“Golden Autumn” is an educational activity for the senior group. Educational lesson "Autumn" (preparatory group)

Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic: “Autumn.” This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This is a summary of the final educational lesson aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about the season of autumn.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic “Autumn”

Form of conduct: KVN.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition." “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Target; continue to form children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Tasks: educational: consolidate and organize the ideas about autumn accumulated by children.

Developmental: develop memory, attention, logical thinking, observation.

Speech: develop dialogical, coherent speech, consolidate children’s vocabulary: string, drizzling, grumpy, hibernation.

Educational: cultivate a love of nature, collectivism, and respect for teammates.

Demo material: illustrations of the autumn landscape, grain harvesting, migratory and wintering birds, green and red circles, 10 pieces each.

Handout: emblems for teams, sweet prizes.

Methodical techniques: game situation, competition, conversation-dialogue, examination of illustrations, analysis, summing up, rewarding.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations about autumn, guessing riddles, solving puzzles, excursions to the park, talking about birds, watching collective farmers at work.

GCD move:

Educator. Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Many poets, composers, and artists dedicate their works to her. This is how the poetess I. Mikhailova talks about colorful autumn leaves in her work.

A child reads I. Mikhailova’s poem “How offensive.”

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold,

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!

And the wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed it up, puffed it up

And the trees are wet

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold,

The entire colored sheet flew around.

How offensive, how offensive:

There are no leaves - only branches are visible.

Educator. Today we will hold a KVN dedicated to the time of year - autumn. We have two teams called “Ryabinki” and “Autumn Leaves”. Let's greet each other.

Captain of the Ryabinka team.

Various birds flew away,

Their sonorous chorus has ceased,

We, mountain ash, celebrate autumn,

Putting on red beads.

Captain of the "Autumn Leaves" team.

We are green leaves

We are from the linden tree and from the maple tree,

We sat on branches

And then we turned yellow.

Educator. To evaluate the results of the competitions, we need to select a jury that will evaluate the teams. The “Autumn Leaves” team will receive green mugs, and the “Ryabinki” team will receive red mugs.

(Pinocchio comes in)

Pinocchio. Hello children. How beautiful it is, just like in the autumn forest in which I found these magical leaves. There are riddles written on them, but I can’t read, please help me solve them.

Educator. Yes, Pinocchio, it’s bad when you can’t read. Let's guess your riddles to warm up.

(Riddles are read in turn, first to the “Rowan” team, then to the “Autumn Leaves” team)

1. In the morning we go to the yard-

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (Autumn)

2. Under the pine tree by the path,

Who stands among the grass

There is a leg, but no boot,

Got a hat, no head? (Mushroom)

3.Here's someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita)

4. Samo with the fist,

Red barrel,

Touch it smoothly

Take a bite - it's sweet. (Apple)

5. They grow in summer,

And in the fall they fall (Leaves)

6. I bring the harvest,

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees. (Autumn)

7. And green and thick,

A bush grew in the garden bed,

Dig a little

Under the bush... (potato)

8. Who in the cold autumn,

Walking around gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

(the competition is judged)

Pinocchio: Thank you, children. You are very smart in the world. I also want to solve riddles like this.

Educator. Pinocchio, stay with us, we will teach you a lot.

Pinocchio. I agree, I will study with you.

Educator. Children, now let's tell Pinocchio what signs can be used to determine the time of year - autumn.

Teams take turns naming the signs of autumn:

the sun is shining, but it is warming less and less; the days become shorter and the nights longer; the sky is increasingly obscured by low, heavy clouds; the tedious drizzling, grumpy rains are pouring; the wind becomes sharp and cold; birds fly away to warmer regions; animals prepare supplies and hibernate; people harvest crops, sew warm clothes. (competition evaluation)

Educator: Now the team captains will compete. They need to choose from the available illustrations of birds: the captain of the Ryabinki team - migratory birds, and the captain of the Autumn Leaves team - wintering birds. (Captains place pictures on the board).

Pinocchio. Children, while the team captains are competing, I suggest you play the game “Migration of Birds.”

