The reconstructed gate reappeared on the avenue only in 1968. The inscription on the top of the old structure glorified the deeds of Alexander I in Russian and Latin, the new inscription immortalized the feat of Russian soldiers in 1812.

Seven high-rise buildings built in the pompous “Stalinist Empire” style in the mid-20th century. These unique structures, as conceived by the leader, were supposed to symbolize the power and greatness of Moscow and the entire USSR. The buildings house the Moscow State University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hotels, and residential apartments. In Soviet times, housing in these elite houses was allocated only to prominent scientists and government officials.

It is located on Red Square and is one of its main attractions. The history of the building began in the 19th century with the opening of shopping arcades. During the 20th century, GUM gradually became the main and most coveted store in the country - all business travelers strive to get into it to purchase scarce goods. Nowadays, GUM is the territory of expensive boutiques, historical shops and designer showrooms.

The capital's famous promenade, where street performers perform and artists paint portraits, surrounded by charming Moscow mansions from previous centuries. Arbat has a large number of souvenir shops, restaurants and small interesting museums. The street is included in the mandatory visiting program for foreign tourists, so you can see them here in considerable numbers.

A small park in the city center, a popular place for walking among locals. The garden was founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ya. Shchukin at the end of the 19th century. The last serious reconstruction was carried out in the late 90s. XX century. On the territory of the park there are three theaters and an open stage for summer concerts. During the warmer months, festivals and various events are often held here, attracting many visitors.

A large art area located on the Crimean embankment. The art area includes open-air exhibitions, landscaped gardens, fountains, modern art installations and numerous walking paths. The Crimean embankment itself is a picturesque pedestrian area on the banks of the Moscow River, a cozy and romantic place that quickly gained popularity among tourists and Muscovites themselves.

Numerous art workshops, galleries, design studios, exhibition halls occupying the former building of the Red October confectionery factory. This is a kind of bohemian center of the capital, where events constantly take place with the participation of the fashionable public and famous people. The red brick factory building itself is a classic example of industrial architecture of the early 20th century.

The park is located on the embankment of the Moscow River. In recent years, the place has been transformed and has become a point of attraction for the sophisticated public. Events dedicated to environmental protection, vegetarian festivals, skateboarding competitions and other events are constantly organized here. The park often becomes the venue for large-scale city festivals; in winter, an ice skating rink has been operating on the territory for several years.

The islands are undoubtedly the most popular holiday destinations on the planet. These are paradises, with beautiful beaches, exotic and untouched flora and fauna. Where else can you better relax from the hustle and bustle of life? So let's find out what they are.

Located in the Laccadive Sea, in the southwest of Sri Lanka, the Maldives is a true tropical paradise, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world for a luxurious holiday.

It has clear water and beautiful white sandy beaches. If you love underwater beauty, be sure to visit Maaya Thila - the most popular and exciting dive site in the Maldives.

2. Bora Bora

Bora Bora is part of French Polynesia. With an area of ​​almost 30 square kilometers, Bora Bora consists of an inactive volcano, surrounded by a lagoon, separated from the sea by a large coral reef. It is also surrounded by small islands covered with palm trees. It can undoubtedly be classified as the most beautiful island in the world. It ticks all the boxes of a paradise: a favorable climate, white sandy beaches and clear, turquoise waters.

Bora Bora can easily be described as the center of a romantic universe, where luxury resorts are dotted with overwater bungalows, thatched villas, and a legendary atmosphere.

The Seychelles is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of 115 islands. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations and boasts beautiful tropical beaches and spectacular wildlife. Fans of outdoor activities will always find diving, sailing, fishing and other exciting activities in this magnificent corner of the world. In short, surrounded by pristine warm waters and landscaped rock formations, Seychelles is perfect for your holiday or wedding!

The island of Bali in Indonesia is the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands and is located in the chain between the islands of Java and Lombok. This island paradise is known as one of the most enriched parts of the world. Bali is a true blend of culture and art, unique landscapes and tropical beaches. Known as the "Island of the Gods", Bali is famous for its cult of god worship, which is reflected in the existence of beautiful temples and reinforced by the friendliness of its people. The average temperature on the island is 30 degrees, and there are mainly two seasons: the rainy season (from October to March) and the dry season (from April to September).

5. Mnemba

With white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters, Mnemba Island is one of the most beautiful in the world. Situated on the north-eastern coast of Unguja, Mnemba boasts around 150 species of fish and breathtaking underwater beauty that can be enjoyed while diving. When visiting this amazing place, be sure to explore the coral gardens.