Educator. Let's check how our captains coped with the task. (Competition evaluation).

Educator. The next competition is “Solve the Rebus”.

(Teams take turns solving puzzles).

Educator. Competition of erudites “Smart Men and Women.”

Questions for the “Autumn Leaves” team

1. What words can you say kindly about the forest? (little forest, little forest)

2. Who distributes plant seeds? (people, birds, animals, insects)

3. What animals shed in the autumn? (squirrels, hares, foxes)

4. What are the names of mushrooms growing on stumps? (honey mushrooms)

5. What birds fly in a line? (ducks, geese, swans)

6. How do animals prepare for winter? (build burrows, store supplies, hibernate)

Questions for the Ryabinki team

1. What is the name of the person who protects the forest and looks after it? (forester, forester)

2. What autumn months do you know? (September October November)

3. What animals hibernate? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers)

4. What mushroom is named after a wild animal? (chanterelle)

5. What birds fly away in a flock? (swallows, swifts, rooks, starlings)

6.What is the name of an oak tree that does not shed its leaves for the winter? (winter)

(competition evaluation)

Pinocchio. Children, look at my wonderful pictures. On one there is a forest, on the other there is bread. Let's come up with beautiful words for them. The “Autumn Leaves” team comes up with the word “FOREST”. Team "Rowan" for the word "BREAD".

(FOREST - large, green, beautiful, native, rich, young, lively, pine, oak, light, autumn, dense, coniferous, mixed).

(BREAD - wheat, rye, fresh, tasty, crispy, aromatic, appetizing, crispy, rosy, white, fluffy, fragrant).

(competition evaluation)

Pinocchio. Children, you are so great. You know and can do a lot of things. I will also read, study and become as smart as you.

Educator: Pinocchio, while the jury is evaluating the competitions, the children will name signs and proverbs about autumn.

2. Fast friendly leaf fall - for a harsh winter.

3. Cold September and well fed.

4. Warm October predicts a frosty winter.

5. In autumn, cobwebs - for clear weather.

6. The clouds are low - it will soon get colder.

7. The first lasting snow falls at night.

8. There is no turn from autumn to summer.

9. In the spring the rain grows, but in the fall it rots.

10. Summer is with sheaves, and autumn is with pies.

11. An autumn leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions and selects the winners. Pinocchio gives gifts to the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic “Autumn” using personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving, information and communication technologies.

Software tasks:
clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the autumn season;
activate children's vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;
improve the ability to listen carefully and answer questions;
to form in children a generalized idea of ​​the forest and trees in the autumn.
consolidate children's knowledge about the main signs of autumn, color and shape. Learn to select leaves for a tree by color. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills.
develop children's cognitive interest, attention and memory;
develop interest in completing tasks.
develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher.
to educate children to respect nature;
creating emotional comfort and psychological safety.
Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn, looking at illustrations, working with the nature calendar, guessing riddles, looking at autumn leaves, active and didactic games on this topic.
An envelope with a letter and tasks from the Evil Robber.
Hoops for "bumps"
Cardboard leaves for the path;
Educational cartoon:"Why Leaves Fall"
Vegetables and fruits for salad, leaves of different colors.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Guys, listen to what I want to tell you, this morning, when I opened the window as always to ventilate the group, a letter flew to us. But to find out who the letter is from, you need to guess the riddle, listen here:
Guess the time of year:
The colorful forest is beautiful,
The mown fields are getting wet,
Clouds are walking across the sky,
Mushroom pickers are rushing into the forests,
Yellow leaves are flying,
Hedgehog collects leaves
He insulates his mink.
Children: Autumn.
Educator: Yes, guys, this letter is correct from Autumn.
Let's see what's in the envelope? (opens the envelope, takes out the letter and reads it).