Located in the South Pacific Ocean, exactly between South America and Australia, this magnificent island is formed by volcanic eruptions and punctuated by coral reefs. Tahiti is a tropical island ideal for diving and more.

Cebu is located in the Philippines and is the main province of the same name. It is a beautiful tropical island with narrow coastlines. Most resorts in Cebu offer a wide range of water sports activities such as windsurfing, kiting, diving and snorkeling. Its resorts also offer many adventure tours where you can see the stunning Kavasan Falls, fishing villages and some beautiful churches.

Santorini is a Greek island of volcanic origin located in the southern Aegean Sea and, according to legend, may hide the secret of Atlantis. This is an island of awe-inspiring beauty! Moreover, its vibrant nightlife has made it one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Its beaches contrast with huge cliffs, small ports with typical restaurants and white houses that invite everyone to enjoy the tranquility of one of the most unique islands in the Aegean Sea.

9. Italy, Sicily

located in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea, and is the largest island here. It is the home of Mount Etna, which is one of the most active volcanoes in the entire world and the tallest active volcano in Europe (10,890 feet). With amazing beaches, breathtaking coastal scenery, inland valleys and majestic high mountains, Sicily is a popular tourist destination among tourists from all corners of the globe. Numerous recreational activities are offered here, including horse riding, caving, mountain biking, and rock climbing.

10. Ko Lipe, Thailand

Ko Lipe is the smallest, secluded island in Thailand, hidden in the waters of the Andaman Sea. It consists of three main beaches: Sunrise Beach, Sunset Beach and Pattaya Beach, forming a boomerang shape. Koh Lipe is so small that you don't even need to rent a vehicle as you can simply walk around it within one hour. This island is not yet very developed, the tourism industry is only growing, making it a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Keep in mind that fishing is prohibited here since Koh Lipe was included in the Tarutao National Marine Park. But you can enjoy snorkeling or diving. If you are a good swimmer and really want an adventure, swim around the island or from one to another.

Moorea is an island of volcanic origin, located in French Polynesia and covered with lush vegetation of palm trees and pineapple plantations. This island is known for its tranquility, delicious pineapples, gorgeous white beaches and a variety of coral and underwater creatures.

This is the most beautiful Hawaiian island, with minimally developed infrastructure. Here you will find breathtaking scenery, lush greenery, towering waterfalls, beautiful rock formations in the ocean. It has been the scene of dozens of films. A heavenly place for solitude, no more words.

Without any doubt, this is one of the most aesthetic and idyllic islands in the world. A 30-minute flight from Tahiti, it is the ideal destination for those seeking tranquility. The colorful waters of this peaceful and quiet island rival those of neighboring Bora Bora. With moderate tourism, Hua Hin retains an authentic Polynesian atmosphere, adorned with white sandy beaches, coral desert islets surrounded by a bright blue lagoon.

Aug 31, 2015

There are so many amazing, famous and not so famous places on Earth, when you find yourself in them, you involuntarily feel like a small part of the majestic universe. When planning a vacation, some dream of being in a piece of paradise and enjoying a comfortable holiday, others are looking for exciting tourist routes, where every new day will give an unforgettable impression of the natural beauties and attractions they have seen, and still others want to combine business with pleasure. Given such a variety of interests, website has selected for you the best tourist places in the world, many of which rank first in the rankings of the most interesting places on the planet and are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

1.Colorful villages of Cinque Terre in Italy

Cinque Terre, Italy /Flickr: sullivanng

Five colorful villages located on the steep cliffs of the Cinque Terre National Park do not at all resemble a resort area with developed infrastructure. This amazing Italian outback is far from civilization and that is probably why it attracts tourists from all over the world with its genuine simplicity of life. Uncomplicated and unlike each other, the villages, where to this day, as if strung on top of each other, there are low-rise houses of local residents, are, however, full of attractions and legends. So travelers definitely won’t have any questions about what to do and what to see. A walk along the ten-kilometer trail connecting all the villages will leave an indelible impression. You will not find such picturesque landscapes, winding paths and turns anywhere in the world! And for young spouses, a section of the trail, called the road of love since ancient times, will become symbolic.

2. Vineyard roads in Switzerland

The Chemins des Vignes, Martigny, Switzerland / Photo by Trover: InternationalTravelers

The best walking tour through vineyards and villages awaits visitors to the Swiss province of Martigny. Six kilometers of vineyard roads (The Chemins des Vignes) - this tourist route runs along the Alpine slopes, lined with man-made terraces for vineyards. Magnificent landscapes, clean mountain air and the serenity of rural life have made this place popular among tireless tourists.

3. Colored lakes at the top of Kelimutu in Indonesia

Lakes in the Kelimutu Crater, Flores Island, Indonesia

Three colorful lakes, shrouded in mystical beliefs about the souls of dead people living in them, are hidden from prying eyes in the crater of the majestic Kelimutu volcano at an altitude of almost 1700 meters. "Lake of the Elderly", the adjacent "Lake of Boys and Girls" and "Enchanted Lake" periodically change their color from black to turquoise, green and red under the influence of chemical reactions between the minerals found in them. The best time to admire the lakes is early in the morning or after twelve o'clock in the afternoon, when they are not covered by a veil of fog.

4. Centuries-old salt mines in Peru

Salt mines in Maras, Peru / Trover: Misha Zavoico

The mesmerizing salt mosaic - the brainchild of the resourceful Incas - is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the world. It would seem, what can attract salt baths, from which salt is still extracted by hand?! Multi-stage terraces will not only be a brilliant find for photographers in every sense, but also on a sunny day will amaze impressionable tourists with the multicolored salt landscapes. And everyone has the opportunity to check for themselves whether it is easy to obtain salt!

5. Meteora Monasteries in Greece

Monasteries of Meteora, Thessaly, Greece / Trover: Jade Johnston

The transparent waters of the Pinios River, forming the Thessalian valley, embrace powerful rocks immersed in the greenery of forests... Harmony of nature and harmony of spirit! The history of this most popular tourist route in the world dates back 15 centuries. Despite the fact that only 6 monasteries (4 male and 2 female) out of 24 built survived, Meteora is a real pillar of Orthodoxy. The six-hundred-meter high cliffs, which were once the bottom of the ancient sea, became a reliable foundation for the monastery buildings. As you climb the stone steps, you can’t help but think about how difficult the stairway to heaven is. But this is precisely why the power of monastic achievement and God-given grace are so strongly felt.

6. The mysterious rock of Uluru in Australia

Uluru, central Australia / Photo: Johan Lolos

The monumental - 0.35 km high, 3.6 km long and 3 km wide - orange-brown chameleon rock Uluru, located within the National Park, has become one of the most interesting tourist attractions in the world thanks to its ability to change color in depending on the time of day: from dark purple at dawn, bright red and pink in the morning to gold by midday. Indented by numerous caves and ponds, it preserves the history of ancient tribes in fantastic rock paintings. Along the sacred path of the local Anangu tribe, you can climb to the top of the rock, from where you can enjoy truly breathtaking views of the surrounding area during the day, and in the evening you can admire the carnival of the starry sky.

7. Ko Poda Islands in Thailand

Koh Pohda Islands, Thailand / Trover: Brendan Caffrey

The islands of Koh Poda in the province of Krabi are rightfully considered the most popular tourist destination in the world. Tourists tired of entertainment come here by boat for peace and quiet. Spreading palm trees, a pristine snow-white beach, clear sea water, a coral reef with exotic fish and stunning views of the cliffs of the Railay Peninsula will give you heavenly pleasure. And not far from Poda Island there is a local attraction - the hundred-meter-high Ma Tang Ming island rock, also known as one of the best diving spots in the center of Krabi.

8. Isle of Skye in Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland / Trover: Jimmy Dau

Skye is the largest and most unusual island in Scotland. Typically Scottish landscapes: deserted, hilly, with rocks, lakes and green meadows where sheep wander, amazingly interspersed with tropical oases that arose under the influence of the Gulf Stream washing the island. Palm trees and rhododendrons bloom here in October too! The Isle of Skye is a favorite place for creative people to relax and work. There are a lot of small art museums here. Climbers from all over the world flock here to conquer the peaks of the Cullin mountain range, called the Scottish Alps.

9. The blue town of Chefchaouen in Morocco

Chefchaouen, Morocco

All fans of small cozy places on Earth will love this glorious tourist town, which began its history in the 15th century with the construction of a small fortress, which is now one of the attractions of Chefchaouen. The color blue brought popularity to this town: the walls of houses and sidewalks in Chefchaouen are painted in bright shades of blue. Unforgettable impressions will be left by walking along the stone narrow and winding streets, warm gatherings in cafes, climbing the mountains and visiting the most beautiful parks and reserves: Thalassemtana, Talembot and Buhashem.