I am an evil, powerful robber.
Now I will gather the clouds,
All the autumn foliage
I'll take it with me!
Don't you want Autumn, kids?
So she shouldn’t be in the world!
It will be winter for you right away!
Cold, ice and snow - darkness!
Educator: Oh guys, these are the tricks of the Evil Robber, to help free Autumn we need to complete all his tasks. Well, are you ready?
Children: Yes!
But to complete the first task, you need to go through
autumn leaves and not go astray. Well, are you ready? Then let's go.
(the guys walk along the autumn leaves laid out like a snake on the floor).
Well, here we are. Look at the Nature Calendar before us, and here is our first task:
1. Please tell me the seasons? (Winter spring Summer Autumn).
2. What autumn months do you know? (September October November).
3. Tell me please, what is autumn called in September? (Early), why? (Because the leaves on the trees are still green, the sun is shining brightly, it’s warm).
4. What is autumn called in October? (Golden), why? (Because the leaves change color and become yellow, red, orange, the most beautiful natural phenomenon of leaf fall begins, the sun no longer shines so brightly).
5. Well, what do we call autumn in November? (Late), why? (Because it becomes very cold, windy, rainy outside, the trees are preparing for winter by shedding their last leaves).
Educator: Tell me please, why do trees shed their leaves?
Children's answers: Trees prepare for winter by shedding their leaves; they protect themselves. If the leaves do not fall off, then in winter the branches may break from the weight of the snow.
Educator: That's right, now sit down and let's watch an educational cartoon film together and find out why and for what purpose trees shed their leaves.
Educational cartoon “Why leaves fall.”
Educator: Well done! We completed the task! Here's your next task. Guys, a swamp blocked our path, but you and I are not afraid of difficulties? What do we do?
Children: Let's move on.
Educator: Guys, we need to step right on the bumps and not stumble, otherwise you will end up in a swamp, be careful not to fall into the river.
(They walk over the bumps, raising their legs high.)
How clever you were in overcoming this obstacle. Here comes the next task, listen carefully.
Educator: Tell me please, what autumn signs do you know?
Children's answers: - The grass turns yellow, the forest becomes colorful, the leaves fall. The days become shorter and the nights longer, birds fly away to warmer climes, the sky becomes gray, and cold rains often fall. Animals are preparing for winter, stocking up, changing their summer coats for winter ones. People harvest vegetables and fruits.
Educator: What a great fellow you are and you completed this task successfully. I suggest you don't get bored and play a little.
Motor training “We are going to the autumn forest”
We are going to the autumn forest. - marching in place
And the forest is full of miracles! - we spread our arms to the sides, “we are surprised”
It rained in the forest yesterday - shake the palms of both hands
This is very good. - clap our hands
We will look for mushrooms - we put our palm to our forehead, look first in one direction, then in the other
And collect it in a basket. - bring your hands together in front of you into a “basket”
Here the boletus sits, bending one finger on both hands at the same time for each name of the mushroom
On the stump - honey mushrooms,
And in the moss there are chanterelles,
Friendly sisters. - make beckoning movements with their hands
“Boletus, milk mushroom,” they threaten with the index finger of their right hand
Get into the box! - sit down, hug yourself with your arms
Well, and you, fly agaric, stand up, spread your arms to the sides
Decorate the autumn forest!
Educator: Well, let’s continue to carry out tasks from the Evil Robber. Pay attention to the envelopes that lie on your tables, these are not simple envelopes, they contain a surprise, but in order to guess the time of year, we need to collect a picture. So, be careful. Ready, let's start!!! Please tell me what is shown in these pictures? What season? What do people do in the fall? (harvest and make preparations), what vegetables and fruits do you know? (children's answers). (The envelopes contain cut-out pictures with different seasons; children collect them and name the season that is depicted in the picture).
Educator: How smart you are and you completed this task, there is very little left and we will free Autumn from the captivity of the Evil Robber.
Educator: And now it’s time for us kids to play. “YES or NO Game” - I will read the questions, “will you answer me “yes” or “no”.

Do flowers bloom in autumn?
Do mushrooms grow in autumn?
Are the clouds covering the sun?
The prickly wind is coming?
Are there frosts in the fall?
Well, do birds build nests?
Do the bugs fly?
Do animals close their minks?
Is everyone getting the harvest?
Are flocks of birds flying away?
Does it rain often?
Is the sun shining very hot?
Can children sunbathe?
Well, what should you do - put on jackets, hats?
Educator: Well done, you coped with all the tasks so deftly
Practical part:
We have completed all the tasks of the Evil Robber, but for some reason he is in no hurry to free our captive, so let's see, there is another note from him. Let's read it. What is written in it (the teacher takes out the note and reads):
“I will free your Autumn if you prepare me a delicious vitamin salad.”
Educator: Well, guys, let's fulfill the wish of our Evil Robber and prepare him a delicious vitamin salad, he will try it and will definitely become kinder, and free our beautiful Autumn. (the teacher, together with the children, prepares a vitamin salad from carrots, apples and raisins).
Well, look at the salad we made, we are handing it over to the evil robber. And he kept his promise and freed our Autumn. Reflection: Look out the window, how beautifully the leaves move in the wind, this is Autumn thanking us for freeing her. Let's wave to her. Today we remembered that autumn can be different. We answered all the riddle questions and created very beautiful pictures of autumn. And they showed themselves to be real experts on nature!