10. Bryce Canyon in the USA

Bryce Canyon National Park, USA

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in Utah and covers an area of ​​145 km². This is a majestic miraculous amphitheater consisting of whimsical orange, pink and creamy hoodoo rocks, the shape of which is tirelessly adjusted by the most unpredictable sculptor in the world - nature itself. Sharp peaks give way to mysterious turrets or upward-pointing spiers. The slopes of Bryce Canyon are surrounded by bright green, dense coniferous forests and mountain meadows that soften the rugged landscape and make it enchanting. But the most spectacular spectacle of Bryce Canyon is at dawn, at sunset and in winter - that’s when the parade of fantastic colors unfolds!

11. Volcanic island of Camiguin in the Philippines

Camiguin, Philippines / Flickr: gogo159

It is no coincidence that Camiguin Island, surrounded by lush greenery, can be called the pearl of the Philippine archipelago. Just imagine: a tropical climate, magnificent white beaches and caressing azure ocean waters, amazing 50-meter waterfalls and hot springs, seven active volcanoes and first-class diving, unique flora and fauna! And if you climb to the top of Mount Hibok-Hibok, you will see fantastic views! A local attraction and tourist find is a huge white cross, which was installed on the site of a cemetery that sank into the sea.

12. The many faces of Cape Town in South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa / via Gogobot

The capital of the multinational Western Cape Province and the legislative capital of South Africa, the southernmost African city, comfortably located near the legendary Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town is of great interest to tourists all over the world. Even the architecture of the city itself is a popular tourist destination. A vibrant mosaic of historic and ultra-modern buildings creates a unique flavor of Cape Town, as if walking through the city you are traveling back in time. This is especially noticeable when visiting the colorful Bo-Kaap district, where descendants of slaves live.
The wonderful climate, natural wealth, and excellent infrastructure will make your beach holiday unforgettable and allow you to thoroughly enjoy the popular surfing here. The best tourist places in Cape Town are, of course, Table Mountain - the main lighthouse of sailors, Victoria and Alfred Harbor - the center of shopping and entertainment centers, the stunningly beautiful Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, the “Aquarium of Two Oceans”, where the inhabitants of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are presented. A huge number of cultural centers, national museums and art galleries, historical monuments and objects will not let the most demanding guests of Cape Town get bored.

13. Impressive Cappadocia in Turkey

Cappadocia, Türkiye / Flickr: aigle_dore

Fairytale Cappadocia, symbolized by mushrooms with caps, fully lives up to its definition. Strange landscapes created by volcanic eruptions and weathering of rocks seem unreal, coming from childhood dreams. Just imagine the mysterious natural labyrinths in which the first Christians hid during the period of persecution, mountains and rocks in the shape of cones, pyramids, stone pillars and monsters! Tourists will be able to observe the bizarre landscapes of Cappadocia from the height of a hot air balloon flight. But the popularity of this place is also brought by the “Open Air Museum”, which unites ancient rock-cut churches and monasteries worthy of the attention of travelers with here and there preserved frescoes of times that have sunk into oblivion.

14. Ha Long Bay in Vietnam

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam / Jetsetter

Ha Long Bay, beloved by tourists, is one of the most beautiful and mysterious places in the world, steeped in ancient legends. Two thousand stone islands covered with luxurious greenery are solemnly scattered over the amazing emerald-colored water. Many fascinating grottoes and caves, mirror lakes and waterfalls will amaze the imagination of even completely unromantic people and put them in a contemplative mood. Delightful landscapes combined with a wonderful climate invite a relaxing holiday on snow-white beaches, water skiing or jet skiing, and also provide excellent opportunities for camping and rock climbing.

15. Lake Tahoe in the USA

Lake Tahoe. California and Nevada, USA / Flickr: renotahoe

The most beautiful lake in North America, Lake Tahoe, whose crystal clear blue waters do not freeze in winter, is ringed by the stunning scenery of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Coniferous forests and snow-capped rocks give the lake a unique charm. This lake district is famous for its beach and ski resorts, several national parks, where dozens of hiking trails are laid out for ecotourism lovers. Add to the natural resources a brilliantly developed infrastructure - and we have before us one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, where you can have a wonderful holiday at any time of the year.