Subject: knowledge of the world, 1st grade
Lesson topic: Autumn
Purpose of the lesson: To improve students’ understanding of changes in nature in the fall.
1.Give a deeper understanding of changes in nature in September,
October, November.
2.Develop students’ oral speech, enrich vocabulary, logical thinking, cognitive activity, and interest in the subject.
3. Foster respect for nature, observation,
listening skills.
Lesson type: combined
Methods: problematic, partially search, practical,
independent work.
Equipment: decorated board, multimedia support.
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students:
We listen, we remember, we don’t waste a minute!
Everyone took their seats, no one was crowded, I’ll tell you a secret: “It will be interesting!”
- What time of year is the riddle about?
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains
What is this time of year called? (Autumn)
(Video “Autumn Positive”)
2.Message of the topic of the lesson.
- What topic do you think our lesson will be devoted to? (Autumn)
- Today we will talk about what changes occur in inanimate nature, in the life of plants, birds and animals.
3. Updating knowledge.
Statement of a problem situation.
People say: “Autumn rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.”
Our lesson will help you check whether this statement is true or false.
4.Work on the topic of the lesson.
- What are the autumn months? (September October November)
Autumn can be: early, golden, late. Autumn gradually moves from one stage to another.
Poem about September.
The collective farm garden was empty
Cobwebs fly along and to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes reached out
School doors opened
What month has it come to us? (September)
September - early autumn.
-How do we understand that autumn has come? (The weather is changing).
I propose to name the changes in nature in autumn using the “Say the other way around” exercise. Help me complete the sentences.
- In summer the sky is bright, and in autumn it is gray and gloomy.
- In summer the days are long, and in autumn they are short.
- In summer the clouds go high, and in autumn they go low.
- In summer the trees are dressed in green foliage, and in autumn in yellow, red, orange.
- In summer the nights are warm, and in autumn they are cold.
- In summer the rain is short, torrential, and in autumn it is fine, drizzling.
- In summer people dress lightly, and in autumn it is warm.
- Well done. All answers are correct.
- What is the main task people face in the fall? (Harvesting. To be well-fed in winter, you need to work hard in the fall). (Video “What autumn will bring us”)
Let's return to the first part of our problem: “Autumn rewarded everyone”
- How do you understand?
Conclusion: In autumn, vegetables and fruits ripen in their gardens and people gather their harvest with joy and thank autumn, which rewarded everyone with such a rich harvest.
- Were we able to prove that autumn rewarded us with something?
The darker face of nature
The vegetable gardens have turned black
The forests are becoming bare
Bird voices will fall silent
The bear fell into hibernation
What month did he come to us?
October - Golden Autumn
Why do trees undress all around in winter? - And trees also need to undress before going to bed!
- What natural phenomenon helps trees prepare for winter? (Leaf fall)
Let's listen to Ivan Alekseevich Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves"
(Video video by I.A. Bunin “Falling Leaves”)
- Name the reasons for leaf fall. (Save trees from drought, from breaking branches, and get rid of harmful substances).
Conclusion: the main sign of autumn is cooling. Autumn changes in nature affect the lives of animals. Animals prepare for the cold winter in the fall.
- What happens to insects in the fall?
(Some insects die, some fly away to warmer climes (dragonflies, butterflies, ladybugs), some hide in a secluded place and fall asleep).
- How do frogs, snakes, and lizards prepare for winter?
(They hide in tree roots, burrows, under stones, bury themselves in silt and fall into winter sleep).
- How do fish prepare for winter?
(Linch, crucian carp, and catfish hide in the silt and sleep at the bottom. The rest of the fish are awake). Work in pairs. And now we will work as Mosaic Masters.
Collect a picture of a bird.
- What 3 groups can birds be divided into? Migratory, wintering, nomadic.
- In what order do migratory birds fly away? (Insectivores, herbivores, waterfowl).
- What drives them: hunger or cold? (Hunger).
Interactive technique: “Intrigue”
- Oh, guys! Someone sent us a letter!
Here is an envelope, big and yellow,
How did you find us, envelope?
How did you get into our class?
Let's figure it out. Oh wait!
Our address is on the envelope,
Whose reverse is it? Forest!
Are you guys interested?
What are they writing to us from the forest?
The forest people write to us:
We are waiting for your visit!
Come to the autumn forest,
Come for a walk.
We will be friends with you
And we will show our life.
- Who wrote us a letter? Animals.
- With the onset of autumn, wild animals have a lot of worries.
- What difficulties do you think animals have with the onset of
autumn? (cold, no food, nowhere to hide).
- Let's see how they prepare for winter?
(Video “How do animals prepare for winter?”)
Conclusion: Based on how wild animals prepare for winter, they can be divided into 3 groups.
Some make provisions for the winter: squirrels, gophers, hamsters, chipmunks, mice
The latter get fat and fall asleep: bear, badger,
Still others do not prepare in any way; they have enough food in winter: fox, wolf, elk.
Animals shed in winter. - What is shedding? Let's read about this in the textbook page 41.
(Instead of the old wool, a new thick one grows)
- What is the benefit of it to animals? (Warm wool protects animals from the cold, and in some animals the color also changes)
(Physical minute)
- The trees said goodbye to their foliage, the birds flew away, all the animals prepared for winter. The rains become colder, longer and snow begins to fall. The golden autumn is replaced by late autumn.
The field became black and white
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
Freezing in a field of winter rye
Tell me what month it is?
November - Late autumn
And what kind of November it is, we find out from the poem.
1. November - a hunchbacked old man,
The eyes are like ice, the nose is a hook!
The look is dissatisfied and prickly,
Cold month, clouds in the sky.
2. Says goodbye to golden autumn,
And welcomes the white winter!
He changes heat to cold
And he gets tired - he’s no longer young!
3. But the north wind will help:
He will pick off the leaves and put them in a carpet,
Will cover the earth with a blanket,
So that it doesn't freeze until spring.
- November in nature plays the following role.
(Changes warmth to cold. Covers the ground with the first snow.) - Let's return to the problem of the lesson. The second part of the statement is “ruined everything”
What did autumn ruin? (All the plants, the grass has withered, the leaves on the trees)
- And for what purpose did autumn ruin everything? (Nature freezes, falls into winter hibernation, only to be reborn in the spring).
- So, is the saying true: “Autumn rewarded everyone, but ruined everything?”
(Children express their opinions).
5. Lesson summary.
Using the “yes” and “no” game, we will check how you have learned the autumn changes in nature.
1.Game: “yes” and “no” Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are the clouds covering the sun? The prickly wind is coming? Are there fogs in the fall? Well, do birds build nests? Do the bugs fly? Do animals close their minks? Is everyone getting the harvest? Are flocks of birds flying away? Does it rain often? Are we getting boots? Is the sun shining very hot? Can children sunbathe? Well, what should you do: put on jackets and hats?
Conclusion: the main signs of autumn are cooling, short days, falling leaves, ice on puddles, birds flying away, leaf coloring. Reflection - “turning back”; understanding one’s own actions (introspection, reflection).
- Well done, guys, today you all worked well, thought a lot, listened to me carefully, and I want to appreciate your work.
- Our lesson ends.
During this time, an amazing tree has grown, thanks to which each of you can show the benefit or uselessness of our lesson. It’s called the “tree of success” on your desks (rowan berries, leaves)
If everything was clear to you during the lesson, the lesson was interesting for you, you were satisfied - attach fruits to the tree - rowan berries.
If you had any doubts, but you did it, attach yellow leaves
If you need help, attach brown leaves.
“These are ruby ​​stones
Or rowan berries?
On the hills
And on the plains
The brushes are glowing
On the rowan trees,
Bullfinches singing
From dawn to dawn:
“We don’t peck pebbles,
Ruby stones,
And we peck berries,
Rowan berries"
- What new did you learn in the lesson? - What did you like about the lesson?
- What is your attitude towards autumn?
Today we read a lot of poems. Let's create it ourselves, it will really be unusual. It's called a cinquain (pentament).
Golden, multi-colored,
Admires, changes, prepares.
Autumn is farewell time.
The girl is a beauty.
- Well done. The lesson is over. Thank you.

GCD cognition "Autumn"

Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge on the topic: “Autumn.”


V.: Guys, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten.

Want to know who it's from? Then guess the riddle:

Walked through the meadows

Through the forests, through the fields.

She prepared supplies for us,

She hid them in cellars, in bins,

She said: Winter will come for me.

D.: Autumn.

V.: Yes, guys, this is a letter from Autumn. Let's see what's in the envelope?


Dear Guys!

The autumn season has passed. The cold weather is coming.

Birds and animals invite you to our magical forest.

Q: Do we accept the invitation?

Then let's go. To get into the magic forest you need to close your eyes, clap your hands, turn around and say the magic words: “One, two, three, turn around and find yourself in the magic forest.”

V. And here we are in the magical forest...

D\i “Pick up pictures with autumn signs” (not living nature).

(it rains often, the leaves turn yellow, leaves are falling, the days are getting shorter, the sun is not warm)

V.: So what forest did we find ourselves in?

D.: in the autumn.

V.: Children, what is the weather like in the fall?

Game "Weather in autumn"

I have a multi-colored ball: an autumn and magical ball,

(the children pass the soft ball to each other and name adjectives about the autumn weather).

The weather is rainy, the weather is windy, the weather is cold, the weather is cloudy, the weather is damp, the weather is clear, the weather is sunny, the weather is warm, the weather is frosty.

Depending on the situation V. Helps with questions:

When it rains, it's rainy.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - cloudy

Damp - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

Clear - clear

V.: Excellent. You are right about the weather.

Q. Are trees and bushes also preparing for winter?

D. - they shed their leaves.

Q. Which trees stay green?

D. Only fir trees and pines do not part with their needles.

V.: Guys, look, the birds have flown to us (there are images of wintering and migratory birds on the easel). Do all birds stay with us for the winter?

Children leave wintering birds behind.

V.: Guys, what happens to the birds that do not spend the winter with us?

D.: Birds fly south.

V.: Correct. Many birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer regions.

And the birds that stay with us.

D.: Wintering.

Q. And now a task awaits you, which is called

GAME “Guess and name! »

But first, guess the riddle:

We differ in color

You will meet us in winter and summer.

If we flap our wings -

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can twitter

Songs to sing and coo.

Feed us in winter...

Children, who are we? Name it!

Children name wintering birds and talk about them.

The titmouse is a small bird. She has a yellow belly, a black head, and white cheeks. Loves lard.

The sparrow has brown feathers. He loves bread crumbs.

The bullfinch has a red chest, and its wings, tail and cap are black. He loves to eat rowan berries.

The crow is gray with black wings. She is cunning. Loves everything that glitters.

Pigeons come in different colors. White, gray, brown. They love wheat grains, bread, sunflowers.