16. Waterfall in Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia / Flickr: magnusvk

One of the amazing tourist places in the world is Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. On an area of ​​almost 30,000 hectares, 16 large and a huge number of small lakes, more than a hundred waterfalls and several dozen caves are picturesquely located. But the most amazing sight is the Great Sastavci Waterfall. The crystal waters of the Plitvica and Korana rivers rush down from a 72-meter height in polyphonic silver streams.

17. Blue Sea of ​​Nemophiles in Japan

Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan /Flickr: kobaken

Are you also one of those
Those who do not sleep are intoxicated by flowers...

The most touching place in the world, awakening all the best, all the pure in a person, is the Hitachi National Seaside Park in Japan, occupying 120 hectares. There are no centuries-old trees or intricate shrubs here - delicate flowers reign here all year round, replacing each other. They are not collected in elegant flower beds, but planted in huge fields, which is why suddenly a person begins to feel not the master of nature, but an integral part of it. Amazingly, the park’s world fame was brought not by proud tulips and graceful poppies, but by millions of tremulous nemophilas with airy petals, turning the earth into a blue ocean. Every year, Hitachi Park hosts an enchanting flower festival called “Harmony of Nemophiles.”

Milana Novak

04.03.2015 | 3088

Vast Russia is full of various attractions that are of interest to tourists. Let's see what attracts foreigners the most.

Russia is such a huge country that in almost every city, village and town there is something old, well-known or still little-known, of enormous cultural, spiritual or material value.

If we talk about the general flow of tourists from different countries, preference is undoubtedly given to Moscow and St. Petersburg. There is a well-developed infrastructure, a huge number of attractions that will take more than one week to visit, and the service in hotels is as close as possible to European.


Tourists interested in Russian culture certainly visit museums, of which there are more than 400 in Moscow. Apartment museums of writers, famous artists, musicians, actors, as well as museum-reserves never cease to be popular. Every tourist considers it his duty to look into the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Lovers of colorful city landscapes go to Red Square (where they admire the Kremlin), and also stroll along Teatralnaya Square and Tverskaya, Arbat and New Arbat streets.

Saint Petersburg

Sights such as Peterhof and the Hermitage are symbols of the Northern capital.

Now it is a museum, but in the past kings lived here and pompous balls were held with hundreds of guests. The complex consists of five buildings: it wouldn’t take you even a month to just walk around them.

It was once calculated that five years is not enough to thoughtfully examine every work stored in the Hermitage. Painting, sculpture, frescoes and mosaics, household items - in total about 3 million unique works of art.


This is a former country royal residence, where one of the best fountain complexes in the world is located. During the Second World War, some of the sculptures were removed and preserved, but some were lost forever. For decades now, work has been underway to restore the beauty of Peterhof: something is constantly being added, something is being reconstructed.

An excellent, perfect water supply system allows dozens of fountains to circulate uninterruptedly, and the Grand Cascade (the central structure) is visible from afar. Majestic and grandiose, huge and not so huge, funny and touching - four cascades, 150 fountains in the Lower Park and four in the Upper Park - the whole complex can be walked around in a day, visiting palaces and cottages.

In addition to the two capitals of Russia, foreigners travel to other regions of the vast country for vivid impressions.

Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region)

Arkaim is one of the unique finds of the 20th century; it is an archaeological complex that includes a settlement, a burial ground, several villages, and a series of mountains. The modern sewerage system of the complex is striking in its combination of numerous water supply and pumping systems, which became widely used only hundreds of years later. The complex architecture is perfect for a Bronze Age settlement.

Every year thousands of people come here not only to touch this culture, but also to get enough energy: Arkaim is considered a “place of power.” “Arch” means the sky, and “im” means the earth. Dozens of studies confirm unexplained bursts of energy in this zone.

Kizhi Island (Karelia)

Kizhi is famous for its churches. This is the largest open-air museum in Russia. It unites 69 monuments of wooden architecture. You can get to Kizhi by water from St. Petersburg in a day.

Lake Baikal

Baikal with its bays, waterfalls, mountains and thermal springs is the natural pearl of Russia. This attraction is for those tourists who want to reconnect with nature in its pristine beauty.

Along with a budget holiday option, tourists are given the opportunity to choose luxury hotels, so everyone can fully enjoy the amazing nature of Lake Baikal.

The beauty of Russia is not limited to just these sights. Travel more and discover a large and mysterious country!