Educator: Well done! How much do you know about birds? Yes, it is difficult for wintering birds to survive the cold without our help. Therefore, they need to be helped in winter and fed.

Do you know what the Bird Canteen is called? "(feeder).

V.: Well, guys, it’s time for us to move on. Come on in, there are wild animals hiding from us (behind the screen is a puppet theater), several children pass behind the screen. If you want to find out, guess the riddles.

R1.: Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter?

Children's answers: (squirrel)

Educator: True, squirrel! You guessed right! Where does the squirrel live?

Children's answer: (in the hollow).

V.: Guys, how else does a squirrel prepare for winter?

D: The squirrel molts in the fall. The red fur falls out and a new one grows in its place. This wool is gray and warm. The gray color of the coat is needed so that the squirrel is difficult to notice in the trees, so it escapes from predators. And she needs warm wool so as not to be afraid of frost in winter. And in the fall, the squirrel makes reserves

Q: What does the squirrel store?

Children's answer. (nuts, mushrooms).

Educator: That's right, the squirrel puts cones, nuts, and mushrooms in the pantry on the tree. Now listen to the next riddle.

R2: The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.

Children's answer: (hare)

V.: Well done! And you know how, and in the fall the hare prepares for winter.

D.: it sheds and its fur becomes fluffy, warm and white so that the hare is not noticeable on the white snow, and so that the fox and wolf do not notice it. In the fall, the hare does not stock up like a squirrel, because in winter it gnaws the bark trees. Now listen to the next riddle.

R3.: She is more cunning than all the animals,

She is wearing a red fur coat.

A fluffy tail is her beauty,

This is a redhead...

Children's answer (fox)

R4.: He prowls the forest all the time,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He snaps his teeth from the bushes,

Who can say this...

Children's answer (wolf)

V.: Educator: That’s right, guys, but the fox and the wolf also prepare for winter in the fall. How they prepare for winter.

D: They molt too. They grow warm fur. But the color of their fur remains the same, because they have no one to hide and camouflage from, they are predators themselves. They walk through the forest in search of prey.

R5.: The beast is moving

For raspberries and honey

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams

Children's answer: (bear)

Educator: That's right guys, it's a bear, look how big, fat and beautiful it is. How does he prepare for winter?

D.: A bear eats well in the fall, fat accumulates under its skin, and in winter it hibernates.

Q: Where does a bear sleep in winter?

Children's answer (in the den).

Educator: That’s right, he sleeps in his den, but how can he prepare for winter?

D.: he drags dry branches, moss, spruce branches into the den to keep him warm. In winter, a blanket of snow will cover the den and the bear will be warm.

Q: Tell me, which of the forest animals still hibernate in winter?

Children's answer (hedgehog)

V.: Correct hedgehog. How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?

D.: He, just like a bear, eats in the fall, and goes into hibernation in the winter, since in winter they have nothing to eat.

Q: Our fascinating journey through the autumn forest has come to an end, let’s all say goodbye to the forest inhabitants until spring. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words: spin around, spin around to kindergarten and come back again.

V.: Well, here we are in kindergarten, (in front of the children there are pictures depicting a city and a village.

V.: Guys, how do villagers prepare for winter?

D.: harvesting, preparing firewood, etc.

V.: Guys, look, the doll Masha came to visit us, let's help her get ready for a walk. D\i “Dress the doll for a walk”

Children select only autumn clothes.

V.: and the doll Masha wanted to remove the leaves in her yard, but she doesn’t know what tools she needs, let’s help Masha. (work with handouts in front of children; various tools should be chosen only in autumn)

V.: Thank you guys for helping Masha. Well, did you enjoy our trip?

D.: yes.


  • summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn;
  • developing interest in natural objects, expanding children’s horizons and ideas about changes in the life of animals in the fall;
  • develop generalized ideas about birds;
  • speech development;
  • enriching children's vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: migratory, wintering, nomadic

Equipment: bird illustrations, autumn pictures, animal hats, pencils

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time

Educator: In what mood did you come to class today?

Children: With a cheerful, good

Q: Show me your good mood. I remind you that during class you should not shout, not make noise, listen to the teacher carefully, and raise your hand.

IN: Listen to the poem.

Lingonberries are ripening
The days have become colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart is only sadder
Flocks of birds fly away - away
For the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress!

Q: What time of year is the poem talking about?

Q: By what signs did you guess that it was autumn?

D: Birds are flying away, the trees are “colorful”, the days are getting colder, etc.

Q: What other signs of autumn do you know? ( called)

Q: Why does nature change its color in autumn?

D: Little light, little heat

Q: What are the words that we most often use when talking about autumn?

D: Falling leaves, slush, rainy weather, cloudy, etc.

Q: Guys! Is all autumn the same?

Q: What is autumn like?

D: Early and late?

Q: What happens in early autumn?

D: The leaves begin to change color, cold rain falls, birds fly away, etc.

Q: What happens in late autumn?

D: The trees are bare, snow is falling, the birds have flown away, etc.

3. Q: Guys, what animals can be found in the forest in the fall? ( called) And now we will find out what they do in the forest in the fall. ( children in masks talk about themselves)

Hedgehog: The trees are getting ready for winter, and I’m getting ready too. I've been accumulating fat all summer, because I have a long hibernation ahead of me. I will sleep in a secluded place, in dry leaves and grass. I collect leaves to make a warm bed for the winter.

Bear: The leaves are falling in the forest, it’s time for me to find a place for a den. The place must be reliable in order to sleep peacefully until spring. The den should be covered with leaves, fragrant pine needles and dry moss to keep it warm. It's about to start snowing. A blanket of snow will cover the den on top, and it will keep me warm and quiet.

Fox: And we, foxes, change our fur coat for winter for a warm and fluffy one. Thick fur grows on my paws, like warm felt boots. And how fluffy the tail becomes! My hole is in a deep forest. In winter, mice save you from hunger.

Hare: Now I’m shedding: instead of gray fur, white fur is growing. I feed at night - it’s safer. I love to eat twigs, bark of young trees and shrubs. It is no coincidence that my eyes are slanted; with them I see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and even a little behind.

Wolf: We wolves do not make provisions for the winter. Strong legs and sharp teeth help us survive the difficult winter times. We have to run a lot before we find prey, which is why people say about us that the legs feed the wolf.

I've been jumping around all day,
There's a lot to do in autumn:
Choose a hollow for the winter,
To keep it warm,
Cover it with carpet -
Warm fluff, soft moss.
Day after day I gallop through the forest
I collect soft moss
And if I see a nut,
I'll jump into the pantry with him!
Well, what if in a clearing
I'll find a mushroom
Then come in winter -
I'll definitely treat you.
The autumn leaf flies around,
Leaves are falling from the branches.
Look, look
I change my outfit.
Was a redhead, now
The fur coat is thicker and lighter,
Silver tail -
Gray, fluffy.

4. Q: Now let’s rest.

5. Q: Guys, why can’t you hear the cheerful bird voices?

D: We flew to warmer climes

Q: Why did they fly away from us?

D: It became cold and hungry

Q: What are the names of birds that have flown away?

D: Migratory

Q: Name these birds?

D: Cuckoo, starling, rook, swan, cranes, ducks, etc.

Q: What are the names of the birds that winter with us?

D: Wintering

Q: Name the wintering birds?

D: Magpie, crow, bullfinch, sparrow, crossbill, etc.

Q: I want to tell you that with the onset of cold weather, siskins, waxwings, tap dancers, and bullfinches migrate to us from the north - these are nomadic birds. Why do you think they were called nomads? ( answer)

Q: Nomadic, because they fly short distances. We are used to living in the cold.

6. Game "Place the bird in your house."

Q: Guys, where do birds live?

D: In birdhouses, nests, on the roofs of houses, etc.

Connect with lines which bird lives where, place it in your house.

7. Summary of the lesson

Did you enjoy the activity?

What do you remember?

What interesting things did you remember?